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Latest revision as of 14:19, 26 June 2022

Lights, Camera, Mojo!
Date of Scene: 05 February 2022
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Valerie Killmore, Megan Gwynn, Tabitha Smith, Daniel Chain, Noriko Ashida

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There had been some peppy, upbeat music and then a FLASH of a teleport as each individual would from wherever they had been and then they would be in another world. An empty void, an arena, with countless seats filled far, far up into the sky as if they were never ending. A huge holo-screen up in the air flashing down with a countdown!

Valerie Killmore has posed:
An office chair that is missing one of it's wheels is left, alone, spinning in the lab of Hex. She was working on something, goggles over her eyes still as she's in a 'seated' position and then... she hits the ground. In... an arena? Bobbing her head to the music that had been present just before the FLASH, Hex hrmphs as she hits the ground, "Ohhhhh, you tell me now that's what that rune does. No, oh, well, good..." Reaching up slowly, Hex lifts up her goggles and looks around, getting to her feet, eyeing out in the crowd.

"Well, hello." Taking her hand from her goggles, having put them up on the top of her head, she lets her jaw go slack a bit, "That's a lot of people." She waves her hand and starts chuckling, turning on one foot, and exaggeratedly stepping away she stops again, and then looks up, "A lot a lot of people. What do we do in this kind of situation? I dunno, maybe..." She reaches down to her side where a clatter bomb grenade rests, "No, not yet. Not... yet." Instead she just waves to the people, slowly, a little uncertain.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn had been chilling in the recroom, sipping more eggnog as she watched one of her favorite animes..And then suddenly there was a blinding flash and she found herself in an arena. "What the..Heey, what's going on..Don't tell me I got sucked into another crazy dream world?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith just wanted her damn sandwich. A nice pastrami on rye with lettuce carrots and onion and just a little mustard for kick. It was nice. That and her hazelnut latte however do not make it with the blonde haired girl who looks rather perturbed. Dressed in clothes that might seem garish for a time of year that is not mid to late December. Red jeans, one knee ripped and the nother with a thigh blown out and only some thick black stockings to keep skin from freezing. A shiny green leather jacket done in a jean style while a spiky collar like choker and matching belt looped through her pants accessorise. Some comfy green canvas chucks keep ice and street sludge off her feet.

seeing the void, others appearing and a a Hex teases grenade. "You don't wanna do that sweetie. Mine's bigger." she says and looks rather miffed.

It was a fantastic sandwich and it's gone, gone and so Tabby is feeling like she needs to be scary.

Daniel Chain has posed:
Daniel had been wandering his way through the streets, a slight frown on his face as he followed the course another set of strands, wondering if this would perhaps have led him to his quarry. His guitar case and his backpack were all he was carrying with him, and they're what's brought as a sudden cluster of threads is his only warning before --

"A transference?" Fortunately such things aren't unnown to him, although this is the first time he's been subjected to such in such a rude manner. Daniel blinks as he finds himself in some sort of arena, able to recognize it as such even if likewise, he's not seen this sort before. And likewise with the countdown -- the Skein has been called upon before to craft things that made use of such, and generally not towards a good end. Quickly he shrugs off his pack and drops to one knee, rummaging around inside. There's at least one familiar face here, but he's going to see to himself first before anything else.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
The electric blue haired speedster was 'sleeping' in a black coffin.  It's dark, and she's transported after rapidly drifting off to sleep wearing some short, navy blue cotton shorts, a bubblegum pink midriff tee, and metal gauntlets that stop a little above her elbows.  She's barefoot.

First Noriko hears the music, "Jubes keep it down!  I'm testing the coffin!" but she knows in her hazy state that this isn't Jubes music, even if it is stretched out in her sleepy velocity.  She closes her eyes and the next time she wakes, she's here.

"What the-?"  Noriko looks unimpressed...with her mind.  She's been kidnapped so many times before, she's had countless nightmares, and so far this one has put friendly faces in it!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
As the countdown would finish, the screen would flash and a loud 'ITTT'SSS SHOWTIME!!' would erupt accompanied by a lightning bolt! On the holo-screen the face of a hideous looking insectoid like thing made of blubber would appear upon it with some sort of cybernetic looking butler floating behind him.
    "I am MOJO! I not at all humbly welcome all contestants to DIE!"
    Behind him, the cybernetic butler'ish looking man would whisper to him. "My Blubberness, if they're going to all be immediately killed that disrupts the point of the entertainment."
    Mojo would go "Oh, yeah thanks. AHem! Where was I. I, Mojo, entertainer extraordinaire, welcome you to your soon-to-be but not hopefully imminent doom where you shall lay down your lives for the inter-stellar, multi-dimensional entertainment of me, myself, and I!" Major Domo would whisper in his ear again. "Oh, I mean /my viewing audience/! Clap and let them hear you!"
    The sounds of dozens of millions of being hooting and hollering from th stands would perhpas be the loudest thing that any had ever heard.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
People are popping in, and Hex actually brings her hands together and claps some, squealing in a bit of giggled laughter, "Ooohhhhoohohohoh, one two three four, three, five. One two three four five. Onetwothreefourfive." Hex repeats as she is pointing in the direction of each of the people who have popped in, and including herself in the mix. Each person gets a new number each go around, but it speeds up with her words. "We're all going to die! Hahaha. Such a way to go..." She slaps her thigh with her hand, like someone told a dad joke.

When Tabitha speaks up, she tilts her head, furrowing her brow together and starts walking in the blonde's direction. "Ohhhhhhh, really?!" She tilts her head to the other side, and partially back, looking up only a little before saying, more casually, "I'd like to see that. Really. But..." She chomps her teeth, clicking them together some inquisitively, "I don't see any yarn." Inspecting Tabitha with her eyes, Hex's own grenades seemingly stuck to her waistband by hot pink coiled up yarn for the perceptive in the room.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks and rubs her eyes. Thankfully she wasn't caught in her PJs or the shower, and is dressed in black jeans and a glitzy colorful pink and bright green band shirt of some sort, probably featuring The Dazzler. Thankfully she's wearing running shoes as she figures she's probably gonna do a lot of running in this world.

And then there's a big screen and a giant slug looking creature that's talking like a show gist or something. "What the heck, Mojoverse?!" oh wait, didn't she hear something about that in training once? "Ohhh great, so like, we're in some crazy game show or something then..? I'm guessing this isn't exactly Hollywood squares huh?"

She laughs nervously as she glances around as others appear, recognizing some of them. "Nori? Tabby? What's going on..?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The presence on screen gets another groan from tabitha as she just pinches the bridge of her nopse. "Fuuuuuck. Yeah Pixie." she explains to the winged girl and the others that might be unfamiliar. "Likes his TV so much he just makes his own shit up when he doesn'tb like HBO or Skinemax. Genres are kinda random and his whims." she states and turns back to Valerie. Hands palms out enxtend and crackle as the blonde woman starts trying to ignite a couple basketball sized bombs. "Hope you don't mind if I trash the set before shooting starts. Gonna save us all time and energy. TRust me!" she says with a very wicked smirk to the woman and then up to the oversized lump of asshole on screen.

Daniel Chain has posed:
Daniel waits until he can retrieve a folded pocketknife and a roll of bandage gauze from his pack, holding the former between his teeth before transferring the latter to his jacket pocket. Shrugging his pack and dropping the folded knife into the hand not holding his guitar case, and finally takes his first good look around at his surroundings. That is... a lot of people, and he gets that the kind of performance they want to see *isn't* going to involve music. The perpetrator behind all this -- Mojo? That name sounds oddly familiar...

Hex's bright colors are definitely familiar, and Daniel actually brightens himself a little, tucking his pocketknife with his thumb to raise his hand and give her a little wave from where he stands. No call-out just yet though -- the young man with the white streak in his hair is keeping a wary eye on his surroundings. The strands in this place look workable, but not at all friendly.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The echos would go louder and louder and be chanting 'MOJO! MOJO! MOJO!' Booming throughout the arena. Up on the screen Mojo would cackle, "Thank you! My fame precedmes me! Even in that little dimension where I.. Have I done anything there before!? Uh.." Major Domo would shrug.
    "Nevermind, not important! Becuase I'm going to do things to yoU! So here's all the fun and thrills!"
    A booming echo going from Mojo, "IT's time for a DEATH RACE! The winner of the race.. WON'T DIE! The death race contestants.. Well, the rules are simple! You die if you don't try! And heeerrreee's Johnny!"
    Major Domo would whisper to him again.

    Then coming from behind our intrepid heroes and villains would be the sound of revving engines. Lots and lots of revving engines. Dozens of vehicles of all caliber - motorcycles, hovercraft, tanks, trucks. All of themf estooned in spikes and ridden by various aliens in spikes. They wore armor criss-crossing in spikes. Capes with spikes. Pouches with spikes. Vastly oversized and impractical blades with spikes. Grotesquely proportioned torsos with spikes. Freakish numbers of pockets around outfits.
    "IT'S TIME FOR A LIEFELD-PA-LOOZA! GET READY TO LOSE!" And there were so many vehicles going to zoom at the group now! Firing machine guns, flamethrowers, with huge looking chainsaws and whip-blades on the front of them!
    For our intrepid heroes (and villains) would appear a small, beat up looking 1960's Volkswagen Beetle!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn narrows her eyes, glancing around at the others. "Game show to the death? I don't think so..Everyone gather close, I'll teleport us out..Sihal Novarum Chinoth!" she exclaims, intending to port them out of this crazy world and back to some safe place on earth..But do the laws of magic and time and space work the same here? Who knows!)

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko pushes up to her feet and sighs.  "This has so been overdone."  In the background Mojo blares on about him and his audience.  Nori yawns, a crackle of electricity jumping from the palm of her gauntlet into the back of her throat spontaneously.  All but her middle finger lower as an afterthought to the screen.

"Okay but what if doing this is like not having to try?"  Noriko posits to the big screen in the sky, because apparently this is a logical thing to do here, for her.  When the race begins, Noriko just shoots off on her own two feet.  "Anyone want a lift?"  She asks, her words coming over air before she's already gone, surveying the 'track' and contestants and then rounding back to the back of the Beetle.  "I need a driver to put it in neutral!"

Valerie Killmore has posed:
"What what? Nooooo..." Hex is looking at Tabitha as her hands start to glow, "I think I can win this thing." She looks around, again and is starting to bounce back and forth on her feet, her head swaying back and forth while her long long braided pigtails start swaying with the music as well. She sees Daniel and waves, "Hey P D D C."

Then she's continuing to bounce back and forth, "I will fuck a motherfucker up to win this. Get the back alley guy as an ally. Boom. Get the blonde to explode and distract. Boom." A pause, shifting eyes back and forth, "I am NOT speaking ALOUD!" She stops bobbing as she speaks loudly, then takes in a deep breath, holding it. Then she just screams, suddenly, quick, and smiles, looking back as the vehicles rev up.

Then there's a VW Bug that appears, and her eyes light up, "Driver seat!" Starting to bolt toward the door... laughing?

Tabitha Smith has posed:
For somereason the mention of Liefeld makes Tabitha suddenly shudders and cringes. Must be some long repressed genetic memory.

Even with minimal spikes at her neck and waist, the other 'Contestants' that aren't the ones recently plucked from earth streets have even Tabitha beat on spikiness.

The shit box of a car is spotted and to be fair. It would have absolutely been a fixer upper Tabby would have worked on herself to Tabby up but now. Noriko gets a grin along with Pixie. "Guess we ride or die ladies!" she states and throws both bombs up at the screen to try and destroy it and get some extra peace and slightly more quiet from Mojo's interruptus.

Dashing for the Beetle, the girlk actually climbs on the room and taps the windshield. "You crash us you walk home!" Tabby states and looks to David and the X-girls not climbiing in. "We gotta double dash this shit. One driver, the rest throw shit!" she calls out as she grabs just indide a side window to make sure she doesn't get thrown around too much.

Daniel Chain has posed:
Daniel blinks as the nature of their opponents come into view -- and even in the midst of this situation, he can't help but give an artisan's disapproving eye at how jury-rigged those enemy vehicles look. At least *some* people seem to be having fun, as the girls get a startled look as they rush towards the beat-up looking Volkswagon. A mournful look is given towards his guitar case... but no, there's no real way he can bring this with him, he needs both his hands free now. And so he sets it down with a sigh. Chances are it's not going to escape unscathed... rebuilding it is going to be aggravating.

So. Time to make his displeasure known.

As he strides forward, the glamor covering his face melts away, a glaring red orb left in place for his left eye. Threads visible only to him swarm to his call, a variant of the aether-riding spell he uses now keeping him anchored as he leaps up to jump-step up to the roof of the bug as well, turning back-to-back with Tabitha. Spreading his arms wide as he switches his fingers; runnels of blue-orange flame flickering over the fingers of one hand, arcs of electricity flickering over the fingers of the other.

"It seems we won't have time for proper introductions," he murmurs absently, glancing back over his shoulder. "But no matter. I will teach these ones the meaning of my name. And all of you are welcome to join me."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Megan Gwynn's attempt at teleportation would sizzle an fizzle and give herw aht might almost feel like a huge static shock jolting her! Whatever the Mojoverse was -definitely- had something powerful and magic to it. At least enough to block her from teleporting out.
    The crowd would be chanting, "DEATH RACE! DETH RACE! DETH RACE!" One could almost -hear- the blatant misspelling in the chanting.
    Tabitha and Valeriw ould get ready for the explosion-off as Noriko would rapidly zoom around the Beetle, getting ready to put it in gear! From the rear. One girl having shotgun, the other having driver.
    Daniel would stride forwards, taking down his glamour perhaps to.. no actual panicked reaction!
    Dozens of racers zooming towards him, going to start to lash out over at him with chains that had spikes! Spikes that had chains! A pair of motorcycles with chainsaw blades on the front on fire being ridden by six limbed insects wearing biker gear!
    Two heavy monster trucks with rams on the front zooming over twoards the VW Beetle with the unfortunate issue of the wheels of the truck hving it about twice as far up the ground than the VW.

    Meanwhile far off to the side in the arena there would appear a confused looking man wearing glasses with curly hair, a mustache, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and with various other members of a band blinking.
    Looking around themselves in confusion, someone would chant "HIT IT!"

    The man wearing teh Hawaiian shir would shrug as if this was totally normal, and go to play the chords of his accordion.
    ~Put down that chainsaw and listen to me~ It's time for us to join in the fight~It's time to let our babies grow up to be cowboys~It's time to let the bedbugs bite~

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"If anyone else needs a ride, we'll pick them up!" Noriko shouts to her driver.  She waits for the few people who are hopping on and arming the VW with...themselves!  Daniel's appearance changing doesn't faze Nori.  Nothing does, because Nori's in a dream, so she can do anything.

So Nori hits the gas so to speak, but accelerates not as quickly as she could, testing whatever this guy is using to stick to the roof.  Instead of using her electricity to zap things, Noriko saves it for getting everyone around.  A Beetle is easy enough for anyone to roll themselves, but for a speedster?  They are the fastest thing on the track...and the person applying the gas can't see a thing back there.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
At the steering wheel, because no one else stopped her from getting there, Hex is sitting down. "Let's get you revving." She turns the key, and the engine sputters, then sputters some more, there's a screeching sound before finally it starts... humpurrcoughing as it starts to run, bad dark exhaust popping out the backend.

Then, she taps her phone screen for a moment, and pulls up some music. There's a little quick back and forth beat, with some whistling happening that Hex is mixing it up with. She hits the radio, and magically, the phone starts playing on this 1960's definitely no bluetooth stereo. And boy does it sound better than anticipated, not great, but better than a phone speaker produces on it's own. She doesn't respond to Tabitha, having taken a small chunk of time to get the music going, "They had tongues like guns, I had nowhere to run..." She starts singing with the song playing, 'Stand Up' by The Cab.

The crowd roaring, gets a wave out the window to them, "Death race!" She shouts, then goes back to the song, kicking the vehicle into neutral, and giving a thumbs up to Noriko, as she is singing along with her song, "'Cause sanity is suicide and crazy are the legends..." causing a bit of cognitive dissidence for those who hear her music and these new Hawaiian shirted singers... which causes Hex to squint. And under her breath, gripping the steering wheel she says, "10 points..." When Nori hits the 'gas' and they all start rocketing forward!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks and shudders, jumping back at the electric shock. "Whaa?No fair!" she frowns, realizing quite quickly that the dome must be shielded magically from the outside. Looks like they will have to play the game to win!

With that in mind, she leaps to the sky, iridescent dragonfly wings buzzing at a hundred miles a minute a# she glides over their cyberpunk enemies, beating her wings down as she focuses a cone of pink glittery pixie dust at a large swatch of punks, hoping to confuse or knock them out, maybe even just blind them if she can!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The Wacky Race is on. Tabby tilts the cat eye sunglasses on her head to res on her nose and keep the wind from distrupting her aim. Riding the roof, Tabitha lets out a looud "WOOOOOOOO!" as the car rolls out and as soon as vehicles are in range she starts charging bomb after bomb to lob and launch as far as she can without putting the car she's on in danger. Explosions go off and a manic glee is worn as it seems Tabitha might just be in her element with an opportinity to cut loose.

More than a few bombs left on timers on the ground behind her like someone set a landmine on a bananapeel.

Daniel Chain has posed:
As the band strikes up their chorus and Hex blares out her own soundtrack to this chaotic scene, Daniel abently drums his heel on the roof of the bug, counting out to a third music running between them -- one running within his own chest as a battlesong growls in his throat. It's a cold eye now that glances back over his shoulder, measuring the oncoming enemies with the clinical look of an engineer... or a mortician. And as the others lay down their opening salvo and traps, Daniel twists his body and trrows his hand out past Tabitha. The cracking energies from one hand now blasting out in searing streams of lightning, looking to strike the lead vehicle with all its ugly metal.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's an almost cartoonish VROOMSH over as Noriko goes behind the VW and revs up, and then they're off! The hurled bombs by Tabitha being run over by some of the cars, there being a 'three, two, one.. CONTACT!' before the cars would detonate, SRKOOSHING up and over into the air, the explosions hitting other cars which would then detonate over into rooling boils of passing flame! It was as if they were in some sort of crazed action movie, ignorant of physics.
    In the sky, Megan is going to throw down the glitter bombs! There would be screams of 'IT SPARKLES! IT SPARKLES! LIKE HYGIENE!' as things hit by it would also detonate or run off the field screaming while they would be covered over in rainbows, most of them being run over by other passing abominations!
    On the dashboard of the VW next to Valerie would be a.. Panel of buttons? That had on them various multi-colored.. Turtle shells for some reason. Why would a random VW have those? However, they were BUTTONS. Buttons with FLASHY SHINY BITS.
    Daniel's hand glows and unleashes a bolt of electricity taht surges forwards in slow motion, as if they were suddenly switching to Matrix-Vision. One could almost turn thier head to watch it or touch it as the lightning bolt went forwards, going to hit the oncoming monster trucks.. Then hit them and EXPLODE as the 1812 Overture set in. There was something assuredly absurdlyg lorious about it.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
The car is a go-go. And Hex is the pilot, which means, she gets to choose her targets. The speed of the vehicle vrooming only aids in her decisions. There's competing music, and it needs to stop! Hex turns with the track, but is rather single-mindedly looking to target the Hawaiian shirted musicians as they go. Crashing through their band playing antics, making them dodge and scatter even as musical instruments, amps, crash and shatter from the VW's excessive speed.

Now that that's done, there were buttons? Oooh hoo hoo. Driving with one hand, and looking up only occasionally, "Now what do you do? I bet you do something, explosions? Bombs? Guns? Is this some kind of Go Go James Gadget car?" Definitely not a TV or movie goer. She does bring up one knee though and starts idly steering with that, making the VW swerve left and right more raucously, causing her fellow allies to hold on TIGHT while she works.

Taking down the glove box, she breaks it off, then using her teeth and hands, pulls the metal key lock off. Now she's bending it, twisting some, until she gets a sharp corner as she starts to scratch something into the buttons while not watching where they are going at all. With her extreme swerving, it's probably the only way these enemies are even able to have a chance of keeping up from Nori's speed! "No, no, this will DEFINITELY work. Yes, of course, we coooOOoOOould explode too." Talking to 'someone' while shaking her head dismissively.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn continues to fly a little behind the car, picking of laggers or at least slowing them down with her dust even if it means flying backwards as she co to use to sprinkle blinding, hallucinogenic faerie dust in the face of their attackers while nimbly dodging any blasts aimed at her..Although she does manage to get singed in the shoulder once or twice which causes her to falter briefly, "Come onnn, how many are there anyway? Do we have to blow em up before we win or what..?" hmm now that's an idea, though she has a lot on her plate as it is, to concoct a proper plan on the fly..

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Some bombs do miss and explode with little impact on anything but the dirt beneath it. Some even seem to roll and bank along the ground or in the air as Tabitha pitches them one after the other, adjusting a little more hear and there than normal backspin might accomplish.

Those monster trucks catch Boom-Boom's eye and it's them that see really tries to focus on. Daniel's lighning gettinmg a mad cackle though she is sad that the vehicles hit don't shrink.

Megan Above gets a grin and a shout. "As many as we fucking need to. These fuckers respawn I beet cause it's some Twisted Metal Whore Mode bullshit right here!"

Daniel Chain has posed:
Daniel has absolutely no idea what Tabitha is talking about as he's certainly not a gamer, and even less of a TV person than Hex. But he does seem to get the general gist about the number of their enemies, and he gives a cold smile as he tosses back over his shoulder: "Then I'll start thinning them out!"

Becuse it's not the way of the Ebon Skein to simply stand rooted and casting. The Skein's fighting style is swift, mobile, darting between strands and levels of web while lashing out with both fang and spell, the ultimate expression of skill and strength and one's very right to live.

It's not a right Daniel plans to part with for this sorry lot facing them But he'll be more than happy to demonstrate his earning of it.

His spell keeps him anchored in place even as Hex's crazy criving sends them veering back and forth, only rocking him in place a bit. And then letting his flame-wielding hand drop, banishing fire as he switches the strands of his existing spell instead, reversing it. Dropping down to a crouch before springing up in a high, soaring leap, currents of force easily guiding him towards the nearest of the marauding vehicles. And unleashing another blast of lightning as soon as he lands.

And immediately jumps to the next. And the next. They've been obliging enough to come at them en masse, driving in a rude formation. And that lets him make magic-assisted jumps between each vehicle. Pausing only just long enough to hurl a bolt of lightning, a blast of flame, a spike of force through a windshield. Stick and go before jumping on, each attack devestating on its own, and even if not immediately lethal, odds are forceful enough to cause at least one driver to lose control of their vehicle.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko has been keeping up with the twisty turns of the Beetle like someone reading a book while walking, only she's not walking, she's got her eyes on the screen that got blown.  She's looking for some source of electricity.  This isn't a game they can win.  By Mojo's rules, this isn't over till one person is alive and everyone else is dead.

So by Noriko's calculations, they have to change the rules.

"Can anyone sense electricity from far away?!" Noriko tries to shout above the loudly puttering motor and the music.  She idly watches the spells leaping from Daniel and his little jumping technique, and wonders if she might be able to incorporate some of the same kind of movement in her fighting in the future, if there is one.  These thoughts race as a mere moment passes.

"I can maybe pull the plug on this place."  What effect that will have, who knows.  "Maybe it will power down whatever is blocking Megan's teleportation.  Or maybe I can overload it!" she spitballs with whoever might be listening.  

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The band scatters as Valerie runs past/through them, they would somehow not miss a beat to whatever they were playing as the VW spun around over to the sounds of pinball bumpers going off to loud -BINGS-! Valerie's mad twistings of things together seemed like they might do something! But whether that would be to them, their seemingless endless hordes of attackers that were Rob-drawn Mad Max monstruck-tors, or just the entire arena was up in the air (with Pixie)!

Up above on the holo-screen, Mojo would throw papers around, "They're alive! They're still alive! Thats' ont in the script!"
    Major Domo would speak, "Your bloatedness, you wished to have this be 'reality television' so you wouldn't have to spend time torturing the writers slowly." Mojo would go, "Oh, yeah!"
    "I'll just have to kill them faster! FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT!"
    Mojo would throw around more pieces of papr, "Oooh, ooh, Cy-Kill! No, wait, that's the wrong genre! Killpower? H has the power to kill.. No, wait, existing character. Overkill! He'll kill them way over.. No, existing character again! Dammit, all the good names are taken already!"
    Then slowly and madly he would grin, "SLAYRIDE!" He would whip the papers around, bisecting Major Domo.
    "Get me an arist fast that can draw him up!" Major Domo would somehow bisected on the floor go, "Yes your blubberness."
    Fires blsting up in the air over at Megan would be about as accurate as the shooting in an eighties cartoon, leaving her unharmed so far.
    Mojo's voice would chant out, "Now it's time for some MOTOR-CROSS! MOTORS, CROSS UP!" All of the charging vehicles would start to slow thier chase, going to race towards one another, going to be racing up in the air and latching onto one another as they would be clibming and clambering!
    Someone had better listen to Noriko fast! OR get another idea!

    Mojo chanting. "FORM FEET AND LEGS!" The remaining cars pumping p and into the air to make a hideous looking spiked monstrocity. "FORM ARMS AND BODY!" Taking on proportions that could be humanoid.
    "AND I'LL FORM THE HEAD!" A giant television of Mojo's face would appear. "LET'S GO MOJO FORCE!"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith ducks her head down to listen in on Noriko's plan when she hears words under the car roof. Hands grip the side windows enough while the llaying down allows better airflow for the drive.

"You think you can end it for us fast Nori babe?" she asks the Japanese speedster. and it makes her think back to when they chatted and Tabby's mouth got her an attempt at electrocution. "Nori I can give you what yhou need. I just need enough left for..." And she tilts her head up to look at the gestalt robot and then poked her head back in the window to loudly continue offering suggestsion."That I may need a lift up there. This is gonna suck but ya know. I ain't the big damn hero this time." she says and offers Noriko a bare hand. And all those electrons and electricity her own metabolism allows her to command in the use of plasmakinesis.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Sticking her blue haired head out the window, Hex is looking backwards toward Noriko as one of her hands is on the wheel now, turning it back and forth a bit to 'stay on the road' but isn't looking. She shouts back, "Donuts?!" She points to her ear, the loud ruckus of explosions and her without any kind of super senses. "That's a great idea!" She pulls herself back into the vw bug completely, settling in on her seat, and then hard turns to the right, and then hard turns to the left, slamming on breaks that probably don't out perform Noriko... but the goal isn't to slow down. It's to spin!

Then, at the same time as she's trying to get the vw bug into a complete spin she starts hitting all the buttons that she's infused with magical ruins. Disks of various colors start flying out of the vehicle, forward and backward, flying off in the direction of the audience, the cars behind, with immense force. Until... one looks like it gets stuck... it is throbbing with a little hue of energy, quicker and quicker, until...

Boom? No. It just fizzles. THEN it ripple sparkles out with a burst of energy that just pops the vw bug up a foot, blows its tires off and then the vehicle lands, skittering, sparking, as it slides across the ground no longer on wheels. Though the audience is probably worse for wear, and some of the vehicles that combined probably got blown up... Hex keeps pressing buttons but no more launching seems to be occurring.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn's eyes widen in shock, slowing down as she watches the cars forming into a giant badass..Robot..?! "Noooo Waaay are you kidding me?! It turned into a giant evil Megazord? Soooo unfair!" she pouts, idly wondering if the car they were given will do the same, but that seems unlikely. "Alriiight.." she taps her communicator, knowing at least Nori and Tabby can hear her. "I'm gonna try and distract it..Nori, can you shirt circuit this megazord?" and with that she starts buzzing and flying around the Megazord as she tries to keep it busy, "Come on ugly.lFollow me! Sihal Novarum Chinoth!" and this time she points to a giant jagged Boulder, attempting to open another portal above the Megazord s head. Probably won't defeat it but maybe slow it down and the sharp ended Boulder falls on it point first from the-sky!

Daniel Chain has posed:
Daniel pauses in his hit-and-run... er, run, as the vehicle he's ended up landed on suddenly changes its direction with a surge of speed. Something tells him this is no longer the place to be, and he immediately jumps off, tumbling to the ground below. Which would normally be a very, very bad place to be in a swarm of murder-vehicles, except that none of them seem to be interested in any of them at just this moment, as the calls go out to... do what now?

And tilting his head back as the gestalt monstrosity forms, blinking a bit as that giant face appears on the screen that it's his head. " ...I have to admit, that's somewhat impressive."

The sounds of explosions brings his attention back to bursts amidst the audience, and a wildly-skittering VW. From this distance he missed the call-out (and couldn't contribute much even if he did, far too many strands for him to sense more lightning... less than there were, thanks to Hex and company, admittedly) , but it does seem like the rest has a plan.

And so he sets to his own, sweeping out both hands to gather strings again. His voice rising and falling as he does more than seize and will this time -- sweeping them together, tying, knotting, weaving. Lines of force pulsing between fingers as begins crafting a more complex working...

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"No!  I'm not taking from you!  It's too dangerous and that's not the damn point!" Noriko rattles out fast at Tabitha, shaking her head to drive the point home in case her sound waves don't make it.  She watches the vehicles starting to assemble.

"This guy watches too many cartoons," the speedster comments to no one and then she feels the car stopping.  She hops up on the back and shouts back to Hex, "AND COFFEE TOO, you hairbrai-" and then Hex sends them into a spin.  Noriko feels herself about to lose her balance so she pushes off a little to send her legs out beneath her. Quick hands snatch the bumper to stick with the car during the spin, during which she regains her footing.

When the car finally comes to a metal scraping halt and transfoooooorms into a hunk of junk in response to the giant robot's assembly, Noriko sighs.  "THIS IS WHY I DON'T WANT TO LEARN TO DRIVE."  Her frame ripples with a jagged weave of electricity, alive and crackling.

Noriko and electronics do not have a good history.  Noriko and her captors do not have a good history.  There are bridges to burn!

"Hell yes.  I can melt this asshole!"  The speedster starts running full speed toward the lumbering auto-maton, hopping over debris like a cracked up cricket.  She spots the portals Megan is making and she doesn't have time to shout to Megan about the boulder.  Instead, she just tries to Indiana Jones her way through the portal before the boulder to drop down to something lower than the crown of that thing for safety.

Something WOOSHES like a blue comet, blue lightning pooling in her eyes and licking back off of her feet, pushing its way up toward her gauntlets as she gets ready to surprise shock the crap out of this thing.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There are points in life where one has to go 'okay that's sorta sweet'. First time in the Savage Land riding a dinosaur. First time in space. First time kidnapped by interdimensional alien forming a giant robot. LIfe experience kids!
    Tabitha Smith is going to offer her hand out to Noriko, even as she's moving to start charging up, ready for the help launch and go up!
    Over on the mecha-mojo-monolith Mojo's head is cackling, "Kill them to death! Oooh, taht's a name! I shall name myself KILLDEATH! For I have the power to kill.. YOU TO DEATH!" Mecha-Mojo-Zord would take a stomp forwards, giant flamethrowers on the feet going to spray napalm murder-mayhem over at the wildly spinning VW! "Time to giv eyou a HOT FOOT! How you like THEM APPLES?" Apparently Mojo's abilities at smack talk left much to be desired.
    Dainel has the time to work over on whatever wickedness he was weaving, even as the rapidly spinning VW would be avoiding the whiplashing of flames, leaving partially melted rubber and cheap paint on the back an dscorch marks! Shrapnel from it flying up and into the viewing audience, dismembering several while the rest of the crowd would be hooting with even more applause now!
    Hands from Mecha-Mojo going to try and swat at the flying Pixie, "Cmon, time to ZAP a BUG!"
    The dsitraction going perfectly right as the blue streak speeds by! Too fast for the naked eye.. Sonic the.. Wait, wrong genre! Noriko is being the fastest mutant alive while going to give the hot foot a huge SHOCK like someone that had been rubbing thier feet on the carpet for MINUTES before going to poke someone on the nose.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Nori, just take my damn hand I've enough goddamn sugar and caffeine in my system now I could still bow up a tank. Now get juices and get your Wile E on before Jubilee finds out what happened and goes Vampire Queen on the world in vengeeance.

The stubborn refusal gets a frown and then reluctant acceptance. Nori is to fast to just grab anyway. So she offers altenatives. "Okay, if that's it. If the portals come back up. Pixie. I wanna be up in that things head. Imma give it a fucking migraine to remember okay. But keep Nori from getting stuck first!" she calls out to the winhd mutant. To the others in the car. "Dunno you guys, try and not crash this thing will ya?" she suggests with a weak and unsure smile that looks more goofy begore pulling her head out of the car to resume roof riding.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
As the vw comes screeching to a sparkle ruined halt, and everything that was going wild comes to a halt. Hex opens the door, which promptly falls from its hinges to the ground, "Hello, again." She hmms and looks at the vehicle, "I think we still have something here." She kicks the door to the side, and then reaches out and starts tearing at the VW, ripping some of the metal with her bare hands. She steps back, "Mmmm hmm..." And then starts pulling other pieces off, setting them to the side, getting down on her hands and knees to break off part of one of the axles. She's working... on the VW, and by that, it seems like she's just tearing this thing apart in the middle of a giant robo fight.

She does pull out her phone though and wastes a few more minutes to find another track, and it starts playing near her again, "Any requests?" She peaks her head up to look about, finding only Tabitha about and her on the roof, she quirks her mouth, "Any requests? I'm thinking a pew pew boom boom. You?"

Daniel Chain has posed:
Daniel spares a glance aside as the Rockem Sockem Mojobot goes on its rampage, stomping about and trying to swat Pixie out of the air. He's satisfied to see though, that its attention is still occupied, and turns back to his working as he reaches for more threads, tying them into his weaving.

And it's well that no one notices, because those invisible threads that represent magical lines of force -- connections of power both existing and those that he himself makes -- start pulling on the local energies as well. Flames from the burning wreckage surrounding him gutter and die, currents of wind stir and begin to blow, a slow-swirling dust-devil starting to form around him. A low, ear-ringing tone beginning to rise as the balance of energies around him begins to disrupt, pulled into his working that takes shape before his red eye...

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko maintains her balance and holds on as she pretty much rides the weird sculpture, clinging to the frame of a car as she fills it with electricity, melting some of the cars together where they rubbed against each other, but not getting the effect she wanted.

"Fine.  How do you feel when I /take it all back/," the Japanese girl grits out in her own stretched out frame of velocity.  She closes her eyes and clenches her gauntlets.  In an instant she summons electrons to flow to her, but to everyone else, it's just a massive JOLT.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks as Nori slips into her portal then out the other side, electrifying the giant stone sword as it slams down on the evil Megazord, electrifying it. But was it enough? "Nori.." she murmurs before glancing around, spying Daniel outside the car, "Heey, you need a li--Ack!" she yelps as she gets swatted out of the sky, crashing into the ground, temporarily dazed..

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Boom-Boom ditches the car roof before there's a potentially hilarious explosion, a feather could set these things off let alone a hefty Taboom!. Which leaves her on foot with a giant robot she needs to avoind being underfoot.

So that's a lot of running and dashing and throwing bombs at one of it's ankles as often as checan charge one in each hand as large as she can manage without burning herself out. The basketball sized explosives alternating which foot is targeted, mostly as Tabby tries to stay between feet as one lifts and steps after the other in it's clunky megazord motions. "Any Time now Nori!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There is a Pixie shaped imprint in the ground that the Mojo-Zord would follow up on, "Hah, that's one final SQUISH for mutant-fairy-thinga nd one giant STOMP for Mojo-Kind!" Then suddenly the Noriko-whirlwind is upon him, "Wait, what's going on!? SKIP TO COMMERCIAL BREAK! SKIP TO COMMERCIAL BREAK!" Even as Noriko would be running up the sides of the Mojo-Zord! Then there's a huge whirlwind going to hit the bottom of the mech. "AUGH! IT SPINS! IT SPINS!" Even as Daniel's magic seems to have for whatever reason vastly enhanced effects, making the huge machine spin around like a top!
    And there is Tabitha up and over by the head, where inside a frantic looking Mojo is pushing buttons alongside the eternally bored Major Domo. "Cut to commercials!" Major Domo would sigh, "Yes your Vivasciousness."
    As the huge viewscreen would pick up to a commercial. 'Do you suffer from getting things stuck in your teeth? Had too many X-Babies running around stirring up revolts lately? Then you need to buy our XXX-Stab-O-Trons! Out for the holidays! In cheerful colors! Satisfaction not guaranteed! May cause lead poisoning if removed from package. Quality not guaranteed.."
    The huge robot is spinning around somehow to the antics of whatever sheannigans over that Hex was working up with the remnants of the VW cart..

Daniel Chain has posed:
Daniel gives a start as he's called out to, promptly to have friendly Pixie get smacked down by the Mojo-robo. Tch -- it looks like he's out of time. Not his best work, but it will do.

It was more than just wind that Daniel had sought to create: it was a ruination. And as he turns and flings out his hands and turns it loose, the vortex that lifts and whirls the colossus also seeks to weaken it for whatever follows next. Corrosion and rust and blackening, metal-eating mold -- all with varying degrees of success given the kludged-together metals of their opponent, but overall looking to try and negate as much of the advantage the sheer weight of metal will give it towards its opponents.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
"The leg bone is connected to the... gre-nade. The head bone is connected to the... other gre-nade." Hex is starting to piece together bits from the car, wrapping... yarn, of all things around the pieces as she goes. And then, she has... not 1 but 2, "Shrapnel Clatter Bombs XL." She offers aloud and holds up the two items in each hand.

There's some kind of clattering sound like teeth when it is cold, going on, and she winds back and tosses it forward straight toward the neck of the giant robot. But what, pray tell will she do with the second one... since the audience loved getting attacked so much BEFORE. She turns and tosses this second one off into the crowd - getting stuck to someone who just came back to his seat after getting nachos.

"I hope we get some great ratings with this one. Where is that finish line?" She is now looking around, just waiting for the clattering to finish trying to behead the robot at the same time as shrapnel bombing the audience.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps as she falls to the ground, momentarily stunned and totally unaware of what the heck is going on right now....

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Head height. Tabby's at head height. Opportunity! There's a scramble around to climb over the face of the MojoZord and Boomie's free hand throwing bombs down under it's chin and neck to try and decapitate it in as many explosions the woman can muster. At the same time she looks right to an eye and taunts.

"Buzz buzz ya baastard!" she teases like the most anoying insect ever while lobbin g bombs over at the other eyes and then wherever the blonde thinks she can make a crack. Occasionally she looks down at the hand that made a mess of Pixie. And with a lack of power maybe taunts more than she should. "Be ya can't do that shit twice ya sack a deep fried shit!" she screams as she just keeps detonating shit. Pixie being swatted might have pissed her right off! The bombs are even getting a little bigger yet in her rage and the recoil of being closer is starting to make her move backwards before she steps in again. She still watches the hands of the inert mecha though.

Just in case.

There's one more bomb this time. Both hands and iit's easiily the size of a medicine ball. And about as dense with plasma as she lobs it down at the robots neck. That blast will have enough recoil to lanch Tabitha some fair distance to match what it does to Mojo's robot head and neck.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The various explosive bitsies that Valerie is working on have if one were to look at them out of the corner of one's eye a production sticker that would read if glanced at 'Product Of A Company that Makes Everything' in faded writing over and in large, stylized block letters that might be ffamiliar or might not. For any that saw it there might be an instinctive surge of understanding, perhaps even ridiculously sourced amusement and fear.

The huge Mojo-Mech that was stuck solid over by the Noriko-Sucker-Upper now had Daniel going to unleash his own bit of rust into it. The innards of the mecha starting to collapse within itself and tumble as the head would go to drop!
    More explosions would go to detonate amongst the crowd, decapitating huge numbers of spineless ones and dismembering them in gory eruptions as the rest of the crowd would be cheering louder!
    With Majro Domo sitting next to Mojo calmly in the head-sphere as things would collapse, he would note, "Presuming you survive long enough your Heinous-ness to look at them, I'm sure that the ratings will be extraordinary." Mojo would hnn, "Works for me!" Even as the robot would be racked y more detonations as Valerie would kill more of the audience.


There's a large *BOOM* in he center of the tumbling head thanks to Tabitha Smith detonating it right as Mojo goes 'Uh Oh'..
    Right as the 1812 Overture would start to blare up as the huge spectacle of the Mojo-Zord would erupt and explode and collapse in slow motion. And by whatever process of Noriko's super-speed and Pixie's magic would slingshot everyone bck home!
    With minor injuries, possibly mussed up costumes, bits of fire, and..
    With enoug XXX-Stab-O-Trons for everyone to take home! And proof that no matter the amount of denial, it was most certainly not a dream.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
She's back in New York. There's a look around to make sure that it is New York and mutters again. Her sandwich and coffee are long gone.

"Fuck!" Tabitha curses.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
The giant robot is taken down, rubble. There's Mojo doing his thing, and there's lots of explosions. And some of that's from Hex but most of it's from the blonde Tabitha woman. Though you'd think that Hex would be watching her bombs go off but instead she's over by the VW bug, pulling on pieces, and setting some to the side, "One for you." She tosses a piece into the VW Bug, "Two for me." She takes two pieces, and starts collecting bits from the VW Bug, "Hey! Can you grab me one of those spiked wheels, while you're over there?" She shouts to no one in particular, using the VW Bug's door as a pseudo cart. But before she can get finished with all of her collecting... FLASH.

She's back in her lab, with the door and small car parts. She looks down, and then looks around, her mouth gapes open, and she falls to her knees. Looking around, wide eyes, she brings her hands up to her face, and starts bawling, "No... nononononono, I swore, I wouldn't leave you behind... not, you... 1960 VW BUG! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?!?!" She screams to her ceiling, before sobbing as the screen goes black.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is back in the recroom, still a cartoon flattened faerie big, but at least she's in the safety of the institute and not a terrible remix of Mad Max this time. "..The heck! Sooo not cool!" she makes a face as she climbs shakily to her feet..Mmm she's gonna needs lots more eggnog. And Irish Cream. Oh hush you!

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko returns back to the coffin and her feet start to hurt immediately.  She did not have the callouses for that.  "What the...was I running my dream?" she blurily and blearily mumbles, half expecting to find splinters in her feet.  But no...she's felt this before.  Back when she used to run holes through her shoes.  Back when she had no shoes, when her feet bled.

The speedster tries the lid first, but finds it strangely heavier, and so she backs off of that approach.  She gingerly uses her toe to knock the little hatch in the foot of the coffin pop open, making a stand fall to keep it open.  Then she pulls herself out, planting two bloodied feet on the ground and rattling the coffin enough to make the XXX-Stab-O-Tron clatter to the floor from atop where she 'slumbered.'  The speedster lets it fall.

"..."  Where are they going to put that thing?  It really belongs on a mantle.