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Latest revision as of 12:12, 30 April 2022

Parking Spaced!
Date of Scene: 29 April 2022
Location: Garage / Stables
Synopsis: Laura drops buy, catches the 4-11 on recent X-Happenings with Tabby, James, and Megan. And Flurry!
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Laura Kinney, James Proudstar, Megan Gwynn

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The Garage! Where vehicles of varying ages and quality are stashed. Some of them part of Xavier's own colection to the privately owbed rides of several students.

One of which, a '92 Mistubishi Delica in black and yellow. Modified for off road travel, raised wheel base, snorkel, roof rack, extra seating. Turns out it's rapidly becoming transport for most of the younger students lacking wheels.

Luckily Tabby, the owner of the bomb-ass ride with  BMB-455 on the licence plateno longer needs to drive anyone anywhere. The side door being slid shut and locked, lacking keyless entry for the thirty years of age behind the van.

Ponytail draping to the middle of her back and brushingg a pink cropped Adidas logo'd tee and some old but very clingy red heans with yellow Chuck sneakers cover most of her with a black leather belt with chromed metal studs at her waist and a matching choker at her neck making the only dark colors and red cat eye frames with yelllow lenses in them working to keep her vision functionally literate.

Once the Van is locked up the woman stuffs the keys in her pocket while she weaves around other vehicles to maybe in one day cross the large and spacious garage.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney doesn't spend a huge amount of time at the Mansion. Never a student her main links to the school are Logan and Gabby. But that's enough of a reason she swings by from time to time. Either to check up on her family or when there's trouble that can only be solved with an exceptional nose or some level of snikting.

Often the first leading to the second.

When she pulls up outside the Garage it's on something distinctly less suited for students. A Ducati motorcycle that looks like it'd be more at home on a race track rather than the school run.

She's not really dressed for the bike though. With just a pair of black yoga pants, a grey t-shirt and a black leather jacket over the top to protect against crashes. As for her shoes it's a pair of worn military surplus combat boots.

Is she wearing a helmet you might ask? Of course not. Road traffic safety is for people without healing factors.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Road Safety is probably a good thing for Tabby. Benefits of a roll cage and hefty reinforced bumpers. Whhat it doesn't protect anyone from is road rage. And luckily Tabitha of the occasional short fuse hasn't needed to light one.

This is probably handy when her distracted nature almost gets her hit by Laura and her very expensive bike which would look at home in thge garage compared to the  old Van."HEY Watch it!" she yells and takes a moment to see who nearly left tire tracks on her abdomen. "Gab? Laura! You know it's the sudden stop that gets you right." she says after jumping back a solid meter and wobbling on a single foot to regain balance before she rights herself and stands more steadily.  

"Whatbrings you back here. Think Gabby is rocking last few weeks of school in Happy Harbor and who knows where the hell Logan is so I guess it's the fresh air?" she queries playfully. The smell of the adjacent stables probably countering any argument of fresh no matter how much it gets mucked out.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar works on his own bike, a fully restored 1939 Indian Scout. He's in the middle of an oil change as the commotion commences. He places the drip tray and unfastens the plug with his hand. He looks over, raising an eyebrow. "Hello Laura? I'm assuming you just needed gas or is the world ending again?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Lucky for Tabitha the high speed bikes rider has even faster reaction speeds. It might seem like a close call but it's still perfectly safe. At least by X-23's standard of safe.

Which is probably anything but..

The petite mutant pulls to a stop, then reaches back to run her fingers through her hair. Brushing the effect of the wind out of her long black hair.

"I visit occasionally," she notes. "And I sometimes leave things for safe keeping." Which is probably Kinney speak for I buried something in the woods in the middle of the night. "I haven't been around in a while, got kidnapped by an evil group lead by a brainwashing time traveller for a bit." She glances over to James and adds "Well, the worlds always ending somewhere...."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Further proof that Tabby's easily distracted when a giant of an ex-boyfriend can casually work on his bike. Which brings much amusement in Jimmy's choice of vintage make and model to Tabby. "You know peer pressure is starting to make me think I should get a bike of my own. But I just love my big honking van just too much to trade it in after just getting it!" she states with a chuckle.

"I keep missing ya when you do turn up. You'll probably get pounced and hugged by everyone inside. Pleae no judo takedowns. Some of those kids are squishier than even me." she suggests and nods sagefully. The news of recent Laura happenings gets a frown and a worried tone. "Oh Emm Gee that's the sort of thing people want to let family know about. There's some experience in mind control and time travel. And in combination. Unless I missed that in one of my freak out absences. I miss a lot. Usually ends up putting me through walls. Anyway, you want we can pass things on to Jean. Make sure no psychic timebombs are left in your head. And in the mean time we can totally sort you out with food and stuff. You eating right in Gotham? Crap do I sound like a mom? I swear spending too much time around kids is making me responsible and all adult like." there's clearly some rambling and changes in Tabby's outlook in her recent months.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar shrugs, deadpans, "So, one of Scott's kids? Actually, Gabby hasn't been here in quite some time but she drops by, makes me dig up perfectly planting beds or tree stumps or whatever because the armory isn't safe enough."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney shrugs. "Gabby knew. She put together a rescue team," she says with a touch of pride that sneaks past her usually stoic expression. "Besides I wasn't kidnapped alone. We'd got an escape plan underway before we'd been gone a full day."

Perhaps a slight exaggeration. But probably only by a few hours.

"They never actually got round to brainwashing us. But if I notice anything unusual in my behavior I'll be sure to stop by and check in with Jean." Her head tilts to one side. "If you want a bike get one? It performs a different function to a van so no reason to get rid of it..." Another shrug. "How are things at the Mansion?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn doesn't usually have need of a vehicle to get around, but she was once gifted a scooter as a birthday present, and to be honest, it is an entirely different experience from flying. So now that spring is here, it's worth heading to the garage to pull it out and see if it still works. She even brought her old helmet from her early flying days. It's neon green of course.

And of course it's not Emory out here. "Ooh, people!" she greets cheerfully, dressed in casual cutoffs and a black shirt with garish looks proclaiming 'DAZZLER!' in neon Color's on the front. "How's it going all?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The blonde nods her head with a bright smile. "Atta girl! Boom-Boom encourages of the younger sister. "Better safe than sorry, problem with brainwashing. Sometimes it includes those wonky memories. But that's stuff you already know." she states to the elder Kinney.

"Anyone taught Gabby how to punch stuff into the Danger Room systems? Should have the same Trainee access I do. You melee feral badasses shouldn't have as much worry about damaging the room either. Plus being better fighters you have less worry about accidentally wiping a whole team. Less. Not none we all gotta watch out for that but a hard light tree stump should be no problem for the Honey Badger." Tabitha points out with a nod of her head to James and Laura with a swooping crane of her neck to encompass someone shorter and much taller in her field of view.

"Hey Megan! Cool Scooter!" she beams with genuine admiration as much as she did the motorcyclles Laura and James claimed.

"Alive! And recapping for our erstwhile friend here!" she explains.

"Mansion's good. Hasn't exploded since early February. Jubilee and Noriko got engaged. Sam and Alexis as well. Spring Break rocked. I'm not currently picking pieces of wall out of my ass. There's been racists, direwolves, hopefully no more vampire crap. Probably more but I might have slept through. Jimmy?" she explains and asks in a double check.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar nods to Megan and picks up the scooter from where it's been stored. "Changed the oil, cleaned the spark plugs, checked the tires and evened them off. Gave it a once over. Electrical is fine, motor sounds good. The rear brakes are a little low but I think you can get one more season. Let someone know if they start making noise or we'll check in the fall." He places it gently on the ground with a nod. "Yeah, she never mentioned it. Glad you're back. Being held against your will, harvested for genetic material whilethey torture and try to psionically tear you apart sucks. Hmm? oh, the gen actives are being hunted, mutants are being taken and having their powers amped up, Yana is- well, that's her business. "

Laura Kinney has posed:
"No-one got chance to harvest anything from me," Laura assures. "And they made the mistake of stockpiling high explosives in a poorly secured location." Being kidnapped by a supervillain, life or death battles and blowing things up. In a way it was basically a vacation for her...

"I've been helping my sister train. The Danger Room has some benefits but I do prefer the element of risk which a live fire encounter includes. It's one of the reasons I like Gotham. The entire city is a Danger Room."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins at Tabhy, "Woow, I've missed a lot, serves me right for wandering off. Well that's cool, when are the wedding days? Can't wait! Haven't even met Sam's fiance yet." but Jubes and Nori? That was inevitable they'd get married. She is a bit surprised that James fixed her scooter and is a fair bit friendlier than last time she bumped into him. "Ooh, you did all that? That's awesome! Thanks Soo much! I owe you one..Uh, wait a minute.."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Yeah, umm, some of those Gen Actives were out on an attempt at a kill spree. "They kinda did stuff to my head, like Logan levell rage and I got exploded by a purple haired chick on a stolen bike. 'Yana and I, mostly me. I think. rage hangover. Smacked most of them around before I think a fake Wonder Woman scared them off. Probably saved their lives but hey. I declare the win in favor of us!" Tabby adds with a grin. "Also killed a bunch of frost giants that got handsy with me in Central Park. Didn't get a shot at their Troll of a boss." Tabby adds and grins.

"You know there is a trick to disabling safety protocols. Act like nothing ever goes wrong in there. Guaranteed to make them fail and turn the sim deadly." she points out. "Or just set the difficulty to Logan." she adds with a nod and a push of her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose in defiance of gravity.

"Alexis is cool! Pyro kinda like me. Well she can actually fly as well. But is also a musician. She could give Alison and Lila a run I bet! Dad's a shitbag but that's pretty common. And way less nuts. But I'll still take credit for him having a type now!" she says and chuckles. "Or anyone else liking flamethrower girls that aren't me!"

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar snaps his fingers and points at Tabs. "The pheromancer! Was there a weird smell before the emotion hit? It makes sense, I can always get an emotional read off people from their scents in addition to all the biological stuff. One of the gen actives can affect emotions with Scent, so forewarned with that." Jim shakes his head witha sigh, "There is no Logan setting to the danger room- well, there /is/ but it was a joke. Kitty set it up as sort of an ongoing practical joke. It's ninja clowns."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura looks fairly blank during all the romance talk. It's not that she doesn't know some of the names involved, but in most cases she didn't know they were seeing anyone. So changes in those relationships... Well they have less impact.

"The last time I was really around the school aliens attacked," she muses. "Which was a while ago. I have noticed there's at least one group out there kidnapped people with powers again. But that seems like it's always a concern."

There's the barest hint of a smile at the talk of a Logan setting for the Danger Room. "I never really pictured Logan as training all that hard." At least by her standards anyway. "But I wouldn't say we're all that close."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, "Sounds like quite the adventure! Where have I been during all of that?" she pouts a bit. Probably cramming for school or working at her new job. A d to be fair she's never had anything of a love life, not that she's letting it get to her, really. At least James isn't trying to rip out her lungs this time so yay!

She giggles though, "Ninja clowns? Sounds fun, count me in!" No really that might be fun. "Ugh there's always someone trying to kidnap someone, isn't there? Well I could really do with an awesome road trip or whatevs, even though I probably can't keep up with your badass bikes.."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I umm, can't remember. I was kinda buzzed. Maybe. It felt psychic. Heard screams, chased them with 'Yana. Saw a girl standing over another, indigenous. Brain tripped on thinking it was Dani but that's kinda when the rage hit. Like a massive spike in adrenaline. Just flashes mostly after that. Lots of blasts. I remember an Iceman knock off. A guy that got stronger and buffer like Guido. They absorbed heat and emotions or something and they bolted rather thankeep fighting us. Well the Strong Guy knockoff waddled I think." she says and makes a similar awkward plodding motion. "Too much muscle, must have hurt." she says and giggles. "There was I think some Tee Kay dudec who managed to tank my blasts. Think I saw a wolf and a couple more pyschics. Angry and Drunk don't make for great detail. Felt like fighting us. Felt like beaating us." tabby states and giggles.

"Last kidnap attempt was Friends of Humanity. Wanted a no name mutant for some torture porn. Got knocked out. But didn't get far. Bobby, Monet, and Rogue saved me and the Van." she adds and nods. "I'm trying to find out more about the intended stream. Or how I got found so easily for an attempt at precision snatching." she states intently.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar head tilts considering, "Yeah, the security on the level is super high. The gag is for new members they try to break it, thinking it's superhard, super secret but it's just wave after wave of Ninja clowns, when the clown cars start rolling in it gets crazy." He pulls out a phone and a stylus they look ridiculous in his hands. He sighs, "I can reach out to Beak and the Irregulars see what they know about those snatch and grabs and the channel."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"If you have concerns about being kidnapped it helps to live off grid," Laura notes. It's one of her many special skills after all. "Burner phones changed frequently, never allow yourself to keep to a schedule and use forged documents."

"It also helps to learn where CCTV systems are set up and who operates them. Especially those used for police purposes. Law enforcement have a tendancy to be associated with anti-mutant hate groups. They have training, equipment and access to resources civilians don't have which makes them prime candidates for recruitment."

Plus if you live somewhere like Gotham they're all horribly corrupt...

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I've lived street long and often enough Laura. Not a fan of the lifestyle. Even easier for a girl to just disappear if it looks like no one will or can look for her. Double if she's a mutant." Tabby states and shifts her weight from one foot to the other, adding a tilt in her hips to stay standing comfortably.

"They don't need that much effort to track folks down. It's all crowdsourced these days. Like those websites that get used to stalk celebrities. They have them for the super hero community as well. People spot us in action or if we're even just moving about a place. They post it online." she exposits. "

Not gonna be surprised if there's an anti-mutant version somewhere. And I haven't exactly been able to be so discreet as most hero types." she adds and shrugs her shoulders. "X-Men do still get some attention since Genosha and the stuff that happened after."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar frowns, and looks at Tabitha his eyes are kind, his voice quiet, "You know I've always known where you were, right? I mean, I know you need space but I kept track. I can track any of the New mutants from memory." He shrugs, "I mean, I'm not Logan orJohn, though I'm quite a bit closer to both but they don't have my speed and stamina... or the ability to fly. I also have another option if you're worried." Jim gives a shrill whistle and the fluffy white wolf dog flurry comes scampering into the garage and sits near at hand, giving everyone a doggy grin, "You remember Flurry?" Jim smiles and hunches down petting her giving her scritches, "Flurry can you keep an eye on Tabitha?" The dog barks and affirmative and when Jim lets her go, she walks to Tabitha and gives a bow and a yawn.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney shakes her head. "I'm not suggesting you become homeless," she corrects. "I'm suggesting having multiple discreet and well fortified locations you can stay at. Stocked with weapons, armour and equipment."

Not to mention rigged with deadly traps.

"As for the costume following crowds... There's not a lot you can do about that. Other than not be seen in the first place. People in Gotham certainly have a more 'mind your own business' attitude. Poking your nose into other peoples business usually winds up getting dangerously mob related there."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby is of course in a state of being confronted with D'awwesomeness and squee with Flurry's presence. This earns the pupper more scritches from Tabby and cheek and ear rubs with less pointy parts of her fingers. "Yes I remember you!" Tabby states to the white furred one with a goofy grin.

"Laura, that van cost me like four grand and it wiped my savings from working at Harry's. I'd have to go back to thieving or... worse to come close to covering the costs of all that stuff." she points out and mimics emptying her pockets. If she actually did it she'd have her phone and keys clunking on the garage floor in front of herself and Flurry.

"Problem with creeps. They don't always make themselves obvious. Increased crime rate it may have, it's not so different than you think than New York. Haters gonna hate!" she adds with a nod and a reach down to give the doggo chest rubs.

James Proudstar has posed:
Flurry of course loves the attention amd bounces and then rolls over onto her side with goofy doggy grin of her own, tots caging belly rubs. James considers, "I have an idea about that. When class is out I want to talk to Scott and Chuck about putting sonething together. I have some ideas along that line. X-Force is a non starter but we still need something." Jim considers, "Well, I generally give anyone who smells even a whiff like cheese a wide berth. But yeah, Creeps work better when you can't see them coming."

Laura Kinney has posed:
X-23 raises an eyebrow with surprise at Tabitha's lack of funds situation. "I simply take spare cash and weapons I find on criminals I've helped to defeat," she admits casually. "And add it to the various black ops slush funds I've built up over the years. Things like fake ID I can forge myself. It's really not that hard."

Plus it helps when you're on a team that's bankrolled by the Batfam. Not that this is information she's shared with anyone at the school. Aside from Gabby, Hope and Megan that is. Wade too if you count him as 'at the school' and not 'at the school despite best efforts to keep him out'.

"As for finding creeps," she gives James a nod of understanding. One supersenses mutant to another. "My nose always knows."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I've got a fake ID that hasn't been burned. Good for clubbing. Renting cars and getting cheaper insurance. It's even in the system. Handy when you bribe someone in the DMV. Or wangle access and have someone else do it on a break in." Tabby states with a grin.

"I'm sure we can come up with a better name. But I'm down still. We can't really call ourselves New Mutants when we're getting into our GASP! Twenties!" she states with a chuckle. "Charlie's Fallen Angels maybe!" she suggests and giggles as she finally finishes petting and cuddling Flurry to stand straight up. "So like I'm hungry. Not sure if you two are but you should. Jimmy go wash your damn hands first. Then I'll see what's left in the fridges." The blonde waves the pair and the doggo of dorbs to the door inside and eventually towards the kitchens and food.

God I'm getting so damn domestic! Gah. Must. Trailer Trash. SOON!" she says in mock distress.