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Latest revision as of 16:44, 21 May 2022

Meanwhile, down in the lab...
Date of Scene: 20 May 2022
Location: R and D Labs: Triskelion
Synopsis: Everyone converges on the labs because it is the best place to eat in the Triskelion. #fact.
Cast of Characters: Leopold Fitz, Mary Jane Watson, Daisy Johnson, Jane Foster

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Finally, spring is springing, and the sun is shining in the skies over the Triskelion. This is the time of year that people call out of work the most, whether it's due to the fact that allergies strike hardest at this time of the year, or the fact that the sun is calling so incessantly that the pull of being out of doors is too great to resist.

That, however, doesn't go for everyone, particularly a baby-faced PhD of SHIELD. Leopold Fitz is in his lab, once more (still? No cot, no proof!), a pair of magnifying goggles pulled down on his face. He's looking at what seems to be a piece of rock set upon a sterile, stainless still plate. In hand, he's got a diamond-tipped, fine tipped chisel, the cord of which is attached to the side of his table. He's in his 'normal', button down shirt, dark pants, his badge hanging at his belt.

"Okay, increase it five percent, please.." the soft Scottish burr is the only sound in the room for the moment, and as the system complies with his request, Fitz is watching that rock.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is coming in and glancing about the R&D Room. Over on her back is a large Greatsword that's over in a sheathe. It's a very large blade that's setup and is old looking, but for those that had had a chance to look at it it it was exquisitely maintained, despite the fact it was thousands if not tens of thousands of years old. So as Fitz is working over in his lab, for her own reasons Mary Jane is coming to look about at some of the equipment.

She's quiet, not doing anyhting to draw attention, just looking about curiously. By the relaxed state of her posture, Mary Jane is the current persona in 'charge'.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Spring is springing means beach is beaching, and that's exactly what Daisy had been doing last few days. Because every agent should take some days off from time to time! And she made well damn sure to use hers properly by spending at the beach. It's noticeable by the tan on her skin when she is making her way over to R&D, even daring to whistle a little tune.

A distracting little tune...

"Oh, hey MJ.." She greets the other Agent when she gets in, grinning her way, "How have things been with you?" gaze then twisting over to the working Fitz. She quirks a brow when she notes the rock he is working on and her expression sobers up a bit.

Curious, but perhaps also eager to figure out what Fitz is up to with the rock! And perhaps as a testament to how serious she is about she doesn't even interrupt the Scottish engineer!

Jane Foster has posed:
Allergies would be a problem if things were normal. Maybe. The pollution and plants in New York are mighty different from where Jane grew up and where she tends to spend a good deal of her time. In one case, there's no trees at all except the illusion thereof. Going outside seems to please her though, and for some reason she has stolen a sun hat and a big, oval pair of shades that would normally be considered a bit too celebrity-styled for a SHIELD agent. Natasha and Yelena exempted, of course. Yet that /is/ a celebrity of some note, being Jane, and the woman thumbs through a sheaf of small notes while navigating her way from somewhere infinitely less formal than the Triskelion to the actual building. Apparently Daisy and Jane had the same intention, albeit very different beaches.

It simply happens the astrophysicist hasn't got a sun tan to speak of. She has, of course, a good mood and an air of calm about her. "I want to know security's reaction to that sword," she muses, spotting the lengthy haft poking over MJ's shoulder. An impressive sight to see, but this being SHIELD, weirder things have happened.

If Fitz isn't upset, all seems to be well. "Should we interrupt the master at his geology lesson? Where's the rock from?" she asks curiously enough, following up on Daisy's NOT asking by asking.

But given half her degree really does intersect with very large rocky bodies, is that surprising?

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile over at her comrade, "HEy Daisy, how you doing?" She would go to offer her hand out and over for Quake to shake. "Been awhile. Hope things have been good for you out in the field." Speaking as a junior agent over to a far, far more experienced senior one. "And I've been well. Sonja says hello and hopes htat you've brought death to your enemies and heard their lamentations." A phrase which in it's full Mary Jane had always been somewhat queasy over from the barbarian half of her.

Returning her attention to Fitz and watching over at him to try and get an idea of what he was up to. Then as Jane would go to speak to her she would shrug. "My impression is I always guess 'they've seen a lot weirder' and it's kind of obvious so it's not like I'm trying to sneak it past them." She was rfeasonably sure that most of the Red Room veterans had enough guns on them at any time to fill an armory.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
As the noise level begins to rise, and it's not his talking to his system, there's a soft chuffed air as he murmurs, "Working here." It's the bodies, moreso, that begin to worry the good doctor at work, and with one chip, or attempted chip of the rock, Fitz straightens up again, the black, scientific goggles still on his face. There's that sense of discombobulation, however, and he pulls them up so they sit upon his forehead.

"What.." there's a parade in his lab! Fitz reaches out and pulls the rock a touch closer to himself, perhaps a bit protectively, and recognizes Jane in the next breath, "Moon. An' I'm still workin' on it's properties. Nothing like it on Earth."

Daisy is noted, as is MJ.. and brows rise. Finally, Fitz pulls his goggles completely off, and continues, "What is goin' on? There usually isn't so many in the lab at once. Is there a problem?" Though, they're all pretty casual.. and he stands down from his overt concern.

"Is there something I can help with?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The handshake is certainly welcome, Daisy returning it with a grin, "Ups and downs, as with everything. Life of an Agent and all that!" she is in good spirits today for certain! And then laughs at Sonja's 'greeting', "No deaths, and I see Sonja is in good spirits today too.." even if Quake may be happier that she is not the one in control apparently!

The look that Daisy then gives Jane is telling. She may very well know where that rock comes from! In fact, she may even have been the one providing it and --- There goes Fitz saying where it came from. She smiles at him. "It's one I found when I was up there. It has the same .., properties as the one I was using to train here on Earth. I am not sure how to explain it, but I feel the same connection to it."

"Oh, no problem on my end. I was mostly spelunking around and since it's getting close to lunch hour ..." Daisy, always thinking with her belly.

Jane Foster has posed:
"You brought the rock in, Daisy? I ought to have figured. Properties for training?" Jane could ask more, but she's not going to, considering all things. The look on her face is mildly amused, even with the sunglasses sliding down her nose. "As a matter of fact, I needed a few spectrography and chemistry profiles run on a sample. I'd hope to catch Agent Simmons in case she had free time, though if you have anything in the next week or two in your queue, I'd be quite pleased to hand it over with the standard protocols. Just ensuring that we know what it's made up of."

Things to be glad about, at any rate. She doesn't go further than that into the matter, turning her attention instead to Mary Jane and Daisy so Fitz can flee if he wants to.

"Is it lunch already? I can't begin to think that much of the day went by. Should we let everyone here to their peace and head out for something in the cafeteria, assuming it has much worth eating?" That's always a key matter.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shrug, "Well.. I was wondering honestly if you could help setup something for me that I could run in a small area that wouldn't be an issue. I can't remember if I talked about it previously or not." She would go to gingerly take out the Greatsword. "I need somewhere I can setup a forge at least to help keep her in shape." The blade was as much a part of Sonja as Sonja was a part of her. That meant treating the blade right. "But all the issues one of thsoe has.." Taking up a lot of space, hot, messy, polluting.. "Without having to go out somewhere." There were only so many times she could sneak out to the city and get away with saying she was a LARPer.

Mary Jane would grin at Daisy, "SHe's fair. We've found a compromise for things she enjoys. Late night walks in Central Park, I have a purse hanging loosely, and she gets to practice." And not maim anyone in the process, but still, getting to randomly brutalize muggers was something that kept her stabbier half in relatively good spirits. "I still can't get her to accept I can't remotely drink like she wants to, even if she's in charge." Nineteen year old; and she doesn't remotely have the capacity even with whatever enhancements that come to her body with the barbarian's essence.

Nodding over at Jane, "Also Sonja says hello and wishes you good hunting wiht whatever you're stalking."

Leopold Fitz has posed:
"What?" He looks at Daisy, momentarily accusingly before he settles out and reaches out to put it away into his secure storage. "It has a couple of interesting properties. An' Daisy," this time, Fitz is a touch less prickly, "When you have time, I'd love to go over some of those connections.. with you an' the rock."


Thus stored away, Fitz is free to walk back, and sets his goggles to the corner of his table, to be put away in a bit. Jane is given the next bit as she's pulled his interest with new studies. Brows rise, and he leans on the table. "That's easy enough done," the Scotsman nods easily. "Jemma's been here an' there. I'll be glad t'sign for it and get it started." Seems straightforward enough, yes?

Good old Fitz, however, isn't about to flee his lab, his domain. It's where he finds the most peace, and strangely enough, some of the most stress as he works out problems. Of course, nothing compares with field work, but! He's here, and he's home. Mary Jane's request, though, comes in and his brows rise. A sideways movement has him seeing the greatsword on her back, and he nods slowly. "I'd.. I'd have t'see what the sword's made of, so as to be able to work out the proper temperatures for it. Y'wouldn't want to put it out of temper. A stone, perhaps, for whetting would be better? An' even then, I'd have to see what it's made of to see what would work on it."

Yes, Dr Fitz is giving it serious scientific consideration!

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well ..., I claim there's a mystic connection from this specific rock to those spirits that were training me in the past." From the infamous incident where Jemma's room spontanously combusted on fire. "Fitz claims there's a perfectly reasonable scientific explanation and that the vibrations coming from the rock are just that but that they are harmonizing in a particular manner with my brain.." she shrugs. "I am sure we will figure the truth somewhere in the middle..."

Daisy is such a traitor! Believing in magic and saying it openly in Fitz's sanctum... Does this make Fitz the Scientist Supreme?

Daisy then looks at MJ, thoughtful, "Well, you could always try getting a smaller sword... I know, I know .., but size isn't *everything* Sonja.." She tells MJ's alter ego with a wink. Yet when Fitz starts going full into his scientific considerations on what to do with the sword she lets out a laugh. "Oh no, now no one will get Fitz out to lunch today. Darn it, I knew I should had brought take out.." then a glance to Jane..

"Stalking? What are you stalking, Jane?" Now that's curious!

Jane Foster has posed:
"Excellent. I'll make certain to have it sent right over. Getting it through customs was apparently hard enough, considering all the layers of red tape they throw up to avoid smuggling antiquities or wealth out of the country. Any country, that is, to here." The plausible shrug from the astrophysicist speaks to some kind of familiarity there, though she isn't rushed apparently about stuffing rocks in corners of labs to be used as paperweights. It'll take only half an hour to bug an assistant to dig out the rock, sign papers, attach a sticker, and shuttle it up for the approval of one of the wisecracker Fitz Simmons duo. Like the Simon and Garfunkel of science.

She doesn't /quite/ side-eye Daisy dubiously. Just side-eye. Clearly. "You do realize I'm in W.A.N.D. nearly as much as I am in... wherever the Chief wants me at this rate. I might be able to confirm with some method or another if you're likely to incinerate us all with your stone. Or we could go and ask a dog about a stone." Because why not? Walkies are fun when the dog is literally the size of a house. Promise.

"Agent Whitman needed to create a fairly extensive array for keeping his blades in good order. You might be able to use those notes as a basis?" she suggests, following up on the redhead's inquiries. "He keeps a fair bit of it at home, but I'm certainly familiar with enough of it to give particulars as necessary. No doubt your companion can give any input needed. Also hello to Ms. Sonja."

The dry smile remains intact. "Stalking? That would be telling. Currently an interesting blast put out by the University of Cambridge about a promising dig site. Someone also fired off a request to see a possible paleo-astronomical site, though they aren't exactly my niche. Need more of an archaeologist for that field, but it may justify leaving Stateside for a weekend. London sounds appealing."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There would be a shift in Mary Jane's posture. She's standing fully upright, tensed now and her eyes are turning harder. Face twisting over to almost a sneer. Hands partially clenching, body tense and at the ready. Merely a sign that as questions were given her way that Mary Jane was letting Sonja take over and giving her the space to respond as she would let her other half reign.

Sonja would go to casually unsheathe the greatsword, the weapon that was for all intents and purposes well over ten thousand years old, if not even twice that perhaps. Handling the large blade which was designed to be wielded with two hands casually with one. "I do not mind you -discovering- it. The blade can withstand a great deal. As can I." To Sonja, it was her blade. A part of her.

A playful sneer given to Daisy, "I'll have you know that it's not only knowing what to do with it but also the size. This gives me much greater reach and room to engage. It lets me control the distance of a fight. Something shorter requires that I be closer instead of being able to keep them at arm's length. It is an advantage."

Sonja in control would grin at Jane, "Lovely to have more sites to plunder and pillage. I'm sure that you'll find glory and things of wealth and history to use to empower yourself and to trade for things of high worth."

Leopold Fitz has posed:
"Perfect," and the way Fitz rolls his 'r's seems almost comical in the soft brogue. "I'll be sure it's contained properly." His gaze rests upon Jane for a long moment. Is she doubting his ability to keep things safe and secure, regarding that moon rock specifically? "An' WAND doesn't have t'be involved in this one. Not everything needs some oogie-boogie magic thing attached to it. I'm quite capable of determining if things are dangerous."

Thank you.

"I'm sure Daisy here doesn't care for catching on fire. So, we'll avoid that, shall we?"

The referring to other Agents, nowhere near as studied in science as he does serve to get Fitz' back up. "Agent Whitman, I'm certain, has an understanding of tempers, but.." Here, Fitz is pulling subtle rank, "there is a reason why I'm here."

As Sonja takes over, Fitz is just as interested in that exchange as he is with the drawing of the blade. He actually takes a step back, and nods towards the table. "I promise I won't damage it," is returned in the face of Sonja's pride of the build and ability of her blade. "If you'd like, you can remain while I take a quick look.." the rest of invitation is left off.

No lunch for him today! Or sun.. not that the Scot particularly likes it.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No, let's not go ask Lockjaw about a stone. He always answers with a slobbering tongue..." Daisy knows it. She's been the target of such tongue more than once. More than thrice! She lets out an inner sigh. But hey, she loved that ol' dog. And he can teleport! It's very handy... The mention of Whitman has her nodding a bit more soberly. "Yea, I recall the two of you working on it in the past.." this about MJ and the Black Knight. "It's actually a good idea and he has a MAGIC pegasus.." this last part said in Fitz's direction. MAGIC!

But as Jane isn't forthcoming on what she is stalking there's a grin out of Daisy. It gets her even more curious! Like Daisies are wont to do. "Of course it would be telling.." as if she expected Jane to fully spill her beans on the matter. "And London again..? You are always off to those exotic places..." Europe is exotic for someone who grew up on an orphanage, ok?

As MJ starts letting Sonja there's a chuckle out of Daisy, "MJ, anyone ever told you that Sonja can get a little bit scary from time to time?" she is mostly playful though, and doesn't sound scared...

Pause. Her attention goes to Fitz and she looks extremely amused, "Did you just say oogie-boogie?"

Daisy, asking the important questions.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would grin over at Daisy, "That would imply that I am not to be considered terrifying at any point." Mary Jane had ceded the body to now over to Sonja. And no doubt was just a little amused over by teh exchange going on no doubt inside their shared headspace.

"And I'm sure that the lady will share the stories of tombs that she has looted and plundered of everything of worth and value in her own time."

The sword is easily given over. It's heavy. Surprisingly so for how well Sonja handles it. "I know that it will take you some time, Smith. I do not wish to take up all of your's nor make you do so with immediacy when you have other, mroe pressing projects to perform." Smith as in.. Blacksmith.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
"London? Exotic?" Fitz stares at Daisy for a long moment. "You've been to the Moon, for heaven's sake. London is nothing in comparison t'that." There's the burr, coming the full front. "And I'll have you know that if you go again, and I'm not along, I won't be speaking to you for some time, Ms Daisy Johnson."


There is the soft 'hmmm?' that rises as Daisy does ask the hard, searching questions as if he has no idea what she's referring to. It takes him a moment before he exhales in something resembling a good natured, put upon sigh, "An' yes, yes I did."

It's that sword, however, that comes to the fore, and as she hands it over, he's holding it in two hands, laid flat and certainly not in any manner that would even begin to hint at aggression. It's balanced well, that he can tell.. and for the heft, it's lighter than he'd expected, that he'd experienced in the past, in his younger days. "An' that's.." he was going to mention that he's actually a PhD, a doctor, but would that mean anything? "Right. To make the forge an' the whetstone for it, give me a day, an' I'll have it worked out." The sword is set carefully upon the table, and soon after, he's wiping his hands together. "It'll be fine."

Jane Foster has posed:
Mary Jane -- or Sonja -- have nothing to worry about in Jane. For one, she's got paperwork to file and things to sign off on herself. Notably the forms and details submitted electronically from a tablet that's mad at her. Then again, when is it /not/ mad at her? The screen resists her fingers dragged over it. Keyboards work so much better, but fixed keyboards in a spy agency aren't a sure thing.

"I had the opportunity to see a Stark miniature drone network being used most effectively. I might have to tap you to look into miniaturization of something a little different from his creations. Operating a remote sensor array that can use an intelligent network to react would be useful for situations where we're outgunned." Or simply human. Idly thinking on that, she taps a few more notes into the screen. "I can bring you with me, Daisy, though my budget isn't endless. Though if you'd like to come when I stare at old rocks and try to figure out if Tinpot Hill is a Neolithic structure intended to align to the rising of the sun on the equinox or Jupiter's grand conjunction with Saturn in 5,400 BCE, I'd be happy to take you along. You work better than surface LiDAR, and you're cheaper too. You could probably cover a field reasonably faster than a plane and give more precise results to fifty meters. What do you say? Out for some plundering and looting of old secrets?"

Proof is in the grin, brightly shown to the others. Compatriots, one and all. "London is quite exotic, depending on what /side/ of it you're on. Depending on whether you choose to stay inside M25 or get out a bit, right? I'm probably doing something to gravely insult you and that's not my intent, Dr. Fitz. But for the Americans here, it's still exotic." Her gaze lifts from the table and she breaks into a laugh, soft as that is. "The Moon was a very special case. Don't ask the situation to be replicated. I'd rather not have us all in mortal peril. I like you lot."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Pffftt, as if you could spend any time without speaking to me. I am even in your speed dial, confess it!" Daisy winking at Fitz but eventually nodding, "Fine, you will come up to the moon when time comes. Think it would be a good experience for you too." and would get Fitz out of this freakin' lab, but no need to share that with the team!

"And just making sure..." About the oogie-boogie. She sounds extremely amused though.

As they start going on about sword sizes and how to get more efficient with their swords is when Daisy's attention goes to Jane, intrigued by the proposition. "Oh, I am certainly cheap." a teasing grin, "Sounds good to me. I am always up to some looting of old secrets. Just no snakes, I hate snakes.. Actually, scratch that. I hate large jaguars in the mating season .." that was .., awfully specific? She even shudders.

"But that does it, if you are not coming out Fitz. I will go bring us lunch." Take out that is, certainly won't be getting food from the cantina! "Something something .., the mountain comes to the prophet.."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There would be a shift once more in the posturing of the redhead as her body would grow relaxed, her smiel back in place and her arms cross as Mary Jane would take over. "It's fine. she trusts you with it. At the very least, if something horrific happens over here in the lab she'll know that it gets a good death even if she's not around to whomever tries to grab it to use them to defend others or to try and attack anything."

Shew ould look at Daisy and Jane, "I'm almost afraid what you two have planned. And shouldn't you bring the Duchess with you? That seems to be something she might be good at." There's a quip in Mary Jane's tone. She likely means Dame Croft.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
"Avoid North London," Fitz warns. "In fact, avoid anything that isn't West End." He shakes his head and mutters, "London, exotic.. they speak bloody English there.. that's like saying Edinburgh is exotic.." He does agree, however, with anything near the M25 is fair, fair enough, anyway. "Best advice, don't go." Is that a touch of Nationalism speaking? Probably not. He's never made his feelings known in that regard.

The mention of Stark work gains Fitz' attention, and he nods slowly. "The DWARFs are now rated for a tight beam signal, useable from a HUD. It's still in prototyping, but it seems to work okay in field trials." No AI necessary. "No drop in signals, an' their analytical abilities are intact." He's proud of those little mini-drones, no larger than a hummingbird. "But, I'd love to see your notes on it."

Daisy's offer of food, and the second offer of keeping the sword in his lab for the time that it takes him to study are taken with a single nod. "I'd like that.. an' no. I've got work now, Ms Johnson." He's teasing, of course. "But, if you happen to find yourself in a good pub.. all the talk of London makes me want some good fish an' chips."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Fish and chips?" Daisy looks indignant about the suggestion, "Even *I* know one thing, Fitz. And it's that England food suc-- I mean, isn't the best." just in case Fitz takes it the wron way. Even if there even is a good way to take Daisy calling London food as being bad!

"No no, I will get you something good. Well, all of us.. So hang around.." She walks to the door, tapping on it twice, "I will be back in a blink!" well, maybe not in a blink since there's no Lockjaw. But no one will go hungry on Daisy's watch!

"And that means you too, MJ. And wait, should I bring two servings in case Sonja wants her share too?" Now she's teasing with the younger Agent. She winks and then off she goes!

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would watch over at Daisy and give a nod, "I'm going to let Sonja have them both. Whatever it is, I'm sure she'll appreciate it more than I will. And she might even like it when I can't stomach it." Sonja was still sore that she couldn't get completely sauced in a tavern and start a brawl and probably leave some bodies gutted.

The things that the two had to do in the name of compromise. "And please, no newspaper in them. They don't make them like that anymore do they?" Speaking as someone that's only knowledge of England came from Downtown Abbey.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
"What's wrong with wrappin' them in newsprint?" Fitz sounds almost insulted. "It's the best way. An' that's what I'm wanting!" the good doctor calls out after Daisy. In the face of her refusal, after she's departed, he turns around to look at the sword once more.

"I'll get started on this. Sooner started, sooner done, an' we can set something up for you." Fitz' polite way of shooing everyone from his lab!