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Crashing the Divine
Date of Scene: 12 August 2022
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Logan and Divine brawl with Abomination. Jamie Madrox drinks booze and watches.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Divine, Logan Howlett, Jamie Madrox

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost has decided it's time to start to socialize her young enforcer. So she's told Divine that she's taking her out clubbing. Emma is dwarfed over by the bulkier girl that is totally -not- Power Girl at her side as the two would go along. "Remember dear, do enjoy yourself, but don't put anyone through the walls or break anything. You don't want to waste the evening having to leave the fun now do you?"

Divine has posed:
The black hair shaved in a sharp undercut does reduce her resemblance to anyone she might happen to share Kryptonian DNA with. Divine is attired in a slick vinyl bodysuit, unzipped enough to show the hollow of her throat and sime impressive cleavage. Her arms are visibly muscled, her shoulders broad as she listens to Emma essentially let her off the proverbial leash, "I'll do my best, but if someone starts something, I'll have to finish it. For your safety, of course."

Logan Howlett has posed:
All 5'3" of Logan is in tight wranglers and suspenders and a tight white t shirt and his ever present leather jacket. His hair slicked back. Built like a hairy dwarf version of the sexy lumberjack/brawny mascot. He's out and about trying to hook up, quietly having drinks hoping to land a mr or ms "right now"

Jamie Madrox has posed:
It's really hard to meet the Mr. or Ms. "Right Now" when you're sitting next to Jamie Madrox. Mostly because he occupies most of the room. At least, he usually would. Right now, it's just the one Jamie sitting next to Logan. There's another Jamie near by, chatting up a blonde, and another Jamie also near by, pool sharking. But mostly it's this one Jamie, having a beer next to his short, hairy buddy.

"So anyway, how's the mansion? I haven't been in like a week. Ran into Betsy at the pool when I was there, though." He puts a hand to his chest and tappity-tap-taps as he lets out a soft sigh. Because _damn_.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would walk along with Divine, "Of course, darling. That's why I have you with me. It's so lovely to have a specialist in attendance." They're out in public so Emma can't -quite- get away with 'minion'. As the two would go along she would catch sight of Logan, "Curiouser and curiouser." She would speak to herself lightly and thoughtfully.

Then so as she would catch the presence of Jamie. "Why, it's like a reunion." She would note breezily over if only to hereslf and to Divine, that the two others might not have any meaning to the group.
    Right as the group would be somehow starting to congregate in the same general area, a large CRASH would smash through the street! The crash would be a hurled two story Brownstone residential building hitting the ground and turning to dust!

Followed by a -huge- bulky green man with scales leaping through the air to land right next to it!

Divine has posed:
Divine regarded Logan and Jamie for a moment with a raptor's gaze. She didn't know them, but it wasn't hard to read that Logan was dangerous. It makes her grin at the thought of a potential conflict, only to have her dearest wishes granted when the walls bursts tin to reveal a massive, inhuman monster crashing inwwards.

Divine rises from the floor in a slight hover, "Stay behind me and you won't get hurt," she says.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"things are fine" Logan says in his typical grumpy old man tone. A little annoyed by the buzz kills that was Jamie. "Besty is a looker, though I'll give you that".

Logan looks over at divine. Beautiful imposing and stacked she draws attention easily. Logan notices Emma mentally makes a note to stay away unless spoken to.

Logan doesn havt very long to mourn his lost opportunity at the big sexy lady, before the loud crashing and the appearence of the Abomination grabs everyone attention. Logan slips away from Jamie to go investigate the situation from a better close vantage point.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
"Hel-lo," Jamie says, smiling at Divine and Emma. He's about to say something else when the wall comes crashing in and he blinks, picking up his beer and sliding off his stool. As Logan starts to head towards the Abomination, the extra Jamies start to move, herding civilians away from the scene of the chaos.

"Good luck!" he calls to Logan. Fuck if he's going to go after the Abomination.

Emma Frost has posed:
What happens is the landing from something big, green, and covered with scales wearing large oversized purple pants. To Logan he reeks of gamma radiation. To Divine, he's probably hideously mutated to whatever happene dto him. For those that have read his file, he's recognizable as the ABOMINATION.
    The green freak-zoid would turn towards the trio, "What are you looking at?" Then he spots Logan and grins, "Why, if it isn't a little pancake." While he would leer over at Divine, "When I'm donew ith him I'm coming for you."
    Emma, at the instruction goes behind Divine.

Divine has posed:
Divine cocks her head, "I might leave enough for you to play with, short stuff. If I'm feeling friendly," she snarls, her black-painted lips curving back before she moves with inhuman speed, a blink of an eye before she throws a couple of criss-crossing strikes at the Abomination, testing his defenses.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Bold of you to assume you'll walk away from the fight with me, Bub." Logan says as he's caught trying to sneak up on Abomination. Logan sighs and pops his claws muttering to himself "Let's fucking do this then."

Jamie Madrox has posed:
As Logan and Divine square off with the Abomination, Jamie steps up next to Emma and looks at her, smiling. "Hey, Emz. You look good." He takes a long drink of his beer. Other Jamies -- dupes created in the moment -- are emptying the place of civilians in an orderly and efficient manner, lifting toppled tables off people, setting chairs right, holding doors, etc.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emil Blonsky is caught by surprise as the hit comes in from Divine. She clobbers him quickly, evne as he goes to swing back at her. Presuming he does hit her it would hurt quite a bit if he gets in a solid strike. He's on par with the Hulk for a reason. "Nice potshots, sugar. But you're not the main event. Come on shrimp." He would taunt over at Logan while trying to smack Divine to send her flying!

Divine has posed:
Divine snorts playfully, her speed letting her largely avoid his large, lumbering strikes. He's faster than one would expect for his size, but he's still not Almost Kryptonian. "Males always overlook females, confirmed," she says, then cuts loose with her heat vision, searing a laser-like slash at one of Abomination's jumbo sized limbs, "I'm hurt, I'm torn, I'm confused, but mostly I'm just in the mood to hurt someone."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan is ready to fight blonsky but then Divine starts to show off her powers. Logan puts his claws away. "Ladies first. Go right on ahead. you got this bub, just holler if you want help"

Jamie Madrox has posed:
Madrox isn't about to jump in. The BEST case scenario is he gets hit so hard dupes end up crowding the entire bar, and that would be a bad thing. Instead, he keeps drinking, watching the show. He's probably not even Jamie Prime.

Emma Frost has posed:
Jamie is going to get people out, and the area is evacuated. Everyone is safe. But perhaps most importantly all the booze in the bar is HIS. Not Logan's. ALL HIS. As Divine goes to loop around to toy with Abomination, hitting him with heat vision, he would howl in pain. He would spin around, doing a feint, a quick blow that's intended for her to dodge.. Then he goes to strike her right in the middle of the torso with a brutal shot that would send her FLYING hard from the impact! He's going to charge right over towards Logan right after as soon as he gets a bit of POW room!

Divine has posed:
Divine takes that hard shot right into the center of her body mass. She's rocked, her own velocity only making it worse, arms and legs jerking rapidly and flinging her back hard into the wall, cracking a hole open in it and sending her skidding into the street on the other side.

Still,l she isn't knocked out, not yet, but that's as hard a hit as she's ever felt, shaking her head to clear the cobwebs, asphalts piled up in piles where she's skidded to a stop. "Miss Frost, should I evacuate you?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
With a snnkt Logans claws are back out. Logan is waiting for the charge his idea to stab his claws into Blonsky when he tries to smash him. Turning his arms into thagomizers. "Alright bub come get me"

Jamie Madrox has posed:
"I," Jamie says, as he pours himself a generous whiskey and hops up to sit on the bar, feet up on a stool, "think we should bet," he tells Emma. "Hundred bucks on Logan."

Emma Frost has posed:
There's a charge from Abomination over at Logan, "Good. I've always wanted to see how well I can make you squish." Even as Logan goes to spike his claws into Abomination's arms, he lets out a yowl! Going to try and pick up the still attached Logan to try and 'Puny God' him!

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would hiss over at Divine, "Yes!" She staggers over at Jamie, "I will, despite our disagreeemnts, not put a wager on Logan losing."

Divine has posed:
Divine grumbles for a moment under her breath - while she understands she needs to get Emma out, she's still craving the fight. Stilll, her loyalty to Emma comes first and foremost and she swoops over at superhuman speed to scoop the exquisite blonde up in her arms, leaving Logan to handle Abomination for the moment, "Should I evacuate your friend...s?" she says, turning her head around as she sees all the other Jamies. Well. This was new to her.

Logan Howlett has posed:
His adamantium claws dig in to the green arm ripping an tearing at the soft tissue. Muscle, tendon, ligament all being sheared at. This should make the monster's grip lose it's strength at the least for a moment before the green meanie's healing factor would become a factor. Regardless Logan is willing to take the smashing if he can inflict more damage on Blonsky by stabbing him repeatedly as he would be smashed.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
"Boooooooooooooo!" Jamie says to Emma, shaking his head. "You used to be fun, Emz. You used to be interesting. Now you're all proper and respectful." There's a reason Jamie doesn't live in the mansion. When Logan gets grabbed and smacked around, Jamie winces and tosses back his whiskey. "Yeesh."

Emma Frost has posed:
There's a look given from Emma to Divine, "Don't take him away from the fun." THen Divine goes to whoosh Emma waay, taking her to safety. It leaves Logan and Blonksy facing off agaisnt one another.
    Logan's slashing his way through Blonsky's hands and wrists, leaving them almost hanging by a thread. But not before Blonsky has hammered Logan up and down into the concrete enough times to leave a multi-foot deep impact crater, perhaps. Even with Logan's regeneration and speed, having his brain psosibly slammed around like a bouncy ball in his skull can't go well..

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan dazed and concussed ends up laid out on the ground. He's motionless for a long moment. Eventually he stirs and starts to make his way back to his feet. He groans and grumbles as he starts to regain his senses. "I've been hit harder by a lttle girl. I aint done with you yet."

Jamie Madrox has posed:
Jamie takes a deep breath. His dupes are starting to come around and merge back into each other, forming less and less targets for the Abomination. "It might be time to cut and run, Short, Pale, and Hairy," he tells Logan from his spot on the counter. He sure as hell isn't fighting a Gamma monster.

Emma Frost has posed:
This has Abomination getting up and grunting, his arms hanging limp at his sides, mostly cleaved through. "Same here." Then Abomination goes to take several steps back. Why is he backing away from Logan? Then presuming he can he goes to charge forwards, intent on trying to kick Logan over lik ea field goal!

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan gets up minor cuts and contusions on his body healing. "I said I ain't done with him yet." Logan waits for the charge, waiting for the last moment to try to slip the kick and counter strike emil in the gut with a claw strike.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
"I mean, all right," Jamie shrugs and continues to pour himself another drink. "But he's going to end up punting you clear across the city, and I'm not going to go looking for you, just FYI. Hope you don't land in the river."

Emma Frost has posed:
Tehre's a howl from Abomination as Logan's claws go deep into him. He responses by trying to snap kick over to the side, attempting to hit Logan while he would stumble past to send the pint sized Canadian bacon flying!

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan would smash through the nearest wall, and come up coughing up blood. "its hurts god dammit it hurts." Logan says still trying to get himself back up.

This is his failing, He's bones can not break and his tissue will always regenerate, But Logan feels every bit of it. From his claws ripping out from between his knuckles, to every strike, to every ruptured organ, torn muscle and snapped tendon. Logan's tolerance for pain is legenday, and the constant drinking serves to dull it too but even he has his limits.

Behind gritting teeth and blood gurgling in his throat Logan still talks. "it hurts. it hurts... But I. ain't. dead. yet. bub." As he tries to force his body to get up before it's healed.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
"This is getting a little hairy for me," Jamie admits, as he gets up and starts heading for the back. At least one of his dupes has a construction job (or had) and he knows what a 'building that has suffered structural damage' looks like. "See you at the mansion, Logan!"

Emma Frost has posed:
As Logan goes to slowly get up, he would see Abomination grunting, arms hanging at his side uselessly.. Right as Abomination goes to shot put a truck into the building. The building goes down on Logan. Hard. Very, very hard. But Abomination is going to be feelig it for awhile, with both arms carved up like a turkey and immobilized, huge chunks horn out.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan groans under the rubble. The pain just making him angrier, unable to move any of it. At least not before his body manages to heel enough to give him some strength back.