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Latest revision as of 14:18, 26 June 2022

Working Brunch, for Justice!
Date of Scene: 31 January 2022
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Arthur Curry, Booster Gold, Naria Shepard, Dinah Lance

Ted Kord has posed:
Yes it is a brunch. For Justice. Ted loves brunch, most people do. There's a fully catered brekkie for six on his coffee table. The bots have been threatened with the recycle bin at the first hint of any statues today. I mean just because you save the world, doesn't mean you don't have to eat, apart from AI. He bets Superman can put it away. Ted sets a mean table, or his bots do.

He paces a little and remembers to set the Monitor Room Manual he marked up on his desk. As for the bots... threats did not move them. But, the first mention of Justice League made them high tail it for the farthest corners. Oh well.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The text Arthur had sent wasn't exactly forthcoming with a lot of information. It had been brief in the extreme simply stating, << Hey. I have a thing I want you to look at. This morning? >>
    And that was it, little more little less, save to perhaps finagle and narrow down the time as to when might well be good. But once that was done it took him little to get under way and headed to the building under his own power. It was perhaps give minutes before the designated time that he showed up at the base of the building where Ted had his penthouse, pausing long enough to adjust the hang of his backpack on one shoulder and grimacing as he looks up and up toward the skyline of the city.
    Though it wasn't too long before he caught sight of a familiar face wending their way towards him. "Look at what the cat dragged in and all that." Arthur comments even as he smirks a bit and stuffs his hands into the pockets of his blue jeans.

Booster Gold has posed:
    With the smell of brunch wafting in the air, it attracts characters much like a Tex Avery cartoon. So much so that in strides Booster Gold, wet from head to toe despite having a white towel drapped around his neck. His majestic blond locks slicked to his head, trailing water everywhere. And yes, he has swapped out his power suit for an on-brand gold Speedo - should anyone be lucky enough to view from the backside, they would see the emblazoned BG logo firmly upon his posterior.

    "Ah, breakfast, you shouldn't have!" announces the semi-permanent couch surfer. Only after he sees how much food is set out, and more importantly, the presence of Aquaman, does Booster realize it is not just for him. Maybe not for him at all. Maybe that would have prevented him from this sort of entrance. Probably not.

    "What's up, King of the Sea? The water's great." he says, nodding his head back from whence he came, a cascade of water dropping down to puddle on the floor behind him.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Being invited to the Hall was awesome, Rave still couldn't believe the experience (or the selfies) from that day. Being invited to breakfast with others? That was still pretty good, especially when it hadn't been preceded by having her butt kicked in training beforehand.

Of course, her arrival comes in a bright flash of light streaking across the city... till she'd had to walk the last little bit and catch the elevator, lest she lead the overly curious to someone's hideout. Not everyone was a publicly 'outed' hero or heroine after all.

At least today she wasn't dressed for clubbing at this hour, a simple dark shirt and skirt paired with some leggings on her form as she knocks on the door.

Dinah Lance has posed:
When Dinah got the message about a brunch, she had sent along a reply that she would attend. Though she had added she had something she hoped Ted would look at for her. It was something she didn't need but something she wanted. So when she had arrived in the parking area, she had a small duffle with her. She carried it in one hand and headed for the stairwell. Then remembered the time and the fact the building was 30 stories and opted for the elevator instead.

That's where she met up with Arthur. "Good morning. Didn't realize you were coming. You could've ridden with me." Which meant on the back cause ain't no way she's letting someone else drive her motorcycle.

As the elevator pinged, she entered before him because of course she did. Then she pushed the button for the penthouse.

Upon their arrival, he was closer to the door so she let Arthur exit first. Thus he got the eyeful of Booster in all his glory before she stepped out onto the floor as well.

"Good mo--oh my."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks at Booster and is about to tell him to go change when Arthur and Dina arrive via the elevator. A cowering bot, appears long enough to ope the door for her and point towards the living room. Then it retreats.

"Hey Skeets, please shove a coaster under the Sunk-Mariner there. Hello all. tyou remember my frequent roomie and aspiring model -Booster. He's up for second from the left on one of those evolution charts. Come in, have a seat, grab some brunch... my bots are around here somewhere to serve... I think."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Hey kid," Arthur gives a nod to the speedster. To Dinah he smirks during the ride on up and says, "Yeah, we discussed this before. Ain't happenin', lady." But he does casually nudge her shoulder as he steps past the Blonde Bombshell and out into the main foyer. Then once out there he receives a vision.
    A rich laugh comes from Arthur as he exits that elevator and is given brief witness to the glory of what is Booster Gold's ensemble. He gives an upnod and murmurs with a warmth to him, "Hey man. Lookin' good."
    Then he lifts a hand to wave across the way catching Ted with similar nods sent their way. "Hey, you totally did a thing." He offers concisely, gesturing with the backpack toward the spread of breakfast even as he takes that pack off his shoulder.
    As he wanders on in further he does take a look at the spread of food then gestures with the pack "Where should I put this? It's a... skin sample. Thing." Which might have been good to know beforehand.

Booster Gold has posed:
    Leaning over towards Ted as he walks by, Booster shakes out his head, spraying the Beetle with his own pool water. "Don't be jealous." As he continues past - oddly offering some kind of sashay for Ted's view, Booster reaches up with the towels to finish toweling off his hair a bit. "Although if you had told me were having company, I might have ensured we had a bit more decorum." Likely not.
    His path takes him over past the brunch lay out, and he picks up a large croissant. "Why are our friends always bringing us lumps of flesh?" He takes a huge bite from the croissant, nods as the other heroes continue in. "Pool's open to anyone, by the way."

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Hey," Rave greets, still excited enough to be acknowledged by members of the league. Dinah gets a smile, a nod of her head before she falls into step behind the others and move into the door, giving a little whistle at the sight of luxury around them.

She was still living in a apartment after all!

Booster's entrance has Rave blinking, a little shake of her head before she shrugs. At least he had branding downpat!

Work stuff was happening, but for the moment the young woman's gaze moves to the food.