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Latest revision as of 02:39, 23 March 2022

Missing Serum Conclusion
Date of Scene: 07 February 2022
Location: Papa Legba Compound, Haiti.
Synopsis: Finale. SHIELD fights HYDRA and then both band together to survive Super Soldier Zombehs! Science cures the serum infection and everyone goes home safe!
Cast of Characters: Achilles, Natasha Romanoff, Jessica Drew, Carol Danvers, Jane Foster

Achilles has posed:
    When we last left our intrepid band of.. field agents. Yes, that's the word. When we last left them, they had worked their way into the estate, found the elevator shaft down to the super sub-basement, and gone down to investigate. They had found lots and lots of dead bodies. Many of which appeared to have had bits torn off by what appeared to be teeth. Not fangs, human teeth.

    There was one found with a hand held out towards a beaker with a solution in it. It looked as if someone in that particular lab had been working frantically to try to come up with.. something. But they did not live long enough to finish their work (which may have something to do with why they were feeling rushed.)

    And that was when.......

    "Well well well. Look what we have here." says a deep resonant voice. The speaker is almost seven feet tall and musclebound in a way that only superhumans can be. "Psi-Borg. Men. I think it's time we taught SHIELD to stay in their dugout and stop trying to play in the field. Get'em!" calls out the big guy, waving a hand forwards even as he starts walking towards the heroes, a walk that turns into a jog...

    Behind him, a man who looks to be made of metal pokes his head up from behind a cloaking fieldhe had generated from his cybernetic augmentations, and curses. "So much for stealth." he mutters before turning his head and looking for a target, a telekinetic blast zinging its way towards Carol. Sure, he has no idea who she is yet. But he soon will. She's just the first target he spotted. She was -totally- here already.

    From the far end of the lab room, half a dozen HYDRA agents in the tradition green and yellow garb, but with breath masks on, step out and aim high powered firearms down range...

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Now they finally meet the vainglorious opposition. Speakinga long the comm <<Try and leave some of them intact to answer questions if possible. Tertiary priority so don't endanger yourselves. this is an active contaminant environment, try to minimize collateral damage>> There's the goons, and the two larger cyborgs.. One of which was going for stealth and aborted, and a bigger one that clearly wanted to go toe to toe. Energy projection.
    <Carol, take the brawler. If you can absorb some of the energy that the other one is blasting at you lovely and put it to use.>>
    Then the man that's dropping from a cloaking field has Natasha going to pop up a quick couple of shots at him and missing. <<Jessica, take on our no longer invisible friend. See if your venom blasts can mess with his tech>> She's going meanwhile over towards the group of Hydra goons in the back, moving to flip a small fragmentation grenade through the air at them.
    <<Jane, targets of opportunity at your discretion.>>

Jessica Drew has posed:
Battle order sorts itself out with Hydra taking the initiative. Jessica launches herself into the fray after a quick look behind her at Agent Foster. She motions for the scientist to make herself small.

The agent leaps upward as though propelled from a trampoline, using one of the attacker's shoulders as a springboard, no weapon in evidence. <Copy that, Senior Agent.> Hands outstretched, she unleashes a no-holds-barred bio-electric attack at the Borg's head, landing behind him. The attack leaves an odor of ozone in the air.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers has on a long jacket and gloves, along with a baseball cap still, from concealing her identity earlier. Maybe it was still doing that job. Or, maybe not. She has no idea if she was targeted because of who she is, or if she just happened to be the closest.

What she does know is that blast happens fast enough she can't react before it hits her. It slams into her, knocking Carol back and slamming her into a wall hard enough to make a deep hole in it and pin her there. The sleeves of her jacket are ripped to shreds, and her shirt beneath loses a lot of sleeve and some around the neck as well as she's pinned to the wall.

Blue eyes focus on Psi-Borg, and Carol's lips curl back in a pleased grin. "I was wondering when this was going to get interesting," she tells him, lifting one hand to fend off the blasts from hitting her body. If Psi-Borg had no inkling he wasn't facing a normal SHIELD agent, that has probably changed.

Carol reaches over to a large metal counter just beside her. Metal screeches as she rips the bolted down table off it's legs and sends the heavy top hurtling like a high speed frisbee at the cybernetic villain.

Achilles has posed:
    And things get chaotic. A grenade is tossed, and things explode. Hydra agents leap for cover... the one in the dead center being a bit too slow. The grenade lands at his feet. He doesn't try to cover it up. He just looks down, sags his shoulders and sighs just as it blows up.

    Agent #Splodey goes flying through the air in a classic cinematic stunt boom. The rest of the agents end up in cover, aiming weapons downrange towards Natasha and the rest. Automatic fire starts to fill the room. The noise of the gunfire tends to drown out most other sounds in the room. Gunfire in an enclosed space does that.

    Carol is blasted into the wall, and Psi-Borg grins. "Yes. You are mi.." And Carol stands up. "Wait. What?" he asks aloud just as he gets hit by the bio-electric blast. The electricity does roll over his mechanical and electronic parts. There's a small bit of shorting out going on.

    As Carol -does- get up, Knockabout.. who thought he was going to have no real challenge here, notices her getting back up. He grins and starts lumbering forward. He's faster than he really looks like he should be. And he lowers his shoulder to attempt a super telegraphed, yet fast and potent shoulder-ram towards Carol. It's got enough force to knock a dump truck a city block... or bash through a wall if he misses.

    Meanwhile, agent Foster finds herself shunted into the lab where that scientist was reaching towards the beaker. She is likely taking cover as bullets pound their way through the plexiglass up above... mostly missing Natasha really.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha is moving to quickly duck for cover, and then as the firefight would increase, she would go to call out along the comm <<Dropping smoke. Track one another by UV>> She's going to then pop a pair of smoke grenades, flooding the general area of the room to hopefully make it harder for her to be hit. She was resistant to bullets, not bulletproof.

<<Cover one another, let us know if you need backup>> Then Natasha is going to move to engage one of the Hydra goons, moving to stick over to the shadows as she's going to switch out her pistol for a set of batons. Moving to try and stalk over towards one of the shooters, moving to try and if she could slam the batons onto his wrist to force him to drop the gun, then try to slam her elbow in his face to try and drive him backwards, then going for a brutal roundhouse kick if possible to send him flying across the room in the direction -away- from the laboratory eqiupment!

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol eyes her top's ripped sleeves. "I really liked this shirt," she grumbles, eyes back on the enemy as Knockabout comes charging at her like a deceptively fast, blitzing linebacker. "Oh I love it when they come to you," Carol quips, lifting her hands but not trying to evade sideways.

The muscular villain reaches the much smaller woman, but rather than try to stand against his charge, Carol grabs him and pivots, not only using his momentum to slam into the wall, but flying that way pushing him as well.

There's a tremendous crash as they blow right through the heavy, reinforced wall and into a next room. Temporarily out of sight, though the sound of fists on flesh can be heard through the resulting hole.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Hands still orbed in bio-electric blue, Jessica finds herself behind the line of fire, assessing the disappointing results of her first attack while her colleagues receive the brunt of the fire.

Leveraging her position, she crouches low and blasts two of the green-suited attackers from behind, bio-electricity turning the back of their thighs a lovely electric blue.

A third sees her and turns to fire, taking some of the load off of the other agents. A filament of webbing twaps his gun, and she pulls hard and downward but not before getting walloped in the chest, knocking her backward.

Jane Foster has posed:
Generally speaking, Jane leaves going toe-to-toe with musclebound superhumans to... musclebound superhumans. Wouldn't you? Call it a consequence for hanging out with Asgardian gods in her impressionable youth and working sometimes with Captain America or Captain Marvel hanging out there in the cool space suit.

For the moment, making her assessments at the edge of the fight is solidly familiar territory. The goggles help her to see through certain mist, and Peggy's recommendations on bringing an auxiliary air supply could also prove useful. Peering around the room with the aid of infrared vision if need be, she stays plenty low and creeps closer to the sample. In the go-bag, she carries plenty of sealed sample containers, plastic bags, and forensic kit. None of this is particularly helpful to avoid being shot at. Useful for grabbing suspect serum vials?

"Go Marvel," she murmurs in a bare whisper, creeping around a long table and seeing if she can get visuals on the scientist and the beaker. Taking the risk for scientific ankle-biters, she breaks cover to go scoop it up. Gloves on, bag ready? Yup. Gotta live dangerously!

Achilles has posed:
    Carol, aka Captain Marvel, aka... well lots of other names over the years... ends up literally driving Knockabout into the dirt. It doesn't seem to have much effect upon him other than to get dirt in his hair and such. The two of them have vanished into the hole. To the rest of the folks about the room... it may seem like a cartoon. Little tufts of dirt shooting out of the impromptu tunnel now and then.

    In said tunnel, those dirt puffs come from Knockabout's elbows and knees trying to bash into Carol even as he is being driven back....

    And Psi-Borg shakes his head, trying to recover from the backlash of the Bio-Electric blasts. "Hey. 'The hell was that shit?!" he calls out in a gravely voice as he turns to start advancing towards Jessica. He's walking right through partitions and dividers. Then again, an average teenage kid might be able to do -that-. But he is lumbering her way, upset now. However... his eyes flicker up towards the entrance the Hydra Agents came in from... and his eyes go wide, "What the fu..." he begins before he fires a blast that way.

    Meanwhile, the Hydra agents are under assault by well trained, well motivated, well armed and / or powered folks. The blast from Jessica strikes two of them in the back, and they go down... twitching as the electrical energy flows through them. And as they pause firing... some reloading, others trying to aim... and the sounds of the firefight fade away like reverberating shockwaves... a new sound can be heard. It is a growling sound... incoherent. Not words at least. But four rotting almost corpse-like beings come charging into the room. One of them is blasted back by Psi-Borg... but the other three are moving at high speeds. Moving like Captain America moves... and they tackle the three remaining Hydra agents, even as a few others approach the doors to the room... looking for a buffet... er targets.

    Meanwhile Jane gets her hands on a beaker of some fluid. She also notices that on the table beside the beaker is someone's notes. In French... but notes. progress notes, showing the desired compound, and the current progress made towards it. It looks like they were about 80% done when they got... for lack of a better term.... eaten.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to speak along hte comm, decades of professionalism keeping any sort of surprise from her voice <<The consumed ones have arrived>> She's not caling them zombies. No, that's for someone else to bring up. <<Remember, stay at range, go for disabling shots. Do -not- engage with them at close quarters. You will die.>>

She follows this up over by shifting into the shadows once more. She's going to snap up with her pistol, moving to aim carefully at one of the ones that was running at one of her comrades..

<<Go for disabling shots. Joints. Try to cripple>> They know those thigns can take a lot of damage..

Natasha doesn't bother with any more of the Hydra troopers. They're not a factor in this. She moves to then go to aim if she could at hte leg of each of the charing monstrocities. Three shots are fired if she's good and accurate through the smoke and the slaughter house to the back of each leg of them. Natasha's hopefully going to have some good luck with kneecapping them. The bullets in her gun won't necessarily harm them significantly but hopefully slow them down for the rest of the team to break out the big guns they brought with them.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Saved by kevlar. It's an odd moment, trying to catch the breath knocked out of her by the bullet, Jessica looks up in time to see the Borg swimming through the smoke in a rage toward her.

She smells the new menace first. Caught between zombies and the Borg, she rolls over and struggles to her feet. Her first full breath brings the effluvia of rot into her nostrils full-force. Swallowing back her gag reflex, she throws a full throttle attack at Borg, lighting the hall blue with its force and then leaps for the wall out of his way and the ravening zombies gnashing their teeth.

Carol Danvers has posed:
More sounds of fighting echo through the hole in the thick wall. There's a few fleshy thuds, and then a loud crash.

"... mother ever tell you it's not nice to hit women..."

More crashes, followed by a series of four deep thuds one after another.

"... nice elbow, sometimes I get a crick in my back you could probably..."

More crashing and then the sound of a man's voice giving a deep groan. A few seconds later, Carol steps back out of the hole, carrying Knockabout by the waist of his pants. She drops him on the ground and takes stock of the situation. "Jess, you got chrome-dome?" she asks. One of the zombies charges her and Carol grabs a metal chair set in front of one of the counters,, using the legs of it to pin them to the ground.

Jane Foster has posed:
Eureka impending for Doctor Jemma Simmons, expert of all things genetically constructed. She simply does not know the interesting materials about to be sent her way. Jane probably lacks a signal, SHIELD-tech phone or not, this deep underground. Unless Peggy swallowed a relay station, the best she can hope will be getting the material communication data sheet physically into those capable hands or photographed and encrypted after reaching the surface.

There isn't time to consider when the first revenants bash through the laboratory. Outgunned and outmatched, the astrophysicist grits her teeth. Papers end up stuffed in her bag after the beaker itself, plugged by whatever stopper she can hope to find. Priority comes in preserving the glass container over her own skin, if it comes right down to it.

<<Targets acquired!>> she warns over the comms, voice blurred a little by force of gunfire and sounds of HYDRA agents engaged. Caught in plain sight is hardly a way to be, but she cannot risk a spill by rushing off. Retreating for a table or a cabinet gives some cover. Maybe in the chaos they won't notice. <<Breaking for Widow in five... Four.>>


On the other side of the room, a fallen HYDRA agent might be trying to muster himself for another shot on the savage thing chewing on his shoulder. If he could just get the gun up.

A pale hand falls over his, loosening his grip softly. <<That won't help.>> His fingers convulse with blood, smaller digits superimposed around his and lifting him to his feet. Death's voice rings softly enough, couched in something almost like kindness. <<The way out is this way. Let's be quick about it.>> On a wing and an equation, his soul disappears in a rustle of copper-fletched wings.

Achilles has posed:
    One of the Hydra guys seems to be nominally psychic. Psi-Borg comes crashing into the partitioned off area Jane is in. He takes in the scene before him and narrows his eyes, "Enemy of my enemy." he mutters as he turns to start blasting Zombies out the hole he made. It seems like he's covering Jane now. Weird!

    Knockabout got.. knocked... about. Okay, that didn't take much effort to write. But Carol sees multiple Super Zombehs charging her way... more in the hallway beyond. It's difficult to get a real count of them, but lots incoming.

    The fallen Hydra agents are struggling. Well one of them has stopped struggling, stopped fighting, stopped breathing. He seems to be missing the front of his throat. That's not a good sign to be sure.

    But Jessica has the attention of a few of the things. One has been shocked, and lies on the ground.. twitching, while another charges through the space she -just- occupied before she leapt out of the way. IT growls, sounds confused, and then turns to search for her. Natasha has... well, she's got less attention on her. The Zombeh's closest to her are trying to snack on the Hydra agents... or to specify, the Hydra agents screaming in utter terror, begging for their lives, for help... one even spots Natasha there, and holds a hand out her way, "HELP ME!" he yells out.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There's a slow, slow moment where Natasha Romanoff considers. This man wouldn't do the same for her if their positions were exchanged. But they're supposed to be better than that. As the Hydra agents are going towards her, Natasha goes to take up ehr gun to try and fire three quick shots into the lower jaw of one, trying to blast it apart if she could to limit it's abilities to at least flat out chew things up!

The Hydra Agent begging at Natasha's feet has her going in, moving to rapidly yank him up and thrust him tot he side out of the way, "We'll have quite a few questions for you after. I expect them to be answered." Now she's going into her own sort of wraith mode, vanishing while going to get out a loop of long, metallic coils over that she was taking from a belt.
    <<Agents, evaluation here. Can we immobilze these things and overpower them to contain them or it too risky?>>

Jessica Drew has posed:
Crouched into a ball on the wall, out of reach of the animated rotting cadavers, Jess sidles to the entrance to the lab where Jane is cornered. A zombie bats futilely in the air at her. Below her Hydra agents in a surprising twist become the enemies of her enemies. In Jessica's assessment, it is too risky to save the zombies but she leaves that to the senior agents to decide and stays silent.

<<I'm on the Borg>> she announces and simultaneously swings through the door feet first into the Borg's back, hitting him with all the force of a truck to knock him off course.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers sees the other mutated people coming for her. She pushes down on the metal chair, forcing the legs into the ground and driving it down until it serves as a restraint for the one she had already captured.

"We got more coming in, I'll try to hold them up," she calls over to the others. As she says it, the blond woman is already looking around the underground lab.

She darts over to a wall that separates the lab from a containment room. Carol's hands glow bright as she shoots sustained photonic energy, blasting a series of holes in two vertical lines. She grabs hold them, the thick metal wall ripping away in the weakened areas, leaving her with a chunk of it large enough to cover most of the tunnel.

She flies over with it, pursued by more zombies, and shoves it across the opening, pressing on it with her body. The other creatures reach her and start gnawing and clawing and hammering on her. One of them bites down on her wrist, and again, and again. Like it's trying to gnaw into her arm and not having much luck with it. Carol doesn't try to fight them off too much, not wanting them to go after the others in the room while she's stuck bracing the section of wall across the exit.

Jane Foster has posed:
Why a hulking monster of a man decides to interpose himself between Jane and horrific zombies, she doesn't know or ask. Other matters demand attention, like the complex battlefield where Black Widow lays down fire and the coolest Spider person performs aerial acrobatics worthy of Cirque du Soleil.

Her backward scramble leads to her dropping down, pulling out her phone and her paperwork. Quick snaps of each document capture the digital copy in perpetuity. "Come on, come on," she murmurs, not so much grace under fire as skimming data in volumes that rush while her incorporeal echoes in the wings awaits their summons. French phrases rise and fall, details for anything useful sought. Instinct jams her shoulders down, ducking lower. Information pings blank off satellites, they're underground.

She scrapes another page over, translating formulas and quantifiable outcomes in jagged graphs and blip-mark drops to something. Heap of useful test data summarized into a report. Table 12C, footnotes 3-6? Scouring back forces her to hold the material in her shaking hands, looking for the needle in a haystack. Death's head glimmer over her pupils, blinked away. The beaker clinks when she dives out of Jessica's way, her bag scooped around to her stomach to make less of a mess. The phone falls as Carol laser-filets the zombies.

The paperwork's still in hand. Fine! She ducks under bashed, overturned metal cabinet with its doors barely intact. Scientists, seriously. There's a fight going on and who is holed up hid... reading? Table 12C, why are you important?

Achilles has posed:
    In the now crowded area where Jane, Jessica and Psi-Borg are in... things are getting more chaotic. Psi-Borg grunts in pain as he is hit from behind. He goes flying into one of the zombehs... a zombeh that grabs hold of his arm and chest and proceeds to try to pull the arm off like it's deboning a chicken.
    "Oh eff that!" calls out the Borg. He blasts the zombie soldier off of him, blasts another, and then stands up to get bowled over by a third, "Damnit!" he calls out. Good thing he's armored... though the armor plate on his back is dented and cracked. Jessica has a strong kick!

    Meanwhile, one of the ones that got into the room just before Carol sealed off the exit as best she could... hasn't lost his mental faculties as much as the others. That's another of the side effects, if you feed more regularly, your brain stays intact longer. His goal is twisted and sick. It's Papa Legba himself. He is being sneaky while everyone else is just RAWR on feet. He steps into the room with Jane and it's a quick gesture that presses a pneumatic injector against her forearm.. the trigger pulling and a full dose of the Boko drug being injected into her, "Welcome to hell." he says with terribly rotted teeth showing in a smile. But he's right there now... looking all smug. And then... tilts his head when nothing really seems to happen. It should be pretty much instantaneous.

    That is when Jessica's eyes spot him there, and she tackles him to the ground, rolling off before he can really react, and leaving a Bio-Electric shot in his chest which stuns Legba for the next few seconds while Jessica rolls to her feet to guard Jane now.

    Meanwhile, a dozen or so of these super zombiers... Zombie Soldiers... find themselves contained by Carol. Some trying to bite her, others punching her. But lets be honest... Captain America himself is more dangerous thanks to his skill and training than his sheer strength. These guys have none of that. They just wail away ineffectually, more and more joining in the attack as they seem to think more attackers give them a better chance.

    Meanwhile, Natasha saved one Hydra agent. The others are trying to fight, but they are fairly quickly overwhelmed. And now two of the Zombeh's turn to regard Natasha and Agent Victim. Eyes narrowing as they start moving towards Nat and Vic... And then the Zombeh's pounce.....

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
And this is where Natasha is in contrast to Captain America. The Captain operates on efficiency. Of moving his body exactly right. With precision and power. Every movement calm and calculated. Natasha does not move that way. Natasha would have the two going to charge towards her while speaking to the Hydra Agent, "Help them if you can." Seeing whether he would take the opportunity to assist someone else teh way she had him. It would be instructive in evaluating him. Whether he went back to try and assist the others or not. Ultimately his decision.
    Two of the zombies go to charge at her, and Natasha goes to dive into a quick and dirty tumble right underneath him. Then hse's going to snap out and over with that long metal chain that she'd taken out. Spider-silk style carbon wires. She would snap them each out over to try and ensnare the duo around the neck to slam them down towards the ground to try and incapacitate them if at all possible. Whether or not then going to take out her pistols once more and move to fire several shots into the zombies that were attacking the enemy agents. She had to at least try.
    Her bullet shots would be fast and precise. Quick three round bursts fired so tightly that all the bullets might as well go down the same hole if they hit like Sir Robin in an archery contest in Notthingham.
    <<Agents, report. Status. Can we hold for now or should we fall back? Agent Foster, how goes getting the data?>> More pistol shots.

Carol Danvers has posed:
While the blows from the zombies aren't necessarily physically damaging in a serious way to Captain Marvel, that doesn't mean that don't hurt! She can't let go of the chunk of wall plugging the tunnel entrance that is keep them from facing even greater numbers though.

Anyone near enough may occasionally get glimpses of blond hair, or an arm or leg. But mostly it's just zombie's swinging hammerfists and punches and trying to eat her brains.

Carol's voice comes from beneath the pile. "It's like Return of the Living Dolts over here! We got a cure or do I need to start dropping them!?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess staggers to her feet, reaching too late to pull back the zombie attacking Jane.

"Noooo," she screams before she can knock the arm wielding the hypodermic away.

Shaking herself, she remembers the gun snugged to her shoulder, unslings it and trains it on the Zombie.

"Want to live long enough for a cure? Back off, you bastard."

Without an answer to her question, she turns and fires the gun full into the Borg's face and reaches for Jane. "Can you make it out?" The agent's mutant strength is more than adequate for carrying her.

<<Trying to extract Foster now. Could use a hand.>>

Jane Foster has posed:
Papa Legba probably made the right choice. Person obviously not engaged in shooting skyfire from her hands or pirouetting on the ceiling may be the easy target. Obviously aware of being the liability, Jane splits her attention between skimming a finger over the table full of chemical compounds and staying away from obvious trouble. Until someone jams a needle into her forearm.

Her head jerks up hard enough to smack the metal frame for the fallen unit shielding her. That clang proves audible. A protesting sound of pain rips through her gritted teeth, and no way the comms fail to capture that. By the time Jessica plows over the drug lord, leaving her staring at the syringe rammed deep enough to bruise bone. Or what it feels like. Surprisingly no swearing, to her credit. For the telepaths,

She eases out the injector, gravity doing some of the work, and dumps it on her bag with her off hand. A stream of red beads up, and the prurient thing to do is twist her sleeve tight as a makeshift tourniquet. Readjusting the papers on her knees brings back the font. <<I need aminocaproic acid or tranexamic acid. White vial, yellow or blue lid, five thousand milligrams in clear liquid form.>> She winces, pressing down on the injection site that's tender to the touch. <<Get me that and I can recombine it with the serum to suppress the hunger. The coagulant should be enough to stop progress in the living.>>

And presumably, you know, being the newest Boko zombie is a problem. <<Overriding Spider-Woman on that. Do not exfil unless you have that vial /and/ the victims.>>

Achilles has posed:
    Blondes have more fun. And more Zombehs apparently. There's at least seven trying to climb over one another to reach Carol. Not that it does them any good. They are just causing bruising and surface pain but no -real- lasting damage. It would be humorous if it wasn't so terrifyingly dangerous were it anyone else.

    Meanwhile, Natasha engages her targets with speed and agility... not to mention ruthless force. Vic, agent of Hydra (who may start a cult worshipping red-bellied spiders soon) does as he was told, and works to extricate his cohorts while Nat does her thing. Believe me, Nat doing her thing is dramatic, cool and effective.
    MEanwhile, Psi-Borg has just started to engage the Zombeh's again. He even narrows his eyes towards Legba before turning to blast one while clotheslining another. And then he gets shot in the face.... his armor takes the impact and he staggers back, lifting a hand to his cheek, "Holy shit woman!" he calls out, "I know it's temporary, but same side same side! We get out of this, and I was planning to surrender. Now however, I might have to erase the last five years of your memories bitch!" he calls out.

    Meanwhile, Legba is restrained, laughing like a loon. "I already dead Coo-yon! Time f'all you t'join me!" And then he keeps laughing. It's really creepy. But he looks towards Jane and adds, "She oughta already be one o'us. Shit!" he exclaims.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
As the rapid orders come in from Jane, Natasha manages to hide the annoyance on ehr face <<Understood. Danvers, do we have the capability to restrain them en masse? Drew, do you think your webs can hold them? If we're on a time limit we can't take them out and fight our way out>> The way Jane was phrasing things was more of the 'can't seal them in and come back later' phrasing.

<<On my way to assist>> Going to rapidly disengage to start to move towards the others and switching her weapon from the pistol as she would be running out of ammo for it. Then she's going to evaluate taking out the large auto-shotgun she brought down but deciding not to. Her moving to throw down another smoke grenade into the mess of things and moving to head towards Jane's position to try and help with the search.

Jessica Drew has posed:
What had Jane just asked for? Following the Borg requires real gumption on the Spider Agent's part but she suspends her distrust for the moment.. Holding up her hands, "Alright, alright. Truce till we are out of here."

Hovering near Jane, just out of Legba-range, <<Will try to web the one that attacked Foster>>>

No sooner said than the agent flips her hands over and silky filaments plip onto Legba's arms, and across his torso. She applies enough to make him look like a silk worm in training, the steel filature holding him in place.

"Where, Foster? Where?" she asks desperately, and heads to a cabinet and starts pulling out racks of vials, searching for the drug.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol grunts as a few blows rain down on her sides, kidney punches landing one after another. <<These guys just don't give up!>> she replies over comms, the easiest way for them to hear her without her having to shout.

The section of wall she's barricaded the tunnel mouth with bangs repeatedly as the zombies on the other side are pounding away on it, strong enough to gradually start to dent it. <<I don't want to blow them apart, but they are going to break through soon, so we need to hurry. Jane, can you rig up some kind of aerial disp->>

Whatever else Carol had to say is suddenly cut off, though they can hear her shout, "Hey, give that back!" before there's a crunching sound and her comms go dead. Damn zombie got her ear bud.

Jane Foster has posed:
Would that she might say something, but Jane fights a war of attrition against something like bone-numbing weariness. The stress of holding her thoughts together and contemplating the education in chemistry or medical to their inevitable ends based on the French-speaking scientists' efforts has side effects, after all. She does not have a background in developing illegal pharmaceutical concoctions so making those limber leaps while also being snapped at is tough work -- and not being supernaturally stretchy, web-slingy, or turtle-shelled in armour to boot.

Fortunately finding a vial down in a lab isn't so complicated when there aren't a lot of vials to start with. She ducks out from the cabinet, sure to have a goose-egg in the morning. Looking is a bit more pressing when, presumably, they're dealing with an incipient zombie. Who wants to tell Quake? They're going to be on shaky ground. Methodical purposes mean either she or Nat will hopefully find the clotting compound, and when they do, it's going straight into the fortunately unbroken beaker. Swirled, given a steady shake-up in her offhand for all the awkward gestures it makes until the liquid looks... completely and utterly unchanged. Braiiiins.

"Aerial? I could probably thread it through a sprinkler system?" She looks up, glancing to see if such a thing even exists. "Or I can tell you two to clear the room and let me do something incredibly, utterly stupid."

Achilles has posed:
    Look! An ingredient! Stupid ideas are awesome in their execution. Yes, execution. Death puns for the win. Carol's comm is now in pieces in the stomach of a Zombeh. Boy, if that one gets cured, he's gonna have a tummy-ache!

    In fact, Nat will recognize one of the attackers as being the missing agent. It's not like his face is entirely destroyed. But more like his identifying tattoo on his arm is exposed. Agent Nessbaum is currently trying to get at her throat... maybe he just wants to give her a hickey... ALL THE WAY TO HER SPINE! RAWR! He's the only one left that she is engaged with. Meanwhile..

    Psi-Borg grunts and shakes his head as he turns to go back to guard duty, freeing up both Jane and Jess to work on the solution. "C'mon. Faster." mutters the asshole Borg even as he fires another blast, shoving a Zombeh through three partitions, but doing minimal harm to it.

    Legba struggles, but it's no use. He can't even speak clearly. All he can do now is mumble through the webbing. His eyes however.. they promise death right up until they too are covered. But Jane and Jess have a few moments of freedom to work.... on something.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would take note of the (formerly) missing agent, and even her steely demeanor might flinch some. If this workerd maybe they could recover some of them. Physically, if not mentally.. Her going to dart quickly through things to try and help sort through as she would go to pop out her -own- dart.. This one a powerful tranquilzier and paralytic, going to try and flip it through the air to hopefully land somewhere on Legba's fleshy bits. It may not work or it might not. But it would be hopefully even if a total failure some -small- distraction.

Then the fallen agent is at her, and Natasha would duck back. She goes to twist a handle on the two batons she had been using in the fight as she would -barely- avoid the slash. A bite at her hits.. But the reinforced bodysuit takes it before there's any penetration. Natasha attempts to punch the agent in the shoulders to try ands hove him away, then she's twirling out of the way..

And moving to try and slam the two blades that had come from the handles to stick them through the shoulders and then twist over the man, going to try and use her momentum to flip and pin him to the floor, the metal prongs smashed through him and dug into the floor from force.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Zombies to the left of them, Hydra agents to the right. Jess momentarily has to re-prioritize. Over coms, <<Meds first, then I'll start webbing. It's holding, Danvers.>> She is down to the spindles on her wrists thankful for Romanoff and Danvers giving her this reprieve.

While all of this races through her mind, she sorts through vials until she comes up with a likely looking group. Scattering other vials in her haste, she takes the rack to Jane. Crouching beside her, she holds it for the scientist, rapidly succumbing to the dose Legba gave, to see. "Give me the syringe." She already taking it from her, ignoring all thoughts of hygiene and plunges the needle into the rubber top.

Jane Foster has posed:
Legba is going to be plenty lucky if Jane has her way because she has no qualms about punching him. For liberty and goodness.

Alas, they all have to be more reasonable about things. Jane is quick enough to hand over the needles to Jessica when she asks for them, only fair since she overrode the whole 'carry scientist out' business. "Focus on the others first," she says, yawning. No, not looking to gum someone's arm by the looks of it. "Our agent. We can get him home. I'm going to use that." She points up at the sprinkler head somewhere nearby. Surely evil villain science labs will have those? "We can lodge the diluted serum in the head and aerosolize the droplets from the nitrogen run through the system. Otherwise I'll mock up a thurible."

Bring out your dead! Someone get her a bell and they're all set. She moves off quick to go find a chair or anything resembling a sieve.

Achilles has posed:
    In the end, the anti-serum is delivered. It's a desperate, hail-mary that pays off. Knockabout is -very- knocked about. The man never wakes up during the scuffle. I mean he might've been able to help Carol, if he didn't try to rip her head off and make her teach him who's boss... again. But with the cure set to aerosolize and spread through the compound, folks are extracted. And then the anti-serum engages and while it's not an instant thing, it's certainly not something that will take hours.

    The elevator car is a choke point that is easy to hold, and with only one Hydra agent killed... folks manage to get topside, where the SHIELD Jump Jet lands and prisoners begin to be taken into custody.

    Let's see, there's Knockabout. There's five Hydra agents. Looks like Psi-Borg re-engaged his cloaking stealth field and NOPED out of being imprisoned. Well, odds are he'll show up again sometime. In the end, a SHIELD science team shows up and the Zombeh folks who are cured, revert back to normal. Some take longer for the brain function to get back to full. But something like 90% of them make a full recovery. Papa Legba is a very cocooned prisoner, very angry... very evil, and very much going to pay for his actions. The serum is all accounted for, mostly distributed and the remainder destroyed. That is what HYDRA was here to do anyway. Even they didn't want this serum out there. They made it and it was so bad they wanted to destroy it. At least goals semi-aligned this time. But tired, sore, battered and bruised, the heroes succeeded and a grateful director sends a message, "First round is on me."