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There's no such thing as down time.
Date of Scene: 31 March 2020
Location: Athletics: Triskelion
Synopsis: A pleasant chat between agents results in Coulson triggering Daniel's ptsd.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Drew, Phil Coulson, Daniel Hastings

Jessica Drew has posed:
The water in the fifty meter pool is quiet. The ceiling of the room is lost in darkness above the bright lights illuminating the immense room. Only one lone swimmer sits at the end of the farthest lane kicking her feet contemplatively. Only the faint sound of water slapping into the shallow pool steps, echos against the tile.

Jessica idly paddles her feet under the water, enjoying the distortions and play of light on her slender feet. She leans back on both hands, one holding a bathing cap and nose plugs. Her suit, a regulation competition speedo, bottle green like her eyes, drips water spreading in a rapidly drying pool around her.

Phil Coulson has posed:
One might expect someone walking around this part of the Triskelion to be wearing gym attire or something near it, but Coulson is not. Nope, he is still walking about in his trademark government suit. He glances around quickly, and doesn't seem to spot whoever he's looking for, but seeing that someone is here, he makes his way over to her. "Agent Drew." He greets her, using a more professional greeting. His gaze moves to the pool and he nods, "Always impressive how well SHIELD maintains the Triskelion."

He smooths down his tie and looks back towards her. "While I am out and about the office today, I was hoping to get feedback from various agents on if they had any needs that SHIELD should be aware of. Or to solicit new ideas on recruits or projects for SHIELD to undertake. Have any thoughts?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Another body comes wandering into the pool area. Dressed in a speedo himself with goggles strapped to his forehead, Daniel rounds the corner and.. slips sideways to avoid running into the back of Coulson's suit. "My apologies." The Brit offers to the fellow as he takes a moment to regard the man curiously. It's the badge that gives Coulson away and there's a lift of the chin in recognition. "Ahh. Agent Coulson. Sir. Good afternoon." A beat. "Here for a swim?" Not that he at all expects that answer to be yes given the man's attire. His own physique is muscled from the expected levels of fitness required to be an agent though he's by no means musclebound.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Politely, Jessica gets a foot under her and rises to face the senior agent. "Sir." The young woman stands unselfconsciously in the suit, water spiraling down her legs to pool at her feet. She pushes back the mane of dark hair clinging to her wet shoulders. "It's a nice pool. Clean, too. No worries about masses of children making it dirtier than one would like. Erm."

She glances behind Coulson, mild inquiry in the hike of her eyebrows, head tilting to the side at the unexpected sound of someone with a similar accent to her own Oxfordian lilt. Without preamble she tells the unknown man on the premise that they are cleared and meant to be here,"Agent Coulson was asking me how if I might have any suggestions on recruiting or the random idea for projects.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Coulson waves a hand, both to Drew and the newly arrived Hastings. "Oh, there's no need for any 'sir's' right now, you both seem to be enjoying your time off. One day I'll use up one of my accrued vacation days." He steps to one side to allow Hastings some more room and nods, "Indeed. If you have any feedback on things you'd like to see SHIELD offer it's agents or any suggestions on what recruitment we might engage in or new projects we should pursue, I would love to hear them. Even though it might seem that there's enough to keep us occupied right now, there's always another crisis looming around the corner that it helps to be ready and prepared for."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    Daniel arches a brow, looks to the pool, then back to Coulson, "I don't know about time off, sir." Telling a Brit not to call someone sir is like telling them not to breathe. "I was using the pool to build muscle tone." The man was malnourished for five years, after all. "If I'm going to be used in the field, I'll need it." He smiles then looks to Drew, extending a dry hand to her, "Dan Hastings, Canadian offering." Sounds British. Maybe a little French in there. He might be on the level. "As to.. things I'd like to see?"

    Dan waits for the handshake to finish with Agent Drew before his brow knits, "To be fair, sir, I try to get as much fresh air as I can. Already this facility provides more than I'd ever seen in a barracks.. or even my parents house where I grew up. So.." He shrugs. "As for recruitment.. I always keep my ear to the ground."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica takes the man's hand into a firm but still moist shake, nodding, "Jessica Drew. How d'ye do?"

Shifting her weight to the other foot, "Must say, I'm not used to high mucky-mucks asking me what I would like to do or who I'd like to recruit." Jessica smiles humorously, head tilted to one side, abrogating any insubordination with a wry shake to her head. "I understand that you comb the net and data bases pretty finely looking for incidences that might smack of 'powers'. I keep my eye out for the new and unusual. I reported meeting a Russian, who later defected, on a rooftop not too long ago. Interesting experience that. But have heard nothing of note, lately. The boroughs of New York seem to be seething, as usual."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Coulson's attention rests on Hastings as he speaks and nods, "I imagine that the Triskelion is quite different to any barracks in the world, but I'm happy to hear that it has enough amentities to keep agents satisified." He nods and then turns towards Jessica, smiling a little. "Me? A high mucky-muck? Ha, let's be honest, it's only because I've been around for such a long time." He gives her other words a quick thought, nods, and then says, "You know, there do seem to be a number of Russians lately that I've heard about. Strange, but I'm not going to complain about more heroes wanting to come over and want to help protect the world as well as fight for the good guys."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    "I met an Olympian over tea today." Daniel observes with a nod to Jessica. "Seems she's long lived. Blessed as.. a messenger.. as she put it. I.. well.. if we're trusting Russians now I don't imagine that being the daughter of a mob boss is going to be disqualifying." There's a dry snort at that. "Not that I think she's into criminal behavior. But if you like, I can keep an eye on her. See if she's got an interest in being a secret agent or if her.. family.. might object. Volcanic or criminal for that matter."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Keep an eye on an Olympian. A messenger?" Jessica leans slightly towards Hastings, a puzzled crease working between her brows, "What is /her/ name? I thought the only messenger was Hermes, caduceus in hand, and scanty attire." Green eyes sparkling with humor she glances from one man to the other. "Wait. Volcanic?"

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Sounds like an interesting bit of afternoon tea, meeting an Olympian and all." Coulson says, attention settling on Hastings as the man speaks. "And we're not really trusting the Russians right now, but if there are those who wish to defect, that is something we have to be open to. Anyone and everyone should feel like they can come to us looking for a second chance." At the mention of Hermes, he gives Jessica a small nod, "This bit about being a messenger sounds intriguing, and I too would like to know more about her family, at least why there might be any problems that may arise with further dealings with her."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    "At this time, she has no idea that I'm a SHIELD agent." Daniel notes to Coulson. "We.. happen to know each other because I met her at a USO event in France during the War." WW2 in case there were questions. "So.. she felt comfortable telling me why she was so long lived. I.. was vague and called my presence a scientific mishap. Which is true.. but lacking detail. If you like I can start making gentle conversation." A glance to Drew and he adds, "She's not Mercury.. or Hermes.. depending on your flavor there. I got the impression she's a child of.. one of the major deities. Or some such. You know how the myths and legends are." Olympians.. the fornicating pantheon!

Jessica Drew has posed:
British humor, dry and wicked, never fails to amuse, Jessica hears it in Hasting's voice. "Tea with an Olympian /would/ be nice. I recently had a drink with an Asgardian. Oh, in fact several drinks with one. Both of them seem to think our Midgardian alcohol, weak and not nearly as flavorful as the home brew. They are new to me. I rather like them. Very old-fashioned flavor to them even if their tech is marvelous." Nodding to Coulson, "What /is/ the current take on Asgardians?"

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Interesting, I think this is certainly a person that is worth developing into something of a contact, if not for SHIELD, at least for yourself, Doctor. As for me, I should probably look at the whole Olympian thing in some more detail. Seems like the Norse, the Greeks and Romans were all keyed into something, it almost makes you wonder what other pantheons might be relevant." He looks to Jessica and sighs, "Well, Loki is certainly someone we want to keep an eye out at all times, while Thor and his friends are all allies."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    "To be frank, sir, I don't think we can discount any pantheon at this point." Daniel offers with a sigh and a sag of his shoulders. "Given the proliferation of powers now.. Asgardians, Olympians, all of them are simply the metahumans of a bygone day. Whether by magic or technology, the effects are the same. Powers beyond the comprehension of the average man. And they appear to be hereditary not unlike modern homo superior. Which begs the question.. is it homo superior as a natural mutation? Or is it simply a resurgence of some other factor.." Daniel's brow knits on that point, "I.. don't suppose I could have a chat with you sometime.. on that end. I.. have a theory."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Imagine all the Indian gods or the Sumerians? Well, all of the mythologies being meta-humans. Homo superior with hereditary powers. Crikey." Jessica grins downplaying the scientific jargon though she can wield it with the best of them. "I think Hastings may be right though. There are probably many many more that have either passed onto other realms or are in hiding or on holidays."

Phil Coulson has posed:
"These mutations may have existed for a lot longer than we realize, but given the history of mankind in general, certain children who showed any differences might not have had a pleasant life." Coulson frowns softly at this but quickly shakes his head to clear those thoughts from his head. "A theory? Yes, I'd like to hear the theory very soon." He nods to Jessica, "That's true, the universe is a vast place, both wonderful and terrible at the same time."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel was listening, nodding, generally giving Drew a nod of thanks. When Coulson recognizes the request for a meeting, he's fine. It's the mentioning of a vast universe wonderful and terrible that takes the mickey out of him. You'd think he was stabbed.. or.. maybe he's having a flash sideways. PTSD is a hell of a thing and so he stands there. Silent. Lost in whatever world of thought he's having.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Standing in a wet bathing suit chills her, raising a finger to the two men, she excuses herself to walk over to one of the benches lining the walls. A towel and a soft bag sit on it, extracting the large towel, she wraps it around herself, high under her arms. Returning to the two men, she glances at Hastings, looks away, a thoughtful press of her lips flattening them together, "Doing alright Hastings?"

Phil Coulson has posed:
Coulson goes quiet as it seems that Hastings' thoughts overwhelm him. There's a quick glance towards Jessica, and then he's looking back at the Doctor. After a moment he reaches up and gives Hastings' shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Doctor, are you all right? Come on, come sit down over here." And if the Doctor will let him, Coulson will nod to Jessica to help guide him over to a nearby bench to sit down and let his thoughts settle down in a slightly more relaxed state.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    There's a shake of his head as Daniel comes back to the moment. "I'm fine." It's a lie and he lets himself be led to a bench where he sits. "I.. let's just say that you are more right than you could possible comprehend, sir." Words spoken as he stares at the floor for a moment or four. He takes a deep breath and looks up to the pair. "It's part of what I want to talk to you about. I.. had a talk with Vision. Of the Avengers. In reference to.. things of that scale." There's another note of silence. "It was enlightening."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Grabbing Hastings other arm, Jessica helps him to the bench. She sends a silent questioning glance at Coulson. "How enlightening? Really are you alright? You're with people that don't need your 'stiff upper lip' at the moment but real information about your well-being."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Coulson gives Jessica another nod, this one a nod of thanks for her help. "We can talk whenever you are ready to, Doctor. I can clear my schedule to have that meeting on Thursday if you're up for it. That will give you some time to collect your thoughts and make whatever preparations you need to. If you need more time than that, you can have it. What's most important right now is how you're doing, and how you're feeling." His words echoing much of the same sentiments as Jessica's.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    Daniel lifts his palms as far as his head. "I'm fine. Truly. I just.. try not to think on that scale as a rule. For one.. it's dizzying." Then he moves to stand. "I'd explain but.. I'm trying not to be rude to Agent Drew when I've been told that certain topics aren't to be openly discussed. Sir." He looks to Jessica and gives her a genuinely apologetic look. Then back to Coulson, "Now if you're saying I can tell you what just flashed through my mind and you don't mind Agent Drew being privy.. then I'll speak now. As you prefer."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Coulson considers Hastings for a moment before turning towards Jessica and saying, "Agent Drew, while you and Dr. Hastings have the same clearance level, I'm not about to make the good Doctor here bottle all of his emotions and feelings up right now when it'll do him more good to get things off his chest. All I would ask is that you keep what he speaks about betwewen the three of us." He looks at Hastings, "Doctor, go ahead and speak. Take what time you need, the health and well-being of SHIELD Agents is of the utmost importance and if the Director has a problem with this, I'll accept responsibility for it."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Palm raised in a self-effacing gesture, Jessica's large green eyes glance between the two men. She nods decisively. "It will stay with me, sir. I've no need to gossip in the rec room. You didn't ask me, doctor, but it's my opinion that no one should be walking around with as much pressure on them as you seem to be."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
There's a moment where Daniel waits to see if Coulson was serious.. then he nods. "So.. I'll leave the details of my conversation with the Avenger vague but.. as you're aware.. the source of my abilities came from an artifact of.. limitless power." Again, a glance to Jessica is given before he continues. "In the instant of my contact with it.. I.. experienced a moment of existential.. existence." His brow knits and he rubs the back of his neck. "I was.. everywhere. I.. can't tell you what I saw. I'm still trying to digest it. I may never digest it all. Think about it. The human consciousness can barely conceptualize creation without tossing God into the mix and just tossing the hard questions into his or her lap. At least, I was used to thinking about existence multidimensionally so.. unlike everyone else blasted by Hydra's toys.. I was.. somewhat.. prepared for what happened. Existentially. Here." He taps the side of his head. "The second problem was that I was everywhere. How do you move? How do you think about.. my arm.. being in Cygnus X-1 but the finger attached to it is within a parallel dimension sitting atop Glastonbury Tor." His hands lieft palms helplessly. "I don't know how long I existed like that. An instant? A year? Time didn't mean anything. But.. I did manage to pull myself together.. in the end.. and ended up.." His right hand rolls etcetera as if to say 'its in the report'. "So.. when you said.. the universe is a vast place.. well.. I contemplated it. Just for an instant. And.. the whole thing came crashing down again." In fact.. he's just going to sit again. "So.. for the sake of sanity.. I try not to think on that scale. Because.. it's not just academic."

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Thank you." Coulson says to Jessica with a nod, and then he is focusing on Hastings. "I'm not a scientist, but I imagine that such an experience is enough to make any human being go insane, Doctor. The fact that you have not speaks volumes about you. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I know how you feel, because we both know that I do not, but I will tell you that SHIELD will have your back, and sometimes knowing that there's people there to support you while you make sense of this, and other things... can be a big help. I hope it will be a big help." Coulson gives Hastings a reassuring smile while gently patting one of his shoulders."

Jessica Drew has posed:
There is nothing to be said to someone who has experienced what is ineffable. To be vast as the universe, godlike with no inkling that one was going to be catapulted out among the stars. These thoughts race through Jessica's mind as she sits next to Hastings. Quietly, she adds after Coulson has finished speaking, "You are doing marvelously well, Doctor. I can't speak on behalf of Shield but I do know they will be there for you. You can count me among those who will be."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel just sits there a moment. Mostly doing his best to keep his focus on his feet. His feet were 'there'. He was 'here'. "Sir.. I'd like to.. have more discussions with Vision. If I could. I think he might be able to help be get a handle on this. It's not that it happens often." He snorts a laugh. "It's not as if I have the opportunity to just think about the whole of creation on a daily basis. At least.. not by accident." He takes another breath. "If you'll forgive me, I think I'm going to give a pass on swimming for the moment."

Phil Coulson has posed:
Coulson gives Jessica an appreciative nod, "Thank you, it's always good to have fine agents like the two of you around. SHIELD wouldn't be what it is without the two of you." And then to Hastings, "Of course, feel free to converse with Vision as much as you'd like. If it can provide any help to you, or any answers for you, it's time worth spent." He nods to Hastings and then to Drew, "I should probably get back to reading some reports myself. I hear that Agent May will finally be submitting an After Action Report, I'm very much looking forward to reading it over." His eyes sparkle with amusement for a brief moment. "Anyway, feel free to get in touch soon if you want to go over your other theories, Doctor."