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Amazonians, Asgardians, and Angels, oh my.
Date of Scene: 31 March 2020
Location: Queens
Synopsis: Angela mistakes a strip club for Heven. After a confrontation turns to drinking, some things are hard to swallow by everyone.
Cast of Characters: Aldrif Odinsdottir, Atlin, Zora Vukovic, Heidi Ingerdottir

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
There's a rather robust entertainment district for the guards that work at Riker's near the Island. Bars, clubs, and such are along the landscape. Since Angela has arrived on this planet -- this plane, really, she's been a woman lost. And the confusion that is life on Earth is only making her more and more infuriated. She can't hunt, because there's no bounty hunter guild here. No Heven. Ever since her run in with the Asgardian and Amazonian when she first arrived, Angela was keeping to herself.

But today is the day of her birth. And rather than hiding, the Asgardian turned Angel is going to do something about this perdicament that she is in. The club was called Heaven. It was an odd spelling, but when Angela saw it, she thought for sure that she had finally found a contact with home.

Imagine her surprise when she arrived at the club, only to discover that not only was Heaven a misnomer, but that the club was for men to oogle scantily clad women. That is why there are screams from inside the club as men are running from the front of the building, and women from the back. Inside the neon glow of the club and in the stench of bad alcohol, cheap thrils and stale smoke, Angela is currently standing on the stage, looking out over the crowd. "I was told if I came here I could earn pay! Instead, I find you enslaving women to perform!" she says, gesturing with her blades to a VIP booth where a group of women are huddled up in fear.

In a large 'go go girl' cage, a greasy man is trying to make himself smaller. "I ain't enslaving anyone! They got permits to work here!"

"They are permit workers?" Angela asks, frowning. "I wish to be a permit worker and earn this!" She moves to pick up some of the money off the lighted floor. "This, I'm told is your world's currency."

Atlin has posed:
'Man's World' had been...rather strange for Atlin from pretty much the moment she'd stepped onto it. Cultures were strange, people were stranger and New York? Well, it had been a hell of a place to start. Still, for the past week and a bit the Amazon had been simply exploring, causing likely no small amount of sweat from her contact given the last outing had resulted in her trashing an underground casino to retrieve a piece of stolen art from her culture. Now? She'd found her way to Riker's.

The name of the club hadn't really been what had drawn the eye of the woman who once more wore clothes given to her over the simpler armor, it was the screaming. The jeans and leather jacket zipped up did a decent enough job of concealing the one-piece protective garment and the bracers at her wrists. Of course, already she was begining to unzip the outer garment as she stepped through the door. Yelling about enslavement? What had she found? It only served to increase the urgency that she came slamming through the door.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    Zora is far from home. A home she's never really stepped outside of that often, until recent.

    Civil war tends to greatly limit your options, when you're fighting for survival and a greater cause.

    But, for various reasons, the young woman finds herself exploring an American city for the first time. She, of course, is not dressed as befits a Herald of Doom. Her clothing certainly isn't the most fashionable, in fact, just jeans, a dark green long sleeve shirt and a denim jacket with combat boots, like you'd find from a second-hand store. But other than that, she blends pretty well with the locals. If it wasn't for her unusual height, at least, she's certainly handsome enough to draw a second look.

    She was just starting to question her decision to investigate this particular area, realizing what sort of businesses it catered to and noting the increasing amount of bars on windows when she sees the ruckus up ahead as people abandon the club.

    But she's curiously enough at least to walk closer, especially when she catches part of the shouting from inside.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There's no real need for Heidi to just be wandering into a place like this. But she does because she's curious and people were screaming. People screaming usually meant something interesting going on. Slipping inside, the Asgardian was entirely expecting there to be some kind of battle, perhaps some blood on the floor, some tables flipped.

Instead, it's just a slight misunderstanding in a job interview! "Hail, friend!" She calls in Angela's general direction. Perhaps she can clarify. She understands how these Midgardian things work now.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"You can't just come in here and demand cash. You need to have skills!" the greasy man is calling out, though he's looking the half-dressed angel up and down. "But if you can dance."

"I am not some battlefield trollop that is following the caravan like a common whore." comes Angela's response, her tone cold and tense as she grabs both of her blades. "I am the Mistress of the Hunt, and you will fund me." And that's when people start filing in. The Angel's eyes move towards the arriving women and she growls. "This man is my bounty." she declares. "He had enticed these women to perform for men for currency. It is not an honorable profession."

And then Heidi arrives, and the red-headed angel tenses further. "Asgardian, why are you stalking me." she says lowly, "You are trying my patience and thine will to forgo my license to hunt you."

Atlin has posed:
"No...it's not." Agreement from the Amazon...but not exactly understanding. A frown, Atlin tilts her head and looks between the angel and the man...right in time for the others to come in through the door behind her. Ordinarily, being surrounded by warrior woman and somewhat revealingly dressed people should feel normal to her, closer to home...

Instead the tanned girl simply looks more than little lost. "What -is- this place? Who are you?" she's demanding of the self-proclaimed Hunt Mistress. Yep, another person who doesn't know what the heck most of this place was. This can only go well!

Zora Vukovic has posed:
To actually see inside, Zora is forced to actualy enter and go past the foyer...for obvious reasons, a direct line of sight from the door to the stage is probited in places like this. She hangs back a bit, raising her brow as she looks around with distaste as she realizes where she is. "This is a place for trollops, as you say. Women willing to undress and dance for money." she notes, her Latverian accent obvious. "That is what women likely come here to do for work."

    She raises a brow. "That does not seem like the kind of work you would prefer to be employed in."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi legitimately looks amused. "It is good to see you as well, friend Angela. I would not consider twice in a fortnight 'stalking', but perhaps you have been stalked quite agressively before." She looks around a bit, then nods at what she hears from Zora before looking back in Angela's direction.

"If you are finding yourself in need of some kind of currency, there are other options."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"I am Angela, Huntmistress of the Elysium Fields, in the Dominion of Heven." comes Angela's response as she glances towards the other women. "I know who the Asgardian is, daughter of Inger. Are the rest of you Asgardian as well?" she asks. "Keepers of the false gods." she spits, as she looks between the three, apprehension in her expression as she sizes the three up.

But there's also a small smile. Because if this is to be a battle, the Angel is ready to go to blows with Odin himself.

"This is demeaning. To name Heaven. To what my world represents. These wingless wenches are a disgrace to my kind." Says the wingless Angel.

Atlin has posed:
There was the term again, 'Asgardian'. It was another term unknown to Atlin...but it was spat at her like a rather firm negative. Given the approach of Heidi, the comment from Zora and the aggressive woman throwing challenge at them all. There was so very -very- much that Atlin didn't understand, but the 'Daughter of War' certainly understood a challenge even if it wasn't outright radiating towards her senses.

"I am Atlin of Bana-Mighdall..." she begins, stepping forwards and clenching her fists, "And I am not one to be insulted by a stranger."

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    Zora sniffs at the suggestion. "I am Zora, and no false god." she says steadily, folding her arms over her chest. "I cannot speak for these others." She glances at the pair intently. "...I'm guessing that is not Asgard though." she notes in reference to Atlin, then turns her attention to Heidi, waiting for her response.

    Because Zora certainly isn't going to offer where she /is/ from unless required. She knows enough tradecraft to know that!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi tilts her head to the side. "I told you that this was Midgard when you appeared last, did I not? These are not Asgardians." She shakes her head. "And why are you so eager for a battle?" She looks back to Zora, then at Atlin. "I believe she has been brought here under no will of her own and is therefore unaware of her surroundings."

She holds up a hand to Angela. "Surely you wish to understand this place?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"You asked me that when I first arrived in this... Midgard." Angela responds, looking around the club, her expression one of confusion and anger. When Atlin bows up, Angela seems more than ready for a fight. But then Heidi goes off, and she's all pratical and stuff. "I left you and the one you called Diana. To look around. I am not impressed with what I have seen. Greed, corruption." she says with a small snort.

"Tell me, daughter of Inger, what should I understand of this place? What is it about this realm that is redeeming in any way?" She looks to Zora. "What do you find worthy of this world? The Asgardian is not of this world. You are."

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    Zora mmmms. "This country is capitalism and corrupt in many ways. Its leadership and the wealthy upper class, at the least, and it trickles down to corrupt the lower classes, who believe they must follow a similar path. There are heroes and heroines who think in broader and selfless terms, but they are rarely appreciated by their leadership the way they should be." She shrugs. "There are better countries that are ruled with a stronger hand and thus are more orderly, where the people live better under the benevolence of their leader."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There's a gentle shaking of Heidi's head. "Can you name a realm entirely free of corruption?" She seems amused. "The realms are full of many evils... to judge on such a small glimse of time seems rather rash." She does, however, glance over to Zora. After all, /she/ is the Midgardian.

Listening to Zora speak, she nods eagerly. "See, it is not as if Midgard is some foul place. There are those who would do good, those who are kind and generous, those who are strong and brave. Plenty to see here."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela continues to warily watch Atlin, ready to move if the other two women are only a distraction for the sneak attack. To Zora, Angela frowns and nods. "So this realm is defied by fealties. I see." It's a concept that the angel can make sense of as she moves to the counter, and takes some bottles from behind the bar. She sets them on the table for the women to take, as she plans to drink herself. And it's her birthday and she is not drinking alone. "What is it about your Lady that makes your land so great?" she asks Zora.

But then Heidi speaks, and the redheaded angel feels her eyes flash in a realization. "Tell me truth, Heidi Ingerdottir. I will bear no falsehood. Who is the ruler of this Midgard? Are they fair and benevolent, or have they allowed this... filth... to creep willingly to their realm?" she asks, green eyes studying the Asgardian youth quietly.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    "There is no one ruler. The world is divided into many countries and kingdoms that each are ruled individually and in different ways." Zora says in answer to the question, then says, more to the point. "Because our lord is wise, brilliant, and strong. His benevolence brings his people prosperity. His intelligence brings great inventions and tools that make life better for all. HIs wisdom and planning sets forth a brighter path for all to follow. His power and strength means no one dares strike against his people, for he is Doom."

    The tall Latverian considers. "Many lands would be better for his ruling hand, but few have the clarity of thought to realize this. But they will, in time."

Atlin has posed:
Thankfully, there's no sneak attack from the Amazon. Instead she's left to listen to the introductions and explainations in silence. That and well...simmer down a little. Atlin wasn't exactly without a temper of her own, but at least in her moment of quiet fuming she's left to learn a little from Zora and Heidi both.

Arms cross, a small sign of agitation remaining even as the offer of drinks is noted. Instead she's left to glance towards Zora with a frown. Whomever this ruler was? She'd not learned of him in Bana-Mighdall.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I tell no lies, Angela of Heven, I know not of one unified leader. If he exists, he has not made himself known to me. I know that Midgard is under Odin's protection but it has no real ruler. More like nobles who lead sections of the realm," Heidi offers, thoughtfully. "But since they have no real leader, many people have taken it upon themselves to fight off the filth that exists here."

She approaches Angela a bit. "Have you been unable to return to your home since last we met?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"No ruler. No control. It is madness." Angela rubs her nose in agitation. It's clear the marks on her face are permament and not makeup. Zora has her attention, whole and undivided, until she mentions that this great and glorious leader... is a he. She makes a face, one of disappointment. "I will submit to no male." she decides, shaking her head firmly before Heidi draws her attention again.

"I came here, in the hope it was the way home. It is not. I am feeling as though I may be forever banished to this... this Hel." she mutters.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    Zora narrows her eyes. "Submission to one who is superior is irrelevant to gender." she says simply. "If men in your land are inferior, do not assume this is true everywhere. Doom is no simple man. You underestimate him at your peril." She cocks her head. "It is possible he might even be able to find this home you seek. He is unmatched in his scientific knowledge of other dimensions." We just won't mention that Richards person.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi gives a bit of a nod to Zora's mentions of finding a way home, then looks rather excitedly towards Angela. "Do not be so eager to lose hope, friend. The realm you hail from is only in stories in Asgard. Something that has been lost in the telling. I've seen many stories where the details have been weathered away by the years until they are hardly what they once were. The same may be true of this."

She looks eager. "Imagine what it would be to prove to Asgardians that their myths are real." She looks towards Zora. "And see, she knows a Midgardian who could offer aid!"

Atlin has posed:
Finally, things are making a little more sense. In some ways Atlin could carry a little understanding of what it was to be far from home, even if returning to her home was far more possible for the Amazon. Uncrossing her arms, the woman makes a step forwards, a little frown bringing with her a tilt of her head to this so-called Glorious Leader 'Doom' that Zora was extolling the virtues of.

"He is a monarch that conquers, or nurtures his own county?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela shakes her head, the tall angel taking a seat at the table and opening the lid on the bottle to sniff at it. "Hey, that's ten dollars a glass!" the owner yells from his cage, and Angela shoots a look at him. "A fair price for your continued survival then!" she says, taking a swig from the bottle and offering it to the others. "Drink with me." she says.

"I am not with my sisters tonight, you will have to due." she manages. "And you..." she says to Heidi. "You speak of proving Asgardians wrong, yet have you told a single Asgardian of me yet?"

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    There's a moment of consideration, then Zora wanders over to pull up a chair at Angela's table, seating herself in a comfortable sprawl as she crosses her legs. Though she detours by the bar on the way to collect a small pile of shot glasses and brings them over to set on the table. "This is the style for that type of alcohol. One gulp per glass."

    She turns her attention back to Atlin. "He has no need to conquer what is his. His people follow him out of loyalty for his strength. His country is his, and thus it reflects on him that it demonstrates his superiority."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi doesn't need to be asked twice to enjoy drinking with friends. She moves to sit down at the table next to Angela, looking to Zora as she explains exactly how you're supposed to be drinking it. So she does so, filling up a shot glass before knocking it back. "Still not as good as Asgard's, but..."

She sucks in a deep breath, looking towards Angela. "I am afraid that you misunderstand the situation a little. Asgardians do not run about here so freely. There is perhaps a handful of us in the entire realm, and I am certainly the lowest among them. I have yet to join the Valkyrior, and am awaiting a challenge worthy to prove myself. While Lady Sif is a friend and sister to me, I am... not exactly on the list of priorities for any other Asgardian. Many apologies for not being someone more important to greet you."

Atlin has posed:
Drinks offered, Atlin takes a seat for herself and one of the glasses finds its way to her hand. Regarded with a frown, but it's one of puzzlement rather than any dislike. Giving a little shift in her seat as she listens, inevitably her gaze flicks back to the discussions of the others while the beverage is brought to her lips. She was obviously missing quite a bit, she didn't even know about the Asgardians themselves before today.

It didn't make for sparkling conversation, but at least it was learning.

Back to Zora, she tilts her head. "Perhaps I will see it in my travels. This country you speak of."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"Pfft. Asgardians care not for each other, only the thrill of their own exploits." That's what Angela was told at least. "When they are not murdering children and stealing women." She pours herself a shot and considers. "We should tell each other one truth with each drink." she says. "So that we may learn."

She doesn't mention the dare part, because gods only knows what the four of them would come up with.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    "If you wish to visit, perhaps I can assist." Zora says simply, waiting for a drink to be poured, then knocking it back in one go. "It is always best to be forewarned of visits by people of note, after all." She comments after a moment. "Thor does seem full of himself, admittedly." she agrees, then pours to fill her glass again. "One truth, one drink? Hmm." She considers, then shrugs. "My lord won my loyalty with his exploits, and because I believed him the best choice to save my people. That is why I speak highly of him; he is deserving of it."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"That was a good joke, friend Angela," Heidi says, legitimately looking amused. She, of course, doesn't think Angela would be serious about such a thing. But then there's mention of truths.

"OH!" Heidi says, overly loudly. "I know this game. Well, a similiar one. I have played this with a Midgardian and I find it quite enlightening." She, too, doesn't mention the dare part. After all, gods only knows what the four of them would come up with. "Are we asking each other truths or simply offering truths about ourselves?"

She looks at all of the table. "Needless to say, the price to pay for someone lying in a sacred game like this is a hand. Or, if the lie is big enough, death." There's a very long pause before she grins. "Right, see, that was a lie, that's what not to do, now we all understand the rules of the game."

Atlin has posed:
A shift in her seat, the Amazon tilts her head to the side and lifts a drink. "There is a similar game among my people, although it is about picking a truth from a pair of lies..." she trails off, glancing towards Zora's offer and giving a little nod. Of course, between the other women, she was fairly sure that the others had more questions for each other...and there were still some terrified onlookers.

But there were worse ways to learn something!

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"Then we could play the version that my kind play." When Heidi says with the penalty for a lie is and then proceeds to tell a lie, one of the Blades of Ichor slams down into the table next to Heidi's wrist, dangerously close. And Angela gives the Asgardian a thin smile. Her ribbons may actually be... wagging at Heidi. They wriggle and settle around the woman again.

"We challenge one to a question. They can choose to answer it, or choose a task." she says, glancing to Atlin. "Would you submit to the rule or a man?" she asks her. "If you refuse to answer my question, I challenge you to drink from a bottle at random from behind the counter."

The bar owner groans, he's going to have such a huge loss if this goes on too long.

Atlin has posed:
Of all the people to ask that question, one starts with an Amazon! Atlin herself actually laughs, a genuine laugh that rings out over the music of the club before she shakes her head. "Never. We have allies who are male, but there are no men in Bana-Mighdall. Neither myself nor any of my sisters would ever submit to such a rule."

Easy truths, but at least the game is up and running!

A turn of her head, she looks to Heidi, tilting her head to the side. "Have you or your people actually kidnapped children and women?" Ah what fun topics to begin with!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
When the blade slams down near her, Heidi surprisingly doesn't flinch. More unflappable than she appears. Instead, that smile stays on her face as she turns to let that cheery smile reflect onto Angela. After all, she was just demonstrating. She leans against the table just slightly as she notes the first question, directed towards Atlin.

"A good, fair question." She nods, pleased with the start. She listens to the answer, and then when the question is directed towards her, she laughs slightly.

"I have certainly never done such a thing, nor do I even know someone who has done such a thing. I cannot speak for all of my people, but whomever has been saying such things about Asgardians likely is trying to scare their children into going to sleep at an appropriate hour." Her gaze turns to Zora. "Would you follow your leader if he were to take an action counter to what you believe to be right?"

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    Zora leans back in her chair a bit, picking up the glass as she considers it, mulling it over in her mind. "No. I know he is wiser tahn I am and much more learned. If he proposed something that I did not believe was right based on my understanding, I would have faith that he had a wider understanding and knew the better path than I." she says slowly. "I might ask for....information on why this is the case, but it would not be my place to question him."

    She considers Angela thoughfully. "Would you take a task that was beneath you as a warrior, if you believed it was for a good cause?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela sits up at this, and her lips pull into a thin line. "You do nothing for nothing." she says, honestly, openly. "A task requires an equal recoupance to be pratical. There is no task that is worth my stepping away from my standing as a warrior to do otherwise." There's a proud lift of her chin as she takes a shot and downs it. "As for causes? What would you think is a good cause, Zora?"

See what she did there. Question, answer, question. All is balanced in Angela's mind as she smiles to the blonde Asgardian. We'll leave it up to interpetation if that was a genuine smile to Heidi, or a dangerous one, as she changes it so that Heidi can actually ask her a question while Atlin is away.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    "Like you, I see that the world is divided against itself. Inefficient. Those who lack power suffer, because their rulers are more concerned with their own power than of leading their people." She knocks back a drink, despite not needing to. "I would see the world unified under one benevolent but strong ruler, who has the vision to see the future and knows what to do to find prosperity for his people." she dedices, pausing to refill her glass, before turning her gaze on Heidi thoughfully.

    "Do you consider the people of MIdgard lesser, Asgardian...no, Heidi?" she asks after a moment."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi gives Zora an appraising look. It's not an unkind one. "Perhaps some Asgardians would think themselves higher than the people of Midgard, but some of those people would also think themselves higher than others in Asgard." She grins. "So for me, I do not think the /people/ of Midgard are lesser, I think the people who prove themselves cowards or villains are the ones who are lesser. I would not deny someone their glory simply because they were born in this realm rather than another."

She lets her head turn slowly towards Angela. "Why is it you have such a hatred for Asgard?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Glancing at the drink in her hand, Angela considers the liquid before she speaks. "In the days after the Aesir and Vanir War, Odin the Dark married Freyja to unite the tribes of the Gods with their first born. Odin hired the Angels to protect a hidden race from mistreatment by Asgardians." That race was Humanity, but Angela doesn't know that. "The Queen of Angels was never paid for this service, and instead, Odin opted for war."

"So the Angels went to war. All realms participated in that war, all against all and against Asgard, with countless and ephemerous alliances made and broken, but none with the Asgardians, as all feared the Angels' wrath. In this war, Odin, in his anger, spit a curse that sealed Heven away." Little does Angela know that she is the cause of all of this. And that she was that heir that was supposed to seal Aesir and Vanir. "It is said that Freyja spit a curse that when an angel dies in battle, they are forever cursed to be entwined to Hela. Would you not be angry at such things, Heidi?"

And yes, that was the question.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
She had wanted a reason, and she got a reason. Heidi is glad she got her story but... that was certainly not one she expected. Especially for someone who was a teller of tales, a poet, to be missing a bit of history? It's certainly not expected. She listens with rapt attention, her brow furrowed. She looks concerned, but not unhappy.

The question is a bit of a loaded one, as she's well aware. "I would be angry at the All-Father, yes," she clarifies where she feels the blame to lie. "Although I would question where lies the truth in the tale. I am a lover of stories, and this is a story that goes back far enough that the truth is bound to have been muddied. I myself have always been told Heven is a myth. To suggest otherwise would get amusement out of my peers. Somewhere, something is not what it should be." She shakes her head a bit, then turns her head to Zora.

"If you discovered that something important about you had been a lie, what would you do with that?"

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    Zora gets a furrowed brow at Angela's question, as she seems to be mulling it over in her mind, though still listening as Heidi answers hers then gives another, she says distractedly. "I would want the truth. Better than harsh truth than the pretty lie. At least I know where I stand, rather than deluding myself further."

    She looks to Angela, then asks. "...if Heven is sealed away, how would any angel travel to Hel and be condemned there? If they can end up there, then it is not truly sealed. If it is seale,d there is no way they could pass to Hel." She nods slightly at Heidi's point about stories being built up. "Many tell stories to themselves to justify what they are, or what they prefer the world to be. Not everything is always truth. It is why I prefer it."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
"Because the soul can traverse planes. And once in Hel, it can never return to Heven. I thought this to be Hel when I first arrived." Angela responds to Zora first, but then Heidi's response to her truth draws lightning to the redhead's pupiless eyes. "You ask me for a truth, then you question me to protect your All-Father. How typical!" she spits, and slams down her fist into the table hard enough to break it.

"I promised I would tell you no lie. Perhaps it is your //All-Father// you should speak to about his lies and deciets. If he called Heven a myth, why do you think he hid it away from you." she defies, rising from her seat, grabbbing the bottle. "Like an Asgardian, their truth is the only truth." comes the angels comment as she moves to leave the bar.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi's gaze follows Angela carefully, then she looks back over to Zora. "I... don't think she heard what I was saying at all." She gets up to her feet. "Angela of Heven, my words were not questioning you. They are to question those who have come before us, those who were supposed to pass the truth down to us." Her brow furrows. "I do not think you understand that I am trying to be a friend, not an enemy."

With Angela leaving, however, she sinks back to her chair, letting out a breath before looking back over to Zora. "Another drink, then?"

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    Zora mmms, watching Angela go storming out. "She seems...very passionate about this." she remarks after a moment, then pours herself and Heidi another drink. "Mm, yes..." She eyes people poking their heads in the door after a moment. "...then perhaps we should leave before the police arrive." she adds. It would be...troublesome to deal with the police. Brief, but troublesome.