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Latest revision as of 14:10, 10 March 2022

Pizza Party!
Date of Scene: 10 March 2022
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Entirely too much pizza was delivered but a good time was had anyways!
Cast of Characters: Emiko Queen, Sarah Rainmaker, Bart Allen, Donna Troy

Emiko Queen has posed:
There is a truly obscene amount of pizza being delivered to the Tower.

Stacks of boxes being carried up by Bart and Emi to be set anywhere there's space. This seems like it might be a prank, or perhaps someone mistakenly ordered too much? By the end, there has to be close to 100 pizza boxes scattered around between the main room and kitchen, stacked up all over the place. Which means they'll be fine if Gar and Victor show up! Otherwise, there might be a bit much for the rest of the Titans, no matter how valiantly they try.

Emiko turns to Bart and offers a shrug, "This one isn't me. I didn't order any pizza. But... I guess today will be my cheat day? Otherwise, I don't know how we'll eat it all..." She looks around at the boxes stacked on the tables, the shelves, anywhere there's space. "Uhhh... is there a way to like... alert the Tower?"

She's already heading to the kitchen, more boxes stacked across the counters, grabbing up some plates and getting herself a few slices of cheese pizza. "Did the delivery guy say WHO ordered it?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The few times she's been in the main kitchen area, it's always been overflowing with food. The Titans seem to go through it at an extraordinary rate, as far as Sarah Rainmaker has come to terms with. She's presuming htat a very large proportion of the operating budget of the towers goes into the procurement and preparation of food. It's only dawning on here how right she was even after these few weeks she has only been a guest at most in the area. She would look over at the things..

"I'm guessing that this is possibly normal. You should probably ask one of the team leaders but this.. Might not be out of place."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I did not see who did but it is one of the normal places they order from. He will open one of the boxes to see what type and then a couple others making sure it is not all some weird Peanutbutter and Anchovy or something. Normally it is about fifty or so when they know a couple of the speedsters and another heavy eater or two is here. This might actually be enough for left overs for a day or two.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"This is... normal? I know that Bart can eat a lot... and I've been told that Gar seems to grow a few extra stomachs when it comes to pizza but... this?" Emiko comes out from the kitchen, handing a plate to Bart, offering another to Sarah before setting them down on top of one of the boxes. "This is... a lot."

There is soooooooooooooo much pizza. All the pizza. This particular pizza parlor must LOVE the Titans for these insane orders. Emiko looks like her stomach hurts just looking at it all. Facing down highly trained assassins? No problem. Super powered beings of chaos? No sweat. A hundred boxes of pizza? THIS is scary.

She looks to Bart, "I have a feeling I'm going to be haunted by nightmares of pizza's... chasing me.. demanding I eat them..."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shrug, "I don't presume to know, but by reputation.." She would note in light amusement. Or at least, what she'd heard of things going on, accurate or not. "I guess I'm just ass urprised if not quite as expected.. I guess that the local delivery services don't ask questions when it comes to this sort of thing if they're used to it." she would reply in light amusement. But she's not moving towards teh pizza

Donna Troy has posed:
    "That's a lot of pizzas," Donna says, walking down the spiral staircase from the dorm corridor. "A lot. Even by our standards."

    She descends, walks over to the kitchen area, and picks up a couple of boxes, blinking at them owlishly. "There must be like a hundred here. Who ordered a hundred pizzas? Oh wait. Giorgio's." She looks around curiously. "Did someone call up Giorgio's and ask them to just repeat the last order? 'Cos the last order we got from Giorgio's was when we had them and a bunch of other pizza places delivering all night so we could send them by rabbit hole to Grand Central Station during the angel invasion. Hopefully it's just Giorgio's or we've got two thousand pizzas on the way. Bart, you may have a lot of eating to do."

    Donna breaks into a grin, opens a few boxes and takes one of them that she likes the look of over to the couch to sit down and eat. "How's everyone?" she asks. "Sarah, Red, you two settling in okay at the Tower?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Well, got to remember, I can probably do 10 pizzas when I am hungry maybe a couple more. Then you have Irie, and Wally, and Nitro. So thats about half of them with just the speedsters. Then you have Gar and Vic, and Kadia, and though most don't think about it. Donna and Caitlin both have enhanced metabolisms to. You should see how many of the Snacky Shakes they go through around here." He looks over to Donna, and says "If another order near this size comes in, I am putting on a Domino's jacket and delivering them somewhere else." He smiles and moves to Emiko, leading her to a place to sit, and says "If they chase you in your dreams, just dream me there eating them up all Pacman style Wacka wacka wacka. He smiles and kisses Emiko's cheek "Thanks for getting me some hon."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko turns a somewhat stunned smile towards Donna, "Huh? Oh! Yeah, just fine... settling in just fine. This... there might be -more-?!" She lets out a breath and shakes her head, "This is more pizza than I ever thought to see in my life." Finally, she simply gives up and rolls with it, letting Bart lead her to a spot to sit.

Smiling at the cheek kiss, she nudges him, "You're welcome. And I just might do that. Either that or I will wake up from a dead sleep and you will have to calm me down." TO Sarah, she lifts a shrug and shakes her head, "I don't know. Bart and I came over to hang out and there was a delivery guy pulling up with his backseat just LOADED with pizzas he said were all for us." She looks back to her plate with its two slices, then chuckles, "Now I suddenly don't feel so bad about my grocery bill..."

She glances back to Donna, "I gave him a really good tip. I can only imagine how much time they spent just trying to get all the pizza's into the guy's car."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance distractedly at Donna at the direct question, "Oh, yes, I'm fine." She would look at Bart somewhat confusedly for a moment and then shrug lightly. "I hope all has been well with you Donna and that things have been.. PRoductive in dealing with.. wonderland." Yes, still not sure entirely as to how that was an ianterdimensional threat or how it worked, but just simply accepting over on the matter and going along with it. So simply something that hse had accepted was perhaps the norm.

Making no move towards the pizza, as if expecting it might come forwards to try and eat her.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna nods at Emiko. "Put in an expenses claim please. I know you can afford it, but you shouldn't have to. We're not paying anyone to be a member of the Titans right now, but I don't want anyone to be out of pocket for it. That goes for all of you. Anything that comes out of your pocket, put in a claim and you'll get reimbursed. "

    She opens the box of pizza she'd claimed and pulls out a slice, gooey strings of cheese from the slice fighting to stay connected to its peers still in the box. The cheese struggles bravely and holds off for a while, but with sufficient arm stretching the cheese is defeated and the slice freed. "Yes, very productive, Sarah. We've captured the person causing the trouble and recovered the magical artifacts that were responsible for dragging all the Wonderland nonsense this way. Rae thinks that the effects should fade away over the next week or so, and then Metropolis will be back to normal. Aside from one or two loose ends."

    She tilts her head to the side. "Notably what to do with the artifacts in question. Near as I understand, Wonderland sort of relies on them and it may be making the entire realm unstable for them to be here rather than there. We're going to have to figure out how to return them to their rightful owner."

    Donna chomps the slice of pizza hungrily, thus reinforcing, if the cheese battle had not yet done so, the supremacy of Amazon over pizza. No doubt the Pizza will now understand that resistance is futile.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "So, not just having Terry dump them back into wonderland around to be found again like lost treasures?" He asks, he does finish the stack of pizza on his plate getting more from a nearby box. Luckily Though he eats at speeds of the tazmanian devil, he is much cleaner than it. He hmmms a bit and says "If you need help with them or anything getting them back if there is anything I can do to help I will." He looks over to Emiko, and says "I would even brave Huginn and Muninn's midnight crazies to comfort ya hon."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would take a moment to shake ehr head, "I'm sorry, this sort of thing is.. Well beyond what I really have the faintest idea over." Wonderland, rules, alternate dimensions.. Admitting it was all well beyond her ken. Still making it a point of staying -far- away from the pizzas. Her last time in the kitchen having been with Marvin starting to rhyme had clearly had a mental effect on her.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Okay. I'll have it submitted in the morning," Emiko smile towards Donna with a nod before turning to attack her own cheesy pizza. Mmmmmm, so much cheese. Chewy! She tugs and pulls with her teeth and mouth, then finally severs the gooey strings in triumph! Gnawing on her pizza, she flicks a glance between Sarah, then Donna, then Bart, then back to Donna. "You know that I'm happy to jump back into Wonderland if need be. I rather liked Theophilius, and I'd be happy to help return the items to the Red King... or the real Alice. Whoever should have them." She pauses, then asks, "Is Terry doing okay? That scepter seemed to, uh, mess with him." She turns to Bart with a smile and kisses his cheek, "My hero."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Don't worry Sarah, it's beyond what any of us have the faintest idea over. Except Terry, and even in his case it's more having a general idea than anything else. My policy so far has been to refuse to go along with the Wonderland Nonsense and punch it in the face if it gets too difficult. So far it seems to have worked fairly well as a policy."

    "Definitely not just dumping them back into Wonderland, Bart. As you say. This whole problem was caused by the wrong people getting their hands on them. Hatter and Hare seem to be pretty reasonable and easy to deal with, so long as we provide them with enough tea and cakes. Oh, and so long as we keep Hare convinced that it isn't March. He kind of goes extra insane during March, but we've persuaded him it's April for now. We'll be mounting an expedition to Wonderland to try to get the Crown and Scepter returned to the Red King when we've got a little bit more of an idea of how to do that."

    Donna takes a moment to chew some more of her own pizza, which really is cheesy. One of the pizzas delivered in this order is a seven-cheese pizza, and that's one of the ones Donna seems to have acquired. It's as tasty as it is gooey. "Lots of things mess with Terry, to be honest," Donna says with a smirk. "My sister's lasso makes him drunk, which is pretty funny. I think this is the exact opposite though. Terry is a being of chaos, so something as closely associated with order as the lasso of Hestia is very... disruptive to him. The angels were the same, he had to get a special ward created or every time he was near any angels he was off his head. The Crown and Scepter though... they are grounded in Chaos. So it's not so much Drunk Terry as Terry Plus. All the crazy things about Terry amplified tenfold."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and adds "Balm as well, I believe gets him high." He adds about Terry. He hmms and nods his head a bit and says "Have we a lead on who had them when they should not have, and how they got them, so as to keep them from just getting them again? I mean if someone gets them easy we need to make sure to help the owners secure them then.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko leans back into Bart, chewing on her pizza. She's largely quiet for now, learning more about how Terry's powers work, nodding here and there as she listens. Filing things away for later. "I've been wondering... and this is going to sound terrible so please forgive me in advance. Does catnip affect Terry at all? I have no clue what it would have done to the original Cheshire Cat, but if any of the cats traits carry forward, a love of that side of the mint family might carry over as well?" SHe lifts a shrug and looks to Donna with a crooked smile, "Have we tried locating an appropriate looking glass? That seems like it might be a good way in if Terry can't Rabbithole us there."

To Bart, she asides, "We have the scepter and the crown, which is part of the problem. We're here, with the objects, when they need to be in Wonderland. So we're trying to figure out how to get them to Wonderland, to the Red King, without an undue amount of insanity." Because it's Wonderland, some insanity can't be avoided.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "We have better than a lead," Donna tells Bart with a smile. "We bust the operation. The people who had them are a woman from Gotham who's apparently some kind of criminal, who we'll be turning over to the GCPD, and the two Wonderland lunatics who are currently having an eternal tea party in the lobby. They seem to be pretty harmless when they're not being encouraged by bad sorts. We'll be returning them to Wonderland as soon as possible."

    She tilts her head to the side and shrugs slightly. "As to how they got them... well I believe that was just a prank. Basically someone was playing a prank on Terry, but unfortunately that someone was the Goddess of Discord, so her idea of a prank can be rather drastic. I don't think we're really in a position to arrest a goddess though."

    She breaks into a broad smirk and nods. "And yes, Balm's healing magic is highly ordered stuff and gets him as drunk as anything. Which is really quite funny. But not as funny as the time Gar persuaded Nightwing to make catnip bombs. Yes, catnip works on Terry."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I am sure that question came from the acquiring of two new kittens." He grins a bit and nods his head and says "Ok was trying to make sure was not just someone over there we had no clue on. The villianess the White Rabbit?" He asks curious.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Good to know," Emiko makes a mental note to get some catnip oils and make a few specialized arrows for if they need them. Just in case. She glances up at Bart and smiles, "Huginn and Muninn are currently enjoying racing around the catwalks and floating shelves I had installed higher up. And pouncing down on me from overhead whenever they want my attention. I may have left them some catnip on some of the larger platforms so they could indulge."

Looking back to Donna, she lifts a brow, "Eris? THAT Goddess of Discord?" Letting out a breath, she murmurs, "Note to self, destroy any golden apples found..." She shakes her head lightly, then tears off another bite of her pizza.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "We have yet to see a White Rabbit," Donna says. "She apparently claims to be the actual original Alice, and the Wonderlanders seem to have bought into that at first. The whole operation started to fall apart when the Hatter realized she wasn't the real Alice, and started calling her 'Alisn't' instead. The whole thing's a little confusing really. As far as we've been able to make out from the gibberish Hatter and Hare have said, the Wonderlanders have a kind of myth that Alice will one day return and save them all from... I'm not sure. Something. Typical returning hero myth stuff, I guess. They seemed very dismissive of the suggestion that the real Alice had died in 1934."

    She finishes up her slice and grabs another from the box. Somehow it /does/ seem like this slice fights less hard than the first to stay cheesily attached. Maybe there's something to the notion that dominance has been expressed, and the pizza has done the pizza equivalent of rolling over and showing its tummy. Or maybe the mozzarella is just less generously applied at the point where this slice was cut.

    "Yep, that Goddess of Discord. We had a run in with her a few months back when we fought an army of zombie Centaurs in Tartarus. She got kind of mad at Terry for using chaos magic to help foil her schemes. Took it a little personal, so we figure this whole thing was caused by her wanting a little bit of revenge for her own amusement." Donna blinks a few times and gives Emiko a thoughtful look. "Hey. I know this might sound a little... much. But this is the Titans. We do big stuff. You'll get used to it after a while, I promise."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this listening to both ladies. He will stand up taking some of the trash away before coming to get some more pizza and comes to sit beside Emiko. He looks over to Donna, and says "She is taking dating me in stride, not sure if things could get much weirder than that." He grins and does get back up and at speed gets everyone drinks.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Well... what if when the original Alice died, another 'Alice' took her place? What if 'Alice' is a role, a title? Something that can be passed along?" Emiko looks to Donna and lifts a shrug, taking another chomp from her pizza before swallowing and continuing, "Just because the one we came across is a fake, doesn't mean there isn't an actual Alice out there somewhere." She waves the crust of her pizza around, "It would make sense. An Alice always tied to Wonderland somehow... and would explain why they don't think she's been gone that long. Maybe she hasn't. Maybe the story keeps going with a new Alice when one dies."

To Bart, she sticks out her tongue before grinning and looking back to Donna, "Don't misunderstand me, I can roll with it. Just nobody had said who was behind the Wonderland stuff until now. Now I have to calculate a whole new potential enemy into any strategies or tactics. Which is fine, it could be worse, you could be dealing with the Hindu Gods. Or the various demons and Gods from Japanese lore and religion." She smiles, "But I have no intention of being drawn into a physical fight over who's the prettiest for a golden apple. So... any golden apples appear? They're getting taken out."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "All those are possible," Donna agrees with a shrug. "We just don't really understand the situation in Wonderland at this time. As for Eris... well that only recently became clear. Actually you were there when we had confirmation of it from Hatter. I don't think we need to worry much about Eris, though. She's too random to bear a grudge for long, I'm sure she feels honor is satisfied at this point. We can just count ourselves lucky that it was Eris, not Hekate. She seemed to be on our side. Or rather her interests and ours coincided, which isn't exactly the same thing but probably as much as you can hope for with Hekate. I think I'd rather face the entire pantheon of Hindu and Japanese gods than have Hekate as an enemy."

     Donna accepts the drink from Bart with a smile. "I don't know Bart, I kind of have you pegged as one of the sane and sensible ones, for all that you're a speedster. I've known Wally for years and I've been hoping he'd eventually grow up and get a little more sensible since the day I first met him, but it doesn't seem to be happening."

    Donna breaks into a grin and gives Bart a wink before turning to Emiko. "Yeah honestly there's weirder than dating Bart. You've fallen into a good thing there, honestly. I mean Kian's dating Terry, and Terry's dating Beast Boy, and I can't figure out which one I feel most sorry for. For that matter I'm dating the daughter of practically Satan, and everyone thinks that's pretty weird too, but that's mostly because they don't really know her."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shrugs a bit and says "I don't know about mature, but I am trying to make Joan and Jay proud.. and Max he adds in." He munches a bit of pizza, he does blush a bit at Donna's praise, and says "Ah Wally is serious when he needs to be, it took me a bit to learn that one honestly.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Hekate. Demeter. Persephone. Those would be my big three of 'please no' from the Greek pantheon. Any of them is capable of ruining my best day with little more than a thought," Emiko appears to have given this some thought already. Perhaps wisely. She leans up and kisses Bart's jaw, then smiles at him for the drink. Settling back in against him, she looks back to Donna and chuckles, "You clearly haven't spent much time outside your own pantheon then. Kali.. Shiva... those two are frightening. And my own... did you know there's four separate Gods and Goddesses of luck in Shinto? FOUR. And that's just Shinto." Shaking her head, she settles back, "I will stick with the Greek Pantheon. They're at least somewhat predictable in how to NOT offend them."

Then she's glancing back up at Bart and smiling, "I got extremely lucky in landing Bart. He claims otherwise but..." She looks back to Donna and shrugs, "I don't deserve him. But I'll do my damndest to keep him until I do."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna gives Bart a big grin. "Oh I know. I lived with him long enough before the Titans broke up to get a pretty good idea of what Wally's really like when he decides not to clown around. I adore the guy, just don't ever tell him I said that, okay?"

    She fishes out another slice of pizza from the box, and gives Emiko a nod. "I mean technically there are supposed to be 33 million Hindu gods, so probably it would be a terrible idea to attempt to face the entire pantheon. However I have no idea how much reality there is in the myths of the Hindu or Japanese pantheons, but I've met a number of the Greek gods. And in fact I can do things like fly and punch people into orbit because of the powers they have granted to me. So... yeah, a lot more predictable, especially as you've got an expert on site. But I've got a pretty good idea of just how powerful they are. And I'm pretty sure that the entire pantheon of the Olympians would rather avoid getting on Hekate's bad side, so..."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit listening to them and says "Well will be honest, I don't know much at all about gods, luckily we of the speed family don't seem to draw the magic bad guys towards us often. The one we got is more tech than magic

Emiko Queen has posed:
"I can safely say that this is the first time I've had to deal with Gods of any variety. But given how seriously my people take their Gods? I have little doubt that they exist." Emiko just shakes her head slightly, taking another bite of her pizza before she smiles up at Bart. "Up until recently, most all of the 'bad guys' that I've faced down have been of the decidedly human variety. Hard to say which one was the worst. Probably my mom. But Clockmaster was really nasty too. We aaaaaaaaalmost didn't survive that one. Thankfully, Clockmaster knows a bluff when he sees one." She smiles to herself and nods to Donna, "I'm happy to stick with dealing with a pantheon we have people around that can actually talk to the Gods involved."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Well I don't really have a hotline myself," Donna says with a laugh. "But my mom does, so I've got a lot of very accurate information. Actually when it comes to the Titans..." She gives a quick nod in Bart's direction. "Or the Outsiders, for that matter, the real person you want to go to for Greek Gods stuff is Cassie. Wonder Girl. I've been learning this stuff a bit longer that she has, but she Zeus' daughter. So's Diana, they're half sisters. I was adopted into the family so I'm not really that close when it comes to Olympians."

    Donna noms more pizza. Giorgio's really does do good pizza. "On the other hand, it's Wonderland that we're dealing with now. I'd be surprised if Eris hasn't got bored and gone and found something else to amuse herself with for now. And thankfully, Wonderland doesn't have any gods. With the possible exception of the Red King, and he's asleep."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Only ones I have had any dealings with are the Asgardians." He admits. He foes smile over at Emiko, and says "But we will face anything we need to together and make our way through it. " He nods and says "Cassie's cool though don't get to see her often. " He looks over to Emiko again "Not the quiet one but the blonde one. I don't think you have met her yet.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Chuckling lightly, she glances up at Bart, "I'll have to tell Cass that you clarified, JUST in case I might think she was the daughter of Zeus. Not that she can't kick all the ass, but... I can't imagine a child of Zeus EVER being so quiet and disciplined as Cass is. She's worse than me, and I tend to stick to a pretty strict regimen." Looking to Donna, she gives a nod, "You're still a lot closer than I am to any God of any pantheon, so I will gladly defer that task to you." Finishing off her pizza, she take sa few swallows of water, then adds to Bart, "no, I haven't met Cassie yet."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Cass is spending more time with Diana lately, they've been doing a bunch of stuff with the League together," Donna tells Bart. Her grin widens. "A bit of a step down from Titans and Outsiders, but I guess she was feeling sorry for them." It's true that the League just hasn't been the same since Doomsday and the apparent death of Superman, but it's obvious Donna's teasing a little.

    "I'm sure you'll get to meet Cassie soon enough Emiko," she says. "There's a bunch of our less regular members you have yet to meet. It's a big team, it'll take a while to get to know everyone." She finishes off her slice of pizza and puts the box down on the sofa beside her. "For example I don't think you've met Raven yet, have you? She lives at the tower but she kind of likes her privacy, and she sleeps... strange hours. Talking of which, I'm going to see if she's woken up yet."

    Donna stands and flashes a wide smile at the pair. "Enjoy the rest of the pizzas you two. Bart, you've got ninety-seven more to eat, do hurry up! See you both later."

    With that she heads back to the staircase to ascend back to the dorm corridor.