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(Wade's not home. Mike has Thomas and Terry over for some drinks, conversation, a movie,...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 00:27, 17 April 2022

Getting The Memo
Date of Scene: 10 April 2022
Location: Wade Shaw's Condo
Synopsis: Wade's not home. Mike has Thomas and Terry over for some drinks, conversation, a movie,...
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Thomas Blake, Terry O'Neil, Iason

Michael Hannigan has posed:
After Mike takes a break to check up on an interesting dream that is coming from the *REDACTED* area of New York City. Thomas and Mike find themselves soon leaving from *REDACTED*.

At some point Mike stopped in an Alley to take care of some business. Namely not being in raven form when he came back home. And thanks to the connection between the two due to Theme of the Crime. There is nary a blink as the pair make their way into the residential building.

The door to the condo opens, revealing the studio layout condo. Or as much as the daylight coming through the window allows.

Mike reaches over to flip on the lights, waving Thomas in. It's not until the door is closed and a check of the inside to prove they're alone does Mike speak up. "Sorry about that."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake levels a finger at Mike. "Do not check up on me, Michael. Not unless you know where I should be. If you didn't get the bird, you would have gotten... you're lucky Faust or Psimon wasn't around is all. You need to keep in the dark on some areas of my life. If you can't do that, I will go." He folds his arms and chin nods.

Terry O'Neil has posed:


----- knock

It isn't often that Terry O'Neil uses the door. Most of the time he simply Rabbit holes this way and that, as any self-respecting Wonderlander would do.

However, this has been A Week. And he needed the walk to clear his mind. He had just turned twenty (although no-one knw his birthday, it was something he usually didn't share) and the universe had sought to give him, by way of a present, another Reality Got Fucked Up event.

The feline stands outside, waiting for the door to open. Admittedly, he had cheated- he did Rabbit Hole into the building itself, but he /did/ walk around a bit. Long enough that he caught sight of the familiar building and the idea to drop by popped into his head.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looks to Thomas. "I don't think Faust is going to be popping there anytime soon because he's too busy ruining concerts and getting medieval on Latveria. And...Simon who?"

The musician gives a slight pout. Glancing to the fridge, he retreats over there, opening the door before bending over to grab a couple bottles. "So...How's the memory?"

Hearing the knock at the door, Mike turns his head, looking over to it.

The f-

Bottles in hand, Mike turns, kicking the door of the fridge shut. He hands one bottle over to Thomas and makes a quiet gesture towards the section of the condo that is obscured by the jutted out wall of the bathroom.

"Who is it?" He calls out.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake twists the cap off the bottle, not noticing it was not a twist off. "Pee- like Psionic- Simon, you dork. Mental powers, bad news. Can read minds, blow shit up. He replaced the top of his skull with glass. Real psycho. And Faust goes there. They have a great clothes section. And you oughta learn who the bad guys are, Mike. Could save your life. I mean I know who Lizzo is. Long story... and the memory is still patchy. I found Rasputin. I met up with Saeko, that helped. I'm going to head to Gotham and my old home. Looks like the more I spend time in my old haunts the more I remember. Saeko said this wasn't a spell though and she doesn't want to touch it. So I'm just jogging it... who's that now?" Like that he flows back into the shadow by the door and stands still. His hand flexes and claws pop out. He looks at Mike and makes a shhhh motion with a clawed finger.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"It's Terry!" the feline calls out. He realizes he's showing up empty-handed, so he quickly opens up a small Rabbit Hole into his kitchen. One of the red wine bottles Colette gave him last year is still unopened. That will do. Snatch.

"If it's not a good time, I can come back later. Sorry, I was in the neghborhood and thought of dropping in..."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Well, it's not quite where Mike was indicating but in general, Thomas had the same idea. To Thomas's question, Mike starts to mouth 'I don't know' before the voice on the other end causes him to abort the action.

So instead Thomas gets the start of Mike going "I do-" And then suddenly smile at the name and give a double thumbs up gesture to Thomas.

This one is good. Please don't kill him.

"Hey Terry! I'll be right there. Just need to set this down..."

Mike moves over to Thomas, lowering his voice, "In case you forgot, You like this one."

He thunks the bottle on the kitchen table before turns to head over to the door, giving a glance to see if Thomas is suitably presentable. Well, not in murder kitten mode

Once Mike's certain he opens the door partly, giving a smile to the Titan, "Terry! Hey, Come in." He steps back, letting the Titan step in first before closing the door. "I'm sure you remember Thomas."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake hides the claws behind the door as it opens. As Terry enters, he stares. Some memories stir. A deep breath of Cheshire cat scent kicks them into high gear. The clawss slowly retract. Not so much reluctant as Thomas is still processing. He says, "Kotyenko..." softly, possibly startling Vorpal. He has to be excused. Not himself these days.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal jumps a little as he walks into the door- fortunately, not enough to drop that bottle. "Who th-" pause. "Thomas! Long time no see, sailor!"

The Cheshire grins and tosses the bottle to Nick. He trusts him enough to have good reflexes after everything they've been through. "Catch!"

Turning back to face Thomas, hands on hips, he grins. "Well, what's a cat gotta do to get a hug? I haven't seen you in a hot minute, tomcat. Is that any way to say 'hi'? Nick, shame on you for not telling me."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
There's something about a bottle being thrown at you that can just slow down time. Mike's hands lift up to catch the bottle. As the other hand comes over to slap to the side of it, securing the gift, Mike's inner performer takes over. The body spins in the same direction of the hand motion, pointing him towards the counter area where it is soon deposited and forgotten as there are two more important things going on near his door.

He smiles to the other two. "You've got great timing Terry. I came across him just a little bit ago. We were just going to have some beers. Do you want one?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake seems to have hit on a memory, something Terry liked. He strokes the feline along his collar bone before abruptly grabbing the smaller man in a very cat like <glomp>, that lifts Terry off the floor. He head nuzzles Vorpal, saying nothing for the moment.

"I ran into trouble when I was away. I have... someone messed with my memory. Sometimes it takes me a minute. How've you been? You look good."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing Terry's response, The fridge door is opened and Mike retrieves a soda. Setting it on the counter, he glances over to the small reunion going on.

With it appearing that Thomas has remembered something pleasant. Mike's smile strengthens. Perhaps when someone has memory problems, offering beer to kill the brain cells currently function is a bad idea. But then again he found Thomas in a bar so this is more of a lateral move.

He waits for a few moments before he approaches the table near the two to retrieve his unopened beer before carrying it back to the counter where the damned bottle opener is located. "Sofa's pretty comfortable if you want to sit." Mike offers, "Just leave a spot for me alright?"

He takes a moment to get the other drinks prepped.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake walks over to the sofa, still carrying and nuzzling the Cheshire Cat. He plops down on the sofa wit Terry in his lap. "Plenty of room for you Michael. I'll have water. I been drinking too much lately. I need to keep a clear head." He stares at Terry a moment and then says, "Did I ever see your human self? If I did don't remember. If I can't it's cool. I like fur. Ask Saeko. Or Rasputin, though we're just good friends."

He suddenly gets very serious, "Terry, you know a couple of Robins, right?"

Iason has posed:
"Well, I am out of the fur about half of the time," Vorpal chuckles, settling into the lap, "I can transform to show you, if you'd like. It's not taxing at all..."

Seeing the change in demeanor, he does his best to match it. "I know the current Robin, a Red Robin, and an ex-Robin respectively. If there are any new additions to the series, I haven't ran into them- why?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Well, I am out of the fur about half of the time," Vorpal chuckles, settling into the lap, "I can transform to show you, if you'd like. It's not taxing at all..."

Seeing the change in demeanor, he does his best to match it. "I know the current Robin, a Red Robin, and an ex-Robin respectively. If there are any new additions to the series, I haven't ran into them- why?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a curious glance to the departed Thomas before he shrugs, moving to the fridge to now retrieve a bottle of water. Soda, Water, Beer... Plus the Beer Thomas already h-

Don't overthink it.

Drinks secured, Mike walks around the dividing wall extension and pauses as Thomas starts asking Terry about knowing Robins.

As Terry lists them, Mike blinks, "Geez. Just how many are there?" Giving a shake of the head, the rocker brings the drinks over, handing Thomas and Terry their water and soda respectively before sitting down next to the double decker Cat men.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says, "Too fucking many. It's like an OCD with the guy. Then again, I'm not one to talk." He frowns a moment and makes a decision. "I have a friend, Honey Badger. She's tight with one of them now. Maybe you know this. She's a good kid. I'm afraid she's going to get hassled, by a Robin or their Boss. She said they don't pry in her affairs, she can be friends with who she wants. I call bullshit. But she's determined to stay n my life. Even though I told er to back off. So if you hear about any trouble coming her way, or if you get hassled, please let me know. I'll have a word with them."

"As to my memory, when I remember who did it I will let you know. Or you'll read about it." He gives Terry another hug.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Well, specifically? You have the current new Robin, whom you have met, Nick. Then you have the old current Robin, Red Robin, who is absolutely /adorable/. And before him, of course, you have Nightwing, the best ass in Gotham, who was the first Robin. I've taken some gymnastics lessons from him, that dude does things I as a cat can't do yet!"

He turns around to face Thomas and gives him /that/ smirk.

"So what you are telling me is that, when it comes to choosing her associations... that Honey Badger don't care?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a nod as he's reminded of knowing Damian. But a finger sticks out for each one Terry lists. A pointed glance is given to Terry as shares Nightwing's superhero superlative "Do we have anything to worry about regarding Nightwing?" Mike teases Terry. He looks over towards Thomas, smile starting to fade to the concern before the pun enters his ears. "Oh Terry...No."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake shrugs. "Who knows? I mean, I moved to New York, to get /away/ from them. And yeah, Honey Badger don't care -but I do. I may do some shady stuff but I do not want that crowd harassing a young girl because of me. I'm partial to them when they get a little older. Boys too. No need to be jealous. I also like kitsune."

"You know you guys think I did my time, then got a fucking pardon and I was free. Nuh uh. As long as I was in Gotham if anything cat related got stolen, gordon's boys would show up and toss my place with probable cause. They never let you be free. I'm not dealing with this again. Someone kicks in my door... they better have said their good-byes."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Wait, they went to you instead of Catwoman? I mean, I'd peg her as the culprit for sure, she's the one taking the 'cat burglar' nomenclature so literally that it physically hurts," the Cheshire smirks, and winks at Nick. "Oh Terry, yes. It's nice touching base with you. Especially since things at the Tower have gotten..."

Deep breath. "So. Just as a point of general knowledge, there is currently a /major/ dimensional rift in the tower and our main room is currently being occupied by another reality. And it sort of... kind of erased Troia and replaced her with a Troia from another reality..."

As you do.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Well, remember that cat themed exibit at the museum you woke up at?" Mike asks Terry, "WHO did we think of first?"

Mike looks over to Thomas, "Honestly it was because one of the items looked like something you'd might want for Rasputin."

His attention shifts back to Terry as he brings up the tower and the dimensional rift with a personality shift of sorts. "...Wait-Wh- " He pauses, "Is this Wonderland related?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake shrugs. "I'm easier to find that that woman. So they start with me. Besides, she's the devil to catch. I actually have a life of sorts, and often wake up hungover... or tired." He gives Terry a bop on the shoulder. "Between you and the ex I don't know how I survived. But I enjoyed it."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"That cat themed exhibit never happened. It was a nightmare you subjected me to," Terry answers, his mouth curling into a smirk, and then he leans back against Thomas' bop, "Please, you make it sound like I am this insatiable monster. I think I'm pretty chill, all things considered!" He glances at Nick, "Wouldn't you say?"

But then there's the follow-up. "Well... I think it's related to Wonderland. Wonderland treats dimensions like an etch-a-sketch. The only way we can fix this is by figuring out what's wrong in Wonderland. Which means we need to do some more of that scouting to make sure we can send an away team safely without redshirting everybody on arrival."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Admit it. At some level you found some form of amusement waking up there." Mike replies. His lips twist into a long smile as Terry asks him his opinion on Terry's...


Ok Wonderland topic. "Ok. So, still more dream sighting..." He pauses, looking to Thomas, "...Uh, one reason I caught glimpse of your- cat nap from earlier."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake frowns again and then says, "I'm very good at finding my way, and I'm the best tracker there is, If I can help let me know. I can use the good karma. And she's a friend of yours. Besides, I can annoy the shit out of a Robin. That never gets old. It'd have them wondering what I was up to now." He raises an eyebrow at the mention of dream sighting. "The bird guy might be useful too."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"That's appreciated, both of you. But you should take at least a little bit to recover before you're going out and tackling with Wonderland, Top Cat," Terry says, reaching out to ruffle Thomas' hair with a smirk, "Ask Nick, that place is /serious/ nonsense. We will need to do some more dream-scouting, definitely but... for now..."

He says with a mischievous grin, "Who's up for watching a movie?"

Nick knows which one he's going to suggest.