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Latest revision as of 10:42, 24 March 2020

The Delinquency of a Minor
Date of Scene: 22 March 2020
Location: Brighton Beach
Synopsis: Mutants at a human beach party. Nobody got hurt, Laura.
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Stavros, Roberto da Costa, Hope Summers, Gabby Kinney, Kitty Pryde

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Jennifer Stavros is many things: bold, sort of mean, obnoxiously aware of her own prettiness. But most importantly tonight, she is ALSO tuned in to the party scene in Westchester County and New York City. So, when she drifted down the stairs from the dorms she grabbed everybody in her way who couldn't get out of it fast enough and who wasn't too old to go party with a bunch of teenagers on the beach.

She's wearing a leather jacket, neatly cut to emphasize her waist and the flare of her hips, and while it's currently unzipped tht will likely change as the night goes on because it is March, spring has just barely begun, and the Atlantic coast in New York is likely to get cold.

The crew she's dragged along will see a bonfire going further down the beach. Jennifer is not entirely certain it's legal, and she's positive the keg she can see nearby is not, but really, she does not care in the least. She grins at the assorted mutants (and Gabby) with her and raises a fist to the sky as she shouts her battlecry. "PARTYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto provided the wheels for this get together, his blue four seat Maseratti being purchased just for this sort of thing, and when he reaches the beach, he grins, dressed in a dark wool coat, jeans and a some Brazilian football (soccer) jersey.

He shakes his head at Jenny's screaming and laughs, "You need to get out more, Jenny," as he looks up from his phone. He's been texting all night, except for the bit where he was driving. Still, he tucks the phone away. "Looks like a good one though," he says glancing over at Kitty. "Eh, Kit Kat?"

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope had just made it back to the manor with a haul of some sort of illegal, high-tech guns she'd...'liberated' from some gangsters in Litte Italy when the party talk started up. On the one hand, she'd really like to just take those guns back to a lab and make them work better. On the other hand, it's not like she's had a lot of opportunities to just be a teenager.

Jeans, tank top, sneakers, hoodie. Fancy or flattering clothes aren't something she's worried about much. But hey, party! Right? The legality of any of it is absolutely not a concern for her. "Are we meeting someone here?" she calls ahead to Jennifer. "Or just crashing the party?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney meanwhile was quite happy to just get to come along! She didn't know Berto, or Jennifer, but she knew Hope and Kitty a bit. It was enough to justify 'going out with friends' as being a relatively safe trip at least. Her nose is pressed up against the window of Berto's car door as soon as they arrive, her breath fogging up the glass just a bit. "Are we really at the beach? This is the beach?" Not waiting for an answer she opens the door to spill out from the car almost at a full tilt run herself with a whoop of glee. March or not this was a first for her.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde has been around the school a lot lately, but has been hard to find as if living up to her Shadowcat moniker. Many know she's been disappearing into one of the rooms in the X-men base that house their various computer equipment. The kind of place she spends a lot of time anyway, except this one has up a "Restricted" sign on it and she is spending even longer stretches of time in it than normal.

So when Jennifer caught Kitty in the hallway and brought up the party, there was a moment's pause from the eighteen year old brunette. "I... ah... yeah. Ok. I could stand to get out," Kitty had agreed. She disappeared off to her room for the world's fastest shower, returning in simple black jeans and a top, with a similarly colored leather jacket over the top. She's left her hair down for a change, realizing it's been in the same ponytail for two days straight.

Kitty climbs out of Roberto's car, reaching over to rest her hand on his shoulder briefly. "It does," she says tells him, giving the Brazilian a soft smile. "Jennifer, thanks for dragging me out of there," she says. Kitty flashes Gabby a little smile as the younger girl climbs out of the car as well.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"Yeah, I know these guys," Jenny says as she leads the group toward the fire. "Rico over there told me about the party." She gestures toward Rico, a kid of about sixteen with long hair held in a topknot and an attempt at a beard that isn't really working. But he told Jenny about the party so he gets a pass tonight. "Put on a shirt, Rico," she tells the boy. "You're gonna freeze in a couple hours."

Roberto's comment gets him a glance. "Yes. I need to get out more. Because I only get away for parties on Fridays and Saturdays while school is in session. This will change. Yes, Gabby, we are -definitely- at the beach."

She takes the opportunity to point out a few of her other partygoer fans. There's Annie, who is about as goth as they come and poking at the fire with bits of driftwood and an obsessive look in her eyes. There's Mike, who probably plays football and has definitely had too much beer. And dozens of others -- too many for her to name in a pose or in the real world. "Honest, guys, I'm just glad I got some of you all to get away from schoolwork and, you know. Stuff." Code for training, of course. "All work and no play makes Jenny a dull girl!" As if she would ever be all work and no play.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Right, yeah. Gotta take a break from all that school," Hope says, hiding a smirk and a cough behind her hand. Hope definitely does not attend classes. Hope is a rebel like that.

The smirk grows into a grin as she watches Gabby take off, sliding her hands into her pockets and tipping her chin upward toward the group as they approach the fire. "Hey," she greets the group at large casually, leaning down to scoop up a piece of wood and toss it into the fire.

Small talk. How do small talk?

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Def the beach," Roberto confirms with a nod to Gabby. "Wait, you've never seen one before?" truth be told he had his head in other things lately. he handn't had a chance to meet Mini-Laura or was that Miniest-Logan? He knew with that family. Of course by the time he asks the younger girl was running full tilt.

Roberto carries on, bumping fists with Rico, "Thanks for throwing Jenny the invite, great party man," he says before giving it a scan.

"And true, but just think for some of us," there's a hard stare for Kitty and Hope who aren't still labouring away in high school. "A couple more months and it's all over."

Well except for the stuff. That would keep going for all of them.

"So, I'mma gonna hit that keg, anyone want some?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"What school work?" Oops. Gabby gone blabby. "What other stuff... OH! I found a crab!" And true, somehow, she did. Her hands dive down into the wetter sand closer toward the water and she pulls free a very surprised crab that wriggles it's claws impotently in the air as she holds it high above her head. "I'm calling him Crabberton Bismark the Third!" With that she runs back up toward the fire and keg--With that sloughing, slippery sort of not-knowing-how-to-run-in-sand run... Until she reaches the keg and places him carefully ontop.

One confused crab is now guarding the top of the keg blowing angry bubbles.

"Sure, what is it?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde stuffs her hands into her pockets as she walks over across the beach with the others. She gives a nod to Rico and his friends. A couple get a soft, "hey," and she offers, "Kitty," to a few of them as introductions happen.

Kitty turns to watch Gabby for a bit, running off down to the water. The wind blows her hair about a bit, Kitty brushing it back behind an ear as she watches Gabby return with the little crustacean. It gives her a soft smile before she turns back to the rest.

Kitty wanders over beside Hope, leaning her shoulder against the other young woman's in a soft bump. "How've you been doing?" Kitty asks quietly before someone comes over to meet the pretty redhead, Kitty falling silent as he introduces himself to her. Kitty flashes a look to Hope and the thinks clearly, <<See. Small talk.>>

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Jenny already has a red Solo cup in her hand, and is edging kegwards. Music is blaring from a stereo connected to somebody's smartphone -- a mix of electronica and dance and house and all the party faves. And there is a crab on top of the keg. "It's beer, Gabby," she says, regarding the crab, concluding that she's probably safe, but quickly applying a tiny ball of luck to herself. "I'm hardly gonna be the one to stop you from trying it, but, you know, if somebody's gonna be annoyed to have you coming back to the school drunk... don't tell them where you got it." She winks at the kid, shrugs at some of her party friends who wonder why she brought a kid Gabby's age at all. Jenny Stavros does what she wants. And right now what she wants is a drink.

Hope Summers has posed:
"I was gonna say that beer is pretty gross, and then I remembered where your genes came from," Hope chuckles at Gabby, bumping her shoulder back against Kitty's. She has enough lingering telepathy from the last time she copied Nathan's power to pick up on the thought, sliding a rueful sidelong glance toward the other girl. << That obvious, huh? >>

"It's not too bad," she shrugs, speaking aloud. "Went into the city today to look for really good pizza. I found it, but apparently the proprietors weren't exactly good guys, so unfortunately they're going to be under construction for a bit. Which," she raises a hand innocently, "Was not my fault. I did get some interesting tech out of it though."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto too is edging kegward with a cup in hand. He smirks as Gabby sets the crab down on top, he ducks down to where one of the party goes had stuck a pen knife into a log of driftwood, he puts it in reach of the crab.

"Can't guard if he doesn't have a weapon," he say sagely to Gabby before filling up his cup and looking to Gabby. "Want one? Only rule is you can't throw up in the car."

At Hope's mention of a little action in the city. "Oh, c'mon, you got to give us more than that."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Beer? Oh I stole some out of Logan's fridge once but then Laura made me put it back," Gabby reasons with a nod of recognition. She might be inexperienced in many things but she wasn't stupid. Just... inexperienced and perhaps a bit hyperactive. Hope's remark earns a grin along with a shrug, and she reaches for a solo cup herself. "Okay, I won't puke, promise." Hey if she got to try it this time...

Then Berto gives Crabberton a pen knife eliciting a gasp. "He's super stabby now! Go Crabberton, go!" Grinning wide, clearly enjoying herself in spite of being the youngest here, she waits her turn to take some of the beer from the keg amidsts the swishy swings of the pen knife.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches Gabby with a slightly more worried eye about the alcohol. Though she goes over and gets a cup to pour one for herself. "Sounds like an interesting trip into the city. I've had a few of those as well," Kitty comments to Hope. <<Down in Bushwick.>> There's a mental image of someone in a subway punching her in the phase, only his hand goes through her head to hit the metal pole right behind her.

Kitty doesn't seem to realize Hope's powers run differently than those of Jean and Rachel. She smiles over to Jennifer and says, "Yeah, good luck keeping that kind of knowledge to ourselves," Kitty says, tapping her forehead meaningfully and then giving a quiet laugh.

Kitty glances over to Roberto. "So no new issues with the tires, I hope?" she asks.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"And that was the day the crabs took over the world," Jenny quips. She does not drink her beer in large swallows, but in controlled sips. She's a party girl, but she's not an idiot -- she neither wants to be taken advantage of nor to get into some kind of accident on the way home. And while she is likely the least responsible person here, at least among those who came from Xavier's, she is not one to let a kid get hurt either. "You tried to take Logan's beer?" she asks Gabby, her eyes going a little wide in surprise. "You have guts, Gabs. I'm impressed." To Annie the goth. "Annie, this kid tried to steal beer from that badass teacher I told you about."

Annie glances over at Gabby, nods, looks back to the fire.

"I think Annie may be on something stronger than beer."

Hope Summers has posed:
"They said something about Nefaria?" Hope shrugs to Roberto. "They had some techy type guns, which I confiscated on the basis of they should be embarrassed to be using something so badly made. But apparently they didn't like that Superboy was eating at their restaurant. It was good pizza, though," she sighs, wistful.

She doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get any beer herself. Not with a group of other mutants around and her powers not exactly working as normal right now. She could end up phasing right through the sand.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Wait what?" Roberto asks Gabby. "You stole beer from Logan?" he laughs at the thought and only looks a little disapointed that the theft ended before Logan found out about it.

He fills up a second cup, dodging a swing by Crabberton, and hands it to Gabby. "Now you get to see what you're missing," he chuckles before stepping back and offering a warm smile to Kitty, "Nope. All good despite two trips to Gotham lately. Really thought better of the crooks down there, but apparently, all talk," he says easily before offering a little look as if to ask 'doing okay?'

Speaking of doing okay, the question is said out loud about Annie. "Uh, she, alright?" he asks, Jenny figuring she knew her friend and her tolerances.

Hope gets a nod, "I never have any fun like that when I go out. So the guns were crap? And wait did you go out for pizza with Superboy?" Always hungry for gossip is our Berto.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney accepts the cup of beer with a wide, impish grin. "Wasn't hard. Just slid a few cans into my jacket sleeve at the time. He probably knew, though. Laura was pissed." It was more for the fun of it than actually wanting beer, though. With cup in hand she gives Crabberton a little deft pat atop his shell, barely missing a swish of the knife, before she steps over to the fire to crouch down comfortably. Holding the cup in both hands she stares at it thoughtfully with her eyes shifting around to watch how the others drank it, including Jenny.

A thoughtful little frown creeps over her as she seems to silently consider something. Then she takes a testing sip before her face scrunches up. "Is it supposed to taste like ass?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a little wince at the mention of Logan's beer being taken. At least he isn't likely to get stabby with someone of Gabby's age. She is more drawn though to Hope's comments, Kitty frowning softly. "At a pizza place, you say?" she comments, shaking her head. Since the Battle of New York, advanced tech seems to be getting into the wrong hands more and more.

Kitty raises one eyebrow at the mention of Gotham. "Really? That is living on the wild side, Roberto. I guess the super nice areas are probably pretty safe though. At least from that kind of crime. Though... that place, I tell. Whole lot of crazies over there that make the worst parts of New York seem tame."

Kitty motions towards Gabby. "Yes. That's exactly how it's supposed to taste. How you know it's not worth drinking," she says. Before taking another sip.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope grins at Gabby's question. "Told you it was gross. Guess Logan's just had more time to get used to the taste." At Roberto's question, she shakes her head, grinning. "Not exactly. I mean, I got to the place and he was already there. Along with the guys with the guns. Which, I mean."

She shrugs, hands still in her pocket. "I don't know what tech's like around here neough to know //objectively// how good or bad they were, but there was definitely room for improvement. Gonna see if I can swap out the power source for something a little more responsible, better regulated."

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"Yep," Jenny tells Gabby. "Beer is not something you drink for the flavor, kiddo." She casually strolls closer to Annie. "Yo, Anne. You cool?" she asks, then nudges the girl with her elbow.

Annie turns toward Jenny and mumbles something.

Jenny shrugs. "Yeah," she tells Roberto, "she's okay. She's just Annie." She shrugs. "She's quiet. She likes fire. And she doesn't drink. Great designated driver, anyway."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
There's a grin about the great beer heist, "Well next time lets hope Laura doesn't catch you and remember, hook a guy up okay?" Roberto says of future beery endeavours.

Then he laughs, "It's not that bad, it's just your first ti-" he takes a sip and makes a sour face. "Nope. This stuff actually tastes like ass."

"Nah, the people in Gotham aren't all bad, some of them are sort of cute," he says with a shrug. "But yeah, still lucky get out of there with the wheels still on."

A nod about the guns, despite being sadly denied gossip. A nod for Annie too. "Yeah, looks like it," he says skeptically.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes another sip of the beer, not complaining about the flavor, but noting it as well. She's kind of use to thicker beverages so it mostly just tastes kind of thin to her. Kitty gives a lopsided grin to Roberto. "Leave it to you, to equate 'cute' with 'not bad'. I mean, Harley Quinn is cute. So is Poison Ivy from what I've seen. If you come home itching and wearing clown makeup though? We're going to start wondering."

Kitty moves over to take a seat next to Annie. "Hey, how's it going?" Kitty asks gently. She doesn't know Annie, but is just a little concerned for her, it seems.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope snorts back a laugh at Kitty's comment. "Gotham's on my list of places to visit," she admits. "I'm pretty sure there wasn't one where I came from. Besides, it sounds..." She pauses, smirk tugging at one corner of her lips. "Homey. All destroyed and violent and apocalypsy and full of criminals just ripe for punching."

This is what happens when you let Cable raise a kid, people.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Annie looks around at Kitty and smiles. Despite the mania in her eyes, it's a fairly sweet smile. "The fire is talking to me," she says in a tone just above a whisper. "Listen... it likes us."

"She doesn't often make a lot of sense at these parties," Jenny observes, "but she doesn't hurt anybody. I'm from New Jersey," she adds. "Gotham's worse than Newark."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Gotham's got those costumed vigilantes, right?" Gabby knew a little something of it, if only in that she ought to avoid it. Even Alchemax agreed going there was bad news. Now that she wasn't with them anymore though her curiosity was a bit piqued. Thankfully she's easily distracted.

While everyone starts to check on Annie she takes a bit gulp of the beer to swallow it with a little wince at the flavor. Just because she was new to it, right? Right. It still left her tongue feeling a little dry and tingly from the foam though.

"Can she... do anything with the fire? I mean, I've met people lately with weirder abilities than that." Plus she kind of rode on the back of a pheonix. Multiple times now.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Noted, and no, I'm not going down there to see villains, I've got standards, Pryde, stadards," Roberto says with a wink. "And yeah, you'd probably like parts of it Hope, the Narrows, def sounds like home for you."

He shakes his head. "And yeah they've got a bunch of guys dressed like bats and birds and stuff, total badasses is what peop;e say, but haven't seen them."

Also, no powers from what he heard. Sad. So sad.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives Annie a little nod. "It's very beautiful, especially at night," Kitty tells the other girl quietly. She's a little concerned at something in the words and tone, though tries to just project a warmth towards Annie as they talk.

Kitty glances up to Jennifer and gives her a little nod about the quiet girl. "If you want a drink or something, let me know?" Kitty offers to Annie before standing up, giving the other girl's shoulder a gentle, but brief touch.

Kitty wanders back over nearer to her friends. "Everyone's a little different. Just hope she's ok," Kitty says quietly with a glance back towards Annie. She gives a little shiver then that has nothing to do with it getting cooler. "I had an unintended stop there. Gotham. Flight in from Heathrow had to divert because of weather, and then it was awhile waiting for my luggage which didn't make it. There was a... thing. A real Gotham get together." Kitty lowers her voice further so just those from the school will hear. "Wade was there. And Diana Prince, before it was done."

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"Not that I know of," Jenny tells Gabby. "She's just, you know, a little crazy. But a very good driver." Or so she's been told. If Jenny needs a ride, she takes an Uber. She takes a swallow of beer and notes to Gabby, "If you don't like it, you don't need to drink it. There's better stuff -- and some soft stuff on hand, too."

Annie hmphs faintly. "Not crazy. Fire talks. It crackles and roars and if you listen... it's a song. A beauuuutiful song..." Still speaking so softly.

"Annie, you're kinda creeping me out here," Jenny observes. "I like you better when you just stare at the fire and wear black, okay?"

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope gives Annie a look, but as long as she doesn't look like she's going to //touch// the fire, she's not going to interfere. "Sounds interesting," she nods to Roberto, finally going over to get half a cup of beer from the keg. Just to wet her whistle.

She takes a sip, glancing back to Annie with a faint grimace. She can still feel the echoes of Nathan's powers. She could check in on the girl. Just enough to make sure everything is okay...As long as she didn't make it worse trying. "What happened?" she asks Kitty, before carefully reaching her mind toward Annie's.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sips at her drink again, or at least seems to. There's no attempt to drink it further as she stares at the fire herself trying to make some sense of what Annie was saying. "No, I get it. It's calming yeah? Like a bird chattering or something. Might not know what it's saying myself but you can tell if it's happy or upset or angry or going 'hey come check out my tail feathers bois.'" Okay, someone has to keep her from watching modern shows it seems.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"Yessssss," Annie hisses in delight, turning her eyes on Gabby. "Just like birds, but better. It's elemental and awesome!" Still speaking just barely above a whisper, but more animated now that people aren't calling her crazy or acting like there's something wrong with her.

Jenny takes no responsibility for Gabby's TV habits, but she does want to make sure the kid isn't getting in real trouble. Party trouble, fine. Crazy Annie trouble, okay. But Crazy Annie trouble might not be okay if Annie's crazier than she thinks. She doesn't interrupt Gabby and her new friend, but she keeps an eye on them.

Hope will find a few things going through Annie's head. Mostly it's the fire. She really does love fire. But the other major thing going on in there is amusement at the reactions of people around her. She's quiet, and she doesn't mind coming to hang out on the beach while her friends make idiots of themselves. But it's fun to mess with their heads.

And she thinks Gabby's a decent kid, what with trying to understand her chatter about fire. That too.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Yes, something has to be done about Gabby's TV habits, but it's not going to be Roberto. The Brazilian youth stands off to the side drinking his beer in peace keeping one eye on Annie while Gabby talks with her by the blazing fire.

Looks are given to Kitty and hope for their take on things.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde keeps her voice down as she dishes on the Gotham happening. "Well, there was automatic gunfire. I was in an Uber. Had him stop and went to check it out. There was a fight in this warehouse. Guy with a red... well it wasn't a hockey mask but it was a mask. Anyway, he's up in the rafters telling these hoods down below they work for him now. They were smuggling weapons. And everyone starts shooting," Kitty says, shaking her head.

"Ah... Wonder Woman smashed through a wall. The lights went out so I couldn't see much except by the muzzle flashes. There was... a mouse with a sword. Yeah, I didn't make that up. And, well, I took someone down. And then Wade was there and he threw some grenades. Like... much closer to me than grenades should be thrown. I grabbed the guy I'd downed and we went subterranean to escape the blast. Took him out and tied him up. Cops started arriving so I got out of there," she says with a shrug.

Kitty turns back, watching Annie. "So, maybe, someone should talk to her parents. See if maybe she should talk to someone qualified? Seems a little obsessed there."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope listens to Kitty's story, but by the time she's finished she's shaking her head. "She's okay," she murmurs, taking another sip of the beer. "I mean, as okay as any of us are."

A moment later, she's back on the topic of Gotham and the crime there. "Wonder Woman," she echoes. "That's the one with the lasso, right? Part of the Justice League?" She's still piecing some of these things together. "And even the criminals in Gotham have got a mask thing? I really do need to check that place out."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flashes a smile at Annie with a nod of apparent understanding. Though what she was understanding was really difficult to tell. Then again she was also the girl that ended up digging out a crab on a whim.

Glancing across at the older teens who are talking about Gotham she listens quietly with a level of attention that one might not expect of her. Hm. Lots to take in there. Interesting place indeed.

Placing the half-drunk red solo cup down into the sand she stands up dusting her hands off on her knees. "Given it's my first time at the beach, I'm gonna go take a dip in the water!" She declares as she spins around to jog away... Only to pause, and return, picking up Crabberton in the process. "We'll be back!"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto listens to the story about Gotham, while he downs more of his beer. It was slowly getting better as he had more of it, or he was getting drunker, he did skip dinner today.

"Yeah, that's her," he confirms to Hope. "And damn, see this is what I'm saying, you guys have all the fun when you go out."

As Gabby and Crabberton make a run for the beach, Roberto calls out, "Hey it's going to be stupid cold out there!"... and he didn't want his seats getting wet. But mostly the cold thing.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty watches Gabby, but Roberto is already on the responsible thing with her.

That causes Kitty to do a slight doubletake. Roberto. Responsible.

Weird. They are all getting older.

Kitty looks back over to Hope and nods. "Yep, that one. I figured, she'd have the matter in hand. And I was in civilian clothing," she says, keeping her voice down so those from the school won't hear.

Kitty hesitates. "Honestly Hope, I'd kind of stay clear of that scene. I mean, I just reacted to gunfire. But, the people that handle that turf, they aren't the biggest fan of others showing up there, from what little I know of it. Kind of creepy, the whole bat motif, if you ask me. And I think the attitudes probably fit with it. There's more than enough to worry about up here around New York."

Hope Summers has posed:
"What, and just have a huge, gaping hole in my knowledge of the area?" Hope quirks a brow at Kitty, taking another sip before she shakes her head. "I think we all know that's not going to happen. Besides, it's not like I'm planning on moving there or anything. I just want to see what it's all about. I mean, it's not my first priority, obviously."

She half turns to keep an eye on Gabby as the other girl runs for the shoreline, but once again doesn't look like she's going to interfere. "Genosha's the first priority. But there's also just...only so much one person can do about that. So, you know. Sometimes it's nice to just punch one person at a time."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney isn't gone long. She hears Roberto's call and eyes the water warily. Last time she was out somewhere cold she was informed it might have been hypothermia levels. With a sigh she sets Crabberton down to go roam free... Pen knife in hand. Then she trudges back up to the fire again.

"Okay. What was that about Genosha?" She'd only caught part of it. "It's kind of a mess there," she adds matter-of-fact as if she had some personal knowledge of it, or something. "But the new building is going well, and Doom and his guard are taking care of the island while Lorna is checking on the other refugees, and Victorious is a pretty cool lady so I hope everything goes well with those SHIELD assasins they were talking to when I left."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto looks to Kitty. "You're not going to convince her so you might as well go along with her, either that or I will, got to be down in Gotham again soon anyhow, might help if I knew my way around a bit."

There's a solemn nod about not being able to do much for Genosha. "I hear you there."

Once again Roberto finds himself looking towards Gabby a little stunned, "Back it up to the part about Doom?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty nods towards Hope and says, "Sight-seeing is worth it. There's all sorts of unusual, gothic architecture there. That's like... elaborate statues of monsters and things on the corners of the building. Gargoyles. It's the staying away from their crime and heroes that's the part I was meaning. I've only been there a few times myself, but it's beautiful in the day."

She watches as Gabby comes running back up. The mention of Genosha causes Kitty's eyes to stare out at the water for a moment before they go hooded. Her face loses a bit of its expressiveness it had, and her hands slip back into her jacket pockets. She walks away from the group for a bit, gazing out toward the water by herself.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers squints a moment at Gabby, then looks back to Roberto and Kitty for appropriate reactions to this information. "Is Doom, uh...not doomy here?" she asks, quirking a brow. "I feel like asking Doom to keep an eye on things is...probably not something Lorna would choose?" And possibly something they should let her know about if not. Nobody wants to go home to find it occupied by Doombots.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Jenny has been paying attention to the other mutants on the beach from a distance, talking and dancing with friends and careful not to drink herself into a state where she's unfit to associate with either group. When Kitty breaks off from the others, Jenny sighs, excuses herself, and heads off toward the brunette. "You okay?" she asks. "I didn't catch what Gabby said but... you know."

Internally, 'Jennifer Stavros, do you really want to get a reputation for being NICE?'

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over toward Roberto, then Hope... But then Kitty steps away. Her eyes instantly go wide and she claps both hands over her mouth with a pained expression. "Oh... I forgot how could I forget I'm so sorry!" Torn, she looks over her shoulder at Kitty while Jennifer goes to see to her, and then back to Roberto and Hope.

"Ah. It's a humanitarian aid thing, they say. He was really formal and polite to Lorna and everything so I guess it's okay?" Here she pauses again, biting at her lower lip as she stares groundward. Very quietly she offers her apparent faux pas, "I forgot Kitty's parents were at Genosha."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde hears the soft footsteps in the sand as Jennifer comes over to her. By the time she's there, Kitty has pushed that small smile to her face that she's worn around the school a lot. "Yeah sure, I'm good," Kitty assures her, finding it easy after this much time to inject light notes into the tone so it's easy for most to accept.

Kitty turns back, looking at the fire, and realizing she's bringing the mood down for Jennifer. "It's a great party, thanks for inviting me," Kitty says, swinging an arm about Jennifer's shoulder if the other young woman allows her. "So how is it you know this group anyway?" she asks, willing to start walking back over to join the others so it doesn't spoil Jennifer's night.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto's head swivels to watch as Kitty departs, he moves to go after her but Jenny beats him to it, he settles back, there was no point crowding her.

"Just her father, her mother was here in the US," he explains Kitty's situation. "Still, she's hurting a lot right now."

As for Doom, Gabby fills in most of what Hope had asked, but Roberto adds, "And yeah, he's pretty Doomy for the most part, fought the Fantastic Four a lot early on, sort of eased off a bit by the time I was really old enough to pay attention. Don't like him on," a glance towards where Kitty and Jenny are. "Genosha."

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Jenny quirks an eyebrow at Kitty's statement that she's fine, but Jenny will let her have her pride (no pun intended). "They're the party people," she says with a shrug. "I go to a lot of parties, I meet people, I get numbers so I can get a crowd when I want to drag people out, or find out where the parties are happening."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Huh." Well, at least Lorna's aware. Hope doesn't quite seem convinced that this is a good thing, but whatever it is, it's done. Finishing off her drink, she sets the empty cup on top of the keg. Half a cup is enough not to get in too much trouble. Hope's not really one to let herself get in a position where she could be surprised.

"We'll figure it out, Kitty," she promises as Jennifer comes back with her. "And in the meantime, we'll spice things up with a little routine punching. It's great cardio," she grins. So helpful.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty's expression is the same one she's worn around school, not making anyone else have to deal with her situation. Those who can hear Roberto will have caught the truth of the matter, that probably is why she's been gone locked behind the door in the base so much.

She walks back over to the group with Jennifer. "Well, appreciate you including us," she says, and that seems a genuine enough statement. Her eyes go back to the others as to nod to Hope. "Yeah. Did a little of that actually. Or, well, I let them do the punching, truth be told."

Kitty draws a deep breath and then smiles to everyone. "So road trip to Gotham for you two it sounds like? Let us know so we can have bail money handy," Kitty says with a wink.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"I feel like Gotham probably has some pretty awesome parties," Jenny observes thoughtfully. "Might have to check out that scene. Maybe during spring break." She clucks her tongue thoughtfully. "Sure, it's worse than Newark, but if you can get into the Iceberg Lounge..."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Punching is always good cardio and great therapy too," Roberto says with a nod to Hope before things turn back to Gotham and Roberto gives Kitty another of those private questioning looks, making sure his friend was alright.

"How about all of us go down to Gotham then, we can check out some parties punch some bad guys, maybe see some Bats. You know have some fun. My mom's living there now, so, we'd have a place to crash."

That was a bit of a revelation didn't his parents live together in Brazil.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
And so the night went on with partying and dancing and music and a little bit of maudlin reflection. Nobody got hurt, nobody got seriously drunk, and there were no drugs consumed by our wayward mutant heroes.

Understand, Laura? NOBODY GOT HURT.

Love, Jenny.