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Latest revision as of 19:25, 19 October 2022

Just a Small Town Girl
Date of Scene: 18 October 2022
Location: Subway Car
Synopsis: The heroes stop a train heist!
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Iara Dos Santos, Roberto da Costa, Clark Kent

Wade Wilson has posed:
    There is nothing more soulless than the eyes of a bored six year old.
    Looking over the edge of the subway seat, arms holding her up precariously as she just stares. There's something in those eyes that would shame a great white. Though might not just be the eyes. Could be the dirty cheeks with the candy debris around the mouth. Or could be the trail of snot down one nostril as the little girl blinked once every few minutes while the subway rattled its way through the depths of New York. But one thing's for certain. She was getting to Wade.
    "Hi. Hi there."
    The man in the red and black suit sat in his subway seat behind the girl as the train roared along the tunnel. Around them people stood and sat, swaying with the roll. Distantly was the sound of someone's music in their cheap ear buds. But mainly just Wade. Swords on his back, pistols at his sides. And a sniper rifle taking up the entire seat beside him.
    "I know what you're thinking."
    The girl stared.
    "Well I'm here..." He says then pauses, "Because I ran out of web fluid. I know right? Silly pants that I am, I forgot to pack more webby juice. So... lucky I had my Metrocard." He nods slowly as he looks around the subway car, white eyelets quirking upward.
    The girl stared.
    "What this?" He points at the sniper rifle. "Oh it's safe. You can tell." Wade pulls the rifle over with a /thump/ and points at the very clearly spray-painted tip, "It has an orange barrel. Safe. Very safe. You could play with it. If you weren't, you know. Fucking catatonic."
    "Hey!" The mother finally turned in her seat to /glare/ at Wade.
    "Sorry, sorry. Potty mouth." Deadpool held his hands up.
    Then he looked straight back at the girl.
    The girl blinked slooowly.
    Then Wade pointed at the booger hanging from her nose. "You gonna eat that?"

Iara Dos Santos has posed:
     Two brown-skinned, black-haired people, a girl and a guy, come through the door at the next stop, the girl saying "...as praias nao sao tao boas, mas eu amo a escola Xavier." in portugese as she walks in. The girl is dressed like a tourist in short shorts and a tacky "RECIFE, BRAZIL" T-Shirt with a simple beach and palm tree on it, complete with sunglasses, a disposable camera in hand, and a glittery sequin purse with a little sequin shark on it... and she stops in her tracks when she sees the red and black suit.

     "Wade!?" she says as she looks between him and Roberto, eyes wide, and then she moves to sit down next to Wade, whispering harshly to him and saying "What the hell are you doing!? Somebody's gonna see you with all this shit!"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa is looking at his phone, brow furrowed. "I should have driven. These subways are the worst." Roberto considers the girl's words, "No, the beaches are not as nice as Rio. The atlantic is too flat and the Pacific too rough. The school is great, I made lifelong friends. It really did change my life." He speaks in fluent portuguese. Roberto raises an eyebrow at Wade and nods. "He does that alot."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    That masked man turns in his seat, throwing his arm over the back of it and causing one of the nearby travelers to shoot daggers at him with their eyes. Though they stay quiet since... well he's a masked guy riding the subway. "Oh hello... you!"
    Hand coming up to point at Iara, Wade's eyelets widen a little as a highish-pitched giggle escapes him, "It's been so long. How are you doing with all the things you are known to be involved in! That's great!"
    Though she leans in and gives him that harsh whisper in that tone that... really it does carry but people act like they're not listening. Maybe out of courtesy.
    "What? Hahaha. What are you talking about? Totally safe. Don't you see the tip?" And again the orange silencer on the nearly four foot long rifle is, indeed, orange.
    "But relax. Relax. One more stop and it'll all make sense." Which, as things would have it seems to be soonish, for having taken on the passengers the train starts rolling ahead again with that lovely little 'beeng-boong' sound.
    He reaches into one of the myriad pouches at his waist and produces a candy stick with greenish powder on it then extends it to Iara. "Fun dip?" Then toward Roberto who seems to be with this young woman, "Fun dip?"

Iara Dos Santos has posed:
    Iara purses her lips as she stares with a furrowed brow at the merc with a mouth, and then holds up the purse with the shark on it, tapping it with a finger as she whispers "Wade if you blow our cover or mess things up I'm gonna eat your face." with a catchphrase and a... somewhat similar voice to the woman's mutant form. Less throaty, more... normal and... cute? She looks to the rest of the particularly jaded and disinterested new york crowd and then back to Wade, shaking her head as she says "At least tell me you're on X-Business and not seriously doing this for pocket cash."

Clark Kent has posed:
    Towards the back of the car, two men are having a quiet conversation. The older one is in a suit, not a terribly expensive one but the type you might expect a reporter to wear. The younger has a camera bag slung over his shoulder and is dressed more casually, apparently more used to being behind the camera than in front of it.

    "I'm just saying you need to be a little careful Jimmy. You're a great photographer, but you seem to forget that bystanders can get hurt too. When half a building is falling in your direction, taking pictures of it should be secondary to making sure you're not going to end up under it." The younger man sighs and shakes his head. "Clark, we've had this discussion a million times. Let's face it, either one of us could get our ticket punched at any time. I just want to make sure if I go, it's for a reason."

    Clark sighs and shakes his head, "I know, but just a tiny bit of caution won't destroy your career." Wade's words catch his attention and he looks towards the front of the car, instantly spotting the painted barrel of the sniper rifle. The voice is all too familiar from various places where Deadpool has ended up visible, and that plus a sniper rifle in a subway car make Clark close his eyes for a moment and take a deep breath.

    *Ok, must figure out a way to make sure nobody gets hurt without blowing my cover.* This is the first thought that goes through his mind, followed by *Did he just offer to let a child play with a sniper rifle?*

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles nonchalantly, looking about the train taking a quick head count, looking at where people are placed and evaluating exit strategies. He takes the fun dip and nods, "Obrigado. I have some pocket cash, if you need any? Perhaps, she should not play with that. I don't think that silencer works the way you say it does?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Oh yeah, totally." Wade's response is quick with a wiggle of his head back and forth shaking it, even as the six year old is now staring... staring with those dead eyes at Iara.
    "So much X-Business." He holds up a hand and waves it to the side as if encompassing the horizon while resting a hand on Iara's shoulder. "Maybe even triple X-business if we play our cards right. Double at the least. Maybe even some DMX business, with like... a montage maybe, slow walk so we look all hard core afterward? Pele knows what I mean. Don't ya Pele?" A look is given to Roberto then he nods, "Yeah he does."
    Then there's a thump-tha-thump on the rooftop, heavy sounds like something falling from on high or breaking free. Then there's a hiss of air pressure being released somewhere.
    "You might... want to hold onto something." says Wade as he grabs onto one of the poles, plants a boot on the bench of a seat, then /grabs/ the little girl to secure her.
    Which is when the lights go out with a heavy thud and the air breaks fire causing the train to start so skiiiiiiiiiid, sloowing down with the squeal of the rail and the wheels locked. Outside one can see the sparks from the brakes, then the tunnels reduced from a blur to bricks and finally what looks like a maintenance stop?
    Which is the moment when the doors are opened by men with crowbars.

Iara Dos Santos has posed:
     Iara looks at Roberto and then Wade in the flickering lights and then darkness, muttering "You are SO lucky I got unstable molecule underwear on, Wade..." as the woman begins to grow, her brown skin shifting to grey scales, her face becoming one more familiar to Wade as she quickly transforms into The Shark-Girl, tearing off the Recife shirt as she becomes too big for it and revealing a black sports bra beneath. The shorts are unbuttoned and quickly torn apart by clawed hands and... well, yeah, with a sports bra and plain black panties it's technically underwear, but it's athleticwear and wouldn't look out of place in a pro wrestling ring.

     More concerning is the fact that she's now a six foot seven muscular shark monster, with glassy eyes black as the void and a mouth full of rows of triangular teeth that hangs open. "The hell do you want!?" she says to the men with crowbars, the sparks from the lights briefly lighting her terrifying visage like a strobe light, "Which one of you wants to be eaten first!?"

Clark Kent has posed:
    Clark steadies Jimmy when the train starts to skid, also glancing about to make sure nobody is hurt as the skid winds down. A few tipped over grocery bags appear to be the worst casualties near him, so he lets Jimmy go and starts to say something as the doors are wrenched open. He shakes his head and glances at Jimmy, whispering "Just can't escape it, can we? Might I suggest not using a flash at least. We probably don't want to draw too much attention to ourselves."

    At the same time he's looking around the subway car and realizing that no, there is nowhere he can duck out of sight to shed the mild-mannered reporter in favor of the Man of Steel. *Ok, let's see where this goes. Hopefully things won't need me.*

    Jimmy has already pulled a small videocamera out of his bag and has it just above the level of the seat backs, trying to covertly film the invaders without being seen. The next couple minutes should tell if he's successful at remaining unnoticed. Given the number of passengers starting to film with their cell phones, he might not stand out that much.

    And given what Iara just did, it's very unlikely that any eyes are on the two men in the back of the car instead of laser focused on almost seven feet of Shark-Girl.

    *Did she say eaten?*

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa sighs and shakes his head at the racist comment, muttering under his breath in portuguese, a string of incective though he does move to secure himself against the skid. He concentrates calling on the limited enhanced strength that doesn't require a full transformation. "Please, remain calm. Everyone, move away from the door. No eatting!" His clothes and skin dissolve into vanta black darkness. "Wade, what's going on?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The car rocks as it slows, some people stumble, there's a thud as one man thumps into the wall. Several grocery bags tip over as a handful of oranges go rolling across the cabin floor. The little girl, still with those dead eyes as if she had seen everything before, she looks up at Wade as he steadies her, then when the train finally stops he pushes her back into her mother's arms.
    "Here. You're /welcome/, and for fu... fudge's sake, wipe her face. And... get that... yeah that boog right there. Cripes."
    Though in the next moment he's turning...
    While through the doors a good four men step through at the far end of the cab, brandishing crowbars in their hands and with a variety of firearms on their persons, though all suitably strapped. All of them have on monochromatic clothes, workman-like gear, except for on their faces are the only splashes of color they wear are the bright red noses and painted lips of their clown make up.
    "Beware!" A fifth clown has entered, cane clicking as he spins it around. No gun on this one, "For we are the Destined Harlequins of Nihilism! You have been chosen to contribute your share to our march of entropy! All we ask for are donations! Though if you don't we don't really care. But you will! One way, or the other!"
    That having been said, the clown leader sets his cane down, hands resting on the pommel of it and then gestures for his comrades to begin the looting. And if one were to look up and down the way through the windows leading into other cars they would see that there are clowns in those as well. Quite a to-do.
    Laughing to himself, the lead harlequin turns his head and then suddenly. /FWAP!/ A Fun Dip stick slaps into his cheek and hangs there. A moment longer there's a pregnant pause as the clown leader blinks several times then asks with rage-filled incredulity.
    "Who did that?!"
    Wade points at Iara. Who has suddenly grown to monstrous proportions and whose features catch the emergency lights with ominous horror! The lead henchman says over his shoulder, "Uh boss?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa fires off a quick series of shotgun level blasts at the cadre of assailants pushing them back off the train. He then turns toward the far wall of the subway. He shoves open the opposite set of doors. "Everyone, please, this way. Stay low."

Iara Dos Santos has posed:
    "Joker's in Gotham and last I heard he hates people stealing his schtick." the shark says, walking up to the painted faces with crowbars, making a motion as though cracking her knuckles even though they don't seem to crack, the six foot seven shark monster walking up to the mooks to see if they'll run or if they'll swing the first blow, looking to the one in the back and saying "Harlequin, huh?" before looking down at the two in front of her with crowbars, saying "That must make the two of you Peirrot and Clown... and that makes me..." as she holds out her hands, ready to grab either one of them if they swing at her, saying "Columbine. Who wants a kiss first?" She opens her jaws wide at that, licking her lips, the shark monster doing her very best to scare these goons.

Clark Kent has posed:
    Clark's enhanced senses also pick up the sounds of more train invaders in the cars behind them. Glancing back he looks through the rear wall of the train car and into the ones behind. The scenes are much like the one in this car, though without the heroes that happened to be in this car.

    Given that this car seems to be fairly well protected at the moment, he keeps most of his attention on the cars further back to try and make sure nobody is going to get hurt.

    Ironically, he's got more to worry about from his friend and protege Jimmy than from the strangers around him. The photographer is much more likely to notice Clark vanishing right before Superman arrives than the crowd of frightened commuters would be. Still, if things go bad, he's not about to let people get hurt if he can stop it. Maybe he can jump out a window or something.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    There's a crackle of power across the distance suddenly as those blasts light up the train, one catching the lead man who was in the middle of asking for advice from his boss and sending him /smashing/ against the wall with a heavy thud. The other clowns start to take cover as suddenly they're beset upon those blasts. Though the people near Roberto look at him with panic in their eyes and when he gives them orders with such an authoritative tone... they can't help but follow.
    Those doors are pushed open, and there's some clearance out the other side, a work access tunnel that leads off into the emergency illuminated dark.
    When Iara starts to move in, however, she gets the reaction she's so often seen. Wide-eyes, abruptly frantic motions. Though one near raises his weapon and there's the crackle of a short burst up toward the tall shark-gal that leaves three bullet holes in the ceiling even as she manages to grab him.
    Screams kick up and behind Clark and his comrade several of the other clowns in the trailing car push open that rear door about to breach into the car where Wade and his comrades are invoking righteous justice!
    Wade, for his part, stands behind Iara and shouts, "Yeah, that's what you get for coming to New York with this clown shi--" There's a quick glance at the mother who is shooting angry eyes at Deadpool. "With this clown stuff! You take this weak... stuff back to Gotham where it belongs!"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa continues to evacuate the train car dropping to the ground outside the and helping people down then directing them towards safety.

Clark Kent has posed:
    When the rear door opens and more clowns start to come into the car, Clark takes a quick glance around. Everyone's attention is currently on Roberto, Iara and the clowns they are confronting. He purses his lips and blows out a blast of air that should toss the new clowns back out the door to hit the front of the next car back pretty solidly.

    At least that's the hope. Never can tell these days if someone is more than what they appear to be, but he's starting with the less noticeable attempts to help.

    Jimmy is getting some great footage of the heroes confronting the clowns and their leader, starting to straighten up to get better angles as the encounter escalates. As usual, he's getting a little too interested in 'the good shot' rather than his safety.

Iara Dos Santos has posed:
     Iara was told no eating so she doesn't eat him, it's a bad look for mutants whether they connect her to Xavier's or not. Even if she likes being scary and visceral, today she's going PG-13, ironically following Deadpool's lead. She picks the mook she grabbed up and throws him straight off the train as hard as she can before charging forward in the dark, just picking up and throwing people in her way as she charges towards the leader. It's actually a calculated move, with the unstable molecule top she's unlikely to be shot in the heart unless it's high caliber, her brain is unlikely to be hit amongst her massive shark head, and any other wound she won't die from in this form... if they even have guns, they don't seem like the type, though the one she grabbed had one... Either way, she's using nonlethal force for now, trying to just grab and throw towards Sunspot until she gets to the leader...

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Those clowns look rather stern and severe as they push through that door when suddenly, perhaps timed with one of Iara's wide movements as she raises her arms, the assaulters coming from behind are buffeted back out the door! There is a clatter and a thud followed by the skittering sound of weaponry falling from stunned hands. Rough words are heard in protest though one is fallen silent as the first tries to disentangle himself from his partner.
    Then there's another shriek, this time higher pitched as the one Iara holds screams at the portent of such huge fangs and horrifying features. He's hefted, and has a moment to contemplate eternity in the depths of a shark's maw... then is hurled away like several bags of potatoes, straight out the door as she starts to make her way ahead.
    Wade reaches over and grabs his sniper rifle, hefting it in both hands as he steps in while one reels from Iara's approach... only to take the butt of the rifle in the side of his noggin with a /crunch!/ that lays him out.
    One outside the door speaks on the Clown Comms as he holds a finger to his ear, "We're made and have supers! Evacuate and get back to base. Or not, I don't care!"
    The leader, however, draws the sword that was hidden inside his cane, a thin blade that he holds up. "Ah, finally a worthy battle. En garde!" As he strikes a fencing pose, the blade coming up.

Clark Kent has posed:
    Clark can hear the outside clown speak even without a comm unit, so just keeps a casual watch back through the rear cars to make sure none of the evacuating clowns have the chance to hurt anyone. He'll let them go if they go without violence, it's not like he can't try to track down a clown themed gang with the League's resources if they make a nuisance of themselves. The heroes in this car seem to have things well in hand, so he pulls out a small recorder and starts speaking quietly into it.

    "Clark Kent on the scene of an attempted subway robbery tonight. We're not sure how the subway was stopped yet, but when the criminals in clown makeup opened the doors and started to rob people, several heroes who happened to be in the subway car leaped into action!"

    "We can see the irrepressible Deadpool himself taking down one clown with a blow of his rifle butt, nice to see he can respond in a non-lethal fashion. Sunspot has made his appearance and is helping people get off the train and away from the robbers. And last, but certainly not least, we have a large bipedal shark wreaking havoc on the criminals, but also restraining from lethal means. Folks, these are the kind of heroes we need watching out for us."

Iara Dos Santos has posed:
     Iara holds out her hands, saying "You're gonna wanna surrender, mano." in that portugese accent as she walks towards him, wary of that blade and watching for the thrust or feint, "Sharks don't bleed much. Stab me with that thing and I'll just keep walking towards you... except I won't be friendly when I do. See, so far I've been nice, but pain? Pain makes me frenzy. Can't control myself. So you got two options. You come quietly and you live, or you come in pieces. What'll it be?" She stops short of his reach with the blade, letting him make the decision... and if she can, moves in to deflect that blade and get into his reach where it can't be used against her.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Such worthy words given to the heroes by the reporter as they so competently go about the business of Justice. And, to be fair, they are professionals true. Sunspot has secured many of the civilians and likely could be well on the way for the next group. Iara has man-handled those that dared challenge her and secured the front of the cab as she's hurled those who oppose her off the train where outside? There is no small number of clowns beating feet as they rush to escape.
    The leader, however, has other ideas as he brings that sword up, alternating between aiming it at Iara and Wade, nervously shifting steps one way then the other. He listens to Iara's words and she can see him swallow once, but then bucks himself up as if ready to /fight/. Though no sooner does Clark mention the restraint the heroes have...
    Than Deadpool shoots the man in the foot.
    The sniper rifle barks once with a /SNAP/ that's muffled by the suppressor, but quickly the man's screams are louder than the gunfire as he falls to the side grabbing at his leg.
    "What the? The guy at Toys'R'Us lied to me! I'll have to send them a very /very/ sternly worded letter. I mean the tip is orange. ORANGE!" He looks over at Iara, though now...
    All the other clowns are on their way and there's what looks like flashlights bouncing up and down far down the tunnel as perhaps police officers rush to secure the scene.
    One hand slaps Iara on the shoulder as Wade nods to her, "Good work Shark-Girl." Then to the rest of the people, "You're welcome, citizens!"
    While around them the few remaining civilians are peeking out from underneath their seats, eyes wide and frightened.
    Then Wade leans in to whisper at Iara, "We are so great."

Iara Dos Santos has posed:
     Iara turns wicked fast, mouth open, as if to bite Wade when he slaps her on the back, and then she sighs in frustration, saying "Don't DO that!" before she bends down and takes the man's thin cane sword he dropped on the ground. She bites it, snapping it into three pieces before spitting out a bloody chunk and a chipped tooth, shaking her head at the taste of blood and muttering "That was stupid." Pre-emptively to Wade she says "I'm FINE." as she grabs her purse and ruined clothes before heading out the subway car with Wade. The bloody mouthed six foot seven shark monster heads out into public with the red and black clad assassin, muttering "That was NOT X-Business." to him.

Clark Kent has posed:
    Clark winces when the silenced shot is fired, but doesn't stop his running commentary. He is a professional, after all. "There's a shot fired, but aimed very low to just injure, and we must admit the clown was moving in with a sword, so I think we can call that a properly restrained response. The clowns all seem to be running, probably not expecting any powered individuals to be involved in this robbery attempt."

    "From up the tunnel I see lights headed this way, most likely Transit Authority police. My cameraman Jimmy Olsen and I will remain on scene to collect statements from those involved as well as cooperating with any police response."

    True to his word, once the subway is secure and the injured clowns taken into custody, Clark interviews the people on the train and shares Jimmy's footage with the police for their report. He's gotten pretty darn good at this reporter thing.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Shark-Girl, don't walk away mad!" Wade's voice carries off the train as Iara strides away, "We still have to do our slow motion bad-ass walk away from the scene! Shark-Girl!"