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A Simple Weapons Transfer Was Not in the Cards
Date of Scene: 08 May 2022
Location: The Streets of Metropolis
Synopsis: The Royal Flush Gang targets the same weapons shipment as the Green Arrow. When his friends show up, the Gang boogies out, but the Green Arrow wins the pot.
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Mary Jane Watson, Diana Prince, Felicity Smoak, Michael Hannigan, James Proudstar

Oliver Queen has posed:
    The hum of the motorcycle reverberates in the background as the Green Arrow reports back to Overwatch. "No sign of the van yet, are you sure it's here?" He weaves in and out of traffic, making his way to catch up to the blip on the screen.

    Felicity had been tracking an influx of arms that was hitting the streets of Starling City, causing no small amount of unrest among the criminal set there. Hoping to cut it off at the pass, Oliver had chased the lead back to its source - a group of thieves that had allegedly knocked off a Cadmus truck, and was slowly dispersing weapons of increasingly dangerous proportions on unsuspecting cities. Not about to let that happen to Starling, Oliver took the fight to Metropolis itself. Despite Felicity's strong advice and request to the contrary, Oliver had pasted back on the blonde goatee and was wearing the pointed green hat with eye mask instead of the hood. He had said it made him feel a bit more Errol Flynn like, which had earned an eye roll. But that's just where we are.

    Turning up the speed on the bike, he finally spots the van ahead of him. "Overwatch, I've got it in my sights. Time to cut this supply line at the source." Drawing the bike closer to the van, Oliver had no way to know that there were already a few others who had designs on those weapons. He slowly drew his bow, taking aim at the tires of the van, when a huge fireball emerges just ahead of the van. The cars go flying and the van jerks to a halt. The impact of the blast knocks him off course, a grunting sound as he and the bike go tumbling to the side. Good thing he did have the helmet on over that silly hat.

    "Overwatch, we've got trouble!"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The redhead was here on stakeout for something on another purpose than anyone else who would be in the arae. Namely she was wearing a SHIELD jumpsuit and waiting curled up in a position on a fire escape nearby. The sound of the bikes screeching along and then the van and teh explosion would have Mary Jane wince and go to swear softly into the comm <<Command, position Stalker. Target engaged, repeat target engaged>> Her going to send in a tag of the location and position, and then quickly evaluating. This was supposed to be an intelligence gathering position, not a firefight and engagement. So much..
    Then there's a shift in her body posture. Alertness. Tenseness. And a sadistic sort of almost manic look on her face as aggression asserts itself. Mary Jane is going to dive off the side of the building, using the fire escape to slow her way on down. Then using hte alleyways to cover breaking into a run. With the fireball, the van wouldn't be going anywhere shortly..

Diana Prince has posed:
An event was being held at a public venue today, and Wonder Woman was just so happened to be on her own overwatch of said event. The public festival is quite packed, and the Themysciran Princess is standing high above it on the shoulder of one of the large statues of warriors that are on the eastern side of the grassy field. Unity Park. One of the larger park spaces in Metropolis. Up this high, Diana can hear everything at the public festival, while staying relatively out of the limelight.

She was spotted shortly after arriving though, by some children down below. Thus camera phones began flashing pics and video of her high up on the shoulder of the large marble statue.

An explosion in the distance.

It causes Diana to raise her eyes up from the people across the park, toward the horizon. Her dark hair flows around her shoulders in the warm wind, but her expression grows more dire as she listens to the sounds flowing with the air.

Where Wonder Woman was one moment, she no longer is there the next. Some of the onlookers down below point to the sky as the Justice League Amazon has taken flight and is headed south west from the park now toward the sound she'd heard!

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity is left back in Starling, safe and sound in the recesses of a cave to be properly named at another time. But for now? Arrow-cave will do. She is dressed down and casual yet manages to look the very part of geek. Her three monitors are tracking pathing, each from a different source, but all attentive to that van. CCTV, and satellite imagery isn't the easiest to hack into, but luckily it's her.

"I wouldn't kid you about something like that," Felicity returns; Oliver can probably hear the fact that she's leaning in to her monitors, the faint *click* of keystrokes sounding over the com as she makes corrections.

After those few heartbeats of silence, Oliver chimes in that he's made contact, and Felicity smiles in the dim light of the cave. "See? Told you. When have I ever steered you-- no, never mind. Don't answer that."

As she's talking, she catches the faint blips of 'other players', and she shakes her head quickly, her voice rising, "Oh.. nonono.. they're coming in from the south. You need to-" even as she's giving warning, Oliver is reacting to the blast, or rather, his bike and body are doing so. The grunt is recognized, even as she keeps herself from rising to her feet. What is she going to do? Run over there?

"Are you okay?" She has his blip.. so far, so good?

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Patrols and stakeouts were not the reason why Mike was in town THIS evening. But regardless the reasons that brought him to Metropolis under his stage persona of Nick Drago. Nick is here now and he's pretty much finished up at the event. He had just stepped out on his own with the sound of an explosion in the distance drew his attention. The hell?

Curious and no longer engaged for the evening, the musician ends up ducking down an alleyway vanishing from sight. An itty bitty raven ends up rocketing into the sky from between the two nearby buildings. The purplish black bird flips in the air, corrects his path and flies off to see what is going on.

Oliver Queen has posed:
    Smoke wafts up from the crater just in front of where the van was, and people are already running and screaming to escape the scene, abandoning their damaged cars. The driver of the van remains inside, but the passengers spill out the back - three men in flak suits, each wielding some sort of advanced rifle. They sweep around the area, chattering with each other.

    "What the hell hit us?" asks one. The other two shake their head, and mutter that they don't know.

    That answer shuffles in quickly though, as three motorcycles pull up from behind. The riders are all wearing white uniforms, each of them with some form of crown on their heads. As the pull up to the van, a fourth waves from the other side of the crater. "Glad you could make it," calls out the one on foot, as the other three screech their motorcycles to a halt.

    "You stopped them, we got them," calls out the largest of the three, standing near on 7 foot with wide shoulders, and a crown resembling made up of three large points.

    "We gonna have some fun with this, or what?" asks the other man, his crown a flat top.

    "Knock it off, both of you." yells the female of the trio, her crown a more circular affair. "We don't wanna blow this chance."

    The men from the van look at the three newcomers and grit their teeth. "Alright, blast 'em!" they announce, pointing their rifles at the costumed villains and unleashing a series of energy bolts in their direction. The white and black costumed trio scatter. The one with the flat top pulls out a rod and fires a blast, vaporizing the rifle in the hands of one of them. The large one with the tri-pointed crown picks up a car and throws it at the van, causing all three to dash out of the way. The woman is nowhere to be seen, but her laughter echoes in the night.

    "Overwatch, I might be in over my head," mutters Oliver, as he finally starts to get up and dust himself off from his tumble on the road. "It's the Royal Flush Gang."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Well, lovely. She's not sure who she's dealing with here; so Mary Jane takes a moment to evaluate as she would dart from cover to cover. She's going to have to charge in to get in weapons range, her sidearm is of little use against this level of weaponry. She just is in a free fire zone when it comes to anything and she has a long run with no cover before she can get close enough to hit against blatantly gimmicky villains.
    So she goes quietly. The attention is all focused over in one direction. Chaos. Fire. Death. Explosions. All of it is going in one direction. All attention is that way. And Mary Jane skulks to the ground, going to dart along in a slow, quiet loop that is hopefully voerlooked in the midst of all of the fighting. She has quite a bit to go to get close and it will take her a few minutes even then. And she might not be that blasted dog of a Cimmerian scouldrel that could go about fully invisible in the desert.. but she was Red Sonja.
    The last thing they would see would be her sword gutting them.

Diana Prince has posed:
The car that is thrown does not hit its target. Instead, it lifts further up in the air than intended, and starts to even out as it descends further away, landing fairly gently on its tires once more.

Standing atop the car now is Wonder Woman. She has her coiled-up lasso of Truth in her left grip, while her right holds the end of it tightly at her opposite side.

She stands atop the vehicle, and eyes the chaos unfolding...

The lasso snaps HOT, and BRIGHT, as Diana lunges off of the vehicle now, leaving it gently rocking back and forth in her absence!

What follows is the clear arrival of Wonder Woman, in the form of the lasso going to swirl out toward one of the gunmen's legs, intending to wrap them up, and snap them together!

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity is taking in the CCTV, hitting up the red light cameras, each picture, each video flickering on her monitors, and blue eyes are at rapt attention to each as her fingers strike at the keys. Some pictures shift to another, others pull up a little larger if not a touch grainier. Her hand briefly pushes up on her glasses as she catches the form and figure of Oliver now rising to his feet, and she exhales in a single, soft breath. "Okay, you're okay," she murmurs. It's meant for her, but the way coms go?

"I heard that. I know you were talking to me, but you probably didn't want me to actually hear that," Felicity counters. "Because if you're actually over your head? Your sister is going to kill you because you didn't ask her to go along. So that means I'm going to have to be the one to tell her. And you know I'm a horrible liar. I get all sweaty, and I stutter, and then I can't-

"Right," she says through a tight smile. "Let's get you.." some help? Something? Anything?

"Hoooo boy. Okay. I think you might have some help. I didn't do it, though."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar stands on the corner looking at the piece of paper in his hand back and forth frowning muttering in Apache. "I hate being the delivery boy. These addresses never nakes sense." Taking care of Sion has been rough and some things can't be done from Manhattan.
     James sighs as he hears the the explosion, he looks down the street at the commotion. James folds up the paper, places it in his picket and heads towards the explosion. The massive of seven foot tall Apache cutting a swath through retreatng civilians.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the innocent looking raven comes upon the scene, he slows his approach to take in what's going on. There are some persons with rifles and a bunch of white costumed persons in play. Buuut there's also an Arrow, Wonder Woman, and a redhead with a sword in play. Not really knowing the story behind the exchange he's kind of deferring to what he's seeing to figure out what needs to be done. And honestly, the people throwing cars and vaporizing things are a general concern.

The bird swoops down, talons aiming for the rod that the flat topped one is holding.

Oliver Queen has posed:
What had started as a simple "cut off the weapons" job for the Green Arrow has turned into much, much more. "Hey Wonder Woman, thanks for dropping in!" calls the Grren Arrow as he charges towards the fray, his bow drawn. "The van has a bunch of stolen weapons from Cadmus." A key fact worth sharing early on - it would not due to confuse any of the heroes into helping the thieves in the process of fighting the...other thieves.

    A bolt of energy arcs at his head from Jack's rod, and Oliver quick ducks under it, sliding down to get behind one of the cars. "/That/ came a bit too close to giving me a new haircut." He crouches down behind the car, pondering his next move.

King sees the Amazonian and a grin crosses over his face. "Always wanted to try my hand against her," he says, running over at Wonder Woman, swinging a super-strong fist at her.

    Jack howls as he sees a bird flying at him, trying to steal his rod. "Away, away!" he cries, ducking the bird's assault.

    Darting among the cars, using the smoke as cover, Queen pulls out a long scepter, preparing to engage the sword wielding SHIELD agent. "This looks like it could be a fun challenge."

    As James makes his way over towards the scene, his pathway is peppered by small explosions. Ten stands ready, hurling the card shaped bombs at him. "Stay on this side of the fight, and you might live to see another deal!"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
So much for stealth. Not that Mary Jane minds. As the Queen approaches with her swepter, Red Sonja would twirl her hands, sword flipping over to two reinforced titanium batons glowing over with energy as she would grin sadistically. "Come, harlot. Let us show an impudent thing like yourself your superior!" Wait, shouldn't that be said by the bad guy?
    The debate of Red Sonja and Mary Janew ith killing had always been rough. Sonja sometimes accomodated her, and Mary Jane had at least talked Sonja out o fthe 'slaughter through a room and leave hacked apart bodies' phase of her life.
    Red Sonja goes to charge in, batons up and out. Hack at the sceptre, driven back. Slash upwards. Countered by the staff twirling, deflecting her attack. Mary Jane going for another slash to be met by a booted foot to the chin.
    Then a slam of the end of the staff to her throat, a pounding to her solar plexus, then at her kidneys, the long metal sceptre going to hit her body over in a series of pressure points. Slam up to her shoulder, twisting, another blow given to her neck that would have broken it if Sonja had not snapped an arm up to block it.
    CRACK at the hit, her own wrist snapping as the forearm was broken like paper mache.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana yanked that gunner across the pavement, and sent him down an alleyway entrance where he'd collide with a bunch of refuse bags, and old metal cans!

When she turns around, she sees 'King' coming her way. This makes her level her slim pointed chin just enough down to eye him over. He has strength. More than the average fighter she might face in the city. She's become adept at spotting it in how a super strengthed enemy carries themselves.

When his punch comes, she leans her right shoulder back and toward her left, dodging out of the way of it before thrusting her leather wrapped hands up to clutch his wrist and throw him toward the alley as well!

Not wasting a moment though, Wonder Woman just charges toward the alley and throws her own series of punches toward the midsection of the 'King' foe!

Felicity Smoak has posed:
This is actually probably the worst part of the job; a front row seat to watch battles that may not go the way she wants them to and helpless to do anything about it. Truth be told, if she was there, could she do anything about it anyway? She could, well.. something? A bottle? Insults?

"Oh.. this is new.." Felicity whispers, blue eyes peering behind thick lenses as she studies the screen. Suddenly, she leans back in her seat as she gets a headcount, her lips moving silently.

"Um.. Ol- Arrow? The weapons?" Nothing like reminding the already somewhat battered Oliver that those within the van have access to those self-same weapons. And should a case get cracked open and tested? Weeeeeell..

"I know that I don't have everything I need here, like heat sensitivity, or IR or anything cool like I have here, which is a hint, by the way. But, I have a feeling that all that," and she waves a hand at the screen, the activity before her, even if Oliver can't see it, "is a wonderful distraction for them."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Jack shouts his protests to the bird's attempts to grab at the rod, the phantasm respectfully withdra-

Like hell he is. That guy has a weapon that can be quite problematic for people should he shoot that thing off the wrong way. So Nick continues with his assault. The agile avian's flight twists and turns, fluttering about Jack as the talons grab at the rod with each chance they can get. Every so often a wing whacks the gang member in the face.

At the very least he'll be distracting enough to keep Jack from whatever he's supposed to be doing. And he can live with that.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar raises his eyebrows at the sudden attack and moves closer making himself more of a target. Taking the brunt of the attack, swatting them away from passers by and then back at his attacker. "Seriously? There's like three people with this schtick on my team and they are all better than you." He keeps up the dangerous game of handball as he approaches Ten relentlessly.

Oliver Queen has posed:
    "Yeah, Overwatch, I get it. It's a bit busy here!" Oliver gkances around quickly to assess the scene. "Luck be a lady tonight," he says as he darts out from behind the car and dashes over to the van. He fires an arrow at one of the remaining armed thieves, and it rapidly expands out into a huge net. Almost as soon as thst net lands he hurdles another car, using the added momentum to propel him through the air, a foot to the face sending the escorting thief to the ground with a thud.

    "I'll secure the cargo!" he calls out, seeing that the gang is occupied. He ducks into the van to make sure the Cadmus weapons don't add any complications to this fight.

    All should be fine for our heroes...unless the Royal Flush Gang has an Ace up their sleeve...

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Arm hanging down at side, forearm broken and snapped. The Queen advances on Mary Jane, whom has only one baton now. She goes to retreat, snapping it up to take the hit in a block. The greater strength and reach of the staff the Queen is using means that she's at a disadvantage. She goes on the retreat, dodging and blocking to try and get maneuvering room. The Queen is relentless on the attack. Baton snapping defensively, right until the staff smacks around before she can twist it around to dodge. There's a SNAP as Mary Jane's hand would be broken, baton being flung away.
    Red Sonja still does not scream even as she would be fully backpedaling now, the Queen on the advance against her, her body taking another hit.

Diana Prince has posed:
King slams Diana in to a wall, holding the Amazon by her neck. She winces at the pain of the action of being slammed up against the bricks, as the big tough guy gets his licks in. But, it doesn't last for long as Diana's armored boots come up to press in to his chest and push the man backward like a rocket, right in to a dumpster where he goes head over heels, resulting in his feet just sticking up out of the trash receptical!

A second later, and the golden glowing lasso wraps around those feet, yanking him back out of the trash, sending debris in all directions as Diana tugs him back toward her!

She doesn't waste any further time though, moving in to hog tie the strong man before he can make another move!

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Just don't get dead out there, okay?" Felicity retorts. "I can see that it's getting a little crow-" and she pauses in her speech to allow for a wince. There are flickers, still cameras, and leaning forward again, she's tapping into building camera systems. Ring!

Once her own visuals are secure and stable, Felicity can sit back again, and blindly reaches out for a coffee mug that she knows is just off to the side and.. bleh. Cold. "Just so you know. they haven't tried to call anyone, so they're not getting any backup any time soon."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The Jack and the bird continue on their little dance. But with enough wingslaps to the face eventually Jack's attempts to play keep away fail. The talons latch onto it, leading to a game of tug of war.

Which lasts for as long as it takes for the raven to pump some of his energy into the rod, phasing it through Jack's fingers.

With the gang member stumbling back from the sudden lack of resistance, the phantasm takes flight, Looping about to gain momentum before clotheslining the now unarmed gangmember with the wing.

Jack's probably not going to hear the end of this from his teammates for awhile.

Oliver Queen has posed:
    Oliver pokes his head out of the van. "Weapons secure. Overwatch, your doohickey is in the thingie." He looks around quickly and sees that MJ is having a rougher go with it against Queen. He leaps fron the van and charges towards the pair, using another car as a springboard. Flipping up into the air, he shoots an srrow back at the van to keep the driver in the cab before landing next to MJ. "Sorry, meeting a Queen should be way more fun."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
This is accopmanied as the Queen is charging towards Mary Jane by her snapping her other hand down to her sidearm, then going to pop a half dozen or so shots over into the gut of Queen at close range. With her arm clearly snapped at the forearm, it's excruciating no doubt. But several shots hopefully accompanied by Oliver going to smash into Queen hopefully take her down quickly.

James Proudstar has posed:
Ten's eyes go wide as they are forced go on the defensive. James closes forcing a change in strategy as they drop a smoke/tear gas grenade. It catches Jim off guard and his enhanced sense take the brunt. But he holds his breath, closing his eyes. The barrage of shaped explosions gives Ten's position away allowing James to make a full body charge into the unknown smoke cloud.

Diana Prince has posed:
Out of the alleyway, Diana emerges with both of the men that she sent in to it. She has them both tied up with the lasso, and is draggin gthem on their stomachs out of the alley. On to the side street she leaves them for the time being before moving her eyes around at the others gathered here-in. She can see Oliver, moving to help MJ... a face she remembers from some time ago.

<"Arrow."> Diana says over Justice League comms. <"What has caused all of this?"> She inquires. <"Is more expected?">

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"My what.. is in.." Felicity stumbles, trying to figure out exactly what Oliver is saying before she takes a sharp, deep breath in. "Oh. You mean- right. Silly me."

The blonde hacker sets upon now 'clean up' the way it's done in Starling. Police are called, the weapons should be dispensed with, and with Wonder Woman, at the very least, on scene- (Exactly who is that bird?)

Shaking her head slowly, there is a low, soft groan for the pun. "You're not allowed to do that anymore. Just so you know." It's all cooling down, thankfully, and she's back to working out the tracings, potential meeting spots, contact tracing at its finest.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With Jack downed, the raven glances around to see if there are any other persons that he should be minding. Seeing that MJ and Oliver are dealing with Queen and James is dealing with 10, it looks like that's about it.

The bird flips forward, growing into a more human like shape save for any identifying features. The rod he confiscated is now in hand. "I have no idea what to do with this." He admits.

Except NOT to give it back to any of the folks in white.

Oliver Queen has posed:
    Oliver watches Mary Jane unleash a few shots into Queen. "Uh, maybe you can deal with her all on your own," he mutters. "As long as she doesn't up the ante." He maintains a defensive position, and stands ready to help MJ, as he responds to Diana.

    "Overwatch, put me on the JL channel." A pause. <<The van is full of a bunch of weapons stolen from Cadmus, but Overwatch has secured them. The Royal Flush Gang just had the same idea I had, but I think it's time for them to fold.>>

    He looks over towards the man bearing Jack's Rod. "Gotta know when to hold 'em, my man, and for now, better stay. I wouldn't hit anything with that." Is there a limit to how many card puns Oliver can flip out? Don't bet on it.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is slowly moving to despite the general unusable status of one arm with all the figners crushed and pulverized, and the other arm with the forearm nearly splint out keep her weapon trained over on the Queen. Seeing her disabled over and keeping hte weapon pointed at her and moving to speak over along her own comm.. Which was not tied in to the chain of the Justice League and the others.
    <<Operational command, the exchange was intercepted and disrupted. Stakeout aborted. Report coming>>

Diana Prince has posed:
As Oliver explains, Diana's eyes go to the vehicle with the weapons. <"Understood."> She replies to him. Her stare travels over the faces of the others near by. She knows James from a few various interactions with the X-Men. <"Wonder Woman to the Hall of Justice. Make sure we have all available hands coming in this direction, we will need to help divert traffic for some time this evening.">

Diana turns back to the two men she had tied up with the lasso, and she moves back toward them.

The lasso is removed with some simple tugs, and her right booted foot goes to the back of 'King'.

"Stay down." She commands him. "Good boy." She adds when he complies.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Phantasm looks over to Arrow as he starts inflicting PUNishment. If there was a face currently available to make the expression, a brow would be raised. "Well I sure as hell am not taking this home with me." He mutters. He glances downwards to make sure Jack is still lying where he got knocked to.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar carries Ten over towards Ollie and the rest, hogtied. They're held in one hand he dumps them at Ollie's feet, "Ambassador Diana, Your Lordship, Robin hood and... Merry Woman? I believe this is yours?" He nods and starts to leave.

Oliver Queen has posed:
    Slinging the bow over his back, Oliver makes his way over towards Diana. He spots both Phantasm and James having dealt with other members of the gang, and MJ herding Queen over towards the group. "Well, looks like somehow I ended up with the winning hand after all. Thanks for pitching in." He pauses for a moment, mentally ticking through things. "Uh. I feel like we're missing something."

    Suddenly, everything goes black, and a high pitched keening is heard. Oliver whirls around, pulling out a light, but it does little to cut through the darkness. Glowing green eyes appear throughout, and start racing at the group of heroes. "Guys, what is..." He mutters to himself. "ACE!"

    As quickly as the darkness appeared, it is gone. As are the rest of the Royal Flush Gang. "Damnit!" mutters Oliver, as he takes out his frustration on a piece of one the cars, kicking it off towards the crater. He looks over towards Diana, and sighs. "At least we'll keep these weapons off the street. And Overwatch should have been able to tap in and find out where the rest of the cache is. So while we seem to have lost the side bet, we took the main pot we came for."

    A glance around to the rest of the heroes. "Looks like our full house triumphed, after all."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson goes to speak something very unladylike that is her passing her own thoughts over into the comm for whomever is listening on her other end of the SHIELD tacnet. Then she's going to finally have adrenaline fade over as the pain from her smashed up bits hit her and then the unladylike things that she's saying would be a lot more audible over as she switches among the various languages of the Hyborean era.
    While in her mindscape Sonja is laughing uproariuosly at her. <<Little girl, don't worry about such minor little scrapes. These are but triival. If they make you squawl so much then you should learn to hold your own better>> Whereas the Mary Jane part would snap back at Sonja ~You were teh one that was in control!~ <<Yes, it's not me now that's having to feel it, isn't it?>> ~... I hate you~ To more manic laughter.

Diana Prince has posed:
Wonder Woman keeps her armored boot upon the man's back. She stands there with the lasso wrapped up around her hands as she watches Green Arrow approach. She looks past him to James then, who gets a nod of approval. "Thank you for your help, Warpath." She tells the large man before he can wander off too far!

Her eyes go back then toward MJ, and the others. She looks to Oliver again.

"This could have gone far, far, worse..."

That's when things darken. "I hate it when I'm right..." She mutters as she looks around, only to see the lights come back on and the fallen foes vanished.

The lasso is recoiled, and hooked back on to her harness over her torso. "I will assist the Police..." Diana says with a grim undertone to her voice as she starts to walk toward the arriving Metro PD units.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With the cards stacked, Phantasm walks over, just in time for the lights to go out. When the lights come back on, he glances over to find that the dealer's run off. Leaving him holding the stick.

A very nasty stick.

He waits for Oliver to stop kicking other people's personal property before looking between him and Wonder Woman. He holds up the rod. "Ok, puns aside, do you either of you guys have a place for this thing?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
    Looking over towards Nick, Oliver nods briefly. "Thanks for snagging that." He looks over at Diana. "You want to confiscate that, see if anyone at the JL can use it to track down the rest of the gang? You'll have better luck than I will."
    Oliver is quiet for a moment, and then nods. Likely hearing something coming in from that Overwatch he kept talking to. "Good work tonight. All of you." He glances over towards the few he hasn't met before. "Starling City offers you her thanks. As does the Green Arrow." He extends a smile to his new comrades in arms.