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Marvel and Aunt May
Date of Scene: 24 March 2020
Location: Forest Hills -- Queens
Synopsis: 733/Captain Marvel/Shazam and Silk save Aunt May from home invaders, and Spidey senses that animal attraction again...
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Billy Batson, Cindy Moon

Peter Parker has posed:
Aunt May set the apple pie on the living room table to cool. She feels pride in only a few things.
She is proud that she hasn't lost her marbles like a few of her friends in this stage of her life. Still sharp as a tack, she is.
Second, her nephew, who is currently out grabbing some groceries from the store. It wasn't easy, but she and Benjy did all right with Peter. His intelligence had been startling at times, but he had a good heart.

And third, of course, was her apple pie recipe. A trade secret. She had won Best Pie in New York State, and you had better believe she had THAT framed and to the left of her ancient oven.

There was a light knock at the door, and Aunt May moved to the door. She looked at the small display bolted to the wall behind the door.

...MY word, those WERE some intimidating people. They had guns, too.
Steathily, she turned the bolt-lock to the left. "Who is it?"

"New York Census."

"...My aunt's HAT," she whispered, and pressed the panic-button under the screen...

Billy Batson has posed:
Schwarma. Bily didn't know what the stuff was a week ago. Now he does and Holy Moley, he might have a rotisserie on his back! he's flying back from the food truck that amazing Spider-Man told Billy about already having downed one sandwich, with a shiny paper bag full of goodies for the foster sibs, who deserve something for their silence.

And yes he is also stalking. He met Spidey here while the hero was on business. Maybe he'll meet him again.

He has sharp eyes though not magical ones like Kryptonians. He spots the small group of men in front of the modest house. The habitual smile leaves his face. The gang will need to reheat their schwarma it seems.

He settles down behind them, without a whisper of sound, okay, guns. Bullets tickle. He has this.

Wait! Wisdom of Solomon kicks in and he makes sure the street is deserted. He clears his throat loudly. "You will drop your guns." Big smile.

Peter Parker has posed:
Two of the guys turn and their eyes go wide. The two nearest the door don't even notice. One of them even says, "Shove off, unless you want us visiting your place NEXT."
"Donnie..." one of the lookers says uncertainly.
Donnie, the ringleader, turns around and says, "FOR THE LOVE OF whaaaaaa..." That gets the last holdout's attention and he turns to gape at the roadblock in front of their plan.

Cindy Moon has posed:
One moment those guys are thinking they're about to threaten an old woman in her home, the next, two weblines are shoot from high on up, before being yanked firmly right next to Silk, the new Spider Hero who was mentioned on the news, standing crouched on the wall of the building, and plastering the guns to its side. "Are you serious guys? This is New York, we got gun control in effect, pull that shit in Texas!"

Billy Batson has posed:
"That wasn't a request. You're going to want to drop them," Shazam says. Lightning shoots from his fingers, eyes and chest emblem after a momentary pause when the webbing hits the first two. The remaining armed men drop their pistols. Metal attracts lightning. Besides their pistols it shoots along buttons, zippers... "You ought to be ashamed of yourselves! You're lucky I'm not the Batman or that Punisher sicko." Two try to run past and they get clotheslined.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter got the panic button alert while he was at the store. Thank heaven he just paid for them.
He grabbed them, ran out of the grocery store, and then suited up.

One minute later, he was webslinging towards the house. If Aunt May got hurt in some way, he didn't know what he...

He stopped on the treehouse belonging to the Wilmington kids, and took a deep breath. What the Sam Hill...?
He shook it off. He couldn't worry about that hot tug at the base of his neck. This was AUNT MAY.

Ten seconds later, he had dropped the groceries on the back porch, jumped to the front of the roof and...

...and it was over. The one called Captain "No, the Other One" Marvel was standing there, looking majestic, with three rough-looking fellows laying at his feet. And on the roof near the left front corner.

...Oog. Squared.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk looks alarmed by the powers on display from Shazam! He must be a bigwig like the Avengers or something with that level of power. "Hi! I'm Silk!" She introduces herself, before trying to cool herself, she needs to act like this isn't her first time doing the hero gig. Cool it Cindy! "I meant...I'm Silk, who are you? Superman? Also, do you know Batman? Because I want to meet him...not a fan, just curious."

But even as she was addressing Shazam, and keeping an eye on the goons who made the worst mistake of their lives, she suddenly felt very distracted. Almost like the other day in Gotham, when she was with Ghost Spider, weird!

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam's smile falters a little. He says "Nonono. Not Superman. I get that a lot. Don't know why. I am Shazam, from Philly. I'm still learning about you local heroes sorry. I didn't get your name." He sticks a hands out to Silk.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man, FOCUS.

He is...but it's a superhuman effort. It's HER. It's got to be. He knows enough about the scientific method to make the correlation, but...he's never met her before. He doesn't think. Has he?

At least he knows what name she is going by.

Silk. It fits her. Long, silky dark hair...DAMMIT LIBIDO TAKE A BREAK PLEASE?

Spider-Man drops off the roof to land in the grass, but says nothing for the moment. Mostly because he need to control what he says.

Cindy Moon has posed:
"I told you," Silk giggles behind the red buff hiding the lower half of her face, "I'm Silk," she offers a friendly salute in lieu of a handshake, preferring to stay on the wall of the building, next to the guns she stole from the goons and secured out of their reach. "You think we should call the cops on these idiots?"

"I'll help hold'em in place," Silk volunteers, and a couple of thwips of webbing away, and she has the dumbdumbs all wrapped up in a web for a police pickup. But rather than gloat, her attention turns, somewhat fixatedly on Spider-Man. To avoid looking creepy with her staring, she just murmurs, "hey! You're that hero, Spider-Man! Big fan!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam is a little distracted by Silk as well. "Nice... costume..." He turns to look at the new arrival. "Oh hey Spidey! Always good to see you... for the first time... meet you." He suddenly smells schwarma. Actually he practically is bathed in it. Gee he can reheat schwarma. He jiggles the bag a little. "Sorry... was getting a snack. Would you care for some schwarma?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man raises an eyebrow. He is about to speak when someone speaks from behind them.

"I *suppose* you are the young men and woman who trounced these hooligans?" Yes, folks, she called them hooligans.
"Aunt" May Reilly Parker eyes the three of them, then says, "Well...if you're going to eat, perhaps you might prefer our backyard rather than camping on the front lawn like a bunch of homeless people?"

She doesn't even consider that they might say no. She walks over to the gate leading to the backyard, opening it for them. "Might as well be civilized."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk grins at Shazam, at least if one judges by her eyes, it would appear so. The buff does make it very hard to tell what she does with her mouth. "Thanks, I designed it myself," she brags at the compliment she gets from Shazam. Silk shakes her head at the mention of Schwarma. Not that she really knows what it is, but food is the last thing on her mind. "I'm good," she quips, eyes shifting towards Spider-Man again. "Oh, please, I don't want to be a bother..." Silk is quick to call out, jumping down to the ground from her perch on the wall, "it's really not necessary ma'am!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam is led into the yard. Oboy, those kids have a treehouse! "Really ma'am, it's no bother. I'm glad to have helped I don't want to take up the time of these heroes if they have places to go. I just want to make sure everyone gets some safely to a safe home, you know? Well I was getting a snack too, like I said." He looks to Spider-Man and Silk. He doesn't think she eats at all with that frame. "Uhhh I got that from your video with... young William... Batson... 121-35 Ridgewood Avenue."

Peter Parker has posed:
The elderly lady gives Silk a kind smile, one of those all-the-way-up-to-the-eyes smile. "Dear heavens, girl, you must stay. After all, if you do not eat a proper meal, how will I ever justify sharing my fresh apple pie with you?"
Spider-Man follows, trying to stay ahead of Silk so he does not gaze at the curve of her back, the slim, toned arms, the round YOU IDIOT YOU ARE DATING SUPERGIRL KNOCK IT OFF!
Spider-Man straightened, then spotted the groceries he left on the patio table. "Miss Parker..."
"Aunt May. If you are to speak to me, you might as well call me by what all my friend call me."
"Uhm, yes, Aunt May. I ran into Peter Parker. He said he had to go, but I promised I would bring these for him."
Aunt May smiles warmly. "Heavens, young man, thank you." She looks to Shazam, then says wryly, "Now, if you have something to get to that is urgent, that is one thing. But if you are trying to make things easier on me, I have to say I will be VERY disappointed in you if you leave under some ludicrous assumption it will be easier for me if you do."

Spider-Man winced slightly. Aunt May just brought out the big guns.

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Who calls themselves 'young' anything...?" Silk wonders aloud as she hears Shazam's exchange with Peter. "Apple pie...?" Silk does take some curiosity at the offered treat, "well, I don't want to offend..." she murmurs, her gaze keeps slanting towards Spider-Man, even though she forces herself to look away whenever she realizes she's being creepy. But there's something to snap her out of her daze, "wait...you know Peter Parker!?" Silk asks of Spider-Man, just stop shorting of admitting that she used to be in the same class with him.

Billy Batson has posed:
Fresh baked pie... that's serious. Okay the gang's blackmail could wait. He's having pie with Spider-Man and... lovely spider girl who //--Silk--// Thanks Wisdom of Solomon. "Thank you Mrs. Parker. I could deal with some pie. I was bringing food to some friends but I ate. But I saved room for desert, fortunately. Thank you." He gives Silk a shy smile for a second then shrugs at Spider-Man.

Peter Parker has posed:
Aunt May looks to Shazam. "Aunt May. I haven't been Mrs. Parker for some time now."
She nods. "If the food is for others, but you are a good lad. If that is the case, then we shall go straight to dessert. Won't be but a moment."

The crickety old lady takes the bags of groceries into the house, leaving the three of them alone with each other.

Spidey looks to Silk. "Actually, yes. I let him take pictures of me..." And taking pictures of you would be very nice CALM DOWN... "...and he sells them to the Bugle to pay the bills. His Uncle...dies two years ago, and he's been the primary breadwinner ever since."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Oh, Peter Parker takes the best pictures, but it never occurred to me that he actually knew you, Spider-Man, is that how he gets those awesome pics?" Silk looks a bit stunned, "he has you pose for him?" It's actually quite brilliant. An edge no other photographer will have. "You're a good friend, Spider-Man." She just stops herself short from saying she knows Pete's uncle died. "That sucks..."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam makes a note to send Billy and the kids over to help out here. "Peter sounds like a great guy... listen I don't think anyone got pictures of me,.. other than in Philly on phones. If it would help your friend out, I'll be glad to arrange to be shot... in pictures I mean! He can contact Billy, on his website. Or I can give you his number." Shazam pulls out a somewhat familiar battered phone from his belt... wrapped in rubber. Nah.., Spider-Man wouldn't notice it's Billy's phone. A lot of people have a cover made of duct tape!

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods looking into those eyes. Korean, he thinks. "He...has some kind of fancy drone. Pilots it remotely. I keep it in my backpack, bring it out before things get dicey. It's got a 12-megapixel camera on it." He is thoughtful for a few moments, then mentally shakes himself out of a pleasant reverie that should NEVER be described to someone like Billy. "Uhm, well, I can ask...but the electricity thing you do might fry any electronics he makes. I might have to ask if he can protect it from electricity...I'll let him know, and he can get in touch with you or Billy."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Damn...I bet Peter made that on his own, hadn't he?" Silk accidentally shows her familiarity with Peter's penchant for science and invention. Her focus on Spider-Man making her lose herself a bit, and forget she's not supposed to know much about Peter Parker at all, other than his somewhat minor fame as the best photographer for Spider-Man stuff.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam says a little sulkily, "I have better control over it now. I was talking selfies with people and charging their phones back in Philly. I melted one... when I started. Never again. Anyway offer is open. If anything he can use an SLR and do it old school."

Shazam gets up and says, you know... I just remembered someplace I gotta be... " He looks between the two, feeling very much the fifteen year old. But a normal fifteen year old would continue to moon and feel awkward. "It was nice to meet you both. Give Aunt May my apologies. I'll... try to look in on her. She might like that." He raises his hand in the air like--don't say it and streaks into the night. Take out in hand.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey waves to the departing hero, then sighs. "I'm going to have to give his to Billy. Make sure he gets it. Otherwise..." He shudders. Aunt May's ire is no little thing.

He looks back to Silk as his simmering brain is still able to put a few things in order. "You...know Peter Parker, don't you?" It would explain this vague feeling of deja vu he had when looking at her.

It didn't explain the other, incomprehensible feelings he was dealing with. He'd seen heroines in colorful costumes, from Fire to Supergirl. But what she was evoking was something more...primitive.

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Well, yes," Silk answers quickly, "he's a photographer for the Bugle, gets awesome Spider-Man pictures, and now I know how!" Silk looks pretty pleased, judging by her eyes, she has a rather mirthful smile hiding underneath that red buff pulled up to her nose. "Errr...that reminds me, dear Aunt May, I'm afraid I can't expose my mouth...so, I'll have to skip on the pie invitation. If you'll forgive me," she seems about ready to make her own escape. Whether Spider-Man noticed or not, she's having a great deal of trouble on her end of things, behaving in his presence.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nodded, then looked around. "Best get moving. If she sees you about to leave, she's going to make you stay. She has powers beyond human comprehension."

He can't move closer to her. If he does...he'll be gone. Simple as that. If he gets close, it's going to end with Peter seeing how Silk's costume looks on the floor of the lab...

Spider-Man stands up, then steps away from the table. "Will I...see you again?"

He is ashamed of his body's response to that question spoken aloud.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Looks like Silk was in a major hurry to be out of there, because she's already swung away by the time Spider-Man asks if he'll see her again. Something is odd between these two and the weird scrambling sensation they get that make them erratic in the presence of one another. The mystery deepens.