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(Megan, Mike, and Thomas run into each other at the park. Megan leaves a bit of a souvenir for Thomas. Mike does damage control)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 01:47, 25 April 2022

A Nice Day In The Park
Date of Scene: 24 April 2022
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Megan, Mike, and Thomas run into each other at the park. Megan leaves a bit of a souvenir for Thomas. Mike does damage control
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Megan Gwynn, Thomas Blake

Michael Hannigan has posed:
When good weather occurs, it's not a good idea to squander it. Even if it's for a few minutes, a bit of time in the sun can be a welcome thing. And perhaps that is why the park is experiencing so much foottraffic now. Some are simply cutting through but others linger, taking up park benches and a few going so far as to set up a blanket to sit on in the grassier parts.

Mike is neither rushing through, nor is he one of the blanket persons previously described. Instead he has managed to get a spot on one of the park benches and is calmly enjoying a hot dog acquired from a street vendor positioned not too far from his perch. Is it a healthy meal? Eh. Likely not. But sometimes, you don't feel like cooking or waiting for a table.

The musician's pretty dressed down, with the downtime in between tour schedules he's back to his tried and true Goodwill's finest. But the knitcap is not currently present. Instead the long hair is simply pulled back, secured with a hairband, and the excess length tucked into the collar of his shirt.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Yay, spring has finally sprung! And now it's time to enjoy the nice weather, maybe she'll go for a swim or a hike or a jog..Soo many options. So little time! Dressed in denim cutoffs and a bright green shirt, Megan has decided to go for a jog by the river. At least it's not super hot yet! Her iridescent wings gleam in the daylight, probably catching lots of attention. Hopefully the good kind.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake watches from a shady spot in a tree. "She has wings, why does she walk, let alone jog?" Ah, to show off her lovely wings and the lovely rest of her. He perches exercising the muscles in his feet and legs. As an afterthought he notices his friend Mike actually relaxing. He makes a note of that and goes back to scoping out the jogging magical girl. It is a nice day. But he never skips 'stealth' day.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
In what's likely another case of good timing, the bench Mike chose to sit upon gives him a bit of a view of the running track. His head turns as one jogger goes by, glance lingering for a moment before he looks back forward, just in time to see Megan running on up the path.

He grins, lifting up his non hot dog holding hand in a wave. "Hey Megan!" He greets as she comes within earshot.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn has her headphones in and is more dancing and singing aloud than being a serious jogger. Why jog when she can fly? Well to keep fit of course! But she just happens to glance towards Mike when he waves to her and she grins and waves back. Ooh hot dog, she could do with one too! She smiles and slows down, wiping her brow as she comes over "Heey Mike! How's it shaking? It's been a while.." yup that hot dog looks good..She looks hungry.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake decides Mike is indeed a useful friend most of the time. The girl with the glowing wings immediately. Seeing the Phantasm knows her he decides to join his friend and be friendly. Yes.

Catman has a sort of magic himself, even in jeans and a denim jacket as he silently drops from the tree and moves in to... greet of course. Old habits die hard. He orders two dogs as e passes the hot dog vender he grabs two and hands a twenty over. He barely slows his roll as he comes up behind Megan and says, "Hello Mike! Fancy meeting you here. Oh hello..." He waits for Megan to turn around.

Charming smile: loading.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike watches as Megan approaches him, head tilting up to maintain eye contact. "Oh doing alright. I'm on break right now so just relaxing. And yes it's been awhile. I think last I saw you was at the fundraiser event at the studio. How've you been? School going okay?"

Hearing Thomas's voice, Mike's head turns, smile strengthening. "Oh hey Thomas!" Mike greets, waving to the incoming man. He looks over to Megan, gesturing towards the newcomer, "Megan, this is Thomas." The hand gestures to Megan, "Thomas, Megan."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, "Oh, yannow, school's been busy, so has super hero training, although I wish I could get proper one on one hand to hand combat. Heey have you done any shows lately? It's been forever!"

And then there's suddenly someone behind her and she turns and smiles cheerfully, "Hi! Nice to meet you..Ooh, are you eating both of em?" she pouts, "And now it looks like there's a long line up at the dog stand..I hear they make the best dogs in town.."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks back at the cart which truly looks unremarkable. Then back at Megan with a raised eyebrow. He hands her one of the dogs. "Of course I'm not eating both. I always buy a second one in case I meet a starving musician, or a lovely young lady with beautiful wings." Who's pouting could melt a heart of ice, he wants to say. "It's the vender's loss. You'd certainly dress up any line you were on." He leans in... and not a little down and says in a conspirator's whisper, "I'd let you cut. Here, enjoy."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Megan blatantly hints that she'd like a hot dog, Mike tilts his head down. Lips press together as he surpresses a bit of a laugh. Thomas's explanation for the second dog does get him to glance up, looking over towards Thomas. "Well then, you are two for two with Megan. I believe she's a bit of a musician herself."

He looks back to Megan, "I finished the last leg of the main tour a litle bit ago. But I'll be going back to Ireland and Italy for another go round in a bit. Then after that it's back to US locations."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow at Thomas, then the hot dog. "Ooh, for me? You're a lifesaver! Thanks! How much do I owe you?" although she blushes and giggles at the compliment, "Ooh thanks! They're really real too, see?" and she flutters them, being careful of the pink glitter. To Mike she grins and shrugs, "Yeah, have t really performed in a while, but I really need to get back into the swing of things. Just kinda been all over the place, maybe I'm spreading myself too thin..Ireland huh? That's cool..Bring back post cards?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake hehs. "Not a thing." he says to Megan. He ahs appreciably as she flutters the wings for him. "Yes I thought they were real. I know another woman with... well I can tell real from fake, let's say." He gives a sniff at the glitter on them. He'd like to grab a finger tip of it but that'd be rude. Instead he asks, "You create your own glitter?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I'll try and keep that in mind." Mike sort of agrees to the request for post cards but in a manner where if he forgets it's not really a promise, "At the very least I can share pictures."

As Thomas starts asking about the wings, the musician takes a bite of his hot dog.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is busy for a few moments munching hungrily on her hot dog. "Oooh, Mr Joe's hotdogs are the best!" although she arches a brow at him. "Oh are you sure? I feel like I should pay you back, these aren't cheap!" well this particular gourmet hot dog isn't. As for the wings she beams, "Ooh of course, it's always there but careful, faerie dust can be..Addictive." she arches a curious brow, "Ooh have you met another faerie..?" to Mike she shrugs and smiles "Well hopefully you're not gone long, Jay maybe you can bring back souvenirs?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says, "I met a few people with wings and other things. How about a hug for the hot dog. I never met or hugged a real faerie before. I thought they were teensy things. You're more like the ones in that Ring series. But, they were elves I remember now." He takes her be careful as a sort of invitation to lean down and get a closer look and scent and suddenly gets a snootful. Thomas stares at the sparkles before his eyes. Mike, and Megan look like beautiful radiant beings. He looks at his hand with a new interest and attention as he sits heavily on the bench.

"Oh... hurrrrrrrrrr."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a cautious brow at that, "Really, be careful with that. How bout I buy you a coffee or something next time?" but too late. He sniffed in too much of the dust and she blinks, taking a step back. "Heey, are you okay?" she eyes him cautiously.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gets up and steps up to Megan. He shakes his head. "I said I'd like a hug. just to say I fugged a haerie. Hugged a fairy. I'm sorry I got some of your wing up my nose... do you know you're really lovely? You have this whole tiny and cute thing going and -you HAVE wings! And here you are out jogging and singing. It's a pleasurrrrre meeting you. A hot dog is a small price to pay. Besides, I had a very goooooood night playing baccarrrrrrat at the Fellhire Club." He holds his arms out and closes his eyes.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles, "Silly, don't say I didn't warn you!" and she gives him a hug before spreading her wings and flying off, "Sorry, got an important appointment, see you around!" poof.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike swallows. With no more hotdog to devour, the wrapper is balled up into the musician's fist. And of course during the time he was finishing his lunch, Thomas ended up biting off more than he can chew. Either not knowing or forgetting about the dust, Mike looks over to Thomas curiously as he kind of gets a look about him. The hand waving is telltale. So is everything else coming out of the man's mouth.

He stands up, stepping over to the pair as Megan backs up. "Hey Thomas, maybe you should sit down for a few. You seem a bit out of sorts." A curious glance is given to Pixie before she starts to fly off.

Well. Shit.

Mike looks to Thomas.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake opens his eyes at the hug and then watches as Pixie escapes his clutches and poofs. He sits back down and says almost conversationally, "I'm trying not to kill anybody. You know? Some people do not cooperate with this lofty goal. But I do try." He closes his eyes again and takes a deep breath. "I'm high. I need to get over this. I'm a buffoon. She is adorable, Mike. Are you seeing her?" When he opens his eyes they are more focussed.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike nods, "She is real. But she flew off. Kind of a Fairy thing I think." He considers the larger guy, "I'll stick around til the effects wear off okay? If you want, you can crash at my place to ride this out."