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Latest revision as of 04:18, 19 June 2022

Jacob Visits Buster
Date of Scene: 17 June 2022
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Cain Marko learns he needs to work on his reputation.
Cast of Characters: Cheyenne Brawley, Robert Marksman, Jacob Walker, Singularity, Cain Marko

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Heat radiates in visible waves from the concrete jungle of Mutant Town as the sun goes to bed beyond the glass and steel mountains of the city. One of the abandoned buildings, its paneless windows boarded up not long ago, has become a hive of activity in recent weeks, but stands dark and empty for now - mostly. Overhead flies a banner that reads: "Mutant Works: Employement Solutions For The Talented." Seated on a makeshift picnic table made up of wooden cable spools and pine pallets is none other than Buster, along with a middle-aged man in a sweat-stained white dress shirt. Between them is a heap of spring rolls, surrounding a bowl of dipping sauce, on a tray of ice; poached shrimp peek through translucent wrappings along with carrots, cilantro, fish mint and more.
     "I hired some security, bud," says the Texan with a mouth full of Thai, "her name is Hannah. She's tough as a two-dollar steak."
     "One teenage pipsqueak isn't going to cut it. We need a whole team. Another delivery of copper pipes got stolen last night," says his companion, setting his blue hard hat aside and timidly taking a morsel for himself.
     "Worry not," says Buster with an impish grin, "I know just the guy."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman is walking out of the clinic. He looks back into the building and says "I am off for the evening, but if you need me you got my number." He has on his leather jacket even in the heat, and takes a moment stretching and looking about the area. At the talent sign he will raise a brow and start walking over.

Jacob Walker has posed:
He's no mutant, but with what he carries, most of them aren't going to be a threat. So Jake's ambling along, hands in his pockets, entirely at his ease; his dress shirt's a rumpled blue, the jeans a dark wash, close to black. There's no look of someone come to gawk or slum it.

The sound of a voice become increasingly familiar has him doing what's very nearly a double-take, and he turns to head for Cheyenne as if certain of his welcome. "Hey, you," he greets the other man, with a cheerful upnod.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity is a somewhat rare but not unheard of sight in the sky, the glowing blue girl frequently flying over the city as she explores, occasionally dropping down to look over things of particular interest, or to help people. Sometimes, this involved stopping bad people from doing bad things, but usually, it's more curiosity.
    In this case, she's notices the new sign and floats down in front of it to read it curiously., her glowing eyes scanning the words.

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     "Heeeey buddy," says Cheyenne, beaming at Jacob as he slaps a spot atop a wooden cable spool for the other man to join them. "Hungry?" He rummages in a plastic sack in the center of the table and sets a few bottles out on the table, along with a couple tins of canned fruit. In short order, he dumps six ounces of vanilla vodka into a red solo cup, along with a splash of sweet vermouth, four ounces of canned lychee juice, and a handful of ice from the nearest bodega - some of the gelatinous white fruit goes on top, last, and all this he sets before the barman. "Let me know what you think. Gal at the restaurant said this was the way to go." It might be noticed that Buster claims some lemon-lime soda for himself, spiked with some of the canned lychees.
     "What's new with..." his words trail off as he notices the starry figure of Singularity hovering just a few meters away. The Texan's eyes go wide, and his jaw is so slack it restson his collarbone. "Woooow."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks up checking out the flying figure as well. He will walk over to Cheyenne and says "So, you were able to find one of the buildings, that you could start working on?" He asks the man seeing that it seems he is working on the idea they talked about not long ago.

Cain Marko has posed:
So..the universe has seen fit to try this again:

A group of teenagers find their entrance to a corner store abruptly blocked by a literal wall of muscle and flesh that fills the double doors up completely . A towering mass of pectorals and thick stomach muscles protruding their shapes visibly through a tee shirt featuring Godzilla dwarfing Mount Fuji with appropriate Japanese letterings identifying the 'King of Monsters'. The outfit is all to fitting, to say the least, as the teens are forced to back away and watch, slack jawed, as the red headed giant of a man emerges from the store interior, turning sideways and ducking low to emerge onto the streets in a series of controlled movements that would put a team of clowns doing the tiny clown-car gag to shame. He eventually arrives, large family sized bag of chips in hand, and begins stepping down the streets with footsteps that are slightly shy of causing seismic disturbances. The sheer pressure of his presence and overall size is enough to turn heads as he passes and swallows the sidewalk with his girth but he pays no attention to anyone. They may as well not even be there.

The teens watch as the behemoth heads off and one turns to the rest of the group, going, "Again? Maybe we need to pick another store."

The whole thing might be a bit of deja vu for some who were here some nights ago. The purchasing of a bag of chips ended up leading to a bizarre confrontation between this giant, his companions..and..armed mercenaries? Rumors have spread to say the least.. He didn't get to enjoy his bag of chips when that happens so one supposes this is round two.

But he's not the only strange sight in Mutant Town this evening it seems as even he is forced to glance in the direction of Singularity.


Jacob Walker has posed:
"Free food, huh?" Jake asks, raising his brows. "Gotta be careful - you feed me and offer me booze, I may end up following you home." The concoction that Cheyenne offers him gets a faintly dubious look, but he doesn't demur. Far from it - he takes a tentative swallow, blinking thoughtfully. "Not bad," he allows, after a little consideration. "I mean, it's more a tiki drink than anything I've ever served on the regular, but...."

He trails off as well, turning to follow Buster's gaze. Nonplussed, by the look of things, but not so lost he can't elbow the Texan gently. "You catchin' flies," he admonishes him, sotto voce. "First rule of life in New York is to never, ever look impressed."

Robert gets a polite nod, but he doesn't volunteer a name. Jake's turning back to Buster, clearly on the verge of a question, but Marko's presence is enough to make him stare a moment. So much for not being impressed.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity has a curious air as she ponders the name on the sign, settling done easily on her toeless feet as she clasps her hands behind her back. After a moment, she looks over to Cheyenne and Jacob curiously, then Marksman as he arrives, before pointing at the sign. "Jobs. For mutants?"

    She is blissfully unaware of previous confrontations in the area, therefore when the crunching sound of Cain's approach is heard, she simply looks over, blinking with interest at the gigantic person coming down the street, a smile of interest coming to her lips. "Big." she comments after a moment, waving cheerfully to Cain as she notices him looking her way.

    She seems fairly unbothered by being stared at, returning the looks with a smile and waving to the others too, then waiting patiently to see if she can get an answer to her question.

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     "That's right sug," as in sugar, says Buster in response to Singularity; his tone is slow and sleepy as he sits in a daze, mesmerized by the thought of countless worlds living within the woman's cosmic corporeal form. "You lookin' for work? Then I'm your man..." He looks to Robert as well: "Hell yeah, buddy. I've got a spot to hang my hat in your lovely hotel as well."
     The approach of the ginger giant rumbles him out of his stupor and he erupts from his seat in a wave of excitement. "Hot damn, speak of the devil." He half-jogs on a trajectory to intercept the behemoth. "How ya doin', Tiny?" The Texan's body language tells all: he is a fanboy on the verge of geeking out in the shadow of a hero. "Dude, the way you handled that dang-ol' rough-houser and his goons was really somethin' - I've been tellin' folk about it all week." He points to the table, "Will you join us for a spell? I still owe you that drink, and I hope you like money, 'cause I wanna hire you." Cheyenne's smile is so wide his face nearly splits.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman 's brow raises a bit as he looks over towards the big guy. Robert has seen a lot living in the area for a while and being the main doctor in the area he has seen his share of different folks, but Cain is one of the largest for sure. He looks over to Singularity to help explain a bit "He is setting up a place where mutants can find jobs that will allow them to use their abilities to do said jobs better. A place to match folks with their best place and such."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Wassup hayseed."

Cain Marko's greeting is easy going, casual and bemused though, as is typical with him, there is always that rumbling under current of menace in its rumbling bass and a bravado of delightful arrogance and the mischief of a schoolyard bully just waiting for a chance to do something. So there's an odd juxtaposition here. A giddy happy blissfully unaware fish getting chatty with a grinning full toothed massive great white. Yet all seems well.

"Oh, you tellin' folk about lil'ol me? It was nothin'.. Why, I might even let you in on a litte secret."

His voice trails off abit as he hears Robert and he turns his attention towards him, massive neck seeming to risk swallowing his head from sight as it turns like a moving tank turret. He then looks to Singularity as well, studying her curiously now that she's abit closer. His tongue clucks up against the roof of his mouth as he looks her over and then his gaze drifts back down and flickers between all of them.

"..No foolin'? Hmm... Well, thing is..I'm not actually a mutant myself but...I might have some contacts I can have keep an eye out for you..."

Jacob Walker has posed:
"Man, you been movin' fast," Jacob says to Cheyenne, impressed despite himself. "Is that what you came to town to do, help mutants?" The Texan is singing the enormous man's praises, and he says, amused, "Well, you haven't told me. What's the story?"

Cain's admission that he is not, in fact, a mutant has Jake nearly choking on another mouthful of that drink. "Well, how'd you get so big, then?" he asks, or rather, demands. Like he's got every right to ask nosy questions of a behemoth that could break him like a twig.

Singularity has posed:
    The shimmering blue girl considers the job offer and the explanations offered, but shakes her head after a moment, smiling faintly. "Singularity already. Has a purpose. To help people." She points back to the sign. "But. It is good. To give people. A place to be. Their best." Her speech is a bit odd, like she's having to occasionally pause to parse her thoughts into words.

    Having said that, she pads over to Cain, then peers up at him curiously, craning her neck, studying him with a serious expression.

    After a moment she gets a little quirk to her lips, then floats upwards until she's at the big man's eyes level, at which point she beams at him. "Can see you. Now. Much better!" she says with a laugh in her voice, idly crossing her legs so she's sitting cross-legged in midair as she meets Cain's gaze more easily. Hers is still a bit odd, what with the faint glowing blue and no pupil, but it's not hard to tell when she's focusing on someone in particular. She glances over at WAlker. "People can be big." she says seriously.

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Buster chuckles in response to Cain's greeting, clearly oblivious to the predatory undertoe circulating beneath his shark-infested wave of words. "A secret, huh? Well, if you ain't got somethin' nice to say, sit next to me." Making his way back to the table, Buster carries on. "I want to hire you myself, Tiny. To be a security guard for the job site. See, we keep havin' stuff grow legs and walk away, ain't that right Francis?" He looks to the foreman for confirmation, and finds that the middle-aged man has vanished without a farewell. "Well anyway," he continues to Cain, "just name your price. No doubt in my mind you're worth at least a hundred regular security guards."
     Reclaiming his seat, the hayseed goes about making a second lychee martini, only it's about four times the size of the one he made for Jacob, who is the subject of his attention. "Ever heard of a feller named Bane? Ol' boy came around here with some monkeys with machine guns. Tried to impose a curfew on the folk hereabouts, or somethin'." Buster plucks a piece of fruit out of a can, readies it on his palm, and flicks it away with an index finger. "Just like that. Tiny handled him just like that. Went flying through a car and everthang, like in the movies." He giggles and places Cain's finished cocktail in a place where he can easily reach it and continues to Jacob: "You serious about following me home? You're welcome to stay with me, you know. Gets lonesome around here sometimes. Maybe you'd like to forget about St. Margaret's whatchamacallit and do something else?"
     Lastly, Buster settles in to watch Singularity, and his gaze grows distant again. "Where you from, gal?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman ahs and says "Oh, so this is your friend you were looking for?" He nods a bit to this and watches the others for a moment, and looks over towards the dinner, as he is considering going for food perhaps.

Cain Marko has posed:
"Good eatin'." responds Cain to Jacob's shocked inquiry, clearly amused and enjoying the confusion caused by his statement. He inclines his head to Singularity as she raises up to his head height and purses his lips lightly upon hearing her. SHe's not wrong, no, even if Cain's particular brand of bigness is a few steps beyond what most people consider big...and he's not even in his 'work clothes' so to speak. Her comment and ease at his staggering presence is noted and he continues to study her in thought before he hears Cheyenne explain the story and he gives a lightly lopsided smirk as the full explanation is finally given.

"Yeah..you don't have to worry about Bane anymore. The folk who have some..ah..vested interest in Mutant Town know about what went down and they'll be taking care of matters. Bane had no business being here and acting like he owns these streets but.. You're lucky I was here and in a good mood. I mighta handled him but Bane and his goons.. they're usually Gotham problems and aint nothing no regular security could deal with.."

He reaches for the drink and then adds, "Ah..I dunno hayseed. I appreciate the offer but.. how to say this.." He frowns, actually searching for the words to say and for a moment pauses in silence. "Well..I mean.. Didn't you catch that Bane knew who I was?" He flickers his gaze over to Singularity once more, pausing to see what she adds before deciding on if he is going to elaborate any further.

Jacob Walker has posed:
"I've heard the name," Jake allows. He's content to sip his drink, with no motion towards the food. His scrutiny does wander from Cain to Singularity, just as curious. "Damn," he says, still attending to Buster's story.

Then he chuckles, a little ruefully. "Nah, I'm good, man. I am not much of a roommate these days. And Saint Margaret's is okay for me now. I gotta lotta extra stuff to work on these days, much of which involves waiting rooms at the VA."

Cain's reply is greeted with a snort of amusement. "Fair enough," he says, after lifting his solo cup to the big man.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity pauses to think, pursing her lips a bit. "Outside. Of this place." She makes a gesture that seems to take in....well, pretty much everything around her. Including a good chunk of the sky if her sweeping, energetic motions can be trusted. She furrows her brow. "It's hard. To explain." she admits after a moment, a little frustrated. Or at least, it's hard to put it into words when she doesn't have the vocabulary quite yet. "WAY outside." she emphasizes, hoping that'll help.

    At Cain's question and gaze returning to her, she cocks her head. "Are you famous?" It's true she seems fairly trusting that Cain is not going to turn that imposing physicality on her, but there's also a simple openness to her manner. Like, of course the large person is not automatically scary or bad because they are big.

    She does frown a bit, furrowing her brow as she considers what she's hearing about this Bane person though. But then, there is that curious gaze on Cain, now wondering if he's going to explain something about who he might be.

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Moving the tray of spring rolls closer to the doctor, an implicit invitation to help himself, Buster makes a gesture at the barman, "Robert Marksman, meet Jake Walker, bartender extrordinaire. Jake, meet Robert, good doctor to the denizens of this here burrow, owner of The Centinel, and I dunno what else."
     He claims a spring roll for himself, dunks it in spicy sweet chili sauce, and crams the whole thing into his mouth. Cain is the subject of his attention while he chews. "Yessir, it WAS clear as a bell that Bane knew who you are, Tiny. That's one reason I want to hire you. Your reputation stands for a lot in these parts, even if I ain't heard of you, and it's not only about the job site, you know, but for the benefit of folk around here - no tellin' when more Gotham problems might make there way here." The Texan strokes the point of his beard, processing several questions at once. "And it sounds like you have good connections to boot, which is something I need in spades. Anyone who is a friend of Mutant Town is a friend of mine. Come on now, cousin, name your price." Buster slips a billfold from his jacket pocket, fumbles around in it long enough to withdraw a wad of cash, perhaps a couple thousand in hundreds and twenties, and offers it to Cain. "Call this a down payment."
     While he awaits the giant's response, his attention goes to Singularity once again. "Are you from another planet?" he ventures with pursed lips and raised eyebrows, as if he would be delighted to meet with a real-life, actual ET.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over to Cheyenne and says "We have a few things about to help keep issues down, the golem, the brotherhood does patrols on occasion. Having others watch over it is always a good thing." He does look to Cain "If problems do happen around here, try not to break the Golem, and if ya do leave me a message so I can get word to Lydia, to see if she can repair it.

Cain Marko has posed:
"Golem?" Cain blinks in curiousity and eyes Robert before simply looking back to Cheyenne, "...What he said." Cain gives a nod and then adds, "..This place has some eyes on it. Listen..you don't have to worry about Bane and his goons. As to the rest..well...sorry bro, but, I'm afraid you can't afford me. But..maybe I'll look in on ya from time to time. You got balls."

He sniffs, rubbing his nose and then grinning again. He's already grinned like a shark so perhaps this is abit more..wolfishly?

"Take that and leave it at that. Aint everyday The Juggernaut pays you a compliment."

That should be enough. He is unsure of Singularities affiliation but in his arrogance and ego presumes even if she is a hero or would be hero she knows the name well enough to know not to try anything on her own.

Same for the rest really and Cheyenne's already witnessed what he can do. So..eh..who cares who knows of him in this group.

Jacob Walker has posed:
"Pleasure, Doctor," Jake says, leaning over to offer Robert a long hand. The mention of the golem makes him blink, and then glance sharply between Doctor and Buster, like he's not sure if he's being made game of.

Then there's the sound of a phone, like nothing so much as the ring of an old-fashioned mechanical bell, and Jake fishes a worn little phone out of his pocket and rises. Answering it, he replies with monosyllables, nodding as if his interlocutor could see him. Laying a hand over it, he says in a hoarse stage whisper, "Work, I gotta go. Buster, I'll see you around. Pleasure to meet the rest of y'all."

With that, he's departing at a pace a far cry from his usual lazy amble.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity hmmmmms questioningly at Cheyenne's question as she glances at him. She frowns in thought, then brightens. "Bigger than planets. Galaxies. Universe?" she says testing the word. "Outside universe." she says again, with a bit more confidence. Which is apparently where she is from.

    Her attention goes back to Cain as he gives his name, her eyes widening slightly. So she recognizes it, at least. She peers close at Cain. "Juggernaut." she repeats to herself, frowning slightly. "You break. Things." She sounds more disappointed than afraid, still. But still not hostile.

    She's distracted by Jake's departure, giving him a sunny wave, before glancing at the others. They don't appear scared of Cain. Or at least they don't seem to think he's going to attack them, so...maybe he doesn't just break things?

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Buster sighs as his posture deflates. He puts his money away and stares at Cain with a slight frown tempered with respect, "Alright, Tiny. Caint nobody say it's 'cause your first cousin to Moses Rose." The Texan may just be the only person in the county who hasn't heard of THE Unstoppable Juggernaut.
     Swiveling on his seat to look at Robert, he asks: "The Brotherood? Say more." No doubt, he hasn't heard of them either.
     Jacob receives a big wave, "Catch you later bud, don't be a stranger."
     His gaze returns to Singularity and he says to her with a flavor of awe in his tone: "You mean, you're from heaven? An angel?" Cheyenneabruptly snatches the ballcap from his head and holds it over his heart, as if the Star Spangled Banner were about to be sung by the star spangled woman.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods his head and says "Yea a magic golem like in stories, it patrols the streets watching over the area. The brotherhood is a group that looks after mutants and mutant rights, in the past they have done so in some questionable method at times, but they are trying to be a lot more presentable and good examples for the kids and such. They live on an asteroid up in space, but come down on a semi regular bases.

Cain Marko has posed:

Jacob's swift departure is noted but Cain's attention returns to rest on Cheyenne. He expected him to have a more ..ah..emotional response then -that-. It's not often that Cain Marko's name drop doesn't do -something-? He almost isn't sure what to do at first. It's hard being a one trick pony.

"I'm The Juggernaut, hayseed. I dust knuckles with The Hulk and Tho..wha..aint you heard of The Unstoppable Juggernaut??"

Then Robert speaks and Cain is forced to look at the man and study him more closely now. There isn't any immediate recognition there but he has his attention as he rumbles, "Riiiiight..and yeah. I break things. Lots of things."

This last bit to Singularity. He notes her disappointment and is once again caught somewhat off guard.

"..Sometimes things just gotta get broken. I'm the embodiment of physical power, toots. It's just what I do. Man. I gotta work on my rep abit more I guess, eh?"

Singularity has posed:
    The shimmering girl blinks a bit at Cheyenne's reaction, distracted again. "...angel?" she says uncertainly. She pauses, considering, then points at herself. "Universe." She holds her thumb and forefinger close together. "Small universe. From outside." She waves her hand to take in everything again. "Big universe." She smiles. "What is. An angel?"

    She glances over at Cain, pursing her lips in thought at that explanation. "Maybe." she allows after a moment. "If it is. To help people."

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     "Hot damn," Buster says, barely above a whisper, eyes wider than ever as he looks at Singularity. "They were right... God IS a woman." He swallows hard in his throat and replaces his cap on his head, cantered to the side at a jaunty angle. "If it's people you mean to help, then you can count on help from me. Ma'am."
     His attention returns to Cain and he repeats with a playful snort, "The Juggernaut, huh, Tiny?" He jerks a thumb at Cain in a 'this guy...' kind of way. "Next thing I know, you'll be tellin' me you're a relative of Charles Xavier or somethin'."
     The Texan guffaws and says to Robert: "I'd like to meet some of them Brotherhood fellers. Care to drop any names? Maybe a P.O. box where I can send them a greeting card?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman says, "Probably best if I give them your info and they call you." He offers in a way to connect Brawley to the Brotherhood. At Cain, he will say "Juggernaut can be a bad bad man, but have heard you have helped some folks now and again, and if your looking after the folks here, then I aint got a problem with you. Mind you am pretty sure it does not really rank very high if a doctor out here has a problem with you or not. But I will say thanks for helping out.""

Cain Marko has posed:
He knows it's a strange irony for him to say that but..it's also a ..very..dangerous irony. Cain isn't sure if he's being mocked now or if Cheyenne is just -that- oblivious. The fact of his lack of certainity, however, does cause him to fall silent, the gears spinning in his brain as if he's trying to decide if a lesson must be distributed here or if it's not worth it and the guy is just that dense and possibly innocent. The Cyttorak part of him knows what side of the fence he would fall on ..but..

"Yeah..yeah.. Helping people." he says, allowing himself to be distracted by Singularity so he doesn't fly off in a rage at Cheyenne. "...That's it. You got it.."

AFter all.. AIM is people. Heck -he's- a 'people'. So sure. He helps people. Helps himself to bank vaults, etc.

Finally he seems to lock back into the here and now and he notes Robert's intervention.

"'Bad, bad, man..." he repeats, sounding amused once more, "..And yeah you're right.. You having a problem with me don't rank much on my problemo meter but...look..I just do what I gotta do, alright? Bane disrespected me, I put him in his place. I aint got a problem with the folk in Mutant Town though. No more then I do anywhere else. If they're in the wrong place at the wrong time..thems the breaks but..I will say that maybe you and I aren't to far apart in the folk we know."

He looks back at Cheyenne now and adds, "Listen to 'im. You do good around here..The Brotherhood will come callin'..."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity looks very unsure how to take Cheyenne's reaction, blinking at him uncertainly. "I am. Not Thor." she says after a moment of thought. "Not like that. Not a god?" she says, shaking her head, but not looking upset by the suggestion. Gentle but firm in denying it.

    She listens to Robert's discussion of Juggernaut's current career, tilting her head at the more grim tone taken by Cain responding. "...?" He helps...but she is fairly sure he break things. Maybe bad things. A mix of them. "Helping is good then." she decides, a bit uncertainly. "People here. Need help. And you are. VERY strong. Great strength. Great help."

    Now, the Brotherhood, she's a bit more unsure of, but they seem to be helping here too. So perhaps they have good points too?

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Buster is canny enough to notice that he's missed something, but can't seem to put his finger on it. "Whatever you say, bud," he replies to Robert. A fragile moment of confusion is replaced with a broad, duchenne smile as he lifts his lychee-flavored soda. "Ah hell, anyway, here's a toast to you, Tiny." He gestures clinking his red solo cup and downs a mouthful, chewing it fruit, ice and all. "If it weren't for that strength of yours, I might'a been snakebit by Bane and his posse. I'm sorry you won't work for me, but maybe we'll cross paths again one way or another and I can repay the favor. Any sort of favor, mind you - just holler at me if you need somethin'. The Brotherhood can call on me anytime, too."
     Standing, the Texan approaches Singularity timidly and holds a palm outward. "Can I," he hesitates to say it, "can I touch your hand, ma'am?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, a bit and pulls his phone out and starts to type something and then there is someone stepping out of the clinic and coming over to speak to him "Well folks if you will excuse me, seems some x-rays are needed, and it is a bit easier for me to do than other folks." He will chomp one of the rolls, and nods his head to the others as he starts to head out sending the message about Cheyenne to Blink.

Cain Marko has posed:
"Man.. You're dumber then a pile of rocks, Hayseed.. and the Thing's pretty dumb."

Har har har.

Cain nods, neutrally at Robert though he eyes him as he begins to move away. He will make an effort to remember him. That could be a good thing. or..very bad. He is a bad, bad man after all.

"Don't worry about it..." he finally says towards Cheyenne, "Just don't do anything stupid if I'm not around. Maybe look my name up at least. If you can spell it..."

He eyes CHeyenne and Singularity once more..giving the later a mild smirk, studying her one last time before finally turning to start to head down the street again. A slow moving boulder.

Singularity has posed:
    The glowing girl uncrosses her legs at Cheynne's request, floating down to settle herself on the ground again, then holds out her hand, then points at herself with the other. "Singularity." she says, giving her name. "Pleased to meet you." Someone apparently taught her what to say in these circumstances, as she beams at Cheyenne, then waves to Marksman as he starts to head off.

    Her hand feels warm, and much like a young girl's...smooth, without wrinkles or imperfections. No fingernails really. It's like she's more an impression of a young woman than fully detailed in that respect.

    Which is probably for the best, considering she's not wearing a stitch.

    When Cain moves to leave as well, he also gets a wave. "Goodbye!" She mmms, then smiles. "Should go too. Patrolling!" Well, when she's not sightseeing." She floats up into the air. "Will stop by. Help watch this place." she promises to Cheyenne. "I like. What you are doing."

    Another little wave, then with a soft flash of blue light she vanishes, teleporting away.

Cheyenne Brawley has posed:
     Buster stares at his hand following Singularity's introduction, dumbfounded. "Hot damn, I'll never get used to this place."