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A Little Tune Up
Date of Scene: 07 September 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - Garage
Synopsis: Various Avengers catch up with each other while doing some automotive work in the garage.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Greer Grant, Robbie Reyes, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is currently over in the garage and is fiddling over with one of the motorcycles. It's an older style of Kawasaki Ninja that she's working on inserting a pair of jet boosters into. Taking out a small welding torch as she works over at the wiring of it, slowly and carefully installing the modules while moving to wire them in and check over with it along a small sensor.

Steve Rogers has posed:
A rumble of a motorcycle can be heard of a different timber than the Kawasaki Ninja produces. Up the driveway from the street comes a fully refurbished Harley Davidson Military EL Knucklehead. It's painted cherry red, and has a familiar looking blond-haired man on the back.

Steve Rogers lets the bike coast up into the garage and into one of the areas set aside for service rather than just parking. He turns off the bike and climbs off, putting down the kickstand. He pulls off the skullcap helmet he had on and nods over to Natasha as he ruffles his fingers through his hair. "Natasha," he says to her. "Doing a little bike work?" he asks as he moves to set the helmet on a counter. "I was thinking of doing the same. Heard a few sounds I want to figure out what they were on the way back," he comments.

He pauses to look at the bike, and then back to the rather extensive toolset, before picking out the right one to begin removing some parts to let him check the engine more easily.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint is working on something that requires a hammer.

Whistling some tune as he pounds the blunt end down against a sheet of metal to the provide the drum.

After a few seconds he begins humming instead, same tune as with his whistling, but a bit more melodic.

Accented by the crack of metal on metal with each hammer swing.

"Cold: The air and water flowing."


"Hard: The land we call our home."


"Push to keep the dark from coming."


    "Feel the weight of what we owe ~
    "This, the song of of sons and daughters~
    "Hide the heart of who we are~
    "Making peace to build a future~
    "Strong, united, working til we fall~

Crack. He begins humming to the same tune again between strokes of his hammer.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over at Steve, "Captain." Ever so formal now over to him as she would pause over from her work with the wiring, settling back and moving to the side to stand up straight as she would move to set down her eqiupment and remove a few parts that she had been working around with>

"I'm seeing how stable they are on this model to see if it makes for a better riding platform or not. I'll take it for a test ride once I ensure that they're properly integrated and functional." The sawblades and spikes that were over on a table to the side were clearly extra mods that she was putting in. The bike already clearly had a set of micro-missiles, small machine guns, and a standard spiked caltrop launcher and oil slice deployer. So Natasha was seemingly going for the full conversion protocol.

"Barton, I see that your own work is going about as well as your singing voice. Shoul dwe perhpas consider having some noise regulations put for work within the Mansion?"

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer was never much for motorcyles before becoming furry, and after it's not like there was much need. Things are...different at the moment, though some changes are wearing out their welcome to be sure. He's made his way to the garage to stretch legs out a bit, see what's goign on about the mansion. "What song's that, Clint?" the tiger asks as he enters the garage area. A wave to Cap and Natasha as he sees them. He steps over to Nat's worktable to pick up a sawblade carefully. "But will it make a margarita?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve removes the leather jacket he had on, hanging it up on a peg on the wall, and then moving to crouch beside the bike. He's wearing jeans and a white t-shirt with the logo of a local middle school's sports team on it. Something they gave him when he visited, no doubt.

He glances over towards Clint, listening to the song. The man's expression is slightly curious. Maybe not trying to place it, given how much of musical history he's missed, but maybe taking a stab at the source anyway. "Is that... Bob Dylan?" he asks after dredging up some memories of different songs people got him to listen to.

Steve spots Greer come in, lifting a hand back to him, the wrench in it spinning as he gives the wave. "Greer. I'm not sure if that attachment comes standard on anything but Tony's armor," he says as he begins unfastening a nut.

Clint Barton has posed:
"I'm sorry what? I can't hear you over the sound of my very important hammering." CRACK. Clint slams the hammer down on a sheet of metal, for which there is no logical purpose other than he appears to be doing it intentionally to bother Natasha. Since now that she's called out his wonderfully true singing voice, he's staring at her with each swing.

"Hey, Cap." Crack. "That's a lovely bike."

When Greer comes in to stretch his legs, Clint grins and upnods, then glances over at Steve with a snorting laugh,

"Not Dylan, no. It's a song from a video game, actually. We All Lift Together, entry to Fortuna." Crack... with his eyes focused on Natasha when he hits the metal sheet with the hammer.
    ~ "And we all lift.
    "And we're all adrift together."

He's wearing a Reading Rainbow t-shirt with a flannel tied around the waist of his dark colored blue-jeans. The legs are tucked into unlaced combat boots... and he's wearing a Hawkeyes (the Iowa baseball team) cap backwards.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would turn to the others, "Why, it does look like you're enjoying yourself. With your singing voice I don't presume that the rest of us would now." She would give a nod over to Greer, "And I hoep that things for.. Your current status. Have you had any luck over when it comes to seeking a way to undo it or has that not been something you have had the chanceto pursue yet?"

Folding her arms together to watch at the rest. "And what is the ruckus you're making related to any sort of project, Barton?"

Greer Grant has posed:
"Really? I'd be half surprised if he hadn't added it to everything he could get his hands on, when nobody was looking," Greer says in response to Cap's observation. "Knew it wasn't, but made me think of something like Diggy Diggy Hole," he mentions to Clint. "Had a dwarven industry sort of feel to it." His tail flicks slightly with each bang of the hammer, but he doesn't comment aloud, even if there's slight twitches to his muscles.
    A shake of his head to Natasha. "No luck yet, but I haven't been as aggressive as I could be. I think it's time, though. I mean, this has been an interesting and eye-opening experience, but I need to get back to being myself."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers turns the wrench, removing one nut and then another, then removing a part of the engine and begins checking it over. As he does, he glances up to say to Clint, "Games today have much better music than in my day then. Red Rover, Red Rover, send Natasha right over, is about the most we managed," he comments before standing to go grab a rag to clean some grease and road grime from the part.

As Natasha mentions Greer's current status, Steve looks over and gives a look of support. "If the rest of the team are able to help..." he replies, the rest able to go unsaid. The Avengers will be there to help their teammate if they can.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Who knows, maybe one day I'll be accepted amongst the people of Nidavellir and become an honorary dwarf." Clint rolls the hammer around his fingers in much the same fashion as a gunslinger would their revolver and hangs it up on the tool rack infront of him. Though he resumes whistling the tune, he no longer sings the words or beats the metal to annoy Natasha.

Since she's asked specifically what it is he's been hammering.

And he's obliged to show her.

He grins and turns the sheet around and rolls it between his hands with a corner in each palm. Stopping it with his thumbs so the front face he'd been working on is pointed out towards her.

It depicts...

A bunch of dents where he'd been hitting it with a hammer.

"It could be worse, we could be singing Aerosmith while playing stick ball."

He tosses the metal sheet down and hops up on the corner of the bench he'd been working at. "I'm pretty sure the only benefit to being a man is the unreasably high pay gap and dispreportionate availability for promotion. Maybe get a managerial job before you switch back? Milk a broken system, ya know?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod at Greer, "You might have some luck asking some of the other members of the team. It's a bit outside of her field but perhaps Wanda could handle it. If not her then perhaps Zatanna of the Justice League. If not the two of them could possibly discuss whom is best to go to." She would go to stand up over while lgancing at Clint.

"I wonder sometimes, Barton, do you offer up these sorts of ideas purely to make the rest o fus wonder about you? In which case, you've succeeded quite well>" And once again Natasha is very happy that she's staying out of the affairs of the Asgardians.

Greer Grant has posed:
"Appreciate that, Cap," Greer says with a nod to Rogers. "Everyone's been great, couldn't ask for anything different from anyone, with all of this." He purses his lips in thought and leans against a wall, absently folding his arms across an all too flat chest. "I'll try Wanda, first. She should have first crack, as part of the team. After that, Zatanna's definitely a good choice." He grins wryly at Clint. "Oh, there's been a couple benefits to it. Not enough to want to stay this way if I don't have to, but it's not been a bad experience. Who knows, maybe you'll get a chance to try the other side out," he quips.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The grease and road grime cleaned off the part, Steve blows on it then sets it aside, before crouching back by the bike to remove another part of the engine. As the different options are given that Greer might seek a solution, he adds, "There's also a fellow over on Bleecker Street that you could check with. Be sure to take Tony. They get along with each other -so- well."

He delivered it fairly straight-laced, but then there was just a bit of twinkle in his eyes that seemed to tell the joke of it. "But Wanda could be a great option, I agree," he says as he turns back to the bike fully. A few parts are removed and examined, carefully set aside. "Alright Bessie, what had you making that noise," he murmurs to himself. Or actually, to the bike. Did he just call it 'Bessie'?

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint shoulders heave in a massive shrug at Natasha, "Listen, Nat.. if my answers concern you, perhaps you should cease to ask difficult questions?" He's all grins for the russian spymaster, as well as his other teammates. Hands resting on the insides of his thighs to brace himself up.

All this talk of Wanda though.. Clint wipes the back of his neck with a rag. Swinging a hammer unnecessarily to the beat of a song is hard work and builds up a healthy sweat.

Until Greer mentions him being able to see how the otherside live, "I'm forty one years old, not having a prostate would be benefit enough for me to switch up for a few months." Truly, he is a man of culture and refinement who sees the glass for the relative content level.

With a grin.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smirk over at Clint in a rare teasing expression over and glance at the rest of the team members present. "If not Wanda, she can at least refere you to someone else that can do it. It sounds like it was put on by someone extremely powerful. So you'll need someone equally as so to remove it or alter it."

She didn't presume to know, but with magic things would likely work that way. One could not undo something so easily if one was weaker in skill and power after all or such things would be all too easy to correct.

Greer Grant has posed:
"Sounds like the sort of fellow that I -shouldn't- mention Tony to," Greer says to Steve with a wry grin. "Unless I want to wind up worse off than I am, of which there are many ways." He snorts amusedly at Clint's comeback. "Spoken with great wisdom," the tiger commends the archer with a slight bow. The grin fades some at Natasha's observation. "Circe," he says, by way of explanation. "So yeah, pretty powerful. I doubt that's going to be an issue with undoing things, though. I can't imagine she would've spent any effort on making that difficult. Think she was just showing off. That said, it could be the case. Like, hitting something strong enough to drive it deep into the ground kind thing. Hard to get it back out, even if you don't put a rock over it."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve pulls out a spark plug to check it, then starts on removing another one. He keeps an ear on the conversation about finding someone who can undo Greer's condition. The talk of magic causes the man's lips to press together into a bit of a line.

"There's a lot of great things about this day and age," Steve says to them. "Though I admit, I kind of miss the days that, well, you understood what was going on around you." He pauses a moment. "Not that I understood Einstein or... ok maybe I'm just remembering the past fondly and painting it better than it was," he says with a chuckle.

Clint Barton has posed:
"They call that rose colored glasses, buddy." Clint slides down off the edge of the bench and walks over to clap Cap on the shoulder, "If anything, I'd say things have gotten a lot easier... if not just more direct and immediate." He furrows his brow and snickers.

"Reason people back then stayed friends so long is it took two months to receive written correspondance.. It's easy to stay friends with someone if you've got two months worth of shit to talk about between letters." He fishes his phone out of his pocket and wiggles it.

"Now we send pictures of food because we don't have anything to say to each other."

"That's progress, pal... that's progress."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would watch over, "The Greek Witch? Curiuos. I would say something about her being considered a myth.." Tha'ts Natasha attempting to display a sense of humor. Whether or not it's taken as such is up on the air. But the attempt and the intent is there, going well or not with it.

Greer Grant has posed:
"When I was younger, world seemed to make more sense," Tigra agrees with Cap. "But it wasn't because it did, I just didn't know enough to realize that. Little like, say, juggling. You don't appreciate how difficult five is until you learn three and take the next step. Or 'Bessie,' there." Yes he heard the name. "Looks simple from the outside, until you start taking it apart." A nod to the Widow. "The one and the same. In Tartarus, even." A smile. Greer understands the joke Natasha's making.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"You needed a hand with Bessie, you could've just asked." The accent's unmistakeable: East LA with a slight Texas twang; the grin's evident in the young man's voice, if the dimples didn't give him away.

Robbie's fiddling with the zipper of his leather jacket as he tromps down the stairs and into the garage. He's sporting a pair of black jeans with shredded knees and the shit-kickingest pair of boots you ever did see. His hair is a mussed mop of dark curls dangerously close to being a mullet.

He greets the others with an upnod, gaze lingering on Natasha for a few seconds with her bike. "You want me to take a look before I head out?" That's to Cap, as he wanders over.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers rises to greet Robbie with a handshake, but then notices the engine grease on his hands. He shows his palm to show the grease in explanation and instead gives a little salute-wave. "Robbie, can always use a hand," he says with a smile.

"Just giving her a going over. Made a couple of noises on the way back, but think she just needs a cleaning," he comments. Steve does take care of that bike. The one he does not ride into combat. Though the way problems find him, it's a surprise she's lasted as long as she has.

"But feel free to take a look, sure," he tells Robbie. After he looks back to Clint. "The familiar is always a little rosier looking," he agrees of the rose colored glasses saying. "I think all those food pictures are also part of why it's so tough to keep the weight off," he says. Well, that was a joke, as he hasn't looked like he's gained a non-muscle pound since he came out of the ice.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint groans at Nat's joke, but at least she was trying. He's giving her points for that... but then Steve chimes in and that's all the archer can take. "Oh my." He pats Cap's shoulders again and throws his hands up in mock exasperation, "Robbie, see if you can do anything with these savages. I've got a ball-game to catch." A few steps backwards towards the stairs leading out of the garage. "I'll be on comms for a few hours, but I've got much deserved and well earned R and R coming up... So pray that the world doesn't end while I'm gone."

"Because seriously, what would you guys do without me."

He turns on his heels, knowing full well he's about to be assailed with insults that he's of no real value other than as an automated quip machine, which brings very little to the group other than the occational curiosity how he ever made it on it in the first place.

Best to not be here for them!

Can't insult him if he's got his fingers in his ears saying na-na-na-na-na-na over and over.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance at Robbie, "Ah, hello. I'm attempting to install some weapons modules on it." Her bike, an older style of Kawasaki Ninja that she's in the midst of putting on a series of rocket boosters, micro missile launchers, and other things to fully weaponize it.
    "And you're allowed to have some time ot yourself, Barton. You're not myself or Rogers after all." Not that she has any real need for relaxation after all.

Shaking her head as Clint would go to depart.

Greer Grant has posed:
A shake of Tigra's head in amusement as talk goes back to cramming weapons into Natasha's bike. "She's got the saw blades and spikes right here," he says to Robbie, tapping a nearby worktable with said instruments of destruction and tools of foul play. "Going to slip out, myself, though. Get a bit nervous with my tail around too much mechanical goings and on. See if maybe I can find Wanda."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Like Robbie cares about a little engine grease. The salute's returned with a quick wink, and he strips his gloves off as he walks around the bike, lips pursed into a considering moue. "What kinda noises? Rattling, grinding, hissing, knocking.." He counts them off on his fingers, most of them tattooed; one has 'familia' scripted along the side. "Could be a loose cam chain or your main drive train's fucked." He drops smoothly into a crouch, and pokes around the chain assembly, testing how much slack it's got.

"She's a real beaut," he remarks quietly, half to himself. And, "When'd you change the oil last?"

Weapons modules, however, gains his attention in a hurry. He pauses and flicks his eyes over Natasha's bike, clearly curious what she's planning. Saw blades and spikes? "Sounds like a good time."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers chuckles at Clint as the man turns to go. "Just cheer for anyone but the Yankees," he tells the other man. Cross-town rivals of the New York Dodgers. Can't cheer for the Yankees, even with the Dodgers in LA.

Steve makes room for Robbie, moving over to wipe his hands with a rag. "A knock and a backfire," he comments. "And last change the oil," he says, thinking a moment, "Probably two months go." Though someone else restored the vintage WWII motorcycle, Steve takes as good of care of it as if he'd done the restoration himself. The comment makes Steve wonder who did restore it, if Nick Fury had someone do it, or if Nick's father had, himself.

He motions towards Natasha's section of the garage. "A margarita dispenser too," he adds, "Right Greer?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
At Robbie's comment, Natasha would smile, "Oh, a few hours ago. I'm doing a thorough checkover." Among hte thigns installed so far are a spike/caltrop launcher, a standard oil slick dispenser.. And a pair of deployable rocket bosoters that she had onl,y partially put in before she had paused. "Yes, and if it won'd destabilze it I'll put in a deployable forward ram on it."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
This is why Robbie's a (secret, ssh) fanboy of Steve's; the guy's got good taste in baseball teams. "Shit, that's right, you must've known 'em when they were in New York." He frowns thoughtfully at the bike. "Probably your timing belt, then, or your exhaust valve.. older bikes like these, it's usually the valve clearance that's off." Pushing back to his feet, he strides off to hunt down a toolbox, and sift around inside one of the compartments for a gasket and a handful of O-rings. "Betcha this does the trick." He holds one of them up to Steve between two fingers and wiggles it, then heads back over to start dismantling the exhaust fairing.

"So why'd you need rocket launchers on your bike?" he asks Natasha while he works.

Pepper Potts has posed:
There is purpose for Pepper's visit to the mansion this evening. She has need of JARVIS, and there are just some things of his that are encapsulated, and one particular function can only be gained from the Mansion itself. The evenings are cooling off, even after a few days worth of rain in the area; if anything, it's a humid cool. Not pleasant, but not enough to send one indoors for the rest of the season. There is a certain comfort, a certain warmth in the Manse; a feeling of 'home', even if it has never been hers.

Once the information is gained, Pepper has put her jacket back on, a light one for early fall as proof against the light chill in the air. The distinct *click* of heels can be heard in the halls, outside on the concrete, and before she is ready to step foot into the car once more, she notices the lights on in the garage. They hadn't been before, but now?

"I'll be right back," is offered to her driver, dutifully waiting, before she quickly looks around for another before she turns and makes her way towards the small gathering, the red hair tied in a pony tail swinging slightly in her step.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve gestures to Robbie, giving him free reign to have at the vintage motorcycle. Seeing the man work at something he has such passion for has its own rewards, beyond a smoother running bike.

Walking over to where a fridge keeps some beverages cool for anyone working out here, Steve pulls out a bottle of water and then gestures towards the cooler as he looks around. "Anyone want anything while I'm in here?" he asks.

Glancing outside the garage, Steve spots Pepper approaching. "Miss Potts. Always a pleasure to see you around. What fortune brings you are our way today?" he asks.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would look over at Robbie for a moment, "Why not? I need to be able to stay maneuverable and for necessity inflict as much damage as possible. Small miniguns have ammo limitations, energy weapons would have too few shots thanks to battery limitations and have accuracy issues. Small rockets can be targeted and guided, pack a large punch, and allow for targeted directions."

Tony Stark has posed:
The quiet buzz of conversation between the group continues, as well as it should. And then, there is a race car there. How it snuck up on them is anyone's guess, but it arrived without making any noise at all. Until the door opens, and the AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long" comes pouring out of the speakers at a volume enough to reverberate throughout the entirety of the garage.

"Ok, that might be a bit much," comes Tony's voice over the din, and he cuts off the music before poking his head out. "Hey Avengers. Hey Pep. Fancy meeting you all here."

Pepper Potts has posed:
A quick glance is given to her watch, though once it's checked, it's forgotten as Pepper steps under the slight overhang of the roof to the garage. She's got her jacket held a little tighter closed, but with the approach, she's wearing a warm smile that reaches green eyes, giving those freckles on her cheekbones something of a glow.

"I just saw the lights on. Getting them ready for winter?" Winterizing bikes is a thing, at least it is in Connecticut? Or was when she was growing up? "Really, just wanted to say hi." Pepper's gaze lingers ever so slightly on Steve as she continues, "I haven't seen anyone, really--"

The music. It's loud, and Pepper lifts a hand to put it to her ear reflexively before it falls silent once more. Looking back at the newly arrived, she exhales in that long breath, her shoulders lowering slightly in the gesture, but her smile doesn't fade. If anything, it shifts ever so slightly, just for him. "Tony."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers gives a quiet chuckle as he hears the approaching music, a wry smile turning up the corners of his lips. He gives a nod of his head towards Tony Stark as he climbs out of the car. "Tony," he says. "Stopping by to do a quick oil change?" he asks with that wry smile still.

Turning toward Pepper, Steve says, "Just a little maintenance. Bessie was making a couple of noises when I had her just now," he says of the Harley Davidson vintage bike from back in his own days.

"Robbie's giving me a hand," he says, grinning over to the Latino where he's working on the exhaust system. "And Nat is preparing her bike for World War III," he says, glancing over at the armaments that are at least obvious on the counter if not on the bike.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Tightening the last bolt on the replaced cylinder head cover, Robbie pushes back to his feet and rakes grease-stained fingers through his hair as he admires his handiwork. "Give it a whirl, Cap, and lemme know if it ain't fixed?" He tosses the wrench back into the toolbox, knuckles rapped against the bigger man's shoulder as he passes. "Bring it by the shop if you want. Special discount just for you." He makes a zero with his index finger and thumb, indicating that he means free.

Tony scares him a little, so the guy just gets an awkward smile as he heads for his own ride, parked not too far from the race car. Which, truthfully, gets the lion's share of his interest-- along with a low whistle.

Then he salutes the others in farewell, swings into the Charger, and fires up the engine with a throaty growl of all eight cylinders.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over to Tony and Pepper, "Greetings. It's good to have you two back. I hope that business has been going well. How has your sales been going?" SHe's not heard of anything catastrophic within the Avengers or SHIELD, so hopefully all right.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony slaps the top of the car before closing the door. "I mean, this is just the prototype, but if you're looking for a new ride, the price tag on this baby would be..." He narrows one eye and tilts his head. "Correct me if I'm wrong on this one Pep..." He lifts up one hand and starts tapping fingers to his thumb. "$348 million, friends and family?" He turns to look at her. "I can get you a good deal on financing."

He turns to smile at Steve. "It's going. How are you doing, big guy?" He walks over and pats him on the shoulder. "I know it's rough, but somehow, I imagine you and America's Ass will make it through this tough time." He finds himself at Pepper's side and he leans in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers gives a quiet, scoffing chuckle at the nickname from Tony. He turns to Robbie and flashes him a quick salute-wave like he greeted Robbie with. "Thanks Robbie, I'll give it a test run later. Maybe just a quick one now down to the gate and back," he says.

He turns to walk over to his bike, sitting astride it and raising the kickstand. "$348 million?" Steve repeats as he turns to look at Tony's car. He gives a tiny shake of his head. "I don't think that I cost Doctor Erskine that much," he says with a slight grin. He starts up the bike and gives it just enough gas to coast it out of the garage past everyone. Once outside, he guns the engine a few times then takes off down the driveway. He reaches the gate, turns and comes back, then turns again to return to the gate. Finally back to the garage where he pulls the bike into her normal parking spot rather than the service area. "Sounds good," he tells Robbie.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Robbie's departing words and salute to the rest of the room does gain a nod as Pepper brings her attention around once more. "That's very nice of you," is added, even if it's for Steve's sake. Who wouldn't give the man a discount? Stepping to the side so the young man can leave, she's twists around when the growl of the engine sounds. Her expression changes slightly; more a sigh. At any age, boys will be boys!

Once safely over, Pepper is good to lean upon a workbench counter, away from the ambient grease of the garage and its projects. "Hmmm? Oh, we're fine. Just in several different directions lately." How is business? "Our board and stockholders seem to be happy still, so I think we're doing okay there." Stark Industries is, as some might say, 'too big to fail', not that it's in any danger, that is! "It's good to see you too, Natasha."

Steve's explanation for spending a little time outside is greeted with one of those knowing smiles. After all, two others just flexed their own vehicles, so why can't one that is slightly more humble work on his? "I hope it's nothing serious," though from the sounds of it? "I'm sure between you and Robbie, you've at least narrowed it down."

Aaaaand, there is the roar of the engine.. once he's cleared the garage. Couldn't resist, could he?

In Tony's approach, she watches that now, and at the kiss, she turns to give him one of her own. Once in, there are words murmured, "You brought it out? I thought we were going to wait for the unveiling in Monaco?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would look over at Tony, "Very well. So what is it going to be good for then if not making whomever pays for your insurance have another heart attack?" She would quip lightly over at him while going back to her own bike to work on it, a thoughtful expression on her face.

She would go back to her own bicycle, working at attaching a set of micro-missile launchers over to the handlebars and putting them through a test sequence.

Tony Stark has posed:
"I mean, it's got an arc reactor in it, Steve, those things don't grow on trees." Tony looks over at Pepper and smiles. "Yes, I know, but no one noticed it, other than those two dudes from TMZ who chased me, but I really think they just wanted to know about that guy we saw Janet palling around with the other day." He pauses and looks at Steve. "Oh, oops. Sorry man."

He looks over at Natasha. "It's proof of concept. Part of my fossil fuel elimination platform. Prove that an electric car can beat all the others, so people stop thinking gasoline is end all be all."