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Tavern time in old Mutant Town
Date of Scene: 21 March 2020
Location: Sailor Pub and Bar
Synopsis: Power Girl appears to watch the news and everyone agrees Caradenza needs to go. This is hardly a surprise in Mutant Town.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Hastings, Kyani Kohanna, Karen Starr

Daniel Hastings has posed:
It's just a regular afternoon at the Sailor. Which is to say things are quiet with an almost continual low buzz of tension every time some Pro-Humana blip hits the news. Given the time, there's only about a half-dozen patrons in the bar at the moment. One of them is someone whom seems to be a regular by the way he's chatting up the tender and leaning casually on the bar with a half-finished pint of lager before him. "I'm telling you, Rick, before too long there's going to be a mob... and it won't be pretty. You know it and I know it." Dan offers with a sigh and a sip off of his beer.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Saturdays are busy days for Kyani, though luckily for him he's able to do them damn fast. He hadn't been to Mutant Town in a while, though that's slowly changing. Rick had a package coming in and well here it was, not just a day ago it arrived, walking into the Sailor, Kyani looks around and walks up to the bar, "Rick?" he asks looking between the two gentlemen.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    The bartender looks to the new fellow with a lift of his chin, "Can I do fer ya mate?" He's presently drying a beer mug he'd just washed.

    Daniel rotates on his bar stool to look over at Kyani curiously. Did this guy know the bartender or did he just have good ears. Either way, his left hand brings the beer and he sips from it.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    No he doesn't know him, though the large yellow envelop in his hands, has his name on it. "AH." he says walking over to him, he pulls out his iPad. "Sign here." he says. "A package came in for you." he says showing him the package but not giving it to the man until he signs. Kyani hands over a stylus for him to sign.

    Kyani looks over at Daniel for a moment, than he looks back over to Rick. As he done that, he did get a good look around the bar at the same time, before looking over to Rick agian. "You're my last delivery for the afternoon." he says.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    There's an upnod from Rick as he reaches for the package, frowns, then signs the damned ipad before taking his package. Messengers always making life difficult. Rick wanders off to the end of the bar to open up his package and go over the contents with the rest of the world ignored for the moment.
    "Sounds like you could use a beer." Dan offers with a chuckle. "Deliveries on the weekend. You'd think the world never slept anymore. Not.. that I suppose it does. The pace is downright frenetic these days. Information travelling at the speed of light and people wanting their deliveries done just as fast."

Karen Starr has posed:
    On a normal day, Power Girl would have no reason to be caught in a bar in Mutant Town. There are important things that need doing- but throughout the day she hasn't been able to catch the statement from Pro-HUMANA, and considering she's essentially called out in it repeatedly, she wants to actually see the thing.

    This is why when she hears the news report below, flying over Mutant Town on her way to some business, Power Girl descends upon the bar, landing outside its doors and strolling in. Her expression isn't one of particular happiness; What's airing isn't bound to make her any happier, either.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani looks to Rick and takes back his iPad once it's signed. He sees Ricks demeanor changes and he sighs a little, some people are grateful others aren't he shrugs a little bit. Still he looks to Dan and shakes his head, "Nah man I'm good." he says as he brings his messenger bag around and places the iPad in it. He rolls his shoulders a little. "Thanks though." he smiles to Dan. His business was done but he looks down at Rick than over to Dan. "How're yo udoing?" he asks Dan.

    When the door opens, he looks over to it and sees Power Girl walking, in "Hello." eh says as he looks to her than to Dan and around the bar. Maybe she has a reason for being here. Or maybe she saw him running? Nah.....

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    If televisions should be afraid.. now would be a good time.. because it is now airing a portion of an interview with the face of Pro-Humana, Mr. Caradenza, whom is extolling the virtues of humanism and deriding Power Girl herself for her 'rude and presumptuous' appearance at the last gala which has prompted this new measure of more discrete gatherings.

    "Me? That's a question that rolls a new answer by the minute. For instance, you never know what's going on outside. Or whom might come in? This neighborhood's seen an unfair shake of activity and drop in property values for no valid reason.. but then I suppose I don't have to tell you now do I." He lifts his beer in toast to him only to have Power Girl make an entrance.

    Now if you ever want to have your train of thought derailed, have Power Girl enter the bar you're having a casual drink in. It's good for at least a six second stare. Then he slips off of his stool, sets the beer on the bartop, and dares to approach the heroine, "Pardon, Miss.. Power." Because Miss Girl is just not how you address anyone. "I'd like to shake your hand. If I could. For.. that." With one hand extended bravely, his other hand thumbs towards the television.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl is no threat to television. The people -on- it are another story, it's always one small step from advocate for the suppression of nonhumans, to domestic terrorist. In Fillipe's case, he's more likely to fund than he is to participate, but still.

    Her attention flits to Daniel momentarily, but she's primarily paying attention to the broadcast. Her expression doesn't lighten as Dan approaches, and she corrects him swiftly. "Power Girl. Not Miss anything." she responds, before she extends her own gloved hand towards the man. "Don't mention it. I see he's still grandstanding."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani looks to the television, he really hasn't been paying much attention to the news or much of the political grandstanding most politicians do. When he looks to Power Girl, he sees that she is paying attention to it, he looks back to the television watching it, he could get the information he could on the current climate of things, which would help him in what he's trying to do.

    Kyani walks over to where Power Girl is, "Nice to meet you Power Girl. You're the third hero Iv'e met now." he smiles. THough seeing as she was speaking with Daniel and commenting on the news broadcast. "I guess I'm out of the loop of things, whats going on?" he asks.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    The handshake is taken with a broad smile given. "Forgive me.. Power Girl.. I was merely being polite." Dan replies with a lift of his chin. "Isn't he always? I'm afraid I couldn't truly interfere in his shenanigans with the last one much as I wanted to. The job, you see. But I wanted you to know that I'm very much rooting for you. Dan Hastings, SHIELD." If Power Girl ever watched the memoriam for Genosha in mutant town, she might recall him as a speaker there. "Which isn't to say I can't spend my off time at the neighborhood pub. Just in case."
    He winks at her then looks back to Kyani, "Ahh.. a delightful wealthy wanker who seems to think he can peddle a fourth reich out of bigotry and fear of mutants and metahumans." Daniel sums up with a nudge of his chin at the tv. "Fillipe Caradenza. A wealthy man with a fear that he can no longer control people with money alone and no means to pick up the slack."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl notices Kyani now that he's appraoched. Her brow raises a moment, but she doesn't look over. The broadcast isn't long, but she's not going to let her visual attention leave it.

    "Good to meet you, too." she responds, offering a swift nod of acknowledgment to the delivery runner. Daniel then gets to work summarizing Fillipe's character, and Karen just offers a short nod. "Yeah. Basically." she states, before the thing finally ends and she turns to look at Daniel and Kyani. "Interfering isn't necessarily what anyone's supposed to do. Glad someone at SHIELD cares, though."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Looking back to the television watchign the rest of whats going, As Dan tells him who the guy is on tv and whats going on, Kyani nods his head, "I see." he says to him. "I've not been keeping up on the news." he sighs a little, "THough it looks like I will need to." he states.

    Looking over to Power Girl he smiles to her. "SHEILD, you're with SHIELD?" he asks as he looks at Dan. A brow raises up, the places you meet people he guesses. "I don't know much about whats going on outside of the normal stuff, I know that don't sound well for me but, I've not paid attention or just didn't bother to get involved which is stupid."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I think you'll find that quite a few of us care." Daniel replies to Power Girl. "Captain Rogers, for instance, was quite incensed about a story I related to him.. but we're on it." He dips his chin. "Terrorism is terrorism no matter how your whitewash it. So if all they do is talk? Fine. But they never do just leave it there, do they." There's a small sigh. "Offer you a drink?" He half turns to the bar..

"My friend.. you should always keep your eyes open. Your ears, too." Dan opines to Kyani with a nod affirming the answer to his question, "Blissful ignorance is how Hitler came to power. If you don't pay attention now, then the likes of Caradenza will get a stranglehold on government and incidents like Genosha will be called just another Tueday. I, for one, won't stand by and let that happen. Hopefully.. you won't now as well?"

Karen Starr has posed:
    There's a shrug out of Karen regarding that. "I would be surprised, considering how little any of you are doing about it. The Captain aside. Listen, these people are going to continue to take support the more and more people -don't- do anything to check them. I can't, I'm not about to punch Fillipe Caradenza. But people need to start working at it." she states, before shaking her head. "No thanks, not today. Too much to do." Not that it would have gotten her drunk anyway.

    "I stoppedd in for the broadcast. You guys have a good night, and stay safe. Not all of it is hot air from Fillipe." she states, before moving towards the door. Unless stopped, she'll be off into the air and gone.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani doesn't say anything for the moment, he just listens as Daniel speaks to him, he has been just ignoring things as well he didn't want to get involved in the political matters, but since speaking with Thor on a few things and Fire, his mind has changed. He knows he will have to keep his mind on the path he wants. "How do you go about that Power Girl?" he asks as he turns to look to her than he looks to Daniel. "You're right, I can't be ignorant nor can I simply stand by and do nothing either. I'm not of the political mind of things, but more of a hands on type of person."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"So far they're talk and gathering. Both of these things are protected activities by American law. If there was evidence of something criminal.. or perhaps America had stricter laws against bigotted behavior.." Daniel gives a shrug to Power Girl. "But you.. you CAN do something. Take some of that fame of yours and hold anti-Humana events. Make it unpopular to be racist. I'm the one bound by UN protocols after all." But then she's flying off and he's left to offer a soft sigh.

"Here's the trick, lad. Everyone can do something. I'm doing something right now though you may not realize it." Secret assignment? "Take Caradenza for instance. All of their meetings are now no longer public and are instead secret gatherings.. again.. not unlike before. You're an anonymous messenger fellow. Keep your ears open. Every fancy law office you enter or wealthy politician you make a rush delivery for? Listen. And.. if you hear something.." He produces a business card and offers it to Kyani.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"So far they're talk and gathering. Both of these things are protected activities by American law. If there was evidence of something criminal.. or perhaps America had stricter laws against bigotted behavior.." Daniel gives a shrug to Power Girl. "But you.. you CAN do something. Take some of that fame of yours and hold anti-Humana events. Make it unpopular to be racist. I'm the one bound by UN protocols after all." But then she's flying off and he's left to offer a soft sigh.

"Here's the trick, lad. Everyone can do something. I'm doing something right now though you may not realize it." Secret assignment? "Take Caradenza for instance. All of their meetings are now no longer public and are instead secret gatherings.. again.. not unlike before. You're an anonymous messenger fellow. Keep your ears open. Every fancy law office you enter or wealthy politician you make a rush delivery for? Listen. And.. if you hear something.." He produces a business card and offers it to Kyani.