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Latest revision as of 01:54, 4 April 2020

Because Even Superheroes Need Coffee
Date of Scene: 01 April 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: Coffee is served! Mary got a crazy amount of tips!
Cast of Characters: Mary Bromfield, Dick Grayson, Michael Morbius, Ted Kord

Mary Bromfield has posed:
So it's first thing in the morning, and for once Mary's working the opening shift at the Coffee Bean. Normally with her class schedule she works later in the afternoon, but today she gets the morning crunch. Hooray!

So she's wearing a nice white blouse and apron, complete with a name tag. And well, she looks a touch tired since this is radically earlier than she's used to working. But, people need their coffee, perhaps even more than they need their superheroes...

Dick Grayson has posed:
Six in the morning is still stupid o'clock for most people. The cities haven't awaken yet, and around the East Coast, alarm clocks are just starting to go off. The Coffee Bean is just starting to open up when there's the roar of an engine outside of the shop as a modified version of the Batmobile, this one more compact in design. The top of it slides back and stepping out of it is one of Bludhaven's finest...

...vigilantes. Dressed in his Nightwing costume, Dick's mask is settled on his face as he makes his way into the Coffee Bean. "Thank god you're open." he offers as he stiffles a yawn. "I chased Roxy Rocket all the way up here, and so need the pick me up before I head back." he manages as he smiles at Mary. "How fresh is the coffee? We're not talking like I have to fight it for supremacy, right?"

Michael Morbius has posed:
Dr. Morbius steps carefully into the coffee shop, looking around for a moment. He has eschewed his lab coat for a long black duster, a gift from his mother.

It is interesting to see the people here, a microcosm of humanity. There are a lot of other people here, so he waits in line, peering at the items on the menu. He is still getting used to American food and drink. He is not wearing gloves, but he hopes he will be able to navigate this without incident.

Ted Kord has posed:
Science never rests! Science needs coffee. Or maybe Earl Grey? Ted Kord enters the coffee shop, his trenchcoat doing a horrible job of hiding his Blue Beetle bodysuit. He's wearing goggles around his neck as well. The joys of a public identity. He looks at the menu trying to decide on something. He gives a friendly nod to the barista behinds the counter. "Oh, you must have spent hours learning to use that foam dispenser. I'd have nerve ordering tea. Give me... ah make up what you think I'd like. I love trying new things." Cute kid.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks a bit at Nightwing's entrance, and stammers a little, "Um, ah, oh, coffee, right." She smiles, trying hard (and failing) not to blush, "Fresh as can be, yes, yes it is. What did you need?" It isn't //too// busy just yet, though the Coffee Bean is pretty efficient in getting people served and out fast. And Mary might have smuggled out her own espresso to help keep her alert this early...

And then there's Ted coming up to her. which, well... she says, "Oh, the foam dispenser? Actually, that's secretly a refurbished Doombot that we reprogrammed to make coffee. Works great." And since she's given carte blanche by Ted, she works on getting him a medium cappuccino, with a double shot of espresso and four sugars. Either she's familiar with him or she's planning some sort of insidious revenge for a past slight.

Dick Grayson has posed:
When Ted goes cutting in line as Nightwing is trying to decide on what to order, Dick cuts his eyes at the Justice Leaguer with a smirk. "Rough night in the lab, Beetle?" he asks as waits his turn patiently. And then Mary is given a warm smile. "I like mine fresh, plain black. You have any pastries made fresh yet this morning?" he asks, as he considers. Then he amends.

"Make it two." he decides. "I can drop off one for a friend." Because Rachel can always use the pick me up. And then Beetle allows Mary to decide what she wants to make as he peers at the Doombot. "It doesn't announce that you're doomeed as you froth, does it?"

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael looks forward. The smiling barista. A trope that is welcome at this time of day. Very energetic. Caffiene, or a favorable circadian rhythm? Probably shouldn't ask.

He looked at the slip of paper in his hand. The security guard at the lab checkpoint had suggested he get this. He was willing to try anything...

Then he noticed his hands were shaking slightly. Just a slight tremor.

Oh, yes. He was a man willing to try ANYTHING.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks over and seems to notice Nightwing for the first time. "Oh hey, I'm sorry, did I cut you. No actually... business meeting at S.T.A.R. Labs. I lost the bidding but won the limbo contest! How about you? You still using that T-Jet? I could upgrade you to JLA shuttle technology easy." He extends a hand.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary gets Ted his drink first, "And here you go, that's seven-fifty." She then looks over at Nightwing, "We do have some bear claws, and other pastries right over there. The chocolate-filled croissants are pretty decadent, I think. Though the foam dispenser typically only gets cranky if Reed Richards shows up." She gives Nightwing a grin at that, "So, your friend likes pastries... want to get them a coffee too?" Her eyes flash over towards Morbius, and she doesn't say anything... even if she notices the jitters.

Look, sometimes people need their coffee fix.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"No T-Jet. I'm sticking to the ground." Dick accepts Ted's hand in a brief if firm handshake before returning his attention to the barista. After a moment of study over her, he nods. "Sounds good. Give me one of the chocolate filled, and a pair of blacks." comes the order as he reaches into a pocket to fish out some cash.

"Thank you, Mary." See, found her name! Though like the young woman, he's noticed Morbius and there's a lift of a brow underneath his mask.

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael steps forward. He's always a little nervous around crowds. He looks to Mary, and smiles slightly. "Hello. Uhm...I would like a...large coffee, black. And I would also like a small..." he looks at a slip of paper in his hand. Stay still, god damn it. "...a chai latte? Did I pronounce that correctly."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord takes a sip of the coffee and puases. "This is perfect. Here's a twenty, keep the change for a great job! Nightwing let me get tht for you sorry I skipped you in line." He hands Marry another twenty and waves off any change, pointing to the bill and her." Ted gets out of Morbius' way. "Sorry sir." Hey, a scientist... or medical type.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary brightens at the pair of twenties, "Yeah, well, thanks." She grins, as that //definitely// helps the morning go easier. And since Nightwing's order is pretty straightforward, she gets him the black coffees, and two of the croissants instead of just the one, "There, one for you, and one for your friend. Since he's covering it for you."

That done, well... she gives Morbius a winning smile, "First time here? Well, you nailed it, mister." She then cheerfully starts working on that, looking over at Morbius curiously, "Late night? Seems like you had one there." Her voice actually does have a bit of concern there. Moreso than you'd expect from a typical barista.

Michael Morbius has posed:
Morbius smiles slightly. "I work a lot of late nights. Working on a very important research project..."
<"You will be dead in three years, Dr. Morbius.">
Michael smile seems to pause for a moment at the memory. "VERY important. I'd say even life-saving."

He's talking too much. Try not to bore the young lady, Doctor.

"Uhm, how much will that be?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Thanks, Mary. Ted." Nightwing offers to the pair, as he adds a ten to the tip jar for Mary. Nearly fifty dollars in tips and it's not even seven yet! Mary's superpower is clearly super-customer service! Once he has everything set to go, the vigilante packs it all carefully. "If the coffee is as good as the service, I'll be sure to come back."

There's a glance at Morbius. Someone //really// needs their coffee. "I'll see you around." That to Ted as he moves to head out. To make a coffee delivery to a grounchy sorceress and a chocolate crossiant to boot. Maybe Rachel will eas up on letting people in the Tower with the proper offerings.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says to Nightwing, "Hey can I offer you a lift somewhere? I got the Bug parked..." He points upward and makes vague hovering motions. "I'm giving it a final shakedown. So far everything works but the coffee machine. Hence... my presence... I came for the coffee... though I could hang around such charming baristas..." Okay, half joking, no--all joking. He's old enough to be her... young uncle. She did make his coffee just right. Maybe she's a Mutant and that is her power.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods at Morbius, "Research project? Well, we get a bunch of those here in New York." She smiles, "Just promise me that if you are working on some kind of doomsday weapon that you don't try to take me hostage. I need the hours." She then adds on, "Oh, the chai latte and the black coffee, that's ten-fifty." With that, she puts the drinks out for Morbius, obviously thinking that superheroes are pretty good for business judging from all the tips she's gotten.

Michael Morbius has posed:
Morbius nods, then fishes in his pocket for his wallet. Where is it, where is it...If your brain wasn't attached, you'd leave it behind...AH!

He finds his wallet, then opens it to take out a black plastic credit card. The name on the card says MICHAEL MORBIUS. "Uhm, can I tip with this?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins at Morbius, "Yeah, you just write the extra amount on the receipt and put in the total." She takes the card and swipes it for him, then when the receipt prints out... gives him the copy to sign off on and such.

That said, she looks over at Ted, "Well, I hope you don't get the coffee maker fixed anytime soon, as I can use the tips. Maybe Faye can get the Doombot operational again to help us keep our business."

Which is when one of the other baristas chimes in, trying to sound a bit less like an improvished college student and a bit more like a Doombot as she intones behind the foam dispenser, "EXTERMINATE! ANNIHILATE! DESTROY!" A pause, then, "RICHARDS!!!!!!"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord's body language changes as he hears the bad imitation. His hood and goggles are on in a flash and his sidearm is drawn, though pointed at the ceiling. He blinks and then relaxes, saying, "I'm sorry. I have a little PTSD left over from Doomsday getting his hands on me. He returns the gun to its holster and looks embarrassed.

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael has been in New York for over a year. The appearance of the ones the newpapers call 'superheroes' is not new. He'd even read about them in scientific journals growing up.
The sudden combat-readiness startles him, and he jumps at the sound and Ted's response. "Mítir Theoú!" he whispers in a quiet hiss, eyes wide.

He tries to relax as the hero in the trenchcoat settles down, his fingers curling and uncurling. His hands felt cold.

"That is...very unsettling," he says quietly, looking unsettled. He is breathing rapidly, and he forces himself to breathe slower. He didn't need a seizure, not here.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary //yelps// when the gun comes out, and all the baristas dive for cover, including her. It's not like she's invincible right now, anyway! Then she peeks out, "Hey, um... Ted, right? It's okay, no need for that stuff." She glances back at Faye, then shrugs a bit and slowly stands up, "Really, it's not even a Doombot. Just a joke we like to give our customers since they expect it. New York, right?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord rubs the back of his neck and says, "I know it makes no difference but... the BB gun can't hurt you. It stuns and such... well it could ... never mind. I better go... thank you for the cheerful service... Mary. I'm sorry sir. That voice just brought back some very bad memories. No one could have known. Maybe I should just go home and stay there." He goes outside and reaches for a trapeeze like contraption just hanging there. It hauls him upwards and out of sight.

Michael Morbius has posed:
Morbius blinked. "Wait..." he said, just a hair above conversational levels. He could not fly or shoot laser beams, but in his own way, he was just as different as the man in the blue armor. "Don't..."

And then he is off, and Michael suddenly looks very tired. He glances to Mary, then says quickly, "I...didn't mean to antagonize him. Really, I swear..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, "Yeah, it... well, I don't know much about him, I mean, not personally. But he got really hurt by Doomsday a few years back, think he's been in a coma until, well, just a little while ago." She sighs, "Nothing you did, Mister Morbius, just... well, we shouldn't have done the gag. We thought he'd appreciate it." She smiles, a little sadly, and gives him the card back. "Though hey, I hope you like the drink. And if you don't, we have a lot of other options."

Michael Morbius has posed:
Morbius smiles. It really is a nice smile, even as washed-out as he looks. "Actually, miss, let me introduce myself. I am Dr. Michael Morbius. And as a doctor, I can understand and relate to trauma. I would not have begrudged him to stay." He pauses. "Here..."
He goes back to the slip, forgotten on the countertop, then signs his name...with a tip of $500. "Here you go...Mary?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary's eyes go a bit wide when she sees the tip, "Um... ah, wow, you're a doctor?" She blinks, then smiles at Michael, "Yeah, Mary, don't take this the wrong way, but you seem kinda young to be a doctor. I mean, I wouldn't think you were much older than I am, if that." A pause, "This isn't some Doogie Howser thing, right?" Her lips quirk in a smile as she relaxes a little. Of course, the insane tip helps... and she does have to say.

"Though, well, that's a... really large tip. I don't think my service was quite that good."

Michael Morbius has posed:
He raises an eyebrow. "Doogie...howser? I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the reference. But I am something of a prodigy. I hold a doctorate in biochemistry."
He looks around. "Would you like to talk? You don't have to, of course. The tip is already given. I felt since I could give it, I would. If nothing else, I am sure it will pave the way for absolutely STERLING service in the future."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary snickers, "Well, that might entitle you to getting coffee delivered if you keep that up." She pauses, and smiles a little, shrugging a bit as she glances back at Faye, "Hey, I'm going on break now, okay. Try to keep the Doomster under control back there." With that, she gives Michael a nod, "Well, I do have a few minutes... breaks aren't too long, but I can talk. I mean, I just started going to college myself. Journalism."

Michael Morbius has posed:
Morbius nods approvingly. "A burgeoning intrepid reporter. Someone should alert Lois Lane and April O'Neil." He walks over to a table, putting the cups down and settling into one of the seats. "An admirable profession. The pursuit of truth, which makes us kin in some way. Is there a special award for excellence in journalism?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary laughs, "A Pulitzer, actually. And wow, yeah, I don't think I'm even close to the category of those two. Maybe someday, though..." She shrugs, taking a seat by Michael as she sips her own espresso, looking at him, "I just feel like it's important to have the truth out there, you know? There's too much... obfuscation, these days." Even if she's doing a bit of it herself.

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael nods. "Yes...I suppose you are right. But the truth can be very dangerous. People has used the truth as a weapon. One must use wisdom. There are things I can say about myself, but they would only elicit sorrow, pity, or sympathy, but I don't seek those things out. I will not air out my tragedy for attention." He looks to Mary. "There is truth in science, as well. One must be willing to face the truth. Falsehood has no place in any scientific field."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, looking curiously at Michael, "Well, yes, you always have to use compassion, but..." She tilts her head, "I mean, what's going on with you is your business. I wouldn't want to pry or anything, but it does seem like you needed to talk to someone about things. Even if it's not what's going on with you."

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael nods. "You are correct. After submerging myself in my work for months, I think I am on the verge of a breakthrough. It will have to be tested, of course, but if it works...then I may very well benefit mankind in a major way. It would be ego-enhancing to see my name alongside such eminent people as Salk and Pasteur."
He chuckles, then sips the chai latte. He blinks, then looks to Mary. "This...is very good. I feel my tip is money well spent."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, "Wow, seriously? Well, good luck with that, I mean... that sounds rather incredible." At the mention of the tip being well spent, Mary blushes a bright red. "Ah, thanks, I mean..." She shrugs, "Well, like I said, try not to kidnap me for your world domination plot. People need their coffee." With that, she gives Michael a bit of a grin, "Though hey, normally I work later in the evenings, if you ever get a chai craving then."

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael looks thoughtful. "Why, yes...I think I would, at that. I work late into the night, and taking a break to pick up one of these...I think I would like that very much."

He feels...happy, for the first time in months. First the positive response to the latest variation of #497, then a recommendation from Leo that turned out be be quite favorable, and now he is having a constructive and healthy conversation with another human being that has nothing to do with what is happening to him.

This has been a banner day to be sure, and it isn't even noon yet.