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Movie Night with the Star(fire)s!
Date of Scene: 21 November 2022
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Movies in Titan Tower and a discussion of talking llamas!
Cast of Characters: Koriand'r, Karolina Dean, Kian, Rachel Roth

Koriand'r has posed:
A night in at the Tower rather than Karolina's apartment, thankfully Koriand'r of Tamaran had kept her attempts at cooking to simply putting popcorn in the microwave and letting it do its thing. With the remote handed to Karolina along with a kiss on the cheek, the orange-skinned Princess was walking around in a pair of shorts and a white NASA shirt, her hair down hanging down her back as she lazily danced around the kitchen, really leaning into her nickname of positive personified. "Do you think anyone will join us?"

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Meanwhile, Karolina always cooks for movie night, or just movies in general, but people seem to find her offerings a bit... strange? No crunchy cheese, no popcorn, no burgers, no chocolate. The alien seems to do wonderfully with her cuisine, though, and once more has prepared those delightful deep fried cubes of tofu with a nice orange sauce to dip them in. She's wearing a blue NASA shirt herself, and some loose pajama pants with cartoon alligators on them, feet tucked into some fluffy slippers. "I hope so..." she replies to the other woman, getting cozy on the couch as she smiles from the kiss.

    "Any preference on what we watch?" she asks, "Seems we've got first dibs since Beast Boy isn't here to call first dibs..." she chuckles.

Koriand'r has posed:
Thankfully strange tended to work for Koriand'r, so they complimented each other! Dropping down onto the couch beside the other woman she leans her shoulders into the other girl and bites her bottom lip. "Oooh, curious. Maybe we should find ourselves something bright, happy and musical...much like you!" she teases, munching a little popcorn and begining the classic task of scrolling through the list of stored movies.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Huh?" Karolina makes a surprised noise and blinks at Kori. "...bright... happy... musical... like me?" she asks. Then she ponders, "I mean, we could watch Yellow Submarine again..." she laughs. "...but... I usually save that for a special time of year. Once a year." She settles in against Kori and nibbles on her crunchy tofu. "Oh! Emperor's New Groove? That's just fun and funny..." she grins.

Koriand'r has posed:
"Groovy Emperor it is!" Kori declares, scrolling to find the movie herself before she leans in to steal a piece of the tofu with a grin. It was a relaxed night in the tower and the two dressed down heroines in their respective NASA shirts and shorts or fluffy PJ pants respectively were quite happily taking up the couch as they began the open movie night.

Kian has posed:
    "I have an empress," Kian remarks, flitting out of the open shaft.  "Her father was our last emperor.  I've got no idea what you mean by 'groovy'."
    No NASA t-shirt for the bird, just his usual kilt.  He's not even bothering with his sandals.  Bag in one hand, bottle in the other, he drops to a perch on the back of a nearby chair.  "I'm done studying for a while.  I'm not sure which is harder, your language or biology.  Especially since I have no background in linguistics or biology."
    He pulls a couple white flakes out of the bag and munches on them happily.  "So what is a groovy emperor?"

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Hello Kian! Maybe my biology is easier instead?" Karolina teases. "I'm apparently made of bio-plasma and the same stuff stars are made of. But I still like to eat. Go figure on that one," she laughs and pulls a blanket more snug around herself and Kori. "As far as the groovy emperor goes?" She asks, then points out Kuzco when he's on screen for the first time. "That is. Kuzco. Is the Emperor. And he has a groove. Oh and then that's the evil lady... and... that's.. the best character in the whole film!" Kronk.

Koriand'r has posed:
"Technically it's not either of our language -or- anatomy," Starfire points out, grinning as she lounges in the blanket and then grins at the bird, tilting her head to the side. "But humans are strange. Even with the ability to absorb languages they still have some...strangeness in their words." Ooop, character introduction time. How could one not like Kronk?

Kian has posed:
    "Earth's language or biology -- you're right, it's not your fault," Kian says with a grin.
    He watches the screen, following the introductions.  "Kuz'ko, evil lady, and K'ronik.  Okay, I can keep up with that."
    Another couple white flakes.  It's a thing he brought back from his world.  "Is this a history?"

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "I suppose I look like a normal human though. Don't ask me why..." Karolina looks down at her hands with a sigh, then snacks on another cube of crunchy goodness. Then she shrugs, "Who can say?" she asks, maybe playing with Kian a little bit. But she does laugh after a moment, shaking her head. "No, no, it's fiction. Entertainment," she can't help but giggle. "Though I wouldn't put it past some people wishing that they could turn a jerk of an emperor into a llama, either..."

Koriand'r has posed:
"We have seen magicians that could do such a thing," Kori points out, watching the movie continuing with a slight frown of concerntration. "This Kuzko is not a very good royal..." Understatement of the year from the princess, but she does at least seem to be having a good time as the popcorn is offered to the others. Maybe someone needed to turn her sister into a Llamma, lest she might learn a lesson or two.

Kian has posed:
    "I'd imagine Gar can turn into a llama, whatever one of those is," Kian muses, "although from what I've seen changing only changes his shape, not his mind.  So I don't know what good changing someone into a llama would do."
    Sip on his drink.
    "I think I wouldn't want to be a llama.  I like being my shape."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Well no, Kuzco is a terrible person, but the circumstances over the course of the movie are how he learns and grows and such..." Karolina remarks, "And even if your mind is the same, changing forms kind of changes perspectives? Like... what if you suddenly didn't have the same limbs or shape? And how would other people perceive yuo? It's... a mixed bag. But this movie has music. And Kronk..." she nods, then tilts her head. "I heard they made a sequel that's all about Kronk. I wonder if that's any good? Sequels are usually..." she makes a slow hand-wobble motion.

Koriand'r has posed:
"I mean..." Kori shrugs lightly before tilting her head to the side and considering. "Still..." she blinks, pondering for a moment before she tilts her head to the side. "I like the 'Pacha' character and his wife, they seem quite...nice. The sort of people one might want to have around." Another popcorn munching, she grins. "I do not think a Llama you would fit on the couch quite so easily Kian."

Kian has posed:
    "I was briefly a flamingo while we were dealing with Wonderland invading Metropolis.  I can't say it make me anything other than annoyed," Kian says, sipping at his bottle again.  "And I think I was briefly a duck, too.  And people wonder why I don't like magic.  I don't mind magic users, but I definitely am not a fan of magic."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Well... I supposed it depends on how long you spent as a duck or a flamingo?" Karolina hazards, trying to figure out the best way to explain it. Then she just shrugs adn gives up, leaning over and stealing a kiss from Kori's cheek. "I think it's just supposed to be a catalyst for personal growth. In Kuzco's case, he's clearly got to change his ways from being a selfish jerk to learning how to... you know..." she struggles and sighs. "...not. And apparently the best way to do that is to be a llama."

Koriand'r has posed:
A kiss to her cheek? Kori mock-gasps and returns the little peck before a hand reaches ou on the other side to offer Kian a little petting ruffle assuming it was permitted. Still lounging happily against the rainbow girl there's another pilfering of the tofu snacks.

Kian has posed:
    Kian's feathers fluff out and re-settle; in the brief contact, Kori can sense Kian's amusement, end even relaxation.  And that he still doesn't really understand what they're watching, but comprehension is not necessary for enjoyment.
    "I still think there are probably better ways to learn things than to be turned into... well, let's be fair, kind of a ridiculous looking animal," he muses, but with a grin.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Yes, well..." Karolina continues to try to apply logic to a cartoon about an emperor that gets turned into a llama. "...maybe I'm just thinking about it too hard? But all of these movies are supposed to impart lessons, too. Lessons that the viewer can take to heart..." she says, smiling broadly. "...but really Kronk just keeps stealing the show, and I would love to know how to make those spinach things he makes..."

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven arrives in the kitchen with an amount of ceremony equal to, roughly, none. There is the slightest noise of her boots upon the floor as she moves around, having... Emerged, likely, from some shadow somewhere near to where she is to prepare her coffee- and, make no mistake, she is going about doing just that.

    A pot, on the stove. The chemex, from the pantry. Her own private stock of beans, which she buys from nowhere that the rest of the Titans are aware of, certainly. While the water heats, she looks over towards the others, watching their movie. Stepping forward, she arrives at the back of the couch after a moment, staring unblinking at the screen with an ineffably neutral expression across her features.

    "Ah. The Emperor's New Groove. A tale of redemption, growth, and the might of Eartha Kitt."

Koriand'r has posed:
"He is delightful!" Kori agrees, the casually dressed Tamaran sharing a blanket and popcorn smiling as they continue to watch, her head lazily resting on Karolina's shoulder. At least until Rachel announces themself and she turns to look back. "Raven! Come sit with us and watch tales of Llamas and lesson learning!"

Kian has posed:
    "Or incomprehensible Earth silliness," Kian remarks.  "Although it's an interesting art style.  I suppose it's an art style.  I still can't say I understand it, but it *is* interesting."
    He leans forward a little.  "What *is* a llama anyway?  That," he says, gesturing with a handful of birdworld treats, "can't be a realistic interpretation."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    The arrival of the dense and dark neutron star that is Rae makes Karolina peek up over the back of the couch to smile at her. Surely there does need to be a contrast, with how much of a binary pair of supernovas that both Kori'andr and Karolina are, especially when occupying the same space. "Raven! Kori made popcorn and I made my agedashi tofu again! And yes, the might of Eartha Kitt. Ah may she rest in peace...." the blonde exhales a sigh. "But c'mon, join us. We didn't start too long ago."

    She pats the spot next to her, there's even room in the blanket she's sharing with Kori! Does Raven do blanket-sharing? Probably not. But Karolina's never one to refrain from asking. That bright grin is directed to Kian with a laugh, "Ah... you know... it's... actually yes and no? Llamas are... quadrupedal mammals, yes, but... the look isn't too far off, either... perhaps you could ask Gar to transform into one or one of the cuter cousins, the alpaca, sometime?" her grin turns lopsided.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    There is, in this moment, far too much joy in this room for Raven not to recoil just a touch. Hands in the pockets of her hoodie, she addresses Kian first. "You would be surprised how accurate of a llama you are watching right now."

    Her head turns as Karolina invites her over, and there is a long silence that follows. An unblinking stare. "No thank you." she counters, "I think I am going to stand." Kori is an ineffably physical person- and Raven, to the opposite, is the least physically affectionate person on the planet.

    To place her and Kori on the same couch is a recipe for disaster unless proper quarantine measures can be put in effect.

Koriand'r has posed:
Positivity and potential disaster incarnate, the Tamaranian princess simply smiles and nods, not at all put off by the refusal as she instead lifts the bowl of popcorn. "You should share in our treats at least!" she offers before looking back to the screen and glancing conspiratively to Karolina. "Llamas...do not talk, right?"

Kian has posed:
    "I expect Gar would if he became one.  It's probably not normal behavior for a regular llama."
    Kian actually gives Rae a little smile -- he's started understanding (finally) that not everything she says is to be taken literally.  Kind of like Terry, but for different reasons.
    He does not state this comparison out loud.  It seems not a good idea.
    He does lean forward and offer to share his birdworld treats.  "I don't know if this is to anyone's taste, but you're welcome to try it.  It's a crisp made from /dotan/ fruit.  I'm not sure what to compare it to."
    It's a bag of white flakes the size of large Fritos, but flatter.  Anyone who tries one will find the taste reminiscent of coconut, and cinnamon, and very very *very* sweet.
    Well, you've seen how he makes Kool-Ade.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina blinks at the refusal to sit. But it doesn't really change her mood! She offered. And a no was given. So she wraps the blanket back up around herself on that side and gets nice and warm and cozy again. There really is a lot of joy, though. And brightness. Well. The lights are dim enough to enjoy the movie, so there's that? "I... no, your average run of the mill llamas do not talk..." she assures Kori. "Which is unfortunate, though I do wonder what they would have to say to us..." She muses.

    Then she nods, looking to Kian, "Oh! Is it... is it only made from fruit? No animal products?" she asks, reaching for one of the 'chips' that's in the bag. "Just a fruit crisp?" she asks. "Oh it smells very sweet, too..." she muses.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven stands impassively as the water behind her approaches its ideal temperature- her ability to tell exactly how long it's been since she set it to heat setting off small alarms.

    "No. They don't. That's just David Spade." Having stated this, she plucks up a single chip from the bag Kian offered, and puts it in her mouth. After chewing for a moment, she offers a sigh.

    "Incredibly sweet. I understand what Vorpal and Beast Boy see in you." A source of sugar, if one is being as friendly-mean as Raven typically is. Despite this, she turns and heads to the kitchen.

    The sound of her making coffee follows, and it is no more than a minute or two before she has returned with a cup clutched in one hand, steam calmly rising from it.

Koriand'r has posed:
Apparently devouring the lion's share of the popcorn as the film continues, Kori does stretch out on the couch now that Raven has announced her intent to keep her distance. Probably rightly so! Still, she nods, perhaps looking relieved at the fact there were less chatty llamas in reality and looking back to the film. "And squirrels, they do not actually have this 'Squeekin' language, right?"

Important things to know, clearly even with all her time here there was plenty of Earth still a mystery to Kori.

Kian has posed:
    "So far as I know, yes, Karo.  It's the flesh of a fruit, and I /think/ it's air-dried and not fried... but I can't be completely sure.  Even if it is fried, most cooking oils are synthetic for maximum health value."  And Kian helps himself to another small handful, and a sip of his drink.
    He blinks after Rae as she heads to collect her coffee, trying to parse out what exactly she meant, and finally just takes it at face value.  "I hope there are other reasons, too," he replies playfully.
    Kori's question... gets some thought.  "Probably not language as we know it, but I know there were a few squeaks and chitters the /rut'yw/ back home made, that I recognized what they meant.  Nothing complex, obviously, but they could let me know if they were hungry, or if a predator was in the area.  So, I don't know?"

Karolina Dean has posed:
    The blonde nods at Kian, taking a few more fruit bits to nom on. "Thank you very much. These are delightful. Perhaps I could make a pie or some other fruit-bearing confections with things from your home? I'd love to trade culinary ideas with you, using some of your own goods..." Karolina says with that bright smile. Then she looks to Kori, nodding, "No they absolutely have a language. Haven't you ever heard of Squirrel Girl?" she asks. "She rallies them around herself and talks to them! I've heard she's actually the strongest superhero around, too..." she says as she settles. Karolina hadn't been dipping into the popcorn bowl for reasons, but she's been going to town on her tofu bits.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven lingers at the edge of the couch for a time. Watching the movie, she looks over towards Kori and, with a short sip of her coffee, she offers a much more bland response than Karolina.

    "Most animals communicate in rudimentary fashions that most people cannot understand. Higher thought is... Out of the question, most of the time. They do not have a true language, but that doesn't mean they don't talk to one another." That definitely makes so much sense.

    Another few sips, and Raven goes back to watching, if only for a moment. "Goodnight, everyone." she remarks, moving to depart- she had not come down to watch the film, had missed the beginning, and had made her coffee. Mission, indeed, accomplished.

Koriand'r has posed:
"Oh." Relief, or disappointment? Perhaps first one at the furred creatures lack of higher intelligence and then the latter at the retreating Raven. Still, she lifted a hand in a wave of farewell and turned her green gaze back to the film before her, snuggled comfortably.

Kian has posed:
    "Oh, we make lots of things out of /dotan/," Kian explains.  "It makes a great flour when dried and ground, the pressings are a delicious juice by itself, and of course we make spicewine and spice brandy from it."  He raises his bottle.  "It's unbelievably useful.  Next time we go back to my world, you should come along, all of you!"  Although really, he has a difficult time imagining Raven actually relaxing, being on a world with no threats, no ineffable darkness -- and unless it's brought along, no coffee, speaking of ineffable darkness.
    "Fortunately on our last visit, I was able to prevent, uh, certain teammates from bringing back some of our wildlife.  Even if they are cute and friendly.  Uh, the wildlife, just to be clear."