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The Fall of the Red House: The Iron Fist
Date of Scene: 12 June 2022
Location: Alhambras Base, Arizona
Synopsis: Deadpool, Rien, Ghost Rider, and Steve Rogers infiltrate an Alhambras Compound. Four of the six leaders are dead and a message sent that Cael Becker is off limits.
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Robbie Reyes, Rien D'Arqueness, Steve Rogers

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool had comandeered a plane to get his current crew of assassins (because let's face it that's what they are) to Arizona. He isn't a pilot, but he knows a number of them from Sister Margaret's and with enough money thrown at the man (absurdedly named Guy) he more than happily agrees to be an accesory to the crimes commited. The high altitude cargo plane (because Robbie is the type of Ghost Rider that carries more than one passenger and Wade is a sucker for his own publicity and Deadpool 2 still has a 84% fresh rating) allows for a bit of chit chat and rebrief of the mission and time to get their gear in order.

    "Okay people" he calls over the rumble of the plane's engines. He's in his red and black, and has his usual accoutrements of disaster on him: dual katanas, dual heavy pistols, an assortment of knives, and more pineapples than you fit into a late 2000s action-comedy stoner movie. "We're going to drop in on there property. I know Hot Buns over there" he points to Steve (the monicker is, unfortunately, what he's using as Steve's codename for the mission), "has had HALO training, but the rest of you I'm not sure. So he's going first. Don't pull your cord until you see him doing the same."

    He shrugs into the parachute and fastens the clasps across his chest. "We go in hot and fast. Bubette" his monicker for Rien, "I want you to try and fry there electicals, EMP pulse or whatever sort of thing you can manage. Take out security cams, lights, anything that gives us an advantage. Hot-Toddy" Robbie's callsign for the mission, "you, me, and Hot Buns will move in hard and fast through the building. Don't embellish it, kill and move to the next target. Bubette when you've done what you can, come join us in the slaughter. Any questions?"

Robbie Reyes has posed:
When Wade suggested they dress in black, Reyes took it pretty literally. Mind you, this is a guy who's allergic to colour at the best of times. But for this little sortie, Reyes has opted for battle gear; with one small modification. In place of his usual jacket with the white cross bar, he's gone with a skin tight black leather suit layered with armoured gauntlets, boots and taloned gloves, and more armour at his shoulders. More than enough to put a damper on any bullets coming his way, and an impressive amount of muscle definition for someone as lean as he is.

He looks up from where he's seated, elbows resting on his knees, and just *stares* at Wade when he mentions parachutes. "Two things, but neither of them's a question. Number one: I don't jump out of planes. Number two: don't fuckin' call me hot toddy."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien watches Deadpool with an amused sort of expression on her face, then looks to Robbie, to Steve, then back to Wade. "Just a few... issues. One, I teleport, I don't need to HALO jump. Frankly, I could teleport all of us onto the grounds from here if you wanted. Two, magic doesn't work that way. If you want an EMP, you need a device capable of producing an EMP." She pinches at the bridge of her nose and tries to think of something, then just shakes her head, "I can fry their main power supply, if I make it fast enough and big enough, it might even take out the backup generator. That would mean full dark. No electronics of any type and the only door locks that will work will be the old fashioned key-in-hole type."

She looks to Robbie, "I'll port you in." Looking back to Steve and Wade, she smiles, "You guys are welcome to jump on the teleportation bandwagon or stick with the parachutes. I can port us all to where the three of you need to start then port myself to the power supply. If I'm lucky, the backup generator will be right there and I can make doubly sure nothing will be working. Then I'll jump over to you guys and join the slaughter." She eyes Wade's 'pineapples', then snaps her fingers to open a smaller portal, sticking her head and arms through, then coming back out with a small grenade launcher that she hands over to him. "Mazel tov. Don't lose that."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Captain America did not come on this op today. Steve Rogers did, and admittedly he had to struggle a bit to justify the whole operation. There's a list of people for whom he'd do just about anything and damn the consequences: Bucky, Peggy, Janet, Nadia, Sam, some others. Is Cael Becker on that list now? Maybe so. He's here, after all. But he's here as /Steve Rogers/, very firmly so, dressed in black tactical gear with no identifying marks, bearing his privately-registered pistol.

    He takes a moment to raise a brow at Wade at 'Hot Buns' before pulling down a full mask over his face. Like it or not, most people assume Steve Rogers /is/ Captain America at all times. But he doesn't comment on the monicker, instead saying, "I'm more comfortable with the jump, myself. Gets the blood pumping." He starts pulling on the parachute. Maybe this is why he actually works with a guy like Deadpool? There's a certain understanding there. "Besides, it'll draw attention away from you two."

    In short order, he's standing near the bay door of the plane, ready to jump.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade blinks at the portal usage of Rien and sighs. "Level 20 sorcerer and you can't EMP? I'm disappointed in the magic employed here" he says, even though he takes the M32 with a nod of thanks. Robbie gets a grin under the mask. "Alright. You go with her, Burny McBurns." Never tell Wade to not call you by the first nickname he gives you. He is a man of escalation even when it comes to serious ops. In fact, -especially- when it comes to serious ops. "I'll drop in with Hot Buns."

    He hits a switch that alerts the pilot to open the drop hatch for their departure. The sudden decompression adds a rush of air with the roar of the engines and Deadpool slips a O2 mask over his mouth area. "Meet you in a minute and a half! Go ahead and give them the full dark treatement! Whatever you can to fry their systems! I want panic inside!" he calls and moves to stand next to Steve. "Happy Hunting!" Turning to Steve he gestures in the accepted 'after you' motion for The (Not) Star Spangled Man with a Plan to jump first.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Well, portal it is. At least it beats skydiving, which was definitely not on Robbie's bucket list of things to do. He hauls himself to his feet and pauses at the hood of his vehicle to touch gloved fingertips to the glossy black paint. Then with a rustle of leather and.. well, whatever bulletproof material the Avengers have devised, he stalks off to follow Rien.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien lifts a brow at Wade and offers, "Hey, you wanted to do this where you could get in your murdery fun, them's the breaks. If you just wanted them GONE, I would send the entire compound to Hell and be done with it. We could already be enjoying celebratory drinks." She gives Steve a nod and chuckles softly, "Just remember Steve, you're the only one here that can actually die. So maybe don't draw ALL the attention. Janet will be pissed if we have to bring back a corpse."

Then she's looking to Robbie and motioning to the Hellcharger, "Shall we? We can raise a little Hell while the boys get to the ground, then I'll pop off to cut the power, and rejoin you for some more bloody mayhem." Rien moves to slide into the passenger seat of the Charger, waiting for Robbie to join her. She rolls down the window and hangs an elbow out with a smile, "Say the magic words, Astro Zombie, and we'll meet you on the ground."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "I think we're making a point," Steve notes. "Although the entire compound being sent to Hell is... well... a hell of a point." Really, Rogers? /Really/?

    With that, he makes sure his oxygen mask's secure and then jumps out of the plane, arms spread and legs siightly bent. It's a long, long, /long/ way down to the ground, but this is not Steve's first HALO jump, nor will it be the last.

    By the time he opens his parachute, a mere 800 feet or so above the compound, his blood is definitely pumping, and he's ready for the mission. He steers his parachute toward the landing zone near the back of the complex, an open area with plenty of room for two people to land with chutes trailing, though they'll drop them pretty quickly.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The compound--for that is truly what it is--is a sprawling property that, like most luxury homes in the area, is backed by rocky desert and not much else. Steve and Deadpool land and drop their chutes before moving toward the building. "Okay, two things" Wade says, as they draw closer.

    "One, we need to work on your witty banter" he says shaking his head. "I mean, seriously?" He ticks off his second finger. "Two, I'm pretty sure that monstrosity that Burny is driving will make enough noise on its own, so if you want us to start the party off..." he hefts the grenade launcher, "I've got the tunes right here."

    He checks the chamber and removes one of explosive rounds. "Good think I carry some extra ammo for these sorts of things" he says reaching into one of the many Leifield's he's equipped with and taking out a banger round. "You never know when you're going to find a grenade launcher and need ammo. So I like to be prepared" he slips the banger round into the barrelled chamber and locks it into place, sliding the round as the next one to go off with a few shifts of the loading slide.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Send the entire compound to Hell, huh?" Robbie looks amused, of all things, as he's steered back to the Hellcharger. Which he'd been planning on leaving as backup, but.. he's not going to argue. "And you think *I* don't have any fuckin' finesse." Yes, this is what passes for casual conversation between a Ghost Rider and his Dimensional Sorceress girlfriend, what of it?

He doesn't, of course, actually need keys to unlock his ride; the car responds to him instinctively, and opens both doors as he approaches. Just one of a few little tricks he's less inclined to use with muggles around. "See you on the other side," he tells the pair getting ready to jump. Then he swings inside, starts 'er up, and in a matter of moments she's peeling off for the end of the deck-- and screaming through the portal that unravels like fraying, curling ribbons of joss paper.

A heartbeat later, they're blasting out the other side and *through* a chain link fence at the front of the compound with enough noise -- as Wade alluded to -- to wake the dead. He slams the brakes, pops the clutch and spins them to a halt with a thick haze of dust in their wake. "Aqui es donde te dejo salir." And then, with a wink, "Ve a hacer lo peor, mi amor."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien lets out a small laugh and shakes her head, "I never said you lack finesse, Robbie... I just said that your -people skills- could use a little more finessing!" Yup, this is how they chat! Rien lifts a wave to Wade and Steve as they peel out and through the Hellish portal, then out onto the compound.

She lets out a laugh, hanging on as he whirls them around before leaning over to give him a quick kiss, "Nos vemos por dentro, amor." She slides back and just before blinking out of the car, she calls out, "Guarda algo de carniceria para mi!" Then she's gone in a flash of light blue energy that crackles in a tingly caress along his entire right side.

Rien herself ends up in a cement shed at the back of the compound, staring at an emergency generator... and a junction box. "Oh goodie. I hope nobody else is on this power grid." Holding out a hand to either side, she starts to channel pure lightning into the box and the generator, looking to overload both and blow the whole grid to shut down the compound. They'll know it worked if everything goes dark!

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "What's wrong with my banter? Puns are classic comedy." The way Steve says this, it's hard to tell whether he's serious or not. How self-aware /is/ he about his own awkwardness, anyway?

    He eyes the compound, pulling out his gun to check the barrel and load the chamber. He didn't bring grenades or anything else; Wade's got more than enough of that for them both, and he didn't really have time to go through any private contacts to gain the ordinance anyway. He's mostly on cleanup duty. "Once the lights go out, I think," he says, though he's half-subconsciously deferring to Wade here. He's the one that put the mission together, after all.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The roar of the Hell Charger is plenty loud enough to draw a few of the Alhambra's goons to the front of the property. Rien is missed in a puff of blue but the car is plenty noticeable and two raise MP5s up to spray the Charger with 9mm gunfire while the final one conjures orbs of some purple-black energy to his hands before launching them at Hell's muscle car. The gunfire probably isn't an issue, but those energy orbs are an uncertainty.

    The gunfire is all Wade needs. "That's our cue" he says to Steve before he rises and fires the banger round with a soft 'thunk' of gas powered propelant. The canister lands near a sliding glass door at the back of the property and a second later explodes in a cacophanous exhalation of light and sound. "Trae tus muertos!" he calls to the house as he shift the next round into place. "We're coming for ya..." he adds.

    The generator and the backup both don't react well to Rien's electric light show. There are sparks and a small fire as metal and wires melt and rip under the onslaught. The entire compound goes dark, resulting in a roar semi-panicked male and female voices from within the structure.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
God damn, she is one *fine* thing. Rien, that is; though the Hellcharger is still Robbie's bestest baby. The young man spends a second or three in the stillness of his car, hand on the wheel, skin still prickling with his girlfriend's dissipating presence. Three seconds which should be plenty for her to get a headstart on the security system.

But then the time for contemplation is over; these assholes are firing on his car. The gunfire, indeed, won't do it any permanent damage; bulletholes are repaired almost immediately, torn metal welding itself closed again, damaged glass washing back into place whole. The energy bolts do, however, pose a problem. One rips a hole right through the rear window and explodes in indigo flames, while another slams into the back wheel and melts the metal where it detonates.

Snarling in rage and something that sounds distinctly like pain -- are he and his car *linked* physically? -- Robbie doesn't bother popping his door; he simply phases out of the vehicle. And after all that foreplay, Eli's more than ready to party. With a toss of his head, he lights up; a bright plume of hellfire streams out of his head through a narrow crest in his metal skullplate from forehead to crown, and a chain manifests one in each hand.

And then he's off like a screaming cyclone of hellfire, one scythe in each hand as he aims to slaughter them one by fucking one. Starting with orb-caster.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien holds the blasts long enough to make sure that nobody is 'fixing' the power here, then drops both hands, breathing hard for a few moments. Sucking in a deep breath, she lets it out slowly and lets that mutant regeneration wipe away the exhaustion of channeling too much all at once, then blinks out once more.

She blinks into the house itself and just starts strolling through it, looking here and there for people. Her claws sliiiiiiide out with that soft 'snikt' the light blue glow from them making her an easy target, but also providing light she can see by. Anyone that she crosses paths with while working her way towards the menfolk gets treated to a very short and painful ending.

Blood flows, bile too. Those sharp claws piercing skin and bone as easily as a hot knife through butter. She doesn't even both to dodge the bullets, letting her body expel them and seal the wounds as fast as they can be dealt out.

Just a casual, easy stroll through mafia and hails of bullets, in a dark mansion, seeking her boyfriend to rejoin him for more murder and mayhem!

Steve Rogers has posed:
    A single nod from Steve, and then he's preceding Wade through into the house. He doesn't have his shield, so he doesn't just barge on in with the knowledge the shield will protect him from any debris. Instead, he presses himself against the wall and peers around for a moment.

    Then he rapidly pulls his head back as several pistol shots come his way. He says into comms, <<Three down, several up but disoriented. They shot at me. Want to toss a flashbang or something bigger before we breach?>>

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The front of the house doesn't take Robbie (or in this case the combined form of Robbie and Eli) long to clear. The scythes cut through the MP5 weilders like butter, leaving them as bloody messes where they stood. The meta or mutant panics as he sees the Ghost Rider approaching and sends another black orb out. It touches the Ghost Rider's body and detonates, but the explosion sends the mutant gang member back into a wall with enough force that he surely has a concussion. But that's no matter for the dead.

    Another pair of men come around the corner and one--carrying a shotgun--screams in terror at the sight of the Skull-faced Sin Eater, firing a solid slug round at the demon. The other a burly bear of a man, crosses himself, and then ignites his entire body on fire, human torch style.

    Rien's casual stroll does result in her suit looking more and more like swiss cheese than the solid black armored suit it started as. But The blood that follows in her wake is enough to say that those she encounters are much worse off than she is. There's not much she has to pause for until she sounds a corner and a massive female figure with skin that is grey-white in color and has the texture of porous stones blocks her way. "Wrong turn, chica" she says before advancing on the lost daughter of Logan.

    Wade smiles and takes one of the pineapple grenades from his belt. "You might wanna move back Hot Buns" he says ignoring the single bullet that strikes him in the stomach. He thumbs the pin out of the grenade and tosses it overhaed into the hole he created. It lands in the midst of the trio of unconscious bodies and after a count of three-mississippi explodes sending sharpnel in all directions followed by screams of pain and death. It's a testament to what happened to the three men that not all the shrapnel is metal, some of it's bloody bone shards.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Much as he's started to grow fond of his teammates in the JLD, Robbie.. has missed this. Operating as a single entity with the Rider, answering to no-one but the wet sound of his flaming knives slicing through flesh, opening up innards. The choking, gurgling screams of his victims as their spines are ripped out of their bodies, heads severed one after the other like bowling balls until the dusty ground is soaked in blood.

Most bullets ping right off him, and the one stupid enough to try to shoot a flaming demon in the back of the head meets an unnecessarily slow, grisly end. The orb wielder, he seems to consider leaving to bleed out.. then changes his mind. He goes to crouch down by the unconscious man, then drives the tip of his blade into his heart, and shoves the body off it with a booted foot.

It's simply better to be sure.

Just as he's made his way into what passes for a kitchen, some asshole shows up pulling his schtick. Or, well, something like it anyway. There's a horrible, shrieking metal noise from the Ghost Rider that.. might be laughter? And then he prowls toward him, seeking out his eyes in the unlit gloom. "You should have run," rasps the Rider.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
After a calm in the fighting, Rien waves a hand over herself, repairing the suit. It isn't really armored anyways, just a simple black bodysuit with some armored pieces strapped on in strategic places. Still, she probably looks a fright to anyone that comes face to face with her. Streaked in blood and gore and bearing those glowing bone claws that still drip viscera.

Rounding the corner, she looks up, then up some more. And she smiles. "Para ti, tal vez." She lifts both hands and starts to channel a glowing ball of pure magical energy between them, crackling with energy and sparking off those wicked looking claws. "Yo, no soy un pony de trucos. Y elegiste el lado equivocado."

Loosing the blast of mystical energy straight at the woman, Rien lets out a cry and leaps for the woman's head, claws-first!

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve doesn't really 'step back' so much as he takes cover behind the wall. It cracks from the force of the blast, but it does its job, keeping the super soldier from being hit by the shrapnel from the explosion.

    Then he rolls out around the edge of the wall and into the hole created by the two explosions, gun out and ready to fire at whoever might still be up and moving after the blast. Nothing fancy, no headshots, just aiming for center mass to get the job done. Unless there's obvious armor, of course.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The Antorcha Humana rushes forward to meet Robbie and their eyes lock. The Penance Stare is almost instant. This man has done a lot and he's not a complete psychopath. The fire over his body flickers and sputters. Robbie is locked in place and the other man, still panicking with fear looses more solid slugs into him. It's likely the Ghost Rider doesn't even feel them as he drinks in the sins of the man before him. A hissing scream of pain, agony, and fear is ripped from the firey man's lungs and the flames go out as he drops to the ground in lifeless heap. The shotgun clicks on empty and the man drops it, whimpering and praying in a rapid cadence of Spanish. The smell of piss mixes with the blood and brimstone in room.

    The magical blast does sent the stone-formed female back a step but it doesn't do more than leave a greasy stain on what counts as her skin. She catches Rien by the wrists, knowing full well what the trio of claws might mean--Wolverine is a known comodity after all. She slams the blonde into one of the walls leaving a Rien sized crater in the wall, but the tussel forces her too close to one of the blades from Rien's hands and it tears a furrow over one of the stone slabs of her cheeks. The magically infused adamantium bone-claw parts the stone as it if her barely there. The pain is enough to force the stony woman to release one of Rien's arms as she instinctively brings a hand up guard the open wound. It would likely be her last act.

    Steve rounds the wall and finds a blood soaked scene of carnage in the room. There are another few bodies lying in bloody pools with metal and bone protruding from deep wounds. Others are wounded and wimpering in pain. Steve narrowly dodges a bullet from a wounded man leaning against a wall, a large strip of metal shoved deep in his thigh. The bullet that hits in him the chest is enough to send him to the ground quicker than the bleed out would've. Another man comes at Steve with a machete. He too receives a trio of bullets to the chest before he falls dead. At the end of a hall a man rises from the rubble. He looks to be about the same size and build as Steve himself and from the lack of wounds, he has to have some level of superhuman endurance and durability. "Guarda el arma. Resolvemos esto como hombres" he says as he stands waiting for the super soldier to make a choice.

    Deadpool comes through the hole, Grenade launcher in one hand, heavy pistol in the other. He's not taking chances. Each body, no matter how mained receives a single heavy caliber bullet to the brainpain. One richochets from a body with superdurable skin and the Merc with a Mouth nudges it with a foot before holstering the gun and drawing one of the laser-sharpened blades from his back. He takes careful aim and runs the sword through the eyesocket of the body. It spasms and thrashes for a moment before going still. "Thought so..." he says with a shake of his head. "They never learn. Playing dead with me around is a bad idea..."

    He jerks as a heavy slug hammers into his back. Another sends him to the ground and he is still. The man with the shotgun seems uninjured. He was likely from deeper in the compound. His face is one of the ones on the pictures of the leaders. He approaches Wade's prone form and before getting too close fires another heavy slug into the red clad mercenary. Two more steps and Wade rolls over. "Gotcha!" he says before pulling the trigger on the grenade launcher. There is a cacophanous explosion from the middle of the room and more red spray paints the (originally) sand colored walls.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The flaming man's hail mary, unfortunately, is about as effective against the Ghost Rider as pelting him with a bunch of spitballs. Most of the bullets pass right through him; a few lodge briefly in his armoured suit before popping free with a *tink, tink, tink* as they hit the floor.

Then the flame-headed demon approaches at that slow slink, as his prey collapses into a pool of terror, and his own bodily fluids. Again, he crouches down, grasps him by the hair, and jerks his head up sharply. And if the eyes are windows to the soul, then this soul is already gone. Lost in a cage of his own madness and regret. Robbie shoves him away, and continues on, drawn -- even in this form -- by the sound of what can only be his girlfriend's voice pitched in a yell.

Two more men are dispatched on the way; one has his throat opened up by a flaming scythe, and the other one's shoved facefirst into a wall with enough blunt force to leave him permanently in a coma. Then his neck snapped, mercifully, and the body dropped as he keeps moving, burning like a pyre in the dark halls of the house.

He makes it into the next room just as Rien's dispatching the mutant made of stone. No words; he simply watches the blonde expectantly, blades covered in blood, leather suit glistening with spatters of it.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
The slam into the wall has her grunting, then grinning at the stone-faced woman, "Deberia haber huido cuando tuvo la oportunidad, senora." Those claws slash out, carving through stone as easily as skin. Dangling from the hold the woman still has on her other arm, Rien brings that free hand up, then slashes those claws through the woman's forearm. Bringing those magically sharp and durable claws down through the stony arm with two tons of force, slicing the appendage clean off.

She punches forward with her nwely freed hand, straight through the woman's throat, letting the momentum of her fall carry her back to the ground... and those claws all the way down and through. Giving the body a kick to free her claws, Rien shakes her head and steps over the corpse to continue along her way.

"MARCO-OH! There you are." She smiles towards Robbie and motions deeper into the compound, "Pretty sure I heard the grenade launcher in this direction. Shall we?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve shakes his head. "Not today we don't," he replies, and shoots the man, emptying the rest of his clip into the man's chest, sending him staggering back but not falling. Some kind of body armor, maybe.

    He sighs, and holsters his gun. "Fine. If you're gonna be that way..." Steve isn't here to fight fair, not today, and he's been in his share of street fights. He kicks some of the dirt and debris at the man before launching himself forward to slam a right hook right at the other guy's jaw. He's not holding back any of his strength for once.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    There is only the barest hint of resistance for Rien and Robbie as they make their way to the carnage filled room where the last grenade went off. Another thug with an other submachine gun comes with the spray and pray method and recives a trio of blue-lit blades through the face for all the good the 9mm bullets do to Rien. Robbie gets to drink deep of another piece of work who tries to strike him with a psionic blade in the same vein as Psylocke--but without the eye candy.

    They enter the blood strew room and find the body of wade. Or well, what's left of it. It seems that Deadpool fell afoul of what happens with a 40mm high explosive grenade detonates a mere three feet from your body. The entire front of him looks more like hamburger than it usually does; the suit shredded to reveal scar tissue and gore.

    And yet, he's still alive.

    One of his eyes opens up, and focuses on Rien's golden hair lit by the Ghost Rider's flaming skull. "You're going to have to finish without me..." he rasps out. "I think I got two of the leaders here..." Even as he speaks his body is knitting itself together, but there is a -lot- of damage to heal through and even Logan's healing factor takes time with extensive internal injuries of which Wade has suffered many.

    A fight of the century is taking place in a hall to the to the pair's right. The man takes the hit and it staggers him but he delivers one of his own right back to Steve. At this range Steve can recognize him as one of the leaders. His own strength is heightened by some means, if only a smidge below Rogers' own. Still the blows are not weak by any means. He takes another body blow with a rush of exhalation and retorts with left cross that grazes across Steve's own jaw. Another body blow from Steve's fist backed by genetically modified strength forces a gout of blood from the man's stomach as something tears inside. He stays on his feet and swings a haymaker for Steve's head.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Dead? No. The Ghost Rider would know if he were dead; the Merc's soul, such as it is, is still present and accounted for. Though, if this were another place and time, and they didn't have any witnesses to hold him to account.. there might be some reckoning for Wade's sins happening right about now, with him down and nearly out.

Instead, after a long moment of staring at his ruined body, the demon turns and steps over him, and heads for the hall to the right. And arrives just in time to witness that brutal slug aimed for Cap's head. Looks like he isn't going to get involved in this one, though he does skirt away and continue down the hall to make sure there's no further cleanup to be done.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien crouches down next to the lump of hamburger formerly known as Wade and offers, "Think I got one of the female officers, too. We'll need to do a head count soon and figure out who's left so we can hunt them down. I can start trying to sniff them out." She looks him over and grins, "Want a healing hand before I get back to it?"

If he agrees, she'll help to speed his healing along so he can at least be on his feet by the time they're ready to head out. Otherwise, she'll head into the toher room in time to watch the big guy and Steve slugging it out. Smiling faintly, she gives the room a quick scan, then starts to scent the air, pushing aside the obvious scents of death and blood, the gunpowder, the debris and dust, seeking out living scents that she can track.

Not that she doesn't want to watch Steve beat the crap out of the man, she does. But... job to do! Catching up to Robbie/Eli, she glances up and offers, "Come with me? Gonna try to sniff out anyone still hiding in here, we can tear them apart as we find them."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve's giving as good as he gets, taking a hit or two but dodging quite a few more. He doesn't have weights in his gloves--what use would that be?--but it might /feel/ like he does as he punches the guy, hard and fast.

    The last punch, aimed right at his head, Steve manages to dodge, and he takes the chance to give the man an uppercut. It knocks the guy down, and Steve crouches down to put a knee on his chest, grabbing him by the collar.

    "Bubette! Red Hot!" Hey, it's a better codename than anything Wade came up with. "If you've got questions..."

    He glowers down at the guy. "First one: you still have a hit out on Cael Becker? And don't pretend you don't know who she is."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Rien and Robbie make a final sweep and find a few extra pocket sof normies that are easily dispatched with minial interference. Guns just don't work on the pair and when the only true line of defense you have is a reputation and a number of firearms... not much will save you from a Ghost Rider and Reine du Rien. They mop of the finals just as Steve's call comes to them, leaving another smoldering adobe colored room repainted in human fluid.

    The man is limp in Steve's arms. He hasn't had to worry about being beat before and Steve gave him a pummellling of a lifetime. But he's coherent enough to answer the question. "We don't put hits on dead women..." he says. "Toro did the job. Then ended up getting himself killed." He spits. "Good ridance to the putta anyway..." It seems that news of Cael's revival hadn't reached the gang. Maybe the Trinitarios were keeping it quiet in order to not incur anymore wrath from the Archivist, or there was something else going on that was their focus.

    The accelerated healing from Rien is accepted with a meager thanks from the Merc. It doesn't fix him to tip top shape but it'll make it so no one has to carry him out of the place. He could take a nap here, it wouldn't be so bad and it would be a hell of lot nicer than the burning pain over his front and maybe he'll sleep off the terrible itchiness that's bound to start soon. Yep, there it is... damn... missed opportunities.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Once he's sure they've left no stone unturned, the Ghost Rider makes his way back to the room where they left Steve, dimly aware of his summons. The demon wants more blood, but Robbie's got enough control to override his wishes, since he's been fed so well.

He comes up behind the blonde with the glowing claws, passing close enough for his flames to lick at her skin. Then he paces in toward Steve and his quarry, the sound of that demonic flame roaring away in the dark, sepulchral space. As he did with the others, he sinks down into a crouch with a crackle of leather, and gazes first at Steve with those slitted metal 'eyes'.

Then, as soon as he gives the go ahead, he tilts his head slightly toward the poor fool on the floor. "Es hora de pagar por tus pecados," rasps the Rider. And he can't smile, but damned if his voice doesn't sound like he is. "Creo que voy a disfrutar esto." He waits for Steve to hold him still, and meets his eyes; that metal skull with its plumes of flame is the last thing the guy's ever going to see.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien sniffs around for any further signs of life, but when none are apparent, she heads back towards Steve and the big guy. She looks at the man, then back to Steve and shakes her head, "I'm not familiar enough with the situation to form cogent questions. I can tell you that nobody else is alive in this building, or what's left of it, anyone else had the good sense to run away."

She glances up as Robbie/Eli brushes past, letting her fingers tease through the flames briefly, then she's looking back to Steve, "But I think it's good if a few did get away. One, they'll put the fear of retribution into the rest of them. And two, it means when the second group sets out, they won't have to waste time explaining what they mean about the 'incident at the compound'." Rien glances back in time to see Robbie gearing up the Penance Stare and nudges Steve to look away, "We don't want to risk getting caught in that."

She hooks a thumb back to the room Wade is in and offers, "He should be back on his feet by the time we're done here. Are we still looking to level this place behind us?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve just nods to the man he's got by the throat, then looks up at Rien. "Right. Well, then." He glances up at the Rider and... briefly balks at what he sees there. Whatever's behind those eyes, it's not that Steve hasn't seen worse. He's faced down some of the worst humanity has to offer. It just never really gets... easier.

    But he takes in a breath, lets it out, then nods. "All yours," he says, then holds the guy in place while the Rider does his thing. Which Steve hasn't ever really seen before, so... that's a new experience about to happen.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The man is a piece of work for sure. Rape, murder, victimization of children, he's done it all. The Ghost Rider takes all that in and feeds it back piece by piece on the man's soul. Blood starts to trickle from the man's nose and then tears of the red fluid seeps from his eyes as he convulses under the manic skeletal grin of the fusion of Robbie Reyes and Eli Marrow. It only takes a few seconds but when it's done the man is dead the weight of his crimes against the innocent too much for his body to withstand. When Steve lets him go there's nothing there but an empty shell of flesh.

    "Burn it all down," Deadpool says. "Or demolish it. I've got enough on me between the launcher and my belt that we could take it out with ease." He shifts uncomfortably as he pushes himself to his feet. He -really- doesn't look good, but it's clear that most of what's visible is just Wade's skin rather than any damage from the self-inflicted explosion he visited upon himself. "Then... once that's done... I really need one of you to knock me out. This itch is going to kill me!"

    His hand twitches with the need to relieve the irritant of regrowing internal organs but he focuses on picking up his sword and sheathing it on his back. Overhead the buzz of the C-130 coming back to pick them up can be heard. "That's our ticket home so let's blow this joint. Can you do return trips?" he asks the blonde woman with an arched brow.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Though the Ghost Rider's got plenty of fire, what he lacks is an accelerant for the conflagration. Also, it seems that consuming *those* particular sins was more than enough for the demon; he promptly decides to fuck off, and leave Robbie holding the bill, as it were.

His fire goes out, and the young man slumps down to the floor, head resting against the wall as he waits for his body to heal the burn damage. He's probably going to need a minute; someone else is going to have to torch the place and punch the Merc.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien nods to Wade and glances around, then holds out a hand towards Wade's 'stash' of explosives, teleporting them to various structurally necessary areas before looking at him. "You want to go back on the plane or just straight home? I can do either. If you want the plane, I'll put you to sleep for the trip."

Then she's looking to Eli and offering, "No more souls here for you, mind turning the keys back over to Robbie so you can rest up for the next bit of mayhem?" Not that she minds the man for a carnage buddy, but with the murdering done, he needs to rest and she wants her man back.

"Anyways, say when you want it blown and I can trigger the explosives." She offers to Wade even as she moves to help Robbie to his feet with a smile for him. "Hey. Sorry I'm a little, uh... messy. Let's get you out of here, hm?" Her eyes touch on Steve briefly, brows lifting, making sure that he's alright and ready to go as well.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve straightens and nods. It's a good thing the others can't see his face, so they can't see the set, grim expression there.

    "Yeah, if we're done, let's go." It sneaks into his voice a little bit. Just a little. "Wade, how 'bout this--I'll knock you out and carry you over my shoulder back to the plane, and I'll even drop you off at home if you /promise/ not to make any crude jokes about it later. Got that?"

    Where else would he drop Deadpool off? Is that a threat? Really? From /Steve Rogers/?