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Introducing the New Housemate
Date of Scene: 23 April 2022
Location: Pezzini House
Synopsis: Sara brings Artemis to the house to live, and informs Johnny of this by having him help tote her boxes in... communication might need some work, but it is Sara's house.
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Artemis, Johnny Blaze

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A sunny Friday afternoon finds Sara helping Artemis get her things moved into and thus more acquainted with house they would all be sharing. She was glad to be able to help a friend, well more than a friend, a heroine who had literally put her life on the line to save Sara's life. Maybe Sara was a softy, wanting to help those in need, but she wouldn't change it for the world.

She's used her father's old Chevy truck, that on occasion spit black smoke but still ran. Robbie might be look at it at some point, but not today. She likely could have just used her work car, given that the Amazon only had a couple boxes, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Welcome to the American dream," she commented as she stepped to the back of the truck to grab a box. "My mother loved this place on sight, my father bought it, and now... well let's just say, Johnny's make it a /real/ home I can stand to be in again."

Artemis has posed:
    The red haired Amazon unfolds herself from the passenger seat and looks over the outside of the house. With a nods, she says "It looks pleasant enough. It is the people who live somewhere that make it a home." Her eyes go a bit unfocused as if she was remembering something, then she shakes it off and heads to the back of the truck to grab a couple of the heavier boxes.

    As she lifts the boxes there is a metal on metal noise from within as if a number of metal objects are rattling around inside them. She heads over to the door, standing to one side to allow Sara past her to unlock it. "I haven't had much of a home for years now, always on the move for one reason or another."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"I try my best."

The voice comes from the door as Johnny opens it, crossing his arms over his chest, giving Sara a /look/ that suggests 'how much money do you think I earn t obe able to feed everyone?' kind of look. Johnny smirks. "Ned a hand ladies or do you have it covered?" Johnny steps forward, though he looked at Artemis in particular. He's seen her once or twice. Or maybe someone who looks a /lot/ like her. "Name's Johnny." Blaze doesn't offer a hand to shake.

"Well, come on in. No sense in you staying outside." Johnny somewhat grimly replies.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
There may or may not have been one step in this process that Sara forgot, but that comes with the territory of still being new at this. The look Johnny gives her gets a grins and a slight shrug, after all she pays the bills for the house and could easily add shopping to that list if needed.

"I think there's one more box in the truck," she offers, stepping into the house. "She's met you, well... one of you, was that  mines to save my ass with the rest of you."

Inside she pauses, waiting for Artemis to get inside. "She needed a place that wasn't a hotel room," she finally adds, looking directly at Johnny. "And I need the neighbors to think I'm sleeping with all of you so they'll fuck off with the nosy bullshit."

Artemis has posed:
    She introduces herself with a simple "I am Artemis." Once the doorway is clear, she heads inside where not knowing where Sara wants to put her, she stands to the side waiting for the smaller woman to take the lead. An observant person might notice that there seems to be somewhat bulky clothing under the shirt and skirt combo she is currently wearing. She apparently has learned that wandering around the city in her armor tends to cause problems.

    "I would offer to deal with your neighbors, but Cael would probably roll her eyes and sigh when she heard about it. And I don't care to be arrested, jails are boring."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"I hate the neighbors. They can believe what they want." Johnny and the neighbors have never gotten along. They called the cops on him for sitting on his porch. That rubbed him the wrong way. Johnny doesn't reply to Sara's sleeping comment, even if it was likely in jest. Judging by his face, he didn't seem to enjoy the thought. ESPECIALLY for appearances for the neighbors. Johnny walks past the pair of ladies. "Nice to meet you ,Artemis."

He does give Sara's hand a little squeeze in passing. Johnny's been grouchy the past couple of days. The angel thing blew over, but it left its scars. "Lets hope she doesn't keep seeing the other me. He's less personable." How is it physically possible to be less personable?

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A smirking grin plays on Sara's place as Johnny professes his hatred for the neighbors, he had a good reason to though. Now however, they had taken to calling her about anything Johnny did, which got them all ears full of 'not your business people' from the NYPD detective neighbor. Yes, the shot gun on the front porch was a problem, she'd explained that, he'd basically gotten pissy over it... but he did move it out of sight, briefly. Win some, lose some.

"I figure you can pick your own room," she says to Artemis, still grinning. "Two upstairs, two downstairs. Johnny has the master bedroom, cause he just rocks the world that way."

Her eyes follow Johnny for a moment before she adds, "Really, he's a lovely person once you get to... no shit," she starts laughing. "I can't even finish that. He's a good man, but yes, he's grouchy. You either learn to love him or hate him. Cael choose hate, we'll see where you land, Artemis."

Artemis has posed:
    "I will take one of the ones down here. That way I can respond immediately should anyone break into or attack the house." Break-ins may be a fairly common occurrence in any city, but most people don't worry about attacks. But then, most people aren't supernatural creatures of vengeance or the wielder of an ancient sentient artifact. Or Amazons, for that matter, but she hasn't been in the city long enough to build up many enemies.

    "I will do my best not to damage the house if that should happen, but it really depends on what is doing the attacking." She heads over to one of the doors Sara had pointed out as an empty bedroom and puts the boxes down in a corner, then comes back out. "I will unpack later, it's not like I have that much beyond some clothes and various weapons anyway."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
It doesn't take long for Johnny to come back with one of the last boxes, the one that was still in the truck that Sara had mentioned earlier. It doesn't take him long to figure out where Artemis and Sara are going. There's only so many free rooms in the house. Artemis is left with one of the last ones in the house.

He finds the ladies and sets the box down in the corner with the rest. "Nobody is dumb enoug hto attack the house. If they do, they'll be lucky to find you before me." Johnny has the 'I'll skin you alive before you have time to say 'Oh shit' in this house.' kind of vibe going on.

He looks at Sara then, giving her a smile. There's something behind his eyes, a deep infatuation and love. Artemis doesn't get such a look.

"Should I ask if this is permanent or temporary?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Setting the box down once Artemis has selected a room, Sara walks over to Johnny and wraps her arm around his waist. Yeah he really was an asshole, she knew that, but she still loved him. In time, other might get glimpses of the fact that he does have a nice streak in there, it's just stretched very narrow and thin at this point.

"No one is going to break in," she comments, then place a kiss on Johnny's cheek, trying to smooth some of the ruffled feathers. "But if they do, I don't envy the horror they will experience, so don't worry about damage to the house, just make them and their entire bloodline understand the mistake they've made."

The rooms are all pretty standard, bed, dressers, closet, their own televisions, a desk with chair. Sara wasn't one for decorating, so they were plain. "Feel free to fix it up any way you want," she then says to Artemis. "The rooms down here have small windows, but I've made certain no plants block them so you get some natural light."

It was now time to drop the rest of the bricks on Johnny, so she turns her attention right to him, looking into his eyes. "It's as permanent or temporary as Artemis needs, but it doesn't mean you have to be sociable or nice, just don't be a complete and utter ass. The house is more than big enough for all of us, and there was no way I was leaving her sitting alone in a hotel room after she risked her ass for me."

Artemis has posed:
    Artemis adds "I am not the most social person in the world either, so I imagine we won't bother each other that much. I'm usually up early and on the go, not that I have figured out exactly what brought me to choose to come here yet. So I'll keep looking until I figure it out." She shrugs a little, she's slowly becoming used to the little nagging itch in the back of her mind driving her to move around the world.

    "I will probably spend a decent amount of time at the Themyscirian embassy, they have proper exercise equipment that won't break there. I tend to go through regular equipment fairly quickly."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Sara comes close to Johnny and his arm instinctually ends up around her shoulders. He's told to behave himself and Johnny nods. "Okay." He looks at Artemis. "Nothing against you. I'm still working on the whole trust and being part of a team thing. Sara keeps me honest." Johnny's a big softie underneath the hellfire and brimstone.

Usually. "Well, tell the other Amazons we say hi." He looks between the ladies until his eyes settle on Artemis. "Take as much time as you need. "Don't blow up the house. You helped Sara and that goes a long way with me."