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The Last Titan: It's super-confusing
Date of Scene: 12 April 2022
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Kara and Caitlin visit Troia in the throne room at New Kronos, and learn a history of the /other/ Titans. The question is: how closely does that history resemble reality?
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Caitlin Fairchild, Kara Danvers

Donna Troy has posed:
    Even if a team member has failed to read the situation reports, it's not hard to figure out that something is up with the tower. The first time you walk through a door and find yourself in an entirely different room of the tower than the one that door is supposed to lead to, you might dismiss it as some momentary confusion; perhaps that last supervillain punched harder than you thought. The second or third time it happens, you're sure to check the priority reports to find out what the hell is going on.

    The reports alas don't help a whole lot; nobody really does know what's going on. There are vague references to spatial anomalies and overlapping realities, but no hard data. The general advice is that sometimes you need to just double back on yourself; if you persevere you'll get to where you were intending on going eventually. The exception to this is the tower's main room. Oh, you'll get there eventually too -- but there appear to currently be two possible versions of it, and nobody has yet figured out what will lead you to arriving at one or the other. This can be annoying at meal times, and to resolve this the main meeting room has been set up as a temporary kitchen and dining area. As the room with the second largest screen in the tower, it is also the location favored for movie watching and gaming, at least by those not in the mood to persist enough to find the actual main room.

    The same kind of persistence is required if you want to go to the /other/ version of the main room. This other version superficially resembles the common area so familiar to the Titans, but with major differences. The big semi-circular sofa has been replaced by a similarly semi-circular arrangement of stone thrones, and the screen with an oval of milky luminance floating in front of it, which reportedly can operate as a screen, but nobody knows how. The great window looking out over Metropolis is now an glassless opening onto the shattered landscape of a broken moon, filled with a peculiar architecture faintly resembling that of ancient Greece, but blended with aspects that are obviously rather high-tech. The sky is filled with stars and the window appears to open out onto vacuum, but for reasons unknown the room remains breathable and warm. The regular comforts of the well-appointed main room have been replaced by a grand architecture of marble, and the room is so high-ceilinged it couldn't possible fit in Titans Tower even if it were on the ground floor. Where a pair of metal spiral staircases lead to the dormitory wings in the main room, in this replacement there are spiral staircases of stone that lead no-one knows where.

    The general advice is that people probably should not be exploring this alternative to the main room, especially not alone. It is however the only place that Donna can be found. Or rather the replacement for Donna, Troia. That bit is even less clear than the rest.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
The Roomba Brigade can't do much cleaning with the constant phase-shifting of reality in Titan's Tower. The upshot of this is that they can be repurposed into mapping spatial anomalies. So the tower's army of autonomous robots has been pressed into service, running laps through the tower to try map every path and anomaly. Some areas where robots repeatedly disappeared have been flagged as 'dangerous'.

Younger Titans were encouraged to relocate temporarily; quarters were found for the ones who needed special accomodations or support. For those Titans choosing to remain close to the anomaly, there were new security measures in place-- wearing a locater beacon as well as one of Rae's tracking amulets.

Caitlin enters from the east corridor, which is currently doing an imitation of a forest path. Drones buzz past her, mapping systems running. The redhead's dressed in her casual athleisure wear, leggings, hoodies and low sneakers. In her hand is something that looks like a scepter, and the redhead has a beleagured expression on her face. "Can anyone tell me how to change a stick back into my toothbrush?" she inquires of no one in particular.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara really didn't make a habit of reading reports. She was a scientific mind, to be certain, but more in the vein of an adventurous pulp hero scientist who punched evil cultists while uncovering alchemical mysteries in deep jungles. At least, that's how she fancied herself after discovering such books during an internet deep dive. So, when there'd been some hubbub around the tower she opted to investigate it rather than read whatever had been written up about it. Besides, the Titans communication network was so basic (by her astronomical standards) that sometimes it was like trying to find meaning in an Etch-a-Sketch.

"Hello-ooo-OOO-ooo ... "

The Kryptonian's voice rings out as she steps into a ... throne ... room.



A quick, super-powered gaze around the room draws her attention towards Troia and that's the way she heads. Then she hears Caitlin, whom she hasn't seen since she was told she had become sort of angelic warrior.

"Hello, Caitlin! I hear you do not want to kill me anymore! Thank you!"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Mapping pathways has not gone well. Initial assumptions that there might be some clear logic to the 'labyrinth' as Troia had referred to it have not borne fruit. Two roombas sent on the same path at different times will end up in different places. There has, however, been a clue to the nature of the labyrinth from these experiments. When Roombas are sent to thread the labyrinth entirely autonomously, they pass through it just fine, as if there were no labyrinth. Theories that there is an observer effect in play here, that there may be some quantum wave function determining these distortions of reality appear at least superficially to have some truth behind them. If nobody is watching, there appears to be no labyrinth.

    Caitlin's attempts to map have also lead her to suspect that the warping of reality may include some temporal aspect. There has been no clear indication of this, nothing as obvious as clocks moving at different rates, but the time it takes to thread a path through the labyrinth hints that something is not quite normal there either. It is perhaps because of this that Caitlin and Kara, travelling in different paths and from different directions, arrive in the throne room at almost the exact same time.

    "A toothbrush?" The voice is Donna's, but the accent isn't. It sounds pretty Themysciran, but Donna's accent has a distinct mix of Metropolis in it that this voice does not. The speaker looks very like Donna, and even the gown she wears, pitch black and filled with stars, could be made from the space pirates's cloak she brought back from the adventures inside a black hole. The matching stars in her hair defy any such rational explanation though.

    She is seated on the curved row of thrones, two seats away from the higher central pairing, sitting in a rather relaxed fashion, with her legs up on the throne beside her. She looks from Caitlin to Kara and back again. "This one is new," she says, nodding her head in Kara's direction, before looking over to Caitlin. "I haven't seen her before. How many of you are there?"

    She waves a hand vaguely in the direction of Caitlin, and the scepter in her hand turns into a bright green toothbrush that Caitlin has never seen before. "You're new," she repeats, directing it at Kara. "I... come to think of it, I don't know any of your names. I suppose I should have asked."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin winces at Kara's cheery greeting. "...Hi, Kara," she greets the Kryptonian woman. The comment seems to have lodged a barb in her side, but after a beat she pushes past it, and flashes an only slightly forced smile.

Troia's arrival catches her focus, and she moves instinctively a step closer to Kara at the newcomer's arrival. Much as she looks like Donna... this is very much not a version of Donna that Caitlin grew up with. The redhead glances down at the toothbrush in her hand. It's not her sonic toothbrush, but it's at least a kindly effort.

"This is Kara Zor-El," Caitlin tells Troia, and gestures slightly towards the blonde woman. "She's been with the Titans for a while now. She's a friend." Caitlin looks to Kara, gestures at Troia. "Kara, this is... Troia. We don't quite understand what's going on, there's some kind of spatial anomaly and Donna-- Troia-- /them/, are caught up in it," she clarifies. "So it's not the, um, Donna that you know. But it's still -a- Donna."

She looks back and forth between them. "Kinda."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Onoma moi Kara Zor-El," Kara offers, ploughing straight ahead into Themysciran when she notes the lack of 'American' in the Donna-Double's voice in addition to Caitlin's introduction, "Se gignoskon kairo."

She takes a few tentative steps in the direction of the thrones, looking them up and down curiously. Her eyes take on that steely glint for a moment as she examines them more closely, peering at molecular bonds as though to work out what they're made of. You never know, could be something interesting!

"A Donna. Just not our Donna. I see."

She takes a moment, then ventures ahead by speaking to Troia, "Donna and I are friends. She taught me her language, and I taught her mine. Ugirehth wai khuhp zhed."

Donna Troy has posed:
    The 'stone' the thrones are made of appears to Kara's vision to be pure silicon dioxide, though of mixed chiralities, which shouldn't be possible, and forming unfamiliar molecular bonds. It's hard to imagine how such a material could be constructed -- Kryptonian science would allow such crystal formations to be grown in one chirality or the other, but the mixed chirality would require different molecules within the lattice to be at different temperatures, and how could that happen within a pure silicon dioxide lattice? It's probably something magical. Magic can do weird things.

    "I'm not this Donna person you know," Troia says. To Kara, she appears to be replying in Kryptonian, though in Caitlin's ears, it remains English. "I have explained this before." She frowns slightly. "I was told mortals can have a hard time understanding some things. I don't wish to be impatient with you, but I am not 'Donna'. I am Troia. If I resemble your friend physically, that does not mean we are the same person. There are only so many physical configurations a being can take within the basic humanoid model before some resemble each other quite closely. Physical appearance is relatively unimportant, you know."

    "Thank you for introducing your friend to me," she tells Caitlin. "But you forgot to mention your own name. No matter. Caitlin Fairchild. Hello Caitlin. And hello Kara Zor-El. How interesting. A Kryptonian. I understood your people were extinct."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Troia's words provoke a blinking confusion for the redhead. How she knew Caitlin's name despite not being introduced-- and the commentary about mortals-- leaves Caitlin shifting her feet to suppress a little anxious toe-curling.

"Morta--" Caitlin exhales slightly, and lifts her palms at Troia apologetically. "Sorry. We're all a little rattled by this... uh, situation," she informs the woman. "And worried about where, er, /our/ Donna is. Because if you're not her, then... we need to know where she is. Along with our Tower, which usually don't have a, er..." she looks around at the stonework. "Greco-roman theme to it."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"It's complicated," Kara answers, not willing to go much further into the Tale of the Kryptonians and her features taking on a slightly stonier look in response.

"I don't find the complexities of temporal displacement all that difficult to grasp," she continues, shrugging her shoulders, "The how's are obvious enough, even if they're probably attributable to magic in which case trying to understand is about as easy as counting grains of sand on the beach. The why, though, probably has a clearer answer."

She leans over to murmur to Caitlin when she notices her looking at the thrones: "Magic stone. Yuck."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "It's not exactly accurate to describe it as Greco-Roman," Troia counters. "If anything the other way around. However it's a little more complicated than that. In a place like this, reality is more uh... plastic, than it mortals are used to viewing it. It's more about..." she searches a few moments for a word. "Ideas. We are associated with a particular geographic region of Earth. The architecture those people who have lived in that region adopt is influenced by us, but at the same time the way their own ideas develop over time influences the way things we create will be seen by you."

    "It is not entirely accurate to describe it as 'magic stone' either. The stone itself is not inherently magical, though the way it is created and its existence maintained could broadly be described as magical."

    Troia waves a hand, dismissing the topic. It's a very Donna gesture. "But this is all unnecessarily metaphysical. You don't need to know any of that. I do not blame you for feeling 'rattled' by what has taken place. It is hard for me to make any sense of it either, and I am sure that to your more limited perceptions it is even more confusing."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Limited--" Caitlin bites off the rest of that thought and takes a slow, stabilizing breath before she bristles a little. Donna certainly has a sense for all things magical; it stands to reason Troia would, too.

"Lemme try again," she suggests. "Can you tell us -why- you're here? I mean, not just in this--" she gestures around them. "But also in Titan's Tower. These are two places that definitely do not normally co-exist. Did you mean to do this? Or did-- was it even something you had control over? Because we're all kind of in the dark here, so anything you can explain would be great. And please try to explain it like I'm five, because I will definitely screw up any magical metaphysics you ask me to relay to the others," she pleads.

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara nods. ""Why" is definitely the most important question here. How can be left to magicians or physicists." She'll at least take the opportunity to give Troia a once-over with her various super-senses, looking for anything that seems outside the norm. "And is there anything we can do to help reestablish the normal situation?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    There's nothing Kara's senses tell her about Troia that is outside the norms; in fact there's nothing to her that indicates that this Troia is anyone other than the Troia she knows so well. Physically, they appear identical; this one clearly seems to be able to do things that Donna simply can't do, such as turn things into toothbrushes -- but whatever enables that doesn't seem to have left a mark on her physical make-up.

    "The question isn't why I'm here," she answers. "I am here because I'm supposed to be here, because I am always here. The question is what has happened to 'here'."

    Troia swings her legs around, taking them off the seat beside her so she's sitting upright. She gestures with her hand and a sofa, looking remarkably like the one the arc of thrones has replaced, appears on the ground opposite her. "Please, if we're going to talk, take a seat. It feels... awkward, having you stand there."

    "This wasn't something I had any control over. I do not know /why/ it happened. It is -- it is possible that I did it accidentally. There are elements of it certainly that seem to have the signature of who I am on them. But there are other aspects too, which I struggle to understand. "

    "I am a Titan, but I am a very /young/ Titan. There is a lot I don't understand. There are things I can feel, I can sense... but I don't really understand. I have been trying to make sense of it all, but... I have nobody to ask. Nobody to learn from."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"That's not--" Caitlin glances over at Kara, then back at Donna. The invitation to sit is welcomed as a delaying tactic, hands reflexively brushing behind her knees as she sits as if she's wearing a dress instead of yoga pants. "You-- Donna-- you're one of the *old* Titans," she says with a gently apologetic tone. "One of the first to sign the charter. Here, I mean. In this, uh, reality."

Caitlin digs her phone out of her pocket-- one of those heavy sPhones that Stark's engineers designed to be near-indestructible. It only takes her a few moments to dig up an archive of pictures and she turns it around for Troia to see. There's Donna, Dick, Gar, Caitlin, and the other original members, all mugging for the camera with their signatures on the front page of 'The Titan's Team Charter'.

Kara Danvers has posed:
    "I don't think she means the superteam, when she says Titan." Kara says. She looks back to Troia. "You could try talking to the Amazons. I'd think they'd be the local experts on this sort of thing. Please understand, no one is wishing you any ill, but your presence here seems to have displaced the woman we know, and we want to get her back."
    She will, however, move over and sit on the proffered seat on the sofa. Nothing wrong with being polite, and if this woman is some kind of powerful magical entity, best to make nice.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "I'm not one of the old..." Troia starts to object before Caitlin clarifies what she's talking about. She takes the phone from Caitlin's hand to stare at the screen, studying it intently for a while, a frown furrowing her brow. It's apparent that what she's seeing makes her uneasy.

    Troia handles the phone with the familiarity of someone used to using phones, which isn't what you might expect from the being she claims to be. On the other hand, she has been spending time with various members of the Team since she arrived, so someone else might have introduced her to phones. Terry has already introduced her to ABBA and Maddie to Star Wars, after all.

    "She does look a lot like me," Troia concedes as she hands the phone back to Caitlin. "How I looked when I was... seventeen, I suppose." The look of unease fades from her features. "I can understand why you are so confused."

    She nods her head to Kara. "That is correct. This is more than coincidence though. This friend of yours, this 'Donna'..." she gestures towards Caitlin. "I am told she is also called Troia. She resembles me, she shares my name, and..." she nods her head slightly. "Your team calls itself Titans. You have named yourselves after my family. That these two realities, that these two versions of 'here' should get entangled... they were already entangled, conceptually. In realms such as this, nothing is more important than concepts. Ideas. Perhaps these similarities themselves are coincidental, but that coincidence may itself have created a..." she frowns a little again. "A thinning of the walls between one way that things are and another. And something, whether by accident or design must have used that thinning of the walls to make this all happen."

    "As for the Amazons..." Troia gives a shrug, and leans back in her seat. There's something oddly defensive about her actions. "Your friend Terry brought the Amazon princess here. That was confusing as well. She did not behave the way I expected her to behave. She seemed to resent me, but she was not hostile. I... she... " She repeats the shrug and shakes her head slightly.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin accepts her phone back, locks it, and tucks it into her hoodie pocket again. Kara's sensible nature is proving to be a steadying anchor emotionally speaking, and she gives Kara a flashing, grateful look of appreciation for her efforts in breaking things down.

"All right, so... two worlds. I know a little about multiverse theory, but this doesn't sound like it's ... wholly another universe, either," she hedges. "Because it's just -you-, and just the Tower. We haven't seen any other signs of reality leaking through. So it's like y-- Donna, got, um, overwritten by you," she stumbles. "And the Tower's being rewritten by your world."

"So of all the possible realities, why here?" Caitlin presses Troia. "And why is Donna the only one who got replaced? I've met alternate-universe Karas, and Gars, and Cassies. If this was a full-scale incursion into reality I'd expect more things to be broken."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara gives Caitlin her best attempt at a reassuring smile. She looks back. "It sounds like she's saying it's because of the..." She pauses, then looks almost like she's tasting something sour to say it. "Magical synchronicities. Troia to Troia, Titans to Titans." She really dislikes magic, in general. It doesn't follow proper rules.

    "But it also sounds like she doesn't have any more ideas as to what's actually going on than we do. We're probably going to need to get some kind of magical expert to examine things here, and see why there's this...bleed going on." She looks to Caitlin, giving a faint shrug. Kryptonian tech can do some things with dimensional travel (Hello, Phantom Zone!), but this isn't obeying hard and fast rules. "And don't even mention that last. The last thing we need is an alternate-universe me around here complicating things." Unfortunately, other-hers usually seem to be villains.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Troia seems to shrink back into her seat at the questioning. "I don't think this is a multiverse thing at all," she replies. "As far as I can tell this is all the same universe. You don't seem to me to be from a different universe to myself. And yet..." She falls silent a few moments before shrugging away whatever she was about to say.

    "I think it must be because of the conceptual overlap that already exists. Yes, synchronicities is a good word for it." She nods her head to Kara. "And..." she sighs. "You're right. I don't have a lot of ideas. I can see the shape of things but I can't make sense of them. I'm not... I'm not the right Titans to make sense of this for you. But the rest of the Titans are dead. "

    She looks down, taking in a deep breath. "I understand this is hard for you all. You are concerned for your friend. I will do what I can, but..." she shakes her head. "I just... I don't have the answers."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin dithers for a second, caught in indecision. Another look with Kara; the two have spent enough time together over the last few years to develop a rapport, and she's learned it's safe to rely on Kara to volunteer observations.

The redhead gets up, walks towards the tall chair, and hunkers down next to it in a squat. "I know we're putting a lot of pressure on you, and I'm sorry," she says, with a sincerely earnest expression. "We're just worried. But that doesn't excuse bad manners. We'll help you find the answers you need, and maybe you can help us in turn." She reaches a hand up and-- with the barest of hesitation-- gives Troia's forearm a gentle squeeze, a gesture that is entirely too natural to be an affectation. "I know it doesn't feel like it now, but if you're anything like our Donna-- you're among friends."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara nods, and will stand as well, moving to approach after Caitlin, trying to be as non-threatening as possible. "If there's anything we can do to help...please just ask us. We'll do whatever we can. And we'll call in the people we know to try and see if we can get this to make any more sense for all of us."

    She doesn't go for the same physical contact, mostly just because she doesn't want Troia to feel threatened or crowded, but she'll give her a reassuring smile, nonetheless.

Donna Troy has posed:
    There is something very natural in the gesture Caitlin makes, or at least if this was the regular Donna there would be. Such small gestures of physical comfort are common between the two women, who have been friends their entire adult lives. This 'Troia' looks the same, shares so many habits of body language and gesture, and even speaks very much the way she had when Caitlin and Donna had first met that it is hard not to think of them as the same person. Even the small, unconscious smile that crosses Troia's lips at the touch on her forearm is exactly how Donna would have reacted.

    Oddly it's more the words of reassurance and offers of friendship she seems to shrink away from. When she responds, her answers seem to become more formal.

    "I am the last of the Titans, and it is right that the Titans should offer their help," she says. "It may be that the Titans are largely forgotten by humankind, but in the time before Olympus, that was the case. That is what we do. Why we exist. "

    "There is nothing you can do to help me. The loom of the Moirai cannot be re-threaded. The warp and weft are set; the thread cut by Atropos cannot be mended. But I understand your worry. I will do what I can to help you. I just... I don't know how yet. I am trying to understand all this, but it is very confusing to me."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"-Titans-," Caitlin echoes, and smacks her forehead with her palm. "Now I get it. I learned about them, from the Amazons. They have a library of the history of the Olympians. The Titans were--" she scrunches her face, looks up at the ceiling for divine inspiration. "They were there before Zeus. Or even Cronus, or Ouranous," she remarks. "Zeus basically kicked them off of Olympus and set himself up as the head god. Most of them were forced to wander Earth or swear allegience to Zeus. A bunch of them are in Tartarus, like the Cyclops and the Hekta-- Hekatonies-- the dudes with the hundred hands," she says, struggling to remember how to pronounce the word.

"So if we're looking for differences, that'd be a good one to start with. Because Donna here, she's-- well she's an Amazon, but she was just a regular kid before the Amazons found her on a raft."

Caitlin looks up at Kara, flexes a hand in her direction to silently ask for an assist. "Am I forgetting anything there?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara looks back at Caitlin. "You're asking me? I'm not exactly an expert on your planet's mythology. But it sounds more or less right, from the pieces I know. The Amazons probably know more about them than anyone. But if Diana was here, I can't imagine that she wouldn't have picked up on it." She spreads her hands a bit in a sort of "you got me" kind of gesture.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Troia smirks slightly at Caitlin's attempt at the history of the Titans. "Hekatoncheires," she corrects. "Ouranos was... perhaps the first of the Titans, perhaps something older. It's hard to say. Uncle Kronos was definitely a Titan though. In a way you could call Zeus a Titan too, but he rejected that distinction. He chose to reject the leadership of his father Kronos, and claim Olympus as his own. There was a war. Your kind know of it as the Titanomachy, but it's not entirely... it was not Zeus and his progeny against the Titans, it was really Zeus against Kronos. Kronos' five Titan brothers stood beside him, but the Titanides, the female Titans, mostly stayed neutral in that contest. The Hekatonchieres and the Kyklopes, brothers to the Titans but not true Titans themselves, took Zeus' side. So did Hekate. Even then, it took ten years for Zeus to finally defeat his father and the five other Titans who fought beside him."

    "For a time, the six were imprisoned in Tartarus, with the Hekatoncheires posted as guards over them. The Titanides appealed to Zeus to show mercy to their brothers though, and in time he agreed, and allowed them their freedom. With Zeus claiming Olympus, the Titans retreated to these worlds here, to the star you would call Alpha Draconis. At the time this happened, this star was the North Star of your Earth, and so under the influence of Koios. here they made themselves a new demesne, a new home -- New Kronos."

    "It was agreed, when they were freed, that they would no longer concern themselves in the affairs of Earth. That Earth would be the domain of Olympus, and the twelve Titans would not challenge Zeus' dominion. As part of that agreement, Zeus demanded the Titans agree that they would have no more children that might one day challenge Zeus' own dominance. "

    As she recounts the story, Troia's eyes drift from Kara and Caitlin, turning to the starscape visible through the great window, and her voice grows slowly quieter. "Thousands of years later, that treaty was challenged when Pheobe, the wife of Koios, became pregnant. According to the treaty, the child should not have been allowed to be born. But Phoebe was one of the holders of the Oracle. When she told her brothers and sisters that she had reasons to ignore that ruling, they listened to her. And when the child was born, on the third day after she was born, when as is tradition the Moirai attended the child, Lachesis spoke of the child's fate. That the thread of her birth was interwoven intimately with the fate of the Titans themselves. "

    "The Titans refused to allow the child to die. They appealed to Zeus to allow an exception to the treaty in this one case, but he refused. The Titans could not countenance the child dying, and Zeus could not countenance the child living. There was a second war, far more terrible. All twelve of the Titans fought this time. "

    Her voice is barely a whisper. "This time the war lasted twenty-three years, and was far more brutal. All the Titans died, leaving only Phoebe's child, the last Titan, the cause of the war, alive."


Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara looks stricken by Troia's words. She knows what it feels like to be the last...or almost the last...survivor. She reaches out a hand towards Troia a moment...almost makes contact...then steps back. She blinks her eyes once, firmly, as if to stop any tears that might be threatening to fall, and looks to Caitlin. "We should definitely check with the Amazons, and with any magicians we can lay hands on. I'll see what I can find out." With that, the blonde turns to start making her way out at a quick walk.

    The better to hide what she's feeling.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin shudders once. What's that saying? 'Like someone walked over my grave'. She catches the edges of Kara's brittle fears, and at the offer nods up at the blonde with what support she can extend. "I'll call Diana, and see if she'll lend me the Jet so I can fly to Themyscira. Do some emergency research."

She pauses before following Kara's wake, and looks down at Troia with an uncertain expression. "I guess the logical question to ask now is... are you really different from Donna, altogether? The Last Titan? Or is there something she doesn't know-- or has been keeping from ..." Her lips contract around a 'me' before the word slips out. "Us?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Diana of Themyscira?" Troia asks, her eyes going to watch Kara as she makes her exit from the room, and returns to the unaffected parts of the tower. Is there something almost hopeful in her voice? "She was here earlier. She seemed as confused as the rest of you. I was expecting... something else from her. Because of the war. But she seemed more concerned with your friend Donna than with... with what has happened. They..." she frowns again. "They know each other. I don't... I wish I could give you more answers."

    "I've tried finding her. This missing friend of yours. It ought to be easy if there are these similarities in the realm of ideas between us, but... nothing." Troia shakes her head before turning back to look at Caitlin. "I know this is hard for you, and I'm sorry for that. It certainly wasn't my intention to cause this upset. I... Terry brought the one called Raven to see me earlier. She was very upset. It's... it's hard to deal with it. I don't know how to react."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin hesitates, look away, then back to Troia. All she can do is shrug, helpless and apologetic. "I wish I knew," she admits, sadly. "I hope I can find out something. Maybe there's some old book in their archive that no one's read in a thousand years. Or they can get me in contact with the Theoi. IF you aren't Donna, we need to get her back, and if--" she inhales, exhales heavily. "And if you -are- Donna-- in whatever capacity-- we need to figure out how to stabilize things around here and figure out how you will fit into ... um, everything," she says with a vague gesture around her.