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Latest revision as of 14:55, 12 June 2022

=Going with the flow, in Mutant Town.
Date of Scene: 12 June 2022
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Bane commits the city's biggest party foul.
Cast of Characters: Cheyenne Brawley, Satana Hellstrom, Cain Marko, Renee Bombas, Bane

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     The streets of Bushwick are spangled with the multi-colored glow of neon signs reflecting off of shallow puddles forming here and there in countless potholes. A light drizzle has made the summer air crisp, laden with the scent of ozone. The sky is alight with the billowing vapor of clouds illuminated by light pollution from below, borne across the heavens on a high wind that can hardly be felt at street level, blocked by the many towering structures of the city.
     In the midst of this, under a painters tarp stretched over some scaffolding, sit two men; the first, middle aged and pot bellied, wears jeans and wifebeater with a hardhat at his side; beside him, sits a younger man decked out in a snazzy, all-black three-piece suit. Between them, they share a plate of street-style tacos: traditional carne asade, with diced white onions and cilantro, some dressed in a green sauce, others in red. Behind them a board reads: "Coming Soon: Mutant Works: An employment agency for the talented."
     "Eighteen months, man? Are you kidding me?" says the black-clad fellow, sliding the bill of his ballcap around to the back and eating a taco whole in one bite.
     "No," says the older man flatly, matching the slow Texan drawl of his coversation partner with a snappy Brooklyn accent. "Don't you know the construction firms wouldn't be caught dead here? You," he hesitates, "we're on our own."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     Satana moves through Bushwick with her horned head held high. Seems almost inappropriate to venture into such an area as a plain ol' hot chick. Though it is a means of blending, which she tends to do anyway. Sometimes it's fun to tempt with the extra parts, the horns, or in some cases the wings, the hooves, or a flicking tail, trying to suss out if figure and face are enough to overcome the obvious wild, predatory nature of her form.

     So far, she's leaning pretty heavy on the "yes" category, and thus she's not looking for a meal so much as following her hobby. It looks like she's carrying an old green-screen phone, but it's seeking out more than just clever texts. Crystals dangle from it, gold wires wrap around it, the device's screen features a myriad of white points against a backdrop of sprucey green. Something interesting just might be out here.

     Though there are also people up in some scaffolding as she saunters past, and she turns to look them over. The red glow of her eyes might be a touch disconcerting before she's back to presumably 'texting'.

Cain Marko has posed:
    Not far away from the scaffolding and the two workers...

A group of teenagers about to enter a corner liquor store find their pasageway blocked as the doors to the store slide open and reveal an absolutely gargantuan figure literally completely filling up the entry way. Doing so, so much so via the gargantuan proportions so tremendous that the double doors do not open wide enough, basically causing all foot traffic to grind to a halt by means of a the doors being stuffed with a gigantic broad stomach and an enormous chest that casts the startled youths in shadow as they stagger backwards. The stretched out visage of Godzilla looming over Mount Fuji leers at them as the image on teh strained tee shirt worn by the behemoth, swelling and straining to contain the wall of flesh beneath it as the brute takes a heavy breath.

Time seems to stand still until, finally, the gargantua ducks low and begins the process of squeezing his astronomical figure through the doors with the ground itself seeming to shake lightly from his steps, suffering from the sheer pressure of the mans movements.

It's abit of a performance, if not a deliberate one, but eventually eventually he arrives in full and straightens up to his towering height, still blocking the door, and paying no mind to the dumbstruck onlookers who seem to think wiser of urging him to hurry it up. Besides, he seems to be a paying customer at least as he lifts up a bag of chips, enveloped in gnarled boulder like hands. A light squeeze pops them open and he finally steps forward, ice blue eyes hidden behind dark glasses and peering boredly up and down the streets as he swamps onto the sidewalk - forcing the crowds to part around him as he begins making his way forward. Aside from his astonishing size and build, his features are fundementally human if abit brutish looking. A big thick squarish job sporting unkempt stubble and closely cropped red hair top it all off.

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     The night is dark and full of terrors. It is not the red woman that catches the eye of Cheyenne Brawley - the younger fellow in the black suit - but rather the Mountain that Eats Potato Chips. "Hot damn," he says just barely above a whisper, rapping his comrade on the shoulder, "lookee there..."
     Turning to peek, the foreman blanches as white as the tarp overhead and sets a half-eaten taco back on the plate between them. "My wife is gonna kill me if I stay out any later. See ya tomorrow, Buster." Nimble for his age and weight, the man scrambles down a ladder and fast-walks away, very much in the opposite direction Cain is standing in.
     Waving cheerfully at the vanishing figure of the foreman, Cheyenne scooches forward on the plank he's sitting on and swings his legs over the side, cowboy boots a'dangling. His vantage point puts him at close to eye level with Cain. "Hey there Tiny," he calls out, picking up a bottle of tequila and swirling it, "I just lost my drinkin' buddy. You wanna join me?" He beams at the behemoth with an implacable smile.

Renee Bombas has posed:
Men. Beneath her. Children, especially so. Renee Bombas is wearing a sundress that is decidedly inappropriate for the weather. She has in her hand a rather large lollipop that looks like something that would normally be taken along from a young child that she's taking a very, very appreciative lick of. "This is lovely."
    She passes by a small child that's playing over with something while their mother tries to keep them in gear. A light shove to the back of the child in passing has the ice cream cone in the child's hands falling and dropping and breaking into sobs. Ahh, happy place.
    Lollipop stolen from a baby now complete with the tears of an eager child. Renee Bombas engages in pettiness and is having the time of her life while humming contentedly.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     Well, you know... maybe a snack. Satana considers it, watching the older man scramble down from scaffolding. But she's also got her eye on the big behemoth of a man, and more importantly, something on him. that very bright signal on her device. Curious. And so she redirects towards the skeleton of a building-to-be, wondering if it can indeed support the giant's weight should he choose to climb it. And so she turns to observe and chime in, "Room for two up there? Or however many might fit." And suddenly, it seems she has a bottle of her own alcohol, but the bottle's label is a little hard to make out. Where the hell did she get that?

Cain Marko has posed:
    Mutant Town is usually not the sort of place where random strangers strike up conversations and everything is as sunshine and roses. Poverty, crime and gang activity isn't unheard of around these parts though some areas likely clean up more then others. Either way, usually denizens here are keeping to their own business and scurrying along to avoid the next metahuman or mutant brawl.

The behemoth of a man, Cain, does not scurry.

So imagine his surprise when he is addressed at random but one of the locales just as easily and charmingly as can be, no real outward sign of concern or fear in the voice. He curls his lips slightly and raises an eyebrow. He must be losing his touch.

But at the same time, he's not exactly -trying- to cause a problem nor having a bad day. He just wanted a bag of chips. Legitimately for once. And when Satana chimes in the goliath finally lets out a mildly annoyed breath and trundles to a final earth shaking stop.

"You think I'm supposed to fit up there?" he questions, swiveling his head like the movement of a tank turret to look up at Cheyenne and Satana. "What's that scaffolding made out of? Battleship steel?"

Bane has posed:
Bane been watching the chaos unfolds a secure location near by. "que esta pasando aya vajo?" HE asks to his subordinant. "Ve a averigualo por mi" Bane orders.

Soon after that armed mercinaries are on the streets patrolling investigating the commotion.

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Buster's attention is drawn to the devilish woman and his eyes go wide, just slightly, and just for a split second. He swallows hard. "Certainly ma'am," he says after clearing his throat, making a grandiose gesture to the ladder, then patting a spot on the plank right next to him. "Let's make it a party."
     Renee, for the time being, as well as Bane and his subordinates, go unobserved.
     Then the giant speaks. The smaller - much smaller - Texan man guffaws. "Stay right there, Pard, I'll bring a drink to you." He fishes about with a hand near to his side and finds a styrofoam slurpee cup. He dips a finger into the metlwater inside and uses it to wet the rim, then tosses out the remainder. The mouth of the cup is then sprinkled with salt stored closeby. He looks Cain over and chuckles, adding in a jolly tone, "I'll make it... uh, a quadruple." Sixteen ounces of white tequila, eight ounces of Cointreau, and most of a bottle of lime juice make their way into the styrofoam vessel. He next reaches into a plastic bag of bodega ice, throws in a good couple of handfulls and swills it all together. "Here you go, buddy," he says, stretching as far as he can to offer the massive cocktail to the massive man. "Nothin' like a classic margarita." Meanwhile, he slides the plate of tacos closer, about a third of the plate edging just slightly over the side of the wooden scaffolding. "Help yourself to a bite of skirt steak, as well, if you like."

Renee Bombas has posed:
Renee Bombas goes to look over at the group, then over at the scaffolding. Finally opining, "Looks like it's more light corrugated metal." Oh to see the man going to start to tumble down over if she could. Oh well, the idiot is bringing out booze over so it can't be all bad. Giant lollipop still in hand, freshened with tears from a sobbing child. And now there's free alcohol. Things are good. What else does she need for existence to be perfect?
    Oooh, a patsy!

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "Well, I do love a party," Satana says, scaling the ladder and perching like the prettiest little gargoyle, should that even be possible. Maybe she just likes to intimidate those who can be. Still, her gaze turns to Cain, looking him over, as if trying to find a specific point on him. And yet, the whole of him seems to be what ends up holding her attention. "Are we celebrating anything in particular?"

Cain Marko has posed:
The presence of the armed men arriving into the streets does not escape the attention of Cain, however, and certainly not the attention of any local onlookers or denizens going about their business. The streets likely promptly begin clearing as that's not the sort of thing one sees...well nevermind, this is New York.

"Hn. Since when did Mutant Town start letting armed men start runnin' security..or whatever they're doing.." he muses aloud, attention briefly distracted from Cheyenne and Satana. "MIght have t'ask about that...' Not that he's all invested in the plight of mutants aside from what business some associates of his get into that might call for him. On a contract basis of course. But still, The brotherhood might need to hear about this.

"Hn. Well sorry." he rumbles again, deep voice mildly amused as he answers Renee finally. "Better stay down here then right? You probably don't want to see me falling. Might hurt Mutant Town..."

He reaches up and accepts the drink from Cheyenne finally and just eyes it for a moment, considering..before letting his gaze drift over towards Satana as if noting her close study of him.

Bane has posed:
A few warning shots in the air make sure that the streets empty with urgency. "move along there is nothing to see here" the Mercs shout acting like police forces but with out the authority of the state.

The mercs come across Cain and the others. "Hey what are you guys doing here get out of here." They speak in harsh tones and guns aimed to shoot.

Renee Bombas has posed:
Renee Bombas would look over at the men, then at Satana, then at Cain. And break into high pitched giggles, "I like you guys! You're a bunch of rutting imbecilles! You have to work to be that dumb!" Renee's mocking laughs are high pitched, manic, and with twisted glee.
    She would look over at Cain for a moment. "Will you mind if I squish him some? I don't want to take away from you if you have dibs." She's going to twist her hands over in the air and flitting them together like someone might be conducting an orchestra. Humming 'Boom Boom Boom Boom' to the Jaws theme. Or a twisted version of it.

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     "Oh, just celebrating a lovely night..." says Buster to Satana, but his pleasant mien soon turns to a deep frown. He freezes, hands balling into fists, eyes locked on Renee. His eyes narrow. No doubt, if she wanted to start trouble, she would have by now, and her laughter doesn't look to him like making trouble. Besides, shots have been fired.
     He hops down from the scaffolding and lands with a boot-heeled clop. He directs a pointed finger at the spokesman of the mercs. "No more of that, now. Y'all pack up your peashooters and get, before you regret getting out of bed this mornin'."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     Damn, her gaze is intense. Satana checks her phone for a moment, and then back down to the behemoth. And then she just seems content with her position. But the armed men do also draw her attention, as do the pops of gunfire, and she breathes in the night air, not at all concerned. "Awfully bold statement for dead men to be making," she says, temper flaring. "Any man who fires at me is a corpse. First, last, only warning. You'd be wise to move on and leave me to... what am I working up to, a margarita?" she asks of Buster.

Cain Marko has posed:

Cain's attention is snapped away from Satana towards the approaching men. He doesn't speak right away although he does give Renee a long look as she addresses him. "Hn." he grunts, his answer unclear at first. Then.

"Listen to them, boys. Plus...Mutant Town's under the protection of the X-Men -and- The Brotherhood and The Brotherhood aint squeamish about getting their hands dirty. Back off because..uh..you try anything and whoever is running your paycheck is gonna pay the price. This is me being nice."

Mind you, that he's -The- Juggernaut wouldn't be a known fact to these guys and most others. His helmet and skullcap does do some work for him when he's 'In Character' after all. Right now he's just a -really really- big guy with red hair. Yeah Mutant or meta? Probably. Possibly. But hey. Maybe he's..uh..Strong Guy. But shhh..that's his little secret.

Seeing the others stand up for themselves does take some elements off his conscience though. He wasn't necessarily planning on playing hero but ..then again one doesn't just threaten Cain Marko.

Bane has posed:
Bane decides to make a move himself now that its getting interesting. Bane leaves his secure location to head down to the street. "abeq greiba" He says as if talking to no one in particular on his way out.

Bane's men arent scared of death. Not with what they've witnessed. What they know. Thy will die for the cause with out hesitation. Imagine the will of fanatics who have had their devious proven correct. "We get it you guys think you're scary and perhaps you are. but we'll take at least one of you with us, We can promise you that. So maybe we all decided to play nice and comply"

Word comes over their comms Bane is approaching. The mercs visibly gain a solemn resolve none are going to back up now and be weak in front of Bane. Death is certain either way But a dishonorable death has 'consequences'

Renee Bombas has posed:
Renee Bombas would hold her hands over in front of her as she would watch with glee. Renee's eyes would go wide as she's giggling madly. She hasnt noticed Cheyenne or his reaction to her. She would grin at Satana, "You want those ones? I can.." Her next comment is probably going to be 'I can kill the rest'.
    She's letting out a twisted, macabre cackle of glee but not on the attack yet.
    She does however take the opportunity while the faceoff goes on to grab someone else's abandoned drink.

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     "This feller sounds like he's all hat and no cattle," Buster says and lets out a short, aggrevated sigh, gesturing at the merc spokesman with the jerk of a thumb, "and he caint ride and chew at the same time, neither." Seems he's content to let others take the lead on this one. Pulling himself nimbly into his prior seat, next to Satana, he replies to her last question: "I have a splash of rum, too," he rummages around in a plastic bag, "and some mint, if you'd prefer a mojito."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
     "I am getting a little hungry," Satana admits. "But... oh, a mojito, that's the ticket." Flames start to appear near her, and she looks like she's really gearing up for a speech, and then... an actual phone rings. She teleports a little farther back, "... you did what? No, no, I'll... no, don't touch it, I'll come get it. Of course it bites, what did you think it would do..." And the area is filled with the scent of cinnamon and brimstone. The demoness is gone.

Cain Marko has posed:
"Great.. These guys.."

Cain's eyes have roved over the symbols and markings of the men. He knows who they are. This is..a connundrum. If he says to much then what little 'cover' he has is...well..worthless. It's being strained as it is..

"These boys are fanatics.." he finally offers by way of explanation towards Renee and her implicit hint of intending more then just a light slap on the wrist here. "They aint scared of dying, like good little brain washed pyscho's.."

He all about double takes as he hears Cheyenne give his two cents, taking an extra second or two to decipher what he meant before finally sighing in annoyance.

"Tell your boss.." this said slowly and evenly to the guards, "That he doesn't want to start a war with the wrong people..." He raises an eyebrow as Satana vanishes but then looks back to the mercenary.

Bane has posed:
"No one is scared of you" Bane says arriving on the scene. Banes looks the large man over. and He's reletively sure who he is. There arent an abundance of men of his build around. And Fewer still with out a green complexion. Bane has had a few run in with the Juggernaut before. "I know you are self assured that you're too strong to be harmed but I will harm you if you force this issue. I know what you can do but are you sure about what I can do? Do you think you know me?"

"Stand back and stand by" Bane commands his men.

"What exactly is going on here? I just a curious observer There should be no need for you lot to risk harm to yourselves in this way"

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     "What's happening here, Yosemite Sam, is a couple'a fellers tryin' to have a drink together after a long day's work," says Buster, after putting his heart back in the right place, having been startled by Satana's sudden departure, "spoiled by one big ol' party foul," he adds, indicated Bane and his men with a circling gesture of a finger. "Now, if y'all put your Winchesters back in their holsters, I'd be happy to make y'all a drink." He lifts the plate of carne asade and plops it down onto the sidewalk below, balanced in such a way that only some of the toppings go skittering onto the rain-soaked concrete. "Have a taco. Cause aint no one scared of you neither."

Renee Bombas has posed:
Renee Bombas would twist her hand over in final, manic glee, "We were just expressing mutual admiration for the idiots that make up your rank an dfile. Your conditioning methods are excellent, their service is no doubt exemplary." She would grin with mania.
    "It does, however, leave a great deal to be desired in things like initiative. These are the type of men that I'd send out front with the flamethrower squads. You don't send anyone useful out with the flamethrower squads that you don't care is dumb enough to want the job."
    Bomb Queen is grinning from ear to ear in an almost Cheshire Cat sort of way.

Cain Marko has posed:
Whelp, that did it. Looks like Cheyenne and Renee are about to get a show.
"Bane, if I wanted to I could drop one of these buildings on you right now. What is it with you idiots and thinking you can stand up to me or use me as a way to build some clout> I could launch you right into orbit in the blink of an eye. You're not Spiderman, you're not the Hulk. Stay in your lane."

So. Angry Cain Marko. He's all the reasons in the world to be absolutley seething and furious. The faintest hint of a crackle of crimson energy appears around his eyes as his clothes tighten, his physique swelling as Cyttorak boils up within, urging him to an act of violent city block leveling destruction to prove his point to the mercenary.

But The Juggernaut calms that down. He has to admit being fond of some members of The Brotherhood and Mutant Town so that's a mess he's just -shy- of doing.

But it's not off the table.

"What the hell do you want? This isn't your territory and two teams with more power then what you work with will be on your ass if you try something. You think you can stop Magneto? Xavier?"

There's a pause and he adds as an aside to Cheyenne, "..Quiet kid.. This aint no cookout." He gives Renee a quick glance and then cuts his gaze back to Bane. Poor Cheyenne. He just doesn't know does he.

Bane has posed:
Bane is unmoved by Cain's words. Bane knows exactly what he's dealing with and isnt one to back down either. "I am not bragging for clout. I know exacty who you are and what you can do. I simply refuse to yield." Bane prepares his venom injectors. "I don't care if you could kill me. I don't make it a habit to back down. and I have contingencies. Even Bane has tasted defeat."

Renee Bombas has posed:
Renee Bombas would go to hold her hands up over and start to spin around a set of bombs in them. "Plink. Plink. Plink." She would flick a finger along each, blasting them over towards Bane. They would hover a few feet away from him in a holding pattern. She's moving to flank Cain in a position where she has a clear view of Bane's men and their positioning. Presuming she's not stopped she would be creating more balls of energy in the air, them floating towards each of Bane's men.

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Cheyenne Brawley's mouth becomes a small O as he sees crimson energy crackle around the big guy; when addressed, he puts an upright finger over his mouth and nods once, sharply. He cracks his knuckles and stands on the scaffold, withdrawing a pace so that his back is to the wall of the building. Hands about shoulder width apart, he seems as he ready as he wants to be.

Cain Marko has posed:
"Oh for real? So you're one of those... Man you're an idiot. So many ways you could have saved face here.."

He eyes Bane as the powerful mercenary begins to reach for his Venom injectors and then turns his head slightly to eye CHeyenne and Renee, "Hey..stay out of this or get back. Can't help it if his goons start spraying bullets. Not that I'd be bothered but..you know.. I kinda did want a drink y'know.."

He slowly looks back to Bane and then lifts a massive fist up and slowly grins. His muscles tense, knuckles cracking like boulders splintering as he squeezes his hand, looming infront of the venom infused mercenary and just grinning full toothed t him.

He then bings his hand down, fist looming infront of Bane. There is a pause...and a single finger suddenly blasts upward. A finger flick, some might say except when one is the Juggernaut, capable of crushing mountains, triggering seismic events, and crumpling up super alloys like tissue.. a finger flick is more like, well, a battering ram.

It slams into Bane, lifting him up from his feet and sending the dread mercenary hurtling across the street and into a parked car some distance away. Bane impacts like a cannonball. THe car folds in half, crumpling up violently around the venom infused monster before utterly giving way to allow Bane to sail further back and impact a graffiti covered wall. Cracking it wildly. It's a testament to the power of the venom that he's intact and survived that. Had that not been active this might have been much messier but such is the arsenal at Bane's dispoal, even now.

"I'm out." rumbles Juggernaut, turning now ripping his ruined tee-shirt off as he starts to walk away.

Bane has posed:
When Bane is smashed by Juggernaut. The League decides to snap into action with in moment Renee and Cheyenne has swords at their throats as Assassins haveswiftly moved in. They say nothing the blades at their enemies' throats does all the talking they need.

Bane crawls out of the hole juggernaut created when he smashed a car on him. "akharjani minn hanna" Bane grumbles as Assassins converger on his position and quickly transport him out.

Renee Bombas has posed:
The bombs that Renee has been tossing around all detonate in midair at levels that would have turned most bodies to mush over and had them drifting as plasma, "I hate ninjas. Stupid pajama clad.." The Bomb Queen would go to keep her hands in front of her while looking about.
    "Now I'm going to have to find them and start killing them for interrupting my 'me' time." Going to take up the lollipop stick. "... Dammit, now I need to find another brat too."

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     "Me too, I reckon," says Cheyenne, disappointment clear in his tone. He snags a few belongings and calls out as he heads down the ladder, "Hey Tiny, I didn't catch your name, because you didn't throw it, but mine's Buster. I still owe you a drank." In order to avoid Bane's goons, he... gets caught with steel at his throat. "OK now cowpokes," he growls, "let's talk about this like civilized men," hands up in submission. Meanwhile, the diamonds on his belt buckle and on his wrists dissolve into a fine grey powder and take life in the air like a poltergeist. The Texan turns, ready to engage, and finds that he is alone once again. He guffaws. "Adios amigos." His bling is restored in a flash, and he ducks into the building under construction and jogs through the shadows, heading toward a back way home.