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Latest revision as of 01:29, 19 September 2022

Date of Scene: 02 September 2022
Location: Blake House
Synopsis: The gang makes plans for a big but takes naps first!
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Megan Gwynn, Gabby Kinney, Cain Marko

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks around, no fairy. Good.

He whips out a phone sitting on his porch. "Hello Hunan Express? Mr. Leo here. I want two more #34's... oh they're great! I disarmed a super with one the other day. I'll give you five stars... now the number #12, how many do I get? You gotta be yanking me, after the great reviews I gave you? Ah... more like it. I'll get the first 12 for free? I'll take them and let you know how they work before I order another 12.... I think that's more than fair. I need this take out today, an express order. Yeah, I'll be around back. Don't leave it on the porch. The tiger got into the last one and nearly broke a tooth. No really. Bye." He shuts the phone and goes around back where the above ground pool is ready to be broken in. "Hey baby. You want more sunshine?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is thankful to be out of the blazing heat and random immediate dangers that came with being in a hit savannah full of lots of heat and wild animals. Aka African safari for a total beginner. Sooo that really big, really cool looking pool looks reaaaaally inviting. And naturally she's dressed in her cute pink swimsuit, pink-black streaked hair pulled back into a low ponytail as she strolls a,one the pool side, drawing a deep breath. "Ahhhhit feels soooo good to be back home," well, technically not her home but she seems to spend more time here than at the institute lately. For some reason.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Knock knock knock. Gabby had run into Cain and with a quickly shot off text message to Thomas gotten permission to show him to the new place. The one that wasn't infested with demons or exe or demonic exes. A knock comes to the door before she steps inside giving a little whistle. "Heeey Rasputin just me," she warns of the tiger only to tip her head to the side catching the sound of voices out by the pool.

With a grin she swings the door open wider behind her to give plenty of room to come in. "Sounds like they're out by the pool," she points out with a little chuckle as she reaches up to tap one of her ears. "Finally got the family senses. Not the best way to get htem but... It's useful at times." Raising her voice she calls out, "Hey Thomas, hey Megan! Brought a friend!"

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain had nothing to do today, so after running into everybody's favorite mini feral he decided to hang out with her for a while. He ducks through the door and glances around the interior. He doesn't know who Rasputin is, not that he'd be worried if he did. He's wearing street clothes, and currently twoish feet shorter than his normal nine foot plus. He nods down to Gabby. "Yeah? So you can sniff stuff like the runt now I guess?" He follows behind the girl as they head towards the pool area, raising a hand towards Thomas when he sees him. "Hey Tommy. How's it hanging?" He gives Pixie an eye when he spots her, looking briefly puzzled before shaking his head. For a second there he thought he knew her, but it must have been his imagination. "Lo. I'm Cain." She might recognize him, if she's been taught about past threats to the X-Men.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake was about to jump into the pool. When he sees the giant he immediately makes for him to administer a high five. "Cain! Where you been keeping yourself? Good to see you! Come on in. Have a beer. Hello, Gabrielle." He gives gabby a hug.

Then he remembers his manners, "Honey I want you to come meet a friend of mine. This is Cain. Cain, this is Megan." He holds an arm out to Megan, makes a c'mere gesture.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles to Thomas, already making her way towards him when she hears Gabby's cheerful greeting and she smiles and waves to her. "Heey! Who have you got...There...? Oh.." she bites her lip, spotting Juggernaut, former villain and enemy of the Xmen...Although she had heard something of him reforming recently..Oh that's right, she met him once, briefly. She smiles, "Hi! It's been a while. Nice to see you again..Umm how you been?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah," Gabby agrees to Cain's assessment of her senses. "It can be a bit overwhelming at times, especially in the city. I'm getting better at tracking people that way though. Or at least old evil gods, so far," she mumbles recalling some incident or another recently. Her left hand twitches a moment only for her to stuff it into her hoodie pocket.

The recollection fades in face of being greeted by Thomas and Megan which brings a grin from her. "Hey you two, how was the trip?" She starts to ask only to untuck her hands to recieve the hug properly from Thomas. "Eeww wet cat!" Not that it really stopped her from getting a hug.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain Marko high fives Thomas, which ends up being more of a medium five for him. "You know. Working. Keeps me busy." He turns his attention back towards Megan when she approaches. He smiles down at her. "Hey darlin. Nice to..." Then she speaks, and his brows furrow together. He studies her for a few more moments, then smiles. "Oh, right... we did meet that one time didn't we. Good to see you again. You've grown up a bit." He reaches out, and briefly ruffles her hair in a casual way. Then he wanders past them towards where the beers are. "So what've you all been up to?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake shrugs. "You know, about my usual. Made a bundle blew a bundle. Made another, lost that gig. Got a tiger, but he's sleeping in his den. He's a good guy. Man I think I last saw you at Gabby's 17th. So Gabby, I'm sure Megan can help you with a suit and... Cain... I don't think I have anything in your size... have another beer! I mean I don't care if you wear skivvies in the pool. And Megan and Gabby know me too well to easily be put off." then again there is a lot of Cain. You almost expect him to say 'Hodor,' but even bigger than Hodor.

"I was actually looking for a crew..."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grimaces at. Cain. "Yeaah, that was a while ago. Thanks for your help. Good to see you again." Gabby is given a thoughtful look as she talks of ancient gods, something she'd rather not think about ever again. She peers curiously at Cain, wondering idly what an ex villain does with himself. Oh right, Thomas is an ex villain, and depending on who you talk to, all the Wolverine clones kinda are, too. "Well gee, suddenly I feel out of place.." she makes a face, curling up next to Thomas..Who is given a curious arched brow at mention of a crew. "Crew? For what?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"A suit? Not like I can't just jump in with my undies on," Gabby points out with an exasperated sigh. She's done it before. Though she was also younger at the time. While she hadn't gained a whole lot of height she was a bit less easier to dismiss as 'just a kid' these days. "Though that would make leaving awkward." Hmm. She's about to say something else, looking mildly relieved when it seems Cain and Megan know each other. Less explanation there.

But then Thomas speaks of a 'crew' and her gaze snaps toward him before flitting over to Megan again. And back. An eyebrow arches slowly. Stepping over to Megan she clears her throat. "Maybe I should see if you have a spare suit? Or a tshirt I can borrow."

Cain Marko has posed:
Once Cain retrieves a bottle, he flicks the cap off with his thumb and takes a swig as he wanders back to the others. "I don't do so well in the water. I don't float. Would probably end up breaking something climbing out. So, I'll just stay up here. And has it been that long? Man." He smiles at the now eighteen years old mutant girl. "Everybody is growing up I guess." He sighs, a wistful expression briefly crossing over his brutal features. Everybody around him getting older, and he keeps on staying the same. Giving his head a shake, he says to Thomas, "So a crew for what?" He takes a sip from his bottle again, swishing it around. It really was a shame he can't even get buzzed. He eyes Gabby when she makes the comment about her undies. "No, it is like that." Kind of a protective big brother vibe going on there.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake thinks furiously. The target is a fortress. Megan -teleporter. Cain -Juggernaut.

There's a small army. Gabby, me -doesn't matter.

Megan wanted me to take here along and she could prevent needless deaths. That will make her happy.

Cain and I can deal with any needed deaths.

Gabby can get Pixie to look the other way... just in case. Megan's question snaps him out of his pondering. He goes into the house and comes back with a roll of paper he unrolls to reveal a map of several interconnected buildings,

"I found where a gang of flesh peddlers are hold up with the merchandise. They like grabbing young meta and Mutant girls. I promised to save one of them and after a lot of searching I fell into this ring."

"They're bad men. The four of us could take them apart in a half hour, tops. Unless I miss my guess, they're also loaded. Anyone got qualms about robbing bad men and maybe putting their money to better use?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles at Gabby, "Well that's alright, I mean, we're similar height Soo I can lend you one of my swimsuits. I bought a new one recently and never wore it. I'm sure lime green would look good on you.."

Buuut, Thomas suddenly has her attention and she narrows her eyes on him, peering intently at him as he describes his master plan..Thankfully he stylized it as a heroic attempt and so she nods with interest, peering intently at the map thoughtfully.

"Flesh peddlers..? Waait, so they're harvesting mutants or something? That's soooooo baaad.." she frowns, specially at mention of grabbing mutant girls. "Right! Count me in! Just tell me what to do.."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances innocently over her shoulder at Cain with a small shrug. She was trying to distract Megan, just a bit, so the two could talk. Though it seemed Thomas was doing his utmost to make sure everyone was included. Mention of the new suit earns a soft 'Ooh' from her as she looks back to Megan though. "Oh yeah that'd be cool! If you don't mind not getting to be the first to wear it that is."

Whatever thought of dipping into the pool was there quickly fades when Thomas emerges with the plans, and the explanation of what the job was. That little bit of innocence she still had about her fades entirely as she goes quiet. Still. Not that little bundle of energy she usually was.

"I'm in." There's no hesitation or question about it once she knows what's up. All she does at that point is look to Megan. "It means they're selling them into sex work. Usually they drug them up and... It's not nice. I've got NO problems with this."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain leans over and peers at the map that Thomas is holding. He purses his lips, then drains the rest of his beer. Glancing around for a trash can, he eventually just opens his mouth wide and tosses the bottle in. There's the crunsh of glass as he chews a few times, then swallows. "Sounds easy enough to me." He crosses his arms over his chest. "Should be a quick bit of work." He seems unphased by the whole thing himself. Not that he looks like he approves. Just... he's been doing this sort of thing for longer than most. He's used to horrible shit.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake pulls out some print outs indicating the place's position for Megan. "Megs ports us here first. We let Cain off. He goes this way..." Thomas draws a line across the map and the building. "While the bad guys are wasting a ton of bullets shooting at Cain, we port to the roof. Girls are probably on the top floor. We get in and Megan ports the girls out. Gabby and I delay any ring members. She comes back for us and we all meet here." He points to a small wooded area.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn just...Stares at Gabby, still naive...Until things spelled out in black and white for her. "Whaaa?!" she flushes a bit at that, either in embarrassment or anger or..We'll it's anyone's guess. "Then we should definitely stop em! That's horrible!"

Annnd then Cain just..Ate an entire can. She just stares at him in jaw dropping surprise, totally speechless for a moment or so..

Instead she focuses back on the map, nodding to Thomas. "Right, ok, I can do that..Easy p easy. So when d9 we do this? The sooner the better I say."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gently pats Megan on the back a few times. "I know it's not nice. I've dealt with it several times. One of the few things on my 'I don't give a damn what happens to these people' list." Which meant, she really didn't care. They weren't worth saving. The bad guys that was.

"Right. If they're not where you think I can try to sniff out their location. Won't be too hard to do so." Bunch of scared girls? Sure as hell wouldn't.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain studies the map, then adds, "Do they rent this place, or own it?" He's assessing the blueprints for the place carefully. He knows a lot about building structures. Pretty much all learned first-hand. "Port, huh? So you're one of those poofing kind of mutants then? Those can be annoying to fight." He considers Megan, then eyes Thomas. "Are you really bringing the kid in on this, Tommy? She seems a lil green for this sort of thing." Also, he ate a bottle. Not a can.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake holds Megan's face between his hands and leans close. "This is as evil as it gets. Not some dumbassed giant robot. Not some guy in an iron mask talking like Colonel Klink. I'm not looking to kill anyone. But if it's them or us... it's them. But odds are when the cops show up all they have is stuff a good ER can handle... not like Captain Cold, possibly paralyzed when a heo threw him into an armored car."

"This is abandoned property, Cain, just remember we're on the top floor. If you're ready, I have some comms for you, and I want to get kitted out. Heh."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at Cain, looking a bit peeved at the 'kid' and 'green 'comments. "Heeey! Now wait a darned minute! Just cuz I'm a bit young and a bit innocent, doesn't mean I'm a idiot. I'm an Xman for crying out loud, and I e been in a lot of serious, life or death situations. You need a teleporter? Count me in, I can do this. I just need a copy of this map,so I can get more familiar with the area, but no sweat, I got this..

And then Thomas draws her close and her gaze softens on him a bit, eyes widened a bit at what he's trying to say. "Yeah..I guess sometimes it can't be helped. I get it. I'm still gonna help. So don't try and scare me away. I'm with you in this all the way.." she clutches his hand, her gaze softening on him..

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney crosses her arms lightly over her chest as everyone starts to give their feedback on the situation. Even when Cain speaks his mind about Megan she can't help but give a little grimace recalling how that used to be about HER. "She's reliable. We're on a team together, and she's done fine," she attests with a solemn nod as she gives her own input on it. "She's transport, and extraction, and I know she can distract people if needed." That .. dust stuff. She doesn't mention that but Pixie knew her own powers.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain blinks a few times, then raises his brow at Thomas. "What, we're doing this tonight?" He frowns briefly, then shrugs. "Whatever. I got nothing else going on." Then an amused expression passes over his face at Megan's outrage. He reaches out an enormous hand, and lightly flicks her on the nose. "Truth is truth, kiddo. And you X-Kids usually start off doing this stuff way too young. Lookit Gabby here. Though she has more of an excuse, admittedly." And is still technically younger than Megan. He shrugs a shoulder at Gabby, "Fine. Just pointing it out. She seems like more a cinnamon roll than a fighter s'all." He doesn't seem to be worried about offending the twenty-something mutant.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake puts an arm around Megan. "It's funny you should call her 'Cinnamon." Okay let me review... you run through stuff and nothing stops you   or hurtsyou. D oryou really need a dry run? As for the rest it's all the intell I have. If we d orit now, we got the daylight, s orthey can see you, the better t orshoot at. The rest of us, we know what t ordo. Pretty simple. Let me get ready." S orhe does.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grimaces again, at the term 'Cinnamon Roll'. she just smirks and nods to Thomas but says nothing further on the subject. To Thomas she nods thoughtfully, "Okaay, so we wait til nightfall to pull this off? Although I wonder how heavily guarded this building is, and do they have any magic dampening fields? If they're in the market for kidnapping both mutants and metas, it's always a possibility. They gotta keep them subdued somehow, right?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tilts her head back to stare at the sky a moment squinting against what fading light there was. Just quietly gazing upward a few moments gathering her thoughts on the entire matter. Then she squeezes the back of her neck a few times with a hand, and looks forward normally again to ease out some tension. "Yeah, I can do tonight. You owe me like a dozen Redbulls though," she calls out after Thomas with a faint grin. "Plus I don't have all my gear... Ah, fuck it," she mutters moving to pull her hair into a ponytail and loop it through into a knot at the back of her neck.

Glancing back toward Megan with amusement she offers, "Hey at least you aren't told by like three of your crushes that you're 'just like a little sister to them'. Nothing wrong with not being a cold blooded killer."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain looks between the three, then laces his massive hands behind his head. "Look. Whether we do this today or some other time, I'm good whenever. I just need me." He glances down at Gabby. "I'd say that many Redbulls is bad for you, but I guess you're probably okay with that whole healing thing of yours..." He glances over Megan. "So, other than teleporting do you do anything else? I doubt it'll come up. But would be good to know."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn glares at Cain who seems to underestimate her abilities, "Well let's see, I can cause you to hallucinate. Badly. I can cast a sleeping spell on you, fly fast enough to cast a cruise missile, open portals and teleport from here to the other end of the earth, maybe even further if need be, oh yeah and I can cut through absolutely anything with my soul dagger, among other things." she smiles almost wickedly as she says that, bit doesn't bother to give a demonstration of her varied powers with her anti-magical scary weapon..Best to keep him guessing at that. "Then we'd better get some rest and get prepped for nightfall. This should be fun..." right, she's so Totally not nervous, not in the least bit, nope!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses to consider that a moment or two. "You took down Chas? I know I missed some things..." She looks to Megan apologetically. "Uh, sorry I wasn't able to help. I've been kind of dealing with my own thing, too. Trying to." The corners of her mouth twitch, and she clears her throat. "Okay so I guess, nap time for us all." With that she claps her hands together and heads for the house again.