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The People You Meet In Front of a Food Truck
Date of Scene: 18 July 2022
Location: Washington Square Park
Synopsis: Some men try to heist the lockbox from a food truck extravaganza. Only to be stopped by the combined efforts of the heroes!
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Bobbi Morse, Robert Marksman, Jessica Drew, Cinque Evers

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Magic hour comes and goes so damn quick.
    The sun is still barely there over the horizon, starting to slowly droop beneath the skyline even as it makes the clouds there glow a bright orange and pink while the great City of Manhattan eases toward the night. Not that the park is any less busy this particular night, for during the day the Food Truck Festival had been ongoing and the people who chose to participate made a good amount of money and created a whole mess of full bellies.
    Though it was only at this point that the young man known as Alexander Aaron was able to get away, to slip free of the obligation he had felt to help out for a handful of hours at Jamii shelter in the Bronx. It had been a curious circumstance that had brought him there. An offer of aid, a day working through some grunt work shifting supplies from one point to another and trying to help out as they got another area set for people to occupy and hunker down in. He was a curious soul, was there and yet seemed also not there. Something ethereal and off even as he did what some would call 'good work'. And fast. Yet something about him might have lingered in the thoughts of Cinque Evers for it had been an hour since Alexander had seen him.
    Only here and now they were both at the same place again in Washington Square a good ways from that other corner of the city.
    It was before the food truck that had a sign on the side that proclaimed simply, 'BACON AND ASSOCIATED BACON DELICACIES!' that the Olympian turned away, holding a BLT in its wrapper with a bottle of water under his arm that he espied the other man, eyebrows rising as surprise registered in his gaze.
    "Hello, Mr. Evers."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The thing about cultivating an asset as a member of the world's premier espionage and counter-terrorism organization is that you don't really let the asset know until they've been cultivated. And so Dr. Bobbi Morse and her companion, one Jessica Drew, are both in civilian clothing when they enter the square holding the God of Fear and his incorrect decision to eat a BLT when presented with all the myriad of options. Laaaame.

"Ugh." Bobbi is wearing her SHIELD issue glasses, 'Georgia Tech Varsity Swim Team' tee shirt and a pair of shorts against the heat of a New York summer night. The commander moves a bit stiffly, with the tentativeness of someone that has only recently recovered from a serious injury. She nudges Jessica. "So what do you fancy? A BLT?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman had some errands to run and ended up near the area with the food trucks, so he decided to come check it out. He is making a circuit of the different food trucks, looking to see what they have before choosing which one he wants to eat at. The man looks a bit like a hood, but he is not pressing past people, he is actually taking his time looking.

Jessica Drew has posed:
A meet in a public park smacks of Soviet era spy work. Keep it public, have plenty of background noise and people moving about, the noise of the refrigerator generators on the food trucks adds to the ambient hum of the City. Good for snipers, too. Reflexively, Jess scans the skyline and returns Bobbi's nudge.

"Anything is good with bacon. Let's do it right and go for their bacon melt," she replies, coming back from her survey of the surroundings with a smile and a up nod. She scuffs a red high top on the pavement and shifts in place, her knees winking through the holes in her jeans. Her black t-shirt has the word "Cosmic" emblazoned on it.

Cinque Evers has posed:
There has been more people in need than people volunteering at the Shelter, so each volunteer has been greatly appreciated. Even with the lack of volunteers, Cinque hasn't had the chance to greet each volunteer like he had in the past. Fortunately as he takes his evening break at the Food Truck Festival, he happens takes several moments to take into the crowd. As time slows around him, and everthing from the different aromas from the foodtruck, the sounds of crying babies and sizzling meats, and the myriad of clothes being worn gets stored forever in his mind, his gaze recognize the new volunteer who was helping Dechaun.

Cinque recalls how the young man unloaded fifty boxes of food without taking break. Cinque raises his right hand and waves, "It looks like we had the same idea. I am not sure if I should take offense that you didn't want to try some of veal Parmesan that I was trying to make for the shelter. I am Cinque Evers, and thank you for helping me with our shelter."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There is a hint of surprise in the young man's eyes as he gives a nod to Cinque, likely not expecting to have seen him here. But he hooks his thumbs in the waist of his jeans and shifts his weight to the other foot with a casual roll. "S'alright," He offers with that easy-going tone of his, "A lot of people there spoke well of you, figured you were busy."
    Which likely explains why they didn't get a chance, he does hold up his BLT. "Oh, I just had a hankering..." He holds up the BLT which is really quite good and is a delicacy if one weren't a horrible SHIELD agent with no taste.
    Speaking of which...
    In that moment his gaze slips past the man and distances on the figure of the two women who are in line now for their own bit of dinner. At first his eyes tighten a little, then a slight smirk touches his features as he lifts his chin. "Hey guys,"
    Words offered across the way as he espies the spies, then waves for them to wander over when they have their foods.
    Yet while Robert tends to his own meal, he might have a hint of roiling trepidation. Something feeling momentarily off, a hint of a chill in the air. Just as a group of men move past him, one of their shoulders brushing his.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Sounds like a plan, stan." Bobbi tells Jessica with a tight grin when the other agent mentions the glory of a bacon melt. Which is so much better than some boring ol' BLT that you could make at home if you weren't lame.

When Alex notices the two women, Bobbi gives him a quick, mischievous grin and nudges Jessica again, "Looks like the target is busy." She asides to her, "Shall we acquire bacon melts and some beer before we engage? Maybe make him come to us?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Target acquired," she quips to Bobbi. Jess moves forward in the line, getting whiffs of frying bacon and melting cheese. "When did I eat last?" is a rhetorical question because the agent is always ready for the next meal, thanks to her hyped-up spider metabolism.

The special agent's lips compress, neither a smile nor a frown when she catches sight of Alexander, their erstwhile asset talking to another man. A spider might have the same sensation of something in the offing when the unwary brush its web as she looks at the two men talking.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will look at the guy who brushes him and gives a "Hey am standing here." But it is more the standard response to a bump in New York , more than any real challange. He will get to the window and order a decent amount of food, and get his ticket, and leans against the truck out of the way people watching while waiting for his food to be done.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Understanble, I came down here for the foodtruck that sells the best seafood gumbo in all of New York which isn't saying that much, but it is still pretty good." Cinque responds to the mentioning of wanting to get a BLT. "I hope we can start counting you as one of our regulars. We don't get a lot of people with your sort of energy."

The sense of trepidtion is something that Cinque has witness many times as people come to his shelter seeking aid, but he doesn't understand why it is coming from Robert until the man brushes against him. Cinque arches his right eyebrow slightly and lowers his voice to a whisper, "Are you in some sort of trouble?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Very New York response, and then the New York reply is a short sharp growl as the tall man steps past Robert and then casually pulls open his jacket just enough to show the butt of a pistol to Marksman. That universal sign of 'back the fuck up.' Which, might work on most people. And he seems to assume it will, since he's already walking on with his friends heading along the sidewalk moving toward the center point of the Food Festival where the registration office seems to be.
    "Think I see a couple of friends, you mind?" Alexander starts to ask of Cinque as he tilts his head to the side, eyes shifting from the SHIELD agents back to the super-perceptive man, thinking little of it. But Mr. Evers might well pick up on the subtle tells about the Olympian. The way the youth creates a warmer area around himself with whatever furnace powers beings like himself. The way his pale eyes have flecks of gold within the hazel of his irises. The perfection of features and form clearly defined yet hidden behind rough clothes and a scruffy veneer. Signs of something 'other.'
    "Ah seafood." He starts to walk casually in the direction of those two spies in their horribly corrupt and evil organization. "I still think most seafood was tried on a dare." Then he adds with a half-grin, "But sure. I could swing by now and again."
    But at those quieter words his brow furrows, "I..." Is he in some kind of trouble. He can't fight back the wry response as he adds with a half-smile, "I mean, usually I am. But not lately. That I know of."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse is by contrast a perfectly normal woman in her mid-thirties, blonde haired and absolutely innocent of whatever foul crimes that he seems to think she's capable of. Granted, she probably isn't all that innocent, and is definitely more than some normal woman, but who's keeping track?

"Target acquired." Bobbi confirms to Jessica with a wry grin, "Smells a sight better than what they were serving in the cantina, eh? And beer." Which makes everything better, even though she was told no alcohol for another week. The SHIELD agent grimaces as she moves juuuust right to pull on her barely healed wounds, one hand going to her chest before she shakes her head. She does keep half an eye on Jessica, though, relying on the other woman's spider-sense for early warning.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will frown and looks over at the guy with a gun, he does not start anything not cause he is afraid of him, but he does not need some one starting to shoot up the place in a place like this. He will study the man and his friend, giving them a once over and looks through their jackets to see if both of them are packing and if so what they have, ready to step up if needed.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Both the agents fall into the normal category of good looking women, no matter how much they dress down. Of the same height, Jess's hair, an unwilling pixie cut acquired after a mission in Scotland, is a glossy raven black.

Jess makes no bones about it and listens to the conversation with her souped up hearing. The line moves enough for them to be close enough to talk to the two without shouting. She brushes Bobbi with an elbow, telling her in a low voice, "Something is up. Just saying," then turns her attention back to getting her food. The word trouble had floated in the air while she pretended not to listen. Her stomach growls and her hope is that she will have time to eat.

"Hey Alexander. It's been a while. How's it going?"

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque Evers takes a deep breathe as he momentarily peers back at the direction of the shelter. then at the direction of the situation with Robert. Cinque peers around the festival for a moment to witness all the different people taking selfies of themselves and the food that they are eating, and he lets out another sigh. Cinque quickly pulls up his ebony hoodie over his head. "Oh, sure, I don't want to keep you."

Cinque bites the bottom of his lips, "Well, I sure you could probably handle yourself, but I learned even "unique" people might find themselves in a spot from time to time." Cinque raises his arms in a deep shrug, "But, what do I know. I am just simple man trying searching for gumbo and helping the homeless. I think there is a blues song somewhere in that." Cinque lets out a small chuckle as he starts to walks towards Robert's direction.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "You're welcome to join us..." Alexander's words trail off as the man moves in the direction of Robert and those other souls who he only gets a brief momentary glance at as they slip behind that registration office. It's not much, could almost be confused for another food truck except that it is doing no business and has a simple fold up sign that says 'STAFF' next to it.
    As those men disappear from view there's a brief sound of a door opening for those who can sense such things, then a voice, 'Hey, we're closed for the day you're not allowed in here.'
    Then there's the thud of the door closing and a muffled series of thumps.
    For his part, however, Alexander only has the slight vibe at first that something is amiss. Then there's that sudden /blaze/ of fear spiking from that office across the street and beyond a few of the portable tables.
    It's enough to get the Olympian to frown then turn his head as he gestures toward Bobbi and Jessica. "Hey."
    He half jogs over toward them, still holding his BLT while his backpack hangs from his shoulder. "My taxes pay your salary so you have to do what I say." Which is not entirely true. But he gestures over in the direction of that office. "Something is going down over there."
    Though the caliber of agents he's dealing with... chances are they already know.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will look over telling the man he will be right back for his food. He starts to head towards the office himself. He is looking about for any back up the men have and at the man heading in his direction his brow raises but he continues heading towards the office watching reactions.

Jessica Drew has posed:
At the moment Jess was about to place her order spider sense flares, she gives the young man behind the window an apologetic smile and a rushed, "Be right back." And takes off after Alexander.

"Hell you do," she huffs, catching up with him. "Something is going on."

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque slightly hums, "Can You Spare a Dime" to himself as he makes his way towards the registration office, collecting a few items as he makes his way there. Cinque remembers from three festivals ago that Shrimps R Us passes out small bottles of lemon juice for people to put on their variety of succulent shrimp dishes. Cinque "borrows" a bottle of hot sauce for a couple tending to changing their baby's diapers that he saw earlier. Cinque's last stop before reaching the registration office is acquiring two glass bottles that he empties completely out before tucking them in the back of his pants. He covers them with his hoodie and sticks his hands inside the hoodies pouch as he approaches the door.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The crowd around the office is thin, just a handful of people moving past as the sun gets lower, making the shadows long and offering that first haze of twilight. Robert's able to get close enough that he can see the shades and the metal shutters on that truck/office are drawn, there's no visibility inside but there's the sound of more thumping.
    Then abruptly something glass-like crashes and there's a rustling sound of metal clinking.
    "Sales tax." The God of Fear offers as proof that he does indeed pay taxes, though perhaps that wasn't the point that Jessica was arguing. He turns to move with her, both heading toward that area when something about Robert... causes Alexander to lose a step subtly. Just for one moment. "Huh."
    It's about that point when Cinque makes his approach when he'll see the passenger side truck door open with a heavy /thud/ and suddenly a guy is standing there on the metal stoops. Luckily it's not the guy that ran into Robert earlier but instead a taller man with a severe scar along the side of his face and a milky eye. "What?"
    Then he looks at the sign and folds it up, "Fuckin' closed."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will take a moment looking past the man, looking to see where all the people in the office are. X-ray vision can be a very handy thing. He concentrates and lets a thin shine of darkforce cover his skin under his clothes, having to concentrate a bit more as he normally does it much more blatantly. He will move to grab the big man with one hand, as he brings a punch up, trying to knock the guy out. Robert hits harder than most, but with his medical training, he knows where to hit to not do to much lasting damage at least.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Thuds and the sound of glass breaking surf over the ambient noise, Jess often hears trouble before she sees it. Timing her steps to his, she breaks stride with him and follows Alexander's gaze to Roberts with a quizzical frown.

Her attention comes back to the man stepping out of the truck door who hardly talks like an administrative type. Call it typecasting, hardly PC but part of her job of recognizing trouble before it explodes.

Slowing up, she comes to a stop a few steps away. The agent winds up a prissy whine, "We have a complaint to make. One of the food trucks made a friend of ours sick."

Cinque Evers has posed:
There is almost a sad look that comes over Cinque's face as if he truly pities the man for what he is about to do to him. Cinque taps his head, "My bad. I can't read without my glasses. Cinque reaches into his pouch and pulls out the squeezes bottles of hot sauce and lemon juice and sprays them in the guys face for a distraction. If the distraction works, Cinque pulls the empty soda bottles from his back to smash against the guy's head.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Don't eat shit that'll make you sick then, duh." Is the man's response to Jess even as he looks at her with one eyeball bigger than the other, as if she were a crazy person. But then he holds up a hand, "Hang on right there, go... go have a seat over at that bench and I'll get you a refund. Fuck."
    Which he seems to hope will send her on her way as he turns back...
    Only to get a punch /wham!/ right into the side of his jaw sending that shock through the man's brain as his head jolts and his mind bounces around inside his noggin, causing him to stagger to the side as his eyes widen with that abrupt bleariness when the world dances in front of them...
    Then to have a double blast of squeeze bottles sprayed right into those eye sockets causing the man to make a pained, 'AGHK!' of sound. Then the bottles crash and the already half out of it man falls to the ground in a crumpled mess.
    Which leaves one man down outside, but Robert and Cinque likely know what's going on inside the truck. Though Alexander lifts his voice to give Jess some insight, "Three others inside." Since he can positively feel the fear and anxiety of those thugs within.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Ignoring the man with the hot sauce eyes, writhing on the ground. Eyebrows raised, Jess wonders aloud, "X-ray vision, huh?" But she can confirm what Alex tells her through sound.

"Let's get them outside before they do anything else."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will lower the man to the ground once he is out. He looks over to Cinque and says "3 men inside armed, they have one person on the floor, as their are sacking the place. He actually starts to tell the lady and her friend they might want to back up, but seems they are in on it. He frowns and says "I will be bullet proof, if your wanting to help stop them follow me in." And with that a blackness creeps over him covering the man, as he steps up to open the door slowly so they think it might be their partner and maybe get the drop on them.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Why don't we just do human puppet?" Cinque points to man on the ground, "Get him back in the truck, start the engine and honk the horn." Cinque says, "They think that they have to get out in a hurry. They are not going to come out with their guns draw to further draw attention, and they are not going going to fire on the hostage in there." Cinque adds, "They come outside. You have about 15 seconds to 30 seconds to disarms them. I am thinking it is the latter, because most professionals do not rob festivals.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The whole situation is odd. The five of them converging on the truck as though they knew something was about to go down. Alexander picking up on cues is understandable. But, unless they are in on the crime in progress, how would these two men know what was going on inside the truck.

The special agent gives the man who reported on who was inside a 'where do you get off look' just as he turns into a shadow. Grabbing her badge out of her back pocket, she joins him on the step and flashes it at him. " SHIELD, sir. Stand down. This could go badly."

"Do it Alex. That will get them out of there in a second. Good thinking, sir. We'll be here when they come barreling out."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will shrugs a moment and step back letting them play it their way, he stands in the shadows waiting blending in with them, but letting them try it their way.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When Robert makes that statement, Alexander quirks an eyebrow and makes a non-commital shrug, apparently not terribly inclined to help but not going to let people get whupped on unnecessarily. He does shoot a glance at Jessica and if she starts to move in with Robert he'll shadow her but keep distance, slipping to the side. Not exactly door breach protocol but he seems alright with it.
    Robert, however, is able to move close enough and see the other three men aren't paying any attention. Either they didn't hear their comrade's 'agh!' through the closed door or they didn't care enough to check. For right now they're searching all the cupboards and drawers and one has the lockbox under his arm and is stuffing it into a reinforced garbage bag.
    Yet it's when Jessica turns to him and he eyes her with a hint of a glower coming from furrowed brow. There is something timeless and rather terribly judgmental in the way the twenty-something Olympian looks at her, then he looks at the others. "Fine."
    He finally declares, "You get to catch them if they run." Which as he frowns and extends a hand toward the truck with fingers splayed out, his eyes suddenly /glow/ with a flash of white light that hazes and trails like twin flames curling past his features. His jaw sets, tightening.
    Then suddenly all sound from inside the truch is halted. Just such preternatural silence that breeds a pregnant pause that lingers...
    Until suddenly there is a trio of /screams/ from inside as the men seem to shout at the tops of their lungs, one shrieking in a steady staccato of sound just over and over, 'AAAAHH AAAAAH AAAAAHHHH!' while another slams into the wall, there's the shattering of glass and suddenly two figures rush through that front passenger door near Robert. Their eyes are wide, their skin pale and their movements frantic.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will put a foot out to trip one of the guys who is running past them, no reason to have to chase them. He does turn to look and again vieing through the walls to try to find the ethird guy, if he knocked himself out or went out a window on the other side.

Jessica Drew has posed:
It is the first time Jess has seen Alexander do whatever it is that he does. Something of what is thrown at the truck, makes the hair on the back of her neck stand up. The screams confirm her feelings, not that she would be so undignified as let that wisp of fear show. Eyes wide, she steps back from the stairs in time for three terrified men to stumble out, one tripping on Robert's well timed foot. The agent extends her hands, wrists up.

        Twip Twip

Jess lets loose with webbing, wrapping the two runners legs. They both fall like their shoes were tied together. No one has gathered to watch the show, typical New Yorker radar keeping people at a distance.

Cinque Evers has posed:
At the flashing of the badge and the mention of SHIELD, causes Cinque to prudently pull down his hoodie over his head to cover more of his visage. Cinque does take notice of the unnerving chaos that Alexander has unleashed and isn't sure if he is glad or worried about his hunch being correct that Alexander is an unique person.

Cinque takes a step back from the action as the Jessica and Robert bring down the thugs.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The one rushing past Robert falls right over the outstretched leg, while the other runs right into his comrade and it's enough to send them both hurtling onto the sidewalk in a mass of limbs all scrabbling to try and get back up and continue their flight. Only for webbing to splatter on their legs and arms, locking them in place against the pavement even as they struggle. Madness remains in their eyes as each of them almost pathetically try and kick out of the webbing to no avail.
    But then Alexander closes his hand into a fist and suddenly the screaming stops within, while those two men on the ground start to slow... their motions becoming less ragged. Until one looks at the other, they both hold the eyes of their comrade, then tears start to fall as sniffling sobs start to tear through the two criminals.
    Inside the man who collapsed and did nothing but scream remains silent, unmoving, perhaps catatonic as he remains there in a fetal position. As quickly as that it's done, which has Alexander looking at Robert and Cinque... then back to Jessica as he speaks with a growl, eyes still glowing.
    "What you have drawn forth comes not without a price, Jessica Drew. Someday you will pay it." His expression is grim, severe. But then the glow fades and he is standing there, BLT still in his hand, backpack on his shoulder as he scowls and looks entirely annoyed.
    Then a glance is sent over toward Cinque as Alexander perhaps realizes... this likely means the last time he'll be able to volunteer at the Jamii shelter.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will let the shadows fade from him, and does move to step inside, and check both on the person who was being held and then the other bad guy. Rober is a doctor after all, and he wants to make sure they are both ok, even crooks.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Truly, she had no idea of Alexander's powers. Undoubtedly, they are above her pay grade. Something she intends to rectify one way or another.

Jessica takes a step back, mouth dropped open in protest at the threat made and the demand that she will face retribution. Collecting herself, she takes a deep breath, eyes flitting between these decidedly unusual men. Shadow, fear and....

She is not sure. Empath, perhaps?

Cinque Evers has posed:
There are so many kind acts, misdeeds, blessings, and horrors that Cinque has witnessed, Alexander's display of power has just become another one, albeit more terrifiying, and just all the others events since getting his powers he will have to remember every detail of it as long as he lives. Cinque shakes his head to regain some composure before proclaiming calmly, "Jamii means community. Sometimes helping others can help bring you light too. And as I said before even unique people can use some help too." With some of his confidence coming back to him, Cinque adds, "But what do I know I didn't even get a chance to buy that gumbo I wanted, and I need to get back to the shelter. My break is over with."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There are some scrapes, some bruises, and the way one of the men fell likely he'll have a sprained wrist. But otherwise those men are no worse for bear. When he goes inside the unconscious man who was the actual owner of the truck, he looks like he's taken a heavy blow to the back of the head and might well be concussed. Definitely a hospital stay in his future and thus an ambulance should likely be called. The other thug inside doesn't even register that Robert has entered. Instead he shivers as his eyes remain distant, unseeing. Or perhaps seeing entirely too much.
    "I..." Alexander looks at Jessica, then Cinque, then shakes his head. "Am gonna get outta here." And with that he turns, slipping his hand under the strap of his backpack and starting to walk away.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over and to Jessica he says "These two both are probably going to need an Ambulance, he seems to have a concussion and this one well, He is in shock or something." He does make sure if it is shock the guy is kept warm helping with them till the ambulances can get here and then go to reorder his food and pays for the one he left and the new one.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Outside, Jess makes the appropriate calls. The whirp-whirp of a police siren approaching, telling her that everything is going to be taken in hand. Of course, that brat Alexander was going to slip away and leave the clean up to her.

"Yeah, you just do that, Aaron," she calls after him, not hiding her resentment.

Addressing the two men still on the scene, "You know the police are going to want a statement. It won't take long since their injuries," she nods to the three prostrate men, "are self-inflicted. The ambulance will take care of the the man inside." She reaches into her back pocket to extract two cards which she hands to both of them, "I'm Jessica Drew. Keep those. Who knows, someone might be getting back in touch with you."