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Latest revision as of 06:28, 16 March 2022

Monstrous Excursions
Date of Scene: 08 March 2022
Location: Morningside Heights
Synopsis: Avengers and Friends save a hospital from massive red slugs.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Sara Pezzini, Cael Becker, Marc Spector, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
Barely a week ago, the streets near Columbia University were assaulted by an enormous reddish slug monster - a monster the size of a car. It lurched its way down the street, carrying within it two people, and terrifying the population.

Heroes responded, to rip into the gooey mass and rescue the two. One, though, remarked aloud that he 'could not control it' -- which led to new questions about how exactly this thing came about. A search down the 'slug trail' found only a destroyed dorm space, on fire, covered in ooze and mayhem. The female college student rescued could give little information - just that her wall collapsed and the slug thing came through, grabbed and tried to absorb her. Horrible!

Today, though, the young man has awakened, at the neighboring St. Luke's hospital. He's been unconscious for days. Every alarm has gone off at the hospital, now -- as massive, red slug-like creatures have manifested in the hospital wing! Two of them have made a hole in the wall leading to the street, two more are moving through the hospital itself!


"Slug part two, everyone -- St. Luke's. Reports of at least four of the slugs, like we saw last week, but indoors; we need to get them out of that building as soon as possible and diverted away," Iron Man's not on the site yet, but already reaching out to organize with what information they do have!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is going along, having traded some of her normal equipment for a heavier plasma rifle taken from the armory. "Make sure you're packing some heavier elemental based things. Hopefully those things won't react well to extreme temperatures." Presuming there is anything on hand she's also taken some cryo-grenades with her just to be on the safe side. It's always nice to be able to put things in to chill.

"How many civilians are indoors?" Even as she's going to rapidly review the layout of the hospital and picking up security feeds to try and get a better feel for the layout.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara had been sitting around, reading over NYPD reports, mostly lounging with a cup of coffee. The alert from Stark had her on her feet and out the door, the armor literally wrapping around her (and shredding her sweats) as she went. The processes was quick, quick enough that when she reached the front lawn she jumped into the air as the wings formed and carried her higher.

<"On my way now, ETA is five minutes," she offers over the comm. "My priority will be protecting civilians in and around the hospital.">

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael had left strict instructions to be called the minute the unconscious man awoke, and had even managed to arrange for a constant NYPD presence at the man's hospital bed. For all they knew, he'd caused this thing deliberately and therefore had some very serious charges to answer for. So she's already enroute when the slugs start appearing - but it's not much of a head start. Wearing the blueish-silver armor she's been temporarily granted, which covers her chest, forearms, and shins, and sports a park of dark metallic wings on its back - she flies towards the hospital, beating the wings all the faster as she moves through the sky.
    <<"How many people are indoors at St. Luke's //hospital//?">> Cael asks in a dry tone. <<"//Hundreds.// The place has 500 beds.">>

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight isn't an Avenger, but something about the area pinged on his attention. The moon's vantage point gives his patron a decent view of nearly everything after all. He's on his glider, flying through the skies over the hospital when the chaos starts.

    "Hmm... a good warm up" he says as he sets the glider to stealth mode directing it to hide ont he roof of the building before leaping from the device. His white cloak spreads out like a massive crescent moon as he descends and lands in a classic kneeling super-hero pose near the hole in the wall.

    The man's white body armor gleams in the sterile light of the building as he removes a silver pipe-like baton from his hip. A flick of the wrist and the baton telescopes into a full length staff. In his other hand, a twist of his wrist conjures a crescent shaped throwing dart; the edges and tips wickedly sharp.

    "Slugs... yuck..." he mutters as he moves to interpose himself between one of the larger than necessary monstrosities and the building. "Should've brought a canister of salt" he says, making sure the beast has made note of him as a threat.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Within the hospital itself, there is a fundraising event for a new surgical wing of the hospital. A non-invasive surgical unit, plus an additional Surgical ICU section is being unveiled at a meeting of investors and hospital staff. Meetings and presentations with graphs, charts and testamonials are all part of it, and there, Ms Pepper Potts sits as the representative of the Maria Stark Foundation.

"So you can see that the patients that can be served,,," is intoned, with, "... an overhead of..." and "...reduces the recovery time..."

Suddenly, alarm bells begin to go off, but there's no code called. After all, who has codes for 'slug'? Instead, doors begin to close; the wings are shutting tight as if there is an emergent gas leak or some sort of biohazard. The electricity flickers and goes onto generator power; the large diesel engines chugging into life to make sure the power remains for all important functions.

There is most definitely some alarm in the meeting room as things flicker and change; the power point goes dark, and she begins to rise from her seat, looking around. The others in the room are doing the same until one of the hosts announces, a touch nervously, "Sit down, I'll find out what is going on.. Please.."

Tony Stark has posed:
The biggest shift in the hospital, other than the alarm and the doors, is the ripple of /fear/ that rolls through it. Choas, alarm, all of it created from the emerging forms of slug.

"From the tests we made on the goo, we should go icy AND hot," Tony answers into the comm. "Preferably in that order for maximum destruction, but direct stabbing seemed to have worked just as well -- still, nice to have options." Tony's chattering on the communictor.

"My current rig brings the heat, today -- well, every day." Meaning, he won't be a source of any cyro-oriented energy right now, that will need to be on Nat's grenades.

Still, then Tony is made aware of Pepper's location, and that's an immediate distraction. She gets an urgent call, of course... requesting that she stay away from the west wing and get others to do the same -- giant slugs.

-- The two exterior slugs are visible, both on the second floor, as pieces of rubble fall out of the side of the hospital. Suddenly, one slug leans outwards, and ... gracelessly tumbles, falling, and hitting the exterior lawn with a *SPAKKK*. Undeterred, the other one falls out as well, directly onto it -- and they begin to convulsively merge, squishing, and a feeler-like stalk pivots horribly towards Moon Knight. Maybe he's a threat? Or tasty.

Inside, the two other slugs are separated from each other; one is in a hallway (second floor, main ward), the other bashing down the row of private rooms. Less private, now it is more like one big shared room. There are patients there, and nursing staff, who are yelling. One particular nurse is trying to be particularly heroic, and she blasts a slug butt with a fire extinguisher. It begins to turn on her in the hallway.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would pause, considering over. "I'll take the one that's going for the nursing staff and the patient room. The equipment I have on me should slow it down long enough for the patients to be evacuated." Going to make sure she's keyed over into the group comms, wtih heavy weapons, Natasha is then going to call to Tony over "Launch!"

She's going to then launch herself through the air as the reel would yank her towards the window! Blinks of an eye away, she's going to kick her legs up and in front of her as she would be hurled through the window, legs kicking in front of her to take the shattering of the window, her landing in a roll to pull out the large plasma rifle from her back, going into a sommersault to try and snap it about to fire it two handed over at the slug attacking the nurse in searing blasts of green energy!

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Swooping in to the hospital location just in time to watch two red slugs become one, a sight no one should have to see, Sara looks the area over for signs of any civilians trying to hide. The options regarding this slug weren't hide, they were escape to safety.

<"Hospital is locked down, save of course for the large hole in the side of it,"> she announces both over the comm and to the strange man in white that clearly had to be some sort of hero type, either that or he liked costumes and make believe.

<"Two of the four just joined up into a large one outside, I got fire but no cold," she then adds, sharing information to the man in white because she is choosing to believe hero over nutcase. "Cold is the first line against them, then fire. I'm going to get people out the area as quickly as I can."

This is when she goes looking for an ambulance or bus that she can pick up and move to the area near the 2-in-1 slug, but not on top of it. Once it's on the ground she uses her comm to go all bull horn with and announces, "If you don't want to deal with the slug, get in the vehicle and I will move you to safety. If you can't get there on your own, call out and I will come get you!"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael changes frequency on her comm to communicate with NYPD radios - getting a response from her guard on the suspect's room that has her letting out an aggrevated grunt. Switching back to the Avenger's comm signal she remarks, <<"These things came - are coming? - from room 219. Second floor, obviouly - where the man we saved from the first slug has been unconcious until- just about now. I'm heading for him, and seeing what slugs I can find on the way.">>
    She dives for a slug-shaped hole in the hospital's wall, wings folding as she runs off her momentum. Her massive, double-headed axe appears in her hands, as she charges down the corridor - swinging at any slugs that get in her way without qualms.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight eyes the creature as it merges and swells. "What was two is now one. And bigger. Great. Should've brought more blades as well" he says looking at his staff and then growing body of the merged creature before him. "Nothing for it though" he says taking note of the woman who launches herself into the building.

    "After I get rid of you, I'm going to go after any and all of your friends inside" he growls to the slug before he throws the crescent at the creature, as much for a diversion as to see if the cutting edge of the projectile has any effect.

    He wastes no time examining the results though, before he's moving forward in preparation to bludgeon the thing with his staff and the enhanced strength afforded the Fist of Khonshu so close to the full moon.

Pepper Potts has posed:
In the room, phones begin to go off, including Pepper's. Looking at the screen, she walks towards a window to look out; not much to see; she's on the 'wrong' side of the building. Or is it the right side? Away from the action. Answering it, Pepper begins to talk softly, green eyes looking outside again, searching, and shaking her head as she speaks. What can be heard is the heartfelt words, "Please be careful," however, before she hangs up.

Checking to see if anyone noticed her on the phone, Pepper does take the opportunity to dig into her purse and set an earbud into her ear. From there, if anyone is on the coms, she can hear the goings on and if she can help, even by being eyes, then she will.

What she does catch, as her own port 'goes live' is .. 'from room 219..' slugs?


Pepper looks around again, her brows creasing. She's still on the 'wrong', right side of the building, thankfully, though some commotion is beginning to sound. Walking back to her 'corner' spot, she's trying to hear more, find out more.. Nothing like coming to the party late!

Tony Stark has posed:
Outside, there is a scattering of visitors, but most of the people outside able to see Witchblade are a pack of five interns that were outside having a smoke/chat break. They run towards her as she shouts, clearing out of a patch of low bushes to rush towards the bus and escape. "Over here..." calls one man, who is with his elderly father; they aren't able to run from the slug, and do need Witchblade's physical help to get away from it!

The slug itself seems to mostly be interested in Moon Knight so far: as the crescent slams into it, it cuts in deeply, sinking into the spongey mass. It does seem cut: it's possible that it could be cut up into parts, there's a leaky sort of red-pink ooze from the wounds. It smells terrible - perhaps worse on the inside! Rotting, and something else that's hard to identify. It smells a bit like a 'feeling', a loathesome one, a stench of emotional guilt. Is something wrong? Something is wrong.

Inside in the hallway with Slug #3, the nurse doesn't give up: she's heroic in her own way, and tries to assist Natasha with continuing the spray. But when urged, she does fall back, smart enough to realize the hero is a better person to deal with this! The small slug jerks away from Natasha, sensitive to the attack but not stopped, and starts to try to slam into the floor, trying to push it's way down. It makes a big dent, but doesn't disappear yet.

Slug #4... suddenly hurtles out of a different second story window, further down, landing out in a parking lot. It was being intercepted now by Iron Man, who made a tactical entrance from the opposite end and used repulsors to send it flying outside. In fact, Pepper has eyes on it, she'll be able to see the thing go flying out into the shared parking for emergency vehicles between the two wings. It starts to slither/goo underneath an ambulance, hiding, but not before Pepper got to see it.

Inside room 219, the walls are painted with drippy red-pink ooze. The man, Tim Bard, is there in the middle of the mess, with three cat-sized ooze-blobs hanging out near him. He looks alarmed by Cael's arrival, but also exhausted.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would hit the ground, going into a tuck and roll forwards to minimize her momentum and make herself a difficult target, rapidly snapping up to two feet and darting in the opposite direction from the nurse. "Get out of here, help barricade the doors or if you can get the patients out." She goes to swing around the heavy plasma rifle, taking several steps back as the slug would pursue her. She goes to press up the gun to her shoulder, one arm tucked beneath the other to help stabilize it, and goes to fire another series of shots into the general area of the slug. Trying to ifs he could pepper it with energy. Presuming she can get the room and the slug's attention, Natasha goes to pop out one of the cryo grenades, going to hurl it over into the slug, hopefully managing to catch it in the blast and hopefully neutralize it!

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Bushes are over rated and easily replaced, so Sara waves the interns toward the bus as she says, "Keep calling out, get others to join you if you can." And then she is gone, searching out the man who called for aid.

Landing beside the man and his elderly father, a smile is offered as she says calmly, "I'll get you to safety. I will carry your father, but I need you to hold on to me as tightly as you can. I promise, I won't let you fall."

Very carefully she collects the elderly man in both her arms, then turns her back toward the man. "Wrap your arms around my neck, and your legs around my waist," she instructs, and when he has done so, one tendril of metal extends from the armor to wrap around the man, no barbs present. Seems Sara and Witchblade have been having some talks about that, and once both are secure, she jumps into the air to head back to the bus.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Alright - what's the fucking deal?" Cael says without preamble. "What did you mean, you lost control? How do we stop these things? How do we GET control?" she asks bluntly.
    Her remains in her hands as she studies the cat-sized ooze-blobs, a frown on her features that indicates she's strongly considering slicing into one of them. "And talk quickly," she adds authoratatively.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight stops short as the crescent cuts into the creature... and stays there. The stench doesn't seem to bother him as much as the feeling does. "Mental and physical augmentation of your environment" he says mostly to himself. "Good to know... well, let's see if your can handle a beating as well as some of the other things I've faced."

    Another two steps and he vaults into the air, not bothering to slow his momentum as he brings the solid adamantium staff down just behind where the creature's head looks to be... where the neurological tissue in most gastropods resides.

    He's hoping to stun it long enough to devise a method of disecting and exterminating it. Even if not, he's prepared to go toe to (metaphorical) toe with the thing if need be.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The appearance of Iron Man is always something people notice. It could be the red and gold streak, or the hovering, or a little bit of both. Tony is not only Iron Man, but he makes it look cool. Or, it oozes cool because it is Tony?

Regardless! Those at the window now actually have something to see other than a parking lot with a few emergency vehicles parked; box ambulances, van ambulances.. responder SUVs.. EMS actually has a sweet setup in the back! It's the slug, however, that Pepper catches; while people are pointing at Iron Man, her gaze is lower, and she draws in a deep breath through her nose, eyes wide.

<<"Tony? One of those things crawled under an ambulance. It looked like 19.">> Poor workhorse 19. The other voices on com, well.. other than one other, she doesn't recognize them...

Tony Stark has posed:
The cat-sized blobs move towards each other, and SQUISH to become one... bigger not-cat sized slug. The man doesn't seem surprised by it. He's wearing a 'this may as well happen' expression: he's not happy about it, at least, either.

"I... I made a deal," sighs Tim Bord, slug-man of the hour. "I was... expecting a succubus demon to be bound to me. Instead... yeah. They won't stop coming. I tried to control them, but when they get big, they stop listening to me..."

The men Sara is helping are eager to do as she bids, and join her fearlessly to be escorted out of harm's way. They do whatever she asks, and get to the bus without incident.

Pepper's report onto the comm pulls Tony's attention --but he can't rush outside. "Yeah, we have a structural problem in here; keep an eye on it, okay, Pep?" Tony asks. He's busy -- the slug he punted out of the hospital left some gaping holes to the first floor, and he's holding some debris in place bodily while the patients are moved out.

Natasha's slug takes a beating, the cold impacting it particularly severely. It finally bashes most of a hole below it, but then is stunned there, pausing, from the cold grenade, which leaves Natasha an opportunity to shoot again-- though it suddenly starts to ooze through the hole! She'll have to react fast!

Moon Knight's fighter is in good shape, and also the size of a big motorcycle. It doesn't dodge, but it does reach up with two odd, creepy tendrils, to try to wrap the staff as it comes down. However, it's still firmly struck, and it pauses, stunned, trying to wrest the staff from Moon Knight. It's very slow, but strong, sticky... still, it seems that his aim was true, in making it pause!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to very calmly move to take the plasma laser out and brace it on an arm, moving to walk over to the thing quickly. Going to cycle the weapon to aim it at the thing, from a range of roughly four to five meters she goes to open fire on the thing, carefully aiming on each side of it, trying to envelop it over in energy to hopefully mostly char and vaporize it if she could! Going to quickly fire low power blasts at a high rate of cycling, hopefully overwhelming the thing by virtue of quantity rather than high power, hoepfully to be able to just zap the thing down to nothingness before it could get away!

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Once the man and his father are on the bus, Sara merely picks the bus up and flies it over to a safer location, near the police and rescue that have begun to arrive in the parking lot. She may need the bus again, but for now she leaves it for the people to depart and heads back toward where the slugs fell out of the hospital and joined together.

<"Should I head inside, start flying people out?"> She asks plainly, ready to approach this situation from any angle. Helping civilians, killing slugs, whatever is needed she's your Witchblade.

<"Got a super powered man in white out by the slug that came out the side of the hospital, doubt he's on comms, but point me where you want me. Too many choices, not enough hands.">

Even has she finish speaking she hears about the slug in the parking lot, under an ambulance, and that is where she steers herself in the air. The man in white will have to deal with his own new pet slug, she had a small one to find and drag out from under the ambulance.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Made a deal with who - or what?" Cael asks, her grip shifting as the three blobs join together. She's ready to swing her weapon at a moment's notice as she watches the creature with dubious mistrust. "Is this a... magic thing?" Maybe Jon would know what to do about this shit - or his friend. Didn't she see that 'Knight' fellow out there on her way in? "Look. You tell me everything you know about what happened and why - or I get doctors in here to keep you unconscious until we get to the bottom of this and learn a way to contain and stop these things. We can't have you making //evil slugs// all the time."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight jerks at the staff in attempt to get the pole free from the semi-stunned monstrosity. "Hey!" he says calling to the Witchblade. "Spiky... armored... woman..." he says lamely, not knowing what to call Sara in (or out of) her super hero guise. "Mind giving me a hand? I left my cutting blades back at the temple. It's stunned but I don't know for how long."

    He punches at the slug feeling the god of the Moon lend him hyper-enhanced strength, futilely hoping it will give him extra leverage to free his staff. "I swear..." he growls at the thing, "I'm going to just blow the both of us up if you don't let go of my gear!"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Tony's, or rather, Iron Man's form is there and gone, he's tucked away from complete view from her vantage, even if the others are craning their necks as they try to catch another glimpse.

<<"Okay.. please be careful?">>

The addition of more heros (at least she hopes they are?), it makes sense, and Pepper's got the job of making sure the administrators are calm in the room. So, the less they know about //slugs// and superheroes flying around their hospital, it's probably for the better. She's no longer looking for that telltale red/gold, but instead, she's got eyes on the parking lot, looking for that stray wiggling ooze in the form of an oversized slug.

<<"It's still under 19.">> Ambulance 19. A box-truck ambulance that has seen its share of accidents in its lifetime. It probably has 300K miles on the odometer, and could use new tires on the dual axle.. and the interior probably smells like greasy food and desperation.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Just a summoning spell, nothing /special/," Tim says, trying to downplay his role. "There was a magician in the subway, it wasn't a cheap book of spells..." As Tim talks, another slug starts to materialize out of a strange little rend in the air near Tim. It's as if Tim himself were part of some kind of gateway. "Have the doctor knock me out," Tim says, finally, his voice thick with guilt. The new slug moves towards him -- maybe to comfort him, or eat his face.

Hard to tell about slug emotions, but the room IS steeped in a weird sense of guilt.


Natasha's slug cannot take the energy: it can't defend itself while frozen partially, and the energy blast lances through the frozen flesh, rippling through the slug... and it suddenly pops. Yuck.

There's a rumble from Iron man's area below Natasha, as some of the area caves in. "We're good down here, got the people out, I let the ceiling go," Iron man reports. "I'll head ambulance-side, I have a good view on the parking lot - thanks to you, Pepper." With that, Iron man jets out into the open, near a few of the other ambulances, looking downwards. He flips a jaunty wave at Witchblade, whom he finds there, as well, and begins to very obviously charge the massive weapon in his chest. Just needs a target exposed. "Let's not play a shell-game of slugs and end this in one," Tony suggests playfully to Sara.

The slug gives up on holding the staff from Moon Knight, and instead tries to lurch to oooooooze onto him, perhaps engulf him? The others have seen the slugs do this trick before (engulfing people, and slowly suffocating them, yuuuuck), but if he's quick or twists away, it IS pretty slow.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to talk along the comm <<Target on floor neutralized. Moving to assist with evacuations.>> That's what being a hero is. With her weapon up and to the side, she's now going over towards the room that the nurse had ducked back and would check, "Can people get out of here? Is it safe for them to move? What sort of assistance will they need?" Better to not risk people being in a melee zone unless it's too dangerous to move them. She would make sure the safety was on her weapon and that she had it pointed up and in the air rather than at anyone over in the room. "We're here to get you out and make sure you're all safe."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The only option Sara sees is to literally fly down and yank the slug out from under Ambulance 19. She gets that far as she hears Tony start talking to her and then she starts laughing. There are a lot of things in life that shouldn't be considered enjoyable, this would include the act of taking a large red slug and yeeting it into the sky for Iron Man to shoot.

Taking a good three spins to power up the toss, she calls out, <"Pull!"> over the comm and releases the slug, then immediately salutes Tony and zips off toward the white costumed, mask wearing, probably hero.

Just as she reaches his location, a massive two handed sword finishes being formed by the tendrils of metal. "You needed a sword?" she asks, realizing that the thing is attempting to engulf him, then drives right in to start hacking the thing up. "I'm Witchblade by the way."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Why?" Cael asks suddenly, and firmly. "Why did you do it? Why did you want to summon... //anything//?" Does his motivation matter at all? Is this sense of guilt coming from him? Guilt because he was summon slug monsters? Or was he summoning slug monsters... because of the guilt he felt? "Did something happen that prompted you to be so reckless?"
    While waiting for a response, she murmurs quietly into her comm, <<"Can someone send me some medical staff with sedatives, please? Room 219.">>

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight jerks free before the slug finishes trying to "eat" him, staggering back a bit and watching the sword wielding figure--Witchblade--go to work on the creature. "Moon Knight" he says in introduction, as he sloughs off some of the ooze still on his arm and staff.

    "You seem to know you way around these things, how suceptible are they to fire?" he asks, tapping a button on one of his bracers that would call his glider (and all the random levels of artillery on it) to him.

    The glider arrives behind him with barely a sound to it and he steps on. "I ask because..." he depresses a panel on the glider and a small mounted flamethrower emerges from the underside of the cresent shaped mobility device. Sara can probably hear the note of amusement in his tone, even if she can't see any part of his face.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper catches the chatter, and the additional check in from the other voice she recognizes. A smile comes to her face, even if it's fleeting, and a hand goes to her ear unconsciously. <<"I'm in the west wing. The heavy doors are closed in the corridors, and we've been pretty good here. We're away from the fight,">> which she can only assume was.. something. Slugs?

Going to the window again, her directions and instructions as to where that wiggler had gone was apparently heeded, as it's thrown in the air. She can see Tony again, hovering, as can everyone else in the room. She knows the signs, however, and has a pretty good idea of what is about to happen. "Oh... don't watch.." and she turns away, hand on the side of her head to serve as something as a 'blinker'.

Cael's request for medical personnel does bring one of the ER docs upstairs; the hospitalist isn't about to make 'the big calls'. He looks at the scene, and shakes his head, the syringe pre-prepped. "Get that thing away from him.." He's not about to move forward with it; not with a slug so close.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Just stop," Tim says weakly at the slug. Of course it ignores him, it starts to try to come up onto his lap like a demented gross cat. Still, it's pretty small, and easy to grab or cut into bits, if the mood strikes anyone present to do so.

Outside, the flung slug, airborne, makes a confused spasm, dizzy and spinning... only to be sliced and fried by the excessive blast of energy from Iron Man. It flutters to the ground in a mist-like blackened red paste.

Outside, Moon Knight's role is critical in two ways -- first, he has the attention of the slug, which leaves it wide open for the combined effort of the strikes from Witchblade -- but more importantly, the combination of that with fire, which causes each strike to conjeal, and the whole slug to finally squish into a julienned paste on the ground!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha moves to start to help escort those injured out if they need it,w hile going to pay attention to the comms. She's going to offer aid in bracing or carrying anyone, expression neutral while traveling back and forth. She's quiet, practiced, and trusts the rest of the team to handle affairs.

<<And do tell me about the other individual operating with you. I'll have to review what we have on his profile later>>

Tony Stark has posed:
"I wanted some magic. A succubus... was tempting. It's lonely, my girlfriend left me...." Tim's just a sad sack, sounds like, but the guilt is still present. Probably whatever happened was his fault. "I did cheat, but succubus don't care about that..."

Tim, upstanding man that may be a slug, in fact.

Perhaps it's connected.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Oh yeah, fire and ice are their nemesis," Sara replies with a chuckle and her final slash through the flaming remains has her turned back toward the Moon Knight.

Gooey parts everywhere, that's about what Sara expected. More slug bits all over the the armor, the ground, the bushes and in her hair... again. It wasn't as bad as last time, that slug had been huge and required she dive right in... literally, and cut it apart from the inside. "At least this time I didn't have to burrow inside the thing, and it was much smaller this time around," she then adds, taking a few deep breaths before looking around.

<"The joiner is down and out. Moon Knight appears to be alright."> is said over the comm before she looks the Moon Knight over and asks, "You're alright, yes?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Look, buddy, we all fuck up - but you're going to have to get the hell over that if we're going to fix this mess. //You// might need to be the one to stare it down. But I know folks good with magic. I'll see who I can bring into this," Cael promises.
    She glances towards the doctor, then towards the 'friendly' cat-sized slug on Tim's lap. Moving swiftly, she swats it away with the flat of the blade, trying to smash it against the ooze-covered well. "Say goodnight. We'll move you somewhere more secure before we risk waking you up again. Okay?"

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight watches the slug burn from atop his glider and nods. "I'm more than fine. In need of a hose down, but with what I do... that's not unexpected." He shakes his staff again, sending another glob of wretched pink slime from the pole before he presses a button on the grip and it collapses back down into a compact size that sits nicely on his belt.

    He starts putting the pieecs together, between the acrobatic woman entering the building and the HUD of his cowl registering Iron Man's presence. "Oh... this was an Avengers sting, wasn't it?" he asks. "I hope my interference wasn't... unwelcome?" he questions, seeming to realize his placement among the group is currently -out- of said group.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's actually a good thing that Pepper turns away; who wants to see a rain made of slug guts fall onto the parking lot? Some poor EMTs are going to be washing their trucks for months. Road dirt is one thing. Slug guts?

From the sounds of the coms, however, it sounds as if things are winding down, and is clearing, even without the all clear. With a slow breath out, Pepper takes her purse and begins to slip out of the meeting room. She's heading down one of the corridors, pulling on the heavy doors in order to get outside. <<"Tell me you're leaving the suit on the balcony to get cleaned.">>

The doctor, armed with his syringe, is waiting for Cael to do //something// before he approaches Tim. It's with the swat, however, that the doc times it, and lets the man know, just before giving the shot in the thigh, "You're going to sleep for a little while. When you wake up, you're going to be in a different hospital room where you'll be safe."

Sweet dreams to Tim!

As for the rest of the hospital? Once the slugs are gone, the plant operations guys are out with tarps and //do not cross// yellow flags. Patients are moved to different floors after quick reassessments. While the hospital has received no little structural damage, it's not condemned, nor does it have to move patients out to other hospitals. It'll be all hands on deck for a little while, and some major fund raising once more, but all in all?

Score another for the good guys.

Tony Stark has posed:
"The balcony? Nah. I'm fine. Just have to know where to stand," Tony answers Pepper serenely.

"Thanks for your hard work, everyone. Schwarma?" Tony suggests, upbeat. "I could eat."