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Latest revision as of 14:05, 4 May 2022

Little Black Book
Date of Scene: 03 May 2022
Location: Ray's Occult Shoppe (Tribeca)
Synopsis: Looking for a book of power in an occult shop at a late hour.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Selene Gallio, Sebastian Shaw

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Ray's Occult has a bit of a reputation, no doubt. Whether it's earned or not is up in the air. It seems like the sort of place that tourists go to. Monet St. Croix is one of them. Having apparently had not enough to do and out in the city, she's apparently been bored enough to go on in. The bell ringing announcing her arrival gets a bit of a glare then and an emphatic sigh as she would look about.

Selene Gallio has posed:
Leaning over the counter, Selene Gallio has a wicked grin on her face as she engages with the shop keeper. She seems to be trying half-heartedly to get his attention up to her eyes, but it seems to be stuck on the rather generous display of her cleavage. Already perhaps scandalous in what amounts to little more than a corset, it is positively distracting when she is bent over the counter. Her words purr towards him.

"I know that book is here. So just tell me where to find it, and maybe, just maybe..." Her fingers trail along the necklace that hangs between her breasts. "I can see you adequately rewarded..."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The goth girl behind the counter that's manning it would look over at Selene somewhat bored, "All right, I'll seew hat we have in back order." Wearing a nametag that read 'Kylie' over while hse would put away the nail file she had been using to sharpen her nails more. "Give me a few and I'll see what we can get up. Just nothing on love potions. Those we got all on back order from the same guy from now till doomsday." Muttering under her breath about someone named 'Peter' the girl would walk to the stock room.

Monet would take a moment to glance over at Selene bending over. "My, we do seem like we're after something scurrilous."

Selene Gallio has posed:
Turning to regard Monet, Selene offers a diabolical smile. "Perhaps interesting. Perhaps not. I find my own sources of amusement." She straightens as the clerk slips away, and turns her attention fully on the woman addressing her. "What brings you in?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would mm, "I see. So is that the reason you're accompanied by th Wicked Witch music?" If there was anyone it was appropriate for, it would be Selene after all no doubt. "I'm here merely to see if there's anything that holds some interest." Very, veyr bland answer from Ms. St. Croix not -wanting- to sound like she had been just going to tourist traps. Nooo..

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Before Selene can answer, a voice chimes in. "She has you down already, my Queen." Sebastian Shaw strides over towards the duo, his gaze drifting between Monet and Selene for a moment, a predatory smile on his face. "Come now, tell the young lady what it is that you are searching for?"

Selene Gallio has posed:
"Ah. Sebastian." Selene speaks the name with icicles dripping from it, without turning her attention from Monet. "What could possibly have drawn you out from your safe haven?" She does not turn to greet the man, instead leaving her focus on Monet.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would turn her head over to Sebastian, "Mister Shaw. A pleasure to encounter you again." The Algerian mutant would reply over to him. Her maintaining her gaze over with Selene and crossing her arms. "I was coming here to get something." A very smooth lie.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Well, I am always curious as to what could possibly arouse the interest of my esteemed partner." Sebastian nearly floats across the room towards Selene, reaching out as if to take her hand, even though she remains facing away from him. "And you as well? Busy shop."

Selene Gallio has posed:
Her hand is easily taken. It is polite, after all. "I think you know well what arouses my interest, Sebastian." A beat. "Not. You."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look from Selene to Sebastian and back again, "Forgive me for asking.. But are you two married? YOu do get along quite liek an old couple would."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The hand, once taken, is drawn up to his lips, for a gentle kiss. "Why, how observant you are." Sebastian offers a charming smile to Money, and after the kiss on the hand, turns to place on on Selene's cheek.

Selene Gallio has posed:
The kiss on the hand is tolerated. As is the kiss on the cheek. "And like most married couples, I do believe now is the time for me to have a headache." She smiles faintly at Monet, still not having turned to regard Sebastian, and then takes a few steps back, placing her behind him. And with a smooth motion, she turns as if to head towards the door.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at Selene and then over at Sebastiana nd quip, "Aren't you going to pursue the MIssus?" Oh yes, she's going to get just a litlte bit of amusement out of this. And file away the infromation on Selene for herself.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
As if not at all surprised by this development, Sebastian swings his hand back without even looking, swatting Selene on the ass as she goes out. "Oh, hardly. I know where she will end up tonight." He flashes a predatory grin again. "And how about you? What are you looking for this evening?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would dip her head to Sebastian, "Good, I do hope so." She would offer politely in teh vein of someone that would not particularly -mind- if Selene were to receive that. "I'm hoping to find something interesting and to catch my attention."
    Glancing at a wall with 'The Unabridged and Complete Tobin's Spirit Guide; Sumerian Language Edition'.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"In a book, or otherwise?" Again, that toothy grin. Sebastian is simply incorrigible. "There are many interesting things to be found here, of course." He advances towards her slowly, now that Selene has left. "Perhaps I could recommend some."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod over at Shaw, "Oh, please do. I admit I don't have much experiencew ith these sorts of things, so some level of fluency in the material would be appreciated. If you don't mind?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
A snap of his fingers, and one of the employees scuttles over with a tome, hanging it over to Sebastian. "This might be of interest," he murmurs, handing it over. It appears to be a guide to some rather unholy acts. Complete with visuals. "Does this catch your attention at all?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would mm over, "Lovely. Do care to tell me about it since I presume that you have some level of fluency with the arcane?" Not that she did. Or at least.. Not with teh arcane specifically. But the things her brother did came close enough.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"A little, I would say," replies Sebastian, as he opens the book and fingers through the pages. "I generally tend to have folks who do that for me, but I pick up a few things here and there." He flips through pages until he comes to one that he pauses at. It depicts three naked women dancing around a bonfire. "A ritual of power."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "Anything can be a ritual of power. What matters is that there is faith or belief in that it is. Denial and ignorance are forms of belief. So long as a uprpose and result is given to something, then it can have them. It doesn't matter what it is."