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Wanderers: We Will Rock You
Date of Scene: 24 May 2022
Location: R and D Labs: Triskelion
Synopsis: Jane brings Daisy and Jemma a sample of stone that's far more than what it seems. The Secret Warriors best worry.
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Jemma Simmons, Daisy Johnson, Blackagar Boltagon

Jane Foster has posed:
How many mornings have started this way? Fresh pain au chocolate, a bit of brioche, all from a French patisserie close to the Dakota where Jane lives among famous celebrities and artists. The box ends up placed on a counter in the R&D department, notably in the lab of Jemma Simmons, for whom such bribes are purely theoretical. It's really Daisy whom they must bribe via food, the gourmand offerings enough to pull the hacker out of some tech meeting at 10 AM. Because her special skill set may be needed to review something, and because the astrophysicist /can/ pull rank for her projects, she does.

For good reason, not simply to bring together the Furiae. Though that's a secondary benefit, altogether.

The matter that proves so interesting isn't brioche, or a chocolate croissant for that matter. Though chocolate croissants are worth their weight in Mjolnir, her purpose lies in a pair of containers, one no larger than an espresso demitasse and the other substantially larger and heavier. Such that she sees fit to hold that box.

"Doctor Simmons, can I bother you today?" she inquires, almost cheeky-sounding about it. "I peeked at your calendar. It seems you aren't triple-booked until tomorrow."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Bribery does work, occasionally, for Jemma. Occasionally. After all, a girl's gotta eat, too. However, certain people do not require bribery to gain Jemma's time, regardless of how crowded her calendar appears to be. And...Jane Foster happens to be one of those people.

Granted, Jemma is not going to say no to chocolate croissants. It is that they are not needed to gain Jemma's attention. However, the large box that Jane seems rather possessive of. That attracts attention. A raised eyebrow, in the least, while Jemma's brown eyes shift from the box to the wielder of said box.

"Jane, you know fully well that you do not require an appointment, nor baked goods to procure an audience with me." The tone is light..playful. Though, it does shift to a slightly more serious tone as Jemma does a bit of deduction. "The fact that you are asking, though, does lend itself to curiosity. How can I help you today?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Sometimes you get the good-spirited Daisy. Other times you get the running-on-coffee, going-to-bed-at-6-am Daisy. Today is the latter as the hacker extraordinaire has been hovering around Jemma's work through the last half hour, waiting for Jane to arrive. And maybe a bit too hyped on caffeine. Just get a nap Daisy! But nope! She *might* had gotten one during that tech meeting at 10am. She has her tricks for those Skype meetings to look like she is there...

But when called by the Furiae? Who's got time to sleep? Specially if it involved bribes in terms of food. Not that it has stopped her from looking around the lab for goodies, even searching on that secret spot she knows Fitz keeps some of the chocolate.

"It's empty!" She looks accusingly at Jemma, "Have you two been stuffing yourselves with chocolate during the long nights at the lab? Mmmm?" just a faint hint of teasing on her tone. Yet Jemma doesn't have to suffer Daisy for too long because soon enough Jane is coming in and she grins.

"Hello there, bringer of food." She is already starting to search through the box of food Jane brought, greedy fingertips bringing out a brioche, "Mmmmhmmmm.." consumption begins!

"Oh, this is great. And yea, what's bringing us together so early in the morning?" It's 10am Daisy!

Jane Foster has posed:
A warm pastry still fresh and soft from the oven deserves to be appreciated. Help yourself, the pried open lid suggests, revealing soft, crisp tissue paper wrapped around the choice breakfast. A girl's gotta eat, but eat the buttery laminations wrapped around a core of dreamy chocolate. Indulgence, thy name is Jemma Simmons.

The box goes down first, plastic shell suggestive of carrying a few tools or something that needs to be safely padded by foam. Indeed, the contents are, a Tupperware-like box inside the heavier container. Popping the locks isn't difficult. "I know the rules of hospitality. You can be tricky to acquire, and you aren't someone to be bossed about. Unlike Fitz," she teases in return. "I have samples that I hoped you could give a whirl through your equipment. I don't have the right tools at the Hayden and my equipment is rigged up for another experiment that I cannot change up right now without losing the data." So her purpose becomes clear, illustrated gracefully with a smile.

Daisy's obvious when she enters, extracting Jane from conversation long enough to wiggle fingers in the hacker's direction. "I was hoping that you might be able to give me some insight on..."

The locks pop off, and she puts down a small sliver of what looks like granite in the smaller vial. "This. I received samples of this for my consideration from a colleague in the United Kingdom who thought I might be interested. It's come out of a dig happening in the Highlands, which is about twenty miles in any direction from a speck of somewhere. They suspect the loch they're working by might be a crater associated with a magnetic anomaly that the geoscientists have been trying to work out for years. I'm not certain yet. We'd be looking for shocked quartz and other traces besides, but I'd be equally concerned about the rock samples being contaminated by whatever village currently sits atop it. So here you are."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
It is perhaps Take Your Silent Partner to work day. Shortly after others, Blackagar wanders his way into the vicinity having taken a detour to examine a rather fascinating machine. Although he had puzzled out its purpose, accessing it and utilizing it was quite arduous and had resulted in him, unfortunately, resorting to brute force. But the King wants what he wants, and to understand this magnificent piece of technology that he had stumbled across was a necessity in his mind. Perhaps it is the old adage it is better to ask forgiveness than permission, but when the coast was clear, he had broken perhaps the cardinal rule of all scientists and engineers. He hit the machine in order to get it to work the way he wanted it to.

What calamity could it fortell? Who knows. But when it was done, there had been a small smile of satisfaction on the man's face. He had managed to unlock the mysteries it held, which was why he was approaching the triad holding the Twix bar in hand. That vending machine will never again work appropriately, but it is the price it paid for refusing to hand over the requisite candy he had so desired.

Standing nearby, the soft snap of the cookie within the Twix can be heard, a profound innocent expression on his face only pronouncing guilt louder.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Oh....research. Now Jemma's interest in piqued.

"So...a spectrometer analysis? Looking for intriguing compositions? Or a quick run through an electron microscope? Now, I have to admit, geological analysis is a little outside of my wheelhouse, but I can certainly run some analysis and see what the database thinks of your little contribution."

Most definitely piqued, it seems. Enough so that Jemma ignores the pastry goodness and turns to prep her machines to prepare for the samples that Jane has given. Always amusing to see a science nerd get down to business. There is almost a palpable excitement emanating from Jemma as she gets all of her ducks in a row to perform the scanning.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It's like a deer caught under headlights that Daisy's eyes look like when Blackagar walks in. Mostly because she has her mouth stuffed with brioche, cheeks like a balloon. She eyes the King and then tries to play it cool with a, "Shold woo sal--" she stops herself. It's no good talking with a full mouth Daisy!

"Should we salute, or maybe curtsey?" Is she teasing? Very much so. Maybe she is just trying to get a laugh out of Blackagar to get the morning started. It's also a misdirect from her uh..., less than ladylike manners. But at least she has stuffed the brioche down fully and she leans over to Jane, whispering, "Should had warned the crew that Blackagar was coming.." then a grin offered to the Silent one. "Welcome, King Blackagar." she then finally says a bit more serious, "Have you also been called with promises of food?"

With Jane bringing out the samples it turns her attention there, she leaning to have a better look, "Interesting piece..." she allows her senses to expand, her own vibrations studying the piece for those magnetic residues. Maybe not as precise as a spectrometer analysis but good for a start!

Jane Foster has posed:
"Spectrometry and confirmations we don't have any active organics in there. I suspect something buried under dirt and debris from the surrounding forests will, but in isolation. No horrifying bacterial colonies," Jane helpfully supplies, leaving both the samples -- big and small -- for the Furiae to dig apart. "Your expertise in the biological side is what I'd like to clear, since the last thing I need is disrupting some microscopic moss. They've been minimally handled with the usual precautions. The digital files I received from them mostly show the rocks in situ, not anything past that. They can give me the dating of how deep they found them but not a whole lot else. The LiDAR scans will be batched and sent over by Thursday, with regards and regrets."

A bit too casual for a university or a professional dig to just chuck some data at a random astrophysicist, though she easily leans against the counter and allows Jemma to master her lab. A sidelong look flicks to Daisy and then beyond, the stifled laugh lasting a few seconds. Her eyes brighten. "You generally curtsy prior to asking," she asides. "After chipmunk cheeks are dealt with." No, she is not going to demonstrate how to properly do that. The level smile widens a touch once her lips are under control, not prone to grinning. "That would destroy any possibilities of plausible deniability for ransacking a government facility for... chocolate, evidently."

She spots the Twix bar, and lures in the Inhuman king using a chocolate croissant that's warm enough to still melt its contents a little. Holding this out, wrapped in light paper, she nods. "Help yourself. I have professional inquiries to confirm whether a chasm in the ground happens to be more than it seems, particularly a crater. The usual methods to detect them are quite a bit harder when the ground isn't perfectly flat."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar finishes his candy bar, turning the wrapper over and setting it into a nearby trash can before looking at the assembled triad, mostly at Daisy as she seems to be in a curious mood that draws an upturn of his eyebrow in an unspoken questioning expression. Watching her for a moment, he looks about ready to sign something as his hands raise and then ... his eyes widen. Shock. Surprise. Danger. He begins to move, the shifting of someone who is about to sneeze. A warning look is given, his head rears back and his hand raises to his face but then he just abruptly stops and offers a joking, playful smile towards the others. For Daisy's joke about a curtsey, he has returned with a joke of him sneezing.

Hands do turn over then in sign language, however, speaking to the others as he does in his way. ~I do not believe you could bow even if you were inclined to. I have been called because it is Tuesday. Tuesdays are days for training.~ The explanation is made as if it is the most natural thing in the world. While hearing Jane's reasoning for being here, he considers then shrugs his shoulders lightly, ~Earth problems?~

Jemma Simmons has posed:
In goes the sliver of what appears to be granite...and on goes the spectrometer. And...Jemma does not have to wait long for results to come back.

"Well, it is certainly granite. With quartz within...but deformed crystals, not the usual structure one would expect. Indicative of a massive force striking it. And...with high levels of platinum and palladium. All suggesting that a meteorite striking, with the superheating and cooling that would entail."

There is a pause, while Jemma leans in to the display. A furrow of confusion knots her eyebrows. Which...can only mean something is rather peculiar. "There is a verdant compound that is not immediately recognizable via spectrometer. And that, in and of itself, is highly intriguing. Because it would mean that it is a substance that modern science has not formulated in quite that manner ever before. That is certainly worthy of investigation."

Jemma steps back. "Otherwise, identifiable organic matter is, for a lack of a better term, rather vibrant and healthy. It is that green compound, however, that really has my attention now."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy's expression goes from alarmed, to her hands starting to raise to perhaps- and then it's a joke. "Hmph." she flips a strand of hair out of her way but admits, "Well, it wasn't bad..." eyes then going to Jane, "I blame you for the jokes the King is learning here on earth." but then she is grinning.

It's also a bit of a time that she is interrupted in her study of the rock. Which sets her back on that spectrometer reading. But she nods at the conclusions Jemma gets to, "There's a big mix of common materials, their vibrations are similar but ..., there's something odd, if we go past the actual really high magnetic residues that it still has... That's not something I have felt before..." her head then cants to the side and eyes perk up, "Almost like there were diamond pieces on the inside, but it's not diamond, it's something else... pieces of it embedded all over the rock. Very small. Might want to get the microscope out for it." she tells Jemma.

"This was a meteorite, you said? There's something in there I have never felt here on Earth ..." then a pause as she looks at Blackagar, "Tuesday is training day? Here on earth?"

Jane Foster has posed:
The moment Blackagar widens his eyes, the question rises in sign: ~What?~ Simple, pointed, and clear. Danger, when his head shifts and the possible seizure of the senses threatens to destroy New York proper. What Michael couldn't do, a tickle of the nose may accomplish.

For some reason, the brunette isn't panicking, though she probably should be. Playing along doesn't mean throwing Daisy over a lab table protectively, but rather continuing to hold out the pastry to the man. ~Do you want this or shall I put it back in the box?~ Her clipped one-handed sign is still perfectly understandable, albeit a touch on the terse side, whereas vocally she'd likely never be that way.

"I'm not sure the problem is wholly terrestrial. Amaya and Douglas wanted me to come out and see whether their theory the site held an astronomical significance was accurate, but I wasn't convinced to fly over simply to stand in the mud. It's plausible they found a stone circle or Neolithic burial complex. I figure, ask the experts on whether it's worked stone or evidence of a crater."

Her tone is soft, the better not to interrupt their findings, since Daisy and Jemma work best without preconceived notions. When they're both busy, she sketches a bow in Blackagar's direction just because. "See? They are onto something. This thing set off security in Heathrow. That's partly how I ended up with it so quick. It needed special permission to pass through JFK since their security equipment went crazy. They ran it over with a Geiger counter, nothing entirely out of the ordinary there. But it broke a machine." Like someone else in the room. "The readings went straight off. So no putting anyone with a pacemaker around that, apparently."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar picks up the croissant that has been held out for him, to resist pastries is a challenge, to decline chocolate is simply not going to happen at this point of the day. As he accepts it, his hand lifts and a small indication is sent to Jane, something different than ASL before he steps back and listens to some of the conversations while enjoying his fourth breakfast. After he has finished it, however, he seems to tilt his head at something and then dismisses it. Looking at Daisy when she takes a break in her work, there is a smile on his lips and he motions.

~If it is for the other Inhumans here on Earth, yes. But for myself? No, I have a special place I go to within the Kupier Belt.~ He ponders at her for a moment then nods, ~You shall come with me next time.~

~Was it, not the last crater-related rock you messed around with that ended up with the destruction of Asteroid M-167228B?~ Each of the numbers slowly counted off at Jane, the teasing smile on Blackagar's lips very pronounced.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Daisy receives a nod from the biochemist as Jemma pulls out the shard from the spectrometer. Jemma looks over the shard...and seems to ponder for a moment. Then...a plan seems to formulate. Jemma takes her little rock memento over to a counter, making sure to set aside any object to clear a space. It seems that Jemma is taking special precautions to set aside anything metallic out of the reach of her little workstation. A sterile fabric is placed over the rock shard while Jemma herself produces a hard rubber mallet of some sort....

Then a sudden thud as Jemma delivers a single swift strike. Uncovering the sample gingerly shows that Jemma shattered the bigger sample...hence the covering. A tiny piece is placed onto a slide, and placed into the microscope. But, really, it does seem like a bit of overkill, since it is apparent, even with the smaller pieces, that the vibrant green segments are visible. And...certainly magnetic, as the shattered granite shifts and twitches to pull itself together.

Still...Jemma does have a piece. And she believes in being thorough. As she looks in the microscope, she confirms what the others suspected. "Magnetic, certainly. The bits of metal within the sample are also magnetized, but due to the mystery compound within. But, as you can see with the bits still on the table, pretty easy to pick out the culprit. I am not surprised this sample got stopped at the airport. This would cause any detection system to go haywire with the magnetic resonance it is producing."

Jane Foster has posed:
The smaller of the two pieces, whole, is not any taller than a demitasse cup. The larger could be used for a ball game, being as long as a softball, though not nearly as plump. The irregular shape was chopped out of the ground, after all. Breaking the smaller fragment is fairly easy, revealing the innards of reddish stone speckled by an irregular pattern of visible green blobs of varying size. The larger shocked quartz form glittering patterns within where the stone clearly got blasted to bits, piled up, and cooled.

The density of rare precious metals aren't visible, but then, it's not like the average meteorite has solid palladium or platinum veins through them. Otherwise you know darn well the US would be mining it as fast as they could.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Even as Jemma gives the rock a mighty swing Daisy continues to study it, feeling the hum in the air. The way they seem to ..., sing? "This isn't just a magnetic overcharge though. It's as if they were in alignment. Singing. Humming.." she shakes her head and focuses on separating those specific vibrations from the rest.

"Let me see if I can...." She doesn't end the sentence, instead focusing on vibrating those small pieces away and out of the rock shards. All to help Jemma and the others in studying those particular small shards!

What's the worst that could happen anyway?

Jane Foster has posed:
They sing. Hum. Make a noise at a constant harmonic that, if it were put to music or something of the sort, would be the dullest sustained note in existence. But nonetheless, they do have a sound and that sound is profoundly short, clear, and repeated without fail. All it wants to do is make that tiny sound. Repeat by a choir of itsy-bitsy fragments, and that is noise on the very threshold of Daisy's senses.

Piling them out of the rock chunks means they end up with a pile of grains, some too small to see and others large enough to amount to a pinhead or the point of said pin. The amount is small, barely enough to make a satisfactory heap, dust and grains of green sand that all produce a faint glow.

Very faint. There is hardly enough to overcome the artificial light in the lab, and it takes a keen pair of eyes or some assistance from equipment to realize it's emitting anything on the visible spectrum at all. But the magnetism comes from the crystals, though the surrounding bedrock has a significant amount of its own internal magnetism to work with too.

Jane rolls her eyes at Blackagar in the meantime. ~As if you didn't instigate that. It was purely scientific and unexpected.~ Her shoulders lift in a faint shrug while she watches the pair destroying rocks. "We can conclusively say there is something, then, and I'm guessing book a trip to go stand in the mud? I'll make sure to bring my tall boots and good trail pants. I do not have geographical coordinates yet."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Well...that is not something you see every day.

Jemma steps back as Daisy does her thing, separating the small green grains from the shattered stone Jemma was working with. A process more efficient than her own lab equipment could pull off. What is left is a nice tiny pile of what looks like green sand. And all of them vibrating at a specific frequency. No, Jemma won't say that the mystery ore is humming and she will certainly say they are not speaking. Yet. Not without more thorough analysis. But yes, there is a distinct tone. Which is how Daisy is able to do what she does so well.

"A trip? Well, sounds like fun. I will be sure to bring appropriate gear." Would this entail a certain portable workstation? Perhaps. Though maybe without the corresponding uniform. No need to give Daisy fuel for more call-signs.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"They seem as if they are *saying* something .., but the fragments are too small for anything discernible. But there's definitely something. Maybe slavic? I can't be certain.." Is this why Daisy thinks she was talking with old masters when she had that old rock of hers instead of it simply being harmonizing? Maybe! "It certainly merits a trip." she looks thoughtful. "Big boots, an umbrella..." a beat, "... actually, scratch the umbrella, I am not a Poppins.." even if she can fly!

"Is this going to be a more exotic place than England? I am hoping so..." A teasing grin on her expression. Hey, she was told England isn't an exotic enough place!

"And I would say ..., Road Trip! But considering we will most likely go airborne..." she taps her chin....

"Quinjet trip!" It really doesn't have the same ring, does it?

Jane Foster has posed:
"Scotland is more exotic than England in the sense of salmon, eagles, forests, and monsters hiding in lakes. Nessie, you know." Jane squeezes her fingers into a duck-billed shape and haunts the corner of the counter, bouncing her arm up and down to give the Nessie head shape a little more accuracy. As much as something like that can be problematic.

"Roadtrip? You can walk on water now for four thousand kilometers?" Count her as dubious, shifting a look to Daisy with a decided lack of faith in her Jesus-like attributes.

It's a pile of rock. No sound to anyone who cannot feel vibrations, though for those who can, it's a constant presence. The magnetic fields locked in there are probably fairly fascinating, too, if examined for a while to determine whether they point one way or another.

"I wouldn't put this at the highest priority anywhere, given we have a pile of other matters likely to be astoundingly troublesome. Anything related to our guests." A slight nod in Blackagar's direction is tight, and whatever passes between them in a quick series of signs may be questioned." I imagine there could be mutual interest there. The ones we have in custody might be able to provide invaluable information on any further arrangements that affect your people."