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X-F: Roses Are Red
Date of Scene: 11 April 2022
Location: (Eventually) Pier 81 Outskirts
Synopsis: The first mission for X-Force is a resounding success but leads to implcations of something far larger than any of them had bargained for.
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Gabby Kinney, Clarice Ferguson, Inez Temple, Neena Thurman, Cable

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool had given the call to the small band of people he knew were made for violence. Reconnaissance work had determined that Pier 81 held more than just popular night life sites. Beneath the lights and velour was a painfully seedy underbelly.

    And let's talk about that phrase for a moment. Seedy underbelly is, for one, not the accurate phrase. It was originally "-seamy- underbelly" and used by old Bill Shakespeare in Othello and later by chain-smoking Churchill in 1942 and, for two, terribly outdated. We need to make a new phrase for the less reputable parts of the world at large. Get on it... idiom makers.

    Regardless, Pier 81 was holding more than its fair share of degenerates and lowlifes who felt that trafficking kids was a good source of income. Deadpool didn't stand for that. What's worse... most of the crew working it were mutants. Mystique and the Brotherhood wouldn't like it, but they were trafficking -kids- and so Mystique and the Brotherhood could go fuck themselves if they were going to say no to him breaking it up just because most of the crew were mutants.

    But action would come soon enough. Housekeeping and group cohesion were first on his list. Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Girls was closed for the night. Weasel had been paid off to find some depraved H-game about catgirls or something ("Not Judging") for the evening and that allowed Wade to set it up how he wanted it.

    Most of the chairs and tables (including the pool table which was a bitch and a half) had been moved to the side of the main area. In their place were a number of screened off cubicles and five of the main tables and chairs. The bar, pristine as always--Weasel keeps a tight ship when he had a mind to--was festooned with assorted guns, grenades, blades, and other gadgets of mayhem.

    Deadpool for his part was dressed for battle, but his suit was a bit different. The red and black had been replaced with a sooty-white and black number. There was a bit of red, the eyes for one were opaque red coverings hiding his identity with ease, and there was a small red and black X at the buckle of his belt.    

    On the four remaining tables were large red and black wrapped boxes. How Deadpool managed to find wrapping paper with his logo on it is anyone's guess. Knowing his vanity on occasion, he might've gotten it custom made. Inside were super-suits (for 3 of them at least). The main color scheme was like Wade's own at the moment. Sooty-white and black with the occasional red accents.

        Clarice's was a full getup in mostly black with white criss-cross pattern down either arm and the red and black X at the shoulders. The same criss-cross pattern was visible on her boots. Her belt, a simple utility number had no buckle but looked like something could fit there if latched in. Perhaps it would come to light in time. (Wink wink.)
    Gabby's was a full suit as well. The kevlar, carbonadium, and ceramic outfit probably cost a small fortune to make but it was in the general style of Gabby's yellow and black outfit--but was white where the yellow was on her usual getup. Red goggles and a white mask with a vicious sharp toothed graphic on it rounded the suit out. Her belt as well as the kneepads of her outfit had the red abd black X on them for branding purposes.

    Inez's was something novel. A black and white cropped halter with the red and black X on either shoulder strap, a black skirt and a belt with dual holsters in black and white with the same red and black X on the massively oversized buckle. There was even a black and white strap for her stetson becase that's just how Deadpool rolls.

    Domino already had a suit of adequate make and material. But wasn't about to leave his bestie out of the lurch. He had a utility belts with the semi-pattented red and black X on it as well as new hostlers with the same logo for the (arguably best) mercenary in the world.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Pretty sure you all know why you're here. Well apart from the specifics" Wade started as the others filed into the place (in their various ways.) "Go ahead and check out the new kicks I got you. Screens are for changing if you're squeamish." God knows he wasn't. "And I'll brief you all about where we're going from here." He sat back and folded his hands behind his head to gauge the reactions from the women he had gathered together for violence and mayhem under new branding.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was set to do damage for whoever needed it. It wasn't often someone asked HER for help. So when her brother-figure in Deadpool does, she does not hesitate to be there with her curb stomping boots on. Thankfully they were black so it matched the suits in general. Slung at her side was a set of uzis that she hadn't pulled out of the mothballs for awhile, as well as a single katana over her back.

Or. It was a bit short to be a katana, but it was HER sized so she's rolling with it.

As she enters and looks over the little screened off areas she goes to hers to pick up the suit with a little squeal of delight that probably didn't fit the mood of the night at all. "Shit this is awesome! Thank you!" And she bounces in place a time or two before clearing her throat. "Right, serious time. Sorry. My bad."

A hand lifts to point to the screen. "I'll just change behind here so we don't ruin the PG rating early on, yeah?" That's something Deadpool would say, right? Right. Either way she dips behind it quite eager to swap into the new gear.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice arrives in her usual style - a flash of purple energy just outside of the School for Wayward Girls announcing her presence, before she makes her way into the building. The woman regards Wade's set up with a dubious expression, before flashing the man one of her broad-lipped smiles. "Presents? You shouldn't have." She watches Gabby open hers curiously, before moving to retrieve her own box, tearing through the paper and lifting out the outfit, to study it with a considering gaze. "Do I want to know how you learned my size?" she asks, before moving towards one of the screens.
    After all, outfits like these are not cheap. You didn't have them made up without making sure of the sizing first.

Inez Temple has posed:
There was no question that Inez was in when the call goes out. They can hear her Harley rumble down the street before she parks to enter the bar. Entering, she apparently has a surprise of her own.. the usual brown stetson and boots have been replaced with black versions. She winks at Wade and grins, "I ain't one t' mess with a man's vision o' his super team."

Strolling over, she picks up her outfit and chuckles, then shrugs as the other two head behind screens, and just disrobes where she is. Nothing most of the group hasn't seen already at some point or another! And it won't take long besides. Her's is quite easy to get into. Still, she calls out to Clarice, "He's got an eye fer sizes."

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "Last mission me and Deadpool went on we spent most of the time discussing Christmas movies," Domino notes as she opens her own package, nodding when it's just belts--she's in her favorite black-and-white outfit with teal accents, which works out for this just fine.

    She doesn't bother going behind a screen to put on the belts and holsters, then heads over to the bar to peer over guns and grenades. "So what're the specifics? Who needs shooting?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "A good call Honey Badge" Deadpool responds as Gabby moves behind a screen to get decked out. "And... what Inez said. I know a thing or two about figures and sometimes useful tidbits fall out of thin air" he smiles, the tone giving it more than his facial features. Inez gets an appreciative nod at her choice of colors--and her lack of care for modesty.

    "So I'd been trailing a few marks around town for a while now, needed some extra cash to fund..." he gestures to the foursome, "and noticed a lot of activity down in Pier 81, or well, near it at least. Followed them and discovered three useful tidbits."

    He ticks off the digits of one hand as he explains. "One, both the guys I was tailing were mutants. Looked like a Fire and Ice duo... so cliche, I swear." He flings up a second. "They were two of a larger outfit of mutants who seemed keen on body trafficking. Not my favorite past time, but not something I'd disrupt on the regular." He flings up a third digit. "That is until I noticed their cargo was a bunch of teens and kids. And well... I just can't let that fly."

    He slides from his stool and moves a bit out to regard Clarice's screen. "Which brings me to a question for you Blink." He was doing his best to work usinig codenames. Lead by example, after all. "This isn't a Brotherhood operation. We're not Brotherhood. We're X-Force. I'm not even a mutant, not technically. I know the Brotherhood frowns on killing other mutants if other avenues are available. But these are kids and I'm past negotiating."

    He pauses to give the statement weight before continuing. "You'll notice a missing compnent on your belt. If you could pop a little portal and get the holo projector I gave you for your birthday last year? You still have it I hope--I'd like to try something that could give you, and Mystique by proxy, some handy plausible deniability."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Wait kids?" Gabby's head peeks from behind the screen looking a mixture of disgusted and angry at the same time. There's a million thoughts that go through her head, but the first is, "Do we need me to decoy to get in first? Or just gonna hit them? I mean I can do either way and I still look pretty young if I put my hair in pigtails."

GBecause she was young. ANYWAY.

A moment later after tugging the straps here and there to insure the armor was snug she finally steps out. Inez gets a wide grin at her own gear, and the others a nod as well. "We're all matchy match it's great. Feels like a real team!" Pause. "I mean we are. Just. You know. Used to the thrown together sort of team." With that she claps her hands together to get herself to focus. "Tell us more. You know I'm in."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
     Clarice emerges - trying to get a look at herself, and failing - and so she opens a portal to her own bedroom, so she can look into her own mirror. "Not bad, DP," she murmurs, as she turns, trying to get a look at herself from behind. "Not bad."
    She's still considering the new look as she answers the man's comments about kids. "Look, if they're trafficking kiddies then... well, the bastards have made their own choice, haven't they?" she remarks. "I won't cry over anything that happens to them as a result. And besides - if we let them continue, they're going to foment more hatred towards mutant kind. We //have// to stop them."
    She glances towards the missing section of the belt as he calls her attention to it, and she steps through the portal she was already holding open. The sound of a drawer is heard opening before she returns with the device - the portal blinking shut once more behind her. "You mean this?" she asks, tossing it towards him casually.

Cable has posed:
Nathan Summers wouldn't wear a special outfit if Wade gave it to him anyway and Wade apparently had sense enough to know it. Cable did have an X-patch sewed onto the strap of his weapons harness and that would have to be enough. He wore a satellite comm rig on his head, enabling him to scan through any nearby signals and to latch onto whatever communication equipment the team was using by piggybacking the signal.

It isn't entirely clear how he got there. Maybe he walked.

He overhears the conversation as he approaches and just says, "Kids means one thing: hit your marks. Stray bullets mean dead kids." His cybernetic eye flares for a moment as he stares down Deadpool, "You look like an ashtray," he says, then nods to Inez, "Outlaw." Head tilt. "Neena."

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez is just settling her new clothes into place when Cable arrives, tipping her hat briefly, "Nate." She lifts a brow at his grisly words, "I think I'm insulted.. t' suggest I don't hit m'targets..." She tsks lightly and moves towards the Wall o' Weapons to start selecting various guns to bring along. SAKO TRG 42. SIG SG 50. Mossberg 590 SHOCKWAVE with the nice underbarrel grenade launcher. And her pistols, of course. A few grenades are attached to the criss-crossed gunbelts just in case.

"Ah'm guessin' since he's gotten us t'gether, we're goin' in loud an' fast, get th' kids out as priority one, take down th' scuzzballs, an' if we gotta? Burn that motherfucker t' th' ground." She glances over to Wade and lifts a brow, "I leave anythin' out?" To Neena she murmurs, "Last time DP an' me were on mission t'gether, we ended up debatin' Godfather against Scarface fer like.. th' entire mission. Even th' fightin' part."

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "I've got no problems killing mutants if they're messing with kids," Domino says, expression gone hard. She nods toward Clarice. "That, exactly. I mean, mutants trafficking mutant kids is just going to make people say 'oh, those mutants, they hurt each other all the time.' We don't need that shit. Even if it /wasn't/ mutant kids, well, then it's 'mutants are preying on our children!!'" She rolls her eyes and sighs.

    Picking up a dagger from the bar and toying with the blade, she nods to Cable. "/I/ never miss my mark. /Some/ people around here do. That's why he's making a team, though." She smirks. Glances to Inez. "Oh, yeah, it was... what, Santa's Slay versus Black Christmas, while shooting bad guys."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool catches the small holographic projector disc and presses a few of the controlls on it before stepping forward (possibly a little too deep in her own bubble) and popping it into the compartment at the waist of her belt. There is a shimmer and suddenly Blink doesn't look like Blink. Gone is the pink skin, and majenta hair as well as the deep solid green of her eyes. She looks like a normal person, albeit with vaguely asian features and the same dark markings around her eyes. He eyes the work and nods. "Good enough for me."

    Cable's entrace earns him a wide eyed expression, the eyes give it away with his mask on. "You came!" he says. "I was hoping you would." He grins and returns the man's jab with a counterstroke. "With the amount of ash that follows in your wake, does that mean you want to use me, Nate?" He regards the hulking Cable for a moment and then looks to the four ladies. "For those who don't know him... which I think is just Honey Badger, this is Cable. Don't mind the cybernetics and futuristic guns, he's just from the future. No big."

    At Inez and Domino's discourse about his action commentary he interjects. "All valid points to debate. You gotta have important conversations while doing important things." Inez gets a finger gun pointed her way at the end. "Hard and fast. Get in kill everyone who is part of the orginzation inside, get the kids out and then yeah... if we have to, burn it down. It's an abandoned shoe factory from the look of it. Old, smells terrible, and filled with oil so watch it with the incendiaries." He pauses and seems to be in thought. "Oh one more thing. We're going full on codenames here." He points to the assembled as he names them. "Cable, Blink, Honey Badger--HB if you need shorthand,--Domino, Outlaw, and" he finishes with a thumb to his chest, "Deadpool, or as Blink so easily put it, DP."

    "So we ready?" he asks, moving to a map set up on one wall. "Target is here" he jabs a finger at a location just outside the main concourse of Pier 81. "Like I said, abandoned shoe factory, not hard to miss... just follow the ass smell, that's the leather treatment chemicals they used. It permeates the area." He eyes Clarice. "Can you just..." he makes a vague gesture with his hands. "Or do you have to know the place before you can open a door"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Missing targets? I think we're all professionals here." Says the shortest, youngest one. Gabby reaches up to tug her goggles down in place with a solid nod as if she was getting into serious-bidness mode in preparation for the upcoming battle. when Wade introduces him she gives a quick nod. "Ah, Hope's dad, okay. Yeah I know OF him. Hope's cool, we fought together before. Great person to have at your back." And an approving thumbs-up is given toward Cable as if she were approving of his parenting style.

Glancing to the target map she steps a bit closer to rub her chin thoughtfully. "I could still go in and help get the kids out once we get far enough in. I'm close to their age so it might be less scary if someone like me were to show up." There's a pause as she contemplates before glancing Wade's way. "You know I'm not big on killing people myself, but I'm not gonna stop anyone else from doing what they feel needs done. Plus, you know if someone's in my face. That's on them." That was tough enough, right? Right.

For a moment she pauses to consider the really big conversations that could happen during a fight. Dead serious she looks toward Domino and Outlaw, "Frozen or Encanto?"

Cable has posed:
Cable arches an eyebrow at Gabby, "Even pros miss sometimes. Except Domino, she's right about that," he says. "Overconfidence can make you sloppy, kid. Sloppy gets us killed. Gets them killed."

"And that debate sounds ridiculous," he adds. "Black Christmas is a far superior movie. And Margot Kidder's a stone cold fox in that movie," he says.

He ratchets his plasma rifle and finishes his equipment check. "Locked and loaded...Deadpool."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Really? Black Christmas, hands down. Santa's Slay ain't even th' best evil Santa movie." Inez points to Cable, "See, he knows."

Then she's making sure there's extra ammo for all the different weapons, looking over to Gabby, "If'n ya think ya c'n sneak in an' start gettin' th' kids out while we raise holy Hell up front, all th' better. Less eyes on th' kids th' better." She glances at the others, "Anyone wanna volunteer t' stay with HB an' focus on gettin' kids out?" A glance to Blink, "If'n yer lookin' t' keep from rufflin' feathers with th' Brotherhood, might be good t' stick with HB an' keep yerself more low profile. As a suggestion."

Then she's looking back to Gabby and quirking a half-smile, "Frozen, no contest. Frozen's bout a woman havin' t' come t' terms with her super powers. Encanto's bout a girl wit' no powers havin' t' come t' terms with th' powered family around her."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice studies her new appearance - turning on her phone to selfie mode to look at her own face. "...asian?" she asks. "You know I'm black, right?" she asks in an amused voice. "And it's hardly the most protected identity out there if you're still calling me 'Blink' and I'm still slinging around purple portals." Still. She gives a shrug of her shoulders, and puts her phone away.
    "Do you want me to concentrate on getting the kids out? I mean - faster and safer to teleport them clear, then to lead them out. I can even send them to a safe holding facility until we can sort things out and facilitate getting them somewhere safe. I can also protect them from any stray bullets, and possibly even explosions, with my portals," she points out.
    She nods at Inez suggestion, having had similar thoughts herself, then turns her attention to Deadpool. "I can get us there. Do you have photos of the place? I assume you have the GPS coordinates and satelite images? It helps to see where I'm dropping us."

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "See, Deadpool? I was right." Domino grins at him for a moment, then adds, "I prefer Encanto. The entire soundtrack's full of bangers, and Frozen's whole 'lock up the superpowered kid so she doesn't hurt anyone' hit a /little/ too close to home." A pause. "Also, I just see Emma Frost, like, /every/ time. Not that that's bad, but she doesn't quite jive, y'know? I don't think Emma's had a moment of doubting her powers in her /life/."

    She snorts, then says, "I'm up front. You'll need my luck." She stashes the blade she'd been toying with, checks over her guns, then nods. "Let's go."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool usually didn't prepare. Then again, he usually relied on his blind insanity and the fact that he was mostly unkillable to do the talking for him. This wwas a different case. He pops a stack of photos from the top corner of the map. "Right here" he says handing them to Blink. "And you're asian because it's a disguise. I wasn't going to not PoC you, but I didn't want to go completely..." There were other reasons, but he didn't think going on about the casting choice for her character in -multiple- movies being changed to Asian women would make much a difference. Even if he was furiously thinking on it.

    He nods to Inez. "I think that's a good plan. HB and Blink work on getting to the kids and getting them out. Cable, Domino, Outlaw, and I will run decoy and destroy. Once the kids are out, pincer attack to mop up the rest."

    He slides a katana from his back and nods to Domino. "Lead the charge and we'll make quick time of it. Also, my vote, I think I gotta go with Domino here. Lin Manuel knows how to write music."

    The portal opens on the side lot of a dilapidated factory. The smell of burning leather and leather treatment chemicals was almost cloying. He honestly felt back for everyone but himself and Gabby for not having thought of filtration systems for them all. Peering around the corner shows a trio of heavies. They weren't being coy with what they were either. Granite-like skin and increased size seemed to be their primary features. It's possible that strength and durability went with them. A standard package, if a bit on the nose for doormen.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney opens her mouth to protest what Cable says... but he was right. So she just nods in agreement. Don't be cocky. Even if she was good there were always instances something could go wrong. With a quick nod she confirms, "Yeah Encanto had some bangers, and didn't include being told 'hide your powers for your own good' like a lot of people I know had to live through. Though if you replace the lyrics in 'Let it go' with 'Fuck it all'..."

Ah, but it was mission time. A quick once over of her gear is taken with a pat here and there to assure things were in the proper place. Then she lifts her mask up over her face leaving the zig-zag pattern to give the impression of teeth somewhere beneath that mask. Suitably geared up she turns toward the portal.

"Right, me and B. Since we can't use 'Blink'." At least she was good at infiltration! Ducking down low she waits for the others to go through to start the mess that she could then juke through toward where the kids may be.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I haven't seen Frozen yet," Clarice comments simply - though Theo and Pete has sat her down to watch Encanto with them. "Theo's been messing with some of the music from Encanto on his piano," she adds, just before opening the portal, a short distance from the warehouse, out of sight. They approach as a group, quietly, as Blink gives HB a nod of confirmation. "Do we know where in the building the kids are being held?" she murmurs quietly. "Blind teleports are risky - but I can blink out a chunk of wall to give me and HB access," she suggests.

Cable has posed:
Nathan Summers nods, "Destruction is what I do best," he says simply enough. If he has criticism of Deadpool's tactics or plan, he keeps them to himself. Undermining your leader in the field is never a good idea and this was clearly Wade's team, not his.

He nods to those on his direct squad and powers up his rifle, a matching flare in his cyber-eye showing he was ready for business.

"I don't watch chidren's movies."

Inez Temple has posed:
Looking through the portal opened, Inez glances back to Nate and lifts a brow, "Ya mean ya watch other movies? Huh... never woulda guessed." There's a brief grin towards Cable before she's glancing back to Gabby and Neena, "I had t' hide what I was when I were younger.. so I c'n relate t' Elsa. Bein' strong, powerful, but havin' t' hide it so yer not called a freak or hunted like an animal? How is that less relatable than a girl that's got no powers at all? Havin' parents that mean well but don't understand how t' actually do th' right thing? That's like.. 90% o' mutants growin' up." She points to Gabby, "An' that Let It Go song is the kicker.. jes'.. that first taste o' freedom, in really lettin' yerself rip an' jes' -be-."

Glancing back to Wade, she grins, "Yeah, but yer Bruno in that movie. An' we don't talk 'bout Bruno, darlin'." Winking, she chooses the shotgun for the first weapon, since they're starting with a pair of biggun's right up front. Socketing it against her shoulder and murmuring, "Jes' sayin'.. Frozen is way more relatable as a movie than Encanto. Encanto's a -great- watch, but... I ain't no Mirabelle."

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "Well you gotta see Frozen at least /once/," Domino comments to Blink. "White Queen or no, it's a classic. We gotta get on that. Asteroid movie night!" She glances aside to Inez, and adds, "If we're talking /relatable/ Disney movies, then I'm going to go with Tangled for myself. Locked up in a tower by some jackass who wants to use me for my power and dealing with a terrible mother? Yeah, sounds just about right."

    She pulls out a gun, checks the clip. "Disney movies are fun for all ages," she notes to Cable. "But I'll be nice and /not/ play 'We Don't Talk About Bruno' for you, 'cause you'll have it in your head foreeeever." She smirks as she unholsters another gun. "My luck doesn't extend to /that/." She eyes the men around the corner then huffs a breath.

    "You know how I work," she says to Wade. And then, having only waited for the briefest of nods, she throws herself around the corner, shooting toward the men with a pistol in each hand. Her luck works best when she's in direct danger, after all.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade has already shifted into work mode and he eyes the situation. To Blink he nods. "I got nothing on the inside. Your guess is as good as mine. But -she- he points to Honey Badger, can see in the dark with those goggles and if you can stealth away part of the wall here, you're welcome to it." He says just as Domino rushes in. "Go time. Maximum effort people." He unholsters one of the guns at his hips and starts around the corner after Domino.

    The men weren't expecting company from the look of it and Domino's charge catches them off guard from the onset, which works in her favor (because of course it does). Two bullets richoette off of the first hulking granite mutant, one of the ricochettes making his closest companion jerk and put a hand to his eyes before blood starts seeping between clenched fingers. The third bullet makes the lead man jerk and he starts gagging and spitting up blood as he drops to his knees. Seems one of the bullets went right into the man's mouth and while he's solid rock on the outside, it seems that -that- one is at least soft tissue on the inside.

    With one likely down and another in agony the third charges for the small pale woman and stops in his tracks as he sees Deadpool screaming like a howler monkey coming up behind her sword in one hand gun in the other. The sight alone isn't very intimidating, but it's a hell of a distraction to leave the man open for any number of other disposal methods from his allies.

    Should Clarice transport part of a wall she finds the inside of the building lit with industrial lamps and a lot more men (and women) pacing and patrolling. The closest is a woman who seems to have living tendrils of metal coming from her wrists. They hiss and click on the concrete floor of the warehouse. Currently her back is to the pair infiltrating, a prime target for a quick take out and the first step in moving deeper into the facility.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    While most of the party makes their very loud and dramatic entrance, Clarice gestures HoneyBadger to follow her, around the side of the building, where she blinks away a small section of wall to give them a clear view of the interior of the building. She gives the girl beside her a silent nod before removing a big enough section of wall to allow them entrance, once backs seem to be turned to them. The pair slip inside - and the woman in question is targeted a single, silvery javelin she charges with her purple-hued energy. It strikes her from behind, teleporting the woman away - but purposefully leaving behind part of her left hand. It's a reminder of what happens when you mess with children - a 'friendly' reminder from the Brotherhood that they police their own.
    She leaves her pint-sized companion to go after another target as she moves further into the building, searching for the children, and staying as quiet and stealthy as she can manage. It helps not to be a brilliant magenta hue with a green dress, she imagines.

Cable has posed:
Nathan Summers follows up clean, backing Domino's play. He keeps the perimeter clean, checking corners, working the right side of her charge to make sure nobody tries to go for a backstab mid-raid. With the element of surprise, they catch them almost literally with their pants down, which makes for easy work. Cable's plasma weapon is almost silent, but bright flashes of energy flare from the tip like a strobe as he cuts through his enemies, leaving the meat sizzling in the holes the blasts leave behind.

"Only Bruno I know is Sammartino," he says, pinning one more guy down and firing a hole in his head.

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez steps through the portal, already humming the tune to 'We Don't Talk About Bruno'... Neena's right, it's an earworm. She's already seen the movie, and then they were talking about the movie, and now it's there. Moving quickly, following along behind Wade, she angles the shotgun to send a slug shell right into the third doorman's chest, just to weaken the 'skin'. She follows it up with a 2-ton mulekick to the same spot to send the trafficker flying through the doors and into the shoe factory. If they didn't know they'd been breached before, they do now!

"...It was my wedding day (it was our wedding day)
We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky (no clouds allowed in the sky)..."

Pushing forward, Inez locates the next target, lifting the shotgun and letting out another shot to send the poor bastard flying back with half his head missing and some yellowish-green crap dripping from the ruins. The mulekick applied yet again, but to a side door this time so she can seek out some more unsuspecting assholes.

"..walks in with a mischevious grin (Thunder!)
You telling this story, or am I?
I'm sorry mi vida, go on.."

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Domino groans as Inez starts humming. "See what I /mean/? Mention that dang song and it starts." She wrinkles her nose at the smell of the place and, after a glance around to be sure the mooks in this area are downed, she starts through the side door Inez kicked down.

    Now /she's/ humming the song, but hey, it's a decent rhythm! So she moves with the beat as she quite deliberately draws the fire of the mutants in the room, all the better for those along with her to take them down in various brutal ways. And though it might /look/ like she's just dancing her way through one half of a salsa routine, all those quick steps neatly pull her out of the way of any bullets that come at her.

"Bruno says it looks like rain
(Why did he tell her...)
In doing so he floods my brain
(Abuela get the umbrellas...)
Married in a hurricane!
(What a joyous day but anyway...)"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The commotion at the front of the building is enough to send a number of patrollers rushing to back up the frontal assault. Honey Badger withdraws her bone claw from the neck of a reptilian looking man who had managed to grab her by the throat. The mutant falls, its eyes rolling up into the back of its head with its death. That's when they both see the cage. There are four mutants positioned around it. They look like energy manipulators from the glowing power around their hands.

    All four were focused on the cage of children.

    The oldest looks maybe to be in her mid teens and she stands holding a group of five others close to her to offer what little comfort she can. From the look of her eyes, a glowing red that reflect the light not unlike a cats, she is also a mutant. The children look to be a mixed bag themselves. Three humans looking and two others with visible traces of homo superior in their genes.

    At the front, gun, literal, and other fire rain out toward the front. Deadpool for his part is lanced through with a thin beam on superheated plasma, it tears a wire thin line from the middle of his torso and out onbe side. It doesn't even seem to slow him down though as he fires a high caliber round into the face of his attacker, putting a small hole just under the right eye and a massive mess of gore as it fractures through. He lets the ladies do the song. He's packing hollow points.

    Cable is met with another hulking figure, the plasma blast goes into him and he only seems to get bigger before he's rushing forward in a bull charge toward the super soldier from the future.

    Inez finds three men in the room, it looks like they were in the middle of card game when the commotion happened; as it was they were pulling on pieces of gear that looked far more advanced than anything a individual outfit could handle before one of them opens its mouth and a wave of sonic energy is blasted out. Looks like Sean Cassidy has cousins he doesn't know about.

    Domino receives a veritable mountain of gunfire before a gout of actual fire starts to sweep around her from one of the pyros in the group. She manages to dodge the worst of it before a pair of tendrils wrap around her form, holding her in place. "Can't dodge if you can't move... huh?" the man who looks like Discount Omega Red (complete with his own ashen skin tone) says to her.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Spotting the group guarding, and it seems even threatening the children, Clarice reacts with a gestures - creating a large portal which cuts the four guards off from access to their prisonners. The portal itself is set into the sky over the ocean - and if they got dropped through it, they would have to swim through the shallows of a coral reef in the dark to get to land. Goodluck avoiding all the fire coral, assholes.
    Amusement shows on her features as Honey Badger immediately takes the invitation to shove one of the men through, while she likewise aims a well practiced kick at the back of a woman's knees, staggering her, and sending her falling forward into the sea. A pair of splashes is immediately followed by cries of 'I can't swim!'
    Oops. Them's the breaks.
    That leaves her and Gabby each with another foe to face, and they're onto the portal-shoving game by now. Of course - that's hardly the only game you can play with portals. As her opponent, a rather androgynous person with electric blue hair shoots a bolt of lightning at her, she opens a second pair of portals, redirecting the shock towards his companion, who's currently trying to engage a very motivated Honey Badger.

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez gets the shotgun up and takes out one of the trio, still humming, even singing, "We don't talk about Bruno... no, no, no.." But then the rude asshole has to go screaming, and that was unexpected. Even as her eardrums rupture and blood trickles out, Inez hits the wall, then offers a grim smile. "Wrong move, asshole.." She can't hear herself, they probably can't either for that matter. But they'll find out...

Bracing against the wall, Inez reaches out and SHOVES the table right into the screamer's torso. It's too flimsy to work as a good weapon, already starting to crack under the force of her strength, but it cuts off the scream long enough for her to leap forward and grab the man by the throat. She squeezes, crushing his windpipe and jerking him forward.

Good thinking, since the last of the trio pulls his weapon and blasts a few holes into his buddy (and even catch Inez in the hip and side). But then it's her turn again, and Inez has no qualms about hefting the corpse of the screamer and using it to beat the third man into the ground. As a final insult, blood-splattered and engored, Inez curbstomps the third one into oblivion, popping his head like a grape.

"Fuck! Shit stings..." she hits her coms and sends out a warning, "guys we have advanced tech in the field. These guys are funded by something a LOT bigger." Grabbing up the weapons, she tucks them away as best she can and keeps on going. Her healing factor already having kicked in to repair the ear damage, now working to knit skin and tissue back together.

Cable has posed:
Nathan Summers puts up a shield to help protect himself, trying to blunt away the impact of his bulking up attacker. Seems like this guy absorbs energy. He lets the guy charge and tries to use his momentum and putting him into a judo throw.

"Bigger isn't always better. Do the work. Take 'em down," he says. He pounces on the guy and pins him, his cybernetic arm stronger than any ordinary human as he slaps a hand on the guy's mouth and nose, trying to literally smother him out.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Domino glares at the pyro as the edge of his firey attack singes her suit. "Seriously?! This is my favorite suit!"

    Before she can do anything, though, she's got tendrils wrapped around her torso and arms. She just grins at the man. "Oh, you want to dance? I don't normally go for kidnappers, but I could make an exception..." He hadn't wrapped up her legs up, so she crouches a little and then pushes off with her legs, aiming herself toward the pyro. "Hope you can handle a lift!"

    (Wade's /really/ getting to me), she thinks idly as she flies through the air. (Or maybe it's Inez. Disney songs, really, Neena?)

    She crashes into the pyro before he can react and throw any more fire at her, and pulls Discount Omega Red off-balance, too. Evidently the mutant /can't/ handle a lift. What a shame.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The guardian's numbers reduced to one on one has them looking quite nervous. Even so, one creates long blades of psychic force from each hand and comes after the younger woman. But whatever training these thugs have, it's not on the level of any of the more organized groups, especially one lead by a Bat-kid. The acrobatic work of Honey Badger is quick and explosive and it's not long until there is an only mildly bleeding Gabby Kinney, and an unconscious and maimed psychic thug on the ground twitching and groaning from the ordeal.

    Blink's own is a more long range combatant than her counterpart and small balls of blue plasma whirl through the air at high velocity, flung from outstretched hands towards Clarice's holo-modified form. "We will either erradicate or assimilate this fodder and there is nothing you can do about it. This isn't the only operation in the district, it's not even the only operation in the state... take us down and lose more of these pathetic mewlings" she hisses as she continues to engage.

    Cable's forceful smothering of the brutish absorber goes rather smoothly, even with the massive figure flailing and struggling against the reversed force. It doesn't take long for the figure to still and shrink to a form that's far more in line with a regular steroid junkie.

    Domino's improvised launch sends both men hurtling into one another. There is a sickening crack as they land and the pyro's head is turned at an angle that is not conducive to living beings. The tendril armed mutant looks dazed as well and the bonds holding Neena are quite loose at this moment, easily allowing her to slip free and end the poor bastard that hoped to tango with her.

    Inez's emergence from the gore splattered room of her exploits is met with little resistance as Deadpool double-taps each of the thugs who come at her with guns drawn. "We'll have to look into it once we're done here. Maybe we can get wind of a paper trail and something to give us an idea of their scope. We've got them on the ropes. Let's see if B. and HB. had as much fun--" he grins at Neena's rise from a body pile, "and luck--as we did?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Ever heard of psychics, dipshit?" Clarice counters. She does not like this woman - not one bit, and she is not needed to stand alongside her mutant brothers and sisters. She uses her own portals to shield herself from the dangerous plasma, redirecting blasts either to Gabby's foe, or out towards the sky. As soon as she can get a clear shot on her, though, the woman disappears.
    And reappears in orbit - far, far above the limits of breathable atmosphere, in shockingly cold air. Because fuck that bitch.
    She then turns her attention towards the children, crouching down with a friendly smile on her features. "Hey there. I'm going to pop the lock for you guys, okay? Then we're going to figure out the safest place for all of you to go. Alright?"

Inez Temple has posed:
"How bout y'all go check on th' kids an' th' other two.. I'll start scopin' fer an office or th' like.." Inez motions to her blood-and-gore splattered self, quirking a smile. "Don't need t' scare th' kids anymore'n they've already been. Get 'em out, all o' 'em, an' I'll let ya know if I find anythin', yeah?" She winks at Wade and murmurs, "Thanks fer th' assist." Calling ahead to Domino, she grins, "Don't think I didn't hear ya singin'!"

Chuckling, she peels off from the group and starts to head to a different area of the building, collecting Cable along the way and letting him know where the group is headed if he wants to join them, or if he wants to follow her for more potential murder and records-searching.

Cable has posed:
Cable turns his head at the bragadoccio of Blink's opponent and reaches out with his mind, finding hers and rather unceremoniously dumping the information she has on her little network of depravity out of her head and into his.

"Cue psi-dump for rapid transcription," he says sotto voce into his command headset, kicking the butt of his momentarily abandoned rifle to make it backflip up into the air and back into his hands. as he joins back up with Outlaw to move on.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Domino pulls herself up away from the tentacles and easily shoots the man who will sadly never get to see if he could have surpassed Omega Red. So sad for him. She grins at Inez and calls, "Yeah, yeah..."

    She has to admit, if only to herself, that /was/ a lot of fun.

    She looks at Deadpool, rolling her shoulders. "Let's go check on the kids?" There's an underlying tension in her voice, a tightness in her features. Wade, at least, knows about her brother. Not that she's really expecting to find him in such a place.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The eldest girl in the cage looks at Gabby and Clarice with wide frightened eyes but nods. The children she was protecting are all pressed against her in as much a way as they could given their numbers. "As... as long as I can stay with them. I'm supposed to... I'm supposed to..." she can't get anymore out before she's breaking down, her strength and courage at their limit and the exhaustion of her support for the five younger ones taking its toll on her.

    Gabby moves into a defensive position and gives the clear signal for the rest of the crew to know they are safe and they have the captives. It doesn't take long for Wade and Neena to find them and while Deadpool is sporting a heavily cauterized slice into his side, it's not much worse than what he sports under the suit. Domino has a few burn marks and some random blood spatter on the white of her outfit but otherwise seems perfectly fine. Which... is pretty normal for her, as long as she's not being thrown by Inez at the bad guys. "Good to see you all well and the bad guys very unwell" he says, staring at the unconsious mess of the reaminaing guard on the cage. "B, you know of a safe and compassionate holding facility for both humans -and- mutants?" he asks the hologrammed woman. It was a stretch given the Brotherhood's view on humans at large, but fosterage of positive relations was also part of changing ones image from Terrrorist to Diplomat. "If so, that sounds like the best bet for them."

    Inez and Cable find the office with little difficulty. There was one more mutant but they teleported out of the area before being engaged by the pair. Inside are a number of computers and documents galore. One side of the room is dominated by an LED map with a number of LEDs dark but two in the immediate area, one in Weehawken to the west and another in Riverdale to the north, are still lit up and blinking.

    There are print outs with schematics for high end tech that seems vaguely familiar to Cable--from his own time. Another has some sort of medical readout on a subject called 'The Lazarus Weapon.' And yet another lists necessary materials for a project called 'The End of Hope.' A final seems to be a printout of a reply to a report stating to ramp up acquisition of materials and to continue the good work. The final line would catch Cable's eyes immediately. "With our mission Stryfe will come to all." The peculiar spelling was significant on a number of levels to the man of the future.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You can all stay together," Clarice promises calmly and gently, still wearing a reassuring smile for the children. She glances back up towards Deadpool, offering a nod of confirmation. "There's several safe houses we could make use of. There's one in the woods that's nice and remote, and large enough for all of them to stay comfortably while we sort things out and contact their families. Or I could take them to Genosha."
    She shifts her attention back to the teen and asks her, "Would you feel safer staying here in the US? Or would you like to visit Genosha for a while, until we can sort everything out for you? Genosha's my home. It's beautiful there, and warm. And no matter where you go, we'll help you communicate with your families so they can know that you're safe."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Well, now.. this is gonna be a bit bigger'n we initially thought." Inez steps into the office, moving first the LED map, making sure to get pictures of it. Even the darkened dots are photographed. Just because they're dark now doesn't mean they will be forever. The two lit ones are snapped as well, of course. Then it's on to the printouts, looking them over. She slides the ones about the End of Hope wordlessly over to Cable. He's going to want those. Pictures are taken of EVERYTHING.

"Hey guys. This is.. big. Really big. Y'all are gonna wanna see all this. An if anyone's good with computers, might need that too. I'm bettin' there's more on th' harddrives that ain't in these printouts."

She focuses on this 'Lazarus Weapon', going through the schematics and any writings about it, trying to figure out if it's as horrifying as it sounds. By and large... dead people should stay dead.

"Uh, I also have an apartment buildin' in Brooklyn if we need somewhere local t' take th' kids. Ain't been opened t' tenants yet, so it's empty 'cept fer my apartment."

Cable has posed:
Nathan Summers scans through the materials as thoroughly as he can. Some elements jump out at him more than others. "This is no rinky dink operation," he says. "They're well organized and well-supplied. And they have a plan. Unfortunately, what it is isn't entirely sketched out here," he frowns.

Stryfe. He didn't know what to tell them about Stryfe, yet. Could he really be operating here, now? Was it possible?

Although he has an excellent poker face, it's clear that something in what he's found has disturbed the man from the future.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Domino is /not/ getting a little teared up at the kids getting rescued and promised to be reunited with their families. Nope. Not at all. She's just got some goop near her eye, which she brushes off while she smiles at the kids. "Yeah, just let us know who we need to call." A beat. "Or, if you /don't/ want to go back to your families for some reason? We've got places you can go, okay?" She's looking at the teenager, mostly. She certainly doesn't want anything to do with her own parents.

    She frowns at Outlaw and Cable's communications. "Well," she says to Deadpool, "looks like I /am/ giving you some luck. You've got a whole trail to follow now."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The girl in the cage nods. "Gen... Genosha should be okay. A lot of these kids... they don't speak english... I don't... I've only tried to offer comfort as I... as I could" she says. It doesn't take much longer for her to help coax the kids out of the cage and to wherever Clarice and Gabby help them through to their next stop toward freedom.

    Deadpool gives Blink and Honey Badger directions to the office before he wanders that direction. "Shit..." he says once the kids are out of earshot on his way to the office. "I wanted to have somethign small for our first mission together and instead it's this... mess." He sighs and looks at Domino (assuming she's walking with him to the office. "We... have a whole trail. Just because I'm the leader of X-Force doesn't mean I'm not going to need help from all of you. I'm a merc, you think I can hack? I mean, sure Wease can probably break into anything shy of goverment facilities" which was a lie, he could break those as well if he so wanted, "so cracking these drives shouldn't be hard just..."

    He stops at the office and looks around. "Fuck me sideways with a brick" he mutters seeing the scope of everything spread out.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Okay. Genosha it is," Clarice agrees. "You know what I'm going to do for you guys? I'm going to send you to stay with the same wonderful lady who looked after my two little brothers for a while. In fact - I'll see if they can meet you there to help you get settled in." She pulls out her phone, and after a brief conversation with her brother, she has the children on their way, through a portal to Genosha, where they are met with kindness, good food, and some nice reassuring stuffed animals to cling to. Only once they're all safely through does Clarice follow the others to the office, the reassuring smile gone from her features and replaced with a dark scowl.
    "One of these assholes was saying something about this just being... just the beginning. That there's more cells, more kids - here in the city, around the state... could be wider spread than that. She said something about 'erradicating them of assimilating them.' We may want to psychically interrogate some of our survivors. I dropped three of them onto a tiny island in the bahamas we can talk to," she suggests. "...or go kill. Whatever."