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Thule Chaos in Utah
Date of Scene: 24 March 2022
Location: Bingham Canyon Mine, Salt Lake City, Utah
Synopsis: The Avengers, with the help of Deadpool and Artemis, stop the Thule Society from getting the gypsum crystals, and discover that several of them are being imitated by the Society. What sort of shenanigens will the Thule Society get up to while wearing the skin of Captain America, She-Hulk, Iron Man, Witchblade, and the Scarlet Witch?
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Natasha Romanoff, Carol Danvers, Artemis, Cael Becker, Jennifer Walters, Steve Rogers, Wade Wilson

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Thursday, March thirty-first, one of the last days possible for gypsum gathering on the great Salt Lakes of Utah. Spring was coming and soon the sites of evaporated water and salt would be filled with liquid again, concealing the crystals for another season.

Later afternoon and Sara Pezzini is already in the Quinjet attempting to upload and share numerous satellite and drone images of massive open pit Bingham Canyon Mine. Massive really doesn't describe it accurately either. The mine is literally three miles in diameter, and three thousand, nine hundred feet deep. The mine is so impressive in size that all indications of the huge landslide in April of 2013 are gone.

The reality is that mine being open air makes it a challenge, but at night the lights for the mine only go so deep, and to get to the crystals means going all the way to the bottom. There are four large buildings less then a fourth of a mile from the top most edge of the pit, at night they go mostly dark, no one in them but security and a couple of over night workers who keep an eye on the machines that run twenty-four/seven.

Those interested in punching Nazi's, as was determined on Tuesday, were asked to come ready to take off with the official 'look see' at the mine while en route. New York to Utah, not that far but still, far enough for planning. Sara was already in her armor, saved on clothing to have removed it and armored up, so that clothing is neatly folded on a bag some place out of the way.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is currently settling up with her equipment loadout. Weapons. Armor. Technology. She's got everything and is going through some fastidious analysis of the loadout as the group is getting together and en route. She's near the back, and is working through another highly automated rundown of the heavy rifle she had with her. She would be running through the settings on it. Plasma, railgun, electro-disruptor, cryo.. Flickering back and forth on it as various subsystems would chime. Her taking out a degausser to run over it, making sure it was properly deionized as she would run it through several systems checks while paying attention to the readouts.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers is settled into a seat in the Quinjet with a tablet in hand that she's studying closely. Sometimes a slightly perplexed look comes to her face and she swipes forwards or backwards.

Anyone looking of her shoulder would not find images of the mine, as they might suspect. Instead it's a maintenance guide for a 1980s vintage furnace. Carol shakes her head, muttering softly to herself, "Less work to just replace it, so why don't you?"

But then she keeps reading, referring back to what appear to be some photos of the actual model, probably the one needing repair.

Though as more of the mine images come through, Carol pulls them up to look at too.

Artemis has posed:
    Artemis has been waiting with Sara, given that she's living at her house. Since she's in fact _not_ leading the mission, this involves a lot of being bored while Sara goes over her pictures and plans for several hours. Her weapons have been checked and sharpened (not that they need it), and for the past hour she's been throwing a knife across the hanger into a dart board that will need to be replaced at this point.

    Once people arrive, she tucks the knife back into a belt sheath and gets onboard with the rest. Since this is a mission, she's actually not bothering to hide her armor under any sort of cloak or robe for a change. It's very similar to the armor Wonder Woman wears, except for being colored black and red instead of the iconic red, gold and blue. Leather bracers protect her forearms, so apparently she's not looking to block bullets like Diana does. Her red hair is caught in a high ponytail that hangs down to below her waist.

    Having seen all the pictures and info as Sara pored over them for the past several days, she opts to settle into a seat, stretch her legs out and nap as the flight begins.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael had cleared most of her day for this, and after a full night's sleep had arrived at the Avenger's Mansion ready for action. She's dressed in combat gear, with helmet over her hair, and gloves covering her hands, leaving the tips of her fingers exposed. She stands studying the images of the mine, a thoughtful look on her features. "Can we repell down that far?" she asks dubiously. "I mean - I can fly, for now. I could probably carry one person with me?" She hasn't tried it yet. Is this the right time to try something like that?
    What's the //worst// that can happen?
    "If we can arrive quietly - obviously that would be ideal. How to workers get down tot he bottom? Are there elevators? I imagine they must be pretty loud, though..."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Today the role of your pilot will be played by the beautiful and talented She-Hulk. Some would think that being the cousin of The Hulk and being seven foot tall and green all the time would mean that she would make a disastrous pilot but nothing can be further than the truth. She's actually quite good. You can thank Reed for that, for teaching her how to fly the Fantasticar. (She even convinced him to let her take the wheel behind one of his spaceships, too!) The only problem with letting Jen pilot the quinjet is that she always forgets to put the seat back when she's done.

    "Ladies and gentlemen," she says in her best airline pilot voice. "we'll should be arriving at our destination in about ten minutes. Today will be a partially sunny day today, sitting at a cool 51 degrees. Remember to put your seat back in their upright positions and stow away any electronics as we make our approach. Thank you for flying Air Avengers."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve's checked over his gear twice, done his best to make small talk, particularly since he doesn't know Artemis too well. He's been looking over the photos of the mine, frowning thoughtfully. "Might need people to fly to get out if we lose the quinjet," he mutters. "That's a /lot/ of stairs to climb."

    He looks around and says, "Well, now that we're here and we've got a better angle, what's the thought? Do we just barge on in and let them know we know what we're up to?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool has come with a question in mind for those he works with. How many weapons can you possibly fit on a single humanoid form and still let that humanoid form move freely. There are, at least, eleven weapons (8 blades of various sizes and 3 handguns of heavy caliber) visible on his form along with various accoutrements that -could- be weapons; and only the strong of heart (and stomach) can guess how many hidden in various places on his suit and elsewhere.

    He rolls his neck in a loosening motion and mutters a phrase (because, if you're going to fight Nazi sorcerers, it's gotta be with maximum effort) and withdraws a metallic cylinder from the back of his belt. "Oi. Becker. Got you a gift" he says wiggling the cylinder at the woman to catch her attention. "You want it now or after you start to have a panic attack?"

    He's professional, most of the time, but he and Cael have a relationship (of mutual disregard and occasional animosity) to uphold so he has to rib her just a bit before the bullets (and fireballs, and lightning bolts, and whatever else the magicians decide to push out) start flying.

    He glances at She-Hulk and then at Sara. "If I said that I wanted to see She-Hulk in a sexy captain's uniform would you throw me out of the plane?" Again, he's professional, most of the time. To Steve he waves a hand. "Umm... I -can- do stealth. But usually not with this many munitions on me. I was under the impression we were here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and no one thought to actually pick up any gum."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Shit. Knew I forgot something," Cael quips back. "But I did remember the whiskey, at least."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara finally manages to get the last of the pictures into the computer, then pulls them up for everyone to see. She's not precisely tech savy, she's got the basics down, and apparently that was enough.

"No Deadpool, I won't throw you out of the Quinjet for that," she replies with a grin. "But I'm going to need pictures."

"Alright people, as you can see this pit is beyond large," she accidently gestures and throws one of the pictures right out of view. "I meant to do that... so, the crystals are at the bottom, over three thousand feet down. No water at this time means there is a landing location."

She looks around at each person there. "The buildings are the distraction, the Society will be attacking processing," she points to one of the buildings. "The hope is to distract enough security that they can teleport right in on the ground at the bottom and get what they want. I've timed this so that we arrive approximately twenty minutes before they do, that gives us time to find positions that will not only defeat their plans, but give us a chance to get one of the higher ups as a prisoner. To do that," she points toward a crate of guns. "I borrowed some ICERs from SHIELD."

Looking back to the pictures, no more gesturing, "This means two teams. One at the building, where most of the heavy hitters for the Society will be. And the second team in the pit, where they will have defense for their harvesters, but likely nothing major, standard soldiers."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol studies the schematics and satellite views of the mine before stowing the tablet away again. "Well, long as we don't land too close that we're outright heard, the Quinjet's cloaking will hopefully be enough to get us down there unnoticed?" she suggests, glancing at the other Avengers.

"I'm willing to go to the buildings," she says, one hand making a fist that the other hand rubs in a fond way. "Lay low on the roof for them to show up and go hit them soon as we've heard the other team has teleported in?" she suggests.

Artemis has posed:
    Although her eyes are closed, Artemis apparently is not asleep. She speaks up saying "I think we want to not kill the workers, so we probably shouldn't explode the place. Sara discarded that idea... Tuesday, I think it was. Besides, what fun is it doing it that way?"

    She reaches into a bag under her seat and pulls out a Pepsi. Opening her eyes, she unscrews the cap and takes a drink. Sitting up, she adds "I'll go for the building too, I don't think you need me to handle the rank and file at the other location."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well. Seeing as there's no anxiety attack in the offing," Cael replies in a dry voice - holding her hand out for Wade's sword, before turning her attention back towards the plan.
    "I'm not particular on where I go," she adds easily. "As long as I get to shoot some Nazis, I'm happy enough. These assholes-"
    Look. Some people can be saved - some people can't. That was why she actually //hadn't// planned on carrying an ICER today - but as Sara's words, she retrieves one, strapping it into place.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "Tell you what, DP," Jen says grinning back at the merc. "We'll do a head count. The person who punches the least amount of Nazis gets to dress up in a sexy captain uniform. Anybody else want in on this bet?"

    When Sara lays out the plan, she turns serious. "I'll be up with the heavy hitters. I say let those who can fly be down in the pit. It'd be easier that way. I can set the Quinjet to autopilot and circle around the area for stealth. When they port in to attack the gates I'll drop from the jet. Otherwise I'm, you know, kind of noticeable."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "Sounds like an ambush is in order, generally," Steve notes, peering at the photos with a furrowed brow. "If you three are going to the building, I'll head for the bottom... I'll have more room to work the shield, and we ought to be sure we've got some force down there just in case it's more than standard soldiers. I can't fly, but I'm pretty sure I can climb my way out if I have to." Sure it's 4000 feet vertically and /way/ more diagonally, but that's what the serum's /for/.

    Then he looks up at Jen and says, quite seriously, "I'm in, but only if Janet gets pictures if I lose."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool tosses Cael the cylinder. "You know the drill. Push a button, get a lightsaber. I'm like Oprah, but with weapons instead of cars." He gives Sara a shrug. "You know what I can do so put me where you want me to b--" he cuts off his offer at Jennifer's suggestion. He gives the woman a look and then turns back to Sara (this is going to be a running gag isn't it?) "I gotta be a front lines" he ammends."

    He grins under the mask. "But in all seriousness. Just put me with the crew that can best handle having a nearly unkillable," the jury was still out on whether or not the 'nearly' was needed "--but not indestructable--wrecking ball in their midst."

    He checks the security of his weapons and says, without hesitation, "I've got enough blades to make a hibachi chef blush and enough bullets to take out a an entire Amazon sweatshop so... numbers shouldn't be a problem."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"If at all possible, which I doubt it is, we need to try and move the explosions that are going to happen. That means someone fast and able getting to any one of them who dies and moving them to a safe location." Sara sighs, shaking her head. "I'd like to try and minimize the damage to this facility, so despite the fact that I could easily get into the punching Nazi's, I think I will assign myself the task of getting as many of the corpses to safer locations as possible."

"I want to see Wa... Deadpool and Steve in that uniform, so She-Hulk, punch your heart out," she grins over to Wade and wiggles her brows, cause she knows Wade doesn't punch. Jen won already and there were going to be pictures. "Shout out your punches, I'll keep count, and I'll take the pictures, which most likely will not accidentally end up on social media as well."

"We're nearly there. Going to the building we have Captain Marvel, Artemis, Deadpool and She-Hulk. Down in the pit we have Becker, Widow and Captain America. Drop off the building team, as two are non-flyers, then land in the pit and cloak. Get into position, and if you have to make yourself known to the civilians working, do so, for their safety try and get them out before the Society arrives, you've got twenty minutes."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
By the time the group is going along with the discussions, Natasha Romanova has simply gone to take up the extremely heavy rifle she'd taken with her hooked up to her back, then moves to pull a hood over her face, and she seems tos himmer from existence. Almost seeming to vanish after a few moments where seh's going over towards the side of the Quinjet and ready to take one of the rapid-deploy positions from it. There's a shimmer as if some sort of visual mirage where she is, that one can make out if they squint, but is almost irritating to the eye to do more than make contact with more than idnirectly. A hand going to grab in passing over for some of the rather nastier end of the cartridges for some of the mroe specialized items for close quarters fighting with lunatics to attach to her belt, even as they would shimmer and vanish as well.
    At the orders then she's going to deploy with the other group towards the pit. She's almost invisible as she does so, fast-lining down to position to backup teh others on the insertion team to get people out of the area.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Captain Marvel gives a little salute, and then moves to the back of the jet. "Anyone who wants a ride down to the roof," she offers, reaching out a hand to carry people down as needed.

Whether alone, or carrying others, Carol flies down to the rooftop, dropping off any passengers and saying, "I'll make a quick pass through the building to warn people.

She zooms over the edge of the roof then, down to a door and inside. The first person she comes to is confronted with a flying superhero. "Need to evacuate quickly and quietly, or else bunker down in a safe place in the building. But you need to stay out of sight, either way," she tells him. She makes sure the person isn't going to panic and blow the ambush, before moving on down the hallway, clearing out those she can before it's time to head back up to wait and find cover for the ambush.

Artemis has posed:
    Artemis doesn't bother with a ride down. Once the Quinjet is down to about a hundred feet above the building, she simply jumps out the back and lands on her feet on the ground beside the building. Previous experience has taught her that sometimes when you try that kind of thing onto the building itself, you end up inside it with a hero sized hole in the roof.

    Having landed safely, she takes two steps and jumps up onto the roof. Once there, she lays down and keeps an eye out for the trouble to begin.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Fuck," Cael mutters under her breath, tucking away her new(ly borrowed) sword as Steve offers to join the 'sexy pilot' contest. If Steve ends up in the costume - she will never hear the end of it from Alis.
    Still. Best to put that from her mind, for now. Once the jet touches down, she's off at a jog - approaching a man minitoring some equipment under the faint lighting that's been rigged up. She flashes him her FBI badge and explains the situation hurriedly. "Some really awful, really dangerous people are about to arrive. Give your jacket, and your cap, and warn as many people are you can to get to a secure location //immediately,//" she explains in an urgent tone.
    "...how does this machine work?"
    It isn't long before she's in place - her helmet pulled off and placed just out of sight, so she can wear the cap, and the jacket, and //hopefully// pass for a dutiful miner.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "Got it," She-Hulk says, flicking on the autopilot and moving towards the back. "Cap, I'll leave it to you to land the Quinjet down in the pit." She follows Artemis' lead and jumps out the back. Stepping out of a plane at a hundred feet might as well be just stepping off the back porch for all She-Hulk is concerned. And, like Artemis again, she gets on a neighboring roof to wait for the Nazis to arrive.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve just nods to Jen and moves forward to take the controls; he's not the /best/ pilot on the team by far, but he knows enough to land a quinjet. Once the team dealing with the "heavy hitters" has disembarked, he flies the quinjet down to land in the pit, making sure the stealth systems are on and the jet itself is in standby mode so it can be called if they need to make a quick getaway.

    He's impossible to miss in his uniform, so hiding as a miner is right out. He thinks it over while he assists Cael in making sure any civilians are leaving the area, and heads for another one of the big dirt-moving CAT trucks. He hauls himself up into the back of the truck and burrows down under the dirt, making sure there's some over the top of him. Impromptu camoflague.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool was Carol's passenger for the trip down, hanging off Captain Marvel like a vintage damsel from a movie that was more Steve's age than his own. Once on the ground level he starts helping the superwoman evac or barricade the civilians within.

    He stops after escorting a pair outside and away from the premises. "Haven't been in a CGI fest this outstanding since..." he paues. "Never since I wasn't part of Infinity War or endgame. I mean, Deadpool 2 was pretty CGI heavy, with Cable's arm (this was before he was the purple death dealer), Colossus, and Juggy-wuggy... but still. Captain Marvel alone is a CGI spectacular. Add in Shulkie and Witchblade and you got a bank breaker there."

    He does his best museum tour guide with the civilan workers of the building. "We're walking. We're walking. We're not gawking at the superheroes, and not hero, in our midst. We're not sounding any alarms for cult sorcerers. We're walking." He stops briefly to share a selfie (or maybe he just photobombed one) for one of the workers who wanted to get a shot of Captain Marvel for their Twitter feed. "#DPisAnAvengerNow, let's get it trending" he says as he shoes the man out of the building and to safety.

    That task done he moves into position and waits for the fireworks to begin. "Hmm... guns or blades. Guns or blades. Guns... or..." He unholsters one of the heavy pistols and slides one of the katanas from his back. "Let's Hannah Montana this shit out of this one."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The reaction inside the building to having a known Avenger right there, in their facility, is not limited by the fact that they are being told to evacuate which means there is danger. Captain Marvel is /right/ there, she's in Utah of all places, and she's saving /their/ lives, so much fanboy/girling going on. Most of the limited number of night workers in processing shut down their machines and head for the doors, for a few it takes a little more encouragement. For all they know that could be a woman in a costume, pretending to be... nope, she's flying, that's the real deal... time to leave.

Most do leave, out emergency exits and head straight toward the large parking lot two hundred yards from the buildings. This permits them to see Deadpool, Artemis and She-Hulk as they are running out and another wave of fangirl/boying goes off, along with perhaps a few pictures taken. Not one person, not even the night manager, decides its a wise idea to stay in the building, but they all remain on site in the parking lot... this is a once in a lifetime thing, leave completely? No f-ing way!


In the pit, the flash of the FBI badge, accompanied by the appearance of Captain America, and a few, "Holy shit, it's Captain America!" is more than enough for the pit manager to sound the horn and call in the work crew. Jackets, caps, anything the Avenger and FBI agent wants is offered before the whole crew of fifteen head for a service tunnel at a run. There are a couple of pictures taken because when will they ever get another change to get a picture of Captain America?


With the Quinjet in motion, Witchblade launches herself from the back to take up a position as much in between the building and the pit as she can get. With ICERs being offered, it was possible not all of them would die and start that five minute countdown to boom, but there was always the chance that some would, and she wanted to be ready to move them.

<"Knock outs won't trigger the explosion," she reminds over the comm. "If you do kill one, let me know, I'll start the countdown and try to get the body out before the times up.">

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The arrival of the Thule Society occurs in a manner that Pezzini could not have predicted. With Walter dead, the first after Ava von Strucker had changed, and thus part of the plan for this raid had changed as well. A Quinjet appears in the sky above the building, no flying in, no sound of engines, just appears there and lands at the building.

The back opens and out walks Captain America, She-Hulk, Scarlet Witch, Ironman, and the Witchblade. They look like the real thing, right down to Ironman's suit and the shield in Captain America's hand, but the way they move... anyone who knows anything about the Avengers can tell from their movement, this is not the Avengers.

The fake Avengers head right for the building.


In the pit there is nothing so dramatic. A portal of swirling black and red opens, and mere seconds later two squads of matching uniformed soldiers march through, their job to secure the area before the harvesters come through the portal. What that means for the Avengers in the pit is thirty soldiers and an open swirling portal to where ever they came from.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff goes dark. That's almost literal as the redhead seems to fully vanish from sight and presence. Her having found a good enough position with a clear line of sight. It's propped up, has a full field of view everywhere, and she's pressed down to it and almost molded to it. The long rifle that hse had taken with her is up and over on her shoulders. She's set herself up while the others deal with evacuating hte area over in positionw here she's got a simple sniper's perch.
    Not as high as she would like, but it gives her a full view of the area. And enough room to engage things and hopeuflly not be noticed, as soon as things happen. She's silent, the shimmering chameleon-mesh attire about her consisting of mirrors very slowly taking in the color spectrum around her like a cloak working effectively when she was still. So she would stay still. Seeming to not even breathe, to have molded herself to her position.. And now.. Now she waits. Ready to engage.
    And there came the fun. In position with her heavy weapon over as she would carefully, ever so carefully move to line up a shot. Not firing or even moving to directly target. Now she needed to tkae a few seconds to see how they moved, hwo they dodged, how they ran. When she had figured that out..

Carol Danvers has posed:
Captain Marvel watches from hiding as the Avengers seem to walk out of the Quinjet. Well, some of them at least. Carol notices a few in particular who seem to be absent.

She flies around the back side of the building, circling around behind them and coming in from behind to land lightly on her feet at the back of the line walking forward.

"So," she says as she strides along with them as if she's just one of the band. "Really awesome plane isn't it? Plenty of head room, at least for everyone other than She-Hulk," she offers.

The imposter Avengers turn, there being a brief moment of confusion perhaps. They didn't bring a Captain Marvel. Did they?

"Get her!" one of them finally calls out.

Artemis has posed:
    Once the fake Avengers land and deploy, Artemis stands and launches herself off the roof towards them. Long ponytail streaming behind her, she calls out "Mistress, to me!" which causes an almost comically oversized battleaxe to appear in her hands. She lands in front of the copies and twirls the axe with a grin, handling the massive weapon as if it doesn't weigh a thing.

    As they react to Captain Marvel, they suddenly have an axe wielding Amazon right in front of them to also deal with. said axe whistles through the air as she chops at the Iron Man cosplayer and crunches into the armor covering his right side. She's actually impressed that it doesn't make it all the way through to the person in the suit, apparently they put some work into their fakes. Wrenching the axe free, she pulls it back for another swing when her armored foe raises his hand palm out and demonstrates the fact that they have a pretty good knock-off repulsor as the beam hits her and drives her backwards into the side of the building.

    Pulling herself out of the Artemis shaped hole in the wall, she shakes her head, grins and charges again.

Cael Becker has posed:
    A mysterious swirling portal, huh?
    Cael watches all of this from her vantage point in her massive earth-mover, the engine already on. How does one deal with a mysterious, swirling, seemingly-magical portal? She's not sure - but she does have a theory she wants to test.
    She puts her almost comically large vehicle into gear - setting it on a collision course for the portal. Then, not sure what will happen to the truck when it does make contact - she jumps out of the cab just shy of her destination, silvery armor appearing over her chest, forearms, and shins - and nearly black metallic wings sprouting from her back. In a fluid motion, she draws her ICER - and starts opening fire, taking careful aim at one mook after another.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "Dammit!" curses She-Hulk when she sees a copy of herself. "I /knew/ I should have brought my Themysciran armor on this one." She stands up and leaps into the fray, "Dibs on the fake me with the bad hair!" She lands hard, driving her fist into Doppel-Hulk's head, driving her so hard into the ground it leaves a small crater.

    It's enough to stun the imposter for a second which is all She-Hulk needs to get on top of her and start whaling away on her. Somehow she manages to recover enough to flip over and cover her head with her arms. "I. do. not. have. bad. HAIR!" Doppel-Hulk manages to yell between punches, and is able to get her feet between the real She-Hulk and kicks out, sending her flying into the building.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Cap watches the quinjet come in with a frown. He doesn't seem exactly who disembarks, but he can hazard a guess--the Thules have decided to try to frame the Avengers for the attack on the gypsum mine, presumably. Or else trying to distract the miners with celebrities? But the former seems more likely. Is this a one-off thing or are they going to have duplicates running around for a while? Something to ask a prisoner if they get one.

    The portal is the more immediate concern for him, though, so once Cael gets her truck moving toward the portal he rolls out of his dirty camoflague spot to stand on top of the pile in the back of the truck. He grabbed an ICER for a sidearm earlier. He draws it and starts firing at the soldiers coming through the portal.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Of course with the arrival of the Avengers, one of the primary figures absent from the group of doubles is Deadpool. "The absolute indignity of it all!" he says with comedic levels of exasperation, moving from his hiding spot without a care in the world.

    "Okay sure, they've got like..." he counts off his fingers and runs out of free ones to count,"...a lot of movies under their collective belts. But none of them have the second -and- third highest grossing R-rated film of all time. You know who has that? -Me!- Dead-fucking-pool!"

    He stops for a brief moment and his tone turns conversational. "I was number one and two until Joaquin Phoenix came out and just obliterated the box office with his take on The Joker. Not going to lie. He deserved it. That movie was top notch."

    He turns his attention back to the doubles, takes aim and fires off a shot with the heavy pistol. The bullet hammers into the false Witchblade's armor and ricochets off, because of course it does, even a .50 AE can't pierce through the armor of a demigod. This isn't a demigod, but it was a damn good replicant, with the exception of the armor getting scratched with the absurd power of the bullet that struck it. "Yep. Definitely fake. I bet you're not half as hot as Sara under that tin can you're wear--"

    He doesn't get to finish his sentence as a red bolt of energy lances through his torso from the contorted hand gestures of the Not-Scarlet Witch. The hole, about the size of a 40 of beer, goes right through him, leaving a gory, bleeding wound in the man's chest in its wake.

    "Fuck..." he says weakly, dropping his hands. "And I just got this back from my tailor." He then falls face first onto the hard packed dirt. It looks like 'nearly' was necessary for his earlier statement about his unkillability.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Each of the doppelgangers know their stuff. They imitate the one they're copying near perfectly, including the abilities each Avenger has. Did this mean they had a spy in the Avengers, or was the Thule Society just ticked off with the Avengers to such a degree that they spent weeks researching the members and their abilities? Sara put her bet on the second thought, the first was just too radical to even fathom. Spy in the Avengers... not possible.

Seeing what the group is up against by the building changes her tactics slightly. <"Don't be fooled by their appearances," she offers into the comms. "It's an illusion. Try to not believe what you are seeing, try to look through it!"> That is not helpful Pezzini, not at all, but it's the best she can offer given the amount of information Witchblade just dumped in her head.

From her aerial position she folds her wings to dive, coming in fast toward the Avengers and not-Avengers. Her two choices are herself or not-Scarlet, and honestly, the not-Scarlet is the one she believes the group could handle the best. That decided, she swoops by the group on the ground and grabs her copy before going right back up into the sky. <"Let's see if flying is part of your illusion,"> she comments, punching herself in the face... something to tell her grandchildren about later, how she fought herself.


One of the soldiers tries in vain to jump onto the overly massive truck, but the beast truck, set in gear and moving, rolls right through the portal, with the guy still on it, both just gone. For one brief moment, while the truck was half way in the portal voices on the other side could be heard screaming in panic and surprise, then even those goes silent as the swirling returns inside the portal.

The soldiers that remain scatter, moving to hide behind the trucks that remain, as well as looking for points of cover in the pit itself.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There's a moment thoughtfully as Natasha Romanoff goes to survey the position. Then she notices something. That stands out. <<Unknown figure above the pit. Female, humanoid. Wearing robes. Large wings>> A click of her tongue tagging the position along the Tac-Comm for teh others to get the placement if they were engaged with it at all. If they were, then it would give the location. Now. . Now Natasha had the rest of the melee to deal with. Priority target..

Iron Man equivalent.

Well, that was what she had this gun for after all. It was always nice to get to claim one was field testing things from the armory after all. And they did have things on the heavier end.

So as the engagement goes o, Natasha Romanoff goes to swing the rifle around. She knows how Tony's armor flies and fights. That makes this easier actually as she knows his evasion patterns and maneuverability. The fact her target is adhering to them so specifically means she doesn't have to waste time observing more.

She goes to line up the rifle with the center torso of the armored figure, evaluates the way it would maneuver, wait for it to be fully committed to an aerial maneuver and so ienrtia (as much as there could be with repulsors).. Then fire.

Sniper rifle glowing as the gauss railgun would fire a sizzling SABOT round tipped with secondary adamantium shot through the air at well beyond hypersonic velocity aimed towards the cetner of teh torso. If her accuracy was good on top of the positioning from her cover and hopefully having not been noticed..

Well.. Time to see if this particular weapon in the Arsenal designed for these sorts of situations worked the way the specs said it did.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Seeing that the others are occupied, and Deadpool for the moment seems to be down, Captain Marvel's hands take on a bright glow and they send energy blasts towards Faux-Captain America. He raises his shield, deflecting them, though Carol was just aiming to keep him pinned down.

She's flying even as she's shooting, heading right at the Wannabe Wanda. Carol's shoulder rams into her gut before the Scarlet Witch-like sorcerer can get a hex bolt off at her. Carol slams her into the wall of the building, immediately turning then but Captain America is already on her, throwing his shield to bash off her face and stagger her for just a moment, before Carol sends a blast his way that arrives just as the shield does. Unable to block it, it sends fake-Cap tumbling head over heels a dozen feet.

He rises back to his feet, dusting himself off as he looks back at Carol. "I can do this all day."

Artemis has posed:
    Artemis is never one to back out of a fight, so her charge takes her back to the Ironman copy. Nat's shot hits him center chest, blowing through the arc reactor that would be powering the armor if this was really Tony. Twenty feet away from him, she leaps into the air, axe high and flaming red ponytail streaming behind her. The axe is backed by her momentum and strength both and hack brutally into the join between neck and shoulder.

    This time Mistress blasts through the armor and hacks cruelly into the body under that armor. Blood fountains into the air as she kicks the body off her axe to be ready for the next opponent. Over the comm unit Sara provided her she says <Got a dead one here Sara, you wanted to know, I believe.>

    Looking around at the other fake Avengers, she calls out, "Ok, who's next?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well. That didn't do any of the things I was hoping that it-" Cael starts, as the truck seems to simply go through the portal without any trouble. She hoped it'd block it, or destroy it, or- well, anyways.
    She doesn't have much time to focus on it, though, because she's busy shooting Nazis - and she's rather distracted by Natasha's message. "A winged-" She looks up, spotting the figure about her and says simply, <<:On it,">> her voice over lapping with Captain America's, <<"Becker, you-">>
    Cael's wings flap as she flies higher and higher, seeking out the robbed figure - her aim shifting to start firing off ICER rounds just before she collides with the woman.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    <It's hard not to look when a green fist is coming for your face!> She-Hulk yells over the comms as a green fist comes for her her face. (Shocking, I know!) This is after Faux-Hulk leapt into the building after her, causing more structural damage to the building. They brawl for a bit, causing walls to come down until her evil twin clobbers her real good, this time sending her out of the building.

    "Okay," she pants, wiping a drop of blood from the corner of her mouth. "No more miss nice girl!" She gets to her feet and instead of charging back to her doppelganger, she instead turns to Captain Fakemerica. She leaps at him, both hands over her head and brings down her fists as not-Cap raises his shield to block, going to his knees and grunting in pain. Even the real Captain America would hurt trying to block this.

    Though hitting not-Cap wasn't really the true goal for She-Hulk. It was to get her hands on the shield. "I'm gonna need this," she tells him before she rips it off his arm, nearly taking the arm with her. Turning she throws it at the emerging evil She-Hulk with more might than what Cap would be capable of and catching her in the throat. Bad She-Hulk collapses clutching her throat, trying to breathe.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Cap glances up at Widow's call out, and does indeed start to call to Cael. But she's already on it, and he nods and surveys the situation in the pit. Not much cover besides behind the trucks, and he's on /top/ of a truck. Well, time to give them a /chance/ anyway.

    "Any of you that would like to defect, now's the time, before I start to shoot any of the rest of you. I'm pretty sure we can figure out how to disable any cranial bombs or cyanide teeth. Come out slowly and drop your weapons." He pauses, waiting to see if any of the soldiers come out.

    One soldier runs out, hands in the air, babbling something about how scared he is and how he didn't really /want/ to do this, but it's clear in his eyes that he's not /really/ surrendering. So Steve sighs and shoots him with the ICER.

    "I said /slowly/. Anyone else?"

    Another four of the men start to move out from behind various trucks and attempts at cover, more hesitantly, looking around like they're afraid they might get shot in the back. Steve focuses on scanning the pit to make sure that doesn't happen, marking out whoever else he can see--

    Which is why he doesn't notice the shifty, wary look in the eyes of one of the two closest men. When he's about fifteen feet from the truck he suddenly shouts, "Glory to the Thule!" and explodes. The nearest soldier to the truck, caught in the blast, /also/ explodes, and it's this explosion that catches the truck Cap's standing on, flipping the thing end-over-end and sending Rogers flying across the pit.

    The other two men, who'd /actually/ been trying to surrender, freeze as they're spattered with blood, eyes wide, suddenly aware they're right out in the open and vulnerable to any of their compatriots who want to shoot them in the back. After exchanging a glance, they bolt, trying to get up out of the pit before anyone can shoot them.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool bleeds for a while. The pool of red around his prone form growing larger and larger by the second. And then, it doesn't grow anymore. He twitches once, twice, and then is slowly pushing himself to his feet. "That... hurt..." he says, brushing dust from his suit. He notices the gaping hole in the center of his chest piece (the wound underneath looks pink now and tender but is slowly regaining the same mottled coloration as the rest of his disfigured skin does) and sighs, "You know... this shit ain't cheap..."

    He scans the battle field for the non-crack addled Olsen sister and spots her stumbling away from one wall of the building after being piledrived--piledriven... what was the right verb here... whatever, slammed by Captain Marvel. "Oh... this requires payback." He holsters the pistol and draws a wicked looking serated knife from a sheath at his thigh. "With interest."

    Maybe it's the fact that the woman (if it was a woman under the disguise) was addled by the sheer power of the Kree hybrid, or perhaps the multitude of other dangers on the battle field (not to mention the hidden tank-level munitions coming from somewhere) is enough to distract her (again the gender of doppelgangers is in question), or maybe Deadpool is just that damn good this time around. Whatever the reason, he rushes the Not-Scarlet Witch and tackles her to the ground without any more resistance than a muffled grunt as he straddles atop her and an attempt at a hex.

    "Nope!" Deadpool says before the blast goes off, and slams the knife into one the Witch's hands, pinning it to the ground in a mess of blood, drawing a scream of pain from the woman. "I've seen enough comics with you in them" he says. "You always make the 'I love you' sign before blasting someone's face off... so..." He draws another knife, this one from the side of his torso, and slams that one into the other hand and into the dirt, twisting it to lock it in place and drawing another anguished scream from the double.

    "So I figure, if you can't make that sign... you can't do your magic." He surveys his work and nods appreciatively before moving to rise. "Oh wait..." he says, thumping himself at the side of the head. "Wandavision, of course. I saw the last episodes of that too." With one smooth motion, he draws both katanas from his back and jams them into (and through) the glowing red eyes of the witch, covering her face in more red than her suit usually affords. "There. Problem solved."

    He waits for the body to stop twitching before drawing the katanas out again and saying over his comm (he got one at the start of the mission). <<Ding dong, Witch is dead.>> He looks out to see what other mayhem he can manage in this field of disaster.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Witchblade on Witchblade action, each taking punches at each other that really don't do anything, at least to the naked eye it appears to do nothing. When Sara reaches the height she was aiming for, she lets go of the fake, but instead of the doppelblade falling, the woman grabs hold of Sara as if her life depended on it... because it does.

<"Seems you all forgot the flying part of your illusion,"> Sara states with a grin, in that same moment hundreds of sharp barbs forming all over her own armor. <"Bet you forgot about the barbs...."> she doesn't get to say any more, because the doppelblade starts screaming in pain, trying to keep her hold on Sara and not fall to her death. To make matters worse for the fake Witchblade, Sara can see right through the illusion to the person behind it, so the fake armor, fake weapons, none of effects her and the barbs draw blood.

<"Surrender or I drop you," Sara finally says and the woman just nods repeatedly, bleeding from numerous cuts all over her body. "You were right Deadpool, no where near as sexy as me."> The barbs dissipate back into the armor as tendrils of metal wrap around the red headed woman clinging to her and pull her around onto Sara's back, out of the way.

Now Witchblade dives for the ground to grab the man that was Iron Man, the illusion now gone reveals a large blonde man who died for his cause. It was the wrong cause of course, but still it was his cause. Starting back up into the sky, having already decided on a location to drop the bodies, she hears from behind her the two words they all loathed hearing.

"Hail Hydra."

The explosion takes place in the sky above the pit, the woman who surrendered and the fake Iron Man both going off in and on Sara. Thankfully for Sara, Witchblade's danger sense had triggered and wrapped her entire body in armor, but all that did was keep the fire from getting to her. The concussion of the explosion and the now falling to earth was another matter entirely.

Cael Becker has posed:
    As Cael collides with the woman - the pair of the vanish completely from sight. An illusion? Or had the pair teleported?
    It's hard to tell for those in the quarry - and it's rather disorienting for Cael, as she suddenly appears on the hood of the massive truck, wedged into an underground space. The woman is diving away from her, and after a few more hasty shots with the ICER - the woman is hit, and falters. Cael starts to fly after her - but it seems, here in her base, the woman is not without reinforcements.
    More members of the Thule society dive to her rescue - some stepping between Cael and the woman, others gathering her up and starting to pull her towards safety.
    Unfortunately, flying towards the woman puts Cael right in the line of fire. At such close range, the bullets are unavoidable - one hitting and going through her bicep, others bouncing off her chest plate with one grazing her cheek. "FUCK!" she exclaims, hastily reversing course as a worrying thought that somehow hadn't occured to her yet finds its way into her head. If she gets killed, what happens to Jon? That was a question neither of them thought to ask.
    Once on the hood of the truck, she holsters the ICER, pulling out her regular firearm, and while using the truck for cover she manages to fire off several well-aimed shots. Two of her foes fall, with pools of blood growing around them. "Boom, boom, fuckers," she mutters under her breath. Time for her retreat.
    It's now she draws her 'lightsaber,' driving it down into the engine of the truck she's standing on, ruining it and making the massive vehicle all the more inconvenient to move. //Then// she starts cutting her own exit through the truck. She emerges back through the portal, announcing, <<"I've been hit. The wounds seem superficial. ....ow.">>

Carol Danvers has posed:
As Deadpool rises to take the fight to not-Wanda, Carol soars overhead, her path taking her back towards the not-American hero. "Must really burn you up inside, having on that shield the star of the country that kick your Nazi butts so bad," she says to him.

He may have Cap's powers, but the sorcerer is still a person. He jumps to add more power to his shield as he throws it, bouncing it off the building and at Captain Marvel from a different angle.

Carol was waiting for this though. She raises her hands and starts blasting at him. He begins dodging and evading, while the shield baps her in the side of the head. But she just takes the blow, only stunned for a second. She jets forward, catching up to the shield on its way back to him. She grabs the near edge and flips it so slam the whole shield into his body.

"Dodge that," she tells him as she ends up on top of the shield, pinning the Thule member to the ground. Carol pulls back her fist and delivers a solid uppercut right to his jaw. It breaks his jaw, he won't be speaking anytime soon. Thankfully it also knocks him out.

<<Got one unconscious, could use an Icer just to make sure he stays out.>>

Artemis has posed:
    Artemis looks around, ready to jump the next enemy that presents itself. None does, however, which makes her just a little bit sad. With a sigh, she dismisses Mistress and walks over to the gasping She-Hulk and kicks her in the head, dropping her unconscious to the ground. <<Ok, that's all the fakes down. Green one is still alive even, don't really have a way to restrain her if she wakes back up.>>

    She moves over to the edge of the pit, considering the drop from the edge. Since it's terraced, she shrugs and starts jumping down five or 6 levels at a time, making her way quickly towards the bottom. It will take just a little bit for her to arrive, so hopefully there's still something to do by that time.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    It looks like all the fake Avengers have been taken care of. "Well," she says dusting her hands off. "Yet another job well, oSHIT!" A glint of falling metal had caught her eye and when she looked up she recognized it as a falling Witchblade. "Hang on, Sara! I've got you!"

    She takes a few steps back and squints. She has to aim and time this just right. She takes off at a sprint, never keeping an eye off the falling form. She makes a little hop to clear some debris and when she lands, her knees bend and she springs up into the air!

    Only a Hulk can leap like this, arcing over the pit, catching Witchblade at its apex and landing on the other side. "Oh thank God I caught you," she breathes, when she lands. "I would have been really embarrassed if I'd missed."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve is too busy pulling himself out of the side of the quarry where the explosion sent him to notice much else of what's going on, at least until he hears another explosion and looks up to see Sara falling out of the sky and Becker disappearing. The latter radios that she's okay shortly enough, but the former... well, she can survive the fall, so Cap doesn't /panic/. But he starts taking potshots at the soldiers down in the pit as he runs toward where he figures she's going to land.

    No point in letting the Thule Society get their hands on her /again/ while she's maybe unconscious.

    But then Jen does a /really/ impressive jump and snatches Sara out of midair. He whistles in appreciation and then turns to start taking care of the soldiers down in the pit with him. It's almost too easy, really. And here he'd been worried about them bringing something else through the portal. Maybe Cael's truck-driving took care of that?

    <<"I've got two willing surrenders under a truck down here if someone wants to grab them before their fellows shoot them,">> he notes. <<"And a /bunch/ of unconscious soldiers, and it looks like Pezzini's not going to be able to be on body-moving duty.">> What /are/ they going to do with all these unconscious men, anyway?

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool was ready for more violence but looking out over the state of things the only one still capable of breathing seemed to the fake Captain America and they seemed to need a hostage of his caliber so, no killing on that front.

    There was a momentary panic from the sight of seeing Sara fall out o the sky, but as the green-skinned wonder catches her mid-fall that worry is put to rest. He sighs and moves up to stand near Captain Marvel. "So what's the next step?"

    He's defaulting to Carol being in charge of their crew because she's a pretty big deal in the movies and that's where most of his information on her comes from. "You guys have containment cells that can keep them fresh on your jet?" he asks. "Because nothing to say they won't cyanide pill themselves the moment they wake up if we're in transit and then we'll be at square one. Aside from the Thule losing some warriors for the cause."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara was in fact out cold, concussion from the explosion broke a couple bones, but it also knocked her ass out. Her attempt to not kill, to take one in had back fired on her. Later, when she was conscious, she would beat herself up over that. For now however, she will lay limply in She-Hulks arms, and for once, Witchblade doesn't get all spikey to protect her. Guess he's finally getting into the swing of allies being okay to touch his Wielder.

In the pit, a few of the soldiers to in fact attempt to go back through the portal, and that is when they slam into the back end of a now very broken gigantic dump truck. Nothing like beaning yourself on the back end of a truck, through a portal, then falling backwards into the dirt.

The few that continue to take shots at anyone they can, Captain America being the most obvious target, witness the escape route no longer being an option, and the brain washing kicks in. It may only be a few still standing, but they drop their weapons and start charging toward those who are knocked out, attempting to take out themselves and their own allies to avoid being taken prisoner.

The two hiding under the truck, the ones who had officially surrendered, have stripped down to under garments. Both had to cut holes in themselves and bleeds on the clothing while chanting to get the uniforms off, but they did and threw them out from under the truck.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
And as the fight is quickly being finished if not there, Natasha Romanoff goes back to reposition herself to another position with a high view and clear of the area. Having not gotten directly involved so far in the melee. Then as there's a few of them going to charge in towards others, Natasha goes to then very, very carefully take out a smaller pistol from a holster. From her position, she goes to try and line up a shot with each individual going to charge forwards with intent to kill. Her shots are quick and precise; launching a set of barbed restraint cuffs along with rather potent shock blasters. Presuming they would in fact hit each target, the restraints would latch on to the nearest bit of flesh wiht a heavy plastic barb, lancing in a high amount of electricity. Hopefully enough to give them a not-quite seizure and pass out from electric overload.

Artemis has posed:
    Continuing to bounce down levels, it only takes Artemis a minute or two to reach the bottom. She summons her axe as several of the soldiers turn to face her and open up with their guns.

    This would be the time everyone finds out why she doesn't wear bracers like Diana's.

    Moving the massive axe as if it were weightless, the Amazonian steel head intercepts every bullet aimed at her, the bullets bouncing off the blurring axe head. She suddenly leaps to the side, lining up the soldiers in front of her. She raises Mistress into the air and then her arm whips down, throwing the huge axe as if it were a hatchet. Unfortunately for the soldiers, it has far more mass then any hatches, scything through all three of them in what could best be called an explosion of gore.

    Once it has gone through all of her current targets, she simply calls out to it again and Mistress simply appears in her hands. She shakes the blood off the axe, then looks at the remaining soldiers and calls out, "Anyone want to surrender now?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Now that she's back in the quarry, Cael's able to help with the mop-up, switching back to her ICER. She drops the cartridge out of the weapon, slapping a new one into place, and wincing as she moves her injured arm. Without another word, though, or a breath of complaint - she starts firing on the damned Nazis - aiming a rather unfriendly kick in the head towards the one that tumbles back out of the portal onto his ass. "The door is closed, assholes!"
    They probably won't be able to stop all of them from exploding. But... Perhaps most of them?
    Aside from the three bloody puddles over to her left, of course.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Cradling Sara gently in her arms, She-Hulk leaps down the side of the of the pit in a couple of hops and lands next to the Quinjet. She kind of ignores what else is going on in favor of getting her charge somewhere safe. She leaves the armored up Witchblade in one of the seats, and strides back outside.

    "Alright, knuckleheads!" she bellows cracking her knuckles for dramatic effect. "Who's up for being punched? I've got a bet to win!"

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve sighs and shakes his head, and helps take down the various remnants until they're all mopped up. <<"Let's get the jet and get the prisoners loaded up,">> he suggests. <<"Unless we're extending the bet to 'taking them down' instead of punching them--in which case I win--we might have to call it off, there's not many left.">>

    He goes to grab the two that were under the truck and haul them out, dragging them one on each arm back to the quinjet. They're willing to surrender and still conscious, which means--hopefully--they might actually /talk/ and therefore give the team an idea of where to go next.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade watches as Carol flies down, Artemis and Jennifer jump down and who knows where Black Widow moved off to. He contemplates taking the stairs and shakes his head. "Fuck that" he says moving to the edge of the pit and setting down with his legs dangling over the edge. He swings his feet idly as he waits for the jet to make it's way back up when all things are said and done.

    "Dying once is plenty for me today..." he says to no one in particular. "I could jump it and end up a paste that would eventually reconstitute into me... probably... but it would hurt. A lot. And I think the heroes have it under control." He reaches into his pack pocket for a small sketchbook and a crayon, after which he starts to make a child-level copy of the pit beneath him in red crayon. A man's got to have his hobbies, right?

Sara Pezzini has posed:
All that really remained was the decisions of the last three soldiers still on their feet. Artemis has taken care of the other three, which left just those few to face the problem of no escape, being out powered, and having no chance of a win. It leads them to the one and only choice left to avoid being taken alive.

Almost in sync they scream out, "Long live the Thule!" and begin the explosion. The effect across their bodies starts at their chest, fire bursting out and along their limbs to consume the uniform they are wearing, and in that moment of consumption an explosion the size of one stick of dynamite emanates out from them.

Only one was close enough to do any damage really, the explosion from his body powering the ritual attached to the armor reaching out and shoving gigantic dump truck the two had just been hiding under. Captain America had removed them just in time.

On the ground, knocked out by ICERs or punches to the head, a few soldiers remain, other wise the field of battle is clear. Now comes the part of getting them to containment before they wake up.