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Missing Serum Found
Date of Scene: 07 February 2022
Location: Nation of Haiti. Approaching compound of Drug Kingpin: Papa Legba
Synopsis: Super cautious infiltration leads to an inevitable confrontation with HYDRA goons. Yay!
Cast of Characters: Achilles, Natasha Romanoff, Peggy Carter, Jessica Drew, Jane Foster

Achilles has posed:
    When last we were gathered together, our intrepid team of SHIELD operatives had found the apartment where agent Andrew Nessbaum had been living. They had searched and analyzed the place before finding his 'Go-Bag'.

    In the bag, were a few items of note. One is an encrypted flash drive. Another was a pair of high tech sunglasses that played a holographic message to Jessica Drew. The information gained from the message stated that the info about the missing serum was on the flash drive. It was also noted that there was a tracking device that agent Nessbaum had ingested, and that the glasses would point an arrow in the direction of the missing agent. The drive had been plugged into a tablet on board the Jump Jet by the onboard Logistics Agent Weenie. To summarize the information garnered from the drive...

    The flash drive, once decrypted, shows a chemical formula and a bunch of very technical notes. For those who are more... scientifically inclined, the notes break down to saying essentially, "Subjects are augmented with superhuman strength, speed, and durability. But their aggression is off the scale. They attack anyone and everyone, and at that same time they begin to break down. Their body will tear itself apart within weeks if not days after exposure. This can be delayed by consuming what can only be called... fresh protein. Consuming it while it is still alive is best." There are some images included which show test subjects in various states of decay and destruction at the hands of the serum.

    It goes on to say that while it was in transport to a disposal site, a local drug kingpin who calls himself "Papa Legba" ambushed the convoy and stole the shipment. The locals have begun calling the drug, which Legba is believed to be trying to replicate and synthesize, "Boko".

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is not a biological expert. But she can comprehend the basics as they review the data. She has her head cocked to the side in a thoughtful expression. While she's reviewing things in her head for how to neutralize such adversaries. Headshots, disabling shots. Stay at range. "We'll need to destroy anything and everything related with this. All samples, all data. Everyone that's worked on this needs to be neutralized permanently. All biological materials beyond what we need to try and develop a counter-agent, if it's possible." That's something for another department. Now.. Now Natasha Romanoff is in 'search and destroy' mode.
    hat at least is her immediate thought on the matter. With a possibility that anyone else up the chain is going to strongly disagree with her on the thoughts is quite possible.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy is mostly quiet. She's here for logistical support and to take the information on the ground, but she knows she shouldn't be doing a lot of dangerous field work these days. The reason is quite evident to anyone who is on the jet, their Chief's expectant condition finally showing enough that no, Peggy's not just getting soft around the edges, she is clearly pregnant. She has gotten a new tac suit that is made to accommodate her disappearing waist, so she's a little more comfortable than she was on last missions. She sits in the back of the jet, dark eyes watching everyone curiously. She waits for the reports to come back, not here to command the mission. But she is listening.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Pure poison," Jessica comments aloud to her seat mate. She shakes her head, lips tight in condemnation and wonder at how far some will go in search of power and money, as she scrutinizes the images shown to the agents. At fresh protein, the agent's eyes shut briefly. Under her breath, "Of course."

"Aloud she seeks confirmation, "Do head shots stop them? Will we need flame throwers or grenades to ensure the targets are down?"

Jane Foster has posed:
"Regrettably, we're dealing with cannibals." Who wants to hear from WAND about cannibals? Their senior agent supplies the information without looking up from the tablet that filters an unpleasant feed of information through her screen. Jane documents a few matters with light flicks of her fingertips. "This Legba styles himself after a loa, the primary spirits of Haitian vodou. You might consider them equivalent to gods. More concerning is this 'boko,' which I presume is a corruption of bokor -- male practitioners of black magic, particularly necromancy to raise zombies. What you would call zombies. On that note."

She raises her tablet, turning it around so the screen faces the others with a schematic of the human body and several fine details. "ICERs may not have much effect on zombies. I wouldn't expect their systems to be affected by dendrotoxins unless otherwise noted. Avoid direct contact unless you can take a serious beating. Presumably the compound would strengthen them, though I am still trying to calibrate the details based on a template that Doctor Simmons created last year." Why does Jemma make undead templates? Why is it always Haiti? The answers are one and the same. "To truly damage them, consider raw firepower on par with what we might need for the Winter Soldier or Captain America. I am certain they might not care for fire, but there is a fair chance we create a flaming, durable zombie that probably does not shamble. Unless we have examples of their joints and decay rates, or visuals, I would not make those assumptions. Removal of the head ought to slow them down. Is it certain?"

The sheer irony of a psychopomp sitting there behind Jessica is not lost on the psychopomp herself. She shakes her head. "Necromantic records from Baron Samedi's cult said yes, but Samedi's been dead or dissipated, whatever kills a god, for six months. Jury's out."

Achilles has posed:
    The pilot calls back, "So, are we heading in a certain direction or just circling while you all talk?" from the cockpit.

    Of course, there is the infodump from Jane. Zombies, magic and necromancy, OH MY.

    And so it is while plans are made, that the cloaked Jump Jet is easing out of the city for now. I mean come on. Everyone down there was afraid of a reprisal. A reprisal that seems... lacking.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would click her tongue, "Also keep us on an observation point if you can to give us an idea of what's going on. Pilot, can you give us an idea of what exactly would have been herding them from the area?" NOdding at the explanation given from Jane.
    "Shoot to cripple then, stay at a distance. Do not let them get close. If headshots won't take them out, go for joints. Knees, thighs. That will slow them down and make them only able to crawl. Torso shots will be useless unless we have heavy weaponry. If we have flamethrowers they'll be able to charge close enough. We need things with heavy stopping power."
    She's very thoughtful here. "Heavy shotguns. With auto-mags."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy's opinion of the matter can vaguely be seen on her face, her lips pressing into a tighter, disapproving line about Legba and how messy things might be on the ground. She doesn't cut in, just giving Jane a gentle dip of her head in approval and acknowledgment of the explanation, but otherwise she remains silent back up for this little gathering. "With all that we know, Dr. Foster, do you think you need another set of hands in the field?" Peggy finally asks. If she comes along, it's clearly not as mission lead. But she is volunteering.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"We should be carrying what we need." Jessica rises from her place eager to equip herself and those going into the area with something substantial enough to guarantee survival. She walks to the arms lockers stored near the back of the jet and opens the doors surveying what to carry.

Over coms to the others, <"These modified bazookas, with bio-plasm heads that are still being tested sound like the way to go. That and the heavy shotguns.> Taking down a back pack she starts to load a kit to carry with them. Auto-mag ammo, grenades and modified bazooka charges replace the more pacific standard ICER, though at the last moment she holsters one. Maybe not everyone they meet will be a ravening zombie looking for lunch.

Achilles has posed:
    Papa Legba's compound is in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and ocean. It is in the hills of Haiti, and at least a twenty minute drive from, any village, town or otherwise populated area.

    Upon arrival at the edge of the grounds, it is visibly surrounded by a ten foot wall that is lined with cameras and other sensor devices. Overhead views from the Jump Jet show a total lack of activity on the grounds. No roving guards. No dogs. Nothing. It is quiet... too quiet.

    The house is extravagant, and yet also quiet. Nobody moving about, nothing...

    From the Jump Jet, logistics says, "I can't pick up and transmissions. No heat sources in the house... but I am seeing what appears to be an elevator that goes down underground on the scans of the house. I suggest extreme caution..."

Jane Foster has posed:
Odin's hoary beard and Hoggoth's morning cuppa, Peggy defers to her. Jane might want to freeze to pieces about that one. "The potential formula they distilled into a consumable drug should give us pause," she tells Peggy with a polite nod. "The original design followed an injection of a liquid formula, though they might have distilled it into something more portable or easily manufactured for street use. I can't be sure about a powder or tablet form, or something stranger like applied topically with a temporary tattoo or patch. We might want to keep an eye out. Avoid contact where possible. The virulent nature creates a significant and uncontrollable need for proteins, like an overclocked kind of pica. Working theory is they cannot generate their own naturally and therefore the decay or use causes them to react badly." Deferring to the experts in that trade between Natasha, Jess, and Peggy in particular, she leans back into the seat.

"Foremost, I don't want to put you at risk. Mr. Sousa would /never/ forgive me, and I'm not about to face his wrath for putting you in direct line of sight. If you want us to put you on a rooftop, we can, but eyes in the sky seems safer given the unknown numbers of people." She leans forward and glances at any of the screens in search of ... something, anyway.

It's almost sad how pretty Haiti is, despite its poverty in parts of the city. Rich manors and compounds hidden away can be a miserable fact of life. When the jet sweeps the pretty array in all its technological muscularity, she frowns. "Figures. Someone rich with a possible bunker underneath. No way to crack that open easily and almost certainly no building plans to tap into in a timely fashion."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is goign to load up on what weaponry they have, passingit out to the team and going over a quick check to make sure everyone knows hwo to use teh weapons. "Priority is destruction of the contaminants and neutralization of the creator. Recovery of our operative is secondary." Her tone is casual on the matter. At least, that's what her general assumptions are. A pandemic agent takes priority over all things short of flattening the area.
    She's running another equipment check and then casually speaks to the pilot, "Can you give us aninfrared sweep of the area? Underground as well if there's a satellite in position." Things they might not have available.
    "We can't drill our way in in a timely fashion and stealth will be difficult given we have little idea of the layout or what's in there. I'd suggest when we go we don't split far apart."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A deep sigh escapes Peggy's lips as Jane comments on her husband. That just hardens Peggy's expression a bit more. "This is not about Agent Sousa or his anger. You are short handed here and this is going to be a hard fight. I have never held back for my husband and I never will. I'm going in with you all." Peggy grumbles out flatly. If Jane wanted her to stay behind, commenting on her husband was definitely not the way to get that goal. Maybe that was really the point in the first place.

Then Peggy is standing, going to the back to equip herself much like Natatsha. She makes certain the tac suit completely zips up over her stomach and chest before strapping into rifles, more ICERs, and any other weapons the woman seems to be taking, Peggy follows. "We should all use the ventilators, if there are contaminants as well." She begins passing them out, the ones with mounted comms.

Jessica Drew has posed:
At a window, Jess looks down on the placid compound with it azure pools sparkling in the sun. Speculating aloud, <"Do we have confirmation on no infrared images? That is beyond strange unless they saw us coming and have set up a trap. But, I don't think so. Could be they have bitten by their own hand. Do zombies show up on infrared?">

Glancing sideways at the Chief, Agent Drew's face loses all expression, "Thank you, Ma'am. Ventilators are a good idea." She shoots a glance at Foster when she thinks she won't be seen, unhappy at the Chief's presence on the ground.

Achilles has posed:
    Down below, the scanners are showing the compound, the house, the garage, the shaft of the elevator.... a bunch of dirt, and then they literally cut off. It is almost as if the drug lord living here didn't want law enforcement to scan beneath his house.

    But the imagery shows literally zero.. ZERO lifeforms on the scanners. At best, one car in the garage is a bit warm. Like it was parked there a couple hours ago, and the garage is not conducive to dissipating heat very well. Especially not in a tropically hot place like Haiti. Other than that... the elevator mechanism is warmer than the areas around it. But.... that's how elevators are. Especially if they've been used a lot.

Jane Foster has posed:
See, now, no one can blame anyone for not showing proper care for Peggy Carter and Baby Carter. Especially not the once somewhat biological parent -- one of four -- to the previous genetically damaged chief. Jane, however, slants a pointed look that doesn't quite conceal her slight smile to the chief. "Very good, ma'am," she states, though the recalculations as the actual civilian in the mix certainly play out. Taking the mask means readying the thing, though not donning it fully until they are prepared to descend. "Ultraviolet giving us any results on the ground? And do we have any LIDAR to get an idea of the landscape down there? I would assume our targets do show up on infrared. They would be exuding heat from moving and friction, just like a machine. Their hearts presumably beat until overtaken?"

Her expression turns a little unhappy, possibly fed by Jessica's questions or reactions. They share an opinion there. "They're underground. Unless we gave reason for them to come out, it seems likely we have to unseal the can, isn't it?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Without motion sensors the lack of lifeforms is rather meaningless. "You're right. Vents are our best bet. The elevator's vulnerable, it's a chokepoint for entry and egress. It will also likely be guarded on both ends." She's considering now over. "Everyone also make sure to bring environmental exposure gear." Mask up everyone! Natasha goes to scan what data they have so far. "Use UV vision when we go in. Infrared won't get anything without heat signatures." Which generally wasn't associated with the undead and consumption. Her grabbing rappeling gear.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The Chief is one of the best profilers in the world. She can read people in her sleep, practically, and so it's not hard to read the fact that no one is happy with her coming on the team. She gives the younger agents a bit of a grimace, lips pressed into a firm line as she debates the best call here. If she doesn't go and someone dies, she'll never live with herself. If she goes and someone dies trying to protect her, it's no different though. But she's never shyed away from the field, so she keeps strapping up, handing out the last ventilator before strapping on her own. "We can debate it after. I'm going. You need a full team for this. I'll stay center of the crew. No heroics. Just back up." She states flatly.

Peg gives a firm nod to Jane and Nat as they say vents are the best bet. She's ready to go in and follow orders. She grabs some UV vision goggles as well, since that seems to be the other plan. And rappeling gear. This is going to be an interesting run, that's for certain.

Achilles has posed:
    Of course, infiltration of the facility is key to discovering and recovering the failed serum. Agent Nessbaum's locator beacon seems to be within the compound as well. The dead silence of everything within the perimeter is a bit unnerving, but SHIELD operatives are made of stern stuff.

    And so in they go. Moving through the house is unnerving and yet easy. Nobody rises up to resist. Nobody even appears to be at home. It is almost like someone came through and killed everyone in the house... but if that had happened, there would be bodies. There is nothing and nobody in the building.

    Once inside, Jessica is able to see on the display of the high tech shades, that the arrow indicating the direction to Agent Nessbaum still points downward. Well, it is known that there is that downward elevator at the very least.

Jane Foster has posed:
The mask pulled over her head is eerie similar to other containment units. Jane suppresses the revolt of her pulse, kicking up so many notches. Her hesitation will not prevent her from going on despite her misgivings. Such is the curse for responsible adulthood, but second-guessing everyone else on their little ops team can wait for mission review with Steve or Natasha tearing the planning to pieces. "I'm not going to regret paying too much attention on leg day, am I?"

The gallows humour comes with a bit of a smile muffled by the mask pulled low. Ooh, goggles, smart move. Can't have enough gear, after all. Leg day, however, is going to be /seriously/ tested by slinking through rooms or balancing in corners. Her gaze sweeps for any activity or flaws, though eventually she shakes her head. "The elevator seems to be the main point down. Widow, any ideas on how to get down there? Alternate routes may not be open but we can hope?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Carrying along explosives if they need to bring the place down, the Black Widow is with the group as they go to deploy. She's moving to take the heavy auto-shotgun with her, moving to sweep it along methodically ass he would deploy with the group. The house's silence is eerie. The lack of bodies or blood. Everything seems to be normal, if one had to put it that way. But dark.
    Natasha would go to sweep along, using hand isgnals to coordinate with the team. Her hands jabbing in a quick signature confirming no contacts so far, and a check to sweep around the elevator area to make sure that it was secure, then suggesting going down it if they found nothing else. They were on a tight schedule and couldn't afford to dawdle.
    "Unless there's something that goes as deep as the elevator that's not showing up on ground sweep we're limited to the elevator short of digging our way in our having something exotic."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Lovely. Elevator it is." Peggy gives a little groan, starting to hook herself into repelling gear. This is NOT how she planned this mission to go and she'll be regretting it later, but she's not backing down now. She finishes securing the leg straps and the waist strap over the top of her stomach. Then shoulder harnesses. And containment unit, ventilator. She double checks her comm, <<"Comm unit working? Can we all hear each other? If so, I think it's time to roll out.">> And she'll follow the team out the jet..

Jessica Drew has posed:
The emptiness of the house and its silence doesn't invite talking. Between the suit and glasses which pinch slightly, it takes an effort for Jess to be one hundred percent alert to her surroundings. On point, she holds up a hand, making sure the others see her, and then points down before motioning them ahead.

She steps back after calling the elevator and puts herself out of sight. The ping of the car's arrival is overloud in the quiet house. She tenses when the doors open, ready for an ambush.

It's anti-climatic when the doors slide back to an empty car. Elevators amount to kill boxes if someone is waiting for them. As soon as the doors open, she looks up then jumps to push open the maintenance door in the ceiling. Still in silence, she points up, slings her bag of weapons over her shoulder, then jumps to catch the lip of the trapdoor, pulling herself up through the opening with her considerable strength.

Kneeling, she pops her head below.< Anyone else wants up? Maybe we can surprise them.>

Achilles has posed:
    The elevator dings, and most notably -is- playing elevator muzak. It's a distinctly cajun sounding sort of music, but it's light music that belies the situation's danger levels. It may be humorous, or creepy... or more likely both. But once people pile in and up, the elevator goes down quickly enough.... about two hundred meters. When it stops, dings... and opens, there is no gunfire. No anything. Silence... and then the doors close, and it's still dead silent.

Jane Foster has posed:
"I probably should. But that puts Carter and Widow in direct line of..." No need to say more, is there?

Two hundred meters of nail-biting tension. Two hundred meters of waiting on silence, hands to start reaching for them or a door to kick open unexpectedly. Jane positions herself to a corner in the event they need to jump for dear life. When the doors slide open, she shifts her weight to the balls of her feet. As ironic as the notion might be with a Spider who might come down beside her, she waits for the doors to open while squashed as much as she can be out of sight. Breathe. Listen. Count. Nothing.

A gesture of two fingers flicks to the outside. She's already gathering up something small, a metallic ball bearing. Palming it, she waits for wiser minds (read: Natasha or Jess) to suggest how to proceed or else she's playing jacks and zombies.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Now her weapons in front of her, the Black Widow is ready on one side of the elevator shaft. Natasha is going to very, veyr slowly take ou ta small diamond saw. Going to right above the shaft try and do a quick saw through the wall, and then to slowly stick a small device through. THe device would let loose a ball, which would drop about onto the floor, then popping open wings and it would dart along. About the size of a cockroach, it would fly on small wings and start giving off video and IR sweeps of the area as it would be quickly tagged into the UV visors the group hat.

On the other end, there is just quiet. Emptiness. Everything looks clear and there's nothing of anything on the other side.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The elevator isn't a great decision, but it's the best of bad ones. Peggy listens to orders and does as she promised, staying close to the center of the group. Her rifle is out, ready to shoot at anything that attacks them from her center position. She's silent and tense. She doesn't move until the group moves.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica feels faintly silly at having ridden 200 meters ON TOP of the elevator. She consoles herself, thinking it better than rappelling down the shaft with a feisty, pregnant Chief. After jumping down weighted with her weapons, she waits in silence for the drone to do reconnaissance, fancy test bazooka, pointed down at the ground, ready to spring into action.

One word suffices, <Crazy!> Spoken quietly. With a shrug to the others she steps out of the elevator doors, expecting all hell to break loose.

Achilles has posed:
    Once everyone gets over the fact that nothing seems to be happening. Nobody seems to be attacking.. I mean it's so anti-climactic, right? Anyhow, once that is dealt with, and exploration (in person or via drone) begins, it becomes obvious that the laboratory facilities down here are extensive. It is obvious that drugs are refined and manufactured here. The facility could really not be used for anything else. And here, there is evidence of a massacre. There are people lying all over the facility in various stages of death. Some missing parts, others just beaten to death. Some of these appear to have been armed guards, while others were conscripted workers in minimal covering outfits so that they could work with the chemicals and not be at risk for trying to steal some. Everything is silent... dead silent, pun intended.

    There are two separate areas to the lab. In the one area, the fallen look like normal victim workers. Things look organized and methodical. In another lab, separated by a layer of clear plexiglass, things look a bit more chaotic. Jars and bottles of chemical supplies laid about haphazardly, and all of the cooking devices looking like they haven't been cleaned or carefully calibrated. In that one lab, things look rushed, like whomever had been working in there did not have much time. In fact, there is a solution in a beaker resting on the counter. There is a fallen chemical worker who looks more dressed, less like a victim except for the fact that he is dead. One hand was reaching towards the beaker with the last of his strength.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"<<Well... this is bloody awful.>>" Peggy mutters into the comms. Fortunately, her stomach is stronger than it's been and she manages not to get sick in her ventilator. She just swallows the nausea back and continues on into the room, her rifle pointed towards the ground but ready to jerk up at any point in time, if they are attacked. "<<Do we have sample containment devices, Foster? If so, we should grab as many samples as we can.">> She gives Jessica a brief nod, offering to be in her group, as they peel off into searching the room.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would keep her weapon up and over in front of her. Going to then check where they were in comparison to the tracking device from their fellow agent. Her going to hopefully be able to pick it up over on her visor to give a rough idea. She would glance over the bodies scattered about. Speaking along the group intercomms <<Take care in case any of them are possibly ifnected. Look for signs of tissue tearing in them. That will be signs that they were assaulted.>> Or something else, at least.

She's going to start to carefully sweep the area ahead with things that look like they were rushed and things were chaotic.. Even as the small drone goes in the direction of hte other. <<Stay in contact with one another. Groups at smallest of two. Visual distance>>

Jessica Drew has posed:
Eerie. Dead. Silence. It is worse than a pitched battle.

<I still have him in the tracker.> She does not add how unlikely it is that Nessbaum will be found alive.

Every few steps, she sweeps behind them, expecting a trap, certain that someone is watching them.She cautiously walks down the corridor, stopping to peer at faces, carefully stepping over bodies or making a wide berth around pools of blood on the floor.

<Position is not changing on the tracker.>

Jane Foster has posed:
<<"Don't touch without gloves.">> It's probably more than unnecessary for Jane to warn them not to pick up random items, but it deserves to be said all the same. Good lab habits never leave, especially for women who deal with extremely delicate materials like dark matter and black hole-generating sensors. <<"There's no day I go into the air without something. We don't have enough for kilograms, but enough.">> Her confirmation floats on the wind, softly spoken.

And behold, she actually has big tweezers in there, the perfect sort of thing to pick up granules. Small single-use plastic eyedroppers and sealed plastic containers, hello and yes. It's really the medkit effect but more forensic, helpfully put to the test of trying bits of broken things on the ground. Pieces here or there to be lightly plucked up if it's safe to do so nearby.

Achilles has posed:
    "Well well well. Look what we have here." says a deep resonant voice. The speaker is almost seven feet tall and musclebound in a way that only superhumans can be. "Psi-Borg. Men. I think it's time we taught SHIELD to stay in their dugout and stop trying to play in the field. Get'em!" calls out the big guy, waving a hand forwards even as he starts walking towards the heroes, a walk that turns into a jog...

    Behind him, a man who looks to be made of metal pokes his head up from behind a cloaking fieldhe had generated from his cybernetic augmentations, and curses. "So much for stealth." he mutters before turning his head and looking for a target, a telekinetic blast zinging its way towards <name>.

    From the far end of the lab room, half a dozen HYDRA agents in the tradition green and yellow garb, but with breath masks on, step out and aim high powered firearms down range... BEHOLD.. THE SHAMELESS CLIFFHANGER!!!