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Latest revision as of 01:17, 24 August 2022

Chairty, Country Clubs, High C's.
Date of Scene: 23 August 2022
Location: Gotham Heights Country Club, Bristol Township
Synopsis: At the Sisters of Mercy Sponsorship for Prison Animalympics Charity Golfing Event, things go all strange when Diggory Douglas of the Dockyard Dogs Decides to Dangerously Dangle the Doings of Dastardly Dudes, Did not anticipate the Disappearing/Reappearing Dashing Impulse's impersionation of the Slicker Ghost, nor getting shot in the shoulder by Jim Gordon.

Joan Wright Rights Wrongs and Corrects Costly Ceilings.

Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Jim Gordon, Bart Allen, Joan Wright

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Golf. Why do all these high-power people like playing golf. It was boring. It was so stupidly boring. You ride around at a moderate speed in a cart, get out, take turns hitting balls until you get the ball in a cup, and then you do it again for eighteen... twenty four... sometimes thirty six holes. And if there's people with you there's some clapping, it's horribly polite, and did we mention, boring?

    After the morning golfing, there was a luncheon, and Phoebe was left alone to represent the Wayne family. Which means she was wearing a white-and-pink golf dress, her short coils over a sun visor, and had to switch out the nice and comfortable shoes for a pair of pink pumps. She wore a pink athletic sleeve over her left arm, and had a white silk choker-collar on that hid the gauze beneath.

    Everyone mentioned how very quiet and polite she was, nodding and listening without interrupting others.

Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon isn't here as part of the guests, but rather for security. Given the number of Wayne events that get targeted, and the luck of charity events in Gotham historically, Gordon is heading the police presence. The officers are there in plainclothes spread throughout the course. Most of them are paying more attention to the golf game, snacking on food (and drink if they're not being watched) and likely not doing a great job of contributing to the safety of the event.
    Gordon himself is resisting the urge to constantly check his watch and check in with the officers spread about too often.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen stands next to Phoebe, helping when she needs it. He has a tablet in hand to use when needed and has a red and white golf back nearby, but inside it are poster type tubes instead of golf clubs. He is wearing a blue button up shirt with pick specks all over and pink lamas sitting arounf with an occasional golfer on it. A pair of obsidian blue shorts cover his legs to the knee with amatching socks and tennis shoes(normal not golf cleets at least). He steps away a moment to talk to one of the staff for the event, and then steps back to lean in and whisper to Phoebe what he found out.

Joan Wright has posed:
Not wishing to be mistaken for part of the green, Joan had to wear something other than that color. So, she ended up picking up a nice goldenrod colored dress. She hadn't told Ted about the dress and had planned to surprise him when they came here but sometimes research can't wait and he was so close to proving a theory about Bongo.

Her short hair is pushed back behind her ears, assisted by jeweled green flower hair clips to each side.

She didn't have to switch out for more comfortable shoes. Being slightly above average height, the woman used that as an excuse for always wearing flats.

She was almost tempted to skip out on the function entirely but two factors kept her here. One, her parents were present, her father, had made quite a number of friends here during his tenure at Gotham University and consequently her mother as well. As for reason number two? Well. Someone had to drop off the check from Kord Industries. Considering the charity name, Joan strongly suspects Ted didn't fully read the invitation.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Jim Gordon!" one of the city councilmen barks, Phillip Cupps is his name, and he represents half of the Old Town. He's one of the 'young bucks' of the city politics, in his late twenties and always has to act like he's everyone's best friend. He comes over to try and clap the good Commish on the back. "Why are you looking so glum? The Sun is shining, the grass is green, we're surrounded by pretty girls wearing short skirts" he motions around them to the collection of trophy wives, minor Gotham celebs and trust fund babies "-- it's a good day for golf! Have a champagne and relax, old man!" he grins, flashing his too-white-to-be-natural teeth, then runs a hand through his dirty blonde hair. "I mean, look over there, that brunette? Related to Gotham U Professor, definitely got brains, could carry on a conversation. Over there, next to the redheaded kid? You remember that Baby Phoebe from a while back? My mom has the ten-year *commemerative plate* of her finding, made all the news. Now she's a Wayne Spare Heir. What a publicity stunt that was!" he grins, full-on cheek "Year or two someone's gonna be married off to secure a business deal, bet you two hundred bucks. Wayne can't be that much of a dunce." he grins, lifting a pair of glasses off a passing waiter, and offering one to the commissioner.

    Phoebe gives a little grin to Bart, playing the part of wallflower as she listens in to the goings-on around her, and she signs to him:

    <Do you think I can bribe the band to play libertango? Is that a thing I can do with the last name?> she questions to Bart quietly.

    "Oh, hellloooo!" a blonde, so very blonde woman smiles at Joan. "You must be Professor Wright's daughter, correct? Oh, I heard you moved out to New York. What brings you back to Gotham for our little get-together, hmm?" the woman asks, drinking from her champagne flute. "My daughter Chantilly is already accepted into one of the *giiiifted* programs at the university."

Jim Gordon has posed:
The politician approaching him gets an easy smile from Gordon, "Good to have you here, Sir. This is all for a good cause." Gordon goes by default with 'respect' to any of the elected officials to their faces. At least the ones he doesn't have an pinion on and knows aren't scum. This man is mostly an unknown entity to him. The slap on the back is taken with the good humor it's intended as.
    "Can't, I'm on duty, and it sets a bad precedent for the department and looks bad for morale purposes." The boss can't be lazing about and having a drink at a party. Even though no doubt quite a few of the rank and file are.
    "That sounds incredibly dismissive of her. And of the Waynes. Thier family has a long tradition in this city. Bruce Wayne is an orphan but he's tried to give a family to as many kids as he can maintain. Don't be so cavalier with them." Gordon gives a light reproach to the councilman that has immediately gone down a few notches in his head from 'neutral'.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen does have a brown kaki hat sticking out of his back pocket. He figures if the time comes he might try to get some help for another group that is near and dear to his heart, but for now, he is all there for Phoebe. He looks to her, and says "Technically you hired then, I think if you tell them to, they will play the macarena, and follow it up with the funky chicken." He smiles at her, and does grab two non alcoholic drinks from a waiter as he passes by and offers Phoebe one. "I hope that lady from the last event I went to does not show up."

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan gives a glance to her wrist, exposing a lovely, not too expensive, but pretty enough chain watch. There is a mild temptation to sneak out since the check was delivered at the first chance she got. But, she does need to track down her parents first.

The hand lowers as the brown haired woman glances around, looking for a glimpse of them. Ok. Who nabbed them this time?

The search is cut short as Joan finds a woman with hair brighter than her own dress approaching. Lips part for a moment before they grow into a polite smile as it appears she's due for some engagement. She gives a nod as the woman guesses correctly to who she is. "Yes I am." She replies, opting not to correct the woman about the moving comment. She never lived in Gotham. She just spent a lot of time here because of her father. "Oh Well. It seemed like a lovely occasion to spend a little bit of time with my parents and I also had a donation to drop off."

She highly doubts the woman really wants to talk about her though. Looks like she'll be here for a bit. "So, the gifted program? You must be so proud of Chantilly."

Oh God that song's playing in her head now...

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phillip turns a little bit red about the ears, not used to having drinks refused. He turns, handing the glass off to someone else, who looks very confused and is now holding two glasses.

    "Look, I get that he's the eccentric that people like, but he's also just weird, secretive, never really out there, and who sends their 'latest acquisition' out if not as an advertisement?" Phill challenges Gordon. "Besides, it's not as if he's here to defend himself."

    Phoebe gives a small smile to Bart.

    -I didn't hire them, this isn't my event. The nuns hired them. Or something. I'm just here to represent the financial interests of the Wayne Medical Tech division.- Phoebe signs, and looks out over the grouping. -Someone's accosting the Commissioner. Poor guy. Do you think I could get them to play the funky chicken?-

    "Yes, yes, Chantilly is very bright, and accompanied by a sizable donation to the universtiy -- totally separate, of course from her entry into the gifted program. We're all so *very* proud of her -- Chantilly, darling, come and meet Jane --" she calls out.

    And who comes over is a very sullen, dyed-black hair teenager who appears to be the exact opposite of her mother, and looks *horrified* at having to wear a dress.


Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon would maintain his response, "I'd call that him trying to give the girl a sense of happiness that she hasn't had in her life, and make her feel good about herself with all the roughness she's had. And calling /her/ that is belittling, and to Mister Wayne. I'm sure that most of us have our own eccentricities as humans. And hse's here to lend her support to making a difference and to rally support and money for a good cause. I'm sure that you're here to be seen donating to such a worthwhile thing as well, aren't you?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen ahs and nods his head to her, and says "Want me to go talk to them and see if they will. If they got a guitar, I can help play it, I had to learn for a school dance when the main guy hurt his hand. He does not mentioned he learned in about five minutes, but hey for him thats years of practice. "Maybe birddog? It is a charity for animals... oh we should write up a animal playlist." He is already pulling the tablet up.

Joan Wright has posed:
Damn dad and his vintage record collection. Once Joan heard that name, she could just imagine the Big Bopper's voice queueing up on his player.

'Chantilly lace, and a pretty face
And a ponytail, hangin' down...'

Joan gives a nod, smile a bit easier to maintain now with the soundtrack going on in her mind.

'A wiggle in her walk, and a giggle in her talk.
Make the world go 'round
Ain't nothing in the world like a big-eyed girl
To make me act so funny, make me spend my money'

Joan's smile spreads wider at the mention of the sizable donation made that had NO relation to the daughter getting accepted. "Of course." She replies, giving a nod.

When the sullen girl completely against song type shows up, the soundtrack in her head dies away.

Oh thank God.

Joan turns her attention over to the younger female. Smile seeming even stronger. "Hey Chantilly. I'm Joan. I hear you're going to be going to Gotham U soon. Got an idea of what you're going for major wise?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Me? Oh no, scoping out the competition. Life is a race, Commissioner." Cupps gives a grin.

    Phoebe gives a slight smile to Bart, and she shakes her head -Should be fine.- she signs, and then she considers, -Horse with No Name-

    "Mama wants me to major in management." the dark-haired, dark-dressed girl replies, and then as the mother turns away, calling out to someone else to schmooze, the girl breathes out "I'd rather go into music and performance, but there's no way I'd be able to get into the program if she's involved." she admits to Joan. "What a pain."

    There's a little bit of a commotion over by the kale-encrusted cold olive display with the ice sculpture golfer.

    And that's when the gunshots go off!

    "Ladies and gentlemen of the Country club!" a man shouts out as he kicks over a tray of finger sandwiches, and hops on the table.

    "There has been a change of plans with the donation money. If you would *kindly* please provide us with all those sparklies you're wearing, we'd be happy to take them off you to improve your swing."

Jim Gordon has posed:
There was a sigh from the Commissioner to the city councilmen, "Oh? Afraid that much for your golf game? You might want to go out there and try swinging if you're that worried about falling behind over in it>"
    He returns his attention over to the man that was kicking the table away. For once.. For once Gordon might actually appreciate the timing.
    A quick warning sent along his waklie talkie and there are several guns from the plainlcothes officers scattered about, including Gordon's a moment later.
    "Hands over your head, on the ground. GCPD."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will step so his hands are hidden from everyone but Phoebe. He makes one into a fist, and the other he holds under is open palmed, and looks to her waiting to see her response. He was going to suggest Barracuda, but it seems the playlist will have to wait. He is tempted to do the zoom zoom zoom, but he waits to follow Phoebe's lead.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan's eyes set upon the wandering mum leaving Chantilly with her. "Well, even the music and performance industry has some form of management to it. Maybe you can get a a cognate or minor in that to make yourself more marketable there?" She lowers her voice, "Just make sure to do the courses that overlap with the other major first to give yourself more flexibility later. Just in case you need to change majors." The architect smiles, giving a bit of a wink.

And for a moment, it's like one of those nic-

And then there's the gunfire.


Joan gives a sigh, looking over to Chantilly. "So much for sneaking out of here."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Aw, so nice to see you Gordon. Didn't know you'd be on the invitee list -- but then again, I made my own list. Also -- did you *know* your cops were drinking on the job? Makes it awfully easy to bogie them into the bushes. Don't worry though -- we're theives, not murderers. Mostly." he gives a grin.

    There's a couple more guns drawn, including one from the gentlemen who got *two* drinks, and points his at Phillip Cupp!

    "D-do something! What do we *PAY* you for?!" Councilman Cupp squeaks, putting his hands in the air as he looks down the barrel of the pistol!

    Chantilly is suddenly left *alone* -- her mother appears to have abandoned her in her time of need, and she hangs close to Joan.

    "I've never been at a hold up before -- what do we do?!" she whispers.

    Phoebe can't do much without either vocals or tipping her hand. Bart, however, can.

    She gives him a nod, and she hangs back.

Jim Gordon has posed:
There are guns pointed quite a few ways, and Gordon makes a mental note to talk to the other officers present about proper procedures. Gordon goes to hold his gun up in the air, but goes to put himself subtly in front of Cupp, blocking immediate line of target to him. Gordon's wearing a bullet proof vest, Cupp isn't. It also hopefully gets all attention over on him.
    "Do I get the pleasure of knowing who we're dealing with here so I know who to have an extra twenty to thirty years added to their sentence when they go up through the DA's office?" Gordon's tone is calm as he would just watch the man, keeping his gun up and over. "And the donations are going to be on credit and check. Anyone with jewels or paraphanelia on them will be maybe a few thousand dollars, total. No one brings out the very good things to these events. The press doesn't attend them and it's a charity event. They don't want to risk losing them. THe take won't even cover your expenses." He would continue on.
    "But, I'm guessing you're the type that might have not quite gotten that far. The rest of your men are hoping to get paid. But you're going to skiff them, aren't you, since the take is going to be nonexistant."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has his expensive watch on and he will be damned if he gives up his vintage 1984 Kaltor, that Emiko got him. It is just to cool. He nods to Phoebe, and will dive for cover under one of the tables, as he does he kicks in the speed. moving at speed so they do not see him, he phases through the wall into the coat room. He starts to change and then sees the yellow rain slicker and galoshes. Well Batman prefers that the named heroes aint showing themselves. He will slip both coat and galoshes on and flips the hood up to cover his head keep a slight vibration so if someone does see under it they can't see who he is. And then he moves to the PA system, and starts to whistle a old child's song tune. Then he is moving again to the light switch and flicks the lights on and off, each time he has them on, he moves and leaves an after image of him in the slicker. With a couple flickers, he is in front of the main gun man and holds a finger out and makes a no no no motion. The whistling does not stop, as the Ghost Slicker shakes his head at the man.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan considers Chantilly's question. What DO they do at a hold up? It takes a moment for her to mull over the experiences she's had. Kidnapping... random ninja... the break in at the office... island with killer robots, the time she went amazon because of that stupid artifact...Homicidal LEGO man...

With a list like that, you'd think there'd have been a hold up by this po-

WAIT! Hot Dumpling Restaurant... There was one there.

Oh good. For a moment she was getting worried.

About something else.


Joan looks to Chantilly. "It actually varies... Just don't draw attention to yourself."

Chantilly's going to have to work hard if she wants the attention because right now it appears the people with guns are being haunted by their poor decisions.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "The name is Diggory Doug." Yes. It's Dig Dug. He seems to not want anyone to dwell on his name and he gives another shot into the air, busting plaster and making it fall over a group of well-dressed golfers.

    "It's not the take, Gordon, it's the principle of the thing --" he begins, and he's cut off by the sudden whistling of a child's nursery rhyme.

    "What the..." he mutters, and then the lights flick on and off.

    The sudden appearance of osmeone in a rain slicker, hood up, galoshes and no rain to speak of. "That... what *is* that --" he questions, and levels his gun at the slicker-clad hero and fires once!

    Phoebe brings her hands up to her ears, wincing.

    Chantilly screams, and she ducks under a table to hide!

    .. where she finds her mother, looking rather embarrassed.

Jim Gordon has posed:
Jim Gordon would glance at the man, "So, you're saying to rob somewhere with the intent of losing money in the process and cheating everyone involved in the job is the principle? It's men like you that make my job much easier, so thank you." Gordon not phased over by the sudden shift in lights. His timing going to right when the gun goes overhead to fire up another series of shots. The lights flicker..
    And then hte man is taking a shot over at someone in stickers. Taking a shot at a kid is something that Gordon has to respond to. His own service revolver drops as he aims at the man, going to try and take a quick shot over at Diggory Doug's shoulder i fhe could on the hand that held the gun.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen makes sure no one is behind him to take the bullet and vibrates letting the bullet pass through him. He will have to make a point of standing so the goons are shooting at one another. He will shake his head again and this time, as he flickers, he flickers in front of each man in turn one hand making the no no motion while the other hand comes up to touch the barrel of their guns. As he touches them he wedges a golf tee in each in turn, if it does not mess the gun up it should at least screw up any shots, they take. The whistling ghost moves back towards Dug after the comish has taken his shot, and the whistling stops for just a moment as he says one word.. "DDDoooooooommmmmm" And then the whistling starts up again. Bart is really glad he does not pull this stunt often, whistling and moving at superspeed, thats a bit of a work out even for him.

Joan Wright has posed:
With the gunfire that's not directed at the ceiling, Joan does NOT dive under a table. It's not because she's better than that. It's because the closest one currently contains one of the weirdest Mother Daughter bonding experiences in the making and she does not wish to interrupt that.

Also there's no room. But she does crouch down behind the table, making sure not to be at shooting height.


The falling plaster does catch Joan's attention. Hand adjusting to a finger gun position, she quickly swirls her hand and points in the direction of the falling debris. The shower of white material halts before it comes in contact with the people. Floating there.

From her hiding place, she slightly lifts her finger, causing the pieces to raise, and then lowers it. Partially rewind, partially go forward. Just, wiggling about in as distracting a manner as possible before...


The plaster flies back up, reassembling itself into place. Lines clearly showing where the breaks were but not giving away at those points again.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Zoot! Up goes the plaster, like it was never down.

    The theives (or would-be theives, if they weren't so cowardly!) are unnderved by the sudden appearance of the Slicker Ghost, and their guns mess up with the application of tees to their barrels and mechanics, resulting in quite a few gentlemen shooting themselves int he foot with the tees!

    So while they're dancing about, with the whistling, and the person in the slicker disappearing and re-appearing around the place, more than a few of them turn tail and run, leaving Dig Dug all by his lonesome!

    "ARGH! NO! It's just -- some stupid -- trick! Just shoot him!" the theif mastermind calls out, and he turns and fires into the crowd-repeatedly.

    Phoebe ducks down with a 'whoof' of breath.

    The commish himself was the object of at least two of the shots from Dig Doug as he fires at random -- OK, so maybe not so random when it comes to Gordon, but Gordon's shot rings true -- it hits the guy in the shoulder, blossoming out some blood on his white golf shirt and making him drop his weapon!

Jim Gordon has posed:
One of the bullets strikes home over in Gordon's torso, causing him to grunt and step back. There's a wince from him as he moves to stumble down to a knee. Even with a bulletproof vest on, being shot hurts. And will result in some bruised ribs. He goes to stand up, waving off anyone approaching him. "Secure the area." Mentally reminding himself to talk to the personnel that had been assigned to here about proper protocols while on security duty, he lets out a sigh as all of the would-be robbers would be neutralized as he goes forwards to aid in cuffing them.
    "Councilman, I'd suggest you rethink some of your presumptions on the public and other citizens of the city."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will zoom about catching the bullets, as the one gets past him and hit Gordon he will mutter softly, but then he is back over Dug, and he drops the hot bullets onto the man and then flickers, and then he just sinks into the floor disappearing from sight. He moves phasing back to the table Bart dived under and shedding the slicker and galoshes in the basement. He climbs out from under the table and moves over to Phoebe "Ummm.. everything ok?" He asks her.

Joan Wright has posed:
From her supposed safe spot, Joan watches as most of the gunmen seem more interested in running away. As the other man gets shot in the shoulder, the architect gives a slight breath of relief. Not for the bleeding, but for the dropping of the gun.

When it looks like there will be no more shooting, Joan starts to stand up. And not a moment too soon.

As she's tugging down the hem of the dress, Joan's come to realize this dress wasn't meant for crouching in. Eeep.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    No, golf dresses were really too short.

    Phoebe, from where she went down, winces and lifts her hand, showing blood, a singed bullet hole, and the bullet.

    She signs -Can you find me a sweatshirt to put around my waist to hide this?- in embarrassment, and then looks around. No one else was hurt seriously.

    Chantilly and her mother are crawling out the opposite ends of the table, and Chantilly looks *pissed*.

    Diggory Douglas is arrested for a variety of charges, thanks to Jim Gordon (who gets to save the day again), and Joan Wright has Righted a Wrong, in both the plaster above and Chantilly's future below.

    But... who was that mysterious slickered spirit?