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Strange Things are Afoot P3
Date of Scene: 04 June 2022
Location: Strawberry Fields, Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: The protagonists meet again to discuss the situation. Colleen and Elektra tag along to see what's going on. Daimon fills everyone in and then Thanademos attacks with several hired League of Assassin assassins. The protagonists defeat the villains, yet escape on their own accord to avoid what they summoned with the relic after Iron Fist discovered a secret power it possessed.
Cast of Characters: Daimon Hellstrom, Danny Rand, Colleen Wing, Elektra Natchios

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Setting: Nighttime, very late. Overcast with a slight breeze, chill and dankness to the air (as it may rain). There are no bystanders within sight.

The entrance to the memorial is located on Central Park West at West 72nd Street, near where John Lennon was murdered outside his home, the Dakota. The memorial is a triangular piece of land falling away on the two sides of the park, and its focal point is a circular pathway mosaic of inlaid stones, with a single word, the title of Lennon's most famous song "Imagine". The mosaic, in the style of Portuguese pavement, is based on a Greco-Roman design. It was created by Italian craftsmen and was donated as a gift by the Italian city of Naples.

A "floral border" surrounds Strawberry Fields. Along the borders of the area surrounding the mosaic are benches which are endowed in memory of other individuals and maintained by the Central Park Conservancy. Along a path toward the southeast, a plaque on a low glaciated outcropping of schist lists the nations which contributed to building the memorial. Lennon's widow Yoko Ono, who still lives in The Dakota, contributed over a million dollars for the landscaping and the upkeep endowment.

The mosaics at the heart of a series of open and secret glades of lawn and glacier-carved rock outcroppings, bounded by shrubs and mature trees and woodland slopes, all designated a "quiet zone". A woodland walk winds through edge plantings between the glade-like upper lawn and the steep wooded slopes; it contains native rhododendrons and hollies, Carolina allspice (Calycanthus floridus), mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia), viburnums, and jetbead. Wild shrub roses and a mature pink Magnolia and soulangeana flank the main walk. At the farthest northern tip of the upper series of lawns enclosed by woodland are three dawn redwood trees, which lose their needles but regain them every spring, an emblem of eternal renewal. The trees can be expected to reach a height of 36 metres (118 ft) within 100 years, and eventually they will be visible from great distances in the park.

Standing at the base of the Imagine mosaic memorial https://i.imgur.com/Th3uZTh.jpg is a well dressed, quite dapper Daimon Hellstrom. Tonight he wears a three piece suit of black over a deep red cotton dress shirt. His tie has a similar mosaic of black and red matching that of the one he stands before. Upon his left lapel is a golden pin in the shape of a pentagram https://i.etsystatic.com/14044381/r/il/e3f35a/1666750007/il_500x500.1666750007_p9zb.jpg . Daimon is up to something, his hands weave a magical pattern in the air.

The mosaic has a particular glow about it. Streaks of red-orange flame dance about the lines and markings of the unique pattern upon it. The circular rectangular blocks around the edge of the mosaic have glowing magical rune symbology upon them which is not normally seen.

Danny Rand has posed:
"Strawberry fields forever," says The Immortal Iron Fist, walking up towards the spell-weaving Daimon Hellstrom.

Out of character for the peak-performing human that is Daniel Rand-Kai, his steps betray a sort of weariness. He didn't want to be any later to their meeting than he already was, so he burned plenty of chi just carrying that solid gold statue around. Not to mention leaping ridiculous distances across rooftops.

He shifts the statue from one hand to the other and watches Daimon for a time. "Cult of Kali was sniffing around my home, Hellstrom. We need to handle this and we need to handle this fast."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Demon cultists. In her Dojo. All she knew was that they never broke in before, that was until Danny Rand starting staying at the dojo and inadvertently brought them there. Colleen wing was drawn into this not by her own choice, and all she knew was that she had to see it through. She was a part of whatever this was and was not about to not be involved in its resolution. She had never met this Daimon Hellstrom, but according to Danny he was part of what occured.

Colleeen was not about to go into this with just Danny. She had not known him for long and trust was not something she gave easily. Thus, after Danny left, Colleen sent a text to a dear close friend. Someone she trusted with her life, and someone who had saved her life before. When you are dealing with potential demons, you bring along your own security; and her security was none other then Elektra Natchios.

"I have no idea what to expect. That must be them up there." Her steps quicken a bit as she makes her way towards the pair, with some caution. "Holy shit..."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The motobike carrying both Colleen and Elektra stops on the edge of the park, Elektra jumping out of the seat and eyeing Colleen with a raised brow. "So. Cultists? And the Iron Fist is involved?" that seems to amuse the assassin, dressed in black and red, sais tuck through a sash surrounding her waist. Leather armbands protect her arms, some of the rest of her tools of the trade visible. A few shuriken. A garrotte... All nice things.

As they approach the place where they are gathering Elektra's attention sharpens up and she studies both Iron Fist and the other man nearby, eyes narrowed at the glow coming from the mosaic.

"Good evening." she sing-songs.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Glancing to his left, Hellstrom takes note of the approaching Iron Fist. Though his gaze is quick, he also takes note of the spaces behind the man; making note of others that approach unannounced - yet with words that carry upon the heavy breeze. Even the greeting from afar will be heard, yet not totally addressed - instead, eye contact is made offering recognition.

    Then, green eyes return to his arcane activities before him. His response is simple, and that of a warning, "I suspect they are not the only ones interested in the statue." A warning that is likely on the heels of the Iron Fist already in the shape of the two women. However, Hellstrom does not sense a threat from them, not yet.

    Though, instead of focusing on what may be, Hellstrom segues into what has been. "Let's catch up, shall we? Get everyone on the same page - as it were." His right wrist twists and an image forms in the space above the Imagine mosaic; a man's face takes shape and Hellstrom makes note, "This is the former owner of the statue, cult leader named Thanademos ( http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix2/thanademosironfist.htm ). Assumed name, of course. A rather awkward one on the tongue. He should consider a renaming. Perhaps, Whipstash. Hornhair." Hellstrom amuses himself, "Regardless, this gentleman had been in possession of the statue for approximately 8 years. Prior to that, it was owned by another collector of unknown name or position. What I do know, is that the statue was gleamed and nicked by your friend the Eel." Hellstrom pauses there for questions or commentary.

Danny Rand has posed:
Following Daimon's eyes, Danny looks over his shoulder at the two approaching women and his lips flatten. "Colleen, what are you doing here?" he asks, eyes falling on Elektra for a moment. There's a frown there, but nothing follows.

Back to the situation at hand, Danny returns his attention to Daimon. "And you said you found Leo? He's safe?" he asks. Stryke may be a two-bit costumed criminal, but he's not a terrible guy. Not as terrible as some of them, at least. He lifts the statue and looks it over for a moment, biting at the inside of his lip.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen continues to approach, but stops at what she considers a safe distance. It is not that what she is wearing is no more clear in the evening light; a pair of black running pants and a t-shirt that says: Made in Japan. In her right hand and hanging along side her hip as she walks is a white katana. "What am I doing here? Protecting my interests. You are not hard to follow." Her eyes slide to Daimon a moment and he recieves a head nod. "You must be Daimon."

Her eyes go to the statue now with a narrowing glance. "Look I just want to know why my dojo was all wrecked to hell and you told me that little statue there had something to do with it. Just here for answers. Answers you could not give me."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You are always so happy to see me." Elektra says of Danny's frown. Is she teasing him? Well, of course. How could she not like teasing the sworn enemy of the Hand?

The assassin's dark gaze shifts from Danny to the statue he is holding, thoughtful, considering it. She nods at Daimon's explanation on what is going on. So far so good to her! Even if it does seem she has *one* question.

"And you are?" This directed to Daimon. There is some curiosity there. "You can call me Elektra."

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Hellstrom takes a moment within his story to address Colleen and Elektra officially. At this distance, one will take note that there is a subtle yellow orange flame around both of his eyes. The same eyes that could 'feel' as if they are piercing the souls of the two women as he peers. He answers, of course, with a cordial, quite charming smile. "A pleasure to meet you both. And answers I truly have. Allow me to introduce myself; Daimon Hellstrom, Paranormal Investigator, Exorcist. At your service. Welcome to the party, ladies. Now, I should continue before we garner more attention and the likely additional visitors that are sure to follow. "

    His attention returns to the arcane energies before him. Another image forms within the space above the mosaic ( http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix4/eelstryke.htm ). Hellstrom states, "Safe physically, mentally, not so much. Yet, allow me to expound upon our relationship. The Eel, as Leo Stryke, came to me a few months back asking about his deceased brother. A man calling himself the Viper." Another image takes the place of the Eel ( http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/vipercap.htm ). Hellstrom continues. "Leo wished to bring his brother back to life. Now, mind you, that's quite a heavy ask - one that would cost a special type of currency." < he means souls > He continues, "That is, if I had possession of his brother's soul within my realm. Sadly, I do not. Instead, Viper (aka Jordan Stryke) passed onto his own great beyond and found himself within the confines of another's realm. A class II demon known as Lopsang Gambo. I explained to Leo that Lopsang wasn't one to surrender his brother's soul so easily. That he would want something other than the normal currency. Leo was intent on contacting the demon, so I gave him a token and instructions in which he could do such. And this is where the story becomes subjective and guesswork. I'm going to go out on a limb and posit that Leo contacted Lopsang and Lopsang sent him to steal the statue. Leo did, and then went to make the exchange - the location where I had you meet me earlier today. Apparently, the summoning of Lopsang requires people to become naked. Hence the costume we found on the ground. I had no idea that Leo was the Eel. And didn't put all of this together until a few hours ago."

    Once again, Hellstrom pauses for questions and or commentary. He does seem that he has more information to offer. Which is why he invited Danny here.

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny's frown deepens when Elektra pokes at him, but he's too busy to fight a member of the nefarious hand. Apparently he and Colleen are gonna need to have a talk later. He grumbles a bit and pays close attention to what Daimon's saying.

"But why would a demon want anything to do with this statue?" he asks. "It's still full of chi." Demons don't like chi, you see.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen's hand goes out to the side, the katana gripped tightly as she mock shrugs. "And there is the answer we seek. Statue in Dojo. Demon wants statue. Demon sends cultists to get statue. Dojo ransacked.. Colleen mad." Her delivery and tone seem to be that of a woman frustrated of being dragged into this and simply seeking resolution.

"Maybe. Just maybe we should just summon this demon and ask it." She waits a beat and then softly adds after. "I don't really mean that. So...don't really do it. I'll shut-up now and listen."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Hellstrom..." For some reason that name seems to ring a bell for Elektra. She eyes the man again, top to bottom, "Interesting..." but she makes no further explanation on *what* she finds interesting. Yet it's clear it's not the first time she has heard it.

"A desperate man, but bold to try and actually make a deal with a demon." a mix of appreciation but also pity on the woman's tone. She looks towards the statue when Danny mentions it being full of Chi, then over to Colleen.

"I was curious when you told me your place was attacked. But now that I know what it is?" A beat, "Now it's got my attention." then arching a brow when Colleen suggests summoning the demon. "Now who's getting bold, mmm?"

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Hellstrom adds, "You are quite right, Iron Fist. Yet, Lopsang isn't a western demon." the imagery changes again, giving rise to a new, horrific visage ( http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix5/lopsang_gambo_demon.htm ). And Hellstrom continues, "He's one of the East, the Oriental Mythologies. One who should, by all accounts, be able to access the Chi and focus it for his own personal gain. Yet, that's another story."

    Hellstrom resumes the original story and the tone in his voice clearly changes from answer mode back to 'teaching' or 'instruction' mode - as any teacher may present, "The exchange didn't go as planned. Lopsang touched the dragon statue and was repelled, banished back to his realm. Quite astonishingly; and to his chagrin. I'm sure he'll be licking his wounds for quite some time. It also cast the naked Leo leagues away into the Hudson. I hope to never know the diseases he may contract from that brackish, polluted water. None the less, he's quite disheveled. Yet, safe."

    Having found closure to the original story and offering the origin of the story. Hellstrom feels that he can move onto the most current of incidents. He addresses Colleen specifically, answering her previous question and supposition with far more detail than before and helping Elektra to be on the same page as everyone, "As for your dojo; Iron Fist noted followers of Kara-Kai. Those would be the sisters..." He pauses and two images form together within the space above the mosaic ( http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix2/shayakali.htm & http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix2/ushaskali.htm ) They are the sister priestesses of the Cult of Kara-Kai. They have wanted that statue for generations. They would use it to summon the essence of the dragon and with it, besiege K'un-Lun itself. Most likely, breeching its walls and killing all within so that they may have the treasures of the mythical city for their own. They became aware o the statue's freedom the second it left Thanademos' vault. The energies of that artifact are quite impressive. So yes, bring the very potent and powerful statue to a location, attract the wrong attention, and poof, damages occur."

    Hellstrom pauses to allow for additional processing within the minds of his audience. He seems content that he's offering knowledge, teaching, sharing.

Danny Rand has posed:
The idea of a demon harnessing Chi makes the hair on the back of Danny's neck stand in end for a time. He manages to shake the dread off and gets back to their more pressing concerns.

"The sisters are still out there, and they hit really hard," he says. They had managed to break his arm in their short fracas. Not a small feat.

"So what do we do with it?" he asks, hugging the statue a little tighter under his arm.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Wait. Kara-Kai? Hold on. Hold on. Did you say Kara-kai?" There is a moment where Colleen needs to take a small breath and let it out. "So I am sssuming this is the same Kara-Kai that went after my father when he found the Sacred Volume of Kali...accidentally mind you. Oh this is great. Of course it is. WHy would it not be."

She looks over to Danny hugging the statue tighter and shakes her head slowly. "So here is the question evetyone is dying to know the answer to. Are we going to simply babysit it and fend of their attempts to take it back until they finally give up?"

She looks to all three of them with a raised brow. "Please tell me there is another plan. I mean I am all for K'un-Lun not being desttroyed. And I am more than weilling to prevent that from happening. But...we are in way over our heads."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The rest Elektra listens in silence, frowning just so at the mention of the Kara-kai. She casts a look back at Colleen and folds her arms together, her stance more serious now.

And once Daimon stops speaking? She speaks up, "There must be a place where they can't detect the statue anymore." she says, "Like the vault of that Thanademos you mentioned." then a small frown. "And you are right, he really could use a new name."

She finally looks back at Colleen when she speaks of the Kara-kai, "I have never been one for reaction." she says, "Always better to be on the offensive. Keeping the idol and hoping for the best doesn't seem a great solution." of course it wouldn't be a great solution for the aggressive assassin.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    There is a clear nod of agreement and a pointed gesture from Hellstrom to Elektra when she supports his earlier suggestion of a name change regarding Thanademos.

    Hellstrom finds humor within Colleen's snarky and sharp words. His eyes fall upon her with admiration, that he wishes he could have been in a like position and made such a stabbing observation of the threats upon the horizon.

    Then Hellstrom offers, "What do you do with it?" queries Hellstrom mimicking the question from the Iron Fist and the minced words of Colleen only to offer the answer from brief discussions between he and IF earlier today, "I was under the impression that the Immortal Iron Fist had a plan to take it to the fabled city of which his power heralds and the seat with which the dragon may sit quite safely? Aren't there power words to whisk you away?"

Danny Rand has posed:
"I mean...yeah..." Danny says, still hugging the statue to his side. "But is that safe?" he asks, brows ticking up as he looks at Daimon. "I don't want this thing lighting up like a flare the moment I get there and signaling every cultist in the world to K'un-Lun's location," he explains. It is his solitary goal to protect that place, after all.

He spares and apologetic look back to Colleen. But not Elektra. No apology for his sworn enemy.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Oh what she would not do for some take-out and her couch right now. The simple life. She had given up on that for a while. Colleen looks to Elektra and offers her a small smile. "Yeah..me either. I hate waiting. What needs to be done is to be done buy us first. Not let them decide."

She loosk between the three and bites and simply ventures a word. A word she is not even sure makes sense or is even possible. "So what if we simply destroyed it? I mean with it gone...then they can't use it to get to K'un-Lun, right?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Exactly." Elektra says to Colleen with a smile that shows teeth. She seems quite appreciative of the younger woman's words, "Be decisive and firm in your decisions." then a look at Danny. "The item would probably be as safe as how much your monks of K'un-lun are free of temptation from demons.." she states, "If it happened once, who says you may not get someone trying to steal it again?"

"But nothing is truly safe in this world, is it?" Her sharp smile now on Danny before she finally looks at Daimon, "Can it even be destroyed?" she asks.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    There's a noticeable wince of hesitation from Hellstrom when Colleen suggests destroying it. He answers Elektra's question, "Probably not the best idea. There would be an explosion." However, he focuses on the other topic.

    Answering the question of the Iron Fist in a rocky segue, "Now, Considering that K'un-Lun is a hidden city. One that I am unable to scry, then I suspect that it has its own guards and wards, veils and shells, or what-have-you to keep it hidden. And thus keep the statue hidden as well. Surely, it kept the prize artifact of Shou-Lao the Undying safe for thousands of years. Surely it will again?"

    In all honesty, Hellstrom doesn't know the history of the statue, how it was stolen from K'un-Lun in the first place, and how K'un-Lun stays so secretive. He is fluent in arcane principle, practices, mythology, and history of the West. However, the details of the East aren't what he's studied the most.

    <regarding the rolling of dice>

    Elektra, you are keenly aware that there are ninja in the trees and that there is a man strolling into the general vicinity. He is wearing red and yellow robes and has a magical aura about him.

    Danny, your chi-dey sense is tingling. You know there is a threat in the trees and you know that a man approaches.

    Colleen... well, you're still miffed about the dojo, perhaps flashing back to your father's many trials, maybe you're thinking about how sexy Daimon is, wondering about destroying an artifact of immense Chi, or you may be wondering what the price of tea is currently in China -- funny how China starts with Chi. Who knows, basically, you're blind (unable to sense/see/detect the threat in the trees).

    Hellstrom knew that things would come. But he wasn't sure when, where, or in what form. He's concentrating on the story at hand and distracted.

Danny Rand has posed:
"Fine," Danny relents, nodding to Daimon. "I'll..." he trails off as something pings off in the back of his head. Turning to look over his shoulder, his mouth once again bends into a frown and his free hand clenches tightly closed.

He looks to Elektra and ticks his brows up, clearly not surpised. "Let me guess, Elektra; friends of yours?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
Yes, Colleen for the moment is oblvious as to what is going on. In fact she is softly mumbling to herself. "What I owuld not give to have a normal conversation for once. Like, How much does tea cost in China?" She shakes her head again and looks over to Danny when she hears him address ELektra and her /friends/.

"Elektra doesn't have friends." A quick qord blurted outm before quickyl adding. "I mean I am but...oh, you are talking about..." She turns her head now, slightly catching a figure moving in the dark, gripping her katana a bit tighter. "Tell me those are friends you never mentioned before Elektra."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You wound my heart..." Not that Elektra has a heart either! (Supposedly) but then she gestures towards Colleen, "We have company. In fact we are surrounded. And no, not my friends." her hands slide towards her sais but she doesn't draw them just yet even if she does get into a ready stance.

"That man approaching. I wonder if it is *your* friend Thanademos though.." a bit far for her to make up his features too well but ...

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Thanademos - the man in the yellow and red robes calls out in what seems to be an English accented voice (likely not a real accent, just trying to impress the ladies - and anyone else within earshot), "The Son of Satan himself?! Of course you're involved in all of this, I knew I smelled infernal. Do tell your lackies that they are to hand over the relic, or they shall all die horrible deaths in the pits of D'Spayre." He halts his approach at 50 feet away

    Everyone will suddenly get a flash in their mind's eye of 'D'Spayre' ( https://imgur.com/vcNo8FD ). They will not only see the entity, but also feel an overwhelming chill of dread, despair, and likely get the pee-pee shiver for an instant. But it will pass. It was a mystical threat spell. And likely Thanademos' patron entity.

    Hellstrom turns, his eyes flash fire and he says with a growing nefarious smile, "You're out of your league, Thanademos. These people you would assume are my lackies are far more skilled than you imagine them to be. But, I'm sure you won't let it go, turn away, and not pursue this farther. Which is why I chose this very location."

    Hellstrom grabs the front of his shirt/suit, it ignites and he rips it away to reveal his bare chest and the inverted flaming pentagram upon it. Also, within his right hand forms a flaming golden trident. ( https://imgur.com/fgIQM6g )

Danny Rand has posed:
"I'm sure there's plenty she hasn't told you about," Danny says to Colleen.

There's no time to be snide to Elektra any longer, though, because there's currently bigger fish to fry.

"I am the Immortal Iron Fist, defender of K'un-Lun. This statue is mine to protect and you won't be the one to take it from me," Danny says, before side-eyeing Daimon, looking wholly confused for a moment. Definitely could've used a fire trident to help fend off those sisters.

Clutching the statue tightly, Danny's weight shifts onto his back foot, his other leg lifting and bending at the knee, tucking against his torso. His free hand is extended low and a deep breath swells within his chest.

Colleen Wing has posed:
A defensive stance is taken, and the Katana raised in front of her. "Yeah I am not sure they care Danny. You have what they want. And I am not thinking they came all this way to leave without it." She tilts her head from side to side a few times as if to stretch her neck a bit and exhales slowly. "What do you say Leks? I am not one for waiting.

She winks and starts walking towards the figure on her South East flank, twirling the blade in her wrist a few times. "My name is Collen Wing. You tried to kill my father. Prepare to die." Did she just say that with a spanish accent?

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Are you trying to impress us with your rather ridiculous english accent?" Elektra calls out, using the same kind of accent. But she does it well at least! She is quite the linguistic after all. One of her various talents! (She doesn't only know how to kill people, okay?)

The sudden flash makes Elektra recoil though, hands immediately reaching and drawing out her Sais in one smooth motion once the effect eases. She grits her teeth and lets out a breath, focusing, getting into that killer's mind. The one that calls for blood.

As her mind finally gets into focus her smile turns wicked and she casts a look at Danny, "Seems we fight side by side for once, mmm?" she gestures with a Sai towards the surrounding ninja, "Who wants to be the first?" she taunts.

Colleen's taunt though? That gets a stare out of Elektra.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Ninjas drop from the trees and spring to the attack. They rush toward the cluster of heroes/anti-heroes/protagonists/whatever the group is. (see updated map)

    Everyone is attacked from different angles. In the first barrage, everyone has a single assailant. Yet, others are closing fast. They have ninja swords and slash like ninjas that will cut like razor blades.

    One thing to note. One of the ninja was heading toward Hellstrom, it leaped to jump over the mosaic, and instantly turned to ash the second he was over it. Poof. Gone, dead, eradicated.

    Hellstrom turns to face a still living and rapidly approaching ninja. He levels his trident and monologues, "Little known fact, the mosaic is located at the intersection of two ley lines." The trident releases a gulf of hellfire that slices through the two ninja which approached him. Hellstrom continues talking, "Yoko may not be able to sing, but she can sure pick real estate. Quite powerful real estate at that."

Danny Rand has posed:
With the ninjas beginning their assault, Danny exhales that breath in a loud "KAI!", snapping all of the tension of of his leg at his incoming assailant.

Now most people might assume that because his name is the Iron Fist that his hands are the only things one might need worry about. That's a common misconception.

With the air around his limited edition Iron Fist Adidas bursting into an orange, heatless flame, his foot finds purchase in the chest of the incoming ninja, sending him flipping ass over tea kettle about thirty feet away where he slides to a halt in a cloud of dust.

Colleen Wing has posed:
And close in they do. Colleen has never been one to shy away from a sword fight. It was no sceret that there were very few who could match her skill with the 600 year old Katana. Her walk increases into a slow jog with the kataina raise in an arc over her head. The ninja in front of her matching her speed with their own sword raised. It has the making for an epic collision of metal.

At the last moment, when it appears that the blades are destined to clash, Colleen drops to her knees and arches her back in a slide as the blade sails inches over her face.

She finds herslf now behind her adversary with a fluid back swinging slash, striking the Ninja in the hamstring with a deep cut.

She bounces back to her feet and as the ninja drops to one knee after the strike, brings the pommel of the katana down forcefully down on the back of their head. She then turns to spot her next target. "kami ga anata no tamashi ni awaremi wo daki masu you ni" (May the gods) have mercy on your soul)."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Are Sais melee weapons? Sometimes it's all about expectations. The taunt Elektra is making to the ninjas is for them to come out of the dark. To come face them in the open, in melee. Honorably? Well, at least that's the expectation....

.... until the first ninja begins doing just that...

A sudden gesture with her hand and the Sai goes sailing across the air in a deadly toss. It buries itself on the ninja's chest and she runs over to pick up the Sai from the man's chest while he's still falling to the ground. No more smiles now though. All serious business.

Reaching for her shuriken she unleashes a few to hinder some of the other ninjas to approach too fast and surround them, bidding time for them to continue taking down the ninjas one by one.

"Did you really just call me Leks?" That's a great timing to have this conversation with Colleen. Right in the middle of a brawl!

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Thanademos begins chanting a few arcane words, waving his hands about and he gets a yellowish sparking glow about his body. He does not look at all happy about what's transpiring. He was hoping that his English accent coupled with the imagery of D'Spayre would impress or indimidate people into doing as he commanded. It works for his cult followers. Why doesn't it work for everyone else?

    Elektra takes down 1 and prickles two others that rush upon her with their deadly ninja swords. They attack in unison. It should be noted, that Thanademos is 15 feet behind a ninja that Elektra attacks.

    The Iron Fist drop kicked a ninja 30 feet away. That didn't dissuade two others from rushing him with their swords, trying to stab and slice the Immortal Iron Fist in twine.

    Meanwhile, Colleen knocked one out when she's rushed up from behind and her front right side. The two ninja do their best attempts to take her out with slices of their sharp swords.

    Hellstrom takes note of Colleen's situation of being taken from behind. He states, "Oh no you don't." and will obliterate the ninja that he thinks is getting the drop on her. Again, the trident launches a stream of hellfire that will engulf and immolate the ninja. Colleen, being 5 feet away, will feel the heat upon her backside.

Danny Rand has posed:
Screaming a booming "WA-TAH", Danny's slipping out of the way of one of the incoming sword swings, intercepting the second on his left hand's knuckles, causing the blade to explode into shards around them. A swift headbutt finds the broken swordsman's nose, spraying blood down Danny's tracksuit jacket.

Finishing him off with a thwak across the head from the golden statue, Danny spins in place, dodging another sword swing and pinning it onto the ground with one foot, his other swings harshly across the second man's jaw.

"Daimon! What's he doing?" he asks, looking to Thanademos.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    The second that Iron Fist strikes the ninja with the statue, there's a bright flash of light, shockwave, and significant noise that disrupts the squirrels slumber in the trees. Both of the ninja that were on IF are now blasted back several yards. One goes sailing over Elektra.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Collen finds herself with two in front of her. Swords are flailing and the Kenjutsu master is doing quite well at keeping their attacks at bay, but has yet to find an opening that will not put her in danger. And then there is a blast behind her and when she turns to parry the strike there, the ninja is nothing but a burning heap on the ground and she shields her eyes from the residual heat. "What the fuck?"

The battle is not over and she spins back around just in time to parry one of the sword attacks. "Leks! You okay?" She tosses a glance to where Elektra is and seeing her engaged with two and only a Sai. Now Elektra could handle this, more than likely, but Colleen is not going to leave her friend in that situation.

Turning back to the ninja before her, she steps in and with a flick of her wrist and a sidestep, disarms the sword from the ninja's hand, sending it flying into the air. She takes the moment of surprise to aerial spinning kick the ninja to the ground, landing and yelling. "Elektra. Sword." She then with the best skill she can muster side tosses her katana towards Elektra, hoping that her skill will help her to catch it."

She then pounces on the ninja she had just spinning kicked and begins a ground and pound.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You said the thing again.." Leks! Elektra is continuing her fight with the two nicked ninjas in front of her, dancing out of the way of those swords, she pivoting with one foot and burying both Sais on one of the man's chest. He falls instantly, and right in time for her to hear Colleen's words. She turns wordlessly, catching the sword in mid-air before spinning to parry a blow from the remaining ninja, already slowed from the earlier shuriken..

.. a moment later and the tip of the sword is erupting out the man's back in a shower of blood before she lets him fall to the ground, sword in hand as she looks at Thanademos..

.. And even an aggressive assassin like her knows better than to just charge a mage out in the open. This is not her way so she moves to the side, circling, waiting for Daimon to actually identify what the mageling is up to!

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    The flash of Chi light and the resonate KABOOM of the previous shockwave caused Hellstrom to stumble back even though he wasn't the target of the attack. In doing so, he defensively lifted his trident to shield himself from the energy. Being 'magical/infernal', he felt the brunt of the shockwave more than the other protagonists. The same applied to Thanademos. Who was knocked back five feet from the disruption of Chi energy. The expression on his face is that of concern and reticence. He is seeing his hired hands falling quite quickly and recognizes that the Iron Fist now knows the statue of Shou-Lao the Undying can be used as a weapon. He clearly questions his next moves and appears as if he may choose to flee.

    Hellstrom says in response to IF's question, "It's a damage shield. Don't touch him with bare hands."

    Thanademos looks around at the fallen and the standing then says in a more amicable voice, "Perhaps I was mistaken. The Shou-Lao the Undying relic is yours. Enjoy it." and he starts to back away.

Danny Rand has posed:
Rolling across the ground, Danny's first concern upon coming to a stop is making sure that his mask is still in-place. Assured that his identity is still very much secret, he groans and rolls onto his side, spitting some blood out into the dirt. With some effort, he manages to push himself back up to his feet, dragging the statue up with him.

Wiping his mouth, he's staring daggers at Thanademos and beginning a sprint towards the man.

Heart rate once again measured and steady, Danny's breathing deeply, feeling the surge of Chi flowing through him.

Closing half the distance to his quarry, Danny spins in place, holding the statue out in two outstretched hands. Anybody in the mind to track this sort of thing might notice that he's channeling the remainder of his Chi into the thing.

Two more tight spins and he's releasing the statue light a hammer throw, sending it spearing towards the backpedaling demon priest.

Colleen Wing has posed:
With the the ninja beneath her not moving anymore and her own face splattered with blood, Colleen stops her ground attack and pushes herself back to a standing position. "Anata no gisei wa watashi no rieki desu" (Your sacrifice is my gain). She clearly thinks she may have pounded him into not breathing anymore.

Her eyes look over to Elektra who seems to have dealt with her own ninja attacks, the katana still in her friend's hand. It is then that she sees Danny chasing down the Demon Preist with the statue in hand. This cannot end well and she simply stops and stares...but then sends a kick to the head of the first ninja after she sees a bit of movement. "Stay down."

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Thanademos raises his arms to protect himself, he mutters magic words. The hammer throw of the Shou-Lao the Undying statue makes contact with the priest's damage shield. There is a significant flash of chi energy, a KABOOM! and a shockwave in all directions.

    Tatters of the yellow and red robes are scattered all around. In the middle of the refuse is the statue, resting upon the ground. There is no blood, no body parts, no indication that the priest was killed with blunt force trauma, yet, it appears that he may have been obliterated instead.

    The ninja's that lived, will indeed stay down.

    Hellstrom watches the spectacle, this time, he was far enough away from the shockwave that he wasn't pushed or flashed. He intones, "Well, that's one way to skin a cat. Yet, Iron Fist. You might want to grab your statue and head to K'un-Lun with urgency. I can feel something coming...." and he looks around at the darkened trees all around. "That goes for the two of you as well." Hellstrom notes to Colleen and Elektra. For I too will be taking my leave. Best not to be here when /they/ arrive."

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny, having collapsed onto his knees after the great expenditure of his energies just nods to Daimon and says, "Probably a good idea." He staggers back to his feet and looks to Colleen. "Get home. I'll be back as soon as I can. Promise," he assures, sparing a look back to Daimon. Then Elektra.

He nods to the both of them and runs off to where the statue ended up, bending down to take it in his hands. It's far too heavy for him to lift without the power of the Fist.

Bowing his head, he whispers a few words to himself and looks up to the sky. A crack of Thunder can be heard, and he's engulfed in a bright orange light. When it dims, he's nowhere to be seen.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen makes her way to Elektra, placing her hand on her shoulder and giving her a nod. "They are right Elektra. We should get out of here." She reaches out her hand to accept the offered Katana back. "You got blood on my sword." It is a jesting word.

Daimon and Danny are given a nod of affirmation. "Thank you Daimon. I may have prejudged you and for that I am sorry." Soon after, the Assassin and the Sensei are speeding off on the motorbike into the night.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Daimon takes his own advice and makes haste to leave the area. He knows that something is coming, not sure what it is, but doesn't have the energy or fortitude to face it.