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Latest revision as of 04:17, 19 September 2022

Short of the Deck
Date of Scene: 18 September 2022
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: Gabby Kinney wanders into an Old Crow, and petitions her aid. Nettie accepts a position with the JLD to come out of retirement and help the group. Zatanna and Tynan join the duo for tea, alcohol, and storytime.
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Gabby Kinney, Zatanna Zatara, Tynan Ireton

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Among all the old flotsam and jetsam of the Justice League Dark, there was a name an an address that had come up as a back up location that had been open to members. Loose associations. The Crowmother. The location called the Candle, Booke and Belle Shoppe described as 'the old crow's storefront'.

    It was in the East Village of NYC, an area that went relatively untouched during the business over the front end of the year, and had been relatively quiet minus a few posts and commentary stating the owner was away.

    So the storefront, with its round-top door had only been lit up starting last night. The street it's on has some good foot traffic, and there was a lady sitting on the front stoop, smoking a cigarette that smelled of strong tobacco and cherry, strumming an acoustic guitar to some English folksong, hair hidden behind a brilliantly rainbow bandana in spite of the fact that she wore just a plain grey T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of bright pink chucks, playing guard in front of the store's door.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Funny how that works. Gabby had been working through old files, notes, anything she could to look into the history of the JLD to find those who might still be a potential ally, member, or even on the off chance the third for the role of leadership. Of course she found that flotsam, that wasn't luck. She was searching for such things. What WAS luck, or perhaps even a bit of magic of it's own, is that she picks today of all days to head to the Candle, Booke, and Belle to look up this mysterious 'old crow' mentioned.

The little red Honda Trail, now souped up with a comfier seat and shiny chrome exhaust, peels apart from the traffic to come to a halt just in front of the store to park just a bit down from where the woman was sitting out playing guitar. The Rebel fighter motorcycle helmet she wore is pulled off, and plopped down on the front of the bike so she can take a moment to rake fingers through her hair ensuring it wasn't too much of a mess. Satisfied she was at least marginally presentable she hops off to start walking the short distance to the shop.

A little sniff of the air catches the scent of the fruity tobacco which earns a small grin from her. It was unique at least, and didn't smell terrible. A hand lifts to wave toward the woman with a cheery, "Hello!" She's about to say something more, to break into the questions and pitch for the JLD when... something else distracts her.

"They make pink chucks? Those are *awesome*."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "'Allo!" comes a cheery voice from the guitar player, holding the hand-rolled cigarette in her teeth as she gives a smile to the young woman, and she eyeballs the helmet with amusement as the dark-haired girl dismounts.

    She had continued playing on the guitar for just a brief moment when the question comes about her shoes.

    "Oh! These? Yeah!" she states, wiggling her feet a little from the granite step of the front stoop, the woman gives a wry little grin.

    "They're very Cyndi Lauper, aren't they just? Mind you, a few times through the wash they'll be a little less Pink and a little more Pink in a softer fashion, but I like 'em well enough." she gives a smile, pulls the cig from her teeth to tap off the ash, and then returns it to her mouth. "Like yer helmet. Bit of a rebel yourself, are you?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"It probably lasts longer than the shoe laces I 'dyed' with Sharpie years ago, at least," Gabby has to agree while glancing down at her own hightops. They were a bit beaten up. Beyond beaten up. "I should probably get something new soon." They were just so comfy! Even if the rubber soles were starting to peel apart and needed the occasional glueing back in place. She had new boots but they just weren't the same.

Looking back she flashes a grin which causes the scars on her cheeks to dimple in the process. "Little bit of a rebel is one way to put it," she agrees only to take a long, deep breath.

"Are you Nettie? I found your information in the JLD files," she explains simply, almost apologetically, for having to ruin such a nice day with business matters.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Ah yes, Sharpie." the woman grins from behind her sunglasses, and she gives a shrug of her shoulder. "I recall havin' to dye hair with Kool-Aid. Color an' the effort to have it about, eh?" she questions, and she gives a little smile as Gabby agrees with her, and then the question comes.

    The woman gives a pause, and she leans forward. She lets her sunglasses slide down the bridge of her narrow nose, and her lips purse as she looks to Gabby with curiosity in those too-bright-to-be-natural aquamarine eyes.

    "Tha' all depends on the context of your business then, miss. Might I know the name of the one who's askin'?" she asks.

    As if in omen, a large black bird alights on the handlebars of the light motorcycle Gabby rode in on, and gives a dire little 'caw' of warning, crimson eyes set on Gabby's back.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh my hair is way too dark to dye. I usually get help from a friend when I want a color change." Gabby reaches up to tug on some strands of her black hair indicating that it wasn't exactly the sort easy to dye. Plus, it was all natural. A hundred percent.

The change in demeanor earns a momentarily sad look in her eyes. So far she'd seemed like a really interesting person to meet to begin with. Bringing up potentially bad memories wasn't something she wanted to do.

Such thoughts are cast aside as her eyes dart down to her neckline where she wears a simple wire-wrapped stone necklace. Her hand drops from her hair to it, giving it a little twist between her fingers along with a hum. "Okay, I get it, she's using magic give it a rest," she sighs and tucks the necklace into her shirt.

"I'm Gabby. Gabby Kinney." Not that the name means anything. Not at all. She fidgets a moment, clearly torn between being serious and THERE WAS A CROW ON HER BIKE. "... Does it eat? I've got some trail mix," she asks with her glance skimming over to her bike where the crow rests. If there's one way to distract her every time, it's animals. Every time.

"Sorry. Focusing." Lightly she clears her throat putting on a serious expression. Bidness time. "I was just hoping we could talk a bit."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I should hope I eat." The crow answers for himself, sounding insulted at the question, and he hops off the bike, and across the street.

    "No sign of any of the others." he states, and then alights to the air again before he grips onto Gabby's shoulder, settling against her, weight present.

    "Pretty little bauble, though. Get that from them bedswervers?" he asks, turning and eyeballing Gabby before he hops off, and flies back to Nettie, who had already drawn up to a stand.

    "Righ' then, you've got the witch herself, Miss Kinney. Mind not the crow; Corvax's got a bit of a chip on 'is shoulder. Not to mention it's about lunch time, and don't we all get a little hangry?" she asks, and she grabs up her guitar and opens the door. Her hair is, in fact, silver-gray, and gathered behind her head in a braid and bun. "Step in, miss, mind the stairs on the other side. Bit uneven, can take anyone unawares."

    The inside of the shop is a smorgasboard of different smells, herby and earthy and sharp and medicinal and even that cloyingly sweet smell of gasoline or kerosine or straight alcohol, mixed with sloe and the bitters of Aloe Vera and dust everywhere.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances to the side as the Corvid lands on her shoulder, not seeming to mind the weight. Or the claws. Actually she doesn't even flinch the least bit at them digging in for balance. "Point," she agrees with a small nod. "I figured I'd ask before offering though. I know a doll that technically doesn't eat but likes snacks anyway." Even as she explains this she reaches into the pocket of her jeans to pull out an unopened bag of trailmix. It's torn into and some poured out into her hand which she holds up for the crow to take from if he'd like. "Oh trust me, I understand hangry." Especially with her family.

"A friend gave me the necklace. I'm a bit magic-blind so I try to make up for it where I can. I'm getting better though," she adds as she feels the need to explain herself. Just a tad.

She moves to follow in after Nettie taking a sniff of the air... and immediately having to pause in the doorway looking as if she'd just gotten socked in the face. Her non-treat holding hand reaches out to touch the side of the door to balance herself while she tries to pick and focus on ONE scent instead of the mix of so many. Sandlewood. Incense in the stack over there. It was familiar, and strong enough for her to focus on though it was hard to ignore that little sting of alcohol in the air.

"Lot of... Lot of things going on in here," she mumbles before finally managing to step further in.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Aye. Apothecaries and tea shops ten' to have a bit of an everything going on." Nettie replies, though she gives a gentle look over to Gabby. Corvax pauses a moment, tries to appear disinterested -- and then while Gabby is reeling from being socked in the olfactories he swoops, grabs some of the trail mix, and caws his way up to one of his perches. OmnomnomCAW.

    The door closes of its own accord with an old spring that squeaks.

    Nettie sets the guitar on the counter and hops over, the short woman pulling some drawers open.

    "So then, a magic-blind person arriving on my doorstep with business from the Justice League Dark." she states, and she pauses a moment, taking off her sunglasses and hanging them from a peg, she pulls a pair of small reading glasses and puts those on. She looks over one of the drawers, and pulls a couple out, and adds a spoon of this, a spoon of that, puts everything into a slotted ball, puts the ball in a brown earthware teapot, and applies water from one of her steamkettles in it.

    Next she gets a teacup and saucer. It's an earthy pine-green with peacock teal encircling its midsection and rim, and it's set on the counter.

    "Come to the tea counter, kitten. Olfactory sensation?" she questions, looking to Gabby through those rimless glasses.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I know," Gabby has to admit with a little chuckle. "I'm the least likely person to be involved in this at all." She does hesitate a moment more before heading in to join Nettie at the counter as requested. At least they weren't bad smells. Not like The Rot or dead bodies. There was nothing quite like that for awfulness, this was just *a lot* at once.

Sidling up to the tea counter she rests her arms atop it, leaning into it comfortably. A wry smile is offered to Nettie's assessment with a nod, and she reaches up to rub at her nose a single time. "Yeah. For what I lack in magic I make up for in enhanced senses. My half-sister is a sorceress," she offers by means of explaining how she got involved in this. "And an old school friend of mine is as well. I've been in and out of this stuff for awhile, and wanted to help where I can."

A long pause comes as she hesitates to broach the topic further. It was so hard to explain as it was, harder yet to someone that might not know the details. "My sister had become one of the three heads of the JLD. They kind of retired all of a sudden recently after we dealt with some Old Ones. While Jon was nice enough to give us a heads up, my sister and Chas only told me before running off together."

Her hands spread in a 'all cards on the table' gesture. "I'm trying to keep things running. I can't do magic, but I can organize and do mundane stuff. I can also fight," she adds, "But that isn't what we need right now."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    That was a lot for Nettie to take in all at once. A couple connections were made, and she purses her lips a moment.

    "Well. Dealing with The Old Ones could force anyone into early retirement, I s'pose." she comments as she considers, and she pours a cup of tea. The tea comes out in a dark violet color, its steam rising up and is very strong and earthy smelling. This is slid over to Gabby as Nettie considers a moment, the old witch looking to the dark-haired young woman.

    "And I don't suppose you're running about doing wedding announcements, are you? Pity. Missed the last one." she mumbles, mostly to herself as she puts out her cigarette into an ash tray behind the counter, and she looks to Gabby.

    "Tell me about yourself, dear. You're standing in for a time?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Much as that would be awesome, no, unfortunately not. I can't even reach them right now. They went off into the astral way beyond reach. Knowing my sister, to act as an outpost guard in case those old ones came back. She was really beating herself up over it. And out of all of us affected by it, I probably had the least of what they had to offer." Gabby stares down into the cup a moment just gazing at the unique color of the tea.

It takes a moment or two for her to realize the warmth of the steam and the scent was helping her to focus on that instead of the rest in the shop. There's a little sag to her shoulders in relief, and she reacts in the most immature way possible: By dropping her head down to press her nose right up to the rim of that cup. Not in a messy way just. Indulging.

"Mmgod this is good thank you." Another few deep breaths are drawn before she rights herself enough to actually take a sip of it. Nevermind how hot it was; she sips regardless.

"I'm a mutant. My family is really long lived because we have a very strong healing factor. That sister I mentioned is in her 80s, for instance, but looks more like twenty five. I'm just eighteen though. I'm the youngest," she explains before anyone assumes she's far older. Not that one could with the way she's been acting at the moment.

"Yes. My plan was to help out until I could find suitable replacements. Most of our membership that was left were newer than myself. I've at least worked with and lead teams before--In spite of my age," she hastens to add with a wry grin. "I had a unique upbringing."

"I'm a clone. I was trained to be an assassin but I'm not one. I don't want to be one. It has given me experience in working with a team from a young age though. And from what I can see," Gabby adds with a little tap of her fingers to the sides of the mug. "The JLD really, really needs to learn how to work as a team instead of trying to work solo with every issue that crops up."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Oh goodness, no, no I can understand having lead groups. When I was fourteen I was quite the... what's the most recent term? Hot Shot? Hot Shit?" Nettie looks up towards the ceiling. "Age is just a marker for how much time you've been awake. Some people accomplish more in twenty years than others do in centuries of life." Nettie gives a wry smile. She's already decided she likes Gabby. She sets out two plates -- one so Gabby can dump the trail mix from her outstretched hand into, and one contains an orange scone for the young lady as she indulges in the scent of the tea, and Nettie considers her words and explainations, pulling a stool up on her side of the counter.

    "So I'm gathering Zatanna and Constantine are still out then. Especially if Chas 'as made an exit. Jon and Martin. Mmm. Haven't heard from Ty nor Mairin so they're probably out there. The Pups' Brigade... not a one with a lick of teamwork built in." she purses her lips, and she looks over to Gabby.

    "Well then, allow me to properly introduce myself." she states, pulling on a pair of grey gloves and stretching her fingers a moment.

    "Used to be that in Jolly Ol' England there was a family of witches and magicians, mixed bloods. Ended up having to flee England to India with my brother, spent a decent amount of time in Tibet, China, Japan, back to England, spent some time playin' nurse during the Great War. An' took on students. So, I s'pose I could help on the unified front aspect. IF people wanted to play nice with each other. Don't tend to be too many magicians who can withstand each other for *long* periods." she gives a wry smile, and offers a hand to shake. "Pleasure to meet you, Gabby."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Either term works, honestly," Gabby assures in reference to wether it's hot shot or hot shit. "I think hot shot has nicer connotations though." The offered plates are used just as expected; the trail mix handful goes into one, and she slides it off to the side just in case a snacky corvid wants to sneak over to grab more. His theft of some from her hand hadn't gone unnoticed even while she was distracted.

Then with a quick dusting off on her thigh to make sure she doesn't have any remaining bits of salty peanut or raisins on her hand, she reaches out to take Nettie's to shake as well. "You too, Nettie."

"And actually Zatanna's back in. She's hesitant about it given the whole situation, and I don't blame her, but she's agreed to help out. Just not as leadership. I've also spoken to Jason Blood and Etrigan. Constantine's on my list to visit. Though from what I understand he and Jason aren't a great mix so that might be a bit touchy."

"Sara Pezinni has returned as well, so she's one aspect of leadership. Ideally we'd like three though. Makes sense," she points out with a little shrug. The muffin gets a bit torn off the top to pop into her mouth, and she takes another sip of the tea.

"Sounds like you travel as much as my dad has. He's been all over. Heck if you were in World War II--" She pauses there, considering. "Was 'The Great War' the first one though? You'd think I'd be better at history than I am."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "The Great War was the first one. The one that we all were supposed to have promised would never happen again. Unfortunately..." Nettie gives a small, sad smile, "... unfortunately some folks didn't keep to the promise, and we had to have another war... should have nipped it in the bud." she gives a smile, and she leans back, with some level of impressed on her face.

    "Well, if such a respected daemonologist as Blood's signed on it's a decent start. Not had much reason to break bread with him, but the name I know." she considers.

     "Unfortunately it appears my memories of Constantine are somewhat muddled. Probably because they can't determine if they're from the eighties, the nineties or the early zippos, but as one does." she waves her hand a moment, rolling it as if it were a topic best left unexplored.

    "Your dad have a name he might have gone by? Can't say if I've crossed paths, but then again, my girls and I tended to do things in a rather fly-by-night manner. Mostly unofficial, hush-hush, no sir there are definitely neither lesbians nor witches among the nurses and secretaries of the war efforts." she gives a wry smile at that.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
A name? Gabby has to pause at that to peer up at the ceiling as she gathers her thoughts a moment. He had a LOT of names. She starts, ticking fingers off on her hand. "James Howlette, Lucky, Jimmy, Logan, Wolverine... He's got a lot of names. Those are the ones I know of for certain though, and the first several are from his time in World War II. I think he has some memory loss sometimes, too," she adds with a little look of amusement. "Probably one too many knocks to the head. I know he worked with the Howling Commandos and Cap back then."

"I don't think dad would have really cared about the lesbian thing even back then. He had me take him to Pride this year, and told me he's bi. Had been for a long time." A little grin of amusement comes over her. "I think he was trying to set a good example by being honest about it. He's not around a lot, so I get that he tries when he is."

"And yeah, Jason was a decent guy. Bit blunt, but I'm used to that. I think the fact I didn't get upset over it was what won him over."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "'E might not 'ave, maybe even back then, but there was -- and still is -- a not insignificant group of folks who would rather see us put out in awful ways. Mmm. If he hung around with the Howling Commandos, don't think we crossed paths much. My girls and I, we weren't precisely..." she purses her lips, her eyes going distant as she looks through the store, the bits of color about as she takes a deep breath, and lets it out.

    "We were nurses to the rank and file first and foremost. Our job was makin' sure whatever the doctors did didn't kill our lads. Some of us were just better at it than others is all." she gives a small smile, and then she gets a stern look.

    "Minus the tank incident."

    But that doesn't get further explaination, and Nettie gives a toothy grin. One of her teeth is crooked.

    "I was in both. I've... lived a long time and always felt that off-and-on ache in the heart for justice. P'haps that's what brought our paths together."

    Corvax comes over to the table, and he settles in, tucking into some of the trail mix.

    "So. What is it that you would like out of ol' Nettie Crowe, young miss Kinney?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
What does she need from Nettie? A very good question. She'd come here hoping to find some answers though there wasn't a specific question. Sometimes it was just a matter of meeting someone to get to know them a bit for things to solidify. For now she lifts her teacup to sip from considering the question while thoughtfully looking over the older witch with a keen eye. Not harshly. Not judging. Just considering.

"The JLD needs ... A lot right now. Wisdom, and knowledge, and the ability to teach those who are just coming into their own powers." There were quite a few of those after all. "I would love it if you could and would be willing to help out in all those areas. But," she hastens to add with a little grin, "It's also up to you how much you are willing to offer. If you're willing to help with the leadership angle I think we'd be on a good solid start to our triumvirate. Though that would also require a meeting with Sara to discuss it, too."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Sara... Sara... Sara... damn common name, known forty or so of 'em... Sara... the one with the sharp hitchhiker?" Nettie questions, as if she weren't already anticipating other things.

    She looks over to Gabby, and she then draws up to her feet. She pulls a faded, worn silk envelope from her pocket and withdraws from it a hand-rolled cigarette, which she sparks with a sky-blue zippo, and she puffs away at it for a moment. This one had a sour apple tang. It was weird with the tobacco, and Nettie already decides she doesn't like it, but it's too late to stop.

    That narrow nose wrinkles, and she gives a nod.

    "You've got yourself a third then, at least on a temporary basis." she warns.

    Corvax hops a little bit, and protests: "Nettie! You JUST came back from-"

    "I /know/, Corvax, you do not have to remind *me* good sir." she states to the crow.

    "Corvax, my familiar. Corvax, you will be polite to Miss Kinney and show her better respect than some of our friends."

    The bird manages to look sullen, and then siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighs a long, suffering sound, and bows his head.

    "That's long form for 'don't be a c-'"


    "Yea, yea, I'll be nice Nettle!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"That's the one. We've got a few people with hitch hikers for sure. But she's the sharp one," Gabby agrees with a little grin as she rather enjoyed using that phrase too. Or 'passenger' which she'd picked up from Robbie. Either worked really to explain the situation however different they may be, which had similar outcomes.

"Thank you, Nettie!" She's about to say more but Corvid speaks up which draws her attention to the black feathered familiar. A polite nod is offered to him, the almost-lapse in phrasing taken in stride. "Nice to meet you then, Corvid. Do you like hats? I have this old hobby of making little pieces of clothing for animals... I mean if you want at some point. You'd look quite dashing in a tophat."

Oh no.

More seriously she looks back toward Nettie offering a grin. "If you need some down time to recouperate from things that can be handled too. I think just knowing there's going to be an established leadership will help ease the worry off the group for a bit. No sense in any of us burning out just at the start of things."

"I've still got a lot of people to reach out to and follow up with, and then I need to start looking for a physical-world base of operations for us. The astral is nice and all but it has it's issues. Plus I think after all we've been through related to that place it holds some bad memories for people. Not to mention potentially bad other things." That's why she was doing a sweep of it though.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "... can... can you make me a tricorne? I haven't worn a proper hat in centuries. Hell doesn't let you have a hat unless you're someone important." Corvax doesn't even correct the name. He just gets excited about having a proper hat, because having a proper hat is good!

    "... he's had a tophat before, back before we lived in Japan, they were all the rage, but it's difficult to find one for him that doesn't have a strap that bothers his neck." the witch replies with a soft hum of her voice. She breathes out and then cracks a small smile "Well, if you need a base of operations, I've gotten some space cleared upstairs and ... I'm sorry they did *what*." she pauses, blinking as she looks at Gabby.

    "They... had an Astral base of operations. AN ASTRAL BASE OF OPERATIONS?!" Nettie's voice crescendos.

    "THEY WERE TAKING NON-MAGIC USERS INTO AN ASTRAL BASE OF OPERATIONS?! Is THAT how they attracted the Old Ones?! Jiminey Cricket O'Malley--" she begins, and launches into a webwork of curse words in the tongues that she knows, and then slams a flat palm down on the tea counter hard enough to shake the teapots.

    Corvax looks at Nettie, then looks at Gabby, and he states as an aside: "She lost students in the war. She's a bit protective of 'the puppies'."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Woops. Corvid is the bird TYPE not the name. Even after she'd said it she realized her mistake but it was too late to correct herself. Plus the sudden interest Corvax had in her suggestion just brings a bright grin to her as he *agrees* to wear a tiny bird hat heck yes. "One tricorne, not a problem! I'd be happy to make one for you," she agrees with a bit of eagerness of her own. It had been a old hobby she hadn't really gotten to do in awhile. Sure, she made a few things for Hanako, but Hanako was a humanoid doll. Not quite as adorable in her mind.

The mirth is short lived as she suddenly feels Nettie's wrath unleash. She goes quiet as the woman begins her tirade thankfully not aimed at HER. Though she does listen while lifting up her teacup to sip at again being very careful not to interrupt. It's Corvax's remark that earns another glance in her direction, as well as a nod of understanding.

"Yeah, that seems to be the over-all sentiment of things. I've been in Limbo before so I had a little experience." Maybe she shouldn't mention that either? Probably not. "Actually it was due to the issue with the Angel invasion awhile back. Apparently there was a small rift left open and it tagged onto my sister who is an anomaly herself. Time looping issues," she explains with a little circle of her finger in the air.

"I imagine it didn't help though, no. I want to run a final sweep of the astral base to make sure there's nothing lingering behind, and then I figure quarantining it for awhile at the least." Ie, close it off. Though maybe more drastic measures should be taken from all she was hearing.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Call Zatanna's return to New York a hunch. Call it a hunch based on a change in the magic landscape as subtle as the beginning of autumn when the slant of shadows change.

Newly fallen leaves clatter down the street in a light breeze outside the Candle, Booke and Belle where a purple line sizzles in the air. A narrow doorway opens to admit Zatanna. Without hesitation she strides over to the shop door and raps on it, "Nettie Crowe are you going to let an old friend in?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie was still cursing. It was a long and drawn out line of art on words, and she's sure that someone's ears are probably burning. Possibly even poxy. She was *cross*.

    And as Corvax and Gabby speak, Zatanna lands. The old Crowe can feel the lines changing about them, and when the door is rapped upon she raises her hand mid-breath, sweeps it across and the door unlatches and swings open with an angry BANG! to allow Zatanna Zatara entry!

    "ZATANNA ZATARA WHAT IN THE BLOODY NAME OF SAINT GEORGE AND HIS BLOODY DRAGON HAPPENED WHILE I WAS GONE?!" she bellows out, and then the short woman appears to run out of hot air, gusto, and anger, and just... takes a deep breath, wheeeezes, and states:

    "What we all need is a fresh cup of tea." she states, sweeping both hands over her gray hair which now has a number of impressively erect fly-aways, as she takes a breath, looks around then room, and gives a far more pleasant smile.

    "I know that with your superior fashion sense you've probably got the common sense to have not been involved with the nonsense.

    "Bit different;" Corvax explains "Nettie's had bad experiences with her students... needing to be taken care of, so that they don't hurt others. It's why she doesn't teach that often anymore." Corvax actually winces.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh. Ooooh." That was a term Gabby had familiarity with. If not directly she certainly knew of instances where it had come up. Given her prior 'life', she very well knew what 'taken care of' meant in that manner. "I see. I'm sorry."

Maybe Zatanna's arrival would help smooth things out? Maybe not. Gabby's left clutching her peacock teacup in both hands trying to look unobtrusive without outright hiding. It wasn't that she was scared, but she certainly had worked up poor Nettie's emotions unintentionally. For that she had to admit a bit of guilt, even if it was allowing her to see how bad the situation was to begin with. She knew of many issues but that was one she hadn't reailzed. It was honestly echoing concerns she'd had when first brought in about the nature of the astral from her own experiences in Limbo. Somewhere along the line she'd just gotten comfortable with forgetting it since no one else seemed to find it an issue.

Meekly she lifts a hand to waggle fingers toward the newly arrived sorceress. "Hi, Zatanna."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna stands in the doorway which blew open on the gust of Nettie's invective. One finely made eyebrow and a shoulder rise in answer to Nettie's tirade. "Evidently, we need tea."

With a half-smile acknowledging Nettie's compliment, the magician looks down at her finely made clothes, black as much of her wardrobe is, the fitted jacket and high waisted pants flattering her height. Her sapphire eyes rise, glinting with a hint of mischief at the tirade to come.

"Which nonsense? There has been so much of late."

Her gaze quits the irate sorceress long enough to nod and send Gabby a friendly smile. "Hello, Gabby. How's the weather today?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie points over her shoulder at Zatanna.

    "The nonsense with this apparently Astral castle that attracted some Great Old One attention. Honestly, some people... no clue... needless risks... you'd think they would have learned but noooooo---" she turns, and she bangs her knee on her own counter, and begins to hop on one foot as she curses at herself, then grabs at a teapot and puts it up, while hopping on one knee and then gives a soft HUMPH.

    She leans over the counter, and she points at Zatanna.

    "Ssik ym ttub, Stnap Ycnaf." she states, though there's zero magic behind the reversal of words, and Zatanna gets a saucer and cup in prim black with celestial constellations on it.

    "And don't be sorry, kitten. You weren't even a ... well. I suppose 'spark of genetic material'? How does that work with clones?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Test tubes mostly," Gabby admits with a little tip of her head toward Nettie at the question. "I'm ten of ten. Only two of us left alive though. If you ever meet an albino version of 'me', that's Bellona." Though really she didn't think her sister would get involved in this kind of mess. Still it never hurt to warn since dopplegangers could be a thing. Best they know there was someone out there with her face as well. "And if you meet a 'me' without scars on her face, that's Laura, the clone we were originally modeled after."

The tea in her cup was getting a bit low so the idea of more wasn't unpleasant at all. For now she lifts her cup again to just inhale the lingering scent that helped to block out all the other smells in the shop to give her some relief from the oral assault.

"You were mentioning there's a training space here, too? That would be excellent to work toward." The question from Zatanna earns a faint grin. "Not too bad at all. Getting to be Fall weather so it's a great time to get in some rides on my bike before everything freezes over!"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Snorting discreetly and biting back a grin, ".tseug ym eB"

Her eyes flit to Gabby, the grin still threatening to form and she shrugs, saying to both of them. "To summarize: there is no accounting for taste. And, there is a lot to be done. I'd say let ancient treat with ancient and call in Atrun-Rai and let him scare all concerned straight."

The door closes with a soft click behind her after a wave of her fingers. She accepts the tea and raises it in salute to their arcane hostess and to Gabby.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie gives a wry little smile to Zatanna, and she gives a slight nod. "Atrun-Rai's just a bit younger than them anyhow, isn't he?" she replies amicably, and then begins to pour tea, refreshing Gabby's tea, pouring for Zatanna and then grabbing a plain, aged ivory-colored teacup, she pours for herself.

    "Yes. While I still had active students who were coming in, and... well. Last summer, I suppose. I had arranged to have an upstairs space opened up in order to practice after someone broke a bit of the proprieter of a different facility to base atomic components -- or something. Science isn't my strong suite." she waves a hand again, and gives a shrug. "So there's the Fledging space, as I dubbed it, as my apartment was called the Crow's Nest by the last person I had down there for any length of time... in the 70's." she mumbles, and then sips her tea.

    "So if there's a need for space, we've got it here."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I think this would be a wonderful place to enlarge. Real-estate being what it is, have you considered inter-dimensional rooms along the lines of Shadowcrest? We've got the talent to put that together and ward it to the maximum."

Gesturing to Gabby, "And if and where magic fails, we've got formidable fighters in our midst."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney raises a hand to point a finger at Zatanna's question with a little hint of uncertainty herself. "Is 'other dimensional' going to bleed into the astral issue as well, or is it just... warping one physical location to another so that it seems bigger on the inside? Just to clarify for us not-quite-adpept magic sorts." She does grin though, taking it in stride with a raise of her teacup.

"Right, so that's three of us then. Me, Sara and Nettie. Though," she hastens to add with a little serious glance cast between the pair here. "If someone else shows up that you guys think would be better suited instead of me, I understand that. I only took up the job because of circumstance." That doesn't mean she wouldn't do it though.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "They would have to pass a common sense test. If you don't have good common sense you can't bloody join the leader's circle." Nettie mutters crossly into her cup of tea. She takes a deep breath, and breathes out.

    "In this case, it would be a bit... bending the rules of physics. Lying to the universe and saying that 'this space is equal to the outside container space plus-en-for-expanded-space instead of minus-en-for-inside-of-a-box." she explains. "That's all magic is. Lying to the Universe and getting away with it. In theory, anyway. In practice it's a little more nuanced."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna raises her chin and presses her lips into a wry line, "Yes, masters of the lie. It's why it is so easy to tip over into other unsavory practices."

"As Nettie says, it has nothing to do with the astral which is on another plane of existence. This is a little space-time hocus pocus. My ancestral home is built on those principles. Most people are unaware of the magic or the dimensional constructs. Though, of course, I do recommend warding the place against building inspectors or tax adjustors. They generally don't get it. Just saying."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Psh. I've not had an inspector come up since the late 80's. They come to the door, get a vague sense of having left the oven on and go home to check. Forget all about it." She waves her hand a moment, and she looks to Zatanna, and she raises her eyebrows.

    "Nary a mage I've ever known who's not dipped their cup into blackened waters, dear. The temptation is there, partially because no matter what skills you've developed -- magic, mathamatical, martial -- there is always a way to use it for good, and a way to use it for selfish reasons." she states, motioning with her gloved hands to herself.

    "I've been on both sides. I've performed miracles and been Damned."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances between the two listening to the explanations given. While it may not be a context she knows she IS listening. Somewhere along the line that little reference might make sense with new knowledge gained. This was sometimes how to learn as well: Just listen.

"Huh. All I've done is given up a sliver of my soul along with some others to help make a fake whole soul to barter for my ex-boyfriend's soul from The Kingmaker. I mean. It *hurt* like nothing else, but I'm told it grew back." She hopes. It was hard to check on that sort of thing. There was a lot of souls going on.

"And fought a lot of other things at this point, too," she admits thoughtfully with a nod or two.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Then you know about it. The experience of it, the loss and the pain, Gabby."

She exhales softly, "With great power comes great temptation."

Zatanna looks past Gabby, focus unfixed, remembering, "I think most of us have lost friends and family to those pitfalls. And," she glances at Nettie before taking another sip of tea, "Some of them have survived. And some haven't." She smiles sadly and shrugs, unwilling to enlarge on the subject.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    It has been a very long time since a certain mercenary has been spotted in the states. She's been staying out of sight for the most part, doing odd jobs here and there to get the bills paid, but nothing too over the top. The roar of that ducanti is very hard to miss though as the Superleggera pulls up to the shop. Tynan Ireton slides a leg off the bike, which shuts off on its own, and approaches the shop. There is a soft knock on the threshold, as the woman looks inside the shop, seeing Nettie, Zee, and a young girl. This raises an eyebrow from her.

    Ty takes a moment as she waits for the invite to pull out a small flask, and takes a sip from it. She puts it back in a pocket in her pants before making a small portal outside the shop's threshold, and pulls out an odd looking knife. She sheathes it behind her back. There looks to have been some runes engraved on it. The woman appoarches the door again, and gently raps it. Again, she's learned not to enter the shop completely unarmed...

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Mmm. Souls are a tricky sort of magic. I severed mine, and the magic it took to save it... had some interesting affects. For instance..." she motions to her hair. "I was a brunette. The color of my hair and eyes changed when the soul was stitched back to my body. Dangerous maneuver, true, caught hell for it--" she trails off a moment as she looks to the door. Her eyebrows rise up.

    "Tynan. Come in, dear. Just having a chat with some new-slash-old friends." she cheerily calls out to the mercenary, and she sits back down on her stool to grab out another cup and saucer for Ty.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Of course I know about loss. Lots of it. Just got to keep moving on though." Gabby trails off, staring down at her cup of tea a long moment or two. There were times she was good at being introspective, and other times when she just didn't have the energy for it. Right now she was starting to feel the latter. Maybe it was being in the company she was in -- Being the youngest here sometimes meant she didn't have to go 100 percent all the time.

The knock at the door causes her to glance over her shoulder toward Tynan who hovers at the entrance. Though unfamiliar she flashes a smile, lifting a hand to give a small wave of greeting out of habit. "Hi! I'm Gabby," she offers up after it's obvious Nettie knows this person.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Synchronicity lays down another card at Nettie's threshold.

"Well, hello, Tynan. Nice to see you," Zatanna says warmly upon seeing the door open.

Glimpsing the motorcycle on the street, "Nice ride you've got there."

With a wave of her hand at the other two, "I'll let Gabby and Nettie catch you up on the latest doings. "There are going to be some welcome changes."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head towards the bike. "Yeah, Badb is my favorite bike. Only 100 of them in the world, and I got mine for free.", she smiles to Zee. "Hey Zee, been a long time. I'm still a pup.", she says. The woman nods her head to Gabby as she settles down into place. "Oy, morning Missy. Interesting company ye be having this early in the evening, Miss Crowe.", she says. Ty gives a small look. Some things don't change as she looks up at Corvex. "And you, sir, we need to have a game o'cards with some rum.", she tells him. "Without cheating this time."

    The woman lifts up her cup, wincing a little bit as she sips. THere's a small scent on her of burnt skin, but usually there is when she uses her mutant power. There's a small bit of gunpowder as well, so she's likely just back from another job. "I left a lot of gear here a while back, and I guess the Shop's power kept me from retrieving it.", she says. The woman pulls out the flask, and pours a little bit into the tea.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Now now, that ability belongs to a *different* Brit. One who's from not-as-far-North as Nettie Crowe.

    Nettie gives a small smile, and she slides Gabby another orange scone. Distraction, very useful for the fledgelings as Corvax caws in a harsh laugh.

    "Promises, promises, Tynan, your cheatin' is just obvious, mate." he caws from where he's happily eating trailmix off the counter, in a saucer, from Gabby.

    Nettie gives a small smile to the youngest gathered here, and she looks up to Ty and Zee, before she waves her hands.

    "I've deigned to take over the Justice League Dark as a stepping stone to my eventual true and good fall to Darkness and megalomania and I'm looking for generals for my dark armies, whom shall follow me howling into the abyss when Misses Zatara and Kinney here inevitably overpower me in a show of Good and Evil." she explains, her eyes closed... but she opens one aquamarine eye and gives a little smile.

    And then she straightens up.

    "TYNAN. Why are you adding alcohol to the tea?!"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie then grabs a shot glass, and she pushes it over to Tynan.

    .... followed by a second shotglass.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"John used to do that. Said it was the only way he could abide certain teas." Zee huffs a laugh when Nettie pulls out the first shot glass and again when Nettie sets a second glass down.

"I hope there are more of those glasses where they came from, my friend. Besides, we can toast your new position."

Narrowing her eyes and pursing her lips to keep from smiling, she adds, "You can be sure we will keep you from falling into the abyss if it is at all possible. And Corvax with you."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Food? As a distraction? Very much so. Gabby sits up a bit straighter when the scone is offered over earning a grin from her in response. A nibble is taken even as the talk of poker games comes up. "Oh, if you need a dealer, I'm pretty good at it. I've worked a few underground games in my time." Which was not much. Blame the bad influences in her life, though she HAD gained a small reputation for being honest in her card dealings. "It's how I made money when I was younger."

The emergence of the shot glasses are watched like a predator keeping track of prey as it moves around. She doesn't ask though, instead just takes a sip of tea to wash down that bite of scone. "That's what I'm here for. Grounding in the mundane side of things. Plus I give pretty good hugs," she assures with a much larger grin. "Which you guys will find out soon enough, so if you're not into that sort of thing let me know now."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty pours a little bit into the shot glass, and downs it before downing the tea in a chaser fashion. She breathes out before pouring a little into the glass, and pouring some into the glass for Nettie. The smell is very...strong. Like peeling paint level strong. Then again, Ty is Asian Irish, and the daughter of a Pirate and Mercenary....

    "Sorry, Gabby, but not much of a hugger. My powers making that a bit...painful for me.", she says. The woman rolls her neck a little bit as she watches Zee a bit. "My money is on him dragging her.", Ty says, looking at Corvex, and making a small face at him. The two frenemies just love ribbing each other, at least Ty thinks so. "And Lass, this is...diesel grade. I got this batch from a mutant merc with a healing factor. Said it was the only thing he ever got that he got drunk off of. As far as I can tell, it does damn good as a pain killer as well.", she says.

    Ty snickers a bit at Nettie though. "You know...You jest about it, and then give me a lecture later. I mean, my teachers were you, a demoness, and a kitsune avatar. Going down the darkness is almost a given for me. Though, I never took to summoning or attack magics. I still have my rule in place.", she says.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Oh, um..." Nettie blinks a moment, and she looks to Gabby.

     "Hugging me is probably a bad idea. Skin-to-skin contact with me is... Bad. Very bad. Unless you're warded well. Byproduct of being rejected by Death as a girl. You don't go through what my poor soul did without getting a bit of punishment." Nettie replies, taking the shot glass, sniffing, giving a shake of her head and a wide-eyed stare across the room -- and then she downs the shot.

    Followed by a WHUUFF of breath.

    "Lord above you could drive tanks on that." she breathes out, and then gives another shake of her head.

    Corvax stumbles a little, and gives a soft 'whoa' under his breath, then shakes, ruffles his feathers, and stumbles to the other side.

    "I do jest about it. I went through my dark phase after losin' hope for humanity in the mid-to-late Forties. Lost all my students. Lost Addie. Sealed up a good bunch of my own memories in the necromantically preserved heart of one of my dead students and decided 'twernt worth it to bring about any sort of enlightenment for anyone. Hid here for some years -- which is why there were crab legs in the wards, by the by, Ty. I did the 'fuck around' thing, and 'found out' right quick that the only way out of involvement with magic is death."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Gabby, we tend not to be huggers around here." Zee turns a hand over and gestures to Nettie, "For various reasons. Always as you did, ask. I'm not inclined to hug because magical contact can be hazardous to your health."

She tips her head to the side and smiles slightly, "I'm one of the safe ones. More or less. The wielder is, though my magic can be very bad for certain entities health."

"I don't think I've ever seen anything make you cough or Corvax stagger, Nettie."

That said, the magician laces her fingers together and gives her now empty tea cup a significant look. It fills with an amber fluid. She picks it up delicately between index and thumb, her little finger winging the air, sniffs it and takes a drink.

"Would anyone like a refill? It's not at all bad."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over at mention of the mutant merc with a healing factor looking a little surprised. "Oh, was it Deadpool? I need to visit him soon just to check up. He's been too quiet lately, I want to make sure he's not moping over something." Then again maybe it wasn't. There very well could be other mutant mercs with healing factors out there, after all. Some she might be related to even. A small shrug is given. "Smells awful."

"Noted about the hugging," she agrees to the others with a solemn nod. She did try to respect such things after all. Everyone else was fair game though. Alas. "Yeah, well. Seems like a good bunch of you could use a hug now and then. I'll take care to remember that, though," she assures.

As for the staggering Corvax? She reache out to offer a hand to him wiggling fingers oh-so-gently through the tuft of his head feathers if he lets her. Right near those itchy ear holes. Yeah she was pushing her luck but if he was being a drunk bird... maybe.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty shakes her head. "For the most part, I'm safe. Just my arms get really burned up, and I suffer from constant cramps in my body. Plus I'm grouchy.", she tells. The woman smirks a little bit until Deadpool is mentioned. Her eyes feel cold..."Please do not mention that....it around me. Many of us in my line of work hate it. I even have orders that if I see...him, I should shoot him first over my target.", the young merc tells. She shakes her head before taking another pull from the flask directly.

    The woman lets out a long sigh, wincing a bit as she moves her shoulder. "But no, it was not him. I was in Southern Asia at the time. And I'm still not sure how I should feel about almost getting killed by crab legs...", she says. The woman shakes her head a little bit. "Also, how much magic you have active in the shop right now?", Ty says, holding her head.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "All of it, poppet. This entire place is magic. Has been since I acquired it from a curious gent in the late 30's via a rummy game in Tibet. NOW that was a story. There we were, six of us, in the middle of a snowstorm with a cooking fire and two yaks for body heat. Now, me an' Addie were the only two with any sort of gifts if you catch my drift --" the witch starts, deciding to use a story from one of her adventures rather than worry about this 'Deadpool' fellow and if he was going to result in a fight.

    "So we've got two yaks, six bodies, and a campfire, and then one of the fellows comes out with 'aha! I've got this pack of cards!' because Addie and I were getting a bit distressed, as there's four gents and two ladies and in all honesty two of the gents were also together, not sure about the other two, one of them was a writer an' I wasn't precisely fond of his companion who was a bit rough 'round the edges, Thomas I think was his name, and let me tell you if you have ever played Rummy for bets and points it's about as exciting as a hairball competition between a pair of sphinx cats, so at one point it turned into Strip Rummy, but no one wanted to see what this Arthur fellow had 'neath his underoos, so he put up ownership of this very building." Nettie explains.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna blinks once at Tynan's mention of Dead Pool, only knowing about him through hearsay and remains silent. Though, not without noting the vehemence behind the mercenary's words and wondering at it.

The magician fixes Nettie with a fond smile as she launches into the story and sips her 'tea'. "Nettie has more stories than you can shake a wand at. Always entertaining or instructive or both." She catches Gabby's look of apprehension and nearly smiles.

"Stick around Gabby. We're an interesting bunch. And who knows, we may need hugs."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stares off into space for a few moments while Nettie begins that story. As it continues into strip Rummy, she starts to reach out toward Tynan's flash with little pinchy 'give me please!' wiggles of her fingers. Only to stop when it comes to an abrupt, thankfully not obscene, halt. Her hand withdraws once again.

A wry grin is flashed to Zatanna while she gives a shrug. "Ah, I've known quite a few interesting folks in my time. ... I sound old when I say that," she realizes with a soft hum, and shrug. "I'm not going anywhere though, at least not without a good bit of warning and preparing for it first."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    "Ok...that explains all the background buzzing.", Ty says. The woman makes a circle with her hands, before moving into a fist. She turns her fist in her palm before pushing her hands down. She then flattens them, and moves them apart. Her body slackens a bit, and her head lulls for a second before she rolls it. "Sorry, the Pull is a bit strong in here, and I had to stop myself from pulling into myself.", she tells. THe woman takes a deep breath, and looks at Gabby a bit. "Lass, you need Miss Crowe's permission if you think you're gonna strip your organs into paste with this.", she tells Gabby while listening to Nettie. She's heard a number of the stories as a student. Most of which were warnings about the uses of magic.

    "Sometime Nettie, I should show you what all I've learned while out in the world. Most of the skills and spells I've learned don't use blood or circles, though stronger ones, I tend to use them.", she tells. "And Gabby, you looking to learn magic, or just have a tendicy to get tangled up in magic?", she asks.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I'd like to see sometimes, pet. Blood magic is... ah... sometimes the quickest means to an end, but recently I've recalled that it can be hijacked for Worser Purposes." Nettie warns, and pours herself another cup of tea.

    Corvax recovers from his alcoholic connection, and finds that he has flopped forward against Gabby's arm, what with the scritching near the itchy earholes. He grunts, in a most corvid way, and just remains there.

    "Mind you, magic *is* different from person to person. Zatanna is a most powerful magician -- probably one of the strongest I've encountered in my life. She's *earned* every scrap of power she uses, and though we may rib one another gentle-like, I do have a world of respect for her." Nettie motions to the better-dressed mage, and then points to herself.

    "I was gifted as a young one, and had the benefit of learning from my uncle, father and mother, but ended up learning lore and methods from many a magician along my travels. Which is why I'm only SLIGHTLY concerned that you learned from a *demon* and a *kitsune*." Nettie points at Tynan. "They're dangerous. Trust me. The more you consort with the corruptin' powers of demons, the worse off you are. It tends to kill people, rob them a' parts of themselves, until there's nothin' left but a shell." Nettie gives a sniff.

    "Gabby, kitten, you're not going to want to get what's in that flask near your nose. It'll burn your nasal hair. I'm decently sure it's still kicking around my sinuses." she states of whatever is in Ty's flask.

    "Aye." Corvax states from his position on the counter. "It's in mine too. Nettie Nettle Nets, Annette, my Lady, do *not* drink that rot again. For the love of God and the King. Is it a King? Are we still on Georges? Are there Georges on the throne?!"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"That's excellent that you can feel the bone of this place," Zatanna looks around the shop, her eyes stopping on Corvax and then coming back to Nettie and then Tynan. "I have to agree with Nettie. I will say, listen to her, she will not lead you wrong. She is a powerful mage in her own right."

She chuckles softly, "And avoid what's in that flask. I have no desire to touch it."

The magician falls silent at Nettie's accolades, but does not protest them. Evenly, she adds, "Every mage has their signature. Just wait until you meet Charlie and Atrun-Rai, if you haven't already."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I could drink the three of you combined under the table without getting sick to my stomach a single time. It's just a matter of whether I'd want to taste something that nasty or not," Gabby states matter-of-fact in a way that wasn't really boasting. It was fact. Granted for those who didn't know her, it may not come off that way at all. Regardless she doesn't try further. The gesture was just to be a bit humorous after all. Nettie's assurances earn a solemn nod. "Sounds like I wouldn't like it anyway. Rum or tequila isn't bad."

She's satisfied for now with the cup of tea she has, and the half-eaten scone she tears another bit off of to pop into her mouth. Before offering a bit of the broken scone onto the plate Corvax was feasting off of as well. It's Tynan's question which earns a broad grin from her as she looks back to the woman. "Oh, no, I came to recruit Nettie as the third leader for the Justice League Dark. It was only Sara and myself so far."

Hey. Let her be mysterious for a moment at least. Let Tynan question this youngsters claims all she wanted. Corvax gets some more scritches along with his new treat.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty crinkles her nose a little bit at that news. She pauses a moment, and looks at Nettie a bit. "Wasn't that...you and...Wait, I'm not gonna finish that.", she says. The woman shakes her head a little bit. It was a bit of a rough ride during that time, cause she just started with magic. The woman looks at Gabby a bit. "So, you've been digging in journals, or was it reputation?", she asks the young woman. Ty is watching a bit carefully, as if she's interviewing Gabby.

    "And trust me, Nettie. I'm watching myself, and like I said when you asked me about why I wanted to learn magic, I still don't want to learn the types of magic that makes you beg to learn more of. I find enchanting a bullet works just as well a doing a full ritual when sending bastards back to their place.", she says.

    "And I prepared a special trick for Corvex, but I don't think anyone is quite ready for that one. Shame I can't get a picture of it.", she says with an evil smile.

    "My stuff is mostly what helps me stay alive on the battlefield. Enchantments, enhancments, detections, illusions, barriers, and containments. Nothing fancy.", she states. Ty is sliding a little bit. The booze is finally hitting her.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie's aquamarine eyes settle on Ty for a moment, and she purses her lips.

    "Let's just say that a lot has happened that would be wiser to not discuss in mixed company." Nettie states warningly, her shoulders seeming a bit heavy.

    "You lemmie 'lone, you mad wench. *HIC*." Corvax states from his flat-forward perch on Gabby's arm, just satisfied with his current lot in life.

    "And just so you know, Gabby -- I retired with reason. I'm coming out of retirement because you asked nicely." she snifs again.

    "But I take Halloween off. That was my wedding anniversary. That's me an' Addie's day. Oh -- and don't mind the skulls if you see 'em out. They were Nazis."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna abstraction and silence doubles as she seems to be listening to something. "Would you all excuse me? I'm being summoned home. But before I go, it is good to see you out of retirement, Nettie, Corvax. Good to see that the group will be guided by your steady hand. Good to see you Tynan. Bye bye, Gabby. Now, if'll excuse me."

She steps to the door, draws a sizzling purple line in the air, turns back to wave and disappears into the portal.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney can only shrug a bit. "Notes, journals, old scratch paper. Whatever I could find laying around in the archives. I've been following up and touching base with a lot of individuals from the JLD past, as well as other people mentioned. Potential recruits. Things like that," she admits to Tynan. "I've been doing the boring leg work part of things to help pick up the slack." Though it's been explained before she opts not to explain further right now.

It's the talk of enchanting and enhancing weapons that causes her to pause. "Oh, right. Double check me on this, I'm still getting used to it. Is the next... equinox... The 26th? I need to do a ritual on it. Can't miss it or I lose something important."

Speaking of important things she grins easily at Nettie. "Thank you, I do appreciate it a ton. And no problem there! I'm totally okay with Nazi skulls, and dead Nazi's in general."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a few times as she looks at Gabby a little bit. "Ritual enchantment?", she asks. The woamn blinks a few times. "I find most rituals are long processes mostly used to just waste time while waiting for magic to settle in.", she says. Then again, Ty is still learning a number of things. "But then again, I use Rune and Eldrich runes for enchantments. Errr...", Ty says before coughing a little bit. Yeah, well, she blames the booze. Yup!

    "Nettie, you must of kept my name off the records.", she says. The woman nods her head a bit. "Not that I'm complaining, given my job occupation.", she says.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Be well Mistress Zatara! Travel safe!" Nettie gives a small smile as Zee disappears through the portal.

    "Oh, I'm very much Nazi Punks Fuck Off. Always was a bit of a thrill seeing the Skinheads turn a bit green when I described how I striiiiiiiiii--" she begins, and she lets her jaw hang a moment, looking off to the side. She's fairly certain Gabby could figure out *why* Nettie has a bunch of Nazi skulls, but sometimes a lady must retain a bit of mystery.

    "Ty I don't even have your real name on the contract we had." Nettie points out, tapping her cigarette ash on the tray behind the bar, and she takes a deep breath.

    "Yes, Mabon, the Equinox. For what reason? Need you a circle for it? Dancin' widdershins 'roun' a balefire?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"No, it's pretty simple. Just some candles, a crystal bowl of water, and moonlight," Gabby explains. "Or at least being out at night if the weather isn't great for moonlight."

It's here she pauses to look between the two, and then down to the potentially sleepy/drunk Corvax. "Okay don't freak out, all right? I have claws," she explains perhaps a bit too simply because her hands and fingernails certainly looked normal. Except when she raises one arm (not the one Corvax was leaning on) to put it on display.

With a flex of her fingers pulling into a fist, a single thick claw breaks from the back of her hand. It illuminates the counter with a pale blue glow similar to moonlight.

"It was an early birthday present from my sister. Her own are enchanted, but were enchanted by her entire coven years ago. This is a modified spell of the same sort, but since she was the only one casting it, I have to 'recharge' the energy every Equinox and Solstice. It lets me combat supernatural and paranormal entities beyond just the physical realm. Plus it makes it really sharp," she adds as if that alone wasn't impressive.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    And Ty just looks at Nettie a little bit. "I might be a bit new to the party, but...ummm, I don't think any of us did anything that bad.", she says, nodding to the claw. "Oh, and I forgot about that. Off the record, Gabby, I did some work for the League Dark in the early times. It was off the books, since well, I'm a merc.", she says. The woman stretches a little bit.

    Ty doesn't seem to be too phased by that claw. She takes a deep breath. "I'm a damn bag of holding. I have an interdimensional power that I keep an armory in.", she tells. "I've been missing my shotgun for several months.", she sniffles. Yes, Ty misses her doorbreaker, room sweeper.

    Ty looks at it a bit. "Psyonic or Mystism?", she asks. The woman looks for any runes on it. "Might have to play a little bit with ya with my own stuff.", she says. Ty is itching to practice, but she's also drunk right now, and she's starting to get a little handsy towards the claw...Usually a sign she's about to pass out.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Oh, how dreadfully boring." Nettie remarks in regard to the ritual. Then again, her own parties were a bit... well. They were a lot.

    Nettie is, however, careful to (while wearing her gray gloves) guide Ty's hand awaaaaay from the claw. "Ty, be a dear and let's not touch the happy glowing claw that just errupted from the girl's own hand -- that is a fascinating trait. Family trait? Related to your father I s'pose?" Nettie questions, and she almost pokes at the claw herself, before noting that her bird is still drunk.

    "Oh, Cor." she mumbles quietly, and she draws the crow away from Gabby, so Gabby has both hands free.

    "Smart of your sister." she comments quietly, and she gives a wry little grin.

    "Well. You do have Fledging space up there. There's a first aid kit for anyone who doesn't heal magically. An' circles on the floor for workin' safely. Had enough trouble recently with things Above and Below."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ooh no don't touch that," Gabby agrees while pulling her own hand away carefully from Ty's explorations. Thankfully Nettie intervenes as well. A quick flex of her hand and the claw slips back into place somewhere in the vicinity of her forearm one would imagine. "Mutation. Runs in the family a bit."

"Yeah. They have more though. I only have the one because I'm a copy of a copy. Or at least that's the guess," she reasons with a simple shrug. It didn't bother her. "It's just bone so the enchantment helps. If I miss a ceremony it just goes inert until I can get it next time." Best not to miss the ceremony then.

An amused little grin comes as she watches Nettie pull the sleepy/drunk Corvax off of her. "Hopefully he won't wake up with a headache. Poor guy."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    "Buuuuut Neeeeeettie! Its a bone sword from her hand!", Ty giggles. Yeah, she's now officially drunk. The woman stumbles a little bit to look at Gabby's hand, and pokes it with hers. Ty pokes a few more times before she hics for a second. "Oh...There's a bright light....", she says, looking up at the ceiling...This makes her offically lose her balance and fall to the floor. There's now a snoring Tynan on the floor. ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ!

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie presses her lips in a thin line "Ty, kitten, no, it's rude to touch someone's bone without asking their permission. Unless they've pissed you off, but Miss Gabby here has been completely mint to work with." Nettie points out, and then she watches as Tynan slowly collapses, and begins to snore.

    "Ah. Well. Speaking of headaches." she mumbles.

    "Like I said, pet, if you want to use the upstairs for it, it's yours for the usin' long as you clean up after yourself. All I really ask." she mumbles quietly, and then gives a small smile.

    "Well, she'll be there until she sleeps it off. Corvax is going to have to sleep my drunkeness off." she gives a pleasant urmble, and she looks back to Gabby.

    "Do you have any questions then, since we're now coworkers for The Greater Good?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney chuckles a little bit as she watches poor Ty hit the floor. She's about to offer to drag her somewhere when Nettie says she'll be sleeping it off there. Fine by her. Less bodies to carry.

"Thank you. As long as it has access to moonlight it'll be fine. You sure you don't need help moving her somewhere?" She asks uncertainly only to chuckle.

"Nah, honestly I think we'll get along fine. Seems like neither of us is big on beating around the bush on topics. Being honest goes a long way," she reasons with a grin. "Thank you again, Nettie. I'll get out of your hair for the night." She pauses though to dig into her pocket to pull out a twenty to place down. "For the scones and tea. You're running a shop, too, only fair to pay for what I get."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie waves off the cash. "Nonsense. It's all a front. I receive dividends through my brother's company that goes through so much paperwork that states it's for upkeep of the family graveyard in England, I own the building and the scones I get at Cosco and sell to unsuspecting tourists and the ones who read a couple of Self Help books, declare themselves Witches, and then do that 'do no harm' thing. They forgot the second part, which is 'take no shit'." Nettie gives a smile, and she takes a deep breath.

    "Corva-- oh, no you can't see her out, you're drunk." she pauses. "Wanker."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney snickers a bit at that, though she does take her money back. "Fair enough," she has to agree only to watch the pair head back. "Good night!" she calls out before turning to leave herself. Time to go home and figure out how to make a tricorne.