Tawky Tawny |
Tawky Tawny (Scenesys ID: 4442)
Mister Tawky Tawny
Magic Tiger
Freelance Friend
Rock of Eternity
Happy Harbor
no formal teaching
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
28 Nov 2002
Played By
Voice: Jim Cummings
300 lb
Hair Color:
Orange and Black
Eye Color:
Theme Song:
Character Info
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Tawky Tawny started life as a child's beloved plush toy and imaginary friend, until a bit of stray magic at the Rock of Eternity brought him to life. The Wizard Shazam gave him the body of a real tiger (albeit a talking one) and he lived in the Indian jungle for several years. His courage and good-heartedness won the Wizard's approval, and he later invited him back to the magical realm to assist him in his search for a champion, granting him the ability to change his form at will from tiger to human to a few in-between. Now, he is the friend of the Marvel Family and always happy to lend a helping hand, or paw.
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* 2002: Mary Bromfield receives a plush tiger for her second Christmas. He becomes a treasured toy and imaginary friend.
* 2010: When the Wizard Shazam tests Mary at the Rock of Eternity, Tawny falls out of her backpack. He absorbs some magical energy, bringing him to life. Mary forgets having owned him when the Wizard wipes her memory. Shazam sends him to live in the jungle with other tigers.
* 2013: Tawny risks his life and the revelation that he can talk in order to rescue some children from a human trafficking ring operating out of his territory. Shazam, moved by Tawny's bravery, invites him to become his assistant in his quest to find a worthy champion. He shares some of his power with the tiger, granting him the ability to change his shape and better blend in with human society.
* 2019: Tawny is on a special mission to hunt down an escaped prisoner from the Rock of Eternity when Shazam is attacked by Dr. Sivana, and expends the last of his life energy to pass his power on to Billy Batson.
* 2020: Tawny blames himself for the Wizard's death. He keeps an eye on Billy out of a sense of duty, but is too ashamed to introduce himself. He disguises himself as a homeless man so as to go unnoticed.
* 2022: Tawny works up the courage to face Billy and confess what he feels is his failure. Billy forgives him and welcomes him to his extended family.
IC Journal
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Courage is the aspect of the power of Shazam that Tawny best embodies. He was just a regular old talking tiger when he risked his life to rescue a bunch of children from human traffickers, and it was this bravery that inspired the Wizard to grant him additional magical abilities.
Tawny may be a nice guy at heart but he's not above letting his animal ferocity come out when those he cares about are threatened. If he suspects someone is up to no good, it comes out in flattened ears and a hint of a growl. And when push comes to shove he can fight like... well, a tiger.
Tawny loves being around people, whether it's hanging with his friends, making new ones, or just people watching. Humans and their wide variety of personalities and foibles fascinate him.
Unlike most tigers, Tawny started his life as a beloved child's toy. This imbued him with a most wholesome sense of humanity. He nearly always tries to do the right thing, and helps others when it's within his power to do so. He has a special affinity with children.
Character Sheet
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The power shared with him by Shazam enables Tawny to change his shape at will, although he is limited to one of several forms:
1) His original form, that of a plush tiger toy. He is unable to move in this form.
2) A normal Bengal tiger.
3) (His preferred form) An anthropomorphic tiger. This form trades some of his natural strength in exchange for opposable thumbs and bipedalism. Also the ability to wear clothes, a hobby he quite enjoys.
4) A giant smilodon. Assuming this shape takes a lot of energy and he only utilizes it at dire need, such as if he needs to tangle with another magical or superpowered being. Although he has enhanced strength and durability in this form, it leaves him weak and exhausted for some time after use.
5) A human man, with dark skin, a thick black beard and dreadlocks.
No matter what form he takes, he retains his green eyes. He is able to speak in any form, although as a plush toy it sounds like his voice is coming from a tinny internal speaker. He could potentially learn new shapes with time, but this would require much effort and practice.
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Tawny lived for several years as a "normal" tiger in the jungle. In that form, he is adept at stalking prey, moving silently and using his natural camouflage to his advantage. He has a very keen sense of smell and can identify individual creatures and people by smell, and track them over long distances from the scent trail.
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Rock of Eternity:
Tawny is able to access the Rock of Eternity through magical portals scattered all around the world. This enables him to quickly travel to different locations.
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Like a Sore Thumb:
Tawny is extremely noticeable in the forms that are most comfortable to him (those being an anthro tiger, or the only marginally better regular tiger). In order to pass unnoticed, he must trade in all of his tiger strength and agility to take the form of an average human (and then he lacks the acting chops to pose as anything specific), or give up even his own mobility to take the form of an extremely vulnerable stuffed animal.
Tawny may think he has a good handle on the way the world works, but surprisingly enough, living for a few years as a tiger and then several more as a wizard's assistant isn't actually a great way to learn how to conduct onesself in society at large. He tends to be a bit too open and trusting. He's prone to social gaffes when conversing with anyone other than young children. He cannot manage money.
Tawny is both very brave and very loyal, both of which can entice him to put himself in harm's way, even if the opponent is well out of his weight class. Yes, he's a magical tiger, and he's easily a match for the average human, and could possibly hold his own against some of the non-powered vigilantes, but against super powered individuals he's going to end up battered and bloodied.
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Tawky Tawny has
6 finished logs.
Rainbows, Claws and Batteries! |
March 14th, 2023 |
Klaw tries to steal a vibranium battery! Red Sonja, Tawky Tawny and Julie power manage to delay him long enough to force him to abandon his mission, but can't detain him in the end.
=Storytime at the Library |
February 19th, 2023 |
The seeds of the animal people revolution are planted. Or, just some storytime and conversation in a library.
That's Show Business! - Holiday Hope Release Party |
November 4th, 2022 |
Another successful release party is had for the Holiday Hope fundraiser. There is an interesting turnout to their guest list. Chimps, Tigers, and 10 year olds, Oh my!
Harboring Good Intent |
October 11th, 2022 |
Ok stop me if you've heard this one before. A Catman, a tiger, another tiger, a rockstar, and a model run into each other in the middle of the street...
Happy Harbor Fall Festival |
October 7th, 2022 |
The 2022 Happy Harbor Fall Festival goes off without a hitch!
An Overdue Introduction |
October 6th, 2022 |
A magical creature finally works up the courage to introduce himself to Shazam!
Entertainment Credits
Tawky Tawny/gallery
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