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Latest revision as of 08:47, 3 July 2022

July 4th BBQ
Date of Scene: 04 July 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - Back Yard
Synopsis: It's America's birthday! And also Steve's. There is cake, and dancers, and discussion of AI rights. All-American fun.
Cast of Characters: Steve Rogers, Thor, Carol Danvers, Greer Grant, Cael Becker, Jennifer Walters, Wade Wilson, Janet van Dyne

Steve Rogers has posed:
    So technically speaking, any 4th of July party Steve Rogers throws is throwing his own birthday party. Yes, he was born on the 4th of July, yes it's cliche, maybe it's fate, but either way, it's sort of nice to have the fireworks. He doesn't make a big deal out of that, though. Instead, he just organizes a get-together, with plenty of food and drink and red, white, and blue decor. Bunting and tablecloths and cups. None of it with the flag, mind you--a few stars here and there, but no stripes. But the /colors/, sure.

    So there are tables full of food and drink, an arrangement to see fireworks later, the pool ready for people to splash around and relax. Steve isn't swimming at the moment, though. He's grilling burgers and hot dogs, in shorts and a t-shirt, enjoying the sun. Because it's a perfectly clear, bright summer's day. Hope everyone put on enough sunscreen!

Thor has posed:
    Usually the arrival of Thor is heralded by the portent of darkening clouds. The roil of great power, sizzling across the sky. And then often a titanic clap of thunder that almost seems to summon the mighty Asgardian forth with such a clangor that leaves his enemies made aware of the plight that is about to fall upon them and signal to them the dire outlook they have for this day.
    Only today is not to be such a day.
    For the sky is clear, and Thor's arrival is signaled only by the metallic scrape of the wrought iron gate that marks the driveway's entrance to the back yard. And through that gate steps the tall blond man in his best Midgard wear with a cardboard box under his arm. That is to say the ubiquitous uniform of blue jeans, white sneakers, and his nod to Midgard's holiday in the form of an American flag hoodie with blue and the stars for the hood itself.
    Taking a moment or two to close the gate behind him with another scrape of metal. The eyes of several onlookers follow after, curiousity bright on their features until the closing gate obscures their view once again. Which leaves Thor alone to announce his arrival, sparing the cookout any such contention from the heavens that normally comes along with.
    "Steven Rogers!" The first two words, the Thor equivalent of Beethoven's fifth. Even as he advances up the cement path that leads from back of the mansion to the porch where the grill resides. Then yet further words are hurled as he advances, "Thane of Midgard! Captain of the Americas!"
    Only once he draws near he shifts his box to the other arm and extends his for a warrior's grip. "How long has it been? Forever and a day, my friend."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers steps out from the mansion, wearing a pair of flip flops that, well, they flip and flop, aptly named, as she heads over to the area where the cookout is. Carol has on a red bikini, her hips currently wrapped in a blue and silver semi-transparent wrap. A pair of sunglasses are pushed up on her head, though she adjusts them down over her eyes once she's stepped out into the warm July son.

Under an arm she has a squarish box, of a size that two of them would about fit in a shoebox. The box is wrapped in blue and white wrapping paper, with a red and silver bow on top.

"So they did have birthday spankings in the 40s, didn't they? Or else Steve's going to be in for a big surprise," she jokes as she walks over and finds a place to set the present down.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "He's a real life nephew of his Uncle Sam, born on the Fourth of July!" Well, Tigra doesn't know about Steve's extended family, but that's how the song goes. As for sunscreen, well she needs no sunscrean. As a cat, she's probably secretly solar powered. She's dressed for the pool, the same as most every day, really, and though there's plenty of food and drink already, she brings a 12-pack of RC Cola under an arm, the red white and blue look of the modern can's throwback design suiting the holiday, she felt. Her free hand holds a blain brown paper wrapped package, similar in size to Carol's.

"Thane of Midgard?" she says in answer to Thor. "Certainly saner than the rest of us. We're all a little inthane around here."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael is less... vocal on her approach. The young, blonde agent had arrive in her C6 Corvette a while ago, parking it in the Avengers' massive garage. She carries a wooden box herself, that clinks suspiciously - the unmistakeable sound of glass bottles gently rattling about as they're carried. Atop that is balanced a large grocery bag. Beside her walks Bear - momentarily in his brightly colored service vest. "Hey, Steve," she greets Cap casually - before a momentary look of surprise and confustion crosses her features.
    At what point did she decide to start calling Cap by his first name?
    "Happy 4th." She adds a nod to Thor and Carol, before asking, "Someone grab the bag?"
    Inside the bag was several steaks in a smaller, insulated bag to keep them cool - and some packages of stir fried noodles, still hot from a local Thai take away. "I brought a variety pack from one of the local micro breweries. Gonna take them a bit to get cold, though."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Who could resist a barbeque held by America's main man? Not Jen, that's for sure. She's as red blooded as any American and enjoys the trappings of a good cookout. Sun, burgers and dogs, great company, and eventually fireworks are all in order for today.

    She's dressed for the summer. From bottom to top, she's wearing a pair of purple flipflops, Jean cutoff shorts hiding bikini bottoms, a white bikini top and a wide brimmed sun hat to keep her face in the shade. Not to mention her absolutely /fabulous/ sunglasses.

    "Got it," she tells Cael, coming in from behind her, having just parked what is probably the antithesis of Cael's Corvette, a rather large, classic Cadillac. So large, you could probably fit two Corvettes in it.

    She brings the food around for Steve to cook, giving him a chaste peck on the cheek, "Happy Birthday, Steve. I hope to look half as good as you do when I get to be your age."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "Thor of Asgard!" Steve replies with a grin. He turns away from grilling to clasp Thor's hand. "Maybe not that long, but it's been a while. How've you been? C'mon and pull up a chair, meat's grilling." He gives everyone else arriving a wave as well, and then rolls his eyes at Carol.

    "I mean, if any of you /want/ to stand around long enough to spank me 104 times... but I think Janet might protest at not being here for that." He smirks, and glances back at the grill to make sure nothing needs flipping. "Anyway, thanks for the birthday wishes, but really I was meaning this more for America's birthday. I mean, y'know... the country. Fireworks and parades and all."

Thor has posed:
    Sweeping up the stairs to the porch, moving with the heavy /thud-thud-thud/ of each stomping step. Thor makes that closure of distance and gives a hearty handshake to the old soldier, his smile a wide brilliant thing. "Certainly! I brought a cask over last week from the Embassy it's in the basement. Though..." He looks a little conspiratorial, "Best we save that for later."
    Then once that's done he turns and the cascading fall of further Thor greetings is as unstoppable as the tide and given with such aplomb. Though only after he sets the box down on a nearby table, perhaps pushing some BBQ accoutrement out of the way with barely a notice for them in such august company.
    "Carol!" He laughs and then spreads his arms to draw her into his embrace. A hearty hug given, light affectionate thumps of one heavy hand upon her back then he draws back with his hands on her shoulders to look in her eyes at arm's length. "I saved your life earlier, you could have drowned." He says with mock severity.
    And then it's to Tigra where he laughs and lightly pats her shoulder affectionately, "Ah Greer. You look amazing, breaking hearts as e'er." A half-grin is given to her then he draws up and that bright blue-eyed gaze falls heavily upon Cael with all the weight of several anvils.
    "Ah, greetings, good lady." Cael is so greeted, the Asgardian's smile diminished not at all. Though upon seeing Jennifer beyond her... another laugh then he shakes his head sternly.
    "You!" He points.
    And then he is stalking toward the tall woman, "Such nerve to show your face here, Walters!" Though he fails utterly to maintain that sternness as he laughs and once near enough he extends his arm like he did to Steve. Only this time should she accept he'll draw her into a one-armed embrace, thumping her back heartily.
    "Ah! I have missed this."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers returns Thor's hug, and makes it one that might be a bit of a rib-cracker for someone from Midgard, but knowing that for Thor it would just be a recognition of his hardiness. "Odinson, always a treat when you're around," she tells him. She gives a quiet chuckle about saving her from drowning. "Emptying the pool of water definitely does make it difficult to drown," she agrees with him.

She lets him go and then turns to regard the drinks that are available. "I asked one of the staff to bring some- Ah, there they are," she says, spotting one of the kitchen staff bringing out a tray. On it is a big thing of frozen margaritas, and glasses.

"Much appreciated," she tells him warmly, and then pours a first glass. "Anyone in need of a cool drink?" she asks, and will pass the first glass on, and any others that people wish, before finally getting herself one.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra pats Thor's hand on her shoulder briefly, flashing him a friendly grin. "Always good to see you, Thor." She turns towards the Captain, now. "Hey, we're Avengers. We can do more than one thing at a time. Your birthday, country's birthday. Walk, chew bubblegum. We're talented like that." A glance over her shoulder as Thor speaks sternly to Jen, and she just as quickly realize he's playing. "Gimme, gimme," she says eagerly to Carol, reaching out for a drink.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Thanks," Cael says to Jennifer with a grateful smile. "Steve, I brought a few steaks - though we could add them to the grill. And noodles, because of course."
    Her attention shifts to Thor as he offers her hand and introduces herself. "Cael Becker. I'm with the FBI, and with SHIELD. Steve thought it would be helpful if I served as liaison between the Avengers and the FBI - which usually means bringing to the Avengers' attention any FBI cases that might need a little extra, uhh, oomph to resolve - or being able to bring in the proper authorities to arrest and hold some suspects, or having people with security clearance on sight to help with clean up," she explains. Then she gestures to the large, white dog now seated at her side - the creature must weigh just over a hundred pounds. "This is Bear."
    Looking down at Bear she asks, "Wanna play today, Bear Bear?" As the pup starts wagging his tail eagerly, Cael takes off the colorful vest an gives him a pat - at which point the dog leaves her side to start sniffing at the various Avengers curiously, as he shamelessly begs for pets, and attention.
    And hot dogs.
    "I wouldn't say no to a margarita," Cael agrees.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Jen can't help but laugh at Thor's antics, as she's pulled into a one-armed embrace. If anybody can survive Thor's enthusiastic back-thumpings, it would be a Hulk. "How've you been, big guy?" she asks, returning the back thump. "Haven't seen you in forever!"

    Before he could answer, though, she holds up a hand and says, "Hold that thought. A dog is in need of petting." When Bear comes over to her she crouches down and starts ruffling his ears, "Oh, who's a good boy? Are you a good boy? How do you like them ear rubs!" Bear very much likes those ear rubs indeed.

    Carol's offer of a drink catches her attention. "I'll take one too." Finding herself standing next to Greer she shoots her a grin. "Hey, there, fuzzy lady."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve smiles as Thor goes to greet people, and turns back to the grill. Burgers are flipped, once, and then let be. "If anyone wants some pink or whatever, tell me now." He peers over at Cael's bag and then nods. "Steaks work. And I assume you want yours rare?" Is that a wink at the SHIELD agent? It is. Definitely.

    "I'm good on drinks!" Steve picks up and waggles a bottle of beer next to the grill. "I'll get into the rest /after/ I'm done with the food." Whatever gifts people brought Steve takes and puts on another table near the grill, so he can look them over in a moment. Which he will! Whatever humility he's got going on about his birthday, he's not going to be rude about gifts.

Thor has posed:
    "Formidable, Jennifer. I am formidable." Then he grins into her eyes, "And mighty!" But his tone is a touch self-deprecating for those that know him.
    Turning back, the Thunderer levels his attention upon the young woman, meeting her gaze evenly. "Cael Becker." Thor repeats as he commits the name to memory. His handshake with her is more reserved, gentle as he gives two shakes and covers both hands with his other. "An honor."
    The tall Asgardian gives a nod, then his gaze slips to Bear, "Ah. A strong name!" And if there is a moment of a chance he will spare a pat-pat-pat for the dog in passing, smiling to himself and at the sneefs.
    His choice of beverage for now? A convenient beer that he takes up from a table and twists the cap free. "Also I am reminded again that it is Steven's birthday? Is it that he gives us gifts for tolerating him, or that we are supposed to get him those gifts?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers pours the drinks, passing one to Greer. "There you go. I asked for them to be a little extra strong," she warns. "Figuring there were enough constitutions out here who would appreciate it."

Another glass is filled with the icy beverage and passed over to Cael. "Here you go Agent," Carol says as the glass changes hands. Then back to the pitcher for another for Jennifer Walters. "Counselor," she says with a grin for Jen as she offers the glass over. Then Carol pours herself one after seeing Steve Rogers and Thor are already covered.

"We usually give the birthday person the gifts," she explains to Thor. "And there's usually a cake with candles that they have to make a wish and blow out in one lungful for the wish to come true. And there's some singing. Usually bad singing. It's not exactly a great ballad, the birthday song. Unless maybe someone wants to do the Marilyn Monroe version for Steve?"

Greer Grant has posed:
    If Bear's comfortable with Tigra, then she's not going to be worried about him. Until she sees how he reacts around her, she keeps a cautious eye on him. After Carol's warning, she takes a sip of her margarita, nods approval, and then leans against Jennifer after Thor speaks to her. "Hey there, green lady," she says with a grin up at her. "Hey, he's doing the grilling, that's a good enough gift for me," she says to Thor. For a moment she seems tempted to try to emulate Marilyn Monroe, but decides against it.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael takes the drink with a grateful smile, taking a sip, before responding to Steve with a nod, and a shrug. The craving for meat wasn't as pronounced as it had been - a few weeks prior. But... I mean, steak and noodles. It's just delicious, alright?
    Bear seems far more open and friendly than his mistress, enjoying Jen's attention, before sniffing cautiously, and curiously at Greer - with no signs of aggression, and enjoying Thor's attention as well. Eventually the pup returns to his vest, nuzzling at it before Cael crouches down to pull out a rubber ball from a pocket. "Fine, fine. Go fetch," she encourages the dog, tossing the ball out across the lawn for him to pursue.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "Just you wait," Jennifer says, absentmindedly snaking an arm around Greer's shoulders to give her a hug. "I've hired a troupe of strippers to serenade Steve in vintage WW2 USO outfits. It's gonna be /great/." Is she kidding? She /must/ be kidding. The shit eating grin that she's giving Steve means that she /knows/ that nobody can tell if she's kidding or not.

    She takes the offered drink and takes a tentative sip at it, closing her eyes and nodding to Carol. "Mm. Strong. Like me. Like half of us here," she says chuckling. "Let's hope it stays nice and quiet so we can enjoy our little holiday. Or..." she says after a bit of thought, "Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to cap off our festivities with a little busting of a few heads."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    There may be some sort of cosmic phenomenon that makes fourth wall breakers act like magnets. Because at that moment a red and black shape comes flying through the air of the backyard of the Avengers mansion. The shape lands hard--with an audible crack of bones, bounces, rolls end over end about six times and finally lands in a twisted and mangled heap.

    Or it could just be Deadpool being Deapool.

    He's still breathing so there likely isn't too much to worry about. "You throw Rhino in -one fucking scene- and he gets his panties in a twist... I swear... last time I'm billing him against Power Girl, that's for damn sure," he mutters into the lawn of the mansion. His bones start to shift and crack back into place enough to allow him to push himself to his hands and knees.

    He shakes his head and sniffs the air. "I smell... a backyard grilling extravaganza" he says looking up to see the gathered Avengers around the grill. "Oh... maybe i'll bill him against Pee Gee again after all if he's going to uppercut me into places like this..."

    He offers a gentle wave to the gathering before noticing his hand is backwards. "Oh... uhh..." he twists it around to face the right way--again audible crunching and tearing sounds are heard--and rolls it once before offering a wave the right way. "Hey guys."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "If there's cake, I didn't provide it," Steve notes. "And I'll consider anyone's presence--and drinks--present enough. If anyone wants to give me something more than that, I appreciate--"

    Then he /blinks/ at Jen. "Uhh... really? Uhhh..." He rubs at the back of his neck, frowning. Is she kidding? Is she not kidding? Which does he actually /want/ it to be? "...Thanks? I guess...?"

    Shaking his head, he turns back to the grill and starts putting burgers and hot dogs on buns. There's a couple of hot dogs set aside /without/ buns for the dog, naturally. "I'd rather not bust heads tonight. There's fireworks later."

    And then there's a wild Deadpool in the mix and Steve just shakes his head. "Before you ask, JARVIS, it's fine, he's..." Pause. "A friend. Sort of." He goes to put another burger on the grill.

Thor has posed:
    Lips parting as Thor takes his ease against the railing, reinforced somewhat to endure the occasional villain attack and Asgardian lounging. A sip of his beer is had which has him frowning after an instant as he /glares/ at that bottle. Then his eyes widen slightly as he shakes his head but beyond that he makes no comment upon the quality of the brew.
    Instead he looks up and catches up with the conversation, eyes flitting to the others before he picks back up and offers in, "Well, if there is singing to be done..." He offers, though his smile grows a touch more. "I have been known to offer voice to a note here or there."
    His eyes lift, "Though usually after a good round or two of mead. To be fair."
    Which is the moment when Deadpool hurtles through the sky and lands with a heavy thud-thud-crack-thump-thud-crash-thud only to come to a rest which definitely draws the eye. One eyebrow quirks albeit slightly then he looks in turn to Jennifer, "You should wish for a lottery ticket next."
    But when Steve clears the intruder as a friend that has Thor lifting his chin a little. "Oh? Who is he?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
When the food makes it to the table, Carol makes her way over to put a hamburger on a plate. Mustard, ketchup, pickles and cheese are added, then a handful of some chips and another handful of some vegetables, with a dollop of ranch dressing to dip them in.

She moves over to settle into a lounge chair, relaxing back and taking a sip of her margarita. She's just about to bite into her hamburger when the latest arrival come soaring through the air and lands in a somewhat mangled condition.

One of Carol's eyebrows goes up, but judging by her lack of over reaction, she seems like maybe she is familiar with Deadpool on some level. She looks over to Jennifer and comments, "I think he's missing the USO outfit?"

Carol holds up her glass towards Thor and says, "Here, here," on the notion of drinking before any singing takes place. "Oh, there will be cake, Steve," she tells him. "There -will- be cake."

Greer Grant has posed:
    Since Bear's comfortable with her, Greer's happy to give him a brief scritching, knowing how good it feels to be on the receiving end of them. She straightens back up into the hug, returning it with an arm around the green woman's sturdy waist. "I think there's a busted head here now," she says as Deadpool makes his elegant, dignified entry. She grimaces at the sound of his bones cracking back into place and takes a longer sip of her margarita, quite grateful now that Carol mixed it on the strong side. Thor's lottery ticket comment gets a soft snicker from her.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...okay. I really don't need to see that before we eat," comes Cael's response, as Deadpool turns his hand around with the sickening sound of grinding bone. "//Seriously// Wade?" she asks - before letting out a sigh. "Do I need to make introductions? Everyone, Wade. Wade... everyone," she says simply, before taking another drink from her margarita. She's going to need more alcohol.
    Bear, meanwhile, doesn't seem bothered in the least as he trots over to Deadpool with his ball in his mouth, tail wagging happily.
    "Let me know when the steak's up, Steve," Cael adds - moving towards one of the tables with a helping of the noodles she brought - and a hot dog for Bear, whenever he wanders over to start begging.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Jen laughs and shakes her head at Thor. "Maybe I should, but /this/ guy is harmless.... to us... right now." She seems completely unsurprised at Deadpool's sudden arrival as she grins at Carol. "Right? I half expected him to pop out of a giant birthday cake in thigh high heels and a thong."

    She gives Deadpool a friendly wave, "Hey, Wade. Long time no see. Help yourself to a drink and a burger. Nobody grills 'em like Steve does."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
The door to the mansion opens and Janet steps into the yard. Perhaps a little too late to still be fashionable, but-- c'est la vie. "You would not /believe/ what happened," Janet announces to the yard. She's in her own 'patriotic' garb, a two-piece bikini patterned after the stars and stripes. A big sunhat protects her head and bare shoulders from the sun, and wedge-heeled sandals manage to be stylish and more practical than actual high heels would be.

Heaven forbid Janet go around ... /barefoot/.

"I was literally on my way out the door when some idiot did something stupid with the big textile equipment. Don't ask me what-- all I know is I'm out fifty grand, and he's been fired." She huffs angrily at the end of her little tirade, which ends up with her right next to Steve at the grill. She leans against him pointedly and tilts her head up, holding her sunhat in place with one hand and flashing a dazzling grin up at him. "Hi handsome. Happy birthday. Miss me?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "I know who they are Cael" Deadpool replies looking at the gathered celebrities. "The Avengers aren't really an uncommon name around town. And even if middle Hemsworth here" he gestures to Thor, "doesn't know who Deadppool is, it doesn't mean I'm a total stranger. Hi Jen. I would've brought the USO bikini but Rhino decided that me putting him against Power Girl in the last scene I ran was a bit too much for his liking."

    What is he talking about?

    "It was supposed to be him against Warpath, but you know how Krptonians are. They hear one explosion and decide that need to investigate. Then you start killing vat bred soldiers and they get all uppity themselves...." He waves a hand. "It was a whole thing." He moves forward and hops up onto the porch where things are being set to insert himself into the gathering. He was invited after all.

    Janet's arrival is met with a smile. He can enjoy the scenery as much as anyone after all. "I have a bag with your name on it at place" he says pointing to the woman. "Don't know what's in it--that's a lie I completely do--but it's labeled JVD and is tied with a bow. Don't know where it came from--that's not a lie I don't know where it came from, just showed up--but you're the first JVD I've met so I'm guessing it's yours."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "This is Deadpool," Steve says to Thor. "He's... unique." That's Steve's polite way of saying 'messed up in the head,' see. "But he's on our side, and we've been friends for a while. Just, uhh, ignore the tangents if they confuse you." Why does Steve have such /weird/ friends, anyway?

    He smiles down at Janet as she comes over, leaning down to give her a kiss. "Always," he replies. "Thanks. You're just in time. People are threatening me with cake and singing and dancers. /And/ the food's about ready." He slips an arm around her waist as he gestures toward the table where he's got a few burgers and hot dogs ready.

    "Feel free to dig in, folks."

Thor has posed:
    "Wade?" Which might surprise the Son of Odin, for he likely imagined a more esoteric name considering the garb and the manner of the man's arrival. Eyebrows rising in consideration he repeats the name again to himself, though silently. A vague shrug is given, but then he sips his beer again.
    Then Steve offers insight, "Ah, then if he's a friend you so claim, Steven..."
    Perhaps taking his cue from the subtle discomfort or body language that mixed bag some seem to have in opinion of Mr. Wilson he remains a touch wary, though his attention turns back to those near...
    And then to Janet whom he calls out to, "Good lady Janet, well come. Well come indeed." His smile spreading as he lifts a hand, not looking to interfere with her greeting of the birthday boy but calling out all the same. Though he does find himself eying Carol's plate and ohhh so surreptitiously he leeeeans over he says, "My word what is that?" A slight gesture toward Janet which /assuredly/ will distract the space-traveling hero.
    Long enough for Thor to steal a chip and his perfidy to be marked only by the snap of the crisp treat snapping inside the Asgardian's mouth. Chomp.

Carol Danvers has posed:
The arrival of Janet van Dyne garners a finger wave from Carol. She has a frozen margarita in hand as she reclines on a lounge chair. There's a pitcher of the beverages and more glasses, and about half those in attendance are drinking them, while Thor and Steve have beers.

Carol looks towards Janet again at Thor's comment, looking back as she hears the distinctive sound of a potato chip being chewed. "Oh, sneaking chips, or fries off a plate. There's an Earth tradition there I'll have to fill you in on later, Thor," she says. After she makes it up.

The door to the mansion opens and the same kitchen staffer who brought the margaritas comes out again. He's carrying a tray with a big birthday cake on it. White frosting with red and blue decorations and lettering. The cake says, "Happy Birthday To The Star-Spangled Man With The Plan". Which might just be some of the lyrics from Steve's theme song in the Avengers: The Musical show that is still playing on Broadway 2 years after its opening.

Carol is doing her best not to grin ear to ear. And failing mostly.

Greer Grant has posed:
Hemsworth? Scene? Greer eyes her margarita and then eyes Wade, trying to decide if she should drink quite a bit more or stop all together in order to better understand him. She shakes her head a bit and looks over at Janet, pursing her lips briefly. The shift into a grin as Janet greets Steve. The grin turns dubious when Cap describes Wade as being on their side. She's not so sure about that. "I think Thor's been learning from Felicia," she murmurs to Jennifer at his perfidy.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Oh, com'on, Wade. Who ignores //Bear//?" Cael asks - as the pup is left standing with the ball in his mouth, the wag of his tail slowing in puzzlement at what was clearly, to the pup, an unexpected reaction.
    Bear doesn't linger on it, though. Instead, he trots towards the patio where everyone's starting to sit with their plates, looking for someone to throw his ball.
    Cael, for her part, nods briefly at Janet - but seems to abstain from all the talk of cake, and singing as she concentrates on her noodles and margarita. It's a strange pairing, but doesn't seem to discourage her at all.
    At the arrival of the Birthday cake, Cael's shoulders tense, and she remains where she is, seated at a table and concentrating on her food. Rude much, Becker?

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool looks at the dog and then at Cael. "I don't want him getting ideas that I'm a chew toy. I've had... bad experiences with dogs, okay?" To be fair, they were Hyena's and they belonged to Harley Quinn, but canids all the same. "He moves to making himself a plate, burgers, fixings, chips, dip. And then there's a cake.

    "That's right you're birthday is the same as the county's isn't it?" he asks, looking at Steve. "I keep forgetting because it sounds like some terrible comic company's idea of a joke..." A shrug. "I'll have to pick you up something to celebrate." He pauses. "What is it you want? Peace and quiet? For a day? I might be able to swing that... at least from me."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Jen rolls her eyes at Wade. "Well, that's what you get when you let a Kryptonian in on your scene." She gives him a comforting pat on the back. "It's okay. When we're done here we can go out and make Rhino's life miserable. Give him a wedgie in that suit of his, or something."

    She can feel Greer's confusion next to her and she gives the cat a friendly bump on the shoulder. "Don't think about the things Wade says too much. Just smile and nod, and concentrate on the things that make sense."

    Suddenly, over the PA system, a trumpet peels out Assembly in jazz time, and four women in /very/ skimpy vintage USO outfits file in from the other side of the lawn and stands at attention facing Steve. Once the cry of the trumpet dies, a slightly jazzy tune starts playing out the soundspeaker, and the quartet of women start to sing a rendition of Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy (of Company B), but with the lyrics changed to match up with Captain America and his birthday. If I were more awake, I would have planned this and actually had the lyrics written out, but I'm not so you're just going to have to imagine it instead.

    Meanwhile, Jen is standing off to the side, her shit-eating grin back on her face.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet hooks a hand behind Steve's neck for leverage and gives as good as she gets from the kiss. It goes on perhaps a bit longer than is appropriate for a public venue, but Janet seems for the moment absorbed in the task of greeting her beau.

She slips obligingly under his arm when he wraps it around her waist and steals his beer to take a few sips from it. While Wade talks she just stares and nods through the train-of-consciousness, stealing a moment to wiggle fingers at Carol and Thor in greeting. When the rambling ends, Janet moves her head in a yes/no circle at him and makes an 'mm' sound of vague consent. "Sure thing Wade, whatever you say," she informs him with a grand gesture from the beer bottle.

Then the "USO" dancers emerge and start doing their routine, and Janet fairly cackles with laughter at the briliant little surprise. Though Janet gets her own amusement as well; periodically she looks back and up at Steve to make sure he's not staring TOO hard at the dancers, and challenges him with a mischevious bobble of her eyebrows.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve groans as the cake's brought out. "Oh, /really/?" But he's grinning, too. It's nice that people thought of his birthday! He's about to go blow out the candles when there are dancers and he blinks. He watches them--although politely, and not too closely, but c'mon. They're entertaining! And good-looking.

    When it's done, he shakes his head and grins around at the others. "Alright, alright, any more surprises? Thank you, guys, really. But I'm hungry! Let's eat, and have cake."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael pays more attention to the dancers, than the cake. And let's be honest - she's not paying much attention to the dancers.
    But then, to her relief, Bear comes over - still holding his ball. When he delivers it to her, she offers over some of the hot dog - and then tosses the ball for the pup to chase. She watches the dog for a while, until the singing, and candle-blowing is over - and only then does she head over to retrieve her steak. "Thanks for cooking, Steve. And happy birthday."
    She retrieves one of the beers she brought from the tub of ice, and takes that (and absolutely no cake) as she returns to her seat, and her noodles.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    The 'USO' dancers make sure to show off a lot of leg, and a lot of cleavage as they go through their routine. Once done, they each give Steve a birthday kiss on the cheek, leaving dark red lipstick marks all over his face before filing out to wherever they had come from.

    "That was money well spent," Jen says, still grinning from ear to ear as she gets up to get herself a slice of the birthday cake, as well as another burger and a helping of potato salad. "Happy birthday, Steve!"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade's focus is on the dancers, because if no one else is going to oggle them he sure as hell is. It's part of their job after all and he's not one to begrudge a woman her occupational privelege. Equal rights and all that. He squeezes the ketchup bottle a bit too hard at one rather impressive kick and looks down at the red smeared plate. "Story of my life..." he mutters.

    Even so he finds a seat and settles in to listen and enjoy the BBQ to celebrate a holiday he, as a Canadian, has no business celebrating. At the kiss he glances at Jen. "I hope you got life insurance policies on them..." he mutters as he looks to Janet's response to the red marks on her beau.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet doesn't make any effort to deter the dancers, but she doesn't quite move out of her spot in front of Steve, either. One of them tries to linger a beat after giving Steve a kiss, but something in Janet's Perfectly Polite smile seems to deter her from sticking around.

At Jen's comment, Janet shoots her a dirty look and then laughs despite herself. She's already got a napkin in hand and starts making an effort to wipe the cosmetics off Steve's face. "I'll let you get away with it this time, Jen," she promises the She-Hulk. "-This time-.

Wade's sidebar earns the mercenary a sidelong wink, appreciative of his sense of Janet's moods! When Cael comes over, Janet gives Steve's cheek a final slightly-too-forceful wipe and then gets on the last inch of her tiptoes to kiss the bottom of his chin. She loads herself up a plate as well, though its a bit heavier on vegetables and she only goes for half a hot dog. "Better get in there, Becker," she tells the agent. "Food never lasts long with this crew."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve just coughs at all the kissing, though he appreciates Janet's more than the USO dancers. Look, there's 'pretty,' and then there's 'pretty, smart, and fierce.' Steve /definitely/ goes for the latter. He gives Janet a kiss in return and then lets her go to get her food.

    Cael gets handed the plate that has two hot dogs and no buns. "For Bear," he explains. Then he goes around and makes sure people have food--and there's plenty for anyone else who might show up and want some--before loading up his own plate. A hamburger and a hot dog, chips, condiments. And veggies, because you need a good rounded diet even when you're a super soldier.

    "So how're people doing? Any big summer plans?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Don't worry - I can hold my own," Cael answers Janet with a grin. "Even with these louts." She says this as she's accepting the plate from Steve with a grateful nod. Returning to her seat she adds, "My only real summer plan is curing lycanthropy. You know - small, mangeable expectations, right? How about you, Steve?"
    Her attention finally shifts back towards Wade as she adds, "You know Bear doesn't bite, right?" There'd've been no point at all trying to talk to him during the song-and-dance number.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Jennifer shoots a lazy grin at Janet's dirty look. "Look. They all but /begged/ me to let them give him a kiss." She turns to Steve, "I hope you didn't mind. Not /everybody/ gets a chance to kiss a living legend like you."

    She leans back in the chair and takes a sip of the margarita. "I'm about to put some finishing touches on my proposal to introduce my AI rights bill into Congress," she says. "The Visions have a right to autonomy, as well as any other created intelligence that might be out there or any to come. Should be ready in a few months."

    Cael gets a curious look. "A werewolf? How in hell did you manage that, Becker?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade starts to eat, rolling up the mask enough to expose the minimal amout of scarred and cracked skin under the mask as he can while still savoring the food. "Damn Steve, these are incredible..." he says, mouth full of burger. He turns to Cael. "I make a habit of not giving most dogs the opportunity to change their behavior on my jerky like body... but fine." He looks at the massive animal. "Come here, boy... give me the ball if you want me to throw it."

    Regardless of the dog's approach or its engrossment in the hotdogs he frowns at Cael. "Why do you want to -cure- lycanthropy? That's a badass power as can be. Violent tendencies, superhuman speed, strength, endurance, near invicibility, healing factor like me and Logan packed in if you even get hurt, and you even get a transformation sequence in there too."

    Jen is given a smile and a fist pump. "Bout damn time. Does you bill include sex bots too?" he asks. "Asking for a friend. Weasel needs to settle down and live his best life and Anastacia-3000 is a good enough wife as any girl for him if you ask me."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "Were /jackal/," Steve notes. "Yeah, I thought it was weird too. It's some Egyptian thing, I guess." He tries his best not to sound dismissive--it's not that he has a /problem/ with 'some Egyptian thing.' It's that he doesn't know the first (or second) thing about were-anything. Or Egyptian things. Just not his area of expertise.

    He settles down in a chair and grins at Wade. "Glad you like it. And that's /great/, Jen! If you need any PR help, let me know. 'We the People' can definitely include AIs, by my book. I'm not sure how a computer can think and love... but I'm not sure how a human brain works, either. Doesn't mean that it doesn't."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Didn't say it was me," Cael counters, as she stabs at a piece of steak she'd just cut off. After chewing that piece, though, she adds with a shrug, "...it is, though. And- yeah. Jackal. Makes it all the weirder. I just don't like the notion of not being me."
    After enjoying a little hot dog, Bear is more than happy to head over towards whoever wants to give him attention, moving towards Wade with a ball in his mouth, and a wagging tail. He drops the drool-covered ball in Wade's lap - then waits expectantly.
    "I don't know anything about AI," Cael remarks. "...but I've been working on a project of my own. It's been derailed briefly because of personal dramas. Maybe, though, with Alis' birthday approaching, now's the time to..." She looks thoughtful for a moment before explaining. "I wanna put together a project, in my sister's memory, that takes young offenders from disadvantaged neighborhoods and offers the paid internships and professional training instead of jail time. Specifically, in mechanical careers. Like car repair."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "Only if the sex bots can prove their sentience, Wade," Jen tells him. "Though Weasel might find that if Anastacia-3000 is given autonomy, she might decide that she wants to charge back pay for all the sex work that she did for him."

    "Yeah, that's the problem," she tells Steve. "Nobody's really sure one-hundred percent how consciousness and sentience works, or really how to quantify it." She takes a bite of her burger, "That's going to be the biggest hurdle. There's going to be a fair amount of pushback, however. If we give people like Viv and Viz rights, that also means that we also have to give /Ultron/ rights, which means due process when dealing with him."

    Cael gets an even look. "Hm. Yeah. If it comes out due to anger or fear, I can give you my cousin's number. He knows a thing or two about that kind of thing, and can help out while you figure out how to cure yourself."

    Cael's project catches her attention. "That's brilliant," she says. "It'll be a hard sell to try to convince any court to send anybody to trade school /instead/ of jail, though. It'd work for minor offenses, I'd think, and first time offenders, as part of a plea bargain. It'd work better as a program that parolees can enroll into, though. Give them an option to teach them a career so they aren't just churned back into the system as soon as they come out."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade shrugs at Jen's suggestion of back pay. "Might teach him to take some responsibility then... either way, win win." He takes another bite and then frowns at Cael. He looks like he wants to say more but feels that the conversation of her being a were-jackal has moved on. Maybe something for a later date if he can manage to pin her down long enough.

    Instead, he leans back and listens to the discussion of minor felons going to trade school instead of jail. "Might be a good idea for some of them... others might prefer jail time though in the long run. What do you do with them? Give them the choice? Or send them to school anyway?" he asks.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve's just listening quietly to the discussion, eating his burger, munching on chips. "Sounds like a good idea to me," he adds. "Giving kids a second chance... sounds like a good thing."

    He finds his beer empty and gets up to get another, adding, "Yeah, I suggested to Cael she might want to talk to one of the Hulks about her situation. You guys have a better handle on that kind of thing than I do. And as for Ultron? Enh, he can get due process for war crimes /after/ we defeat him, if he shows up. You know?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I, uhh... I did get angry once and change so- yeah. 'Hulking out' is definitely a possibility here. Haven't yet... sought out Banner, though," Cael admits. She cuts more of her steak as she continues. "As for the program - I'd like to aim it specifically at teens - since Alis was a teen when she was killed. You know - make it so they have to continue working towards their high school diploma or GED, get the paid internship on the weekends... And, ideally, we ensure that they and their families have apropriate housing, and food security."
    After a bite of steak she adds, "It has to be //their choice// if it's going to work, but if we make it clear that this is how they lift up themselves and //their families//... And then at the end of the program, when they're done with their probation... Their juvenile records are sealed, and their lives aren't ruined. It's- it's a bit of a pipe dream, but... That's what I'd like to do. Obviously, it'd be a hard sell if we were talking kids with multiple offenses, or violent offenses, but- if we can save some of these kids and get them out of gangs, you know?"
    Meanwhile, Bear nudges Wade's leg, still watching him expectantly - waiting for him to toss the drool-covered ball in his lap.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "Oh, I know," Jen says to Steve. "It's just that the first thing senators think of when you say words like 'AI Rights' to them is going to be either Ultron, or their Roomba. You know, the extremes. They're not thinking about your Visions, or Red Tornados or all the other emergent AIs that are beginning to pop up who just want to be treated as /people/."

    She nods at Cael and fishes out her phone and fires off a quick text to her. "That's Bruce's number. I'll send him a text so he knows I've vetted you." With that done, she slips her phone back into her tight cutoff jean shorts.

    "Ah!" she says when Cael explains her plans further. "That's a better sell, if we're talking minors, then. I can point you to some people who can talk to you about how to set up a charity the /right/ way, since it's not my field of expertise. Once you've got it set up and its time to come fund raising come find me and I'll dress up in some overalls and do some photoshoots or something. People like to throw money at me."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade sets the hamburger down and grabs a chip with one hand. The other goes to the ball. He feints throwing it a few times, getting the dog to jerk but not pursue. At the third attempt the dog doesn't move, wising up to the Merc's act. And then Wade chucks the ball behind him into the wide yard, sending the dog chasing for a bit with long powerful strides.

    He continues to listen to the conversation, not having much more to give to it. Instead he focuses on the burger once more, finishing one off before the dog returns with the ball which is ceremoniously placed in his lap once more. "How long does he do this?" he asks Cael, giving her a flat look through the mask.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "He's a dog," Steve points out. "He'll probably do this all night." He grins.

    Then, to Cael, "This sounds like a great idea, really. Captain America might not right be the right kind of publicity for it, but if you need me, you know I'll help."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I appreciate the support," Cael replies to Steve and Jennifer, then nods her head in confirmation towards Steve's words. "It'll take HOURS to tire Bear out. He loves the attention. And when given the choice," when his vest is off, "he seems to get a perverse pleasure into going to //other// people for attention. Worthless mutt." But there's affection in Cael's voice as she says it.
    The group continue to chat. Food is eaten, alchol is drunk. People come and go - a pool is involved, at some points in the party. A pool that Bear abruptly jumps into, paddling around, before climbing out and shaking himself dry right next to Wade.
    It's a good time.