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Catching A Convoy
Date of Scene: 02 March 2022
Location: New York State
Synopsis: A smashed military convoy, a stolen tech-tech gun and villains escaping! With Plastic Man and Rocket out of commission and Superman busy playing clean up and damage control..will Juggernaut and Killer Frost escape? (Probably not!) Stay tuned for Part II!
Cast of Characters: Cain Marko, Blake Riviere, Patrick O'Brian, Clark Kent, Rocket

Cain Marko has posed:
Honestly, it's business as usual. Really.

The movement of military equipment by rail is nothing out of the ordinary and usually doesn't garner too much attention from the average citizen. That is, outside of from times of crisis and collective jitteryness when one could become hyper aware and more pone to notice such things. One can never be too careful or cautious after all. But as far as the convoys themselves are concerned, it's business as usual as a particular Bayside railyard is the current site of one such convoy making its way through on the way to deliver ammunition, tanks, jeeps, and other assorted goods and services to a garrison further into the state. Mostly at least. Though most of the flat beds and cars contain such mundane bits of equipment there is one particular more heavily guarded and armored car that seems to have...a touch more attention to detail. A few ..extra..soldiers riding along with it. An implication of something special within.

Observing this from a nearby bridge that crosses over the rail yard is a..particularly gigantic red haired man. But for his size..which is staggering, make no mistake, he's dressed rather casually with a brown leather jacket stretched across his gargantuan torso, a green tee shirt, brown slacks and a winter skull cap pulled down over top his hair as he lazily pages through the Daily Planet while the convoy slowly drags its way underneath the bridge. When the armored cars begin to show he pauses and peers up over the Newspaper and then glances at a wrist watch somehow sized for his gargantuan wrist.

"Huh. Few minutes early. Guess it's time to get to work." he rumbles before balling up the paper and tossing it over his shoulder.

An instant later and there's a flash of red light that emits from him. His body soon enveloped by the crimson glow as his body enlarges and energies from the distant arcane crimson cosmos crackle like ball lightning around his form.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Far less dramatic, but perhaps she'd been hired for her 'cooler head' in this pairing.

Crystal Frost idly tapped her foot as she waited outside a cafe, nursing a coffee and tapping away at her phone. Even with her blue-to-white locks she looked like just another twenty-something boredly scrolling her day away, but she was waiting.

When the convoy was called out? She actually exhaled a breath of relief and pulled her hairtie free, shrugging out of her own jacket and pulling her long wrist-to-bicep gloves up almost lazily.

"Chill big guy, I'll make them stop, then you do your thing."

Striding out towards the side of the road the far more petite (and no more subtle) villain bends down, touching her fingers to the road.

The temperature drops, breath frosting and windows cracking as the road ahead of the convoy was suddenly covered in a mirror sheen of inches thick ice...and a wall of permafrost-like blue errupted immediate ahead of them.

"Caution," she smirks, "poor driving conditions ahead."

Patrick O'Brian has posed:
Littering is bad. Good thing there's a red trash on the bridge that's right there for the Daily Planet newspaper ball to land inside. Things like that are just happy coincidences.

As far as anything else goes, rumors of this convoy have been spun around the streets for a bit and so there are certain individuals in the world of vigilantedom that are paying close attention to these kind of things. Which is why people like Patrick 'Eel' O'Brian are on the case.

Or would be on the case if they were here on time. Sheesh. Even when he's trying to do the right thing he can't exactly do it on time, can he?

With that being said and the badly self-trained hero-type nowhere to be found, there's really not much else that needs to be said about Eel. He'll be here soon enough, right? Otherwise, this convoy's out of here.

Wait, is that a red and yellow sedan that's parked up there on the bridge. Looks like its trying to hide in the shadows with the lack of headlights being on. That's super weird and even more suspicious.

With all the action that this convoy is getting, it's almost easy to miss the weird 'Bayside Rollerz' graffiti splattered against the side of one of those armored cars. What a town, right? Is nothing sacred?! Damn gangs!

Clark Kent has posed:
Mild mannered reporter Clark Kent was busy some ways away, talking on the phone with a contact of his. He was hoping to prove the funding for these particular weapons came from some less than legal sources; Clark suspected another Hydra development scam, but wasn't anywhere near proving anything yet. Clark's speaking to a contact aboard the convoy, writing down a few details when someone screams over the phone.

"What? Phil, what's wrong?" Clark says, and gasps. "Wait, who?"

Frowning, Clark can't quite get out what's going on. An attack...could it be his source has been made? "This looks like a job." Clark grabs his shirt and rips it open, revealing a gleaming red 'S' shield. "For Superman!"

Superman hurtles through the air, aiming to reach the besieged convoy! But he's unaware of just what a threat he's facing! Will the Man of Steel arrive in time?!

Rocket has posed:
There are only so many daytime tabloid talk shows, court shows, and game shows one can take before one has had enough. Then there are the commercial reruns.

"Of /course/ he's the father, you sons of chogs!"
"Oh, yeah, because everyone sneaks in through the back door at midnight for legit reasons."
"Hahaha, you dumbscut! Raccoons are /not/ cute little animals you'd like to have for a pet!"
"I wouldn't even give one of those pillows to Quill as a gift."

Sooner or later, you have to put on more than just a pair of tighty whities and go out into the world. The circumstances and experiences of the latest case of the Guardians of the Galaxy being stranded on Earth have not been very exciting, but if nothing else, Rocket's been learning more about Earth culture and what gets the most attention. Weird things, controversial things, stupid people, they all draw eyes. There's a reason much of the other sentient lifeforms in the different galaxies and systems look down on Earthlings as underdeveloped children.

Anyhow, a very raccoon-like lifeform finishes getting into his jumpsuit and takes to the air via personal flight nanotech, taking him skyward for a Rocket's-eye view of the region. With his comms tied into local police and military bands, it does keep him appraised of anything potentially...interesting going on. Before long, just such a thing causes him to veer off in the direction of the convoy. "Good. I was starting to really get bored."

Cain Marko has posed:
It seems like nothing corrupt can get past people these days. Money being moved around illegally. Things being done that have no business being done. Par for the course. But the more immediate threat is clearly under way. The wall of ice more then does the job and in a way far more elegantly and smoothly then what Juggernaut had in mind. The armored car is sundered free from its connections to the cars ahead of it as the ice races upwards and the ground around the tracks slicks over like the surface of a skating rink. The convoy cars rocket and tilt from the violent disruption and the sound of the brakes being hit can be heard screeching through the air. Cries of alarm and shouts of warning erupt as the armed escort quickly begin disembarking while releasing the safety on their guns..only to step onto the ice rink like slickness of the ground,

"Get bac--" one attempts to shout towards Frost, only to end up tumbling wildly as he and other lose footing. One gun goes off, spraying bullets wildly but in an nonthreatening fashion as the soldier goes down and others begin disembarking.

"I don't need yer help!" declares Juggernaut into his commlink, snapping at Frost as he emerges from the pool of red light to look from the bridge down towards the railway and Killer Frost as she upstages him. "You're just splittin' the take in more ways then is intended, toots." A frown creases his expression as he sees her in action and ends up acknowledging grouchily, "Still..not bad.."

The strange sedan manages to escape his notice, given his focus on the action and annoyance at all.. A moment later and he's stepped off of the bridge and plummeted down towards the ground below with all the elegance of an incoming asteroid. His impact is thunderous, sending a shockwave rippling outward that sends soldiers tumbling and convoy cars tipping over with a clatter of ammunition and tanks crashing to the ground.

"Step aside, I'll handle it from here.. Our pick up is en route.." rumbles the giant as he bears down on the heavily armored car.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Practice or power, Crystal seems perfectly at ease as she steps onto the ice, not a slip or slide in her balance as she strides towards the prize even as Juggernaut makes his own shattering entrance.

Laughing even as she moves up on one of the guards, easily reaching to grasp his weapon and sending the weapon shattering in frosted metal fragments to leave the man grasping his bloody hand.

"Someone felt different enough to pay me, so you might as well enjoy the company and play nice."

Frost turns, driving her heel into the next guard's face as he made the slipping and sliding attempt to round the vehicle on them before she lifts her hands in a classic 'by all means' gesture.

Patrick O'Brian has posed:
Ice makes bad things happen and that armored car is doing all kinds of shenanigans. Enough that the Bayside Rollerz graffiti gets more prominently and dominantly displayed for all to see. That's right, that gang is getting some serious representation in this here attempted heist that's going down right here and right now.

Speaking of going down, why the heck is that graffiti sliding off the side of the armored car. So weird.

The red, black, and yellow spray paint(?) puddles up on the ground and springs itself up into the most annoying shape of all... Plastic Man.

"HALT EVIL DOERS!" His hand has become a giant stop sign and its being held up in front of Juggernaut's face since he's managed to plant himself in his path. Because that's what heroes do. "Wait a second. I got another one in me." Plastic Man's face shifts into Sylvester Stallone's. "STOP! OR MY MOM WILL SHOOT!"

Cue the big 'Nailed It!' grin. Hopefully, his stop sign hand will do the trick! Anything can stop the Juggernaut!

... right?

Clark Kent has posed:
Plastic Man, alone against the Juggernaut and Killer Frost?

Not quite. As those tanks go flying, there's a shuddering red blur going through the sky. A few soldiers who were very much doomed a second ago find themselves fine, on their feet, and one warmed up from what was likely a lethal case of frostbite from Killer Frost. It happens so quickly you have to be really paying attention to notice, and priority is given to the people over ordinance.

But finally someone catches wind. "Look, up in the sky!" A soldier shouts.

"Get out of the blast zone!" Superman shouts, sending beams of red heat vision along the length of track Killer Frost's frozen. As extra as Eel is, Clark's glad to have the help here; both of these particular villains clock in at serious power, and Superman can sense?

"You don't have to do this." Clark says, trying to clear a path for the soldiers to retreat. "There's so much more both of you could do with your powers than break legs for a fly by night outfit like AIM."

Rocket has posed:
There it is. The cargo on the railroad tracks, and a couple people evidently in the midst of attacking with ice and heavy impacts, and a couple others in the midst of trying to stop it.

Naturally, the first thing Rocket does is zip around to pause in Plastic Man's field of view so he can pointedly ask, "What the flark are you supposed to be? And who are they? That one, I've seen before." He jerks a small thumb in Superman's direction, then upon hearing something from him, he rises back up out of general reach.

"Yeah, my aim's pretty good. You need something blasted, you just call on Rocket. I'm one of the good guys." In case anyone doubted him, he comes up with a weapon that, with the press of a button, articulates itself into something far too large for someone like him to look capable of wielding. Yet, he holds it with no trouble. "So who are we murderizing?"

Yep, one of the good guys.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Well, the noodle guy in red? Crystal just quirks an eyebrow at that before lifting her hand, obviously quite happy to go blasting Plastic Man into a very stringy popsicle when suddenly the big blue and red blur of Superman' arrival has her cursing under her breath. Okay, her price just got another zero added to the end of it.

Superman's admonisment had her scoffing, a nod of agreement with Juggernaut's comment. "Girl's gotta eat, I think I'm doing fine."

Besides, her abusive parents had made a point to tell her she was and always would be nothing, right up until the emergence of her powers and the application of a hammer to the aftermath had put an end to that.

The backup arriving on their side is quite suprising, but Frost doesn't intend to stay there gawking, instead she glances towards Juggernaut.

"Think you can open the 'jar' for little, delicate me?" she speaks, batting her eyelashes at the living wrecking ball who was probably going to be a heck of a lot better at breaking through armor plating in an instant than she was before lifting her hands and letting loose freezing bolts of icey energy at the pair of heroes.

Did she expect to be able to freeze Superman?

Hell no. But it might buy them enough time to get to the loot!

Patrick O'Brian has posed:
Plastic Man's face is back to normal... just in time to cartoonishly jaw drop all the way to the ground at the sight of SUPERMAN. The jawdrop turns into a full on swoon as the speechless hero wannabe melts right down into a puddle on the ground. When he pops back up, he's next to Juggernaut and slipping an elongated arm around his shoulders. "That's Superman up there. You might wanna' reconsider this whole career criminal angle. No bueno, my man. Seriously." Plastic Man visibly gets an idea. "Oh! Have you considered Plus Sized Modeling?"

Plas doesn't exactly wait for an answer as he stretches himself up and to the flying raccoon man. "Name's Plastic Man. You remind me of the squirrel from Moose and Squirrel. Or whatever that show was called. Remind me to google you later."

It's at this moment that Plastic Man realizes that his stop sign arm is being held by the likes of the Juggernaut. And so he snaps back down to at an incredibly rapid pace, way more than the yanking of the Juggernaut caused, but he's putting some extra stank on it for comedic effect. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Plastic Man turns into a giant grand piano on his way back down! The yelling turning into Chopsticks because it's hilarious. As icy energy starts to smack into the Grand Plas-Piano, icicles form all along it. Sharp ones. Long ones. Short ones. You get it, right?

Anyway, Juggernaut, ready to have a piano dropped on your head by a bungee cord snapback? Cuz here it comes!

Clark Kent has posed:
And there're the beekeepers. Superman sighs like a disappointed parent. "Seriously, there's so many wasted degrees in that strike force it kind of makes you sick."

"Hey." Clark winks at Plas. "Superman AND Plastic Man. We're kind of ridiculous. Who else is a walking, one man piano joke?" And then the raccoon shows up. Superman blinks, half remembering Rocket from his space adventure a while back, but it's still. An experience.

"No murdering, please." Superman asks Rocket, "But if you could take out that AIM speeder, we could end this without anyone getting hurt."

And then Killer Frost freezes him. This isn't normal ice, it's not Mr. Freeze getting ambitious, Killer Frost manipulates cold on a level that can negate the nuclear fusion based powers of Firestorm. She has access to the absolute chill that exists between the stars, when she wants, and Superman finds himself frozen fast, falling to the ground with a thunk. He feels. Sleepy.

"Have to..." Superman mutters, and starts to shake. Stealing a trick from the Flash, Superman vibrates himself at super-speed, slowly warming himself up! His color starts to return and the Man of Steel shoves a hand out of his frozen prison, taking deep, desperate lungfuls of air. "...have to move..."

"...say." Superman says, still slowed down by being half frozen, "Ever hear that bit about turnabout?" Superman takes in a deep breath, and breathes a sharp spray of Super Breath at Killer Frost. How cold resistant IS she anyway?!

Rocket has posed:
Rocket maintains a safe space apart from Juggernaut and Plastic Man, who is soon doing a more literal impression of a Billy Joel song than he could have ever imagined. "That ain't something you see every day," he observes, shaking his head while still brandishing his BFG.

Which Superman takes note of while calling for restraint. Rolling his beady little eyes, he scoffs, "Yeah, yeah. They call you a boy scout, and I can see why. Fine. I'll go with the stun setting, but I can't make any promises about anyone getting roughed up. In fact--"

Killer Frost interrupts matters with her ice trick, and Rocket opens his triangular little muzzle to say something as the Kryptonian goes /thunk/ on the ground, only for him to close it abruptly. Fire on Superman to help him out, or trust the Man of Steel's got a way out of it and focus instead on the AIM speeder?

Decision made, he flies around to stand atop one of the light fixtures standing upright from a pole in the ground. Then, he takes aim and tracks the path of his target, leading along. The front of his weapon crackles with energy as a charge is set, and with a considerable blast that even knocks him back to hover, an arc like a lightning bolt lances out at the front of the speeder.

As if an afterthought, he calls back toward the piano, "I ain't a squirrel!"

Cain Marko has posed:
Well the possible intervention of a few superheroes..okay sure maybe. Superman might be a bit more then they were accounting for but if the hired help can do their jobs they can distract him long enough for them to get out of there and then they're on their own.. once the armored car is cracked open that is.

A ..Raccoon with off world over powered ordnance? Well that's a problem. The energy arcs wildly through the air to slam violently into the side of the AIM transport, blasting a hole into it though not quite through it and causing it to list violently in the air. The sudden jerking movement causes several of the rappelling AIM lackeys to go fumbling towards the ground, landing with audible stunning thuds while those already on the ground duck for cover against falling debris.

For his part, Juggernaut sneers with a look that manages to mix disdain with true frustration as Plastic Man goes hurtling forward towards him at a speeds slightly more then he first expected. So he acts on instinct..to just keep moving forward. His arm bats around, a massive back handed arcing swing that hurtles at the incoming 'Piano' with all the grace of a falling swamp tree. The brittle ice on Plastic Man does little to nothing to impede the arc of his blow and limb would plow home into the hero, intending on sending him hurtling away in some odd direction as Juggernaut himself continues his forward charge ..reaching his other arm out for the side of the armored car.

"Nice work, girlie! You're earnin' that paycheck! Keep 'im busy long enough for me to crack this egg and then it's my turn!" he hollars towards Frost.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Now that was just...rude. Cold wouldn't do anything to Crystal...but she couldn't actually -do- anything with it. Irony that Killer frost could herself be frozen, but she had no intention of ending up in a lab as an icecube again any time soon. How Superman had any idea of using ice at the ice lady? Either someone had done their homework or the boyscout was just lucky!

Faced with being frozen herself or letting up her own torrent, Frost lowers her hands and lifts her arms upwards, another wall of ice errupting as a windbreak against the glacial hurricane breath. It shielded her, but she couldn't keep up the immobilization on the Man of Steel as a result.

Not great.


Patrick O'Brian has posed:
There's a lot that happens in this moment. The moment when Juggernaut smacks him like there's nobody's business. There's no pain really but he might as well be a bouncy ball or something because the piano turns into, well, a Plastic Man shaped projectile because he's a little dizzified. Maybe not from the Juggerpunch but of something else.

"Superman knows my name!"

Heart Eyes are abound as Plastic Man ends up getting knocked past Rocket and... seems to just keep going. Juggernaut must be strong as heck because it doesn't look like Plastic Man's coming back down any time soon.


Especially, if he's Goofy Yelling his way up and over the bridge.

That's a wrap for the Plastic Man.

Clark Kent has posed:
"Hah." Superman says, smirking a little bit as he outwits Killer Frost's powers.

That smirk's driven people to lifetimes of obsessive hate, you know.

The Man of Steel finishes breaking his frozen shell,flying into the air to shake the cold off. He's bought himself a few seconds with Frost, and Juggernaut's?

Taken out Plas. Darn. Superman cracks his neck, lands behind Juggernaut, and taps the giant's shoulder.

Clark then hits Cain nearly as hard as he can, aiming a massive, massive uppercut at the giant of a man in hopes of taking the behemoth off of his feet. Can you air juggle the Juggernaut?!

Rocket has posed:
Rocket rains down fire upon the AIM crew, fire in the form of more zaps of electrical energy meant to leave them twitching more than someone with a nervous tic. "How's that taste, ya filthy grudscum? Feel your gnords up in your throats yet?" he taunts, only to pause and do a little evasive maneuvering in midair as Juggernaut sends Plastic Man flying far, far, far away.

There is a moment where he asks, "That guy gonna be all right?" Then he shrugs and starts blasting again, keeping up the offensive, offensively. One can only wonder at some of the meanings of the things he's calling them.

With Superman now moving in on Juggernaut, Rocket tracks Killer Frost's position. "Hey, lady! What did that one girl always say? You know, the one who had no business being famous, but she was anyway because you Humies are really weird?" He flicks a setting on his gun, and it spits out flames toward her ice wall. A nasty grin sets in place. "Oh, yeah. 'That's hot.'"

Cain Marko has posed:
It aint easy to air juggle Juggy, that's for sure. Mind you ? he's not the Blob. He's not -rooted- to the ground but one doesn't be counted among the strongest beings on Earth if one is just easily knocked around, up or down.

But it just so happens that Superman is -also- one of the strongest beings on Earth so there is that and the fact that the giant wasn't exactly expecting it.

He's already managed to crack open the armored convoy car like so much peeling of a sardine can when Superman gets into his grill. Within the car is a large tarp, covering what appears to be---well yeah it's a gun. Some sort of large military rail gun. Likely it looks like so much a child's lego set to the eyes of someone like Rocket ..but there's no telling what AIM is interested in here. It could be the gun itself or maybe some component within the weaponry that they intend to dismantle.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Why? Because when Juggernaut turns that blow lands and the shockwave and force of the blow sends him upwards and backwards, blasting through the remains of the armored car to go tumbling through it and into a parked freight engine, tilting it over and sending debris and other cars piling onto the stunned giant. His helmet is also knocked clean off, spinning wildly through the air to clatter violently into and warp a nearby light pole.

What..you expected no collateral damage? With these guys? Forget Juggernaut. With Rocket here??

For their part, the AIM guys are left twitching on the ground as the jet itself attempts to right itself and pull back up, leaving the downed ones to their misery..especially with the weapon exposed and the heroes putting in their work.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Annnd there goes her big gun. Great. Killer Frost actually -tsks- at that. Now what the hell was she supposed to do ag-...Hey! There's the -actual- big gun she was sent for.

"Scooore..." she speaks alound, Crystal taking the momentary loss of Plastic man and distraction of Superman as the perfect opportunity to go scooping up the prize and then cradle it to her hip. Now she just needed to get out of here.

Turning around to try and find herself a path of escape, the sudden call from Rocket has her turning and blinking, head tilting to the side as she's threatened by...a talking Racoon? What the hell.

Eyes go wide at the massive gun, but when the torrent of flames wash outwards and tear through the ice wall? Frost doesn't run for cover.

She steps -into- the gout of flame...and it seems to drink into her flesh, napalm-like temperatures turning subzero almost on contact she she actually shudders with delight and giggles.

Who would have guessed throwing fire at the Ice Lady was a -bad- idea?

A grin of her own, Frost lifts her hands with a laugh...then the wave of cold that erupts outwards? It's enough to crack glass, chill bones and turn the air into snow in moments. Most of all, the temperature shift explosion created a hell of a lot of fog, and Frost intended to use it to cover her escape.

Did she even glance back at Juggernaut? Hard to know, but it wasn't like she could carry him out of there.

Rocket has posed:
When Juggernaut gets the rail car with the RBFG (Really Big...) in it opened up, Killer Frost isn't the only one left to stare longingly after it.

"Want..." Rocket more or less swoons, but the desire is short-lived. Who would have actually expected fire to be a bad move against an ice wielder? "Seriously? You have got to be flarking kidding me right now," he gripes.

There might be a little more appreciation of all that Superman is doing, but Rocket's got his little hands full at the moment. He kicks the nanotech that lets him fly into high gear, looping away from the path of the cold that spreads around from her. Without directly touching it, he can already feel the chill it brings.

If nothing else, maybe he can get close enough to the RBFG to keep the would-be thieves from claiming it. He would, but..well, getting it out of here is something Superman probably wouldn't help with, and Drax isn't around either. At least he can coo at it. "You want to come back with me, don't you? The things we could blast together. I'd take such good care of you."

Back to the electrical setting, he fires semi-blindly into the growing fog. He can still get the woman's scent. "Hands off!"

Clark Kent has posed:
It's a lucky hit. Clark knows it is. But frankly he'd rather have the gun broken than in AIM's hands, because it's not like the US army needs another damn ray gun. Rocket seems to be handling Killer Frost for the moment, though who knows how long that'll last. That leaves Clark with, well.

"Cheap shot,I know." Superman says, hovering forward. "But I've heard of the things you can do when you start moving, Juggernaut, and I thought it was in everyone's interest to keep that from happening. I'll ask again. Walk away from this. I don't want to fight you."

"And you don't want to fight me. So come on,"

Cain Marko has posed:
He's not wrong you know.

There are times and places for all things and Juggernaut, while an angry dude, is not a mindless berserker. If he's not being paid to fight Superman or just really, really, really cheesed off... it's not the sort of thing he's going to want to be bothered with. Usually.

There's also street cred and proving a point. A point that is about to be made now as the wreckage of train cars explodes upwards and outward, revealing the colossal figure of Juggernaut as he splays his arms out to either side, chest thrusted out and stance wide from the force he exerted to free himself from the wreckage. "Rarrrggh!!"

A quick glance gives him stock of the situation before he shakes his head. The job's a bust. the AIM ship is making its escape. Frost is making her way out of there, true enough, but this isn't going to look good on his record and rep.

"Nice punch." he finally remarks while rubbing his jaw. . "Got my attention! My turn!"

He arcs back, swiveling his body and a gargantuan flex rippling through his torso and arms, his biceps bulging outward giving the impression of someone stuffed a buick under his flesh as he coils back and then swings forward with both of his limbs whipping around and down for the earth itself. The force of his strength directed downward in a valley collapsing, chasm opening and seismometer triggering impact that sends a shockwave blasting outward through the entire train yard.

The localized earthquake kicks up with force reserved for richter scales, tossing ordnance, overturned train cars and vulnerable bodies of unconscious soldiers and AIM terrorists into the air while the ground itself chasms outward from the force of the crimson behemoths assault - sinking inward in a widening sinkhole. In other words. It looks like a job for Superman.

The shockwave ripples outward as well ? blasting into the fog and heading even for where Rocket and Frost are though they may be nearing the fring edges. It'll still be quite the nuisance.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman's eyes widen. He's seen this trick. He's DONE this trick. "Don't you do it. Don't you-!"

He does. Juggernaut strikes the earth itself, cracking it in half and sending a weaponized, localized earthquake through a populated convoy to cover his escape. Superman has no choice, not when lives are at stake. But he doesn't have to like it.

"I'm going to beat you up for that." Superman says. It's not exactly mature, or classy, but sometimes the direct approach is needed between large, strong men. It's part of the code. Superman is then off with a crack of speed, moving tanks, ushering people out of the way, sending concentrated blasts of heat to create blocks to slow or direct the growing sinkhole, and at one point just getting down in the dirt and holding the earth together with his bare hands, struggling to contain the chain reaction the Juggernaut set off, his own muscles buckling and straining with the titanic effort!

Rocket has posed:
One problem with the fog: Rocket can't see through it the best, and while he can hear some of what's going on between Juggernaut and Superman, the ability to spot it isn't happening. Other senses only work so well with everything around. Still trying to track Killer Frost, he's caught off-guard and blindsided by the force of the shockwave Juggernaut creates.

This causes him to rebound off the side of one of the railcars, leaving him briefly dazed. With a growl, he gets back to his feet and begins to fire blindly, a rage building. "Krutackin'..d'astface..flarkhole..scutplugs..Aaaahhhh!! Eat this!"

Except the weapon is sputtering out. The impact must have damaged whatever delivers the charge, the fire, whichever setting he's selected. "Okay, that's enough. I ain't stickin' around for any more of that. You guys can fight over your stupid gun! I didn't really want it anyway!" A lie, but it serves as all the excuse he needs to exit.

Not before he careens off another railcar, the trajectory of his flight still a little off. That's probably going to need recalibrating as well. "SCUT!!"