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Latest revision as of 14:29, 5 April 2022

Mutants of Finer Things
Date of Scene: 03 April 2022
Location: Dining Hall
Synopsis: There's some chatter amongst the well to do back at the Mansion, plans are made, gossip exchanged.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Ororo Munroe, Warren Worthington, Lorna Dane, Betsy Braddock, Pietro Maximoff

Emma Frost has posed:
The Dining Hall is somewhat quiet today. Whether it's just an off time, or just everyone is busy. In the Hall, Emma Frost is sitting over and working slowly over a steak. Not quite up to her normal standards, but sometimes one just had to be seen doing something. Particularly for the benefit of others.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    The weather has been miserable lately. Cool, but not very, but cool enough that the rains coming through haven't been pleasant if you've been caught out in them. Today is no exception and yet, Ororo remains either unaware, or simply chooses to not worry about it. The weather is exactly that. Weather.

    Stepping into the dining room with a mug of steaming water and a string hanging from the outside held safe with a single finger pressing against it and keeping the tea bag from being unretrievable.

    "Good afternoon Emma." Ororo says, wearing a simple pair of sweats, a grey piece with Xavier's School logos and coloring on the front and pants, as she's taking it overly easy today.

Warren Worthington has posed:
The flapping of large wings can be heard outside as Angel comes in for a landing. It's smooth, well practiced, and perhaps more than a little bit for show. But, whatever the case, the outside door to the dining hall opens, and through it steps Warren. He smooths out his hair, and looks around, before his eyes settle on Emma and Ororo. He grins and then starts in the direction of the pair, waving as he does, "Afternoon, ladies," he says by way of greeting.

Lorna Dane has posed:
In an effort to spend more time away from her duties to relax, Lorna had come back to the school for awhile. She had business in New York anyway at the embassy later so this was a good place to spend time for awhile away from the pressure and stresses of her duties as a Queen. The fact that the weather was less than pleasant as compared to Genosha though... That meant she was more inclined to stay inside rather than roam the grounds of the school.

A mug of coffee held between her hands, she too enters the dining hall with a glance cast around for familiar and unfamiliar faces alike. Similar to Ororo she was in 'lounge' mode for her meant loose flowing slacks and a hoodie made of some super soft material. It looked expensive, and it was warm. So very cozy warm.

With those already gathered here familiar enough she steps over to greet them, "Mind some more company? It's good to see you Ororo, Warren," A pause, and she inclines her head to Emma as well. "Emma."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would take a moment to look up at the others, "Ah, it appears that we've come upon quite the gathering here." She would dip her head over to Storm, "Ororo, a pleasure to see you. I hope that classes are going well. Warren, likewise. I hope that business is going well.. But not too well." Frost Enterprises did technically compete in some matters. But it was still polite after all to engage in such appropriate back and forth.
    "Lorna. It's been awhile. I hope that things fare well in Genosha. From all I've heard the crown of leadership fits you well."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Afternoon gentleman." Ororo says, a smile on her face as she lifts her mug towards Warren using both hands before lowering and tilting to sip slightly. She moves casually over towards Emma to take a seat at the same table, but not close enough to encroach, but the same table is a big deal in high school. Maybe it still is in adult life.

    "It's wonderful to see you as well Lorna, really, all of you." The motherly figure notes with a kind tone and kinder expression. Turning first to Lorna, as she is already at Emma's table and will discuss with her shortly, Lorna does need some attention, Ororo decides, not ignoring Warren as she'll speak with him as well, but with a bow of her head, Ororo invites Lorna closer, "How are things abroad?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
A slight bow is given to Ororo by Warren, before he slides into a chair next to her. He says, "I must say, I need to come around here more often if this is the fare..." he may not be speaking about the food, but letting his eye wander for a few moments, before it comes back to Ororo, "How have you been, Storm?" he asks finally.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane allows herself a tired sort of smile as she pulls a seat out to sink down into herself. One leg drapes overtop the other comfortably to settle in. "It's not something I originally wanted, but I do try to hold up to my responsibilities. Pietro is stepping up as of late to help out more which is a great help. I could use a break now and again. I hope everyone's doing well?"

Glancing over to Ororo and Warren across from her she can't help but chuckle. "Always a charmer, Warren. I'm glad to see some things never change."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over at Storm, "I do hope that all things are going well. I don't spend as much time in the classroom as I should.. But I think there are far better teachers for anything that I might offer." At least she's being up front on it.. OR dodging the question.
    "I understand. The burden of leadership is rarely an easy one. Particularly when one has it out of a sense of responsibility rather than preparation and wish. You've done find. And yes you can certainly use a break. I'm fine. Business goes well."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    A smile towards Warren as she lowers her mug to the table top, "I've been well. Took some time off recently but am back and playing catch up on life and responsibilities." She notes before smiling fully at Lorna, "Warren is one of the most charming guys at the school, but every one has their own unique ways. To be sure." She says with a flutter of her eyes towards the blonde angel. Then her attention is back to Lorna, "We'll have to talk about your wants and desires sometime, get it out and in the open air can be very cathartic." Then finally she glances to Emma and smiles for her as well, "Knowing where you are lacking and admiting you are is beyond admirable especially when teaching, it's a team effort to give these kids the best education we can."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"If only I could charm you, your highness," Warren replies with a small dip of his head to her, before he looks over at Ororo and grins, "I would like to think I am more than just a nice smile and large...wings. Though, responsibilities do sound so dreary. I have been buried under account books for the last three weeks. There appears no end in sight either, so I took a flight and landed here, surrounded by three beautiful ladies. It is a difficult situation, but I think I shall find a way to soldier on."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Honestly, what I want right now is to relax and enjoy some time away from being a Queen, a godmother, and an ambassador. There's so much I could discuss about my plans and current events that are just work related." Lorna leans back in her seat more letting her fingers thread through the mugh handle to allow the warmth of her coffee to soak into her chilled hands. "I can't recall the last time I saw a movie or play for instance. At least the food in Genosha is excellent, if you're fond of fresh seafood and locale fare." Which she was admittedly getting a bit spoiled on.

"Oh, speaking of which, we've begun growing coffee. I brought a bag of the first run beans in the kitchen if anyone would care to try." Her mug raises to indicate that's precisely what she was drinking.

Warren gets an amused grin. "I suppose I've known you too long, Warren. You're charming to everyone." A tilt of her head is given toward Emma as she offers, "Even attempting to teach is still impressive. It's not something I'm inclined toward." Ororo as well earns a grin. "I'm not sure on what I want, but I did wish to speak to you about a few things regarding Genoshan history at some point. Not now though. It's too early for politics." What time WAS it? She hadn't checked.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Unique. You should share some at a fundraiser. I'm sure it would be popular. And.. I suggest first and foremost that you find some others you can delegate to, Lorna. If you have too many responsibilities you cannot attend to all of them with the attention that they require, nor the expertise. I would hope that amongst the.. Inhabitants of Genosha there are those with the expertise to do so. Or if you feel it is appropriate, and do forgive me if I'm out of line for saying so, that you might be able to request some assistance from members of the faculty."
    Emma treading diplomatically, just to be on the safe side.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Food is not appearing like he expects it should, so, Warren tries to wave someone down to bring him something. When that fails, he sighs and says, "Never have any good help these days..." and stands up to head over to get himself something to eat and drink. He pauses and then turns to the ladies sitting with him, "Would you like me to grab anything while I am up?" he asks, looking from one to the next expectantly.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo twists herself in her chair so she can fully face Lorna and gives a sort of a worried look before she leans forward and reaches out with her hand to put the back side of her hand against the Queen's forehead. "No, not a fever." Ororo notes with a smirk as she rarely gets to do little pranks like that and pulls back to sit in her chair and takes her mug back in hand. "It's nearly Six PM, Lorna, you HAVE been stressed, goodness. We will certainly have some one on one time soon." Ororo says before looking towards Warren with a twist of her head.

    "I would recommend some toast or saltines for Lorna if you can find them." Ororo says with a cheeky smile. Then towards Emma, she merely nods, agreeing with the other in regards to the white queen.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane almost chokes on her sip of coffee when she begins to laugh at Ororo's reaction. Checking her temprature like that. Her hand lifts slightly to wave off the other woman with amusement. "I'm jet lagged and I slept in, if it's that time though maybe I ought to have a wine instead of coffee." She's joking, though, and a glance toward Warren earns a simple grin. "I'll probably just grab a salad or soup at some point, Warren, thank you."

Emma's remarks are paid attention to with a nod. "I have delegated quite a lot, and the people of Genosha are wonderfully capable. However, there's still far too many loyal to my father and I'm hesitant to put them in positions that might be..." Here she trails off a moment, fingers tapping against the side of her mug. "Compromising. It's rather hard to explain to other countries why I'm allowing people labeled criminals be in charge after all."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smirk at Warren, "I presume that you can of course serve yourself. Have you ever learend those few tricks of standing in line?" As Ororo would go on she would give a firm nod to Lorna, "Yes, I fear that Ms. Munroe is quite right in the matter." She would let ou ta sigh. "Perhaps you could take some time while you're here to take a spa day to help you recharge some?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
    Food is the sort of thing that everyone needs at some point. Well, there may be some within the school for whom food is a luxury, but Betsy Braddock is not one of them. She finds herself heading down to grab some dinner, and a broad smile appears on her face as she steps in and sees the assemblage within. "What a brilliant surprise," she offers, beaming that smile to each in turn.
    "Ororo, I had heard of your return. Welcome back!" A glance then to Lorna. "And a visit from the sovereign. How lovely." She does also offer a smile to each of the others within, but saves a particular sly grin for her fellow telepath, Emma Frost.
    "I hope I am not interupting."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "He's not coming back." Ororo says towards the door, a ring of sadness in her tone before she looks back towards Emma and Lorna, "A spa day would be, pleasant." Ororo murmurs, her mug before her lips as she looses herself in the thought of relaxing so completely, even if just for the briefest of moments. "I thought you said it was too early for politics?" Ororo says, shooting a glance towards Lorna, who has almost as quickly started talking politics.

    Interrupted by Betsy arriving, Ororo does stand up to her feet and opens her arms wide after setting her mug down and with her hands, motions Betsy to come in with a hug. "Betsy! Such a pleasure to see you." Where Ororo would try to do the double cheek kiss greeting if it felt appropriate and welcome. "We were discussing our abilities and duties as rulers of various ammounts and regions of persons." Ororo says as if it was casual and every day, then winks to Lorna, "But no politics."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would turn her attention towards Betsy, "Ah, hello Ms. Braddock. I hpoe that everythign finds you well. And it appears that there's enough of the staff here to have some sort of faculty meeting. Or alternatively try to figure out where Lorna might go for somewhere to relax. Perhpas shopping?" She would inquire.. but also holding back in case it was somewhat overloading for Ms. Maximoff.
    Then grinning at Betsy, returning the smile.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington returns with food, and drink, and...toast for Lorna? He sets the plate of them in front of Lorna at least, smirking a bit, and then he starts to dig in to the salad that he grabbed for himself. He is the soul of politeness and definitely not pettiness. "No politics?" he asks around half a mouthful of salad and dressing.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He always had a knack for knowing where Wanda was - Lorna, not so much. However, it's easy to get the information as a member of the Royal family. Membership has its priviledges, after all. Pietro zips into the area, pausing at the gate. Xavier's wasn't a place to burst into, regardless of the welcome that had been provided previously. Once cleared, the flash that is Quicksilver bolted about, finally coming to stop in the Dining Hall.

Food was always good for the man.

There's a polite bow of his head to those present, greeting with a slight smile. For those who knew him, it might be easy to spot the changes he's been making. He'd been trying to do some self-reflection, and clear up the dour and severe attitude he'd been presenting most of his life. Times, they were a' changing. "Good evening, all. I hope I am not interrupting."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane closes her eyes tight at mention of talking politics. "I did it again," she utters with annoyance only to shake her head firmly. Glancing toward Betsy she raises her coffee mug in silent greeting toward the other telepath. Just before tipping her head back toward Ororo once more. "This is why I need a break, I have precious little besides that to chat about lately. A spa day *does* sound wonderful. Perhaps I should pay the Hellfire Club a visit," she jests. Or was she? Maybe. It's not unheard of.

The toast settled in front of her earns a very mature and Queenly tongue being stuck out at Warren in return. That doesn't stop her from reaching out to snag a slice of it though. It was there, she may as well have a snack.

At least until Pietro arrives. That familiar displacement of air as he is suddenly *there* was becoming more and more familiar. Her wrist shifts to offer the slice of toast toward him silently. "Pietro, good to see you. We were just discussing ways I could potentially relax for awhile."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
    Naturally, Betsy is all about face time with Ororo, leaning in accept and return the double kiss. "Ah, yes. That is quite the burden that seems to fall around me, but never quite on me. How /is/ that?" Betsy flashes a grin, before turning her attention towards Emma. "I feel like every time we have an outing to the mall, something diabolical happens. Rather disconcerting, I must say.
    Looking over towards Lorna, Betsy chuckles. "You know, for all the issues that we have faced from /some/ members through the years, it really is not that bad of a place." Betsy smiles winsomely at her. "My father was a member, and so my brother and I are legacies. It is most entertaining sometimes to take a stroll through that place and just ... let the mind wander."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Pietro, "Ah, it's good to see you as well." She would look amused at the kiss, "You two are rapidly reacquainting yourselves.." To Ororo and Betsy, "Or is there something deeper as far as attachments that I'll be hearing down the gossip line?" She would shake her head to PIetro, "No, we're merely having some discussion and eating. Nothing of any particular note."
    Emma would smile at Betsy, "And aren't you the charmer? We should have another girl's night out and see how catastrophic the repair bills are."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    A hand falls to rest on Lorna's wrist and Ororo gives her a look that would make Lorna feel like she is the only person in the room. A talent of Ororo's, "Don't beat yourself up, no one else here will, neither should you." Ororo says softly with a melancholic smile before leaning back and becoming part of the room as a whole again.

    Taking in Pietro's apperance, as well as Betsy and really everyone in such short time, she can't help but smirk and adjust her sweat pants and worry if she's completely under dressed, and then a glance to Emma's steak, and Storm can't help but ponder having a full meal brought in and feeding everyone present. At least.

    A look back to Betsy and Ororo smirks with a tap of her nose, "We both know it's not an accident you avoid such drama." And then finally to Pietro, "Nonsense, join us, have fun. I think I'm about to order some catering for all of us."

Warren Worthington has posed:
And, then, his phone explodes. Warren was just about to dig into his steak, cutting it slowly, admiring the job the cook did on it, and then, bzzzz. bzzzz. bzzzz. From his belt. He sighs, tugs it out, looks at it, and says, "My apologies ladies, lad, but I need to be off. Apparently there has been an...incident at one of my facilities and the response team needs my attention." He stands, looks over all present -- especially Ororo -- and says, "Another time," before he starts towards the exit.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The offered toast is taken, with a slight bow to his sister. "Thank you, Lorna. And yes, a break. I thought we had discussed that with your royal guard?" A slight smile from Pietro. Warren gets a look at the phone-kablooey, the man offering an empathetic nod. "Buisiness never ends, I fear." A wave is given to the winged man.

A hrm, smirking a bit. "One of the party planners at the Hellfire Club... Viola. She was the one I was speaking to you about, Lorna. The one interested in helping with planning parties." Obviously! A smile to Betsy, Emma and Ororo. "A wonderful topic - food. And drama avoidance." There's a chuckle from the man. "I fear the latter is arguably the most difficult portion of our lives."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane turns her hand over lightly to grasp Ororo's arm in turn giving it a thankful little squeeze. A smile of appreciation is offered as well as a nod of thanks. "Thank you. I really do need a break. Good thing I've come here, then," she reasons with a chuckle that tapers off when Warren's phone explodes. She knew that instance all too well. "Good to see you again, Warren." And as he leaves, giving Ororo that lingering gaze, she clears her throat to arch an eyebrow questioningly at the other woman.

Rather than pry, though she might like to, she turns to grin at Pietro. "Ah, I wondered where you'd met her. Perhaps a trip there would be nice. I could dress up some." There's a pause, and she adds, "Though I ought to be careful about drinking. I find I'm a bit... too relaxed lately when I do." Whatever that means. "I would be up for a girls night, certainly."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
    Betsy dramatically throws her head back and places her wrist against her forehead. "Oh, responsibilities, how I am simply unable to manage them." She tosses a grin towards Ororo. "I leave that to the more noble of us, milady."
    Looking to Emma, she nods. "I think we should. Perhaps we can drag her highnesses along with us?" A delicately arched eyebrow.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would chuckle at Ororo, "The nit seems like all is well. And we do have some incentive to try and do something together.." Smiling over at Lorna, "Excellent. Then if this visit isn't an opportune moment, then we can always simply plan one together when convenient. Transit is simple." She would fold her hands together.
    "And I'm sure that we can come up wtih a few things that we can do for a change of pace."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    To Lorna's unasked question, Ororo simply closes her eyes and shakes her head twice in small motions. Pulling back and resting in her chair once more, Ororo takes a deep breath of the atmosphere, the people and the enjoyment they tend to bring her, but she will say something that's potentially polarizing in this moment, "You four enjoy your time in the Club. I wont stifle your style, so the kids say." She says with a knowing smirk and then a shake of her head at Betsy's dramatic presentation.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A chuckle from Pietro. "I'll keep clear, lest I face the wrath of the women." The man smiles, finding himself a seat. There's a look to Lorna, an eyebrow raised. He can tell she has questions! Sibling radar. "Can I get you ladies anything from the kitchen?" He wonders, looking to the four.

"What is new with the three of you?" He asks, looking to Emma, Betsy and Ororo. Lorna and he had brunch the other day - they're caught up. Mostly. Mostly.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane grins faintly at that. "There's still a spa to consider, Ororo," she reasons with a shrug. "Even I get tired of crowded places at times. Though the Hellfire club does do an amazing steak the last I recall." While she might enjoy the seafood heavy fare of Genosha, she hadn't had a steak in awhile. Oh yes.

Pietro's question earns a nod from her. "If you're going, I'd love a steak myself. Even if it's not up to those standards. I believe they've got a few cooked still." Otherwise... Well. She'd figure something out involving numerous little nibbly finger foods. Hummus, carrots, mozarella. Whatever.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Oh, you know. Nothing major, really," responds Betsy. "I am not nearly as efficient at getting into trouble as any of you all are. I just mind my own business." She gives Pietro a bit of a grin. "Keeps life simple." She makes her way over to snag some food, while the conversation continues onward.

Emma Frost has posed:
Her own food rather adequate, Emma Frost would incline her head over that way towards those going over to get their own. "Why, Ororo, I never thought you for the staid type. I'm sure that you could let your hair down and enjoy yourself some."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "I'm not going to try and influence you on how you think you should relax." Ororo says to Lorna, and then glancing up to Pietro and giving him a polite bow of her head, "I've been doing a lot of me time lately, taking a small sabbatical and then returning just the other week and getting caught back up." Ororo notes to Pietro's question and then a smile to Ororo that fades to a knowing grin, "I do believe my adventerous days are behind me, minus the teaching and the ... other gig." The grin growing back to a smile.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a brief woosh, as Pietro retrieves a couple of steaks from the kitchen - plated and already cooked. Silverware too! He places one on the table before Lorna, saving the other for himself. "I will say, this school knows how to keep the students, staff and guests fed." He smirks.

His seat is resumed and the man looks to the others. "I suspect everyone here has very different ideas of relaxation, of course."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Thank you, Pietro." Lorna grins at her steak which was more substantial than the joke toast that Warren had brought her after Ororo suggestd she might be sick. Picking up knife and fork she begins to cut the steak into bite sized peices out of habit. "Oh, I know how to relax, but I'm trying to expand my methods. Having a good stiff drink can be habit forming after all. Besides I tend to get myself into awkward conversations lately." A bite is taken, chewed thoughtfully, before she continues. "It started as just a joke to tease Clarice, but unfortunately I find I get a bit flirty after a few drinks these days." Oops. Should she have admitted that around Pietro? Oh well.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance at Pietro, "Yes, we do. There's no reason we can't all spend some time together. We could call it cultural exchange.. Or merely corruption." She would lgance over at Lorna and 'ah'. "There we are on the gossip. And congratulations, Lorna."