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(Ok stop me if you've heard this one before. A Catman, a tiger, another tiger, a rockstar, and a model run into each other in the middle of the street...)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 15:31, 12 October 2022

Harboring Good Intent
Date of Scene: 11 October 2022
Location: Harbor Road and North Street
Synopsis: Ok stop me if you've heard this one before. A Catman, a tiger, another tiger, a rockstar, and a model run into each other in the middle of the street...
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Michael Hannigan, Tawky Tawny, Heather Danielson

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake has Rasputin out for a walk. The townies got used to the big lug much too quickly for Thomas' taste. this led to the 'former' Catman carrying a large stick, to ward off idjit humans. Rasputin was a sweetheart and liked people 99% of the time. It was the one percent that'd kill you. Literally.

Thomas walks across the street from the Burger place, waits for a scream signaling some out of towner saw the cat. He waves and smiles. The staff hurries to make their usual order and draw straws for who brings it.

"We nevah wait on lines." He gets his money ready. "This time, leave me some nuggets."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Other people have to use the line. And that is no different for Mike. Having gotten take out duty, the musician is opening the door with one hand while balancing a sizable bag in the other.

The blur of employee going past Mike through the now opened doorway draws his attention. Curious, the rocker turns his head to spot Tom and Ras. Expression brightening and ass holding the door open, the musician lifts up his recently freed hand to wave to Thomas.

Tawky Tawny has posed:
Well, the good folks of Happy Harbor may get used to seeing tigers around more quickly than you imagine, Thomas. There's a big one coming down the street from the opposite side of the market district right now, albeit on two legs instead of four. He has a loose sheaf of papers in his hands that he's mulling over, occasionally scratching his head with the end of a cheap ballpoint pen. Birth date? They want his birth date? Would that be the day he was manufactured, or the day he was magically brought to life? He's not sure either way. This job application thing is more complicated than he'd imagined.

So absorbed is he in his thoughts that he's drawn quite close before his brain suddenly processes what his nose has been telling him - that there's another tiger nearby. He looks up with a start, spots the obvious and halts in his tracks. That is a BIG tiger. His jungle instincts warn him that he may want to leave the area... but no, this is his home now and he should stand his ground. Besides, it's probably not a MAGIC tiger like him. Mind made up, he looks both ways and crosses the street to greet the tiger and the man with him. When he spots Mike coming out of the restaurant his face lights up. "Oh hi Mike! And hello," he adds, a little bit shyly, to Thomas, his gaze slipping inevitably back down to Ras. "I didn't know tigers were so common here, or I would've shown my real shape a long time ago!" He holds out a hand slightly for Rapsutin to sniff if he wants to, but not too close.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake actually gets two big boxes of food. The clerk places them on a table and gets grabbed by the seat before he can exit. Thomas sticks several bills in his hand. "Goddamit hold still, this is for the last three times you ran away... and a tip. I told you the tiger isn't going to eat you. He rather have what you bring him. the man runs for it. "I thought we were past thi... oh." He puts his hand on Rasputin's shoulder. He looks up at Tawny.

Thomas waves Mike to stand back. Rasputin lays his ears down. His eyes narrow. Thomas gets ready to let the leash go because whatever goes down... it will do down whether he has two arms or one. But then Rasputin's ears go back and he head tilts and sniffs. Then the tiger knocks a box out of Thomas' hand and starts eating.

"You... bastard."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Mike was looking over towards Thomas already, the added addition of a Tawky Tawny to the picture seems to make clear Mike's next movement. But Thomas's response to the new tiger delays the response. The forward momentum towards the forming group halts for a few moments before the tiger takes out one of the boxes.

Figuring whatever to be making Thomas a bit nervous to be settled, the smallest biped of the group makes his way over. Holding the bag of food. "Hey Tom." Mike greets before looking over to Tawky, giving him a nod. "Hey Tawny. How's the search going?"

Tawky Tawny has posed:
Tawny grins. In fairness, the contents of that box DO smell pretty good. "I won't eat you either!" he calls after the fleeing employee. Just in case he wasn't sure. He takes a step back, giving Ras plenty of space to devour his prey.

"Well, I've got three job applications," he replies hopefully to Mike. "One at the docks, and two from night clubs. I also tried the public library and they said I could volunteer there but they didn't have any job openings. Also something about needing a degree in library science. Who knew there was a science to organizing books?"

To Thomas, he looks a little apologetic. "Sorry Mister, I didn't mean to startle your tiger. I was just so surprised to see another one in town!"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks at the remaining box. "Ah he didn't get my nuggets. Hah! Well I'm Thomas 'Catman' Blake, criminal, actor, writer, gambler and friend to all big cats, which you certainly are. This is Rasputin. He's a Siberian... I'm guessing you're a bengal if anything? Hello, Mike. Hold Ras' leash a minute. They forgot the dipping sauce. Don't let him eat anyone. Just flick him between the eyes." He hands the leash to the musician. I'll be right back. Nice to meet you... I didn't get the name." His walk is cut short as the employee he forced a tip on is shoved outside by the manager. The employee throws him a bag of presumably the sauces requested. Thomas relents.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
In most places, asking someone to hold their tiger would get a few blinks at the very least. But, Mike's had more exposure to Rasputin than most. To add to this, he entered into the music world as a drummer so if anyone still had issue with how easily he simply accepts a tiger's leash when it's handed off to him, he can just blame drummer's brain.

Just ignore those other instruments.

"Okay." Mike looks to the leash in hand, down to the still eating Ras and then to Tawky. "He'd be one of the friends I was referring to when I said some folks would love your look." He offers up. Giving a bit of a smile. He considers the Tigerman. "So, mostly labor and security jobs?"

Tawky Tawny has posed:
"Oh, my name's Tawky Tawny. You can call me either, or both! And gosh, you're good. I AM a Bengal tiger. Well, a magical one," Tawny demures, as if that's not quite as good as the real thing.

He looks down at the papers still clutched in one hand and his muzzle twitches to one side as if in resignation. "Yeah... I mean, I guess it's nice that people would consider hiring a tiger in the first place. Gotta start somewhere, though. I'm kinda hoping for one of the bouncer jobs, since then at least I get to wear a suit, and it'd probably be pretty easy. Most people don't really want to start trouble around me anyway."

Eyes shifting back to Thomas, he asks, "Are you really a criminal? Why would you announce it like that?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake takes the leash back, before Mike does something dangerous like hanging on should Rasputin take issue. He starts chowing down on the nuggets, setting some out for Tawny and Mike. "Well I'm staying clear of trouble as hard as I can. But the judicial system labeled me a long time ago. I'm a convicted felon. That doesn't go away. It's also a good ice breaker. So what's all this stuff about you getting a job?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Yep got to start somewhere. And you never know, it may end up leading you to doing whatever you really want to do." Mike agrees, "My first job was working in a convenience store, and that ended up leading me to my current career."

When Thomas comes back, Mike doesn't delay in relinquishing the leash once it's gestured for.

Mike glances back to Tawky, "At least you can't say he's not being upfront with what you get." He pauses, looking over to Thomas. "Although, Tom's still being a bit humble. "He's a good friend and you don't have to be a big cat for that. He's worked security one one of my tours before."

Tawky Tawny has posed:
Tawny eagerly reaches for the offered nuggets, trying (and failing) not to look TOO eager. "Oh. I can understand that," he accepts the explanation. "Some people thought I was a man eating tiger once, and even though I got cleared, well..." he nods his head in the direction the employee fled in, and takes advantage of the natural pause to gobble down a nugget or two.

Licking his fingers, he sets his job applications down on the table, trying to be careful not to get chicken grease on them. "Well, I want to live here. In a house, I mean, not just..." he mumbles something indistinct. "Anyway, to live in a house you have to have money, and for that, I need a job. Besides, I want to give back to my community." He says 'my' community as if that part is very important. "It's nice and quiet here. Not like in the big cities."

He looks back at Mike with interest. "Oh geeze, I just realized I never really asked what you DO," he exclaims, with some self-recrimination. "Other than I know it had something to do with music. I didn't know you toured! Maybe I could be security for you too?" he asks, hopefully.

And just so he's clear, "I'm glad to meet you, Tom. It's just a bonus I'm a big cat," he grins, toothily.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake goes to shake Tawny's murder paw. "Anytime you want some antelope come by my place. Now I gotta tell you... security sounds nice but you or me? -we're made to thwart security. And manual labor is just BS. You're better living off the land. But you do what you gotta do. I would suggest... doorman. Easy job, great tips. No one is getting past you. I mean the big swanky clubs would fight over you, just for the look you bring. Or, I still have a friend in the entertainment business. -Yes Pete, Mike! Why does everyone think we hate each other? He might use you for a couple shows, science fiction or whatever. I will give the rat a call tomorrow. And I could probably use a tiger sitter at times. Meaning you could crash with me. Maybe... you could answer a question I had a while... why DO cats like me so much? I mean this guy shuld have eaten me a couple times."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
At the mention of Tawny needing a place to live, Mike glances over to Thomas. He had expected a response for the living arrangements but the added information about job advice was nice too. "I guess Doorman, bouncer, same thing in that sense?" He says, looking to Tawny for a moment before Thomas brings up a friend in the entertainment business. And then mentions Pete.

Mike frowns, "Probably because he tried to pin a break in on you with no evidence to back him up? Also... 'A' friend? Singular? Seriously?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Out and about. Heather Danielson doesn't visit Happy Harbor all that often. But she's here as a representative of the Titans for what amounts to a 'Job Fair' sort of event at a local community center. The fair isn't tonight, but tomorrow morning. She just got in a day early to have some quiet time to wander the town and get a feel for the local flavor... literally.

    She is always hungry and always needs to know where to find the best foods. Right now, she walks out of a local bakery-combination place with a box full of rolls filled with meat and cheese.

    Her cheeks puff out as she chews on a large bite.

    As for knowing who she is... she is one of those model types who are always on the covers of some magazine or another. Plus a public ID Titan. So it would not be unheard of for her to be recognized, even in civilian clothing.

Tawky Tawny has posed:
Tawny rubs his chin. "Doorman, hmm. They get to wear those fancy uniforms and hats, right? But, does Happy Harbor have any place that needs a doorman? That seems more like a big city thing."

Thomas's offer to crash at his place gets a grateful smile. "Gosh, I appreciate that, Tom. Especially seeing as we just met and all. But... not as a forever thing. I want my OWN place, you know? Even if it is just a rental." He hesitates, "I'm not sure if I should be working for a rat, though..."

In this pause, a stray gust of wind happens to waft the scent of meat and cheese - less processed than the stuff at Big Belly Burger - through the open door as another customer walks out. He turns reflexively, nose honing in on the source. When he spots the pretty lady with the box of rolls, he lifts a hand and waves at her through the window. It wouldn't do not to be polite! And she DOES look a little familiar...

Anyway, the sight of an anthropomorphic tiger waving at one ought to be incentive enough to come over and investigate!

He blinks himself out of his distraction and turns back in time to process Tom's question. "Gosh, I don't know. You just seem like a nice person," he offers with a little apologetic shrug. "But then, I like most everyone so I don't know if I'm the best tiger to ask."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake watches a large paw, claws half out, grab three nuggets. Rasputin moves the nuggets close to him and head tilts. Thomas dumps some ranch on the nuggets automatically. "Nice. People keep calling me that. Did you ever try the High School? They have a mixed bag there. Principal seems nice. Maybe you could work around there although... teenagers." He sees Heather approach. He nods to her. She's one of Terry's friends. He resists the impulse to assume the position. The tiger slurps the nuggets and sauce up, leaving a clean table behind.

"Pete didn't pin anything on me. The cops tried that. I had too good an alibi. And I'm not aware that Shaw Studios need tiger people. Sorry. I mean you're just letting him settle for whatever. Why don't you hire him, then?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Shaw Studios is equal opportunity, mutant friendly, powers frien- Honestly if you know what the fuck you're doing and we have use for it, there's a job." Mike replies, looking to Thomas, giving an impish smirk. "...Assuming they can legally employ you of course."

The rockstar looks over to Tawny, "Other than strength and looking good in stripes, what would you say are your most marketable skills?"

A glance is given over to Heather. Something about her seeming familiar but not quite placing it either. Quite possibly an out of context thing. Certainly if he saw this person in the same environment as before it would click together...

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Oh hey, that's an awesome look!" Exclaims Heather after swallowing her bite of food. She is speaking to Tawky. And she turns to wanders over. "Anyone want s meaty cheesy roll?" she asks as she holds a box of a dozen (minus one of course) out.

    "Happy Harbor's kinda a cool little town, isn't it?" she asks in her Midwestern accent.

Tawky Tawny has posed:
"I'd love to work at the school," Tawny nods. "I love kids. Even older kids. Not to eat!" he clarifies. Evidently this is something he needs to clarify regularly. "But, I think I'd need one of those Library Science degrees to work there, too. Hey, do you think maybe I could get a degree FROM the school?"

He watches Rasputin's play for the nuggets with respect. Definitely more manners than one usually encounters in tigers. Other than him, of course. He absently rubs at his shoulder, recalling a painful scratch he got while having to defend his meal from another big cat when he was still living in the jungle.

Mike provides a welcome distraction from that thought. "Well, my excellent people skills!" he declares, with a confidence that is either not faked, or really well faked. "Especially with kids. And I'm a quick learner. When the W- when my last employer needed something done, he only had to explain it once." A beat. "Well, sometimes twice," he admits. "But there was a lot of tricky magic stuff going on there."

He offers Heather up a big toothy smile at the compliment. "Thanks! People keep telling me that. I do try to keep my fur soft and silky." He adjusts his loose-fitting tie self-consciously. "Ooh, yes please," he says eagerly and reaches into the box most un-self-consciously. "It sure is! That's why I'm trying to get a job so I can live here. I'm Tawky Tawny, this is Mike, and this is Tom. What's your name?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake waves. "Excuse me but my tiger would like one and giving him one would be a wise decision. Thank you very much for your kind offer. We have a couple burgers and milkshakes left if anyone wants them. It's been a pleasure meeting you, Tawky. I'm across the way from Shaw Studios at Blake House, right by the cut off to Mount Justice."

"Heather Danielson, model, superhero. Nice to see you in the flesh but, I need to get the big guy home and give him his vitamin supplements, and some Tums..." He gets up and waves around. He still doesn't feel relaxed around good guys or gals. He heads off with Rasputin.

Tawky Tawny has posed:
"Okay!" Tawny says around a mouthful of meat and cheese roll. "I'll be sure to come and see you and Ras!"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Laughing, Heather shrugs her shoulders, "It's amazing, but the almost sweet rolls combined with the meat and cheese blend perfectly. And I like these better than -almost- any burger. But you put bacon, bleu cheese crumbles, and barbecue sauce on a burger and that might elevate it a bit."

    Heather knows food. She eats almost as much as a speedster, so she got to be an expert out of necessity.

    She smiles to Thomas and nods her head, "Well, maybe I'll meet you formally another time then." she suggests.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Well, you won't know unless you ask." Mike comments regarding the school, "Maybe they can use help on the administrative end. I'm betting claws make for interesting letter openers." Hearing Heather's offer, Mike shakes his head. "No thanks." He holds up his bag of food, "I've got some food to drop off back at the studio." His head turns, watching Thomas head off, growing quiet. "...dammit."

Tawky Tawny has posed:
Tawny's mouth is practically watering at Heather's description of a bacon and bleu burger. Even with a delicious roll already in it. He sneaks out one hand and casually spears one of the spare burgers Thomas mentioned with a claw, pulling it over to him. He's careful to keep the food away from his stack of job applications though.

"Oh, I'll for sure ask," he agrees, but then his expression turns puzzled. "Dammit? What's wrong, Mike?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Either way, Heather takes another of her rolls out and stuffs a large bite into her mouth as the others speak. She looks to Tawki and one can see the gears turning in her eyes. Thoughts about the fur-covered tigerlike biped. But she's chewing a large bite, so is silent for the moment.

    Theeeeeen she swallows, and grins, "So, would you call yourself a cat with two legs, or a person with fur and claws?" But then she shakes her head, "I might also ask if you love and hate laser pointers and such, but.. I bet you've heard -all- of those before. I hope I'm not offending you."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Oh I forgot to give Tom something while he was here. Just slipped my mind til after he left." Mike replies, turning to look back over to Tawky. "It's alright. I'll just give it to him later."

He glances over to Heather as she tries to categorize the striped companion. And smirks, "He calls himself Tawky Tawny." And then there's a pause. "...Why do all the cat like people I know seem to have names that start with T?"

Tawky Tawny has posed:
"Oh, okay," Tawny accepts Mike's explanation without question. "I'm a magical tiger," he replies simply to Heather, as if that covers it all. In his mind, it does. With the roll now devoured, he unwraps the burger before him and smiles in anticipation. Hanging out with humans is great. Not only are they always leaving free food around, but it's even cooked already! A big bite is in his mouth and busy being masticated before he thinks to add, "But I'm also a person."

Then he swallows. "Well of course I call myself Tawky Tawny, that's my name. That's what the little girl used to call me, back before..." his nose scrunches up like someone trying to remember details from early childhood. "Well, before I was magical, anyway. I think I was her imaginary friend."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Smiling, Heather bobs her head in acknowledgement. "Mike." she says his way as something of a, 'I see you there. Hi, how're you doin'? I gotta go.' combination.

    Then she looks back to Tawki and lifts her brows, "Well, my name is Heather. Mike can give you my rundown if you care. But I really should get to my hotel for the night. I have an early morning tomorrow. Representing the Titans for a PR event in the area."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's brows lift up as the context is provide. Oh.


"Oh yeah. Titan stuff." He looks over to Tawky, "Well I got to run this food over, But, if you want details you can come along and I'll fill you in. Maybe introduce you to the owner while we're at it?"