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Resonants: Asgard Part 1
Date of Scene: 08 July 2022
Location: Palace - Asgard
Synopsis: Sif, Vin, Thea, Thor, and Jane rush off to adventure together in the Northlands of Asgard.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Thea Queen, Sif, Vintridr, Jane Foster

Thor has posed:
    It is a fine gathering of worthies who are drawn together in the efforts to provide safety to the Nine Realms. Souls brought together for the purpose of acquiring the resonant artifacts that will make the connections stronger between realms. Connections of the past, during turning points, powerful in the shared history it all lends to the subtle tendrils between worlds growing stronger in whatever form the powers behind the scenes take, bonding worlds and aiding a grand portent for the future.
    Thus the call was sent out by Thor, for word had come back to him that though there were many possible artifacts shared between Asgard and Midgard that could serve... there was one that would seem the strongest.
    The appointed day would come, the heroes gathering at the Asgardian Embassy. Each was greeted well, given warm words by Lady Hedla who had her gift of eloquence and diplomacy on full display. Food and beverage was served, and there were curiously enough saddlebags in the foyer as well as warm clothing crafted from fine leather and fur. For likely their destination will require some travel and be... a touch cold.
    Then from there at the Embassy the Bifrost would serve to bring he heroes forth to the Golden City! Vibrant and beautiful in its skyline, the landscape epic with the way the waters so flow under the rainbow bridge. It was a hike itself to take the stroll needed heading into Asgard, yet the destination might well suggest itself to Sif and Vintridr. For there ahead of them were the royal stables with its high walls and elaborate runs, beautiful mounts cavorted across the grass even as the guards snapped to attention when the party drew near.

Thea Queen has posed:
The call was made and so did one Thea Queen answer. It's one of those 'you have my bow' kind of things, but unfortunately not that the tremendous sense of fashion for today there was no room to be chic. Instead Thea comes with her black and red armor underneath some practical loose clothes but enough for the keen eye to notice there's more underneath. The hood is out of her face and showing her features and a backpack along with her bow and arrows (and a few more tricks) at her back.

"How cold exactly are we talking about, Lady Hedla?" Of course that Thea immediately finds kinship with someone so versed in diplomacy. It's always good to rub elbows with the people that make the world go around. And upon hearing the answer she makes sure to get all dressed up in those furs.

The little archer eskimo that could.

"So, Asgard itself." Her eyes a bit wide, "Always good to be back home, mmm?" she tells the Asgardians with her.

Sif has posed:
It was quite a hike but the destination was enough to bring a smile to Sif's face. Certainly they were here on business, yet the stables were one of her favorite places. She'd spent many hours there through her life, starting from when she could walk. She had never been frightened over the animals, despite how large they were compared to her toddler self. The smell of a stable, as off putting as it might be for some people, felt like coming home.

Though she drew up with the others, she found herself casting looks toward the equines housed within. Then she forced her attention back on the gathering. She was in her full armor, having slung the saddlebag over her shoulder back before their arrival here. She'd been seen recently here in Asgard, in fact at the stables themselves, as she was making some arrangements to transport some of her personal horses to her new ranch.

"It is," she responded to Thea. "Is this your first time visiting?"

Vintridr has posed:
    Vin can't quite help but drink in the sight. It has been a long time since she gazed upon the Golden City, and the place is as magnificent as it always was.

    Like Sif, she's dressed in armor, although more for formality's sake than an expectation of battle - their objective is a proud and venerable family; proper respect for the old ways will likely go further than force of arms.

    Sif's comment to Thea shakes her out of her reverie, and her face relaxes into a fond if wry smile. "If time permits, we'd be honored to show you around, young Queen," she adds.

Jane Foster has posed:
It certainly helps for Jane to be in the vicinity of Manhattan where coming by the embassy becomes simple and straightforward. She treads in on light feet, gracefully attired in a light, embroidered tunic over capris that would speak to being somewhere warm and lovely. Or, actually, scorching hot and Mediterranean. But no tan; her fair skin hasn't reddened or tanned in the least. Oh, the blessings of having a cryogenic, temporal suspended lifespan. Good then that someone thought to get her warm clothes.

Then comes the Bifrost in its prismatic shine to bring her to the rare golden city. A place banned for most mortals, since it's not like they can very well reach it without help. It is lovely enough to bewilder; she is properly quiet, if somewhat awed. "I hope the chill won't be overly onerous upon us. I was finding the summer a bit humid, at least." Always looking positive and bright! Her gaze roves eagerly across the staccato landscape in sparkling spires and the shining, familiar elements of wonder. She isn't in armour, nor need she be.

Though forget putting her on a horse. It doesn't matter /what/ steed they offer her, an angry grumble.

<<She won't be riding no posh nonce. Silly addle-brained things can't be trusted none at all. Like as not your ponies will dump you in a lake and yammer all the way 'bout nonsense, telling every warg from 'ere to Trollheim where you are.>> That's Aesir, of course, and from a /very/ annoyed, silver-flanked horse who glides out from a twinkling of a rainbow. He -- Grani -- dips his head to Thor. <<Uncle! An' you know why none finer than your hammer, except /certain/ Vanir horses. My lady'd be saying hi but she's indisposed off rescuing a few children off past Vanaheim. Hm. You'll do.>> He squints at Jane, then Thea, and dips a hoof at Sif. Mr. Horse.... the son of Sleipnir, has opinions, you know?

Thor has posed:
    The words of Thor's majordomo were polite, filled with a warmth that the travelers might well find fleeting once they reach their destination. Hedla told Thea, "Some say the Mountains of Asgard have hidden paths to Jotunheim, that through their trails and valleys the soul of Winter itself dwells. Though hopefully you shall not travel so far..."
    Yet it's when the young Midgardian asks her question that Thor answers her there as they stride into the stables, his hand lifting to give salute in passing to those guardsmen. "Tis a gift to walk along the streets of the Golden City, perhaps some day soon we can pass a day or two here so you can see its light for yourself."
    Then it's into the stables where Thor gives greetings to the hands, one a youthful Asgardian who seems barely fifteen Summers old. "P-p-prince Thor. Your mounts are ready. Chosen by mine father. Saddled, shoed, fed. They should serve."
    The stablehand's younger aid, who likely was this young man's brother gives a quick nod though keeps his eyes down.
    "Excellent work, lads. Thank you. These?" He gestures to the five mounts at the ready even as he unslings the saddlebag he had been carrying over the shoulder of his great Winter coat and sets it across a tall black warhorse, then secures the strap. As the party makes ready the hands move about quickly to give what help they can, though mindful to stay silent and out of the way when needed as well.
    Yet it is Grani's appearance that gets a laugh from the Thunderer, smile widening as he sees the son of Sleipnir. "It is good you come, Grani, I will rest easier knowing Jane is aided by your care."
    Once they are duly situated he mounts his horse and looks to the others, "We are off to the lands of ancient Clan Kaldrhond, to speak with Lord Yoren. They hold those lands against what ills dare approach Asgard from those myriad ways and are a strong Clan, yet also stubborn. It shall be but a day's trip, but it is a challenge unto itself. A messenger was sent to request an audience though we have heard from them naught. So be on your guard."
    And at that he gives a nod draws rein to the side, the warhorse he rides tossing its head and sounding a chuff of exultation at its role, though likely not affecting as much of an arrogant attitude now that Grani is present.

Thea Queen has posed:
"It's my first time." Thea admits with a twinkle to her eye, clearly loving the sights of the city. Even down at the stables. It's a twinkle that grows when Vin and Thor suggest going on a visit. "That sounds like a great plan. But first lets all make sure to come back alive.." one never knows! Glass half-empty kinda lass too apparently..

"How long since you were up here?" She asks in a more soft manner to Vinnie. She knows a few things about her friend after all.

Jane gets a smile of a greet, "Seems we are getting drawn into the crazy once again, mmm?" yes, she remembers when they were stalking out that big troll city! "And ---" she stops when there's Grani popping into existence..

"Hello there." It's a talking horse, she isn't sure on how else to address him, "Haven't I seen you before..?" she narrows her eyes as if trying to remember but then moves to her horse to mount up. Hey, she knows her horse-riding. She is an heiress, she had a pony when she was younger! How different will it be riding a pony and a warhorse...?

She leans closer to Sif to whisper, "Not all horses talk up here, do they?"

Sif has posed:
A respectful nod is given to Grani when the hoof is dipped her way. Then Sif has to chuckle softly at the question from Thea. "No, not all do. It is only a special few who have that gift."

Sif moved for the offered mounts, heading for a chestnut mare who was one of the most spirited. It was just automatic for her. She stroked the mare's neck, murmuring to the beast softly a moment and the mare quieted. Sif placed the saddlebag in place then put a foot into the stirrup and easily swung herself astride. The horse danced a bit then settled with one last toss of her head.

Vintridr has posed:
    "Most do," Vintridr replies with a chuckle. "But not all of them can make themselves as easily understood to others as Sleipnir's get."

    She reaches up to pat Bragi's flank as he canters up to her. "But even on Midgard, most horses can make their thoughts known to an experienced rider."

    "The trick, as ever, is to listen to what they have to say," she finishes as she mounts, then looks down at Thea. "You've ridden before, haven't you?"

Jane Foster has posed:
Mr. Horse spreads a broad wing, flecked in moonlight with all the glory of his parentage. Just four legs to Sleipnir's eight, but he is mighty enough to support any of Asgardian. Jane looks up at him, giving a hint of a half-dimpled grin that isn't fully formed. "I'm a horrible rider. Be forewarned and forgive me, please, for all the faults I'm about to commit." He doesn't even have a saddle, only a light blanket, which is saying something.

Grani isn't preening -- fine, he is -- in seeing Thor, Vintridr and Sif. His ears perk forward at the non-humans, a dark, liquid eye warm with welcome. If Thea is planning on going on a /mere pony/, he switches his tail. <<Hmph. You mighty verily fall off or freeze. See to it that you do not.>>

Jane has to hop on; it is not elegant. Not exactly, anyway. A seasoned eye might spot she isn't quite great at getting her seat, and the horse promptly regroups to ensure she isn't in the way of his wings.

Thor has posed:
    Once the heroes were at their ease upon their mounts and settled in... it was then that they rode out toward the large double doors with their iron inlays as well as the gleaming runework that offers a hint of enchantment to the efforts of those who labor in the stable. For those that could read them they were small charms, wishing for the health of all who passed beneath the arches. Another wished for patience in both mount and rider. And a final small spellwork asks simply for Odin to look over those leaving these walls with successful undertakings.
    Hopefully all such enchantments will serve as the party start out on the road, hooves clopping loud as they begin their journey. The pace is set and an easy-going one at that. For there is no rush. It allows good Thea to look upon the people of Asgard as they go about their day. For the road takes them through the city, along the 'Western' curve of that wing of Asgard, leading around the palace which stands tall on their right. They'll pass through small markets with hawkers calling out the sale of their wares. They'll pass through a courtyard where several teams of nobles contest with each other over some slight or another. And eventually they'll reach the city gate that opens upon a wide road that leads toward the snow-capped mountain range that dominates the Northern view. Though as they pass onto that road the hooves of the horses become more quiet as the composition of the trail changes ever so slowly.
    "I spoke with an acquaintance of Heimdall's, Tokka of the One Arm," He says this as if even Thea should know the wise woman. "She advised that Yoren and his family hold an artifact that gives great honor to hhis family. It will be no small task to convince them to part with it."

Thea Queen has posed:
"Of course." Thea replies to Vinnie, "Used to have a pony.." she says with some fondness to her voice, "Called Speedy..." which was her own hero nickname a while back! But no one else needs to know that. She is Red Arrow now. "I do miss her.."

Getting adjusted to that warhorse takes a time but eventually Thea is riding along with the others even if she shifts a little on the saddle, perhaps remembering past lessons. She does have an okay balance though which at least means she isn't dragging the group down by going slower. "Grani sounds a little cranky.." she whispers to the Asgardians nearby. But then it's all about sight-seeing, watching the city with a smile on her lips as they ride through.

"Is there a plan if things go south?" she then asks of Thor.

Sif has posed:
"I'm certain it will not come to that. I am certain diplomacy and the explanation of how important this will be for the safety of others shall win the day."

Sif glanced over at Thor as she said those words. And immediately found herself glancing around at the group. Perhaps she spoke too quickly. Thor was getting better at patience though. As for her, she was rarely more diplomatic than he was.

"It it goes south, a challenge could be made by the family due to the insult upon them," Sif said though she gives a little half shrug.

Vintridr has posed:
    "And even if they decide they do not wish to yield what's theirs, they are still of Asgard," Vin points out. "So long as we comport outselves as behooves guests, they would not offer insult or violence."

    She offers Thea a smile. "Even if they were to loathe the sight of us and wish us gone, to deny guest-right would be all but unthinkable. Their own honor requires it of them."

    "... Which, admittedly, is using a great many words say that this will almost certainly be entirely peaceful and mostly polite, right up until the moment it isn't." A wry shrug. "So it goes. It keeps life interesting."

Thor has posed:
    A brief moment and a hint of confusion is seen as Thor glances toward Thea while they ride, then his lips part in understanding as he murmurs. "It should not, for they are a loyal clan. At the worst there might be a duel or two, but such is common at any gathering of we Asgardians."
    Which is the moment when Thor looks to Vin and Sif while quirking an eyebrow, as if seeking their own insight. Then nodding when their words seem to mirror his own. Yet he turns back to continue the ride as they continue along the wagon trail that leads itself toward the distant low hillocks before that large range of mountains.
    "This," He gestures likely for Jane and Thea's benefit, "Is the Plain of Ida." Noting the open sweep of grasslands around them though they head upland. There are hints of ruins, though hard to make out at this distance, "Where we, the Aesir, would come in ages past to decide what we could of fate. Was here peace between Asgard and Vanaheim was negotiated."

Thea Queen has posed:
Diplomacy, eh? There's some doubt visible on Thea's expression, perhaps not believing things will go that diplomatic. Look, she has worked with Asgardians quite a few times before! But she nods at the answers she gets, turning her warhorse to follow through that wagon trail.

Right now she is very happy she came dressed with the armored leathers. Might be she will feeling her thighs when they get to their destination. Maybe... Small blessings.

She casts a look at the plain of Ida when Thor motions towards it. "What were those?" she asks, curiously, at the ruins in the distance.

Sif has posed:
As they reached the grasslands, Sif's mount pranced a bit, head tossing, sidestepping a little. Sif quickly turned the horse back to the front, giving a little nudge of her heels. Which had the horse moving forward a bit. A tightening of her legs urged her horse to continue.

The horse trotted forward, a little away from the others. Taking the lead of the little group but staying within range she could hear conversation.

Vintridr has posed:
    "Long before my time - or even the Odinson's," Vin replies to Thea. "From before Asgard was Asgard, in a way. Before the clans were united, these halls were where Bor would hold audience, away from his seat of power, to discuss and settle disputes in a more neutral venue."

    "Once his reign and lineage was secure and his authority no longer questioned, the place for audience was in the palace proper, and this place fell by the wayside."

    She chuckles again. "After all, if this field held any value to anyone, it wouldn't have remained a neutral place as long as it had, would it?"

Jane Foster has posed:
Alas for Thea, Grani can hear her even if he's flying, because being a winged pegasus (unlike his multilegged flying parent) has perks. His hearing is acute, damnably so, more than any normal horse. Of course, no normal horse has a wingspan of a Cessna, either. He certainly takes happily to the air, making sure his mortal charge doesn't fall off, and nor does Thea in having chosen her own lesser equine steed. Can't help those who want to drive Smartcars in a freeway of Cadillac Escalades and monster truck SUVs.

Jane's attentive though quiet on that way out, her hair streaming behind her in a thick braid. Diplomacy earns a crooked smile, and she nods to Vintridr's explanations. They make sense enough. "Perhaps they will be the first stone in a smooth path. it is something to be the first in an undertaking as grand as this, and to be the keystone for it could well appeal to their honour." The verdant land beneath hooves and boots spreads out like a carpet, and she all but hugs Grani's neck to see. Best to be agog.

"Does it have no use now? To swear oaths by, maybe?" A question she might not get an answer to, but that's expected. Grani has to loop and circle above the others to keep pace, protectively weaving around them.

Thor has posed:
    "Indeed, as Vintridr says. Where mine grandfather Bor held audience at times I believe," Thor sits up in his saddle, boots digging into the stirrups as he attempts to catch sight, "There had been..." A gloved hand lifts as he gestures to the side as he seeks the word he wants and settles on, "Disagreements. About boundaries, right of rule."
    Then when Jane swings back around upon the flying horse and asks her question the Thunderer's eyebrows rise as he gives it some thought. "In all honesty, I am not entirely sure."
    One hand scritches the stubble of his beard as he then uncurls that hand to gesture to the side, "I do recall that Fandral once had..." A pause, then he clears his throat before he continues, "That he once had occasion to visit, though it did in turn become a place for a duel at that point."
    A beat, then he adds. "And several others." As he reflects. Then he laughs as he looks to Sif and Vintridr, "Ah with how I am speaking, what impression must I give to our friends? As if all we of Asgard do is drink and carouse and fight?"
    Assuredly they do other things as well... such as... ride horses. To the North. As they do so now.

Sif has posed:
"I believe our friends have been around enough to realize there is more to Asgardians than those things," Sif says with a soft laugh as she waited for the small group to catch up. The horse still wanted her head and to run but Sif kept her under easy control.

"Of course, there is nothing amiss in enjoying a celebration with flowing mead leading to a few fights after. The friendly types. " Because there were different types and levels of fights. Particularly for Asgardians.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr laughs. "It would not be the first or last adventure of Fandral the Fair that ends in a duel -- quite often with some aggrieved suitor," she jokes. "I haven't the knowledge of him that Lady Sif does, but from what I have seen and heard his reputation is well earned."

    Another chuckle. "Friendly brawls help keep your skills sharp in times of peace," she agrees. "And knowing how your comrades fight helps anticipate how they will move on the field of battle, and you'll work together better when it counts."

Jane Foster has posed:
Asgard, 'tis a very silly place. Jane isn't going to quote anyone in the Flying Circus or start looking for a certain castle. "We know you are fine people and share plenty in common with the rest of us. Fandral has the quick wit and tongue to smooth out most of those duels before the blade is drawn, I hope. We ought to have engage his expertise for other ventures."

She manages not to slip off a wing by accident, or impede Grani from his graze over the grasslands, facing the mountains ahead with a certain plucky aplomb that comes from being anything but a posh pony. Because you know, those lazy prancing, field loving, sugar-cube eating spoiled-horses...

Thor has posed:
    "Well," Thor says with a crooked smile, "I can think of one other thing we do and do rather well." The Asgardian Prince gives a firm nod as he looks about to the others, extending his gaze to Jane and particularly Grani as he points in the winged horse's direction. His mount, perhaps picking up on the Thunderer's vibe gives a /chuff/ of exhaled breath and then tosses its head as it twists wide for a few stamping strides.
    "And that." He says as he looks between them, "Is horse-racing."
    His eyebrows rise as he looks between them, "Last to the first hill yonder prepares lunch." He points at them as a group, then spreads his hands as if seeking their denial or excuses. But then he does it so quickly he follows the words right after with, "Right then, at the gallop!"
    And with that he urges his mount on with a sharp, "Yah!" Which sets the warhorse to speed, kicking up dirt as he starts to tear off toward that distant hillock.

Thea Queen has posed:
"Lady Sif has the truth of it." Thea says with a smile. "We have all been around enough with Asgardians to know there's more underneath..." she nodding her head at this and closing her eyes briefly to enjoy the cool air of the place. If someone had told Thea Queen that she would be walking around a place of myth today last week she would had scoffed at them. But now here she is! "This Fandral sounds like a nice gentleman.." she adds with a chuckle of her own.

One eye peeks open at the mention of a race. Is Thor for real? But then off he goes... She now opens both her eyes and ..., sets after them?

Not too fast mind you, she *has* remembered how to ride somewhat but she doesn't want to fall down. But she might as well enjoy herself, setting the warhorse to a faster pace. Close to a gallop but not really there! "Yah!"

Sif has posed:
There was that hint there. For those that knew Thor and horses. The horse would often pick up things from the rider. Up to this point. Thor's stallion had been spirited by rather calm. When he started to toss his head and twist around, Sif took notice.

Her mare began to prance in place again as Sif's own body began to react to the possibility. Then Thor said those words. Sif smiled brightly. And as he urged his mount into action, Sif tightened her legs and turned the mare to head up the path again. A moment later and the mare was stretching out in a gallop, just barely behind Thor.

"Perhaps a higher personal wager. Though, I understand why you would choose not as you always lose," she called out to the Prince, a wild smile on her face.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr smiles to herself for a moment as the others race off. Bragi turns his neck to look at her and nickers quizzically. "Not quite yet, old friend. Let them have a lead."

    "... After all, best that the person tasked with making lunch is the one who actually knows how to cook."

    Bragi's answering snort echoes amusement and understanding both, then he spreads his wings as she shifts her weight forward, and between one gallop and the next he takes to the air in pursuit of the other riders...

Jane Foster has posed:
Grani is probably beneath racing mere horses. That wouldn't be fair. The Asgardian royal stables are another matter though.

Just don't mind the sixty kilograms of Jane on the back, and that stifled noise she will /not/ call a bleat or a yelp when Mr. Horse flicks his ear back in the only warning that he designs to give. He lets the others get perhaps a few lengths ahead and then explodes into movement, hooves throwing silver sparks through the air and those great fluffy plumes shifting to catch the air at another angle, streamlined to travel without any relative lift.

"What-- we're not a /wrecking ball/-- why you--"

That's a lot of wind in Jane's face as she clings to the horse's neck, leaning flat across the proud arch in a way that absolutely helps with going very bloody fast. Considering he only has to carry the lightest of burdens, and could kick over a tank for fun, Mr. Horse is basically blitzing the party for himself.

And he is chuckling, have no doubt, leaving clods of grass in his wake while she's clamped to him like a limpet.

Who knew Jane knows how to properly swear in Aesir? Put your hand up and you'd be right. Something about "Showing off worse than the emerald-tongue flame-bathed princeling" or the like.

This isn't the first time, clearly.

Thor has posed:
    Over his shoulder Thor shouts even as he hunkers down close to his mount's neck and gives it its head to rush forth in that delicious feeling of one truly being able to stretch their legs.
    "I do apologize, Sif!" He balances in the stirrups, legs working like shocks as they absorb the impact of the great stallion's stride. "I cannot hear you from all the way back there!"
    Even as Mr. Grani horse /rushes/ past him on the other side while he shouts the other way, perhaps not even realizing that he has already lost!
    Yet it is with that that the Asgardians and their good friends ride off toward the distance. And adventure.