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Bushwick Bound: Conditions of Release
Date of Scene: 26 April 2022
Location: Genoshan Embassy
Synopsis: The afterparty of an opera performance by a famed mutant singer is nearly crashed by a couple of Feds trying to make off with one of the attendees. Quick intervention by the Genoshan security team (and Genoshan Royalty) manages to save the day. Though someone still makes off with half the hors d'oeuvres.
Cast of Characters: Tommy Shepherd, Clarice Ferguson, Raven Darkholme, Lorna Dane, Pietro Maximoff

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Augustina Lombardi is a world-renowned operatic singer, a soprano, and as of last week... a mutant, made public when Augustina had announced her resignation from her residence and teaching position at the Teatro alla Scala so that she could relocate to Genosha and support its young (but growing) performing arts community.

    At the request of Genosha's queen, she is here in Bushwick tonight to give a final performance before she moves.

    The first floor of the Embassy has been transformed for the occasion. Rows of seating across the floor are filled with the kind of variety in audience member that only a place like Bushwick could manage: men and women in black tie and cocktail dresses sat side-by-side with young kids in jeans and t-shirts, every kind of visible mutation proudly on display. Heavy velvet drapery and thick carpeting has been strategically placed to alter the acoustics so that Augustina's vocals can be properly appreciated.

    She's supported by a string quartet, but it's just her up on the temporarily-erected stage. And yet despite her tiny four-foot-ten frame she completely dominates it as if she has the lungs of someone twice her size, holding refrains for what feel like minutes, hours even.

    Though that's just training. Her mutant ability is more subtle, at least at first; colors that can be seen out of the corner of the eye, strange sensations that dance over the skin.

    But now, at the apex of Casta Diva from Vincenzo Bellini's Norma, amorphous blotches of color that feel like the desperation with which her character, a Gaulish priestess, prays for peace with the invading Romans, brushes of feeling that taste like her secret love for the Roman proconsul. It's a strange sort of amped-up synesthesia that she seems to manifest in support of the story of her final aria of the night.

    Her final syllable echoes out into the echoing hall of the Embassy as she clutches her hands to her chest in fervent supplication, and then it ends.

    After a heartbeat, the audience erupts into a massive surge of applause, many rising from their seats in a standing ovation. Amongst them is Tommy Shepherd, one of those aforementioned kids in jeans and t-shirts. His eyes are wide and fraught with emotion as he brings his hands together for the performance.

    Look, he's a guy with hidden depths, okay?

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice was here largely to serve as Royal Guard on this occassion, and added security for what could pose a tempting target to any extremists. Music wasn't generally very motivating for her - though Theo and Pete had been doing their best to change that about her. At the moment, though, as the performance seemed to be winding to a closer - the young mutant dressed in a deep green dress with a silverey shimmering belt and accented by diamond jewelry is simply gaping at the stage. She wipes her eyes, then hastily looks away, her gaze sweeping the room for any signs of potential threat, silently berating herself for allowing the performance to temporarily distract her.
    But //damn//.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
An evening out would have been far better if Lydia could join her, given Raven is not particularly fond of opera. The truth is she neither likes nor dislikes it, it is merely a form of music and singing that she understands takes years to master, and thus she had a respect for those who mastered the craft. Beyond that however, it was merely music and singing. When it ends, she joins in the clapping to celebrate the performance, far be it for her to be rude and not congratulate the hard word and skill offered.

Dressed in a hand tailored white silk suit, complete with a matching vest, a white shirt with a white tie, and a pair of white ankle boots in leather. It's not precisely opera attire, but it does shimmer when she walks leaning toward being far more formal than one might guess. Although not officially one of the Royal Guard, Raven is still keeping on eye on things, after all it's what she does.


Music. It was the very heart and soul of Theo. He played music and sang, had taken to writing his own music, and now he and Pete were looking at finding other mutants and forming a band. It was just one of the many things the boys planned to do with their lives... but tonight, tonight both of the young men were dressed in their finest clothes. Theo wore the suit Clarice had gotten him, and Pete wore a stunning bright pink formal gown, that was really the bodice all cinched up, and half a skirt in the back, allowing his legs to be sheathed in matching pants, and on his feet five inch platform shoes.

Despite their youth, they were in fact staying out of the way and enjoying the music. For everyday listening they both preferred more upbeat songs, but opera and classical music would always hold a special place in their hearts. Ever hear Beethoven on guitar? Ask Pete, he'll play it.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Naturally the Queen of Genosha was here as well. The chance to have the newly admitted mutant who was moving to Genosha perform for the first time on 'Genoshan soil' as it were was too good to pass up. Besides this... It really was something she had looked forward to a great deal.

She was one of those that was dressed rather well in a skirted suit, and she had donned the simple circlet she'd taken to wearing for semi-official functions where she was not meant to be the main attraction. It was enough to subtly denote her rank while allowing the real stars to shine. Plus it was great for keeping her hair out of her face.

As the song continues, and starts to wind to an end, the sights that it brings were flooding her eyes as much as the others here. Yet it's those she watches curiously seeing the reactions of adults and children alike. Somehow seeing so many teens and children here left her with a good feeling about the future in general.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    As the performance comes to a close, Augustina takes a series of deep bows and then spends a not-insignificant amount of time calling out her thanks to the audience, and to her quartet. No doubt that has something to do with her husband playing the cello, who by the end of the audience had tears streaming down his cheeks as he played.

    Soon enough she has left the stage, and the audience begins to filter out into the other half of the first floor. The game room is more recognizable, though the foosball and pool tables have been removed, and the other tables are covered in white tableclothes with simple but elegant flower bouquets. Waitstaff carry around trays of champagne flutes: yes, filled with actual champagne, though all of the kids are getting ones with sparkling juice instead.

    Plus, there are little canapes. It's very fancy. Somehow they've even made pigs in a blanket hoighty-toighty, with real French pastry, chicken sausage, and a sprinkling of black and white sesame seeds on top.

    Tommy is not here just for the ample hors d'oeuvres, but he's not going to turn his nose up at them, either. He's somehow convinced a waiter that he deserves an entire tray of those pigs in a blanket when two gentlemen in matching, nondescript suits walk up to him from behind.

    There's a flash of panic on his features a few seconds before the men put their hands on his shoulders, but he's silent as they begin to lead him out of the Embassy.

    And he doesn't even get to take the pigs in a blanket.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice remains on alert as the party moves, her eyes constantly sweeping the room as she holds a flute of the sparkling juice - the better to look like she's imbibing and enjoying the evening, while still remaining on alert. She does allow herself to at least nibble at some of the hors d'ourvres on offer. At the moment, she's lingering near one of the exits - which makes it all the easier to notice Tommy coming her way with tension telegraphed by every movement of his body, and flanked by an unfamiliar pair.
    The optics on that interaction weren't good.
    "Tommy!" she remarks brightly, starting towards the man. "Hey - I could really use some help with my math assignment today. I have it in my bag actually - can I show it to you?" She asks - before offering the two man a smile designed to look apologetic. "Sorry, won't take long," she offers, as she tries to steer the speedster away from the men.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
With the performance over, Raven starts to make her way toward the refreshments. She doesn't intent to eat anything, but she will look for a glass of something sparkly and bubbly. A mutant who came out of the closet was indeed something to celebrate, but it doesn't take her long to notice a problem brewing. Slowly she makes her way toward Tommy and the men, but Clarice makes it there first.

Into her comm she says quietly, <"Eyes on the suits, Blink has moved in, I'm closing in not."> Security was, after all, the second thing she did.

"Gentlemen," she offers smoothly, calmly to the two men who were stupid enough to try something on Genoshan soil as she steps up. "Is there something I can help you with? Perhaps some pigs-in-a-blanket? A little champagne?" She gestures toward the tables with food. "Anything that won't get your arms removed from your body's today? Hmm?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo was just trying to get one more glimpse of the diva before he and Pete headed toward the tables. Their plan was for him to stock up on those fancy foods to take to the orphanage later, so he was going to touch a thing here, touch a thing there, and Pete was intending to be look out and ensure no one noticed. With the situation however, the pair paused at a distance to wait and see how it would play out.

Lorna Dane has posed:
*SHNNK* Somewhere in the building is a rather odd sound. Like metal grinding against metal, just breifly. Perhaps the air system kicking on? It's quiet after and nothing really seems amiss. Nothing at least, other than the fact that the doors to the Embassy were now immovable. Those metal doors were now well and fully lodged shut but still appeared as if they were simply doors. Stuck perhaps.

Lorna's gaze had flit over the crowd at the information Mystique fed through the comms, and she casually steps away from the wall.

<Perimeter secured. They aren't leaving with anyone.>

Smiling warmly she spreads her hands ushering those that were still milling about toward the tables. "I do hope everyone is enjoying all the hospitality we at the Genoshan Embassy," EMPHASIS on WORDS aimed towards the men she wasn't looking at. "Please enjoy the snacks and a buffet will be finished shortly." While she keeps very attentive to the situation she acts as much as a decoy as she can to keep things calm while Mystique and Clarice do their own thing.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    The men aren't trying to rush Tommy out, perhaps in an attempt to not arouse suspicion. Alas, Clarice's alertness spoils that, and they come to a stop with Tommy still held between them.

    But Tommy just smiles, looking contrite and apologetic, and says, "Sorry, Clarice. I have to go talk to my parole officer, but I'll be back soon and I can help you then."

    It's the eyes, though, that give him away. Whatever's going on, no matter how calm Tommy sounds or how placid his expression seems, there's something frantic about the way his eyes remain on Clarice throughout the interaction.

    Neither men address her, but when Raven approaches, one of them says to her, "There's no need for that, ma'am. Mr. Shepherd isn't in any trouble, he just needs to talk to his parole officer."

    There's something strange about his eyes, too. And his generic alphabet agency partner, too, in their off-the-rack suits. Both of them look vaguely constipated in the way that seems to come along with government positions, but the same distressed look is visible in their gaze even as they do the stereotypical sweep-the-room lookaround.

    "We'll just be going," the other one says, and then they begin to try and maneuver Tommy around Clarice and Raven to the doors they don't yet realize are locked down by Lorna's magnetic control.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice shifts to remain in the way of the men, her pleasant smile staying firmly in place. She has no desire to ruin the evening, and draw attention to the problem - the singer and Genosha deserved for this night to be nothing more than a success.
    But they don't sacrifice their people. Certainly not for anything so small.
    "Oh, are you sure? I have to submit the assignment by midnight and I could //really// use the help. These gentlemen don't mind, I'm sure. They can enjoy the hors d'ourvres while they wait. And besides, I have been known to teleport people I'm unhappy with to the vacuum of space - did you know my teleportation range stretches are far as the moon?" she remarks in a friendly, casual tone, a smile still on her features.
    "Let's not spoil the evening."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The calm, charming smile remains on Raven's face as she steps in front of the two suited men, yellow eyes looking from one to the other as she listens to a report through her comm.

"I don't think you understand," she says just as calmly as before. "You have no jurisdiction here, and Tommy isn't going with you. You can opt to make a scene at this time, that will end in pain for the both of you, or you can choose to leave Tommy to the party and join me in the office," she gestures toward the stairs leading to the second floor.

"The choice is entirely yours to make," she leans in a touch closer. "Please select the one that ends in pain, I would very much enjoy defending Genoshan soil today." Is added in a low whisper.


Theo remains back, just watching as Pete inches closer to Clarice, Raven and the men.

<"I... does this work for me? I sure hope so," Pete whispers, his comm something new to him. "There's something wrong with them, even Tommy. No emotion, no thought... not... I can't put my finger on it, but they aren't normal in their heads, in their bodies.">

Theo tilts his head a little at hearing the report, then starts to look around the room. There are a lot of people, innocent people, who might need to be moved quickly.

No sooner had Pete finished speaking then the familiar two in one voice of the computer mutants on the asteroid comes across the comms, <"Hey boss, H&D here... Tommy's all fine and up to date with his parole officer, we call bull on this... just thought you'd want to know that.">

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
While he wasn't a fan of sitting still for long periods of time, Pietro does enjoy music. As a member of the Royals, it was likely requested that he make an appearance here as well - Prince and Avenger. He had a seat near enough to where Lorna was seated, with enough room for the security that always was present. No crowding of the Queen!

He was one of those standing, applauding at the end of the performance and truly showing appreciation for the artists.

Then there are suits. And... a younger man who looked far too familiar to Pietro.

And the thunking sound of metal.

Giving a nod to Lorna, Pietro then blurs towards where the conversation is being had - stopping to stand between Clarice and Raven. His icy demeanor is carried again, a change from his softer side. Cold eyes stare at those trying to depart with Tommy. "I am not interrupting, am I?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
<It works. You're doing fine, thank you for the information. Are their minds taken over, perhaps?> Lorna has her own thoughts on what may be going on while she steps over to one of the catering staff murmering quietly to push the buffet out a bit quicker. Surely food would be a good distraction to those not paying a lot of attention. Those that had been around Tommy and the suited pair though... Well. She could do little about them but the fact that they were moving away was good.

Once assured everything was as taken care of as it could be for the moment she turns to stalk--Not walk, not stride--STALK toward the potentially mind altered trio from behind.

She says nothing yet. Instead she glares down the line of her nose at the suited men from behind, sizing them up in more ways than one. It wouldn't take much for her to 'reach' that little sense of magnetism toward them to see if they had weapons. If they did? They wouldn't find them functional any longer.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Tommy's focus is on Clarice, and the G-Mens' attention remains on Raven. The threat about imminent space travel doesn't even seem to register with the two feds, who start to say (in unison, oddly) "There's no problem here, ma'am, Tommy is coming of his own free will."

    And at the same time Tommy says, "I really can't, I have to stay on my parole officer's good side."

    Except a weird thing happens. About halfway through each of those sentences a wire seems to get crossed somewhere, and then suddenly Tommy's saying "--is coming of his own free will," and the guys in the suits are saying "--on my parole officer's good side."

    The three of them all seem to register something has gone wrong at the same instant, their eyebrows drawing together in identical expressions of frustration. And then Pietro's appearance seems to really throw a wrench into the works, because none of them seem to know what to do about it. They all just stare. Even Tommy, who does indeed appear to be a slightly shorter, teenaged version of Pietro.

    Meanwhile, Lorna manages to disassemble the Bureau-issued handguns both agents have under their suit jackets, as well as an additional revolver the shorter of the pair has strapped to his ankle. They both have utility tools on their person, so that's a simple matter of fusing the knives inside them in place.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We really don't appreciate mind control on Genoshan soil," Clarice remarks in a cool voice. "I'm presuming you can hear us. I'm advising that you stop. Because we will find you, and exact payment for your crimes against one of our people." She's really starting to lose her patience - and naturally that has nothing to do with half of the Royal Family coming towards the danger. For the love of-
    "Your input is always welcome, Your Highness," Clarice adds - even as she charges the pig-in-a-blanket she was still holding with some of her portal energy. The only sign of this is the faint purple glow it begins to emit - just before she tosses it at Tommy's chest. It's not like it's a difficult throw.
    Whoever ends up touching it will end up teleported clear to the otherside of the room. Maybe that will be enough to short circuit whatever hold they have on Tommy?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Even as he was scooting in closer toward the two men in suits with Tommy, Pete speaks up immediately to answer the Queen, his Queen, dear gods /she/ spoke to him. Don't blow this. <"No Majesty, no mind control, I would be able to feel that. It's like there is some kind of filter in place. Their emotions are dull, and their thoughts non-existent. I think it's a drug of some kind, but I can tell they aren't operating under their own power... just nothing mental, not a telepath doing it.">

Theo continues to survey the room, noting exits and ways that those not involved could go, should it be needed. Up the stairs was actually the wisest choice, a lot of room upstairs and there were fire escapes that could be used to exit the building, add to this that he wasn't against using a few things in his 'pocket' to block door ways and the top of the stairs, it seemed the most logical choice. That decided, he moves toward the bottom of the stairs to be ready to 'guide' people that way, or scream at them to haul ass up stairs, which ever was required.


Raven for the most part merely keeps herself between the men, Tommy and the door. She's aware they can be sealed, that there is no way any of them are leaving, but at present time she'd rather not out right attack the idiots. Something didn't add up here. H&D made it clear that this wasn't about any parole officer meeting, and now they were all saying each other's planned lines.

"Riiiight," she breaths out, listening to Pete. "Your call Majesty, how we handling this?"

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's those seconds, those long seconds, where Pietro studies Tommy. Clearly, he's uncertain of what is happening with this one, either. How did this young man come to be? Thoughts race through his head, even as he remains where he arrived - staring at the younger version of him. His reverie is quickly shaken off, the man then snapping attetion to the faltering speech of the two G-Men.

Clarice is in motion - Pietro has to trust in the captain of the guard. His eyes follow the violet snack, ready to act should something go amiss.

"It appears that this young man is a guest of Genosha." He states, cooly. "Please depart and file your grievance through your superiors. I would love to better understand your business with this gentleman."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane remains standing where she is. No closer. No further. She merely waits the short distance away should the men attempt to turn around and flee. Yet it's the mimicry of speech that becomes disjointed, and crossed, which has her eyes narrow thoughtfully. A single hand reaches out toward one of the suited men. Not to harm but to 'flick' a ripple of magnetic waves over him seeking to disrupt anything which may be electronic. Because there was something there and she was suspicious.

<Thank you for the information, excellent job.> With Pete properly praised she finally lifts her gaze away from the men. To stare across the top of Tommy's head at Pietro with a single eyebrow raising in a clear look of 'SEE?' THIS is what she had been wanting to talk to him about after the entertainment of the evening, though it seemed this occured in a way she hadn't expected.

"Be careful. Tommy may run. Only you could catch him then, Pietro," she offers helpfully by way of telling him exactly what this younger doppleganger could do. You look alike. You have the same powers. There would be WORDS later, clearly.

For now? For now she states, "I believe this one has something on him that may be causing issue," she adds gesturing to the man she'd just tried to essentially throw an EMP at.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    It's hard to tell if it's Clarice's purple-infused tasty treat that does the trick or if it's just the inevitable result of the communal BSOD that the G-Men and Tommy are all going through, but in the split-second after Tommy's been blinked over to the other side of the room, they all flinch as one.

    Then it's... over? The two agents look incredibly perplexed, turning to one another as if to check that they're both in one piece still.

    Over yonder, Tommy's come to himself in time for his hand to blur, catching the pig-in-a-blanket midair. No five second rule needed here. He aims a narrow-eyed gaze at it, but he's a teenager running at a constant caloric deficit, so it's no more than a second or two before he pops it into his mouth and begins chewing. And then he's headed over to the nearest waitstaff with a tray.

    Looks like he's not immediately a flight risk.

    The agents aren't either, but they seem to realize that there's some sort of situation that they're finding themselves in. The shorter of the two sizes up the Genoshan envoy staring them down with a pragmatic sort of look, while the taller agent frantically pats at his jacket. "No, my magnetometer!"

    This earns a roll of the eyes from his partner. "What the hell have you gotten us into now?" he asks, before he -- wisely announcing that he's reaching for his badge before doing so -- brings out his identification. "Agent Mully, FBI. If you could inform me of the current time and location, please, I'd appreciate it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice eyes the pair, opting not to answer their question immediately, as her gaze turns instead to the otherside of the room - where she can see Tommy moving in on a food tray. Yeah - that makes sense for a speedster. Her attention shifts back to the two agent in front of her.
    "How do they read now?" she asks quietly into her comm - waiting to hear Pete's report on the pair, while meeting their eyes with a cool, steady gaze.
    She'd let others decide what to do with the pair. Maybe Pete would have some notion of whether or not they were complicit - or just as much a victim as anyone else in this.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's no motion towards Tommy from Pietro, though it's clear that's where his focus is. The look from Lorna was noted, as was the explanation of him being the only one able to catch the young man should he flee. That tidbit of info only serves to deepen the scowl on Quicksilver's face. This is a puzzle with potentially troubling resolution. Eyes track the movement of his younger shadow, watching his body language and taking mental notes of similarities.

"Genosha. In the presence of Her Royal Majesty, Lorna Dane." The man answers. He's not introducing himself at the moment - his credentials will either be obvious to the government agents, or not. He does not care, at the moment.

"Are you carrying any unusual devices?" That, is a concern. Magna what?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete has finally made his way to the small group, now minute Tommy, but it is to Clarice, and over the comm at the same time, that he says, "It's cleared, they're... them again... no memory at all of what happened, even if I dig..." he stops and shakes his head. "Sorry... I shouldn't do that... they have no memory of the past few minutes, they don't remember any of what just happened, and they are no longer effected by whatever it was controlling them."

Theo keeps his distance and actually laughs when Tommy is portaled to another location. That's his sister, he's so proud of her and some day he might be just as useful as her... but he doubts that. However, since the danger seems to be passing, he starts moving toward Pete and his sister, still watching intently for signs it might still go south.


Although Raven looks unarmed it was exceedingly difficult to tell with her. She kept a close watch on the two men, even as they shook off what had happened, and when Pete says they're back to themselves, it is accompanied by Mully introducing himself.

"Had to be that item," she comments quietly, stepping one step back... she had been right in their faces after all, and there was no longer a need for that. What happened to them now was up to Lorna.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane resists the urge to reach up and pinch at the bridge of her nose. Instead she merely inclines her head toward the pair as it seems they've recovered their senses completely. Their mannerisms were entirely different, as well as the fact that they were actually identifying themselves.

"The Genoshan Embassy to be precise. You were attempting to take one of our citizens out of here, presumably against his will." Presumably. She couldn't really say given the oddity of the situation.

<Of fucking course it's a legitimate badge. Is Tommy alright, too?>

Legitimate. Means. Ugh. Politics. Putting on a smile that was more for show than sincerity she gestures toward some seats. "I believe we may need to speak a bit, gentlemen. As for this sensor array of yours," she adds toward the taller man. "I believe it may have shorted out due to my abilities. My apologies. May I ask what it's purpose is?" Eyebrows raising she adds, "Given you both seem unaware of what was going on, I'm interested in exploring what may have possibly caused such a... black out."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Tommy's found the deviled eggs and the little crostinis with the fancy cheese on top of them. So long as the waitstaff seem more than happy to continue feeding him, he's not going anywhere.

    And the agents don't look like they're about to make a break for it, either. Mully, the shorter one, pinches the bridge of his nose in an echo of the gesture Lorna herself resisted, once Pietro has introduced the Queen. "If you're willing to believe us, your Majesty, I assure you that was not our intent in visiting Bushwick today."

    Pete's supporting testimony gets a nod from both agents, corroborating what his telepathic senses tell him.

    The other agent, who has pulled a complicated looking device slightly larger than a standard cell phone from his pocket, nods along and says, "We've been monitoring potential alien activity in the area. This device," he lifts it to show Lorna, "Tracks their stealth ships by the effect they have on the planet's magnetosphere."

    To which his partner replies, "I'm sure the presence of an individual with significant skill in manipulating electromagnetic energy would have nothing to do with any of those readings you've been getting, right?"

    If anyone's wondering: yes, that was sarcasm. His partner has the good sense to look abashed.

    "I don't think it's necessary to say given what I know of your abilities, ma'am," continues Mully, "But we're both carrying our service weapons, and I also have a Smith and Wesson 442 in an ankle holster."

    He sighs and puts his hands on his hips. "This is going to make for a hell of a report."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice puts an approving hand on Pete's shoulder, giving the younger mutant a smile, before her attention returns to the men in front of her. Both of her brothers are capable - something she's proud of, if she doesn't always show it the way they might wish. "What is the last memory you both have before 'waking' to find yourselves here in the Genoshan Embassay? As you might understand - we don't appreciate it when people attempt to harm people on Genoshan soil, and we take the safety and wellbeing of our guests very seriously. We would like to get to the bottom of this matter as quickly as possible."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete offers a nod as he says, "Tommy's fine too." but that had already been figured out. Now his attention was on the two men in suits, their device ignored. It was difficult to stop a connection once he started it, but he was definitely attempting to get out of their heads now. He didn't want to know about these men's personal lives, or anything more than they were alright, but he was still working on control. He'd managed to block out all the intense emotions and focus on them, now breaking that focus would take some time.

Theo steps up beside Clarice, but out of the way. He was more interested in the device than anything else. "Where did you get it?" he asks, not sure he's even allowed to be a part of this, but he wasn't leaving now that he was there.


Raven, in all her cobalt magnificence, remains in the line of sight of the two FBI agents. There was a time, not long ago, they would have tried to arrest her... and they still might. Let's face it, some people still didn't accept she was 'doing time for her crimes' while being free.

<"Situation contained," she says quietly into her comm. "Stand down."> And then she looks to Lorna, "May I join you, Majesty?"

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Well, the whole agent situation was well in hand - or not a situation any more - either way, it allows Pietro's sole focus to be on Tommy. Good or bad. The older speedster walks over towards the younger, nodding to him. "Pietro Maximoff. Who are you?" He asks, tone cool and edged. Yep, old Pietro is back in force.

Really, that's the crux of it. He's going to find out where this mini-me came from - whether it be a long-forgotten dalliance, a cloning from some sinister plot, or that his father sired more than he was aware of.

Lorna Dane has posed:
The sound that had come earlier, that little kachunk of metal against metal sounds again. Lorna glances upward with a soft hum. "Have to get the A/C fixed, I believe." A plausible excuse and yet... Well. No sense in letting federal agents, as odd as they may be, know that she had locked them in.

Looking back to the agents she softens her expression just a bit. "Ah, I see. Yes I imagine the need to keep our skies under watch is rather pressing given all the issues we've had in the past year. Unfortunately..." Her hand lifts to gesture toward the apparently more sarcastic partner with a dip of her head in agreement to what was said. "You'll have to replace your weapons I'm afraid. The firing pins are fused. I thought it best given the uncertain situation to ensure that there wouldn't be any instances of accidental firing," she explains simply. It was more flex with her magnetism than she usually admitted to, but they would find out one way or another after all.

She watches Pietro go off for a half second before sighing. "It seems this night has gotten a bit complicated. Please, you're free to go, but I would greatly appreciate any cooperation in figuring out this situation. Given your own activities, it may be in both our best interests to determine how you both managed to be controlled." There's a pause, and she adds, "Perhaps the aliens found a way to use your own devices against you." Or. Or not. She wasn't sure.

With a dip of her head to them she remarks, "Pardon me for now, I need to speak with my head of security further. Good evening, agents." With that she turns toward Raven giving a nod. "Of course."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    The two agents have a brief tete-a-tete about their morning, which is easy enough for everyone to eavesdrop on given that they're... you know, all standing around in the same area. After waking up in their hotel room, they'd spent some time walking around Bushwick taking readings, asking about any unusual sightings in the area (with the expected lack of success) and had skipped lunch in favor of a brief meeting with a local astronomy club.

    After comparing timelines it comes about that the last thing they remember is visiting Mootant Town Milkshakes. To interview one of the workers there, who was an avid poster on a conspiracy theory internet forum.

    "Understood," is the only reply Mully gives about their weapons. "We'll keep in touch. This isn't our first encounter with unusual circumstances."

    His partner's busy explaining in far too much detail how he managed to assemble the magnetometer himself, but Mully begins to pull him away. "Oh, and I like your dress!" he calls out, flashing Pete a thumbs up, before they make their exit, with Lorna's consent as she excuses herself.

    They don't stick around to witness the imminent standoff between Pietro and Tommy. They likely don't even remember interacting with Tommy at all, given he was blinked away before they came to, as it were. But it's certainly a standoff, as Tommy looks (slightly upwards) at Pietro and then pops an entire devilled egg into his mouth, chewing for a long moment.

    Okay, it's a long moment for Tommy and Pietro, from their sped-up perspective. For everyone else, it's basically nothing. "Tommy Shepherd," he answers. "You ever bang a chick attending Thomas Edison State University in Jersey about 20 years ago? Typical condom use has a failure rate of twelve percent, y'know."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Kidnapped from Mootant Milkshakes - that's an alarming thought. Clarice glances at Mystique to see if she's having a similar thought, before turning her attention back to her brothers. "Well. Looks like the excitement's over for the evening - shall we see about stealing some more canapes?" she asks in amusement, taking her two brothers in each of her arms. "Maybe we can even see if the star of this evening would be willing to do a brief visit to the orphanage? I'm thinking - part concert, part workshop? See if she can inspire any of the children there to pursue a vocal career?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete actually offers a wave as the men depart and a called out, "Thank you, made it myself!" before looking back to Theo and Clarice. "I doubt that, but maybe we can try?"

Theo nods, wrapping an arm around Clarice. "I'd love to meet her, and then we eat... I have plans, sinister plans, that involve the food." The situation is over, time to maybe meet a diva and steal fancy food for orphans.


Raven's expression doesn't change, but her eyes show the frown. Mootant Milkshakes was sacred to the mutants of Bushwick, that someone would use that location to kidnap people wouldn't stand.

<"Double the patrols in Bushwick," she says quietly into the comm. "Report everything seen to H&D, even if it doesn't seem like anything major.">

That order given to the Brotherhood, she moves to follow Lorna. "Interesting turn of events," she offers to the queen. "We'll need to be vigilant now, and perhaps offer that young man some protection."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Bang?" The distaste of such parlance is clearly evident in the tone and on the face of Pietro. There's a long pause. Perhaps an eternity to Tommy and Pietro, the latter taking deep breaths to clear and calm his head. "No. I did not have relations with a woman from that university, that long ago. I would have been eleven." Again, distaste.

"I will assume with your surname, you speak of your mother? Do you have information about your family? Your father?" It's twenty questions with Uncle Pietro - clearly this is not what either speedster was looking for this evening. The ire is raised, and Quicksilver needs answers. Good or bad. Just wait until Wanda hears of this one!

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane allows herself to exhale a single, long sigh as she nods in agreement with Mystique for once. There's no argument over improving patrols at all nor of giving Tommy some more protection. "I was already keeping an eye on him due to..." Nothing more is said as her eyes sweep over to where Tommy and Pietro were speaking. "THAT." Did she have to explain further? Now she finally does allow herself to rub the bridge of her nose a moment.

"The age isn't quite right for Pietro but I'd rather not think I have to yell at our father over such a thing again." Surely not a clone. Surely. While almost identical there were differences there that she could see. Small ones. "I was rather wishing this would be a pleasant, uneventful evening. I had been wanting to discuss the Starport being built with you. I've already put in some interest on behalf of Genosha but given where it's going I imagined that the Brotherhood would be most interested as well. Now, this." A gesture, her hand swiveling, and then darting out to catch one of the canapes on a passing tray being carried.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Tommy's still eating, and Pietro's the only one able to actually see him reach out to snatch canapes off of trays as they pass by. His nose wrinkles once Pietro reveals his age at the time of Tommy's, uh, conception, but then all he does is shrug.

    "Nah, Shepherd's my dad's last name," he clarifies in-between bites. And yes, he does have enough manners to chew and swallow before speaking. "Don't think I'm adopted. Pretty sure that would've come up by now."

    Answers? Yeah, Tommy's got none.

    He chews on one of those crostini and dusts his hands free of crumbs. "Lorna -- uh, Queen... Lorna... her Majesty?" For a moment (again, in speedster time) Tommy is visibly struggling to figure out the correct way to refer to her, before he shakes his head and just continues on, "She came to talk to me about it. So I guess I'm not hers, and I'm not yours. Don't know what to tell you, man. Anyway, I gotta go do... math... homework?"

    This time around, his puzzled expression is visible long enough for everyone to perceive it, and he looks towards Clarice before he shrugs.

    And then, zip, he's gone. As are the contents of several nearby canape trays.