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You Can Never Go Home, Until You Can
Date of Scene: 05 March 2022
Location: Carol Danver's Rural House
Synopsis: Carol returns to a childhood home she doesn't remember clearly. Thor, Diana and Donna visit and help her explore.
Cast of Characters: Carol Danvers, Thor, Donna Troy, Diana Prince

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol's first attempt to go visit one of the homes she grew up in had been aborted. Not wanting to confront the lack of memories she has of the place, she'd instead flew down to a bar in Harlem, and gotten quite drunk along with a few people from Xavier's who had happened by at the same time.

It took another week and a half before she tried again. This time she didn't give in to those worries, flying up into rural New York, touching down in the driveway of the small, comfortable looking farmhouse. The snow is mostly melted, though the grass has not begun to green yet. The lake that was visible off the back yard did not have any ice on it, but the boat was pulled up onto the shore near the dock back there, on a trailer.

Carol's boots crunch on the gravel driveway as she walks up to the front door. "You'd think I'd remember something," she says to herself. She finds herself second guessing the decision not to bring her flask with her. "Probably something inside," she tells herself. As good a reason as any to go in. She pulls out the key to the front door, but just stands there then, looking at the house.

Thor has posed:
Thor was looking for someone. That someone was Carol Danvers. After recent events, Thor wanted to speak to her, and for now, he was having some troubles in finding her. Banging on the Avenger's door, Thor impatiently waits for a response that was not to come.

"Master Thor. May I ask what or whom you are looking for?" Jarvis says from a safe distance away.

"Ah, Jarvis! Indeed! I am looking for Carol Danvers." His eyes look at the elderly man and with a nod, asks, "Do you, perchance, know of where she has gone?"

"I believe Mistress Danvers has gone to visit her home in the north I believe she said? Perhaps you may contact her with her Avangers member card...?"

Cutting the man off, Thor says, "I have it! Thank you Jarvis! I will use her card..." Pulling his own member card from his belt, Thor looks at it, figures out how to use it, and with a few brief grunts and Asgardian curses, reaches for the latch on the nearby window. Opening it, Thor grabs his hammer, and twirling it, leaps out the window."

"Oh my word..." Jarvis rushes to the window, seeing Thor disappear in the distant sky. "I did not think he would do that..."

Donna Troy has posed:
    In the air not too far away, a mock dogfight is taking place. This would normally be a pretty obvious thing, accompanied by the roaring of high speed jets and filling the sky with contrails, but in this case one of the participants in the dogfight is invisible and virtually silent at this range, while the other is flying without a jet.

    It differs from the typical dogfight in other ways too. For example the fact that the flier is attempting to /lasso/ the jet in a really weird sort of a game of tag, and that both pilot and flier are laughing a lot and finding the whole thing very funny. As with all mock dogfights there is an element of training in this, but that's just because there's always an element of training when it comes to the two participants -- but ultimately, this is Amazons at play.

    It wouldn't be the first time Donna had lassoed an aircraft but this being an invisible aircraft makes it an additional challenge. As for the eleventh time Donna's lasso hits but fails to find purchase on the invisible form of the jet, she calls her sister over comms with an accusation. "Di! I am /sure/ you are changing the shape of the jet to make this harder!" she says laughing. During the brief pause in the mock battle, the invisible jet's sensors detect two fliers in the vicinity, one coming in to land, the other heading in the same direction. Donna's eyes are less sensitive than the jet's instrumentation, but they too pick up one of the fliers. "Di... isn't that Captain Danvers? Just landing at that farm north-northwest a mile or so? Should we go see if she needs a hand with something?"

Diana Prince has posed:
The Invisible Jet had saved Diana's life, when 'Evil Cassie' had very nearly found a way to end her via a nasty surprise. The Jet had 'snuck' up behind the doppleganger, and just unloaded plasma burst after plasma burst upon the young villain, enugh to run her off!

This is one, of many, reasons that the Jet has become a staple amongst their people since Diana was given it as a gift for helping an alien race several decades ago now....

"I am doing no such thing." Diana had replied to Donna, joy thick in the tone of her voice. "I am merely... flying better than you are with your rope. Remember, dear sister, that the Jet does not face off against the challenges of wind... Your lasso does." She advises, whether in good humor or hopes to help!

The Princess checks the scopes when Carol is mentioned, and it only takes Diana a moment to register it.

"It would seem so..." Diana says. After a moment of thought she adjusts the Jet and changes course. "WE should check on her, make sure that she is okay."

Of course she is though! She's Carol! But still! Friendly is friendly.

"Besides... I need to ask her a few things... Joining in here? Or flying wing?" Diana asks of Donna as the Invisible craft starts its journey to track Carol either way!

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers doesn't really know how long she stands there, just looking. The feeling in her head is sort of like having a word on the tip of your tongue, but with a memory instead. Like she should be able to remember... something. Playing in the front yard. Did she ever try jumping off the roof to fly? In some airplane she'd made out of cardboard boxes. Carol has no such memory, but that sure sounds like something she'd have done.

And her brothers? She tries thinking of them, of what she's heard of them, and picture's she's seen. But any memories of the place still elude her.

In her pocket, her Avengers cards is serving as a beacon to Thor, the Stark technology that powers it guiding him in easily enough. The trees are all free of leaves, except for the few pines in the area, leaving most of the grounds around the house easy to see. A large barn, the red paint faded from the years, sits off to the side of the house some distance away.

And there's Carol, standing just at the front porch. Holding a key and just looking around at the house. Finally she steps up to the door, dropping the key, bending to pick it up, then fitting it into the lock. Not realizing she's about to have visitors.

Thor has posed:
Thor arrives in the air space that was occupied by Diana and Donna. Staying back, Thor takes a quick moment to check the card in his hand, then looks up, then back, and takes his Avengers card and puts it in a secure area on his belt. With a grin, Thor concentrates and heads towards the Amazons and the location where Carol was located.

At this point, he hasn't spotted Carol yet, but he suspects she is close by. After all his card was Starktech, and Thor was confident that Tony Stark had created something that was 100 percent fool proof.

Landing nearby Thor takes a moment, pushes his right hand through his hair, shakes his locks with a few quick shakes of his head, and moves towards the front porch of the building where he spots Danvers.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Wing," Donna replies, not that she's one hundred percent certain where the jet's wing actually is right now. "Quicker." The Amazons were at play, but they quickly fall into a far more serious mode when there's the potential that something might be up. Who knows, maybe that's an invading alien farmhouse and Carol needs a hand.

    She coils her lasso while she flies in formation with the jet, but keeps it in her hands rather than returning it to her belt, just in case the farmhouse turns out to be unfriendly and needs lassoing. "I'm sure you shrunk that canard," Donna says as they travel, having not entirely left play behind after all. "I was certain that last throw was going to hook it."

    The sight of one flying Amazon might make Thor assume at first that Donna is alone, but the distinctive whining of the invisible jet's engines, well known to the Avengers, should clue him in to the actual situation very quickly. Donna gives him a quick wave as he joins them in the air over the farmhouse, but otherwise her attention is all on what's below. The fact that Thor is closing in on the same location does make it seem more probable that there is some threat in the area. As the trio come in close Donna peels away from alongside the jet to take up a flanking position, landing on the ground and immediately trotting towards the farmhouse from the side.

    It /looks/ like a perfectly normal farmhouse, but that's no reason not to flank it just in case.

Diana Prince has posed:
"How little you have faith in me, dear sister." Diana responds as she brings the Jet in to hover over some of the trees around the edge of the house. She gives the home a moment's look before she stands up, and moves toward the aft of the vehicle. She just 'appears' outside it, as the jet hovers over the trees, causing the wind moving through them to move a bit differently than they were moments ago...

AS Donna is already on the ground, Diana floats down twoard it, her blue and gold cloak now worn over her shoulders, whipping in the wind about her form as she too comes to land. Her eyes go from Donna, to Thor, then to Carol.

She starts to walk forward, armored boots peaking out from beneath the cloak's edges. "Are we interrupting?" Diana calls out, showing a smirk over to her sister again before she looks back to the two famous(most?) Avengers.

Carol Danvers has posed:
The arrival of the three heroes comes as more shock than surprise to Carol. She didn't expect anyone else to be here, let alone an Avenger, a fellow Justice Leaguer, and a Titan. "Thor? Donna? Diana?" she says in surprise as they emerge and approach her. "What are you all doing here?" she asks. Not upset, from her tone, just surprised.

"No, not interrupting. Or... well ok I suppose you are. But, maybe it's not an unwelcome one," she tells them, when the simple question from Diana gives Carol the impression they aren't showing up because the world is about to end and they need her help.

Carol glances back over her shoulder at the house. The key is still in the lock of the closed front door. She looks back to them. "This is my childhood home. Or, one of them. I think my family moved out here for a few years. The house just passed to me," she says.

The blond woman runs a hand through her hair in a bit of an exasperated way. "I can't remember any of it. Anything from the house. Not sure if it was Anna-Marie or what the Kree did to me. Sometimes I think I almost remember something, but..." Carol says, trailing off at the end and then shaking her head. "So, ah. You all want to come in with me and... explore?"

Thor has posed:
Thor does pause for several seconds as he regards the flying Amazon and...was that the sounds of a jet? Squinting, Thor blinks a few times, and then smiles as he sees Donna wave at him. Waving back, Thor waits for the Amazon to land, and salutes her with his hammer.

When Diana suddenly appears, Thor simply nods, salutes Diana with his hammer, realises that may be the wrong signal to send, and places his hammer on his belt in its place. Meeting Diana's eyes, Thor nods, turns, and starts to walk towards his fellow Avenger, Carol.

Calling back over his shoulder, Thor says, "Lady Diana, you are not interrupting. Hail! To both of you! Your company is most welcome."

Hearing Carol's voice, Thor returns his gaze to his fellow Avenger.

"Captain Marvel! I am simply here to help. I have heard you may need a friend in this troubling time, and so, I thought I would offer my services and a barrel of Asgard's finest mead!" Thor grins. "That offer extends to all present of course!"Thor moves to stand near Carol, just far enough away to stay out of her personal space. Talking softly, Thor says, "Are you okay, Avenger? Lead away."

Donna Troy has posed:
    The farmhouse doesn't appear to be behaving in a suspicious fashion as Donna approaches it from the flanks, but the red barn does get a warning glare from her just in case it's thinking of starting trouble.

    "Hey Carol," she calls out as she closes the last few feet to the front of the house. "Diana and I just happened to be in the area and saw you going past. Just thought we'd come along in case you needed some backup." She gives Carol a sympathetic smile. "But we do company and moral support too."

    She finally returns her coiled lasso to her belt, figuring that this isn't all that likely to end up in a fight, and gives a nod of greeting to Thor, now they're actually in earshot. "Hi Thor. Well, last time I saw you two together we were fighting General Zod's spaceship. Hopefully Carol's farmhouse will be a little less challenging."

    "While you were in a coma," she clarifies aside to Diana. It's the kind of thing normally Diana would have been in the thick of.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana stops near the porch, and smiles to Thor as he comes waltzing up to provide his team member with some moral support. She nods softly to him as Donna greets him. "Thor." She says with a soft smile for the Asgardian... the two of them certainly have some history of interacting together too, since Diana was a member of the Avengers actively from the time of Superman's demise, to his return, a good two years.

She looks to Donna then, who gets a grin, knowing full well her sister was prepared for a fight in this instance, but she doesn't comment on it.

Instead, Diana casts her eyes up to the house, then brings them back down to place them upon Carol. "It is lovely." Diana says in her warm, smoky, voice. "I would love to have a look around. Possibly even help you fix it up some. I absolutely adore these classical Americana-style homes..." She says then as she reaches a hand out to place her bare fingers upon the railing to touch the old wood. "It is just beautiful..."

She then looks up to Carol. "Perhaps there are ways for us to help you with your memeory too? Try and take us on a tour, maybe? Call out anything that stands out to you?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
There's a grateful smile given by Carol to the others as they all offer their support like that. "Thanks guys," she tells them. She'd have probably turned down any offers to come with her, before she left. But now that she's here, Carol finds herself grateful for their presence.

"Sure, if anything rings a bell," she agrees, turning back to the door and turning the key. She swings the door inwards and then steps inside, into an entryway that leads into a dining room, with the kitchen and a living room visible beyond. The stairs head up to one side.

Carol moves in deeper so everyone else can make it through the door. She pulls off her gloves, running her fingers over the wood of the table, then goes past it to where some pictures hang on the wall. Some are quite old, likely grandparents or great-aunts and uncles, or even older. But some are of Carol's immediate family. Two boys and a blond-haired, blue-eyed girl. "Hrm," she says, stopping to look at one that she's at a carnival with the rest of the family. "Don't remember it," she says with a shake of her head.

"Thor, if you find a bottle somewhere, feel free to open it up and pour us all a glass," she tells him with a quick grin.

Thor has posed:
"Indeed Lady Troy! It is good to see you once more!" Thor places his hands on his hips. "That was an incredible battle! I suspect that Carol's farmhouse will be slightly less of a challenge!" Thor laughs, and turns towards Diana.

"Lady Diana. Always an honour." Thor reminisces on their previous encounters. A smile...or was that a grin? It was obvious in his tone he respects her. As an equal. Then, he steps back, and just listens. A rare occurence for the Thunder God.

Thor follows from the rear, letting the ladies all go first. Maybe there is a hope for Thor becoming a gentleman someday. Moving inside Thor looks around, and takes everything in. Giving Carol a look, Thor grins and with a motion, lets Carol know he was looking for liqour and glasses. Was that a "thumbs up?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna may have come to the conclusion that she's not likely to be walking into a fight, but she enters the house and looks around with an alertness that shows she's not entirely come down from combat mode. No doubt she's already thinking about entry and exit routes, ambush zones and lines of view.

    There's a bit of detective work going too as she runs her fingers across a couple of surfaces to gauge the depth of dust, and studies the floor for signs of footsteps having disturbed the dust that's there. She's not very good at switching off.

    After a few moments of this she moves to a window, checking the curtains are up to it before pulling them open and letting a shaft of sunlight that reveals a fine misting of dust in the air and exposes cobwebs that haven't seen much light in years.

    "It's very... homey," she concludes. "It's the kind of place that remembers the people who have lived in it. I am sure in time it will help you to remember too, Carol."

Diana Prince has posed:
Once through the door, Diana notes a coat rack just a few steps over from it. She moves toward it and takes off her blue cloak, sweeping it around to gently drape it over a hook, the golden lining showing as it settles in to this new place. She watches Thor move by and shows him a grin. "Brought drinks, hmmm?" She asks the Asgard before her eyes take note of a closet door.

As Carol and Donna speak, Diana cracks the door open, then peers inside. She reaches up to pull the string, causing the bulb up above to blink on.

Her eyes roam over whats inside. She grins at some of it. Board game boxes, some blankets.... even a old picnic basket that has dust basically built in to the wicker of it.

Then, when she turns around she's holding a photo album. STanding there in her armor, with her own lasso on her right hip, Diana flips through the picture book. She's grinning.

"Christmas Day. 1985." The Princess says as she walks toward Carol. "Everyone gathered around the new Nintendo... and playing... Mario Brothers?" She says it like she's not ENTIRELY sure, but she gets it right! Not like she wasn't around back then!

Carol Danvers has posed:
As everyone spreads out and looks around, Carol spends a lot of times on the pictures. "I have a few flashes of my parents. I think. Sometimes I think my mind made them up from pictures I've seen," she tells them.

"Sorry for all the dust and spiders. Thor if you see a mouse and jump on a chair, squealing, it would -so- make my day," she says, reaching over to pat Thor on a muscly arm as he goes past, grinning to him.

Carol stops and looks at some plates in a china hutch. "Ok I actually like these," she comments. They aren't flowery, bands of red, yellow and brown in a circle around the white center of the plate.

When Diana finds the photo album, Carol turns towards her to see. "See, now this is weird. I remember Mario Brothers. I can see it in my head, the game on the screen. But I can't people around me playing it, or what room I'm in," she says, shaking her head as she moves over to look at the pictures that Diana is going through.

Thor has posed:
Thor walks around, but doesn't touch anything. Sniffing absently, he scans the room, and then looks back at Donna and Diana to see if they were noticing anything. It was obviously that Thor was out of sorts, trying to figure out what he could do to help his teammate and fellow Warrior, Carol.

Diana has it right. "Drinks are always present when I am around." Thor looks at Diana in relief. She knows just what to say. "I have a magical flask that will pour us a drink or two if we can find some flasks on which to pour the alcohol of the Gods?"

As the house is explored further, Thor taps his hammer absently, there if anyone needs him, especially Carol. Aghast, Thor frowns then laughs. "A mouse? Well, if it is a beast of Hel, a servant of Hela, I would ensure your safety from the heights of a chair." Grinning at her friendly tap, Thor continues further into the house as he passes his teammate by.

"These Mario Brothers...are they warriors?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    The only person here who isn't old enough to remember 1985 is Donna, and she proves it when she peers over Diana's shoulder and asks "Oh, they had retro gaming also in 1985?"

    She lets that sit there for a moment before breaking into a grin. "Kidding. I live with a bunch of massive gaming geeks. I know far more about the history of gaming than I wish I knew. No Thor, they are plumbers. Though they do spend a lot of their time fighting mushrooms, so I suppose that makes them warriors of a sort. "

    She tilts her head curiously at Carol. "Do you remember which room you slept in? There are different kinds of memory. Perhaps your feet remember things that your mind does not. It might be worth asking them and see if they remember the movements they were once accustomed to making. It might help to trigger something."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana continues to turn the pages in the album as she listens to the others. She grins at them all. "Oh yes. They are warriors. They face off against turtles, and small mushroom monsters that they have to stamp with their magic shoes!" She tells Thor... maybe getting some of it wrong, but hey, the fact she got as much right as she did says a lot about some of her nerd cred too! She has given a lot of Nintendos away as gifts to children in need, after all.

One of the pictures that she comes across has Diana reaching in to the plastic sleeve to pull it out. She shows it to Donna, and Carol. "This one should go with you." She says, showing a 6 year old Carol holding up a TOP GUN poster and mirroring the Tom Cruise pose of giving the thumbs up.

"It is utterly adorable..." The Princess adds before she looks for bedrooms. "Who was living here?" Diana asks then. "Your parents, or was it locked up all this time?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers spies the kitchen through the doorway at the other end of the dining room. "I bet you can find some glasses in there, Thor. Hopefully the cupboards kept out the dust," she says. "I'm going to have to find, or buy, some cleaning supplies I can see," she tells them.

"It's funny I just kind of pictured in my head that the place was going to be... I don't know. Like stepping right into a house I lived in when I was a kid. Maybe the smell of bread baking in an oven or something. Even though I knew no one had been out here in years, I just wasn't expecting it to be in this shape," she says. "I agree though Donna. Kind of seems like a house that remembers the people who were in it, doesn't it?"

She pokes her head into the kitchen. "Living room there. Oh, nice fireplace, that'll come in handy. If there aren't bats living in it." She turns back and looks at the stairs. "I'm guessing up there somewhere," she says, looking back to Donna to shrug her shoulders. Before she can go up though, Diana finds the Top Gun poster. "I wish I remember this," she says with a laugh. "Though I've seen the movie. My mom was the last one here," she says. "Though she'd moved out before I returned from Hala. Winters too cold for her."

Thor has posed:
"Plumbers? Fighting mushrooms?" Looking at Donna, Thor shrugs. "We all serve in our own ways I suppose." Thor continues to move around the room. Side-eying Diana, Thor raises an eyebrow. "Turtles? I have met Turtles. Warriors with coloured masks. Truly tough opponents."

"Ah! Right! Glasses!" Thor heads off in the direction that Carol nods towards. Glasses...glasses..." Thor pulls out the bottomless flask, and ties to find something to pour the ale into.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna turns and studies Thor a few moments. "Not those turtles, Thor. They might be a bit much for Mario to deal with. I've heard about them." She gives a slight shake of her head. "Apparently one of them wanted my phone number. That was a whole lot of I-Don't-Know-How-To-Process-This."

    She continues to watch Thor as he heads in the direction indicated on his Quest for Glasses, and when he's in the dining room she turns to the other two and whispers "I suddenly have an image of him hurling glasses over his shoulder as he hunts through cupboards for suitably sized tankards. Should one of us go in with him?"

    She's grinning when she says it, so she probably doesn't mean it. Nor does she attempt to follow him into the dining room, but rather goes to inspect the fireplace.

    "No bats," she declares after a few moments. "But I can't guarantee there are no Robins, they're sneaky like that. I don't recommend setting a fire until you've had it cleaned out."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana moves back to the closet she got the album from. She keeps the Top Gun picture though just in case... But when stuffing the album back on to the shelf she spies a box that she uncovers and peers inside of. "Oh..." She says then as she turns back around now, and tips the box forward just a little so the others can look inside it.

"Video tapes." Diana says, reaching inside the box to pull out a old camcorder bag too. "Home videos?" Diana asks, grinning to Carol now as she carries the box toward her to offer it over.

Diana looks to Donna then, grinning at her Robin joke. "I really hope neither of them are in there... For a plethora of reasons..." She jests back as she starts toward the stairs now, putting her hand on the railing, she starts to walk up them, wedge-heeled boots impacting softly on the old wooden steps that creak quietly under her weight.

"Either way, no matter what, Carol... I think you should work on making new memories here." Diana says on her way upstairs.

Carol Danvers has posed:
There are glasses of various kinds in the cabinets. Carol's father in particular rarely met a stiff drink he didn't like, so there are rock glasses and others for drinks. Though they might not be ones that Thor even considers unless his time on Earth has acquainted him with their drinking habits already.

Carol definitely plans to take the picture with her later. "I was thinking it would be nice to have somewhere away from the mansion. Just somewhere I can get away to think. Not have Hulk throwing a table through the wall or Scott suddenly growing on the couch beside you and asking if you're planning to make popcorn," she says, her lips quirked in a wry smile.

She heads over to check out the fireplace with Donna. "What, I'm sure a few photon blasts could clear that right out," she kids as she leans down to then look up the chimney, shining a light from her costume's arm upwards.

She straightens then, Carol looking at the bag that Diana found. "Oh, wow. I don't know if I should be glad, or afraid," she says with a soft chuckle.

Thor has posed:
Thor looks for flasks to fill up. Settling on a handful of glasses that were big enough, Thor pours drinks of Asgards finest in each of them, and goes to find the ladies once more. "Captain? Lady Donna? Lady Diana? Drinks on me! It may help with the memories, but in my experience, is does the opposite!" Thor laughs and tracks down the girls.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna cannot but marvel at the sight of an actual camcorder. It's like some ancient archeological wonder. She has /heard/ of them before, from the ancient days before you just used a phone for everything.

     "Think the tapes are still playable?" she asks dubiously. "That could be a help. Seeing things moving is different from seeing still images. Never know what'll trigger some more memories. The way someone walks, some words someone said. There's so much here that's sure to help you, Carol. Memory is an odd thing. You'll smell things here from your childhood even. I think just spending some time here is certain to help recover some more of what you lost."

    She straightens, looks around and nods her head. "You are going to need some help cleaning though. I can borrow some of Cyborg's Roomba Army to help out if you like, but we could always make a start now."

    She nods her head in the direction of Thor's return. "After drinks though?" She flashes Thor a grin. "It may not help with the memories, but I'm sure it'll make the tidying up more fun."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana can be heard walking around upstairs a bit, her footfalls doing what they do in old homes with wooden floors.

After a moment she falls quiet before she can be heard calling downstairs from up above.

"Guess... whaaaaaaAAAAT?!" The Princess' voice sounds out.

"The poster still lives! I just took a selfie of myself doing the thumbs up next to your closet, Caroooool!" She can then be heard doing one of her lyrical little laughs, as she's having way to much fun with all of this.