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Latest revision as of 21:30, 8 August 2022

Meet the Family!
Date of Scene: 07 August 2022
Location: Blake House
Synopsis: Zinda comes to meet Thomas' pride bearing fooooood!
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Megan Gwynn, Zinda Blake, Gabby Kinney

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake had a fairly productive session with Megan. This time he had her working the weight bag. His training was not brutal but exhausting. Little fists have to ht really fast to have any meaningful impact. She got it. They were both sweaty as the basement was not yet air conditioned. Thomas for his part believed in working out under adverse conditions. Finally done they concluded with Catman giving Megan a by now familiar thwap on the butt. He sums up the training with a prelude to the next phase. Megan was presented with a wooden box that held a dagger, sized right for her hands.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is back in her workout gear, black spandex shorts and a green cut off t-shirt and sturdy electric pink running shoes. She really wished this place had proper AC as she wasn't just sweating sweat,she was sweating pixie dust off her wings. Hopefully Thomas isn't standing too close, tho she yells at that slap!

"Heey! You're soooo mean!" she makes a face but eyes widen in surpise as he offers her that dagger. "Oooooooo what's this!?"her droopy tired wings start to turn..Green..

Zinda Blake has posed:
The rumble of a truck motor is heard outside, followed by a door opening and a loud, female voice. "Tho-mas! Thooooo-maasssss! It's Auntie Zinda bringin' a load of fresh biscuits."

Zinda is wearing her customary knee boots and short skirt, along with a crisp, white t-shirt and flight jacket. She's carrying a traditional-looking picnic basket.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Shortly behind the rather large truck is a small motorcycle. A sporty, trail riding sort that carried a smaller figure wearing a Rebel fighter colored motorcycle helmet. Her head tilts at the sight of the truck and Zinda hopping out. An unfamiliar face, an unfamiliar truck, but Thomas did have a lot of friends. And such.

Hopping off Gabby heads after giving a little wave. "Here to bug Thomas?" She greets cheerily. "Great minds think alike."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake grabs Megan's hand and almost drags her up the stairs. It's either follow, lose the hand or port them to the front yard were the yelling originates. "C'mon, it's my aunt from World War Two. Se cooks like Betty Crocker and she hits Sugar Raye."

He pauses a moment to see the knife is safely held and gives Megan a quick smooch. Then he's pounding up the stairs and making for the front door. He thinks Megan is following.

Thomas wraps his arms around the tall blonde woman... perhaps a little too salty for her tastes. "Aunt Zinda!!"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn boiiiinks as she hears sounds upstairs and suddenly she's getting pulled along, keeping as she clutches the dagger tightly in her free hand, "Heeey wait up! Your aunt from World War Two?" she bliiiinks, expecting her to be some wrinkly old thing.lQuite shocked to see she's not. "Umm..."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake isn't shy, either with her voice or the greetings. Thomas gets a warm embrace, sweaty or not, then she spots Megan. "An' you must be Megan. C'mere, sweetie. I'm Thomas' Auntie Zinda." She holds both arms out, prepared to embrace Megan willingly or otherwise.

"An' yeah, I served with the Blackhawks back in th' day. Racked up quite the kill count an' made Ace many times over."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pulls her helmet off to shake out her hair while Zinda and Thomas greet each other. Leaning to the side she waves from behind the pair to Megan flashing a grin at her teammate. Lightly clearing her throat she draws attention to herself, too. "Hi Thomas, hi Megan."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gos around Zinda to give Gabby a hug, sharing the last of his sweat with her. Hey, it is an honor on Dune. Probably. "Hello, sweetie. Aunt Zinda, this is my fiend Gabrielle. Gabrielle, this is my Aunt Zinda. We found out we were related. I had no idea she was even alive till we met at an industry party. ... I kinda hit on her at first but she's a good sport."




Thomas' eyes zero in on the pic-a-nick basket. "Ooooh."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles at gabby and waves, "Heeey again .." she says sheepishly before she gets swept up into a hug by the not so old looking aunt Zinda. "Meeep!" she just kinda stares at Thomas over her shoulder. "you...Hit on your aunt...?!?!" awkwaaard..

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake hugs Megan tightly before releasing, then she laughs and turns on Gabby as well. "Teammate? C'mere, then." Apparently more hugs are in order. "An' yeah, Thomas was sorta drunk at th' time an' apparently I still cut a good figure. But no harm's done."

Turning to the basket, she pulls back the covering cloth to reveal a BUNCH of stacked, fresh, warm, country-style biscuits.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney laughs as she's scooped up into a sweaty hug from Thomas giving him a tight squeeze in return. She actually did need a hug though the sweaty variety was not quite what she was anticipating when visiting. It's dealt with, a little pat on his back given as if she were tapping out toward the end, and she glances over toward Megan getting hugged by Zinda. "Well you two DO kind of smell similar," she has to admit with a little audible sniff before clearing her throat.

"I mean I've heard instances of relatives not knowing they were related being attracted---I'm not helping, am I. I'll shut up." Instead she flashes a grin and lifts a hand to wiggle her fingers in a kind-of-wave. "Nice to meet you, Zinda. I've known Thomas since I was a kid." She sure looked like a kid still. Maybe an olderish one. When Zinda comes in for a hug she gladly returns it with a laugh. "Good to meet you too."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake wants to say this aunt flirting wasn't even among his top ten worst things. Let's just leave that unsaid. "I taught Gabrielle a few things when everyone thought she was just a dumb bunny kid. Megan, Gabrielle, Zinda... I'd kill for any or all of you. But for now... breakfast style sandwiches for lunch?"

"Maybe I get cleaned up first... I gotta apologize for the house. It still lacks AC and electricity in most areas. I'm still working on it."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, "Dumb bunny kid? is that what they take her for? I've seen Gabhy in action and she's anything but." she tilts her head, watching Gabby thoughtfully. "How you been Gabby?" she seems concerned.

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake takes over, making shooing motions to Thomas. "I know my way around a kitchen good enough. Go get cleaned up and I'll set things out." She starts rifling through cabinets, finding plates and then butter and jam in the fridge.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gestures at Megan with a 'There, see!?' kind of gesture. "Oh man you would not *believe* how many people... There's a reason I'm not around the school much anymore. I mean Hank and Illyana and all, we fought together, they know. But the school leadership is all 'Oh child soldier this and child soldier that'. Like, yes I know you don't want to raise child soldiers but *unfortunatly* my upbringing *was* that and now you got me so at laest don't treat me like I don't have experience!" The rant is said all in one long breath before she's forced to suck in more air which she holds tight in her chest to calm herself. A hand is brought up in a 'give me a second' gesture before letting it out again.

"Yes, anyway. I appreciated the chance to get to choose how I wanted to live, but I want to do what I know how to do for good reasons. Thomas knew I was skilled and helped teach me in areas I'm not. I know how to pick locks because of him." And where best to ditch a hot car.

"Why not get a gas generator in the meantime and you can power fans off it or something?" She reasons about the house even as she nods emphatically to mention of food. This would not ever be turned down. Which maaay be why she slinks a bit closer to the kitchen to watch Zinda work.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns a bit at that. Gabby really is a slip of a kid..But she was already trained how to fight, how to kill. she regards her with a look of sympathy, trying not to pity her or anything. And then mentions the pickpocketing and she blinks. "Woah, he taught you that? Thomas, will you teach me how to pickpocket too? pretty- please?" but then there is talk of food and she's getting sweaty. "Umm ok I'm gonna have a quick shower, be right out!" and she zips off.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake sees Pixie seize his shower. "And master of the house goes to use the garden hose... ehe, I cleaned up worse places. To answer your question Gabrielle, I prefer not to burn down the house. It needs wiring overhaul. Also not really into air conditioning or fans, you know? Ninety degrees is sweater weather in Africa." He grabs a towel and soap and heads outside.

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake continues setting the table, arranging the biscuits into a nice, stacked pyramid on one of the larger plates. She watches the two go and get cleaned up. "Y'know, all Thomas needs to do is ask. I ain't an HVAC jockey but I'm a certified aircraft mechanic. Liquid cooled or air cooled, I can figure it out. Pretty sure I could rig up something here for cooling that don't require propellers."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over toward them with a little grin as they part ways to shower, an eyebrow arching as thomas does choose to go for the hose. With amusement she watches the pair go off to bathe with a little nod. "Yeah yeah, you hot temp sorts," she teases while leaning her elbows down on the countertop to watch Zinda a bit more.

"I think he's just choosing the hose because there's company," she remarks with a sly little grin. "He's never been shy about sharing a shower with his prior girlfriend." A pause comes before she admits, "Though she was a succubus." The mention of being a aircraft mechanic earns a nod a few times. "Oh, for sure. I try not to mess with electronic stuff. I heal but it makes me feel kind of jittery for awhile."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake puts the finishing touches on the table setting. "I've been workin' on engines with a thousand horsepower. Supercharged an' turbocharged, th' works. You definitely gotta be careful, there. So a lil' ol' diesel generator ain't no big thing for me."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake returns shortly, with a towel around his waist. He marches through the kitchen, grabs a biscuit in passing and makes for the living room to change. Changing involves fresh shorts. He sits down at the table, still munching and rubs his hands. He looks to the darkened rear of the house. "Oh fuck... here he comes."

He being Rasputin. The tiger walks in from the side entrance to the basement. He murrrs in as soft a way as a tiger can manage, padding over to Gabby after hearing his name. He sniffs inquisitively, and hungrily.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pushes away from the counter to grab a seat at the table at around the same time Thomas comes back in. She's quick to avert her eyes, though it's not anything she hadn't seen at this point. It's just polite to do. "Really? My dad does some mechanic work on cars and motorcycles but I never knew anyone that worked on planes. That's really cool," she has to admit with a grin. Ah, but then there's Rasputin. When he pads over to her she leans down to facebutt her forehead to his with arms opening up to give him scritches in greeting. "There's my big boy," she coos.

"Thomas when did you feed him last?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake sneers. "Honey, that motor scooter eats better than me. I've been living on eggs and toast and meals at Gotham Cable to keep him in antelope. I'm skin and bones. He ate -believe me. Not even counting the raccoons and possums." Thomas is in mid rant when an undisclosed person tosses a buttered biscuit into the air. Rasputin rears up to grab it, his massive paws seeking purchase -on Thomas! Thomas' faceplants into his plate full of eggs and biscuits.