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Some things need more fixing than others.
Date of Scene: 11 June 2022
Location: Sublevel 1 - Garage - The Roost
Synopsis: Laura does some work on a motorcycle and agrees to help Megan with her scooter. Conner suggests finding ways to have fun. Everyone agrees The Facility should be stopped.
Cast of Characters: Laura Kinney, Megan Gwynn, Conner Kent

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney isn't exactly what you'd call a grease monkey. But she's far from the least technical member of the Outsiders too. And there are some tasks it's best to handle yourself.

Namely the illegal kind.

In this case X-23 is busy taking apart a motorcycle and, very carefully, applying a small amount of acid to remove the serial numbers from each part. One by one. Arranging them out in a neat pattern that'll make it easy to re-assemble once she's done.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is totally not a mechanic pym type, but she does own a cute pink scooter which she likes to drive around town quite a bit..And occasionally it breaks down. So she had come to the garage seeking some pointers on basic motor vehicle maintenance for scooters. And Laura is pretty clever so maybe she can help. "Hi Laura!" she greets her brightly, "Whatcha up to?"

Conner Kent has posed:
It is probably too early to find any Gothamite in the Roost, the place is often dead before nightfall. So, Conner comes down to investigate the voices and noises of tinkering. "Hey, girls," he greets, eying Laura's work with a mild bemusement. "That is a lot of work to make a motorcycle difficult to track down. Why do you need to do it?" He asks the dark-haired woman.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"As Conner just mentioned I'm making it harder to track the vehicle by removing any identifying marks," Laura explains, glancing up at Megan and then looking back down to avoid splashing acid anywhere it shouldn't be. "And yes it's a lot of work. But I also happen to be a wanted fugitive in more countries than I care to name. And if you don't put in the work you don't remain free."

"Besides I also intend to make a few minor modications while I have everything dismantled. Like adding an anti-theft system." Which might explain why there is what seems to be a small bomb on one of the work benches.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow at Laura, "Sooo, you plan to make yourself anonymous if you ever get captured? That it?" she smirks, "Gee, I didn't realize you were such a bad girl. Guess you really take after him huh." she giggles, and nods, "Ooh anti theft system would be cool..Hate when people steal my stuff." looking to Connor she smiles and waves, "Hey, wassup? Long time no see."

Conner Kent has posed:
"It might be easier to clear your name," points out Conner, "what you did while you were under the control of the Weapon X Facility was not your fault, and you were underage anyway." Admittedly, there might be a few countries where that don't matter, but those are the kinds of countries that would also shoot on Superman or Thor.

He smirks to Pixie, "you should hang around here more, Megs," he points out. Then to the dissembled motorcycle. "That is... I don't know, I am sure most law-enforcement agencies in America know Laura spends most of her time in Gotham or New York. Are they making any real effort to capture you? I think the main danger is rogue groups. Those are a problem for all of us."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney tilts her head to one side and blinks. "I was formerly an international assassin," she notes wryly. "I've got a lot of enemies. Including SHIELD. Well I guess they're not exactly my enemy, but they do want to arrest me so it's close enough." A shrug. "It's all in my Outsiders dossier."

Of all the Outsiders Laura probably has one of the longest dossiers (at least when it comes to criminal exploits). Only really facing close competition from Rose and Strix. The teams other two (former?) assassins.

"I'm not actually planning on being captured. It's removing any connection between the bike and the place I bought it from for their protection. As I often have to leave a vehicle outside for extended periods while performing surveillance."

She glances at Conner and blinks a few times. "But doing so would allow all my enemies to locate me. And put everyone I know at risk. It's not worth it."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns and nods in agreement to Connor, "Right, that's what I'm thinking.." she doesn't exactly go out of her way to peek at other peoples history of course either but. "Huh I guess that could get complicated. But maybe SHIELD could help clear your name..?"

To Conner she sighs and nods, "Yeah..I mean, I've been busy. Finally got an invite to join JL Dark..Been taking some lessons in magic and getting to know the others. Might get a mentor too, finally!" she seems excited but tired.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Who everyone you know?" Asks Conner. "Pretty sure most of the people you know can take care of themselves. Or have even worse enemies," beat. "Unless you have a secret identity as a primary school teacher or something I don't know about it." And she doesn't, does she? He -almost- sure she doesn't.

Megan's talk about being busy and stuff makes him sake his head. He is in college. Busy is busy, but still... "JL Dark? Wasn't that the group that Phoebe got involved with?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney gives Conner an amused look. "I have a lot of identities," she notes cryptically. "With various jobs." Thankfully none of them are actually jobs where she turns up and works there. They're just real on paper. "And I know a lot of people. Like the employees at the motorcycle store. Who I'd rather not see tortured."

She shakes her head at Megan. "SHIELD are as bad as any supervillain group. You never know when a spy is a rogue operative working for another group."

"Getting magical training seems like a wise move. It's the sort of field where you can never study enough. There is always more to learn and more threats to prepare for." But then again she'd say that about just about /anything/.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods to Conner. "Yeah, though haven't seen Phoebe around much lately, hope she's not overdoing it with being everywhere at once." to Laura she frowns a bit. "Huh, are they really that bad..? I thought they were the good guys." she frowns thoughtfully.

Conner Kent has posed:
"My point is, it is about time you stop living like a wanted assassin, because you aren't," summarizes Conner. "And it is not fun, you spend weekends erasing the serial numbers of a bike or doing things like that."

Torturing employees of a motorcycle store? Really? Is Laura dating one of them? If so, she shouldn't have bought the bike there. And Conner is sure she wouldn't have. He is about to comment the point, but actually it seems to be arguing for the sake of arguing.

He shakes his head, then glances back at Megan. "I think Phoebe wanted to spend more time with her mom. She will be back soon, I am sure."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"You can never trust spies," Laura assures. "It's their job to lie to everyone."

She shakes her head at Conner. "The Facility is still out there and I can't recall a time when there hasn't been at least one anti-mutant group trying to wipe us all out. Just because I've stopped being an assassin doesn't mean my history just goes away. The people you kill have friends and family who sometimes want revenge."

"Besides I actually find this sort of work relaxing. It's like meditation. You quietly work through a task and when it's done you've accomplished something."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and smiles, "Conner has a point. You deserve a normal life, you shouldn't have to hide forever. There's got to be a better way to clear yourself so you don't have to do this.." of course she knows full well that being a mutant is hard enough as is. Being a mutant and a fugitive is even worse.

"So maybe we need to find the facility and take 'em down once and for all.." she arches a doubtful,brow at her. "Relaxing?Really?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"We should do to the Facility what we did to N.O.W.H.E.R.E." in that Conner would agree. Preferably before the Facility does to the Outsiders what N.O.W.H.E.R.E. did. "As for the anti-mutant groups. Yeah. But they are not targeting you particularly. You are already safer than most mutants because you can rely on the Outsiders hideouts and tech."

He hehs at Megan comment. "Well, deserving is a four letter world. But everyone should have a choice. More choices." That said relaxing by tinkering with internal combustion engines is surprisingly normal, as Laura (lack of) hobbies go. That seems fine.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Conner would be right about it being normal. If her anti-thieft device didn't explode. Still Laura gets some points for trying right?

"I agree," she admits. "We should take them out. But they're a lot less... overt than N.O.W.H.E.R.E." She frowns. "They don't want to take over the world or build an army. For them it's all about money. And they hide in more insidious places. Legitimate seeming companies. Research labs that seem like they're trying to improve the world. Most of The Facility don't even know who they work for. Aside from a few senior executives who live in very well protected locations and some high end operatives that even I'd think twice about fighting one on one."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and grins to Conner. "Right, sounds like a plan to me! I mean, I can't imagine how many other innocent kids are going through the same thing Laura did.." she frowns, "Makes me mad.." but Laura makes some good points. "Soo..What would be a good way to lure them out..?" she frowns, at a thought, shaking her head, "I guess it'd be hard...Risky but..Isn't that our job?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"Then we have to convince them what they do is going to make them poorer, not richer," suggests Conner. Of course fighting Capitalism is often harder than fighting Dr. Doom. The market for living weapons seems very profitable at the moment.

"Yeah, that is exactly our job," confirms Conner. "We are a clandestine team so we can tackle problems that could cause a lot of backlash for the more public groups. Like the government illegal operations."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"That's generally what I'm doing when I'm not doing Outsiders missions," Laura points out. "Hunting down leads. I don't think they have many active programs producing new operatives. Otherwise we'd be seeing a lot more world leaders suddenly dying. But it's hard to say for sure because they are more than willing to spend a decade getting a new weapon ready."

"If I locate any leads which the team can help with I'll be sure to get everyone involved though. I appreciate there are things that I can't do alone." Progress! "And things which are just much quicker if there are more people involved."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, "I mean, I'm not much of a leader but if and when you get a new lead, I'll be there to help you out! If they have been quiet lately, maybe they're planning something big!" she yawns a bit, "But while we're here, do you think you can teach me how to tune up my scooter?" she grins as she peers at her bike.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Maybe setting a trap is the way, as Megan said, before they make another weapon," offers Conner. He was careless with N.O.W.H.E.R.E. himself, letting them go on for years without doing anything.

Well, technically it was not his fault they were evil bastards, but he feels guilty anyway.

"Gotta talk with Tim, he might have an idea where to begin," and he is not going to be of much help with the motorcycle tuning, anyway.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney nods to Conner. "Tim is certainly the best person on the team when it comes up with logistics, planning and investigating corporations which have legitimate cover."

And then she gives Megan a brief smile. "What modifications do you want to make to the Scooter? I can't actually help you improve it's performance. But I can handle basic field repairs and instal a tracking device that you could pair with a smartphone in case of theft."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Tracking device would be good. I mean I've had bikes stolen in the past, I'd rather not have my scooter stolen..It's back at the X-garage though." she shrugs, "Where did you learn all that stuff anyway? Thought you were just an ex assassin."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney blinks once. Then twice. "The tracking device is to monitor the target," she points out. "And the explosives are usually to kill them. Not every client wants someone killed in a public place. You have to be able to keep tabs on someone. Field repairs are also important for keeping your equipment in operational condition when you can't visit a mechanic for repairs."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, "I guess I never thought of it like that..At least you learned a lot of valuable skills. But a normal life is nice too. When's the last time you let your hair down and enjoyed yourself, went out and just partied you know?" she smiles impishly.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I don't enjoy parties," Laura replies solemnly. "Large crowds mean a lot of smells, sounds and motion. My senses are too enhanced for it to be pleasant. And my metabolism means I could consume enough intoxicants to kill anyone but Bart or Conner without it bothering me."

"Not that it would be a good idea for me to get intoxicated. My training means any lapse of control could result in people getting killed.."

Conner Kent has posed:
With the excuse he was not mechanically savvy, Conner went to get a soda, but now he is back. And he has been listening, because super-hearing. "There are many kinds of parties, Laura. You like spicy food now, hmm? Find your spicy party variety." It is probably the worst analogy of the week, too.

There was absolutely nothing good about Laura's upbringing. And Conner has the theory she is more or less sane because keeping her going despite the trauma must be a function of her healing abilities. So, 'at least you learned a lot of valuable skills' gets Megan a very frowny look from Conner. "She should unlearn a lot of those skills, seriously."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and yawns, "Hey come on, it'd be fun..But it's okay, I'm sure there are other ways we can have fun." she glances at her watch, "I gotta go but it's been fun..Seeyas!"