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Wonderland: Who Were You
Date of Scene: 06 June 2022
Location: The Wood Of No Names
Synopsis: Madison and America wind up lost in the woods, but a helpful old woman who is totally not an evil witch is more than glad to provide aid.
Cast of Characters: Iason, Madison Evans, America Chavez

Iason has posed:
The Wood Of No Names doesn't look very differently from any other kind of forest out there. Except, as we have mentioned before, everything in it does not have a name. So at this point, the only faithful way to describe what is going on is to say that there is someone on the soft thing with green little things, and that there is something bright filtering from the tops of those tall things with the fluffy green things----
Himkay, let's /not/. Let us, instead, use proper names, even if those inside the forest cannot. Madison's landing was a soft one, having managed to land on top of an enormous bush that cushioned her fall. Surprisingly, she had ended up quite a ways away from the entrance of the woods. There is no sight of Harley.

There are, however, signs of someone passing- trees missing chunks, as if someone might have flown by and suddenly forgotten they could fly.

Outside of that, there is nothing but silence. The sounds of battle, somehow, do not penetrate the thick canopy.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Huh. This place is nice. That's the first thought in Madison's mind as she gets to her feet, brushing herself off - even though she can't see herself.
    Of course she can't see herself. That's perfectly normal.
    It does help her to discover, though, that she's still gripping something tightly in one hand. She experiments with it - discovering it can get longer, or shorter. It's sort of... roundish, straightish in shape - and she has no idea what it's force. "Curiouser and curiouser," she remarks to herself, before shrugging her shoulders. She starts wandering idly through the woods, rustling leaves and branches being pushed aside before they spring back into place the only sign of her passing.

America Chavez has posed:
    The dark-haired young woman rises from the bed of leaves and dirt that served as her landing strip. Landing strip? People didn't need landing strips, did they? Better question what was a landing strip? Even better question. Where is she? Even -better- question. -Who- is she?

    America looks around and frowns. "Hello?" she calls, hoping not to be alone in this strange place with no idea of who she was before she wound up in this... forest? Is it a forest? The word fit the place as well as any so let's go with that."Is anyone th--"

    She cuts off when she hears a voice nearby. But there's no one there that she can see. "Ummm... hello?" she says again, more tentative than before. Maybe being alone would've been a better option.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, hello! Hi!" Madison declares in a bright and cheerful voice. Forgetting who she is, and where she is, and what's she's doing hasn't changed the girl's inherent nature.
    She's still a very Up person.
    "Hello, who are you? I'm- uhh... I'm me! Naturally. I mean, who else would I be?" Leaves crunch underneath, and branches are pushes aside, as the unseen figure approaches America's current location.

America Chavez has posed:
    "I'm... not sure" America says looking around again for the source of the voice. "Okay... Me..." she says. "Where -are- you?" she asks with that same hesitance as before. "I can't see you. Are you invisible?" She ponders the word for a bit and supposes it works for the situation. "Or are you in my head?"

    For some reason the concept of someone getting into her mind sends a spike of anger through her. But why would she be so upset by that; especially if the person is as friendly as they sound. "Better yet, do you know where we are?" she asks as followup.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh - that's easy! I'm right here!" Madison answers - jumping up and down, and waving her arms. This disturbs enough of the local folliage to give America a very good idea of the young Jedi's current location. "And- gosh. Am I in your head? I don't think so. Because I'm me, and not you, though it //is// very nice to meet you, Not Sure," she declares cheerfully. "I do //seem// to be invisible, don't I? Why aren't you invisible, though?"
    As for where they are, "Well, that's an easy one. //Obviously// we're //Here.// I think I like it here. Don't you?"

America Chavez has posed:
    America notes the disturbance of the gound enough to note where the voice is coming from. "It's... a bit too quiet for my liking, Me" she says. Though the answer also brings a the question of why she doesn't like the quiet. She shrugs it off. "Look. It's peaceful enough, sure but... I don't know if I could make a home of it. Let's go see if we can find anyone else who isn't invisible."

    Maybe being invisible is part of being here and she's just a weirdo in their midst. Wouldn't be the first time that's happened. Or well, would it? She can't remember. Even so she starts walking, whether it's deeper into the forest or out is anyone's guess. 'Here' didn't really give any indication which way is which.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison follows along with America, humming cheerfully as she does - at least it makes it easy to always know where she is.
    She's not sure what she's humming, but she's sure that she likes it. It's goes Duh, duh, duhduhduh duuuuuuuh duh! Duhduhduh duuuuuuh duh! Duhduhduhduuuuuh.
    She interupts herself to add, "Oh! I've got this- I have a THING. See?" She holds it out. No, America doesn't see. "I'm not sure what it is. What do you think?" She tries to put the thing - her telescope - into the other woman's hand, letting go so that it pops back into visual existance almost immediately. "OH! //That's// what it looks like! Neat. How'd you make it visible?"

America Chavez has posed:
    The physical sensation of Me's hand putting something is Not Sure's is enough to make the second's skin crawl. She's even more surprised when an object appears in her palm, nearly dropping the thing when it just appears. "Oh...uh... intersting" she says, clearly uncertain as to what exactly she's holding.

    "What's it...do?" she asks, turning it over in her hands as if that will help decipher its mysteries. "I mean, no offense, but it's just a... thing right?" She's focused at least; if the object can't help her get out or find a not invisible person--even if they can make themselves known via sound--it's a nice distraction and not something she needs right now.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I mean- I don't now," Madion admits. "I've never //seen// it before," she explains in an amused tone. "It can get longer or shorter, though. And- umm. Well. That's all I know, really." She watches America curiously as the other girl studies the object. "It has to //do// something, right? I mean- someone made it. Yeah?"
    There's a thoughtfulness to her tone as she adds, "Do you think //I// made it?"

America Chavez has posed:
    Not Sure is quick to figure out the telescoping mechanism of the device, if not it's true purpose. "Neat..." she says absently, her eyes moving from object to surroundings in sureptitious movement. She closes it again and offers it back to Me to take. "Keep it on hand... it might be useful later."

    She pushes ever forward, regardless of what direction that truly is given how it is relative to her. "You have anything else?" she asks, pushing aside a low-hanging tree branch with the ease of superhuman strength and stops to stare at her hand like it just started speaking in a foreign language. "Okay... that's... not normal..." she says slowly. But in actuality, is it? What -is- normal after all?

Madison Evans has posed:
    "No, I don't think so- oh!" Me slips on a bit of slick foliage, and catches her balance against a tree - as something thumps against her back. She turns abruptly to see what it was - but nothings there. Instead, her backpack scrapes against the bark of the tree behind her. "Huh," she remarks. "I think there's something on my back. Weird."

Iason has posed:
It used to be very quiet in these Woods.

No more.

There are two sounds. An enormous one first- a roar unlike anything heard so far. It is dark, it is hungry, it is angry, and i tmakes the woods of the trees themselves reverberate.

And then there is another sound- a scream, a young man screaming, and the scream suddenly turns into two similar voices screaming in unison.

And then, once again, silence.

America Chavez has posed:
    America's already running toward the sound of the scream and roar before she stops herself. Instinct is sometimes done without knowing the why of it. Conscious thought steps in a moment later and she stops. "Why am I running toward that?" she says suddenly as she skids to a halt. Even that short burst of speed took her much further than she could've imagined; likely leaving Me with an easy trail to follow should the faceless voice decide to follow.

    "Ah... screw it..." she mutters. Maybe whoever they are can give them some advice on where and how to get out of the woods. So she presses on, toward the source of the sounds and whatever made them in the first place.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Because someone's in trouble!" comes the answering voice of Me in Not Sure's wake. Madison runs for all she's got - the mystery of the object on her back momentarily forgotten as she concentrates on running for all that she's worth.
    They can't just let someone get //eaten//! That would be wrong!

Iason has posed:
As the two women follow the sound, they come upon a very curious clearing. What is unusual about this clearing is that it is populated by carts, the likes that many travelers use, colorful and bright. However, everything has been abandoned and there are no people in sight. Fruit that has gone to rot can be seen in sacks, clothing and utensils discarded as well. But there is one thing that is very noticeable: the pamphlets.

They are, literally, everywhere. On trees, on rocks, on the bags, the clothes, the carts. Every single one, the same.

One pamphlet, blown by the breeze, flies from a branch and lands at Me's feet.

SHE HAS RETURNED! reads the headline in bold at the top. Then, more lines beneath, in smaller case:

Our Beloved Dodo Feanchurch has spread the news that our beloved Alice has returned to us! She was seen in the village of Balm, and she mightily smote His servants while our beloved brothers and sisters fled!

It is therefore that the Church of Alice is issuing a Congress to discuss matters and meet with several eminences in the hopes of unidying the faithful against /His/ foul agenda.

We are to meet where She Wept For Her Foolishness Thursnoon under the full moon.

Do not let /His/ agents see this document!

Yours In Curiosity

Archmeasure Ermurhurst.

America Chavez has posed:
    America stops at the clearing and looks around. The smell alone is enough for her to wrinkle her nose at. She eyes one of the flyers. "None of this makes any sense to me..." she says outloud. It's not that she can't read. She can read just fine, it's that without context she has no reference for the infomration. Even so she pocket one of the flyers for later.

    She looks over her shoulder to Me. "Any of it ring a bell for you?" she asks the voice. Hopefully it's still there. It'd be a shame to lose your only companion on accout of the speed she used in getting to this clearing.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Ooo! These are nice. What do they say-" One of the flyers amongst the many disappears, and Me gives out a heartfelt, "Oh for the love of- chocolate hearts. How am I supposed to read it?!" she complains, letting out an exagerated sigh. She shoves it into a pocket on instinct, and then turns full circle, looking around the clearing.
    "There was screaming. Where's the screaming? We really should help them. They sounded awfully scared."

Iason has posed:
"It really was such a dreadful scream, wasn't it?" A voice comes from behind them, and an elderly woman walks into the clearing, laden with a bag full of freshly-picked fruit. She is dressed in what could be considered a rather stiff dress, more appropriate in a Victorian governness than in a forest dweller. "They're keeping up at all hours, out there. No decency and no respect for quiet now..." the woman walks past America and, strangely enough, walks around Madison as well, as if she could see her. "Well now, don't be rude, pull up a chair and have some tea with me!" she says, sitting down at a table that has only one chair.

"I'm Pansy, loves, now who might you be?"

America Chavez has posed:
    America blinks at the Victorian woman. "Uhh... hello Pansy..." she says frowning in confusion. "I'm Not Sure, this" she getures to where Madison's voice had been coming from, "is Me. Do you know what caused the scream?" she asks. "We should probably help them if they need assistance." Memory loss or not, it was in America's bones to help those who need it.

    She does however take the invitation and moves to the table. "Umm... she says," looking around. "What's a chair and where can I get one?" she asks with a worried frown. She can guess it's what the woman is using to sit but... names require context clues and there are only so many available to the situation at hand.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh!" Madison says suddenly. "Maybe the thing I have is a chair?" she suggests, heading over towards the woman - and waving her telescope eagerly as if it's the answers to the riddle. "Is tea good? Is it healthy? It is food, right? I'm supposed to eat healthy things." Why is she supposed to- well. To stay healthy, obviously!
    "Can we have tea //after// we rescue the screaming person? Then they can have tea, too!"

Iason has posed:
"No, dearie," the elderly woman says with a kind smile, "That is a telescope. It helps you see things that are far away. Although I rather say yours is rather a /special/ one." She reaches over and pats Madison's hand, which she apparently can see, "You keep it safe. It only has a score or so more uses left in it, if I am right. But then again, my eyesight has been failing me as of late."

Loooking at America, she tsk tsk tsks, "Looks like we are missing a few chairs. Nevermind, the tea was cold, anyways. Now, dearies, I /do/ hear that you want to help whomever that poor unfortunate soul was, that was screaming."

She steeples her fingers while resting her elbows on the table, "But what help can you be to someone else if you can't rightfully help yourselves? I asked who you might be, because you clearly don't know who you /are/..."

She glances around at the forest, and then sighs, nodding to herself, "So I will ask you again. To help whomever it is that needs your help, who /might/ you be?"

Her violet eyes look to America, and then Madison, asking the question with deliberate enunciation.

America Chavez has posed:
    America wracks her brain. She's not stupid, after all Utopia Parrallel was a land of the best of the best of humanity and she was ranked high among them as a Starling. But even so, riddles were not her forte. She pauses. "Might? I mean... uhh..." she looks over the voice that is Me. "I guess we -might- be people who help others." There was a word for that. Right? A name that was given to people who save other people. Who protect other people. What was that word?

    If Not Sure wasn't her name... then what was it? She frowns at looks at the woman. The woman knew about Me's object. A telescope? Context again missing. Still, she seemed to know more than even a simple cursory glance could give and she's been talking directly, as if she could -see- Me. "How do you know all this? Do you know us?" she asks, her eyes narrowing in suspicion, her guard rising suddenly at the woman's uncertain nature and intent.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, God, I //might// be just about anything!" Madison declares brightly, going from staring at where her telescope should be with puzzled curiosity, to her usual excitement in an instantly. "I might be the Queen of all Londinim and wear a shiney hat! I might be a super hero! Or a scientist! Or a doctor! I might be an explorer, venturing forth into undiscovered lands where no human foot has tread in millenia! Is it that last one? That would be pretty cool. I mean, all of them are pretty cool. I mean- maybe I'm //all// of those things!"
    She turns towards her companion, asking eagerly, "What do you think, Not Sure? Who might I be?"

Iason has posed:
"I know everyone eventually, my dear," Pansey gives America a grandmotherly smile, "But that is neither here nor there. Explorers. Seekers. Helpers. This is interesting." She taps a long fingernail on the table, "It is interesting that devoid of all markers of who you are, the spark is still within you even if there are no words to illuminate."

She leans on an elbow and smiles, "I am always surprised, in these Woods. But you are correct in assuming someone needs your help. You have friends who are in need- but, fortunately, they are being helped right now..." she gets a distant look in her eyes, and then smiles, and mutters something that sounds like '... i'll see to them.' And then focuses back on the two young women. "But it just so happens that by coming here, you will help them even more, though that may not be clear at this moment."

"So I will propose a bargain, my dears. I will grant you that which has been taken away from you and you will rejoin your friends quickly indeed... in exchange for a promise. If you choose not to- well. You will eventually wander out of these woods and remember all... but how long might /that/ take?"

She holds a finger up, "You must promise that you will come to my aid once, when I am in need of good-hearted people such as yourselves, for a good deed."

And she takes something out of a small purse, a small crystal vial, and puts it on the table. "If you will swear to me this oath, then I shall return to you what you are. Which matches so beautifully with who you might be!"

America Chavez has posed:
    America looks at the vial and then at the woman. There's danger in the offer, she can sense that. But danger is somthing she'll deal with later. Having her mind back is more important. "Deal...' she says as she steps forward. "What do I do to get whatever it is that I lost?" she asks, looking at the vial and then Pansy with curiosity in her dark eyes.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well, I mean, of //course// we'll help! Good deeds are what people ought to do!" Madison says brightly.
    "Unless..." she murmurs. "Unless I might be an evil witch whose one goal is to over throw the good king and queen, and enslave their kingdom to her dark will, taking all their riches and followers, and making them her own, twisting people to a dark reflection of what they once were..."
    She pauses to consider that for a moment, then shrugs. "Nah. That one doesn't seem as likely as the others. So! What kind of good deed? What do we have to do?" she asks eagerly.

Iason has posed:
"Patience, my dear. The web of things that might be has not yet settled, and that for which I might have need of you is not certain. This is merely... insurance to nudge what may be towards a more favorable outcome." The woman stands up, "But as your word is given, so mine is given as well, and our words are our lives."

The woman smiles. WHen did she change? She is still an old woman, but rather radiant and richly-attired. She seems to be dressed in a cascade of purple veils that flirt with iridescence. Her veils are held in place by a detailed coronet of silver, and there are gentle motes of light around her that might simply be the dust of the forest hitting the filtering light just right... or more.

"Drink one drop from this each." She taps the flask and moves it across the table to them. "Milk of Amnesia will make you forget that you have forgotten," she says, amused by using Wonderland's logic against itself, "And once you remember, you will know the way. Your friends have departed, but you know how to go to them," she says to America.

"Farewell, dearies. You shall hear my voice when I have need of you. And remember the spark that spoke of who you were, even when all words had left. You will have need of it, in the times to come."

And then, she is gone. No lights, no smoke, merely gone.

But the flask is still on the table.

America Chavez has posed:
    America blinks as the woman changes attire and departs without a trace. "Well... damn..." she says before she takes up the vial. Uncorking it she carefully lets a single drop fall on her tongue. Does it have a taste a texture or anything of that note? She doesn't keep it there long enought to find out as it quickly goes down her throat. She puts the cork back and sets it back on the table. "You're tu--" she begins before all of her knowledge floods back into her head.

    It hurts. After all, nothing is gained without a bit of discomfort, knowledge is often the most painful of all. She puts a hand to her head and grits her teeth against the discomfort. Migraines and headaches aren't usually the sort of thing she has to deal with. Thankfully, this one is quick and she straightens. "That can't be good" she says looking at Madison. "But a little late now, right? She said that our friends are already gone. Get your drop and let's go. I can get us home."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I wanna learn THAT trick!" Madison says eagerly as the woman changes, and then disappears.
    She watches the older girl take her drop, curious at first - and then concerned. "You alright?" she asks. "Ooo! You can get us home? Great! I love home! How are you getting us home?" There's a brief pause. "Where's home? This isn't home?
    "Oh right! The drop!" She picks up the vial, tilting it over her tongue, and then remarking, "Tastes like- snozberries?" Look, somehow - it just does.
    And then she's hit by the same, overwhelming wave of knowledge. "Wh-whoa. Okay. That's- ow. A lot. Have we, ummm - been here long? I- darn. My phone's back in the Tower. We should go. Yeah?"

America Chavez has posed:
    America nods. "Yeah... probably not too long" she says as she moves a bit away from the table. Should they take the vial? Probably. She pockets it for now. "Let's get back," she kicks the air and a star shaped hole just appears in the area where she kicked. The blue light coming from it doesn't give any indication of what's on the other side but she turns and offers her hand to Madison.

    "Come on" she says. "You wanted to see what I do... now's your chance to do so first hand. It's safe, as long as I'm with you." She smiles. "I've got a few questions for the cat that need to get answered so we'll take the short cut."

Madison Evans has posed:
    Still quite invisible, the little Jedi takes America's hand and declares brightly, "TO ADVENTURE!" before diving into the opening.

Iason has posed:
And the first thing that is heard on the other side of the Star Portal is Kian's voice, and two words:

"Oh, shit."