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Metropolisn't: Fit the Second
Date of Scene: 25 February 2022
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: The Titans Tower AI thinks the tower has been invaded by a Snark, but the only thing anyone actually sees with their own eyes is a shark. The cutest little land shark ever!
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Sarah Rainmaker, Kate Bishop, Terry O'Neil, Emiko Queen, Kian

Donna Troy has posed:
    It's late, and midnight is already a distant memory. Titans Tower slumbers, for the most part. To those who look out across the bridge at the great tower that dominates the south coast of St. Martin's island, it's a mere skeleton of its daytime appearance, a few scattered lights describing the ghost of a 'T'.

    Somewhere south and east, a few miles distant, another tower stands slumbering. To those that look out across the grass of Queensland Park, this new tower is even less than a skeleton -- it's a dream, that fades from memory as all dreams do, as soon as the viewer turns her head and looks away. Deep within the tower a woman stirs fitfully, and her dreams manifest miles north in Bakerline where a parliament of rats votes on the issues of the night, and in Hell's Gate, where a giant eel challenges all-comers to debate his Epicurian philosophies of life, and in Midvale where the trees unionize and go on strike.

    In Titans Tower, the intruder alarm chimes. Something has entered the tower, bypassing all security as if it was not there. It has been detected in the empty elevator shaft, and in the labs, and in the deepest sub-basement levels. The tower's security systems can't keep track of its motion, as it doesn't seem to be utilizing any conventional method of getting from location to location.

    The intruder alarm keeps chiming, demanding attention of the Tower's occupants. It's a strangely unfamiliar chime -- normally alarms blare, rather than chiming. For some reason, the Tower systems seem to have decided this is a minor threat, and chosen a polite sort of alert. Perhaps the AI feels the Titans need their sleep, and hopes only to alert those still awake rather than awakening those already dreaming.

    <<Ping. Intruder alert. Ping.>>On the great screen in the main room, security footage plays. Four separate video feeds, from four separate cameras, each showing... very little. A blur moves past the corner of the frame. A shadow detaches itself from some other shadows and scampers away.

    A report scrolls up one side of the display: 'Intruder alert. Intruder non-human. No energy sources or chemical explosives detected. Level of threat: Unknown. Nature of threat: Unknown. Identification: Snark, 71% confidence.'

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker has been asleep in her room. Since ehr talk to Caitlin a few days ago she hadn't left. Apparently having gone back to her routine of isolation and sulking. So when she's busy meditating in her room (or trying to) right as the siren goes off and hse's jolted to full consciousness. This has her going to fumble over for the T-Comm that had been elft to try and figure out what was going on.
    She's heading along out into the main hallway from the guest wing at a fast trot, going to try and track wherethe alarm was centered.. Then heading over into the area while hearing 'Snark'.
    Wait, they were being attacked by underwater smurfs? No, that was Snorks. Going to arrive in and look about, Sarah Rainmaker goes to brace herself for what could either be an onset of catty, sarcastitcally and entitled humarous remarks, or for fish nuggets.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    For a while Kate assumes she forgot to set her phone to Sleep or Do Not Disturb mode. So she just turns and tosses admist the chimes.

    Next she grasps and picks up her phone so she can blearily set it to Do Not Disturb. Then turns over once more. When there is yet another chime she groans and sits up looking around. "Oh crap.. my t-comm?" and picks it up and looks at it.

    "Intruder alert... uh..." she looks around. It is very odd there aren't alarms blaring and security shutters. She sleepily in bed watches the video from the four feeds and the blur. "Non-human.... snark.. what the hell." still that is enough to get her out of bed and to grab her sword, strap it on, then bow and quiver before emerging and heading to the common room.

    Barefoot and in very comfy looking PJ bottoms and a tank top. "Anyone got eyes on whatever the hell broke in?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
It's Terry's turn to show up. His sleepwear isn't necessarily different from daywear, although it tends to be a little sillier. In his human form, he is wearing a rather disheveled T-shirt with an image of Tigger, with very faded text underneath that might have at one point said something about the wonderful thing about tiggers, but it is indistinguishable by this point. Black shorts and ankle socks. He clearly belongs to the school that daywear graduates into pajamas once it becomes too faded and worn to wear on the regular.

"Ssrmp?" he says, managing to phonate through his sleep- barely. He rubs at his eyes and tries to focus on Kate "... did the screens actually read 'snark?' Please tell me it didn't and that I just dreamed that up..."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna joins the assembly, coming down the spiral stairs from the women's dorm wing just after Kate, looking sleepy, grumpy, and slightly disheveled. She's wrapped up in her space pirate cloak, which is new to Sarah -- a large cloak of a deep black fabric, dappled with stars that twinkle like the night sky, drifting slowly over the surface.

    She pads down to the bottom of the stairs and glares at the screen. "Snark. It says it right there Terry. Now the Wonderland nonsense is infecting the damn computer systems. There's no such thing as Snarks. They're not even a Wonderland thing, they just happen to have been written about by the same author."

    Donna sighs and slumps down in the couch in front of the monitor screen. "Marv, where's the intruder now?" She asks.

    <<The whereabouts of the Snark is currently unknown Donna," the tower's AI responds, in the voice of Marvin the Martian. "It hasn't left the building. It's hiding somewhere, which makes me very, very cross."

    Donna turns and stares tiredly at Terry. "I changed my mind. It /is/ a Wonderland thing. You deal with it Terry," she says.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko arrives in full crimefighting costume, pushing back the hood as she sweeps a glance around the room and offers a smile, "Hey! I guess I'm not the only night owl after all. Just thought I'd swing by and see how things are going." She blinks at the various cross and/or sleepy expressions worn. "Orrrrrrrr, I came at a bad time and should quietly ninja-vanish my way back out of the Tower because taking on some muggers or mobsters looks safer?" She's not actually doing it, but the teasing will hopefully make someone smile!

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "I mean... to be fair to Terry... maybe this isn't his wonderland fault." she rubs her face sleepily. I mean. She must be half asleep she missed an opportunity to blame Terry for wierd shit in the tower. That or maybe she is a doppleganger.

    "Also.. how do we know that Snarks are a wonderland thing even if it is a Terry problem... yeah..." she is waking up, that sounds more like Kate. "I mean... wonderland things are Terry's specialty. Snark is my trademark." she looks around. "If you come out I will feed you a midnight snack!" of course, she is dcourting a great risk saying that. What if it is a man eater.

    Well Kate isn't a man, she is a woman, and also she can always give Terry to it if it is a ravenous beast right.

    "Hey Red.. we've been invaded by a sinister Snark. You're right on time... warning though it may be magic or something from Wonderland." she starts to head to the kitchen to get peer in the fridge for an energy drink. Going to be a long night.

Kian has posed:
    Kian flits down out of the open shaft, unaccompanied by other birdfolk for a change.  "I heard an alarm?  Or an advisory.  I don't know, but it's not a sound I think I've heard the tower make before.
    He touches down next to Terry, curling a wing around the cat's shoulders and thinking wakeful thoughts at him.  Hopefully that helps.
    "Snark?" he repeats, glancing towards the nearest computer terminal.  "I thought they didn't exist?"
    He sounds way more awake than anyone should be at this hour, but then, he usually does.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would keep her hands up in front of her in a defensive stance, "So are we.. Under attack or not?" The general irritableness that she thinks she's getting from Donna is likely an indication over tha tit isn't.
    "So what's next, are we going to have a Snipe hunt?" She would qiup. "And if so I'm going to break with the pack and get something other than a bow. You have that well in hand." The Apache woman would offer over with some tiredness and her own state of having just been jolted consciousness, even if not sleeping.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry stares at Donna for a few seconds, to make sure the words she says make sense. "Right. I deal with- Kian, there /is/ no such thing as a Snark. But that doesn't mean that they're not real. It's a Boojum, and Boojums don't care if they're real or not!"

With that puzzling statement, the redhead glances around and sighs, "We don't even have the things needed for a hunt. For the record, this Wonderland stuff? Is not my fault."

Pause. "It's, apparently, my /father's/ fault. Somehow. If Theophilus is to be trusted... in any case," he glances up at the ceiling.

"Well. Darkness has certainly come out. And by the screens, we see neither button or feather nor mark.
So how do we find it- turn up that snark?
Marvin, pray tell me, how come you to know
first the presence of our whimsical, flimsical foe?"

His eyes widen for a second, and then he curses quietly. "Did I just rhyme?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    "There's definitely no such thing as a Snark, Kian," Donna confirms. "And don't listen to Terry. Not all snarks are Boojums. They're a particularly rare kind of Snark. Which therefore also doesn't exist, because Snarks don't exist. It's just he Wonderland nonsense infecting the computer system and giving us false reports. "

    "So yeah, don't worry Sarah. We're not under attack. Just the computer being ridiculous. Kate, could you see if there's any coffee made while you're over there?"

    She raises a hand in greeting to Emiko. "Don't worry, Red. It's not a bad time. I'm just grumpy 'cos I've been sleeping badly." She stifles a yawn with the back of her hand as if to prove the point.

    <<I saw it on my scanners, I saw it on my screens!>>

    <<I saw it in the kitchen, eating Caitlin's greens.>>

    <<I sensed it passing softly, both this way and that>>

    <<I saw it perched atop the fridge, wearing a monocle and hat!>>

    "Terry!" Donna calls out, holding her head in her hands. "Please don't make Marvin rhyme. It's not good for him. Someone check on top of the fridge just in case though."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Ahhhhhhh, the Snark is still in the Tower. So... I went back and reread the poem after the tea party with Theophilus. It'd been some years, but I remembered it talking about ways to possibly hunt or capture a Snark." Emiko glances towards Terry with a small shrug. "I think we have most of what we would need right now, depending on which method you want to employ in the seeking." She wanders in farther, offering a quick fistbump and grin to Kate, "I'm fine with getting a little silly now and then. Gotta be able to laugh, right?"

Sarah gets a smile and a shrug, "Not sure bows and arrows will be much use anyways. According to the poem, you can't catch a Snark by conventional means." Leaning over to look at Donna, she offers, "I could make tea?" It's almost CERTAINLY a teasing offer, especially with the request for coffee. And the smile is highly suspect. A little too impish for seriousness.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would go to fold her hands together, "So while we're at it can we make the computer.." HSe would mime the keyboard strokes for 'ctrl-alt-del' with her fingers in the air while rubbing at her face. At the mention of 'Caitlin' she would look a little disquieted but it would pass.

"And will we be able to get any sleep tonight or would I hve it easier going up to the roof and just trying out there on it?" She would however go to float up into the air to peek over at the fridge. The talk of 'snark' and 'poem' and 'conventional means' has her staring wiht a 'I suppose I asked for that' expression of someone truly having no idea.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "We definitely do silly here." Emiko's fist bump is returned on her way to said kitchen, intent on checking for energy drinks and then for coffee. The door to said fridge is popped open and she pulls out said energy drink, then pops it open with a fzzz noise.

    Honestly Kate was right in the middle of opening the energy drink she got from the fridge when the verse happens she lets out a deep abiding sleepy sigh and first studies to see if any greens are missing. "How would one tell. Caitlin stocks the fridge so well."

    Okay not Kate winces like she has been wounded. "Guh.. Terry." she mutters like a curse then tilts her head back to also look at the top of the fridge. Sarah has the best view able to float like that of course but with Kate's luck it will be coming right at her now.

Kian has posed:
    "Real or not, this pesky Snark
    "Should not be here after dark!
    "Regardless of your soothing words
    "It must not vex my fellow birds!
    "It worries me that this intruder
    "Might have messed up our computer.
    "So I don't care who this thing's woke,
    "We've got to stop it, and... ai, /*qokh*/!"
    Kian claps his hands over his mouth and *stares* at Terry.  You don't need to be a telepath to know he's thinking, /This is *your* fault/!!

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry sighs and rubs his forehead, "NOT my fault. There's clearly a foreign power here, so we have to suss this out, have no f-"

He pauses, and visibly struggles. "Reservations. Let us make an effort to stray from rhyme. I think that's the wisest use of our ti-"

Flinch. "Resources. Now..." the redhead begins to pace, and frowns, "Marvin claims to have seen it. Marvin, show us some archival footage if you will? Pause at the moment of sighting."

Donna Troy has posed:
    No doubt to Sarah's and Kate's relief, there is nothing perched on the top of the fridge waiting to pounce, or leap over anyone's heads. However, the pair do find a monocle and a hat discarded there. Neither looks large enough to have been designed for an adult human.

    "Great. A rhyming computer, a rhyming cat, and now a rhyming bird," Donna says. "I'm so looking forwards to this Wonderland nonsense being done with so we can get back to normal easy to deal with stuff like huge alien invasions and angels trying to reboot reality. Maybe I'll just go back to bed. At least there all I have to cope with is bad dreams and Raven snoring."

    She tilts her head sideways to stare at Emiko. "I said last time we had to deal with Snark stuff that I refuse to arm myself with a thimble or a bar of soap, and I haven't changed their mind. There was no Snark then, and there's no Snark now. I don't believe in Snarks. However I do believe in tea, so that sounds like a much better idea altogether."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker has settled for going to grab herself a small mug, a small bag to blend some leaves in, and then goes to simply put her hand over on it after putting hte teas in the mug, just looking at Donna, "Is this what normalcy is then in this place?" Having a sort of tiredness yet amusedness in her eyes as she would just rest back with the luekwarm water that she hadn't gotten up to start to heat or put over in the microwave.
    "And forgive me for not being fluent in this particular feat of literature. I did more Chaucer and Coleridge." Going to slowly rub at her face.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate moves to her tiptoes and fishes down the tophat and monocole carefully with one hand. She settles back looking them over as she sips her energy drink now. "these seem awfully small...." she turns them around and then drops the monocole into the hat tucking it under her arm. "adorably small though."

    She starts her way back to the couch where Donna has obviously had too much of this. She does take a slow circle of the room though as she makes her way there. "Is there any Snark summoning wonderland stuff you can do Terry?" pause "Or banishing... I supppose we could go with banishing... or do Snarks make good pets?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Chuckling, Emiko lifts a shrug and smiles at Donna, "You could get the fork? Let other people do the thimble and soap." That is DEFINITELY teasing. She gives a nod to the acceptance of tea and smiles, "I'll prepare enough for everyone."

Turning, she heads into the kitchen to gather up the teapot and kettle, the tea she stashed (tucked away inside a box of 'veggie straws' that doesn't look like it's been touched in six months". She fills the kettle and sets it on the stove, turning on the heat and moving to get the rest of it ready. A tray is brought out, the teacups set on their saucers, space is made for the honey and lemon, milk is put into a small 'pitcher' to be added to the tray. The tea itself has her adding enough of the looseleaf to the pot, then setting in a fine mesh screen over it so the tea can steep and pour without anyone getting a stray leaf in their cup.

Turning, Emiko watches as Sarah and Kate check the top of the fridge, smiling at the top hat and monocle. "Seems like something the white rabbit would wear..."

Kian has posed:
    "I would say that normal is relative, but you've met some of my relatives," Kian comments, "especially my sister."  He claps his hands over his mouth again, in case another rhyme slips out, but so far, so good.
    he tries to follow the conversation but... yeah, not going so well.  "So wait.  Snarks are boojums or rabbits, and they don't exist even though they do, or they do exist even though they don't?"
    He makes a little exasperated noise in the back of his throat.  "Every time I think Earth is as weird as it can be, I'm wrong...."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would just smile, "If there's a rabbit, we can catch it and make some wonderful stew." The girl who had been trained how to hunt small animals and setup snares and traps would suddenly look very, very gleeful.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"No, no, Leverett would never wear a monocle, he wears spectacle-" Terry pauses, and his eyes widen. "Leverett. Yes, that's his name. That's the White Rabbit's name. I had forgotten, but by his fam-"

A pause, and he takes a deep breath. "Okay. People. In order to avoid rhyming, make sure every line ends with 'orange', because there are no rhymes for ... that. You will break compulsion if you ... eat an orange."

He frowns, "Tea would be nice. But as to Kate's question... orange ... there /is/ something I can do. Orange. I just need to grab my mirror, Grandcentralstation-"

"Sorry. Force of habit."

He raises his arm and stares at his reflection in the reflective surface, "Sarah, our Normal is a very high baseline for everybody else I'm afraid to say, orange. But what I /can/ say is that-"

"We're All Mad Here!"

As the light show recedes, Vorpal stands in Terry's place, wearing his new uniform. "Alright! Let's get this show on the road (Orange) and let's rout us out some snarks!"

He extends his arms to each side, and his fingers begin to crackle with accumulated chaos magic. A few seconds for the buildup, and the Cheshire cat snaps his fingers, sending the Chaos Wave out from him and across the room, and beyond, the rippling effect on reality causing several temporary effects: The furniture here and there briefly sprouts cattleya orchids, the teapot begins to sing a little whistling sea shanty, and the cushions on the couch begin a war between them, throwing their pillowy bodies at each other. But what /else/ may happen? That remains to be seen.

Donna Troy has posed:
    <<In Wonderland did the red Khan>>

    <<A crazy nonsense-realm decree...>>

    "Marvin! Stop right now!" Donna yells. The computer voice falls silent, and somehow manages to give the impression that it's sulking. She sighs and leans back in the sofa, refusing to rise to Emiko's fork-bait. "I can believe the White Rabbit is real," she concedes. "And of course he'd be called Leverett. Maybe his eyesight improved in one eye since the Cheshire left Wonderland, and he's taken to wearing monocles. Maybe he came here to visit the Hatter, and left his hat and monocle? And Marvin mistook him for a Snark because Marvin is clearly infected with Wonderland Nonsense and probably needs replacing with Windows 12?"

    "Kate... you can't banish Snarks, because they don't exist," she says patiently. "And nor do Boojums, Kian -- because Boojums are a species of Snark. Which. Doesn't. Exist. At. All. Despite what Vic says."

    "And no, it's not normally this bad Sarah," she says. " It's just that normally Terry's the only Wonderlander around, and he's /our/ Wonderlander. All of Metropolis is weird these days thanks to the invasion of /other/ Wonderlanders, however much we enjoy blaming Terry for it. It is kind of a crazy place, it's just magically extra crazy right now. Maybe I should wake Raven and ask her to cast 'dispel magic'."

    <<A crazy place! As chaotic and enchanted>>

    <<As any such superheroic abode that is so haunted>>

    <<By a woman whining for her half-demon lover!>>



    Donna's feeling so put-upon right now. And indeed is put-upon, buy several of the cushions on the couch she's sitting on attempting to fight each other. Donna finds herself holding two growling, struggling cushions to keep them separated as they lurch at each other, and perhaps because of this she misses the sudden blur of motion that erupts in the wake of the purple chaos wave from beneath one end of the curved sofa, streaks across the floor and disappears below the other end of the curved sofa.

    She does not however miss the small shark's fin that crosses the carpet in hot pursuit of whatever had caused that blur of motion, breaking the surface and leaving a wake of carpet pile as it passes just as a shark's fin leaves a wake in the water.

     Donna lifts her feet up off the floor as it approaches. "Terry, you've summoned one of those Wonderland sharks," she says with a voice of strained patience. "And we don't have Garth around at the moment to tame it. Luckily it appears to be a rather small one."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Wonderland.. Shark? Sarah just goes to let out a sigh, "If everything is going to be errantry and pun based, then I'm probably not the person to be of aid." She had her tea, she would look try and confused over as things would -run- along.. And there would be that fin.
    And Sarahs just going in to try and get it in a conventional manner. Namely getting long, sharp object on a stick, going to jump through the air, and moving to try and spear said thing over with said stick. Because that was the way one went fishing. NOrmally.

    But alas, this wasn't against fish. This wasn't against a normal landshark. This was against a -Wonderland- shark. So treating something so extraordinarily unconventional with something supremely conventinoal would no doubt go well!

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate lets the tophat with monocole drop on the table as she settles in on the couch and after one more sip of energy drink lets her head loll back, cracking her neck in a satisfying manner.

    Someone is stressed.

    "If the White Rabbit and Vorpal are real.. I don't see why Snarks and Boojums aren't real at this point Troia. Also Amazons." touche.

    The wave of chaos hits from Terry and she blinks opening her eyes. "god.. damnit Terry why...." she says almost whining there as she rolls to safety as the cushions attack Donna. Because honestly if anyone can deal with that problem right. She is an Amazon. They are real.

    Of course her rolling off the couch away from the attackingf cushions puts her on the floor with the very small shark fin approaching. "If I get eaten by a shark.. even a small one.. I'm going to be very upset..." she looks up at the leaping Sarah though wide eyed as she leaps to try to spear fish the carpet shark. Okay. Thankfully that wording was uttered. "Woah.. don't kill a baby carpet shark!" damn.... said that out loud though...

Kian has posed:
    Kian kya!s and flits the heck away from Terry's magical wave, because chaos magic and scientific sensibilities generally don't get along well, even when their wielders do.
    "This is getting *really* annoying," he complains, touching back down on the floor.  "And I thought you said it was a snark, not a shark.  What's a sha--"
    He finds out the hard way what a sha(rk) is when a large set of jaws opens under his feet.
    In very rapid succession, two things happen.  First, Kian is up at the ceiling clinging to one of the hanging lamps, so quickly that if one didn't know better, they might think he's learned how to teleport.
    And second, he drops what's nearly a lightning bolt on the part of the floor that tried to eat him.
    Floors aren't supposed to do that, after all!

Emiko Queen has posed:
Glancing at the teapot when it starts to whistle, Emiko lifts a brow and asks, "Could you try for something a little more... soothing, please? You'll agitate the tea." Yes, she speaks directly to the teapot, as thought it has become sentient and is choosing what it whistles. When the kettle lets out it's own whistling cry, she turns off the stove and uses a few hand towels to lift and pour the water into the pot. The kettle is set aside, the lid put on the pot, and the tray lifted. She enters the living room to complete chaos... and smiles. This, somehow, is better than people being grumpy.

Dancing lightly around Sarah as she chases the carpet shark, Emiko moves along quickly, stepping right up onto the coffee table and seating herself lotus style then setting the tray on the table.

"Tea time!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh wonderful!" Vorpal says to Emiko, "I'll have mine with three sugars. But first- no, Troia, I can't /summon/ anything, I'm not a summoner, I'm a disturber. I figured that if I rolled some chaos around, I'd get our snark to reveal itself- and lo and behold, it did!"

He pauses, watching the Benny Hill skit that has taken over the room, "Admittedly, I didn't anticipate the sharkling. Orange. But you /saw/ the blur, it's incontrovertible! Let's not skewer the little darling- Sarah... in fact, maybe we can use /it/ to suss out the snark! It seems to be on the scent for it. Once we catch the damned thing, everything can go back to nor----- to how things usually are around here."

And then the Cheshire looks up. "Kian. Stop hanging around. There's work to do!"

Donna Troy has posed:
<<SEE! See Donna! I told you, Snark!>> Marvin insists with a hint of triumph in his voice.

    "That's SHARK, not SNARK," Donna replies to the tower AI, ignoring the fact that it's really just a sophisticated computer with a basic personality module and not a true AI that is actually capable of arguing in the way it seems to be now.

    <<No no, the shark is chasing the Snark! You guys all saw it, right? Tell her! Tell here there's a snark as well as the shark! It went under the sofa!>>

    Donna throws one of the struggling cushions at the monitor screen. Marvin says <<Ow!>> when it hits. The cushion falls to the ground and starts to inch away with a worm-like motion. The other cushion seems cowed by the treatment of its erstwhile foe, and quivers slightly in Donna's hand, no longer struggling. Donna holds it out at arms length, and turns to look long and hard at Kate.

    "You're sleepy, Kate. Not thinking straight. Just because one thing is real doesn't mean that another thing is real. Wonderland is real. Amazons are real. Snarks are neither from Wonderland or Themyscira. They are from a piece of fiction. Therefore they are not real. It's really quite simple."

    Donna crosses her feet on the couch to keep them out of shark-nibbling range, and nods her head to Emiko. "No sugar for me thanks, Red. And Sarah?" She raises an eyebrow at the Apache. "While I appreciate you convincing Marvin to rhyme in Coleridge rather than Carrol, I'm with Kate on this one. Don't skewer the baby carpet shark. It's probably harm..."

    Donna's words die on her lips as the baby carpet shark attempts to chew on Kian's feet. "Okay. Well the /last/ Wonderland sharks we met weren't harmless either, but they were a whole lot bigger. Maybe we could capture this in a net or something? Also Kian, please don't set fire to the carpet."

    The carpet is not on fire, but there is a large scorched hole in the middle of it, exposing charred floor beneath. There's no sign of fried shark, so presumably it dived beneath the surface in time.

    "There's still no such thing as a Snark," Donna repeats, just before the sofa beneath her starts shaking with what sounds like it might be shark vs. snark combat beneath it.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
There's a leap through the air of Sarah Rainmaker. Large improvised spear up in the air, going to leap over towards where the shark was coming up and out of the ground. Ready to spear it in the way one might a salmon.. Right as divine (or at least comedic) intervention would strike in.
    The hurtled lightning bolt by Kian would hit the tip of the upraised staff she had, and from there it would travel down her body, even as Sarah almos thad the time to go 'uh-oh' as her form would suddenly flash!
    Hair jolting in every direction, body tumbling over to the ground in a fritzy mess and tumbling hard down on the shagged, smelt up carpet over as she would have a few more sparks fizzle and frazzle from her as she would twitch a few times as electricity would go off her to seemingly no real actual harm beyond her madcap twitching. And her body appeared to for just a moment appear to be flashing a neon advertisement to some local diner.
    That's all folks!

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate notes softly "Well.. I mean.. I wanted her to not stab the baby carpet shark...but uh.. that seems extreme Kian" she doesn't move for now from where she is sitting there by the couch. She does though look around trying to get a bead on where the shark may have gotten too. Hopefully it isn't going to bite her in the butt at this rate.

    Then she leans and looks under the couch a bit. "I .. did not see a Snark go under the couch...." not entirely sure why she is trying to talk sense in Marvin.

    Then she sits more upright and pats the carpet. "Here Sharkie shark... be a good shark...."

Kian has posed:
    "I can work just fine from up here!" Kian replies, very much not letting go of the lighting fixture.  "The floor tried to eat me!"  That last is for the benefit of both Terry and Donna.  Consider it an excuse or an explanation, as needed.  "I... oh, Gods.  I am so sorry, Sarah!  I didn't... it was... I... the shark... uh, what is Joe's and what do you eat there?"
    You would think, with all the time the birdman spends with Terry, that weird things wouldn't be so surprising to him....

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Three sugars for the Cheshire, none for Donna. Would you like honey, lemon, or milk?" Emiko has added three sugars to Terry's tea and stirs it neatly (none of that spoon clanking against porcelain for her!), while poised to add any of the offered options to Donna. Sarah's misadventure draws attention, and a wince. "I suppose that would be an object lesson for why we don't chase carpet sharks?" She's trying very, very hard to not laugh. It's quite difficult. Especially as the couch Donna's on starts rumbling around like Wrestlemania 50 is going on underneath! She snorts a laugh, clears her throat, draws in a deeper breath...

Then tosses a thimble to Terry. "Here. Maybe the snark will run into the thimble if it means getting away from the shark?" Composure regained for the moment, she looks to Kate, "Kate? Would you like tea? Kian?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"It literally /zoomed/ by, Donna... thank you!" Vorpal graciously takes the teacup and sips it, making an appreciative mmmmm "Oh, this is good tea-"

The Cheshire says, glancing at the hole on the floor and sighing, "You know, our maintenance bill is already through the roof, it's not the time to drive it through the floor, too, you know..."

As Kate goes on the Hunt For The Shark, he tiptoes closer just in time to see Sarah become a literal light show, "Oh my go-"

And then there is a thimble flying at him! By sheer reflex, he catches it in such a way that it ends lodged at the very end of his index finger.

And then a tiny spark grazes across it. Fortunately Sarah has taken the brunt of the energy, so the sole effect it has on Vorpal is...


"Oh. Ha. Ha. Ha. Very Funny."

The Cheshire cat's eyes are narrowed into slits, teacup held in one hand. The rest of him? He looks like a ginger-and-red koosh doll of a cat, even his tail is thoroughly puffy.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna peers down at Sarah, watching her twitch for a few moments and concluding that she's merely mildly stunned and not actually suffering any real injuries. Sometimes Wonderland Nonsense can be a good thing, because obviously it has decided on comic effect in this case.

    She leans back, attempting to just ignore the ruckus taking place beneath the sofa where she's seated. "I'll take a little lemon please Red," she says, as the sofa bounces up and down. The sofa tilts left and she tilts right. The sofa tilts back and she tilts forwards. The sofa tilts forwards and she tilts back. Vorpal becomes floofed.

    "Suits you," she says untruthfully. "The /shark/ zoomed by, Terry. /Shark/. Not Snark. There's a difference. And the difference is...."


    No sooner have the words left her lips (at a volume that has probably woken up everyone in the tower who was not already awakened) than the ructions taking place somewhere beneath the sofa come to a sudden end. There's still some motion, but no sounds of a struggle. Donna sighs contentedly.

    After a few moments, the shark's fin reappears. It circles around the carpet a few times, then slowly starts to approach the patch of carpet Kate is patting. Sharks head breaks the surface of the carpet, two big round eyes staring at Kate filled with curiosity. "Mrrrrrrr," the baby landshark tells her.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate keeps up the luring pats, even once the ruckus behind her under the couch has settled down. "Come here, good shark." cause well it is just a baby right.

    She does file away the way Donna uses stubborn denial of Snarks to defeat the Snark for now. That could be useful later. Though there is a serious risk of waking up Ravens with shouts like that. Which is bad.

    The noise Kate makes when the little shark breaks the surface of the carpet though is a really soft "Awwwww" you know. The sound that many girls make about dogs or kittens or ponies. "Look at the little shark... it is so frickin cute...." staring into the big round black eyes. "Good shark."

    She reaches out slowly to try to pet the shark, risking limb, maybe not life, as she rests her hand on the cute little landsharks snoot then rubs ever so softly between it's round eyes. "Donna.. this is adorable!"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Lemon for the lady," Emiko adds a twist of lemon and gives it a quick, neat stir, then hands cup and saucer to Donna with a smile. She may be looking towards her own cup when Terry FLOOFS suddenly. Blinking, lips pressed together and trembling, she glances down, then back to Terry. Down to the table, back to Terry again.

And bursts out laughing. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAI'msosorry!" She really can't help it. Wonderland nonsense has been building since she walked into the room and now he's there and FLOOFY and ADORABLE.

Emiko coughs, clears her throat, and ducks her hread, thoroughly embarrassed at having given in to the craziness, then fixes her own cup of tea. Sip.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, great job, Donna. You just killed it. You just outright 'I Don't Believe In Fairies'-ed it. I hope you are happy with the death of a little innocent Snark in your conscience, now that you have consigned the little non-existent thing into /actual/ non-existence."

After unsuccessful attempts to pat down the fur, the Cheshire cat leans forward to pet the shark just as Kate is dong. "It is absolutely adorable-"

And just as his hand touches the little shark, the thimble flashes with a shower of static and sparks-

And poof. The shark is gone.

"OH MY GOD!" he says, flailing, sending his teacup flying in the air, spilling tea in a random direction. "I killed it! Oh my god! NO! And it was so cute!"

Kian has posed:
    "I am not coming down until that thing is gone!" Kian complains.   "It tried to eat me!"  At least he looks less zappy now.  "I--"
    Whatever the 'I' is, will have to remain unknown, for it is at this juncture that he notices a severely statically-challenged cat.
    He tries valiantly not to laugh.
    He fails miserably.
    Does he notice the absence of the shark now?  No, of course not.  He's too busy giggling at a spectacularly fluffy Vorpal.