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Latest revision as of 11:37, 18 April 2022

Money To Burn
Date of Scene: 18 April 2022
Location: Upstate New York
Synopsis: Sif meets with Jimmy and Tabitha about buying some horses.
Cast of Characters: Jimmy Hudson, Tabitha Smith, Sif

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Maybe it was because Princess Maryann had won her race, or maybe it was because Sif was partial to Young Ron and Jimmy Hudson's likable manner. Yet whatever it is a text message popped up on James' cellphone renewing that interest in making a purchase by the woman who called herself Sif.
    She was alright, seemed a bit strange at first, British. She was polite to the Robinson family and seemed to know her way around a horse. With the family back in Texas now after the show, however, and their stock still up North in the Hanlon Stables...
    Well it left nobody to deal with the possibility of a sale. Which this British gal seemed inclined to make.
    Enter Jimmy Hudson, local fella and trustworthy sort who could act as a go between. Which left him on a Sunday afternoon calling out across the mansion, "Hey, got an errand ta run if anyone feels like taggin' along!"
    Which led, in turn, to the pickup truck rolling on up to Hanlon stables, the wheels crunching the gravel as they make it up the driveway to the Upstate New York place of business. Then the thump of the door as the tall mutant gets out.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It's not easy being a mooch at Xavier's. The whole pulling your weight thing kinda gets in the way. But for all the grumbles she makes, Tabitha does tend to accquiesce to the work that needs doing.  

Hencewhy when the passenger door to the pickup grinds to a halt, out slides a shorter Mutant in some old yellow jeans. A gray cropped tanktop with the Xabier institute logo on it and some old beat up workboots that might be a bit too big and clunky for her feet but stay on for the laces cinced around them and her shin and calfs.

"Sooo, asking again. This like a legit thing or all euphamism for like selling weed? That's stuff is legal in New York State right you know?" she jokingly asks as she adjusts her red cateye framed glasses on her nose. Red lenses adding a purple tint to blue eyes as she looks around the stables.

Sif has posed:
The woman in question was standing near a fence, a booted foot propped on the lowest wooden slat. She was dressed casually in a pair of jeans. The collared blouse buttoned up the front and had short sleeves. Her dark hair was down around her shoulders. One of the horses was there next to her, being idly pet and offered a bit of apple now and then while Sif spoke quietly to it.

Hearing the sound of a vehicle approaching, she turned that way. A smile and wave offered to Jimmy and a person she had not met yet. Her guess was probably a representative of the family.

"Good morning. I appreciate you meeting with me on such short notice." The accent was not exactly British. It could easily be mistaken for such. Nor was it any of the other accents usually mistaken for British such as Australia or New Zealand. "I have a few meetings today to look into some land purchases and didn't want the animals stressed from multiple trips back and forth if it could be avoided."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "If I said, 'I'm gonna go sell 'some' horse," Jimmy says as he glances across the hood of the car toward his compatriot, "That'd be heroin, not weed." Job as an educator fulfilled, Jimmy then starts walking across the drive. His own work boots kick up a little bit of gravel as he moves, hands easing into the pockets of his jeans with the thumbs on the outside. There's a hint of chill in the air, a little bite to the wind, but reasonably comfortable enough for him to get by with a white t-shirt and a blue flannel shirt over top.
    Then he espies the woman near the fence and he lifts a hand, "Afternoon, Miss Sif!"
    A call out given as he starts crossing that distance at his usual leisurely gait. His hands ease out of his pockets as he gets closer then once near enough he offers one in greeting.
    "I'm Jimmy Hudson, if you recall. We spoke earlier when you were havin' your chat with Lil Ron." Then he goes on to introduce Tabitha as he gestures to the side, "This is Tabitha Smith, friend'a'mine. I brought her along ta do the heavy liftin' if needs be." Which might well be news to her.
    Then he's straightening up, "So I hear you're lookin' for some stock."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
More of a semi random impromptu sidekick, Tabby grins. "Euphamisms for dope change all the time. It made looking for Lockheed stupid funny for a while." She points out with a chuckle before offering a big bright smile as she looks up and up over the Lady Sif very approvingly. "Hi, Tabby is fine. Heaving lifting however. Guess it's leg day today." she says and looks down at herself, the back over the much taller Asgardian in maybe a little flit of lowered self esteem before shrugging.

At least mention of selling animals is totally legit and okay. But she does flit some more concern at the idea of moving animals more than they need to and a look of releif as itb isn't going to happen.

Shifting her weight into a tilt at her hips and hands behind her back with a hand grabbing the other arm at the elbow as she lets the others negotiate.

Sif has posed:
The offered hand is taken and she nods to Jimmy. "I do remember you. Princess was rather fond of you. Horses, like most animals, are very discerning so that is a positive sign." Then she turns her attention to the one who will do the heavy lifting. Perhaps, like Asgardians, the woman as stronger than she looked? Since Sif was taking that statement literally instead of figuratively. She offered her hand to the other woman. "Tabby. A pleasure to meet you. I am Sif."

Then she turned to the business at hand. "I am indeed looking for stock. I will hopefully take possession of my new property by the end of the week and will be beginning to build up the stable. I was not looking at property in Texas thus want to get this done before the animals are shipped back home."

She motioned to the fence she was near and the mare there which had wandered off but was paying attention in case there were more apples to be offered. "This mare has caught my attention but unsure if she is yours or belongs to the Hanlons?" By yours she meant the group he was representing, of course.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "That's Missy Gables," Jimmy says as he nods to the mare, "She's one of Big Roy's, good girl. Princess' mother if I recall correctly."
    Turning to the side, Jimmy starts walking slowly along the fence in the direction of the stables proper and the large double doors that lead inside into the pens for the animals. His hands return to those pockets as he strolls and he looks sidelong toward Sif as they move with an easy pace.
    For a moment he lifts his head and takes a deep breath, then nods more to himself than anyone else. "But they have about a dozen horses stabled here, good tempers, definitely would be a good core of breeding stock." Though he reaches the door there and takes up a clipboard that's hanging in a plastic box next to the entryway. Flipping it open he scans the listings and then turns to one particular page before he extends the clipboard to her, "Here are the details."
    Though he does look at Tabitha and half-smiles as he asks, "Or deets?" As if clarifying with her that that's the proper slang. Since she's all up on it.
    That said he then sliiiides the door open... to that unique barn smell that everyone knows and loves.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Well Tabby, despite her size is visibly fit and toned where clothes cling and skin shows. But she's definitely not much stronger than most human women in her shape. "It's totally a pleasure!" the blonde agrees with a big smile that catches half her lower lip in her teeth and a nod of her head.

When walking happens Tabby maybe kinda has to hop to it to keep up before settling into a pace to keep up. Easily distracted she clearly is.

"Long as it's not all they do. Loving homes and care. Every critter deserves it. Horses can be as much family as anyone right!" she states and chimes in with a goofy tone, even if none of the horses are hers, Tabby might just have her sense of concern kicked into gear.

"Yes it's deets Jimbo. You're learning!" which she says and scrunches her features as barn smells hit her nose as hard as an uru hammer might. "Thought the stables at home smelled bad!" she says and scrunches her face and giggles. "It's  not themedical dump in Morningside at least." she adds jokingly.

Sif has posed:
"Missy." Sif looked back at the mare and shook her head. "A shame. I am positive she will not be available after birthing Princess." Sif fell in with them heading for the barn, nodding at the words from Jimmy before he opened the barn doors.

Horse. Hay. Feed. Leather tack. Manure. A stable was a unique sort of smell that some would find horrific. While for someone like Sif, it was like she was home. Perhaps strange. But having a father who had been Master of Horse at the royal Asgardian stable, she had been practically raised in them. She took a deep breath upon entering, glancing around. Then when Jimmy offered the list, she began to read.

"Deets?" she repeated, looking from the man to young woman, brows lifted a bit in surprise. "Interesting." Seemed she wasn't up on that slang at all. She looked back to the page then pointed to two of the horses. "I would like to see these two please?"

She passed back the list to Jimmy then addressed the words from Tabby. "I can promise you that these horses will have the best of lives. My father headed a stable back home. I have been around them since before I could walk. My love for them goes deep. While some will be bred, they will not be locked in a stable with no attention and love. Others will serve varied purposes outside breeding." In fact, she still wasn't positive what she wanted to do was even possible. Though it appeared Loki had succeeded centuries ago. Accidentally.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "I'm so smrt," Jimmy says in a slightly affected voice that doesn't really sound like him but more like one of those boobs from Sector 7G. Though his smirk is crooked toward Tabby.
    Inside it's a large barn, looking like forty or so stalls with another set of double doors in the back that likely leads out to the exercise yard or an expansion. But on the left is where Jimmy gestures as he touches a hand to one of the nameplates there, then motions along that line. "These twelve here, take your time getting a look at them. They all were at the Devon-Winters show, four of them placed in their competitions. And you know Princess." Which has him leaning to the side to lightly cluck his tongue at the racer...
    Which has her chuff and toss her head a little as she lightly clops over to the front of the stall to let Jimmy give her nose a pet and her neck a rub. "Hey, girl."
    Just a small greeting before he steps back to give room for Sif to take her looks as he says. "Now, I'm not much of a haggler, and Big Roy told me what he's lookin' for and... to be fair they're all up for sale if the price is right." A hand comes up to rub at the back of his neck, "It's just a bit prohibitive. But understandable, considerin' that some of these runners have proved out."
    Then he steps over to look at the list that Sif holds and the ones she's motioning toward, nodding a little. "Alright those two are..." He starts walking along then stops before a large black and grey stallion that he nods to. "This one," Then another few steps. "And this one."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The blonde girl seems reassured and even encouraged by Sif's reassurance. "I've just seen too many animals get abandoned on the streets when I was a kid. Dogs, cats mostly but still... Abuse is a kind of a sore spot for me so I worry. But I get a feeling of belief you'd take extra care!" Tabby says and beams a smile.

Even she puts the barn smell aside and turns her sniles on all the horses as she finds and pets one Stallion ofer the door to his stall. "Hey. I don't smell that ripe!" she jokes at the horse nuzzles back before scritching behind his ears and rubbing cheeks when Jimmy moves to the next one to point out which of the critters will eventually be finding a new home. "These guys are pretty smart. So they ain't skittish so extra double beleif they'll be loved with you Sif!"

Sif has posed:
"If you wish, once I have it established, you and Jimmy can visit my stables and insure you feel that the animals are being treated properly," Sif offers. She looks to the stalls as they start to walk past, pausing at the stall with the stallion. Then the two stalls down to the chestnut mare with the black socks on three of her legs.

Hearing that all the horses could be had for the right price as her looking questioningly at Jimmy. "Missy Gables is on my short list then, if everything is negotiable. Princess Maryann I am tempted to consider as well. Though I am not positive. She has some good competitive years in her still before being put out to pasture, so to speak."

She opened the stall with the mare, slipping inside and closing the half door back behind her. It is only a few moments before she has gained enough trust for the mare to allow the Asgardian woman to stroke her neck and begin looking her over more closely.

"What others might you recommend? And are there other breeders you would suggest I speak with outside Mr. Roy?"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Standing next to that stall, Jimmy gives Tabitha a look and a quirked eyebrow asking silently if she perhaps might have some advice for Sif or any suggestions. But then he's looking back toward the Asgardian woman and says, "Well Roy and all, he stands by his horses and his deals. I've seen him take a thumping on things a few times that other breeders might not step up to handle."
    The Canadian mutant scritches the side of his jaw with a nail thoughtfully. "As for folks up here? I know the Kensingtons do a ton of work. I hear good things about the Herberts," That last word spoken with a hint of French to it. Then he shakes his head, "But honestly you might wanna get some of your own people to do some of that footwork, someone you trust. I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of the field."
    Then he adds with a slight half-smile, "Usually I just ride the horses." Though he does look at the horse that Sif has gained the affection of and murmurs, "Looks like you have a way with 'em, though."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The blonde girl leans sideways against that Stallion's stall door and keeps up the pettings as best she can reach over the top of the door. Unlike Sif, Tabby is probably not going have as easy a time petting and scritching srange horses if she went in on her own.

Keeping on listening to the busines side of the conversation. Tabby mostly stays quiet. Though at the end the slight french accented name gets a chuckle and a picturing of Bears and Bongs. Easily amused the Mutant girl is.

"Well it is easier. I imagine they'd have a rough time inverting things and trying to put a saddle and bridle on a human. Plus if I tried I'd probably break something and still not get a hoof of the ground." she adds and jokes more. "I don't think I'd be able to get horseshoes my size anyway!"

Sif has posed:
For a moment, she looks from one of them to the other but then finally she seems to get it and she smiles. "The size is less concerning than the nails to put them in place."

Finishing up with the mare, she gave a few more pets then moved out of the stall. Back toward the stallion. She paused at the door to look over the animal within then focused on the two humans for a bit. "So the information on heavy lifting is invalid? You would not be able to lift up an equine?" It was moments like this that Sif gave herself away as not being from around these parts. Though some may chalk it up to being from across the pond. Or what they assume is across the pond.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    A small snort comes from Jimmy at Tabby's insight which has him shaking his head slightly and those blue eyes lifting upward as if seeking some answer from on high about how one would solve a problem like Tabitha. Though with her petting that stallion he tilts his head, "You know if you ever wanna go ridin' there're some horses at the mansion. Just gotta wrangle up the gear and get 'em saddled."
    But then he's following after Sif as she's moving along, she gets to that other stall and she asks her question then he blinks a few times. "I mean uh," A look at Tabitha, then he tilts his head since really... maybe that's a secondary mutation. He knew she blasted stuff real gud though. "Don't think she can. To be fair I can't either." He tilts his head to the side with a slight smile as he adds, "It was mah attempt at a sorta joke. Of a sort."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I could barely move a bale of hay let alone a horse." Tabby says with a chuckle and a flex of merely human biceps. "Know a few folks that could but it's definitely out of my wheel house." Tabby adds and chuckles.

Sure she could put on in the air but Tabitha would absolutely not do that. She made a whole spiel about it after all not so long ago. Horses need love not explosions.

"I've seen the stables at home, yeah. But been kinda skittish. Don't want to freak the horses out. So most I've done is shovel and clean when I get roped into that. Food bribes help keep them calm when I'm around. Learned that lesson with stray dogs and cats growing up on the streets. Turns out Domesticated Equines are just as easy to placate with the right treats!" she explains with a grin. "Undomesticated. Just get out of the way!" she adds and makes a mock diving motion with her arms without actually moving.

Sif has posed:
Things were starting to make more sense as she continued to listen. Stables back home at the mansion. So they lived together. Helping clean out the stables but not partaking of horse riding. Perhaps she moved into his house that he owned, thus why he was comfortable with the horses but she was not. It all made perfect sense.

And was completely wrong at least in the way she was thinking.

"Horses tend to become attached. You should see if there is one in the stable at your shared home. Perhaps Jimmy might have a suggestion. Go riding together. It is a lovely way to spend time with those one cares about." She moved to step into the stall with the stallion. He was a bit more nervous than the mare had been so she took her time with the approach, letting him get used to her presence in the stall first.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Well heck, just takes practice and time. They'll get used to ya." Jimmy says as he tilts his head at Tabitha with that easily given smile. He gestures with one hand, "Remind me, we'll get it done."
    That said he turns back toward Sif and says, "Lemme go fetch the paperwork so you can see their lineage and the vitals." He looks between the two of them and then tells Tabitha casually, "Behave." Though there's no sting to the word, more casual joviality.
    Which has James in the next moment wandering over to the office giving Tabitha and Sif a touch of time as he gathers up the needed information while the stallion gets more acclimated to Sif's presence.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Think the horses back home already have their own attached riders. Lovely ladies too I might add." Tabby says and adds a wink to Sifas she peeks over the stall door to watch Sif try and keep the stallion calm when she inroduces herself.

"I just pitch in and help out when folks need it. Dragging, hay, mucking out stables. Hauling groceries. Driving other folks around in my van of awesomeness. Beats living on the streets." Tabby states with a nod.

The suggestion to play nice gets a playful poke of her tongue back at Jimmy when he heads off. "I just couldn't imagine getting up to mischief here!" she adds jokingly. "I don't actually wanna get Jim in trouble. Home maybe but I try and do that to everyone."

Sif has posed:
More thoughts are added to her brain. Multiple women at the home. Tabby coming in from the streets? That was more confusing. But it wasn't her place to pry. After all, she didn't want anyone prying into her life.

"So you enjoy pranks?" Sif asked curiously. She moved a bit closer to the stallion as the beast sniffed at the air. Picking up something other than the stranger. Something that he did like very much. Sif drew a baggie out of her pocket, slipping a slice of apple out and then putting the baggie back in place. Now the stallion's ears ticked forward, swivelling to watch. She put the slice in her palm, holding her hand flat.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"On occasion yeah. But it's making sure it doesn't blow up too badly when I do something. It's an artform. And something to only be done when someone has it coming." Tabby explains and grins. "Trick is making sure the target gets as much of a laugh as everyone else. Makes things much less likely to incure yelling." she adds.

The apple pieces get a nod. "Critter bribery, always helps like I said! Be it carnivore or herbivore. You give them food, they remember the being nice!" she states with a chuckle. "Works on us humans too sometimes. But we're also a little easier to convince that a lady is friendly too, makes up for the lack of enhanced senses in some of us." she adds in a somewhat flirty tone from Tabby to the lady feeding the stallion.

Sif has posed:
"Indeed. Pranks can be..." Sif tries to think of the proper term to use. "Complicated. Sometimes they are meant to be humorous but instead can create problems that last for years potentially." She didn't explain more but she did reach up to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her right ear. The left arm remained extended as she waited.

It wasn't long before the stallions urge to snack overcame his concern at the stranger. And it was a moment later he was allowing Sif to touch his cheek then slide a hand down along his back. "Such a beautiful boy," she murmured to the horse then continued to speak to Tabby. "Bribery does help with animals. People? I suppose." She shrugs a little. "It goes with the saying here that the way to a man's heart is through the stomach. Or woman's heart. I have found it is more so between the ribs."

That was a joke. Maybe. Hopefully?

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    After a small bit of time James Hudson emerges from the office down the way victorious. Once he steps out of that door he holds up a folder in his hand and then strolls down the walk in that same casual gait. Once he's back within earshot he lifts his voice, "Alright, think this is everythin' they have on file here." That said he presents it toward Sif then gives a nod to Tabitha.
    "You all gettin' along?" He steps over toward the paddock that has Sif's attention and smiles a little at the horse therein, then takes a small breath. "Ah, Grey there. He likes cheerios." A smile and a nod is given to the stallion as he motions, "If you have any of them at home. He'll follow ya around if he thinks you have any on you. Or even had some for breakfast."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"The direct route. But then that's only if things go super bad. It happens but it's usually rare." Tabby admits. "Best to doublecheck what the cutlery on the table is like just in case. Spoons can only go so far between ribs. Save them for eyeballs!" she jokes with a playful tone to the macabre sense of humor on display.

Jimmy's return gets a nods and a big smile aimed at the man. "Any better we'd be dating!" Tabby states playfully. "i'd suggest going for burgers and fries though. No knives." she states and playfully covers her chest by folding her arms tightly as space allows.

"I go for the froot loops. Not like the sugar content is that different. But they are tastier!"

Sif has posed:
At mention of spoons, Sif frowns a bit and shakes her head negatively. But then she remembers these people are not usually taught such things. Perhaps it was not topics for regular chats.

At mention of the Cheerios, Sif gives another nod. "I will keep that in mind. Put these two on the sale list. Grey and Cinnamon. Along with Missy. I will consider some other sellers before delving deeper into Mr. Roy's stock I believe."

"Fruit Loops?" The words have their own meaning to her All-Speak. But together they make no sense at all. She shakes her head a bit and dismisses it for now.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    A slight smirk lights on Jimmy's features as he gives an exhalation that would be a laugh if only it had a little more energy. Then he shakes his head at Tabitha before he turns back toward Sif, "We'll give ya some time ta take a look and do some reading." Since the folders are fairly exhaustive.
    That said he motions toward the office and says, "Once you're feelin' set, we'll be in the office havin' some coffee." And, if they're lucky, there's some of the danish left.
    Toward Tabby he nods, "C'mon, Tabs. Let's give the lady some peace." And off he wanders.