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Latest revision as of 23:42, 12 July 2022

Black and Red and Dead All Over (Don't Spill the Beans)
Date of Scene: 12 July 2022
Location: Coffee of DOOM
Synopsis: Selene finds an old old old old old old ally in a body that still looks not as young as hers, and makes an influencer's dream come true.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Selene Gallio, Beroe Kazinski

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Why does she enjoy coming here? The banners showcasing the Monarch of Latveria in all his propagandaized glory. The food, which is deliscious. And and also very cheap. For Mary Jane, living on a budget, it's not that bad. The venue is unique and it's rather relaxing to be about. FOr now, the redhead is sitting over at a booth and working over on a pastry, going to take a deep, appreciative bite.

Selene Gallio has posed:
Different people have different reasons for thing. For Selene Gallio, the appeal is to consider the concept of the Latverian Tyrant. He is not someone that she has ever met, of course, but she feels as if they would have a lot in common. One of these days, she will find a way into his company. For now, she just visits and considers what a meeting might be like.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Normally Selene might fade over in to the background and be unnoticed unless she wished to. For most. For some, there's that prickle in the air of the back of the neck. For others.. Sonja comes in to assert herself fully as Mary Jane is caught by surprise. "Sorceress."

Selene Gallio has posed:
If Selene realizes that she has been called out and identified by some aspect of Mary Jane, she gives no sign of it. Granted, she is dressed like she stepped out of a Hot Topic (or more accurately was a full on model for them), but she is wearing a more "public acceptable" version of her Hellfire Club attire. A corset that does not quite spill out so much, and she even has a skirt that doesn't show her entire ass. But, still, Hot Topic-y.

She instead waits quietly on line, like the serfs around her. She is doing a good job of blending in. Sort of.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja is not one to care for such banalities as public locations, dress code, nor does she know what has happened to Selene in the millenia since. "I had thought that Gath had used your soul as a dagger to clean his teeth and then thrown it away. I hope that you remain -not- in his service." Red Sonja spoke with the animosity of one that hated their ancient adversary.

Perhaps ironically something that Selene might be in full agreement over for once.

Selene Gallio has posed:
Standing in a Doom-theme restaurant was the LAST place that Selene expected to hear the name Gath. She whirls around, the black of her cape smacking the face of the poor gentleman behind her, and rounds on Mary Jane Sonja. "What did you just say?" Her fingers start flickering down at her side.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja's hand is over in a position where she can rapidly wrench up the table to use as cover, then to grab the nearest implement to hurl over at Selene. "Sorceress. You were a wench at Gath's court when we last met." Sonja's lips would sneer as she readies herself for defense. But is at least not attacking Selene. Given Kulan Gath's particular -tastes- the other woman could have just been as much of a victim as any other.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
It's a pink skirt kind of day. And where Selene might look like she's a Hot Topic Model, Beroe looks like she just walked out of a Hot Topic as an employee, or valued customer. Coming into this place she stops, looks around, her mouth actually opens up a bit wider, and she just eyeballs the place with a wide eyed nothing but awe kind of staring. "Wowwie!" She offers, somewhat loudly as she's so oblivious right now, and focused on everything else, that she basically bumps into the back of the man who is being smacked backwards by Selene. "Ooof! What? Hello, Oh, I'm so sorry." She is helping him, by patting down his clothing, and helping to re-organize it.

The two women get more of a look, and she grins, "Is this... some kind of cosplay event? Can I be... hmmm, the warrior princess? Or, ooh ooh, the damsel waiting to be eaten by a dragon? You two are SO good at this."

Selene Gallio has posed:
Suddenly, there is a burst of laughter from Selene as she regards Mary Jane. "Oh my! WhatEVER did you do to earn this..." She waves her fingers around in the air indicating Mary Jane. "Entrapment?" She seems positively giddy in amusement.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
As the two women went to face off, immortal sorceress and barbarian in another's body, Red Sonja's hand would clench in readiness. "STay your hand." She would snap over at Beroe. "Such things do not concern you." Said the woman in a spider-man t-shirt and torn jeans facing off with the woman in publically presentable high society attire.

"Earned, nothing. I heard a song of battle and conflict and I took the opportunity."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Wow! This is getting good." Beroe comments to the man in the line, and looks around, "Is this an every Tuesday thing? I wonder if they are accepting applicants." Yes, she is not catching on to what is actually happening, smiling and looking between the two. Then she is looking at ... her phone, for the menu of this place, and starting to look over what's available instead of using the sign. "Huh, no mention of this on their website. I wonder if it's one of those hidden things for 'those in the know'. That's great marketing..."

Selene Gallio has posed:
Considering this for a moment, Selene nods in appreciation towards Mary Jane. "Ah, so you have not been trapped, you have claws your way back into reality by..." She glances over MJ's form, and licks her lips for a moment. "An acceptable vessel, I suppose, if lacking a bit of meat."

She glances over towards Beroe for a moment, as the girl seems to be taking in the show, and favors her with a predatory smile.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There's an irritated look given by Red Sonja over to Beroe, "And has not someone taught you the common decency to not stare and grovel at others about while you trapsize?" She would snap over but her attention would be back to Selene.

"And he has survived as well."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"OooOOoh." Beroe giggles lightly at the predatory smile that Selene gives her, "That absolutely sent shivers down my spine. Wow, you are so good. Hey, do you two" She points over to MJW and shifts her finger back and forth in pointing to create a space indicating Selene and MJW, "Mind if I get a photo? I could post this to my followers and you'd get a lot more people showing up for this thing. Or... is it meant to be more secretive? I can... I guess, avoid taking a photo." It really sounds like the harshest thing she could possibly think to do. NOT post something to an online social media account that she finds even mildly cool? Her face even winces, but just for a moment, as she's smiling again.

When MJW looks her way and asks a question, Beroe genuinely looks around, to the guy who was knocked back, a nearby guest at a table, and she then points at herself, and grins, "Are you bringing me into the skit? Hold on." She takes in a breathe and lets it out, then puts on a more serious face, "Dear lady, no, I have been fore soth taughtith to beith, dignified but also with my curiosity of mine eyes to freely gaze about." And then her eyebrows perk up to see if she got 'royal' down?

Selene Gallio has posed:
The first words are for Beroe. "This tale is not one to be told outside of this chamber!" Selene says imperiously. "If you threaten to do so again, I shall be forced to render your devices inert, and I suspect that would be akin to death for one such as you."

Back to Mary Jane/Sonya. "He lives? How? I thought he had been dispatched some time ago."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja turns her attention to Beroe, "She'll turn your body to ash and make your soul screech in never ending agony as she devours it whole for your impertinence. So cease your driveling and inanity. This realm has it's cattle fattened for the culling the same as our's did." That makes little sense. Or maybe it does.

"Of course such a thing as he lives. I have seen his echos. HIs madness lasted for eons, as has hsi wretched master. Why would we be so lucky as to have his corpse buried, dismembered, adn forgotten in temples long since looted and obliterated?"

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
She does? Yes she does. Beroe actually kicks her foot against the ground slightly, shuffling that foot along the floor for the briefest of sounds, like a 'damn' motion that any animated character might make in response to a disappointment. No huff or snap of her fingers, but she does pout. Briefly. Then her eyes are wide and smile big again as she keeps to her place in line, "Oh, okay, secretive them. Do you do this always on Tuesdays? Oh wait, hold on. Snickerdoodle, I ruined it." She swallows and shakes her head, "Fear not lady of darkness, I would not be so foolish as to threaten THEE!" The last part a little loud as she points up and to the side, more like she's dancing disco than doing Shakespeare.

Then tilting her head, in the direction of MJW, and her mouth just drops, gaping as she then puts her phone away to free her hands. And by that, she just reaches to the side, pushing her arm through a little portal she makes, and then pulls it back out of that space, then she starts to clap. "Wow, wow, wow. Cease your driveling inanity, that's so good. Devour it whole for your impertinence. These are SO good, I am getting into acting, do you all mind if I use these?"

Selene Gallio has posed:
A wave of her hand. "Please, Sonja, do not scare the child. I have long since ceased eradicating beings for their mere mispleasure." Selene smiles towards her. "I have learned patience, and some measure of control." She looks over at Beroe, and considers for a moment. "Do you truly wish to join us?" She beckons with her hand, before turning her attention back to Mary Jane.

"Echoes can last long after death, Sonja. You know that as well as any of us. Do you have actual intelligence, or does the mighty warrior merely quake in fear that a foe greater than her still exists?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would glance over at Selene with an expression of yielding, but light irritation. If anything would have seen that girl stop with her incessant prattling.. Then Mary Jane's tone would take over, "She thinks that you're being a jester for the public's entertainment." The girl who knows quite a bit about how to influence people and sorts of things for popular media chimes up after a moment.

Sonja would give a firm nod to Selene, "I've encountered fragments of him in my arrival here and enough schemes of his beyond mere shadows. He exists at some form or another and is still pulling strings. Whether as a shadow or but one more curse on this world."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Looking around again, Beroe seemingly can't believe that they would be talking to HER. She's just a random nobody with tens of thousands of Instagram followers, so why pick HER?! Excited is the smallest part of it, she actually clenches her hands into fists for a moment, and her arms vibrate shake as she tries to muffle the powerful squeal that is coming from her petite frame, "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!" Bursts from her overtly lined lips, and she walks out of the line to get closer to the two who are 'arguing'.

"A Jester? So, I'm funny? Wow, I have been told, from time to time, that people laugh at me, but I just didn't think they were being serious. Maybe stand-up as a backup career?" To Red Sonja, as she walks over, "I can't say it enough. I can feel a real tension between you, you are pulling it off SO WELL." She tries to whisper, but can't stay quiet by the end.

Selene Gallio has posed:
"You would deride, but tragedy is just as viable a form of entertainment as comedy." Selene lifts up her fingers and peers at Beroe, murmuring a quiet incantatation. Beroe's clothing twists and shifts, and within a few moments gone are the modern threads. She is now wearing an outfit far more akin to Selene's, except in red - a corset, a flowing skirt beneath, and a flowing red cape of matching length. "More suited for the moment, child," she explains.

Turning back towards Mary Jane Sonja, Selene sighs. "We should look into that then. This world is NOT PREPARED to face him." She does not shout not prepared, but somehow it just seems to have that extra oomph of ominous as she intones it.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There's a hum of agreement from Red Sonja, "Yes, such wastes of existence deserve to stay buried. And forgotten. We'll make sure to wipe his carcass over beyond even the fragments of memory that such a craven coward as he deserves." Beroe is given a look of almost pity from Sonja.

"If you seek to train the girl then you'll need to ready her quickly. While I do not know the ways in which Gath had hidden himself in this era, he will have agents about that will notice his pursuit. You'll need to ensure that she is ready to face them."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"I do like comedy more though. Laughing, then crying is waaaaay better than crying then cuddling up with a giant stuffed teddy bear." Offers Beroe, for her part, still not grasping the depth of the conversation. And nor will she when, suddenly, she's in a corset, flowing skirt, and cape!? What!?! She gasps and looks down, pulling on the clothes a little bit, and then looking up, "What!?! This is AMAZING! I wish I could do this, you know how long it takes... to get ready?" She is flabbergasted, playing now with the edges of the skirt portion of the outfit, and giggling lightly, as she's just so amazed.

Looking up, though, at the word of train, "Oh, um. Is this like a sith master and sith apprentice thing? I'm not fully up on my Star Wars, I've only read a dozen of the books and seen all the movies. I definitely missed the Gath character ..." Grabbing her phone from nowhere, though, she turns on the camera, offers a little hip twisted big open mouthed grin pose as she takes a selfie. Caption: Looks who's fancy?

Selene Gallio has posed:
"I had not considered the notion of training her, Sonja, merely..." Selene turns and looks at Beroe does the essentials, snapping a shot of herself or the 'gram, before looking back to Sonja. "Keep her occupied while we discussed." She wriggles her fingers off to the side, and there is another presto chango of Beroe's outfit. Maybe give the girl a few different shots to use. She is in a generous mood today.

"How do you think we need to seek him out? Or his influence, perhaps."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would consider over then give a curt nod, "As you see fit then." She would harrumph over. "Anything that Gath would pursue in this world are totems and artifacts. He has what knowledge he would require and rituals. He would need things to perform them. They would be hidden quite well. But he has had millenia to learn patience in thier pursuit. If he does not go after them in this lifetime then he would another>"

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
The new outfit changes again, this time a black version and her eyes widen, and she squeals again. It's not inhibitied by a muffle, she's just full on awash with sudden excitement. How is this even HAPPENING?! "Ohmygooooooood!" She lets out, basically vibrating with cheer. She is distracted, for sure, by Selene's quick costume change, and she's taking a few more selfies, posting them up on her instagram, caption: Quick change, how did she do it? Amazing!

Selene Gallio has posed:
"That sounds like a lot of work, Sonja," replies Selene, huffing a sigh. "And something for actual heroes, not..." She waves a hand around again. "Me. I have other things to do." She flashes a bit of a grin, and then leans over to put her tongue in Beroe's ear right as the girl is taking another photo. Black Queen photo bomb!

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would cross her arms, "Perhaps. Time and space are no reasons to let a vendetta slide." But she's done her point and passeda long warning. And without any immedaite rumblings of the old monster.. No sense having to spend time with one another. "Do enjoy your new little.. Assistant."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Moving like she's in some kind of photo shoot, directed by, her, Beroe keeps posing a few more times in the new outfit, and then her last one is her face scrunched up, mouth partially open, on the verge of starting to laugh, and Selene's face right there next to hers with a tongue sticking into her ear! And when Beroe has a moment to recover, she giggles, looking at the picture, "Oh, that one is ... oh wait, you didn't want posts. It's soooooo good, though, you have very nice cheek bones, and just overall great facial structure." Is Beroe talking to Selene? Sure, but she's looking at and zooming in on the picture.

"Assistant? What? Did I just interview for a job?! Wow, that would be my second THIS WEEK! I'm getting good at this." She clenches her right fist, pulls her arm close to her, bent elbow, and pulls it down in a victory motion, "Yes!" Congratulating herself on a job well done.

Selene Gallio has posed:
"I grant you authorization to relase that one, child, if it would please you. Just leave details of our discourse out of your documentation." Selene peers over to look at the photo. "It has captured my good side, I suppose."

She straightens and looks to Mary Jane Sonja. "Yes, but my vendetta has faded from my memory, and does not sit as hard as my desire to...sit." She flashes a grin.

Looking back to Beroe, Selene tilts her head. "I was not offering employment, child. But if you wish to submit your will to me in all respects, I can offer a near endless supply of fashion alterations to my thralls."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
The ability to post this last one gets a double air fisted cheerleader type cheer, with a bit of a bounce with her feet, "You are great!" Beroe offers to Selene, "Thankyouthankyou!" And then she is immediately tossing that one up into her instagram, caption: Ewwww gross! With an assortment of emoji faces declaring fun times and laughing.

Then there's the offer, "Oh, huh. Must've been my mistake. Probably ... wait what? Unlimited clothes?!" Her eyes widen and then she grimaces and does the snapping 'schucks', "I prooooobably can't. I did just take on this tv role, and I have all my followers who will want regular updates. Darn. Maybe if one of those fall through?" Beaming in question to Selene.

Selene Gallio has posed:
Smiling towards Beroe, Selene nods. "Thralldom is not for everyone," she murmurs, leaning over to whisper into Beroe's ear a bit of a quieter message. "If you change your mind, seek me out at the Hellfire Club. Ask for the Black Queen. They will bring you to me."

Then she straightens, and nods to Mary Jane. "Enjoy your...cohabitation." She chuckles softly, and then floats her way out towards the door, fingers drifting along Beroe's back as she goes.

The change to the clothes, for better or for worse, are permanent.