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Latest revision as of 23:50, 16 June 2022

Brooklyn has quite the varied residents.
Date of Scene: 12 April 2022
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Strangers meet and share a meal.
Cast of Characters: Achilles, Micola Maximoff, Zatanna Zatara, Pietro Maximoff

Achilles has posed:
    It is not a date. No matter what people might want to make jokes about.. Angelo may have invited Zatanna to enjoy some of the local Brooklyn cuisine with him, but it is NOT A DATE. He's just someone who likes spending time with friends, and he is one of those guys who actually believes men -can- be friends with women. What?

    Anyhow, he is walking along the sidewalk with Zatanna, both in street clothes as he says, "I have found some of the best food at the little... what they call greasy spoons." as he gestures down the way towards Fred's Diner.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
It's almost like clockwork on Monday nights since Micola has met Pietro. The greenish-blue haired woman gets done volunteering around Bushwick around nine pm, there is a text sent and dinner is usually had. Tonight there was a snafu and she was running a little late with her usual routine. She's heading down the street towards the smell of food! Because for once she might be able to out eat his Highness.

She pats her pockets, trying to figure out what pocket she put her phone in, "Dang it...oh no, it's in my backpack." she grumbles as she stops to unshoulder the bag and the rummage around in it like some oversized majestic haired raccoon.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Breezing down a street in Mutant Town on the arm of a friend is more novel than you would think for the magician. Zatanna grins at the man and slips her arm under his.

"A man after my own heart or should I say stomach," she quips.

"Let's go. I like little out of the way places better than 5-star restaurants full of people making the scene and wanting to be seen.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
When she was a bit late, Quicksilver did a rapid series of laps around the area - no need to have idle time! No trouble to be found, thankfully - so Pietro heads back towards the diner. As luck would have it, that brought him right up along side Micola. "Running a bit late?" He teases the woman, a slight smile on his face.

"Hopefully everything is all right?" The man asks, even as he slows to her speed. "How was your day?"

Achilles has posed:
    Now sure, Angelo doesn't have superspeed perceptions. However, he -does- have very good mundane senses. I mean this is colloquially as Mutant Town, so people demonstrating powers isn't exactly super rare. So the guy who semi-appears from nowhere doesn't trigger Angelo's wavy lines around the head power that he doesn't even have in the first place.

    He just chuckles to Zatanna and reaches to open the door for her. As she enters, he continues to hold it for the next people entering. (that's you two!). "Well, I suggest the patty melt. A burger on sourdough is divine. I should know." he adds to Zatanna.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola finds her phone about the same time she hears Pietro's voice and there's a chuckle, "It's been a day." she tells him as she closes the bag up and then reshoulders it. "I was about to text, but threw my phone in my bag after making sure things were locked up." she shakes her head. "But yes, everything is alright. Just starving." she muses.

"And I am sure that you are fine with food." she winks at him as she reaches out to squeeze his arm gently before moving towards the doors to the diner. Where Angelo is holding the door, "Thank you!" she smiles to him. Then back to Pietro, "How was your day?" she asks him.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna's eyes widen with pleased surprise as a man zips into visible view near them. Not a magical signature in sight and yet what the man just did might seem like something occult or godlike. Zee waits inside the door, discretely staring as she reads the two for magic. It is both a reflex and a defense mechanism that is almost unconscious.

"Being divine yourself. I'll trust the recommendation. But how are the fries?" she asks as they walk into the dining room with a glance back at the couple entering behind them.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
No magic on this man, not a whit. Pietro nods in thanks to Angelo as the door is held open. "Thank you." A look then to Micola as they navigate inside. "Is it lost then, in your purse?" He teases, his hand moving to clasp hers after she gives a squeeze to his arm. "I am always wondering if there is a sort of magic involved in purses - they always seem to contain much more than is possible. Alternate dimensions, to be sure."

"My day was... busy. I am glad for it, though. Being idle is ... almost a punishment for me." A wry grin. "And no starving, please. I would be rather dissappointed if that were to happen."

Achilles has posed:
    Once people are inside, Angelo lifts a brow. His eyes slide from Zatanna to Pietro and then back to Zatanna. He grins as he hears the comment about purse-magic. "I have heard that purses in the States..." (mind you, he sounds as if he's just shaking off the last dregs of an English accent) "..are effectively bottomless. Do you think that there is some cultural belief based magic to that?" he asks Zatanna before glancing to Micola and offering a grin. "Please forgive me for eavesdropping. I could not help overhearing."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola does have a magical signature, unlike her white haired companion. Although the thing about her is that along with the whispy greenish white energies that stand out there is a very striking ethereal form of the Ferryman that looms just behind her. It's a bit jarring given she's so happy and talkative and then you have...it.

Her golden hazel gaze goes to Pietro as he clasps her hand and there's a smile, "I found it." she laughs at that. "But I fear that sometimes our purses or bags turn into mimics...or black holes." she muses.

She gives a smile to Zatanna and Angelo, "I'd believe that. Bags that are bottomless...pants with no pockets. Maybe that is why they can't make us clothes with pockets in it. They sacrifice them to the bag gods." she ponders this thoughtfully.

"Eavesdropping is alright." she adds with a chuckle.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Smiling with patient affection at the gregarious Angelo, Zee nods, sharing the smile with the two entering. "It's a thing for some people. Dimensional purses, houses, closets with an infinite capacity for losing things and later discovering them if you're lucky. It's not cultural. Think of it as preparedness and never being caught out without a lipstick or a hankie."

When Zee does focus she has a dizzying double-take that she hopes no one notices. The man might not be magical but the woman is quite another matter.

Magically, Zee eavesdrops unabashedly. Music from a lyre whispers in her ears along with the sound of oars slapping water.

After a glance at Angelo, she adds, "Hello." The greeting is half a question, half a wish. Here is someone allied with the Gods.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Conversation with strangers was really never a forte of Pietro in the past. But he's been trying to branch out, truth be told. Break the ice. All that. "I think that would be outside of my understanding, unfortunately. I am absolutely not magically knowledgeable." The man offers, with a slight smile to the others. "Hello, and good evening." It's a friendly enough greeting.

"Mimic, I believe I have that reference. I do tend to get in a lot of reading." A wink to Micola. "And indeed, it's not eavesdropping when it's such a public place. And we weren't speaking of anything too sensitive - unless you happen to be some dimensional authority that patrols." He's teasing, right?

Achilles has posed:
    "Dimensional? Negative." admits Angelo. But he shrugs his shoulders and offers, "My name is Angelo. This is my friend Zatanna." he says with a gesture to the sable haired magician. "I thought that I might introduce her to the divinity that is the diner's burgers. Would you two care to join us. "I'll cover the check for the table." he adds.

    "Perhaps we can discuss dimensional theories or ideas revolving extradimensional spaces or divinity. Or coffee."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I think that is something I will have to look into if we can do that." Micola muses to Zatanna as the talk about magical pockets goes on. The figure of the Ferryman seems to fade, the shade disappearing from magical sights. Micola's gaze is going back to Angelo though a few times, looking like she might ask something, but she stops herself. She looks back to Pietro and there is a smile, "It's a D&D monster. They usually look like chests...and then they eat you." she laughs.

She looks back when people are introduced, "It's nice to meet you, Angelo and Zatanna." she dips her head to them in greeting. "I'm Micola and this is Pietro." she looks to the speedy one as she introduces him. She wasn't sure if that was alright or not.

"I'd be happy to join, would you like to?" she asks her companion.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna's sapphire eyes flash with humor at Angelo's corny jokes intended to set people at ease. He is good at it, being both a natural and having several millennia of practice. "I hope that the god will be melting with cheesy goodness. You are welcome to join us," she chimes in with quiet ease, making an effort not to stare as Charon fades from view.

Brimming with unasked questions, Zatanna points to one of the red booths. "Can we seat ourselves? This looks comfortable."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Pleasure to meet you both." Pietro offers. A look to Micola, and she seems fine with the sharing of a table. "That sounds wonderful. I appreciate the invitation, we'd be glad to join you." He offers, politely. A smirk then to Micola. "Yes, so I've read. They seem a rather common trope in such books." A grin.

"Shall we?" He motions to one of the open tables, allowing the others to go first. No need to race.

Achilles has posed:
    Smiling, Angelo steps over and gestures for Zatanna to slide into the booth seat first so he can sit on the end. Old school manners don't really go away it seems. It's not a misogamy thing. It's just courtesy. But once he seats himself, he rolls his neck and glances at the new acquaintances. "I have happened to have many chances to travel. To try food all over this world. For whatever reason, a good classic burger is always up at the top of the list of my favorites." he adds, "Right there with Baklava."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"The gods can be fickle creatures. Let's hope those that rule over the cheese realms are feeling good tonight." Micola chuckles at that. Then there is a look to Pietro, "Maybe we should run some dungeons and dragons." she gives a wink to him. She slides into the other side of the booth, scooting over so Pietro has plenty of room.

"Oooh, Baklava. That's one of my favorites. The night market over in Brighton has a stall that makes it fresh." she tells them. "I'm also realizing I have zero filter today, so if I ramble I apologize." she chuckles.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Used to his ways, without ado, Zatanna scoots into the end of the booth and pulls a menu out of its holder to study.

"Oooooh, onion rings! Made by hand even. I like this place already. And." She gestures at a sign hung on the wall behind the counter lined with patrons. "Gifford's Ice Cream. The best! I wonder if they have their ice cream cake. It's the best." She nudges Angelo with an elbow. "Right up there with baklava, which we both love. Little is better than fresh baklava. Guess where we are going some night, Angelo."

Hands atop the menu, she looks across the table at Micola. "I will hazard a guess and say that you have Greek origins like Angelo,"she states on a rising note and a glance at her friend.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Micola is given the opportunity to sit before Pietro takes his own seat. "Perhaps. I do not know anyone else who would play." He teases Micola back. A nod at the mention of Baklava. "It is a good place, she speaks of. We went there once from her shop." He explains.

A smile to Angelo. "I tend to travel quite a bit, due to work and my restless need to move." A chuckle. He looks to Micola as Zatanna guesses at her heritage, letting the young woman answer as she will. He does have a question, though. "Ice cream cake?"

Achilles has posed:
    Fantasy games. Huh. Angelo has lived those games for the most part. He shrugs and inclines his head. "Not sure I have ever attempted games such as that. But I -have- done a lot of improvised acting over the years."

    At the mention of Greek origins, he grins and bows his head, "I should have offered my full name. But most people hate trying to pronounce my last name. Tampambulos." he adds with a grin.

    "And ice cream -is- quite good. But vanilla ice cream -with- baklava is really the best." he adds with a nod. "Might I ask the nature of your work? If you cannot talk about it, I understand. I have some restrictions on what I Can talk about related to work myself."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a nod to that, "Yes, I'm Greek and Italian. I have a very soft spot for all things Greek really." she chuckles to that. "Even went to College for it." she admits. Pietro's question of ice cream cake makes her look to him, "Have you not had ice cream cake? If not...we'll have to get you some asap. It is a cake with ice cream as the filling for a swiss roll or a layer cake." she tells him.

"My surname is Lykaios, my grandpa asked my mom not to change it given it's his line and all." she muses. "I'm a tattoo artist. I own Hunter's Moon tattoo over in Brighton Beach." she offers. She looks to Pietro as she doesn't want to state what he does for work without him saying something.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The magician tips her head sideways, hair brushing her shoulder. A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth at Angelo's inability to talk about his work so she moves on to safer subjects. "I guess we are hopelessly old-fashioned. I've never played Dungeons and Dragons either though I'd like to try." Like Angelo her life more closely resembles a fantasy game than might be imagined.

With a triumphant lift of her chin and a faint smile, "Well, we share similar heritage then, my father was Italian and my mother Turkish. He home-schooled me. And, I, on the other hand, can talk about my work. I'm a stage magician who loves deep dark chocolate sheet cake rolled into a swirl with vanilla ice cream. Gifford's are masters at it." The later said for Pietro's benefit.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I have read enough fantasy novels to make a good attempt at playing such games." The white-haired man admits. "So many books. There are so many authors enamored with the fantasy realms, that I doubt I will ever run out of them." A nod to Micola at the mention of getting some ice-cream cake. "I would like to try it, most defintely."

He shrugs slightly. "Pietro Maximoff. I work with the Avengers. Royal Prince to the nation of Genosha." A slight bow of his head. A smile to both. "Magician, interesting." He looks to Micola. "Do you perform anywhere in particular? Or have a show?"